
Latest comment: 2 years ago by Infovarius in topic Computer game vs video game

Autodescription — video game (Q7889)

description: electronic game with user interface and visual feedback
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Computer game vs video game


I propose to separate these notions. Former can include audio games, text games (which has no video interface) and others while latter can include game automats (which are not computer programs). Separation would include moving some sitelinks, some claims, some labels and some descriptions. --Infovarius (talk) 13:48, 6 September 2018 (UTC)Reply

No. Computer game discludes mobile games, games played on handhelds or home consoles and so on. It would another kind of mistake to have that. Term "video" might be misleading but it simply refers to controlling videosignal instead of other types of displays (like electro-mechnical games used to have). Ipr1 (talk) 01:42, 20 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
"Controlling videosignal" even without video? --Infovarius (talk) 20:00, 22 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Term originates from controlling videosignal. Audiogames would fit into digital games (when on platform controlled by microprocessor) along with videogames just fine. I'm not arguing about "video" or "audio", I'm saying that calling them "computer" games would be just trading one mistake for another, possibly worse since there are so many non-computer devices used to play them. Ipr1 (talk) 06:08, 23 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
For example, early arcade-games like Computer Space (Q1122324) are not based on a "computer" (general-purpose programmable device) but more on custom-built electronics. But they are more advanced than "electronic games" like pinball. Categorizing them into computer games would be a different mistake. Ipr1 (talk) 06:08, 23 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
There are also games for programmable calculators (like TI-85), which can't be categorized as "computing" devices despite having programmability. Other non-computing devices are Magnavox Odyssey -console (Q744987), which didn't have microprocessor. Also there are oscilloscope-games like Tennis for Two (Q858294) which isn't a computing device either. Ipr1 (talk) 06:58, 23 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Why do you use word "mistake"? Classes "digital game", "computer game", "video game", "electronic game" are just different classes and we can use them all for better classification. --Infovarius (talk) 20:45, 24 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Because it would be a mistake to generalize something specific to cover cases which it should not apply to. "Computer game" does NOT cover same cases as "video game", it refers using a "computing" device which means a programmable device as part of it (usually). A calculator might use similar technology but it is not a computer either. As I've said already, there are several cases with specific electronic logic used to implement video game WITHOUT the kind of capabilities a computer would have (programmability). Thus, they are not computer games. Ipr1 (talk) 23:23, 31 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
I agree that there are videogames which are not computer games. And vice versa: there are computer games (e.g. audio game, text game) which are not videogames. --Infovarius (talk) 22:04, 2 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
Game studies uses more formal term "digital game" (Q25450609) to include games without display. There is also term "electronic game" (Q2249149) which can be considered to include "digital games". Ipr1 (talk) 01:44, 20 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
There is for example DIGRA (Digital Games Research Association) which referes to digital games. Ipr1 (talk) 01:50, 20 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
It's a good label. Let's go with it? --Infovarius (talk) 20:45, 24 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Swedish label and aka for datorspel


I'd like to add Swedish names in the aka field. Based on the latest version I'm reading of they should be:

  • dataspel
  • videospel
  • TV-spel

Canemousse (talk) 04:55, 28 May 2019 (UTC)Reply

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