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Classification of the class Roman Catholic Bishop of Pinerolo (Q122811310)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Roman Catholic Bishop of Pinerolo⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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This section is generated using {{TP award}}. It is designed for all items of class award (Q618779).

See also

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Derio Olivero (Q32309280) 2017-07-07 –
Piergiorgio Debernardi (Q2092787) 1998-07-07 – 2017-07-07
Pietro Giachetti (Q18708593) 1976-05-01 – 1998-07-07
Massimo Giustetti (Q422392) 1974-03-21 –  Missing field [1]
Gaudenzio Binaschi (Q11860322) 1930-01-20 –  Missing field [2]
Angelo Bartolomasi (Q535616) 1922-12-11 –  Missing field [3]
Giovanni Battista Rossi (Q64761872) 1894-05-18 –  Missing field [4]
Giovanni Maria Sardi (Q64745202) 1886-06-07 –  Missing field [5]
Filippo Chiesa (Q64745330) 1881-11-18 –  Missing field [6]
Giovanni Domenico Vassarotti (Q64734038) 1873-12-22 –  Missing field [7]
Lorenzo Renaldi (Q64762021) 1848-07-07 –  Missing field [8]
Andrea Charvaz (Q3615600) 1833-10-12 – 1848-05-09
Pierre-Joseph Rey (Q64752211) 1824-03-20 –  Missing field [9]
François-Marie Bigex (Q3083538) 1817-08-08 –  Missing field [10]
Teresio Maria Carlo Vittorio Ferrero della Marmora (Q1080353) 1805-02-01 – 1817  Date precision [11]
Giuseppe Maria Grimaldi (Q16027536) 1797-06-14 – 1803
Jean Baptiste D’Orliè De Saint Innocent (Q64747750) 1749-04-09 –  Missing field [12]
Position created: 1748-12-23

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