
description: ordinary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Benevento
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Roman Catholic Archbishop of Benevento⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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Felice Accrocca (Q21542180) 2016-05-15 –
Andrea Mugione (Q494555) 2006-05-03 – 2016-02-18
Serafino Sprovieri (Q1520121) 1991-11-25 –  Missing field [1]
Carlo Minchiatti (Q15791133) 1982-08-06 –  Missing field [2] Inconsistent predecessor [3]
Agostino Mancinelli (Q15223349) 1936-04-15 –  Missing field [4] Inconsistent successor [5]
Adeodato Giovanni Piazza (Q356270) 1930-02-24 –  Missing field [6]
Luigi Lavitrano (Q1493618) 1924-07-16 –  Missing field [7]
Alessio Ascalesi (Q1352475) 1915-12-09 –  Missing field [8] Inconsistent predecessor [9]
Donato Maria dell’Olio (Q1894912) 1898-02-05 –  Missing field [10] Inconsistent successor [11]
Camillo Siciliano di Rende (Q712066) 1879-05-12 –  Missing field [12] Inconsistent predecessor [13]
Domenico Spinucci (Q1081507) 1796-06-27 –  Missing field [14] Inconsistent predecessor [15] Inconsistent successor [16]
Sinibaldo Doria (Q3484992) 1731-05-21 –  Missing field [17] Inconsistent predecessor [18] Inconsistent successor [19]
Benedict XIII (Q155971) 1686-03-18 –  Missing field [20] Inconsistent predecessor [21] Inconsistent successor [22]
Vincenzo Maculani (Q222838) 1642-01-19 – 1643-05-18  Inconsistent predecessor [23] Inconsistent successor [24]
Massimiliano Palombara (Q3851059) 1574-05-27 –  Missing field [25] Inconsistent predecessor [26] Inconsistent successor [27]
Francesco della Rovere (Q56254218) 1530-01-22 – 1544-04-12  Inconsistent predecessor [28] Inconsistent successor [29]
Lorenzo Cybo de Mari (Q1975026) 1486-03-28 – 1503-01-30  Inconsistent predecessor [30] Inconsistent successor [31]
Stefano Dupin (Q108258818) 1346-10-24 –  Missing fields [32]
Arnaldo de Brusaco (Q108448945) 1332-01-18 –  Missing field [33] Inconsistent successor [34]
Monaldo Monaldeschi (Q108452741) 1303-01-25 –  Missing field [35]
James of Viterbo (Q352625) 1302-09-11 –  Missing field [36]
Adenolfo (Q108450374) 1301-01-10 –  Missing field [37]
Giovanni d’Alatri (Q68909004) 1295-10-09 –  Missing field [38]
Giovanni Castrocoeli (Q1772060) 1282-06-24 –  Missing field [39]
Capoferro (Q108480345) 1252 –  Missing field [40]
Ugoline de Comite (Q108449884) 1221 –  Missing field [41]
Ruggero (Q108446811) 1179 –  Missing field [42]
Gregoire (Q96588604) 1132 –  Missing field [43]
Roffred (Q108447001) 1120 –  Missing field [44]
Landolfo Rangone (Q3217076) 1108 –  Missing fields [45]
Alfano II (Q2696000) 1011 – 1045  Missing fields [46]
Alfano (Q2696010) 985 – 1001
Alone (Q3612881) 983 –  Missing fields [47]
Aione (Q2695889) 871 – 886  Inconsistent successor [48]
Position created: 969-05-31
  1. Serafino Sprovieri (Q1520121) is missing end time (P582)
  2. Carlo Minchiatti (Q15791133) is missing end time (P582)
  3. Carlo Minchiatti (Q15791133) has a replaces (P1365) of Raffaele Calabria (Q3929023), but follows Agostino Mancinelli (Q15223349) here
  4. Agostino Mancinelli (Q15223349) is missing end time (P582)
  5. Agostino Mancinelli (Q15223349) has a replaced by (P1366) of Raffaele Calabria (Q3929023), but is followed by Carlo Minchiatti (Q15791133) here
  6. Adeodato Giovanni Piazza (Q356270) is missing end time (P582)
  7. Luigi Lavitrano (Q1493618) is missing end time (P582)
  8. Alessio Ascalesi (Q1352475) is missing end time (P582)
  9. Alessio Ascalesi (Q1352475) has a replaces (P1365) of Benedetto Bonazzi (Q3638045), but follows Donato Maria dell’Olio (Q1894912) here
  10. Donato Maria dell’Olio (Q1894912) is missing end time (P582)
  11. Donato Maria dell’Olio (Q1894912) has a replaced by (P1366) of Benedetto Bonazzi (Q3638045), but is followed by Alessio Ascalesi (Q1352475) here
  12. Camillo Siciliano di Rende (Q712066) is missing end time (P582)
  13. Camillo Siciliano di Rende (Q712066) has a replaces (P1365) of Domenico Carafa della Spina di Traetto (Q2254589), but follows Domenico Spinucci (Q1081507) here
  14. Domenico Spinucci (Q1081507) is missing end time (P582)
  15. Domenico Spinucci (Q1081507) has a replaces (P1365) of Francesco Maria Banditi (Q353104), but follows Sinibaldo Doria (Q3484992) here
  16. Domenico Spinucci (Q1081507) has a replaced by (P1366) of Giovanni Battista Bussi (Q2253570), but is followed by Camillo Siciliano di Rende (Q712066) here
  17. Sinibaldo Doria (Q3484992) is missing end time (P582)
  18. Sinibaldo Doria (Q3484992) has a replaces (P1365) of Giovanni Nicastro (Q68908966), but follows Benedict XIII (Q155971) here
  19. Sinibaldo Doria (Q3484992) has a replaced by (P1366) of Serafino Cenci (Q967300), but is followed by Domenico Spinucci (Q1081507) here
  20. Benedict XIII (Q155971) is missing end time (P582)
  21. Benedict XIII (Q155971) has a replaces (P1365) of Girolamo Gastaldi (Q3107685), but follows Vincenzo Maculani (Q222838) here
  22. Benedict XIII (Q155971) has a replaced by (P1366) of Niccolò Coscia (Q652859), but is followed by Sinibaldo Doria (Q3484992) here
  23. Vincenzo Maculani (Q222838) has a replaces (P1365) of Agostino Oreggi (Q2827097), but follows Massimiliano Palombara (Q3851059) here
  24. Vincenzo Maculani (Q222838) has a replaced by (P1366) of Giovan Battista Foppa (Q3766072), but is followed by Benedict XIII (Q155971) here
  25. Massimiliano Palombara (Q3851059) is missing end time (P582)
  26. Massimiliano Palombara (Q3851059) has a replaces (P1365) of Giacomo Savelli (Q1522175), but follows Francesco della Rovere (Q56254218) here
  27. Massimiliano Palombara (Q3851059) has a replaced by (P1366) of Pompeo Arrigoni (Q3396079), but is followed by Vincenzo Maculani (Q222838) here
  28. Francesco della Rovere (Q56254218) has a replaces (P1365) of Alfonso Sforza (Q64762825), but follows Lorenzo Cybo de Mari (Q1975026) here
  29. Francesco della Rovere (Q56254218) has a replaced by (P1366) of Giovanni della Casa (Q650906), but is followed by Massimiliano Palombara (Q3851059) here
  30. Lorenzo Cybo de Mari (Q1975026) has a replaces (P1365) of Leonardo Grifo (Q43593531), but follows Stefano Dupin (Q108258818) here
  31. Lorenzo Cybo de Mari (Q1975026) has a replaced by (P1366) of Ludovico Prodocator (Q743295), but is followed by Francesco della Rovere (Q56254218) here
  32. Stefano Dupin (Q108258818) is missing replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  33. Arnaldo de Brusaco (Q108448945) is missing end time (P582)
  34. Arnaldo de Brusaco (Q108448945) has a replaced by (P1366) of Guillaume Isnard (Q64780416), but is followed by Stefano Dupin (Q108258818) here
  35. Monaldo Monaldeschi (Q108452741) is missing end time (P582)
  36. James of Viterbo (Q352625) is missing end time (P582)
  37. Adenolfo (Q108450374) is missing end time (P582)
  38. Giovanni d’Alatri (Q68909004) is missing end time (P582)
  39. Giovanni Castrocoeli (Q1772060) is missing end time (P582)
  40. Capoferro (Q108480345) is missing end time (P582)
  41. Ugoline de Comite (Q108449884) is missing end time (P582)
  42. Ruggero (Q108446811) is missing end time (P582)
  43. Gregoire (Q96588604) is missing end time (P582)
  44. Roffred (Q108447001) is missing end time (P582)
  45. Landolfo Rangone (Q3217076) is missing replaces (P1365), end time (P582)
  46. Alfano II (Q2696000) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  47. Alone (Q3612881) is missing replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  48. Aione (Q2695889) has a replaced by (P1366) of Pietro (Q3903617), but is followed by Alone (Q3612881) here

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