
description: no description
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Classification of the class Roman Catholic Archbishop of Gorizia (Q59781659)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Roman Catholic Archbishop of Gorizia⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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This section is generated using {{TP award}}. It is designed for all items of class award (Q618779).

See also

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Carlo Roberto Maria Redaelli (Q1042433) 2012-06-28 –
Dino De Antoni (Q532382) 1999-09-15 –  Missing field [1]
Antonio Vitale Bommarco (Q3620321) 1983-01-06 –  Missing field [2]
Pietro Cocolin (Q12798795) 1967-09-03 –  Missing field [3]
Andrea Pangrazio (Q494641) 1962-04-04 –  Missing field [4]
Giacinto Giovanni Ambrosi (Q12789855) 1951-11-28 – 1962-03-19
Carlo Margotti (Q12786698) 1934-07-25 –  Missing field [5]
Francesco Borgia Sedej (Q3749657) 1906-03-25 –  Missing field [6]
Andrea Jordán (Q19984803) 1902-07-20 –  Missing field [7]
Jakob Missia (Q926706) 1898-03-24 – 1902-03-23
Alojzij Matija Zorn (Q12784405) 1883-07-09 –  Missing field [8]
Andreas Gollmayr (Q3616155) 1855-06-03 –  Missing field [9]
Franz Xavier Luschin (Q3752204) 1835-08-22 – 1854-05-02
Joseph Walland (Q3810285) 1818-11-22 –  Missing field [10]
Franz Philipp von Inzaghi (Q3083135) 1791-09-12 –  Missing fields [11]
Rudolf Joseph von Edling (Q12800540) 1774-05-23 – 1784-08-13  Missing field [12]
Karl Michael von Attems (Q3813058) 1752-01-03 –  Missing fields [13]
Position created: 1751
Replaces: Patriarch of Aquileia (Q27981384); talk

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