
description: (1821-1948)
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Roman Catholic Archbishop of Gniezno and Poznań⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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This section is generated using {{TP award}}. It is designed for all items of class award (Q618779).

See also

WikiProject Poland

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Position abolished: 1948-11-12
Replaced by:
August Hlond (Q508834) 1926-06-24 –  Inconsistent successor [1]
Edmund Dalbor (Q743641) 1915-09-21 –  Missing field [2]
Edward Likowski (Q2629698) 1914-08-13 –  Missing field [3]
Florian Stablewski (Q478347) 1892-01-17 –  Missing field [4]
Julius Dinder (Q2627554) 1886-05-30 –  Missing field [5]
Mieczysław Halka Ledóchowski (Q712071) 1866-01-08 – 1896-02-02  Date overlap [6]
Leon Michał Przyłuski (Q967343) 1845-04-27 –  Missing field [7]
Marcin Dunin (Q73098) 1831-07-10 –  Missing field [8]
Teofil Cyprian Wolicki (Q11836880) 1829-05-17 –  Missing field [9]
Tymoteusz Paweł Gorzeński (Q962870) 1821-07-16 – 1825-12-20  Inconsistent predecessor [10]
Position created: 1821-07-16

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