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Roman Catholic Bishop of Trivento⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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This section is generated using {{TP award}}. It is designed for all items of class award (Q618779).

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Claudio Palumbo (Q30132300) 2017-06-05 –
Domenico Angelo Scotti (Q1237066) 2005-10-17 – 2017-06-05
Antonio Santucci (Q605037) 1985-05-08 – 2005-10-17
Antonio Valentini (Q28839278) 1977-10-17 –  Missing field [1]
Enzio d’Antonio (Q1346033) 1975-03-18 – 1977  Date precision [2]
Achille Palmerini (Q64735617) 1972-03-18 – 1975-03-18
Pio Augusto Crivellari (Q3905351) 1958-02-07 –  Missing field [3]
Epimenio Giannico (Q13422241) 1937-09-07 –  Missing field [4]
Giovanni Giorgis (Q64372994) 1931-09-30 –  Missing field [5]
Attilio Adinolfi (Q21546822) 1928-02-27 –  Missing field [6]
Geremia Pascucci (Q64752150) 1922-09-12 –  Missing field [7]
Antonio Lega (Q64641093) 1914-05-25 –  Missing field [8]
Carlo Pietropaoli (Q64733070) 1897-04-19 – 1913-04-29  Inconsistent predecessor [9]
Giovanni De Simone (Q64735368) 1822-01-10 –  Missing field [10] Inconsistent predecessor [11] Inconsistent successor [12]
Luca Nicola de Luca (Q78774346) 1791-12-16 – 1819-06-07  Inconsistent predecessor [13] Inconsistent successor [14]
Giovanni Fabrizio Sanseverino (Q30071231) 1568-08-02 –  Missing field [15] Inconsistent predecessor [16] Inconsistent successor [17]
Natimbene (Q108572673) 1334-06-25 –  Missing fields [18] Inconsistent predecessor [19]
Position created:  Missing field [20]
  1. Antonio Valentini (Q28839278) is missing end time (P582)
  2. Enzio d’Antonio (Q1346033) has a end time (P582) of 1977, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1977-10-17 for Antonio Valentini (Q28839278)
  3. Pio Augusto Crivellari (Q3905351) is missing end time (P582)
  4. Epimenio Giannico (Q13422241) is missing end time (P582)
  5. Giovanni Giorgis (Q64372994) is missing end time (P582)
  6. Attilio Adinolfi (Q21546822) is missing end time (P582)
  7. Geremia Pascucci (Q64752150) is missing end time (P582)
  8. Antonio Lega (Q64641093) is missing end time (P582)
  9. Carlo Pietropaoli (Q64733070) has a replaces (P1365) of Giulio Vaccaro (Q3769800), but follows Giovanni De Simone (Q64735368) here
  10. Giovanni De Simone (Q64735368) is missing end time (P582)
  11. Giovanni De Simone (Q64735368) has a replaces (P1365) of Bernardino D’Avolio (Q64697676), but follows Luca Nicola de Luca (Q78774346) here
  12. Giovanni De Simone (Q64735368) has a replaced by (P1366) of Michele Arcangelo Del Forno (Q64752145), but is followed by Carlo Pietropaoli (Q64733070) here
  13. Luca Nicola de Luca (Q78774346) has a replaces (P1365) of Gioacchino Paglione (Q64745809), but follows Giovanni Fabrizio Sanseverino (Q30071231) here
  14. Luca Nicola de Luca (Q78774346) has a replaced by (P1366) of Bernardino D’Avolio (Q64697676), but is followed by Giovanni De Simone (Q64735368) here
  15. Giovanni Fabrizio Sanseverino (Q30071231) is missing end time (P582)
  16. Giovanni Fabrizio Sanseverino (Q30071231) has a replaces (P1365) of Matteo Griffoni Pioppi (Q64778914), but follows Natimbene (Q108572673) here
  17. Giovanni Fabrizio Sanseverino (Q30071231) has a replaced by (P1366) of Giulio Cesare Mariconda (Q61409945), but is followed by Luca Nicola de Luca (Q78774346) here
  18. Natimbene (Q108572673) is missing end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  19. Natimbene (Q108572673) has a replaces (P1365) of Nicolas de Anzoriano (Q64780259), but does not follow anyone here
  20. Roman Catholic Bishop of Trivento (Q116031065) is missing inception (P571)

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