land-grant university
institution of higher education in the United States designated by a state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890
- land grant university
- land grant institution
- land-grant college
- land grant college
- Land-grant universities
Land-grant universities and colleges
0 references
Wikipedia(16 entries)
- dawiki Land-grant-universitet
- dewiki Land-grant University
- enwiki Land-grant university
- eswiki Universidad concesionaria de tierras
- fiwiki Land-grant university
- frwiki Land-grant university
- idwiki Universitas hibah-tanah
- jawiki ランドグラント大学
- kowiki 랜드그랜트 대학교
- nowiki Land-grant-universitet
- pnbwiki لینڈ گرانٹ یونیورسٹی
- ruewiki Поземковы универзиты и коледжѣ
- simplewiki Land-grant university
- urwiki لینڈ گرانٹ یونیورسٹی
- viwiki Trường đại học được cấp đất
- zhwiki 赠地大学