
description: ordinary of the Bishopric of Leon in France
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Position abolished: 1801-11-29
Jean-Louis Gouyon de Vaudurand (Q22248502) 1745-04-24 – 1763-05-07  Inconsistent successor [1]
Jean Louis de La Bourdonnaye (Q3173275) 1701-11-01 –  Missing field [2] Inconsistent predecessor [3]
Henri-Marie de Laval de Boisdauphin (Q3130438) 1651-03-30 –  Missing field [4] Inconsistent predecessor [5] Inconsistent successor [6]
Christophe de Chauvigné (Q2966516) 1521-06-13 – 1554  Missing field [7] Inconsistent predecessor [8]
Jean d'Espinay (Q3175199) 1500-10-05 –  Missing field [9] Inconsistent successor [10]
Antoine de Longueil (Q28495106) 1484-05-14 –  Missing field [11]
Alain Le Maout (Q28495103) 1482-04-07 –  Missing field [12]
Thomas James (Q3525237) 1478-01-23 –  Missing field [13]
Michel Guibé (Q3309835) 1477-02-02 –  Missing field [14]
Vincent de Kerleau (Q68905377) 1472-05-13 –  Missing field [15]
Guillaume Le Ferron (Q68905966) 1439-03-29 –  Missing field [16]
Jean Prigent (Q16027394) 1436-07-13 –  Missing field [17]
Olivier du Teillay (Q28495752) 1432-11-07 –  Missing field [18]
Philippe de Coetquis (Q3380933) 1419-10-25 –  Missing field [19] Inconsistent predecessor [20]
Alain de la Rue (Q28496111) 1411 – 1419  Date precision [21] Inconsistent predecessor [22]
Guillaume Ouvrouin (Q3120106) 1349-05-19 –  Missing fields [23]
Pierre de Nantes (Q3387643) 1328-05-26 –  Missing fields [24] Inconsistent predecessor [25]
Yves (Q63884231) 1262 –  Missing fields [26] Inconsistent successor [27]
Hamon de Léon (Q16027608) 1161 – 1171  Missing fields [28]
Guy le Barbu (Q30056193)  Missing fields [29]
Position created:  Missing field [30]
  1. Jean-Louis Gouyon de Vaudurand (Q22248502) has a replaced by (P1366) of Joseph-François d'Andigné de la Chasse (Q21830720), but is not followed by anyone here
  2. Jean Louis de La Bourdonnaye (Q3173275) is missing end time (P582)
  3. Jean Louis de La Bourdonnaye (Q3173275) has a replaces (P1365) of Pierre Le Neboux de la Brosse (Q64747097), but follows Henri-Marie de Laval de Boisdauphin (Q3130438) here
  4. Henri-Marie de Laval de Boisdauphin (Q3130438) is missing end time (P582)
  5. Henri-Marie de Laval de Boisdauphin (Q3130438) has a replaces (P1365) of René de Rieux (Q3427081), but follows Christophe de Chauvigné (Q2966516) here
  6. Henri-Marie de Laval de Boisdauphin (Q3130438) has a replaced by (P1366) of François de Visdelou (Q22249456), but is followed by Jean Louis de La Bourdonnaye (Q3173275) here
  7. Christophe de Chauvigné (Q2966516) is missing replaced by (P1366)
  8. Christophe de Chauvigné (Q2966516) has a replaces (P1365) of Guy Le Clerc (Q68905956), but follows Jean d'Espinay (Q3175199) here
  9. Jean d'Espinay (Q3175199) is missing end time (P582)
  10. Jean d'Espinay (Q3175199) has a replaced by (P1366) of Jean de Kermavan (Q68905378), but is followed by Christophe de Chauvigné (Q2966516) here
  11. Antoine de Longueil (Q28495106) is missing end time (P582)
  12. Alain Le Maout (Q28495103) is missing end time (P582)
  13. Thomas James (Q3525237) is missing end time (P582)
  14. Michel Guibé (Q3309835) is missing end time (P582)
  15. Vincent de Kerleau (Q68905377) is missing end time (P582)
  16. Guillaume Le Ferron (Q68905966) is missing end time (P582)
  17. Jean Prigent (Q16027394) is missing end time (P582)
  18. Olivier du Teillay (Q28495752) is missing end time (P582)
  19. Philippe de Coetquis (Q3380933) is missing end time (P582)
  20. Philippe de Coetquis (Q3380933) has a replaces (P1365) of Yves (Q63884231), but follows Alain de la Rue (Q28496111) here
  21. Alain de la Rue (Q28496111) has a end time (P582) of 1419, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 1419-10-25 for Philippe de Coetquis (Q3380933)
  22. Alain de la Rue (Q28496111) has a replaces (P1365) of Guy le Barbu (Q30056193), but follows Guillaume Ouvrouin (Q3120106) here
  23. Guillaume Ouvrouin (Q3120106) is missing end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  24. Pierre de Nantes (Q3387643) is missing end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  25. Pierre de Nantes (Q3387643) has a replaces (P1365) of Guillaume de Kersauzon (Q108478575), but follows Yves (Q63884231) here
  26. Yves (Q63884231) is missing replaces (P1365), end time (P582)
  27. Yves (Q63884231) has a replaced by (P1366) of Philippe de Coetquis (Q3380933), but is followed by Pierre de Nantes (Q3387643) here
  28. Hamon de Léon (Q16027608) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  29. Guy le Barbu (Q30056193) is missing start time (P580), end time (P582), replaced by (P1366)
  30. Bishop of Saint-Pol-de-Léon (Q30056188) is missing inception (P571)

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