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cardinal-bishop of Ostia⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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WikiProject Italy

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Giovanni Battista Re (Q44842) 2020-01-18 –
Angelo Sodano (Q44752) 2005 – 2019-12-21
Benedict XVI (Q2494) 2002-11-30 – 2005-04-19  Date precision [1]
Bernardin Gantin (Q378614) 1993 – 2002  Date precision [2]
Agnelo Rossi (Q394410) 1986 – 1993
Carlo Confalonieri (Q728439) 1986 – 1993  Date overlap [3]
Luigi Traglia (Q958659) 1974 – 1977
Amleto Giovanni Cicognani (Q472601) 1972 – 1973
Eugène Tisserant (Q648584) 1951 – 1972
Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani (Q1348506) 1948 – 1951
Gennaro Granito Pignatelli di Belmonte (Q423544) 1933 – 1948
Vincenzo Vannutelli (Q728475) 1915 – 1930
Serafino Vannutelli (Q525018) 1913 – 1915
Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano (Q1345306) 1896 – 1913
Raffaele Monaco La Valletta (Q1337371) 1889 – 1896
Carlo Sacconi (Q948349) 1884 – 1889
Camillo di Pietro (Q82385) 1878 – 1884
Luigi Amat di San Filippo e Sorso (Q1229925) 1877 – 1878
Costantino Patrizi Naro (Q953930) 1870 – 1876
Mario Mattei (Q989847) 1860 – 1870
Vincenzo Macchi (Q1334033) 1847 – 1860
Ludovico Micara (Q775088) 1844 – 1847
Bartolomeo Pacca (Q285653) 1830 – 1844
Giulio Maria della Somaglia (Q614929) 1820 – 1830  Inconsistent predecessor [4]
Giulio Roma (Q2473128) 1652 –  Missing field [5] Inconsistent predecessor [6] Inconsistent successor [7]
Carlo de' Medici (Q59867) 1652 – 1666  Date overlap [8] Inconsistent predecessor [9] Inconsistent successor [10]
Carlo Emanuele Pio di Savoia (Q1042135) 1639-03-28 – 1641-06-01  Missing fields [11]
François de Joyeuse (Q542804) 1611-08-17 – 1615-08-23  Inconsistent predecessor [12] Inconsistent successor [13]
Alessandro Farnese (Q248459) 1580 – 1589  Inconsistent predecessor [14] Inconsistent successor [15]
Rodolfo Pio da Carpi (Q799838) 1562-05-28 – 1564-05-12  Inconsistent successor [16]
François de Tournon (Q459338) 1560 – 1562-05-02  Inconsistent predecessor [17]
Bernardino López de Carvajal (Q2537990) 1521-08-03 – 1523-12-26  Inconsistent successor [18]
Raffaele Riario (Q966188) 1511-01-30 – 1521-07-19
Oliviero Carafa (Q117125) 1503-12-09 – 1511-01-30
Julius II (Q80516) 1483-02-09 – 1503-11-11
Guillaume d'Estouteville (Q656131) 1461-11-04 – 1483-01-31
Giorgio Fieschi (Q942718) 1455-05-07 – 1461-10-20
Juan de Cervantes (Q2700978) 1446-03-16 – 1453-12-04
Antonio Correr (Q2657000) 1431 – 1445  Missing fields [19]
Andouin Aubert (Q1351294) 1361 – 1363  Inconsistent predecessor [20] Inconsistent successor [21]
Innocent VI (Q169288) 1352 –  Missing field [22] Inconsistent predecessor [23] Inconsistent successor [24]
Nicolò Albertini (Q574420) 1303 – 1321  Inconsistent successor [25]
Benedict XI (Q169301) 1300 – 1303  Missing field [26]
Innocent V (Q170871) 1273 – 1276  Missing fields [27]
Alexander IV (Q169915) 1232-10-28 – 1254-12-26  Inconsistent successor [28]
Gregory IX (Q124831) 1206 – 1227  Inconsistent predecessor [29]
Lucius III (Q182474) 1159 – 1181  Missing field [30] Inconsistent predecessor [31]
Honorius II (Q173071) 1117 – 1124  Missing field [32] Inconsistent predecessor [33]
Urban II (Q30578) 1078 – 1088  Inconsistent predecessor [34] Inconsistent successor [35]
Peter Damian (Q258369) 1058 – 1066  Inconsistent predecessor [36] Inconsistent successor [37]
Sant Gregori de la Torre de les Maçanes (Q4149080) 1037 – 1044  Inconsistent predecessor [38] Inconsistent successor [39]
Henry Benedict Stuart (Q318219)  Missing fields [40]
Alessandro Mattei (Q601992)  Missing fields [41]
Leonardo Antonelli (Q751229)  Missing fields [42]
Alderano Cybo (Q961920)  Missing fields [43]
Position created:  Missing field [44]
  1. Benedict XVI (Q2494) has a end time (P582) of 2005-04-19, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 2005 for Angelo Sodano (Q44752)
  2. Bernardin Gantin (Q378614) has a end time (P582) of 2002, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 2002-11-30 for Benedict XVI (Q2494)
  3. Carlo Confalonieri (Q728439) has a end time (P582) of 1993, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1986 for Agnelo Rossi (Q394410)
  4. Giulio Maria della Somaglia (Q614929) has a replaces (P1365) of Alessandro Mattei (Q601992), but follows Giulio Roma (Q2473128) here
  5. Giulio Roma (Q2473128) is missing end time (P582)
  6. Giulio Roma (Q2473128) has a replaces (P1365) of Marcello Lante della Rovere (Q2518275), but follows Carlo de' Medici (Q59867) here
  7. Giulio Roma (Q2473128) has a replaced by (P1366) of Carlo de' Medici (Q59867), but is followed by Giulio Maria della Somaglia (Q614929) here
  8. Carlo de' Medici (Q59867) has a end time (P582) of 1666, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1652 for Giulio Roma (Q2473128)
  9. Carlo de' Medici (Q59867) has a replaces (P1365) of Giulio Roma (Q2473128), but follows Carlo Emanuele Pio di Savoia (Q1042135) here
  10. Carlo de' Medici (Q59867) has a replaced by (P1366) of Francesco Barberini (Q534683), but is followed by Giulio Roma (Q2473128) here
  11. Carlo Emanuele Pio di Savoia (Q1042135) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  12. François de Joyeuse (Q542804) has a replaces (P1365) of Domenico Pinelli (Q1237244), but follows Alessandro Farnese (Q248459) here
  13. François de Joyeuse (Q542804) has a replaced by (P1366) of Antonio Maria Gallo (Q2018476), but is followed by Carlo Emanuele Pio di Savoia (Q1042135) here
  14. Alessandro Farnese (Q248459) has a replaces (P1365) of Giovanni Morone (Q82697), but follows Rodolfo Pio da Carpi (Q799838) here
  15. Alessandro Farnese (Q248459) has a replaced by (P1366) of Giovanni Antonio Serbelloni (Q2707655), but is followed by François de Joyeuse (Q542804) here
  16. Rodolfo Pio da Carpi (Q799838) has a replaced by (P1366) of Francesco Pisani (Q1385734), but is followed by Alessandro Farnese (Q248459) here
  17. François de Tournon (Q459338) has a replaces (P1365) of Jean du Bellay (Q518967), but follows Bernardino López de Carvajal (Q2537990) here
  18. Bernardino López de Carvajal (Q2537990) has a replaced by (P1366) of Francesco Soderini (Q2420669), but is followed by François de Tournon (Q459338) here
  19. Antonio Correr (Q2657000) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  20. Andouin Aubert (Q1351294) has a replaces (P1365) of Pierre Bertrand de Colombier (Q3383973), but follows Innocent VI (Q169288) here
  21. Andouin Aubert (Q1351294) has a replaced by (P1366) of Hélias de Saint-Yrieix (Q3587706), but is followed by Antonio Correr (Q2657000) here
  22. Innocent VI (Q169288) is missing end time (P582)
  23. Innocent VI (Q169288) has a replaces (P1365) of Bertrand du Pouget (Q828652), but follows Nicolò Albertini (Q574420) here
  24. Innocent VI (Q169288) has a replaced by (P1366) of Pierre Bertrand de Colombier (Q3383973), but is followed by Andouin Aubert (Q1351294) here
  25. Nicolò Albertini (Q574420) has a replaced by (P1366) of Regnaud de La Porte (Q1772051), but is followed by Innocent VI (Q169288) here
  26. Benedict XI (Q169301) is missing replaces (P1365)
  27. Innocent V (Q170871) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  28. Alexander IV (Q169915) has a replaced by (P1366) of Hugh of Saint-Cher (Q1365254), but is followed by Innocent V (Q170871) here
  29. Gregory IX (Q124831) has a replaces (P1365) of Ottaviano di Paoli (Q1227365), but follows Lucius III (Q182474) here
  30. Lucius III (Q182474) is missing replaced by (P1366)
  31. Lucius III (Q182474) has a replaces (P1365) of Hugo of Ostia (Q3142339), but follows Honorius II (Q173071) here
  32. Honorius II (Q173071) is missing replaced by (P1366)
  33. Honorius II (Q173071) has a replaces (P1365) of Leo of Ostia (Q978985), but follows Urban II (Q30578) here
  34. Urban II (Q30578) has a replaces (P1365) of Gerhard (Q1510047), but follows Peter Damian (Q258369) here
  35. Urban II (Q30578) has a replaced by (P1366) of Odon de Châtillon (Q3349329), but is followed by Honorius II (Q173071) here
  36. Peter Damian (Q258369) has a replaces (P1365) of Giovanni (Q19833808), but follows Sant Gregori de la Torre de les Maçanes (Q4149080) here
  37. Peter Damian (Q258369) has a replaced by (P1366) of Gerhard (Q1510047), but is followed by Urban II (Q30578) here
  38. Sant Gregori de la Torre de les Maçanes (Q4149080) has a replaces (P1365) of Pietro (Q19833897), but follows Henry Benedict Stuart (Q318219) here
  39. Sant Gregori de la Torre de les Maçanes (Q4149080) has a replaced by (P1366) of Benedetto (Q19833813), but is followed by Peter Damian (Q258369) here
  40. Henry Benedict Stuart (Q318219) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  41. Alessandro Mattei (Q601992) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  42. Leonardo Antonelli (Q751229) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  43. Alderano Cybo (Q961920) is missing start time (P580), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  44. cardinal-bishop of Ostia (Q103479666) is missing inception (P571)

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