
Autodescription — Governor of Anguilla (Q635902)

description: representative of the British Monarch in the Overseas Territory of Anguilla
Useful links:
Classification of the class Governor of Anguilla (Q635902)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Governor of Anguilla⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also

United Kingdom and Ireland

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Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam (Q105315161) 2021-01-18 –
Tim Foy (Q39808026) 2017-08-21 – 2020-12-30
Christina Scott (Q19661213) 2013-07-23 – 2017  Date precision [1]
Alistair Harrison (Q4727292) 2009 – 2013  Date precision [2]
Andrew George (Q597765) 2006 – 2009
Alan Huckle (Q575354) 2004 – 2006
Peter Johnstone (Q10348943) 2000-02-04 – 2004-07-29  Missing fields [3] Date precision [4]
Robert Harris (Q16105640) 1996 – 2000  Date precision [5]
Alan Hoole (Q97066219) 1995 – 1996
Alan William Shave (Q98146364) 1992 – 1995
Brian George John Canty (Q98146357) 1989 – 1992
Geoffrey Owen Whittaker (Q19624436) 1987 – 1989
Alastair Turner Baillie (Q2830699) 1983 – 1987
Charles H. Godden (Q56822386) 1978 – 1983
Position created: 1982
  1. Christina Scott (Q19661213) has a end time (P582) of 2017, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 2017-08-21 for Tim Foy (Q39808026)
  2. Alistair Harrison (Q4727292) has a end time (P582) of 2013, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 2013-07-23 for Christina Scott (Q19661213)
  3. Peter Johnstone (Q10348943) is missing replaces (P1365), replaced by (P1366)
  4. Peter Johnstone (Q10348943) has a end time (P582) of 2004-07-29, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 2004 for Alan Huckle (Q575354)
  5. Robert Harris (Q16105640) has a end time (P582) of 2000, which may overlap with the start time (P580) of 2000-02-04 for Peter Johnstone (Q10348943)

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