
description: ordinary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Genoa in Italy
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archbishop of Genoa⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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This section is generated using {{TP award}}. It is designed for all items of class award (Q618779).

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Marco Tasca (Q3846523) 2020-05-08 –
Angelo Bagnasco (Q378603) 2006-08-29 – 2020-05-08
Tarcisio Bertone (Q44383) 2002-12-10 – 2006-08-29
Dionigi Tettamanzi (Q177255) 1995-04-20 – 2002-07-11
Giovanni Canestri (Q543600) 1987-07-06 – 1995-04-20
Giuseppe Siri (Q473539) 1946-05-14 – 1987-07-06
Pietro Boetto (Q730089) 1938-04-24 – 1946-01-31
Carlo Minoretti (Q603989) 1925-01-16 – 1938-03-13
Francesco Sidoli (Q3750663) 1924-03-24 – 1924-12-18
Giosuè Signori (Q568078) 1921-11-21 – 1923-11-25
Tommaso Pio Boggiani (Q1235003) 1919-03-10 – 1921-08
Ludovico Gavotti (Q594210) 1915-01-22 – 1918-12-23
Andrea Caron (Q693402) 1912-04-29 – 1915-01-22
Edoardo Pulciano (Q3719654) 1901-12-16 – 1911-12-25
Tommaso Reggio (Q1222812) 1892-07-11 – 1901-11-22
Salvatore Magnasco (Q1246147) 1871-10-27 – 1892-01-12
Andrea Charvaz (Q3615600) 1852-06-02 – 1869-08-07
Placido Maria Tadini (Q1386087) 1832-04-24 – 1847-11-22
Giuseppe Vincenzo Airenti (Q55224994) 1830-07-05 – 1831-09-03
Luigi Lambruschini (Q584470) 1819-10-03 – 1830-06-26
Giuseppe Spina (Q710569) 1802-05-24 – 1816-12-13
Giovanni Lercari (Q23835829) 1767-07-10 – 1802-03-18
Giuseppe Maria Saporiti (Q64734651) 1746-02-20 – 1767-04-14
Nicolò Maria de' Franchi (Q64733405) 1726-07-01 – 1746-02-20
Lorenzo Fieschi (Q76769) 1705-05-18 – 1726-05-01
Giovanni Battista Spinola (Q55612669) 1694-09-13 – 1705-01-07
Giulio Vincenzo Gentile (Q55418297) 1681-03-23 – 1694-06
Giambattista Spinola (Q3105129) 1664-11-10 – 1681-03-16
Stefano Durazzo (Q1084829) 1635-03-05 – 1664-10-01
Domenico de' Marini (Q39074315) 1616-07-18 – 1635-02
Orazio Spinola (Q3355159) 1600-12-20 – 1616-06-24
Matteo Rivarola (Q55418310) 1596-04-29 – 1600  Date precision [1]
Alessandro Centurione (Q55418303) 1591-08-09 – 1596  Date precision [2]
Antonmaria Sauli (Q777552) 1586-12 – 1591-08-09
Cipriano Pallavicino (Q55418335) 1568-03-22 – 1585-11-13
Agostino Maria Salvago (Q395546) 1559-04-27 – 1567-10-10
Gerolamo Sauli (Q55418321) 1550-04-28 – 1559  Date precision [3]
Innocenzo Cybo (Q1386991) 1520-03-21 – 1550-04-24
Giovanni Maria Sforza (Q55418312) 1498-04-03 – 1520  Date precision [4]
Paolo Fregoso (Q2325125) 1496-08-07 – 1498-03-31
Jorge da Costa (Q3000660) 1495-02-22 – 1496-08-07
Paolo Fregoso (Q2325125) 1453-02-16 – 1495-02-22
Giacomo Imperiale (Q108451219) 1440-01-01 – 1452
Giorgio Fieschi (Q942718) 1436-10-12 – 1439-12-27
Pietro de Giorgi (Q3904353) 1429-11-13 – 1436  Date precision [5]
Pileo de Marini (Q55227022) 1400-12-09 – 1429  Date precision [6]
Giacomo Fieschi (Q55227601) 1382 – 1400-12-03
Bartolomeo da Cogorno (Q2886108) 1381 – 1381-12-29
Lanfranco Sacco (Q108462677) 1377-12-12 – 1381
Andrea della Torre (Q55226957) 1368-03-07 – 1377  Date precision [7]
Guido Scetten (Q108446674) 1358-07-10 – 1368  Date precision [8]
Bertrando Bessaduri (Q108448093) 1349-09-10 – 1358  Date precision [9]
Giacomo da Santa Vittoria (Q108446140) 1342-12-05 – 1349  Date precision [10]
Dino di Radicofani (Q3707977) 1337-02-04 – 1342-10-15
Bartolomeo da Reggio (Q64762411) 1321-07-26 – 1335-12-21
Porchetto Spinola (Q108451258) 1299 – 1321-06-07
Jacobus de Voragine (Q313460) 1292 – 1298-07  Inconsistent predecessor [11]
Bernardo Arimondi (Q87068339) 1276-09-13 – 1286-12-13  Inconsistent successor [12]
Gauthier de Vezzano (Q64777972) 1253-04-30 – 1274-10-03
Giovanni di Cogorno (Q64781124) 1239-11 – 1253  Date precision [13]
Ottone Ghilini (Q19060607) 1203-09-30 – 1239-11
Bonifacio (Q108513695) 1188-06-20 – 1203-09-29
Ugone della Volta (Q7877894) 1163-10-08 – 1188-06-19
Siro II (Q76494943) 1133-03-26 – 1163-10-07
Position created: 1133-03-26
  1. Matteo Rivarola (Q55418310) has a end time (P582) of 1600, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1600-12-20 for Orazio Spinola (Q3355159)
  2. Alessandro Centurione (Q55418303) has a end time (P582) of 1596, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1596-04-29 for Matteo Rivarola (Q55418310)
  3. Gerolamo Sauli (Q55418321) has a end time (P582) of 1559, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1559-04-27 for Agostino Maria Salvago (Q395546)
  4. Giovanni Maria Sforza (Q55418312) has a end time (P582) of 1520, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1520-03-21 for Innocenzo Cybo (Q1386991)
  5. Pietro de Giorgi (Q3904353) has a end time (P582) of 1436, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1436-10-12 for Giorgio Fieschi (Q942718)
  6. Pileo de Marini (Q55227022) has a end time (P582) of 1429, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1429-11-13 for Pietro de Giorgi (Q3904353)
  7. Andrea della Torre (Q55226957) has a end time (P582) of 1377, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1377-12-12 for Lanfranco Sacco (Q108462677)
  8. Guido Scetten (Q108446674) has a end time (P582) of 1368, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1368-03-07 for Andrea della Torre (Q55226957)
  9. Bertrando Bessaduri (Q108448093) has a end time (P582) of 1358, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1358-07-10 for Guido Scetten (Q108446674)
  10. Giacomo da Santa Vittoria (Q108446140) has a end time (P582) of 1349, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1349-09-10 for Bertrando Bessaduri (Q108448093)
  11. Jacobus de Voragine (Q313460) has a replaces (P1365) of Opizo (Q11798683), but follows Bernardo Arimondi (Q87068339) here
  12. Bernardo Arimondi (Q87068339) has a replaced by (P1366) of Opizo (Q11798683), but is followed by Jacobus de Voragine (Q313460) here
  13. Giovanni di Cogorno (Q64781124) has a end time (P582) of 1253, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1253-04-30 for Gauthier de Vezzano (Q64777972)

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