
description: elected Head of the Royal Society of London who presides over meetings of the society's council
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United Kingdom and Ireland

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62. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (Q60061) 2015 – 2020  Inconsistent successor [1]
61. Paul Nurse (Q219716) 2010 – 2015
60. Martin Rees (Q335213) 2005 – 2010
59. Robert May, Baron May of Oxford (Q336397) 2000 – 2005
58. Aaron Klug (Q190626) 1995 – 2000
57. Michael Atiyah (Q208356) 1990 – 1995
56. George Porter (Q106762) 1985 – 1990
55. Andrew Huxley (Q104607) 1980 – 1985
54. Alexander R. Todd, Baron Todd (Q157242) 1975 – 1980
53. Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (Q193650) 1970 – 1975
52. Patrick Blackett (Q184499) 1965 – 1970
51. Howard Florey (Q137106) 1960 – 1965
50. Cyril Norman Hinshelwood (Q48986) 1955 – 1960
49. Edgar Douglas Adrian (Q231292) 1950 – 1955
48. Robert Robinson (Q49351) 1945 – 1950
47. Henry Hallett Dale (Q72194) 1940 – 1945
46. William Henry Bragg (Q133747) 1935 – 1940
45. Frederick Hopkins (Q233976) 1930 – 1935
44. Ernest Rutherford (Q9123) 1925 – 1930
43. Charles Scott Sherrington (Q213504) 1920 – 1925
J. J. Thomson (Q47285) 1915 – 1920
41. William Crookes (Q189552) 1913 – 1915
40. Archibald Geikie (Q633167) 1908 – 1913
39. John Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh (Q83297) 1905 – 1908
38. William Huggins (Q160681) 1900 – 1905
37. Joseph Lister (Q155768) 1895 – 1900
36. William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (Q122701) 1890 – 1895
35. Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet (Q155907) 1885 – 1890
34. Thomas Henry Huxley (Q184366) 1883 – 1885
33. William Spottiswoode (Q1225262) 1878 – 1883
32. Joseph Dalton Hooker (Q157501) 1873 – 1878
31. George Biddell Airy (Q20018) 1871 – 1873
30. Edward Sabine (Q311223) 1861 – 1871
29. Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, 1st Baronet (Q693204) 1858 – 1861
28. John Wrottesley, 2nd Baron Wrottesley (Q3274957) 1854 – 1858
27. William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse (Q310121) 1848 – 1854
26. Spencer Compton, 2nd Marquess of Northampton (Q338197) 1838 – 1848
25. Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (Q375467) 1830 – 1838
24. Davies Gilbert (Q5241730) 1827 – 1830
23. Humphry Davy (Q131761) 1820 – 1827
22. William Hyde Wollaston (Q312975) 1820 – 1820
21. Joseph Banks (Q153408) 1778 – 1820
20. John Pringle (Q1348255) 1772 – 1778
19. James Burrow (Q6130554) 1772 – 1772  Inconsistent predecessor [2]
17. James Burrow (Q6130554) 1768 – 1768  Inconsistent predecessor [3] Inconsistent successor [4]
18. James West (Q6145348) 1768 – 1772  Date overlap [5] Inconsistent predecessor [6]
16. James Douglas, 14th Earl of Morton (Q377335) 1764 – 1768  Inconsistent successor [7]
15. George Parker, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield (Q335725) 1752 – 1764
14. Martin Folkes (Q325849) 1741 – 1752
13. Hans Sloane (Q310326) 1727 – 1741
12. Isaac Newton (Q935) 1703 – 1727
11. John Somers, 1st Baron Somers (Q2855776) 1698 – 1703
10. Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax (Q333772) 1695 – 1698
9. Robert Southwell (Q14475030) 1690 – 1695
8. Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke (Q334112) 1689 – 1690
7. John Vaughan, 3rd Earl of Carbery (Q6261855) 1686 – 1689
6. Samuel Pepys (Q106143) 1684 – 1686
5. Cyril Wyche (Q5200933) 1683 – 1684
4. Sir John Hoskyns, 2nd Baronet (Q7527840) 1682 – 1683
3. Christopher Wren (Q170373) 1680 – 1682
2. Joseph Williamson (Q3185794) 1677 – 1680
1. William Brouncker, 2nd Viscount Brouncker (Q451693) 1662 – 1677
Position created: 1662

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