
description: Roman Catholic metropolitan archbishop of York
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Position abolished: 1559
Replaced by: Anglican Archbishop of York (Q1363910); talk
Nicholas Heath (Q364912) 1555-03-01 – 1559  Inconsistent successor [1]
Henry de Bruto (Q68864657) 1546-03-01 –  Missing field [2]
Edward Lee (Q1788686) 1531-12-20 –  Missing field [3]
Thomas Wolsey (Q206512) 1514-09-25 –  Missing field [4]
Christopher Bainbridge (Q2258968) 1508-10-02 –  Missing field [5]
Thomas Savage (Q3525553) 1501-01-28 –  Missing field [6]
Thomas Rotherham (Q3525529) 1480-07-16 – 1500-06-08
Lawrence Booth (Q1788580) 1476-08-09 –  Missing field [7]
George Neville (Q1507982) 1465-03-24 –  Missing field [8]
William Booth (Q8005705) 1452-07-30 –  Missing field [9]
John Kemp (Q284092) 1425-07-29 – 1452-08-06  Date overlap [10]
Richard Fleming (Q7325709) 1424-02-23 –  Missing field [11] Inconsistent predecessor [12]
Philip Morgan (Q7184103) 1424-02-03 –  Missing fields [13] Inconsistent predecessor [14]
Henry Bowet (Q15979090) 1407-11-16 –  Missing field [15] Inconsistent successor [16]
Richard le Scrope (cleric) (Q3431392) 1398-03-23 –  Missing field [17]
Robert Waldby (Q7350788) 1396-10-13 –  Missing field [18]
Thomas Arundel (Q1524089) 1388-06-21 –  Missing field [19]
Alexander Neville (Q2833909) 1374-04-11 – 1388-05-08
John of Thoresby (Q3809652) 1352-11-25 –  Missing field [20]
William Zouche (Q8020714) 1340-05-10 –  Missing field [21]
William Melton (Q8015555) 1316-01-29 –  Missing field [22]
William Greenfield (Q8010166) 1304-12-12 –  Missing field [23]
Thomas of Corbridge (Q7795515) 1299-11-19 –  Missing field [24]
Henry of Newark (Q5730887) 1298 –  Missing field [25]
John le Romeyn (Q6265692) 1285-11-05 –  Missing field [26]
William de Wickwane (Q8020839) 1279-06-29 –  Missing field [27]
Walter Giffard (Q7964947) 1266-10-22 –  Missing field [28]
Godfrey Ludham (Q5576492) 1258-08-01 –  Missing field [29]
Sewal de Bovil (Q7458143) 1256-05-11 –  Missing field [30]
Walter de Gray (Q2546913) 1216-04-03 –  Missing field [31]
Geoffrey (Q1357271) 1189-08-17 –  Missing field [32]
Roger de Pont L'Évêque (Q431870) 1154 –  Missing field [33] Inconsistent predecessor [34]
Henry Murdac (Q672151) 1147-07-31 –  Missing fields [35]
William of York (Q275470) 1147-01 – 1154-06-15  Date overlap [36] Inconsistent successor [37]
Thurstan (Q780970) 1119-10-26 – 1140-01-28
Thomas II of York (Q7786833) 1109 –  Missing field [38]
Gerard (Q723827) 1100 –  Missing field [39]
Thomas of Bayeux (Q2379201) 1070-05-29 –  Missing field [40]
Ealdred (Q739453) 1060-12-31 –  Missing field [41]
Cynesige (Q3008728) 1051 –  Missing field [42]
Ælfric Puttoc (Q3577164) 1023 –  Missing field [43]
Wulfstan (Q1236490) 1003 –  Missing field [44]
Ealdwulf (Q4591727) 995 –  Missing field [45]
Oswald of Worcester (Q1273281) 972 –  Missing field [46] Inconsistent predecessor [47]
Edwald (Q5341406) 971 – 971
Oscytel (Q7106445) 958 –  Missing fields [48]
Wulfstan (Q3302639) 931 –  Missing field [49]
Æthelbald (Q8077350) 900 –  Missing field [50]
Wulfhere of York (Q8039174) 854 –  Missing field [51]
Wigmund (Q7999676) 837 –  Missing field [52]
Wulfsige (Q8039189) 808 –  Missing field [53]
Eanbald II (Q4968089) 796 –  Missing field [54]
Eanbald (Q5325604) 780 –  Missing field [55]
Æthelbert (Q8077356) 767 –  Missing field [56]
Ecgbert (Q3049131) 734 – 766-11-23  Inconsistent predecessor [57]
Hrotheweard (Q10298676) – 931  Missing field [58] Date overlap [59] Inconsistent predecessor [60] Inconsistent successor [61]
Henry de Sully (Q6600836)  Missing fields [62]
Q66791279  Missing fields [63]
Simon Langton (Q7519167)  Missing fields [64]
William Langton (Q8014310)  Missing fields [65]
Position created:  Missing field [66]
Replaces: bishop of York (Q108440881); talk
  1. Nicholas Heath (Q364912) has a replaced by (P1366) of Thomas Young (Q1686862), but is not followed by anyone here
  2. Henry de Bruto (Q68864657) is missing end time (P582)
  3. Edward Lee (Q1788686) is missing end time (P582)
  4. Thomas Wolsey (Q206512) is missing end time (P582)
  5. Christopher Bainbridge (Q2258968) is missing end time (P582)
  6. Thomas Savage (Q3525553) is missing end time (P582)
  7. Lawrence Booth (Q1788580) is missing end time (P582)
  8. George Neville (Q1507982) is missing end time (P582)
  9. William Booth (Q8005705) is missing end time (P582)
  10. John Kemp (Q284092) has a end time (P582) of 1452-08-06, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1452-07-30 for William Booth (Q8005705)
  11. Richard Fleming (Q7325709) is missing end time (P582)
  12. Richard Fleming (Q7325709) has a replaces (P1365) of Henry Bowet (Q15979090), but follows Philip Morgan (Q7184103) here
  13. Philip Morgan (Q7184103) is missing end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  14. Philip Morgan (Q7184103) has a replaces (P1365) of William Melton (Q8015555), but follows Henry Bowet (Q15979090) here
  15. Henry Bowet (Q15979090) is missing end time (P582)
  16. Henry Bowet (Q15979090) has a replaced by (P1366) of Richard Fleming (Q7325709), but is followed by Philip Morgan (Q7184103) here
  17. Richard le Scrope (cleric) (Q3431392) is missing end time (P582)
  18. Robert Waldby (Q7350788) is missing end time (P582)
  19. Thomas Arundel (Q1524089) is missing end time (P582)
  20. John of Thoresby (Q3809652) is missing end time (P582)
  21. William Zouche (Q8020714) is missing end time (P582)
  22. William Melton (Q8015555) is missing end time (P582)
  23. William Greenfield (Q8010166) is missing end time (P582)
  24. Thomas of Corbridge (Q7795515) is missing end time (P582)
  25. Henry of Newark (Q5730887) is missing end time (P582)
  26. John le Romeyn (Q6265692) is missing end time (P582)
  27. William de Wickwane (Q8020839) is missing end time (P582)
  28. Walter Giffard (Q7964947) is missing end time (P582)
  29. Godfrey Ludham (Q5576492) is missing end time (P582)
  30. Sewal de Bovil (Q7458143) is missing end time (P582)
  31. Walter de Gray (Q2546913) is missing end time (P582)
  32. Geoffrey (Q1357271) is missing end time (P582)
  33. Roger de Pont L'Évêque (Q431870) is missing end time (P582)
  34. Roger de Pont L'Évêque (Q431870) has a replaces (P1365) of William of York (Q275470), but follows Henry Murdac (Q672151) here
  35. Henry Murdac (Q672151) is missing end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  36. William of York (Q275470) has a end time (P582) of 1154-06-15, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1147-07-31 for Henry Murdac (Q672151)
  37. William of York (Q275470) has a replaced by (P1366) of Roger de Pont L'Évêque (Q431870), but is followed by Henry Murdac (Q672151) here
  38. Thomas II of York (Q7786833) is missing end time (P582)
  39. Gerard (Q723827) is missing end time (P582)
  40. Thomas of Bayeux (Q2379201) is missing end time (P582)
  41. Ealdred (Q739453) is missing end time (P582)
  42. Cynesige (Q3008728) is missing end time (P582)
  43. Ælfric Puttoc (Q3577164) is missing end time (P582)
  44. Wulfstan (Q1236490) is missing end time (P582)
  45. Ealdwulf (Q4591727) is missing end time (P582)
  46. Oswald of Worcester (Q1273281) is missing end time (P582)
  47. Oswald of Worcester (Q1273281) has a replaces (P1365) of Oscytel (Q7106445), but follows Edwald (Q5341406) here
  48. Oscytel (Q7106445) is missing end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  49. Wulfstan (Q3302639) is missing end time (P582)
  50. Æthelbald (Q8077350) is missing end time (P582)
  51. Wulfhere of York (Q8039174) is missing end time (P582)
  52. Wigmund (Q7999676) is missing end time (P582)
  53. Wulfsige (Q8039189) is missing end time (P582)
  54. Eanbald II (Q4968089) is missing end time (P582)
  55. Eanbald (Q5325604) is missing end time (P582)
  56. Æthelbert (Q8077356) is missing end time (P582)
  57. Ecgbert (Q3049131) has a replaces (P1365) of Wilfrid II (Q707833), but follows Hrotheweard (Q10298676) here
  58. Hrotheweard (Q10298676) is missing start time (P580)
  59. Hrotheweard (Q10298676) has a end time (P582) of 931, which is later than the start time (P580) of 734 for Ecgbert (Q3049131)
  60. Hrotheweard (Q10298676) has a replaces (P1365) of Æthelbald (Q8077350), but follows Henry de Sully (Q6600836) here
  61. Hrotheweard (Q10298676) has a replaced by (P1366) of Wulfstan (Q3302639), but is followed by Ecgbert (Q3049131) here
  62. Henry de Sully (Q6600836) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  63. Q66791279 is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  64. Simon Langton (Q7519167) is missing start time (P580), replaces (P1365), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  65. William Langton (Q8014310) is missing start time (P580), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  66. Roman Catholic archbishop of York (Q108394736) is missing inception (P571)

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