
description: diplomatic position in the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office
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ambassador of the United Kingdom to East Germany⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also

United Kingdom and Ireland

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Patrick Eyers (Q56822852) 1990 – 1990  Missing field [1]
Nigel Broomfield (Q7032272) 1988 – 1990  Missing fields [2]
Timothy Everard (Q56822850) 1984 – 1988  Missing fields [3]
Peter Maxey (Q17386349) 1981 – 1984  Missing fields [4]
Peter Foster (Q57578322) 1981 – 1984  Missing fields [5] Date overlap [6]
Peter Martin Foster (Q64918392) 1978 – 1981  Missing fields [7]
Percy Cradock (Q7167292) 1976 – 1978  Missing fields [8]
Curtis Keeble (Q4219974) 1974 – 1976  Missing field [9]
Position created:  Missing field [10]

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