
Autodescription — world problem (Q24736622)

description: Global problem, such as from the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
Useful links:
See also

We're having a series of discussions at Wikimania with Tjfulopp about how to import the data from the [Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential] (EWPHP) into Wikidata. It has a few properties that don't have an obvious parallel yet here, and some interesting visualizations (and free software that generates them) which might be useful for other WD property-nets as well.

Related threads:

A property for "aggravates" or "intensifies"?


Is there an existing property that identifies the relationship "A intensifies the effect of B"?

One has been proposed; possibly to instantiate as positively reinforces and negatively reinforces.

Mapping "broader" / "narrower" properties


(Link to current PC thread)

These are common properties in other knowledgesets, particularly ones about abstract concepts like the Library of Congress classifications and some expert knowledgebases.

  • Should these all be mapped onto subclass of (P279)? Is "subclass of" always a reasonable substitute for "narrower than"?
    • If so, "narrower" should be added as a synonym for "subclass of"
  • Should there be a complementary "superset of" property that is synchronized via bot [as happens with some other property-pairs]?

AN discussion about creating new properties without discussion


(Link to current AN thread.)

Demo account for the new site


Try out the beta site for the EWP. Pinging @Kurt_Jansson: @wittylama: @cscott: @sadads:

  • user: wikimania2016 pass: WIKI--mania2016


Delusions over responsibility for community improvements
Deterioration of soil fertility
Abandoned elderly

Examples of ways to visualize data


@Tjfulopp: The "Graph" extension now autogenerates charts or graphs with thumbnails, based on WD data. It's starting to be used in WP articles. See for instance Graph:Most Expensive Paintings.

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