
Latest comment: 4 years ago by Wostr

Autodescription — (−)-selegiline (Q47495783)

description: chemical compound
Useful links:
Classification of the class (−)-selegiline (Q47495783)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
For help about classification, see Wikidata:Classification.
Parent classes (classes of items which contain this one item)
Subclasses (classes which contain special kinds of items of this class)
(−)-selegiline⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
Generic queries for classes
See also

@علاء: مرحبا أخي. بحثت كثيرا حول وجود فرق بين العقارين فلم أجد لذلك قمت بدمج المدخلتين للتسهيل حيث أن فصلهما يخلق تداخل كبير في عدد من الخصائص كالتداخلات الدوائية مثلا. لكن أحببت معرفة رأيك بكل حال--Avicenno (talk) 22:44, 2 December 2019 (UTC)Reply

I don't know what does it mean, but I think this is related to your incorrect merge. You should check the external identifiers before you dit the merge, ids are different. In chemical databases and in WD there is a concept of a 'compound with undefined stereochemistry' (also 'compound with partially defined stereochemistry'). In fact these items represent a group of compounds ((±)-deprenyl (Q402633) represens a pair of enantiomers: (−)-selegiline (Q47495783) and (+)-seligilin). In Wikidata we are classifying these as group of stereoisomers (Q59199015) (see Wikidata:WikiProject Chemistry/Guidelines) and items like (±)-deprenyl (Q402633) and (−)-selegiline (Q47495783) should remain separate. Wostr (talk) 00:29, 3 December 2019 (UTC)Reply
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