
description: (1394-1716) prelate who governed the archdiocese of Lisbon from its elevation to the archdiocese in 1394, until its elevation to patriarchy in 1716
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Classification of the class Roman Catholic Archbishop of Lisbon (Q50226048)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Position abolished: 1716-11-07
Replaced by: Patriarch of Lisboa (Q50226179); talk
João de Sousa (Q10312538) 1703-10-01 – 1710-09-29
Luiz de Sousa (Q3266960) 1675-12-02 – 1702-01-03
António de Mendonça (Q16492083) 1670 – 1675  Date precision [1]
Rodrigo da Cunha (Q2878202) 1635-12-03 – 1643-01-03
João Manuel de Ataíde (Q10311813) 1632-11-24 –  Missing field [2]
Afonso Furtado de Mendonça (Q16142414) 1626-12-02 –  Missing field [3]
Miguel de Castro (Q10329902) 1586-02-26 –  Missing field [4]
Jorge de Almeida (Q10308283) 1569-11-24 –  Missing field [5]
Henry I of Portugal (Q222123) 1564-07-01 – 1569-11-24
Fernando de Meneses Coutinho e Vasconcelos (Q10281570) 1540-10-04 –  Missing field [6]
Cardinal-Infante Afonso of Portugal (Q383491) 1523-03-02 – 1540-04-26
Martinho da Costa (Q10326953) 1500-07-08 –  Missing field [7]
Jorge da Costa (Q3000660) 1464-12-05 – 1500-07-08
Afonso Nogueira (Q16142605) 1460-01-02 –  Missing fields [8]
Luís Coutinho (Q10321377) 1452-11-24 –  Missing fields [9]
Pedro de Noronha (Q5199344) 1423-03-19 – 1452-08-21
Diogo Álvares de Brito (Q10266640) 1415-03-06 –  Missing field [10]
João Alfonso Esteves (Q3187277) 1402-06-07 –  Missing field [11]
João Anes (Q6298011) 1394-11-18 – 1402-03-12
Position created: 1394-11-18
Replaces: Bishop of Lisbon (Q50225994); talk

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