High-dose radioimmunotherapy combined with fixed, low-dose paclitaxel in metastatic prostate and breast cancer by using a MUC-1 monoclonal antibody, m170, linked to indium-111/yttrium-90 via a cathepsin cleavable linker with cyclosporine to prevent
scientific article published on 01 August 2005
High-dose radioimmunotherapy combined with fixed, low-dose paclitaxel in metastatic prostate and breast cancer by using a MUC-1 monoclonal antibody, m170, linked to indium-111/yttrium-90 via a cathepsin cleavable linker with cyclosporine to prevent human anti-mouse antibody (English)
Carol M Richman
Sally J Denardo
Robert T O'Donnell
Aina Yuan
Desiree S Goldstein
Joseph M Tuscano
Ted Wun
Helen K Chew
Primo N Lara
David L Kukis
Arutselvan Natarajan
Claude F Meares
Kathleen R Lamborn
Gerald L DeNardo