
description: ordinary of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Savona in Italy
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Replaced by: Roman Catholic Bishop of Savona-Noli (Q115451998); talk
Giuseppe Vincenzo Airenti (Q55224994) 1820-06-24 – 1820-11-25
Vincenzo Maria Maggioli (Q64745388) 1804-09-24 – 1820-01-19
Domenico Maria Gentile (Q64777265) 1776-01-29 – 1804-09-24
Ottavio Maria De Mari (Q64734067) 1755-12-15 – 1775-03-27
Agostino Spinola (Q64762902) 1722-09-23 – 1755-10-16
Vincenzo Maria Durazzo (Q64747163) 1683-12-20 – 1722-06-03
Stefano Spinola (Q64746394) 1664-12-15 – 1682
Francesco Maria Spinola (Q64762533) 1624-04-29 – 1664-08-08
Pier Francesco Costa (Q69129039) 1587-07-27 – 1624  Date precision [1]
Giovanni Battista Centurione (Q68865734) 1584-06-08 – 1587  Date precision [2]
Domenico Grimaldi (Q3035197) 1581-02-23 – 1584-03-14
Cesare Camillo Ferrero (Q64836120) 1576-05-19 – 1581-02-23
Giovanni Ambrosio Fieschi (Q64779952) 1564-06-19 – 1576  Date precision [3]
Niccolò Fieschi (Q68904616) 1546-02-22 – 1562
Giacomo Fieschi (Q69437990) 1537-11-01 – 1545
Agostino Spinola (Q2326269) 1528-07-27 – 1537-10-28
Tommaso Giovanni Riario (Q68910298) 1516-04-19 – 1528  Date precision [4]
Raffaele Riario (Q966188) 1511-12-15 – 1516-04-19
Giacomo della Rovere (Q64779837) 1504-03-16 – 1511  Date precision [5]
Galeotto Franciotti della Rovere (Q1378988) 1502-02-03 – 1504-03-16
Julius II (Q80516) 1499-09-29 – 1502-02-03
Pietro Gara (Q68904891) 1472-09-25 – 1499  Date precision [6]
Innocent VIII (Q161351) 1466-11-14 – 1472-09-25
Valeriano Calderina (Q108449138) 1442-02-15 – 1466-11-14
Vincenzo Viale (Q108445791) 1413-07-23 – 1443  Date overlap [7]
Pietro Spinola (Q108485178) 1411-11-07 – 1413-07-20
Filippo Ogerio (Q108463637) 1405-06-14 – 1411  Date precision [8]
Giovanni Firmoni (Q108524644) 1394-11-06 – 1406-01-31  Date overlap [9]
Antonio Viale (Q108445790) 1386-11-29 – 1394  Date precision [10]
Domenico di Lagne (Q108519622) 1376-12-20 – 1384
Antonio da Saluzzo (Q3620372) 1355-12-05 – 1376-06-15
Gerardo Carrara dei Vasconi (Q55226590) 1342-07-26 – 1355-08-04
Federico Cibo (Q108449763) 1317-03-12 – 1342  Date precision [11]
Giacomo Cadarengo (Q108449114) 1305 – 1311
Gualtiero di Maus (Q108481856) 1303 – 1304
Gregorio (Q108478576) 1297 – 1302
Enrico Ponsoni (Q108447658) 1289-02-22 – 1292
Ruffino Colombo (Q108449872) 1278 – 1287-09
Corrado di Ancisa (Q108447966) 1251 – 1264
Alberto Calvi di Cilavegna (Q108449148) 1221 – 1230  Missing field [12]
Guala (Q3778098) 1199 – 1199  Missing field [13]
Bonifacio I del Carretto (Q3642134) 1193 – 1199
Ambrogio del Carretto (Q3613824) 1183 – 1192
Vidone Lomello (Q4011434) 1142 – 1183
Aldizio (Q3609090) 1128 – 1142
Ottaviano di Savona (Q3348890) 1119 – 1128
Guglielmo (Q3778861) 1117 – 1119
Grosolanus (Q369003) 1098 – 1102
Giordano (Q3765132) 1080 – 1080
Amico (Q3637219) 1049 – 1049
Brissiano (Q3644929) 1046 – 1046
Antellino (Q3618404) 1028 – 1028
Ardemano (Q3621853) 1014 – 1014
Giovanni I (Q3767500) 999 – 999  Date overlap [14]
Bernardo (Q3638752) 991 – 999  Missing field [15]
Benedetto (Q3638037) 680 – 680  Missing field [16]
Position created:  Missing field [17]
  1. Pier Francesco Costa (Q69129039) has a end time (P582) of 1624, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1624-04-29 for Francesco Maria Spinola (Q64762533)
  2. Giovanni Battista Centurione (Q68865734) has a end time (P582) of 1587, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1587-07-27 for Pier Francesco Costa (Q69129039)
  3. Giovanni Ambrosio Fieschi (Q64779952) has a end time (P582) of 1576, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1576-05-19 for Cesare Camillo Ferrero (Q64836120)
  4. Tommaso Giovanni Riario (Q68910298) has a end time (P582) of 1528, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1528-07-27 for Agostino Spinola (Q2326269)
  5. Giacomo della Rovere (Q64779837) has a end time (P582) of 1511, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1511-12-15 for Raffaele Riario (Q966188)
  6. Pietro Gara (Q68904891) has a end time (P582) of 1499, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1499-09-29 for Julius II (Q80516)
  7. Vincenzo Viale (Q108445791) has a end time (P582) of 1443, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1442-02-15 for Valeriano Calderina (Q108449138)
  8. Filippo Ogerio (Q108463637) has a end time (P582) of 1411, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1411-11-07 for Pietro Spinola (Q108485178)
  9. Giovanni Firmoni (Q108524644) has a end time (P582) of 1406-01-31, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1405-06-14 for Filippo Ogerio (Q108463637)
  10. Antonio Viale (Q108445790) has a end time (P582) of 1394, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1394-11-06 for Giovanni Firmoni (Q108524644)
  11. Federico Cibo (Q108449763) has a end time (P582) of 1342, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1342-07-26 for Gerardo Carrara dei Vasconi (Q55226590)
  12. Alberto Calvi di Cilavegna (Q108449148) is missing replaces (P1365)
  13. Guala (Q3778098) is missing replaced by (P1366)
  14. Giovanni I (Q3767500) has a end time (P582) of 999, which is later than the start time (P580) of 1014 for Ardemano (Q3621853)
  15. Bernardo (Q3638752) is missing replaces (P1365)
  16. Benedetto (Q3638037) is missing replaced by (P1366)
  17. Roman Catholic Bishop of Savona (Q111659358) is missing inception (P571)

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