Topic on User talk:Matěj Suchánek

Wikidata pops out in search results

Screamborn (talkcontribs)

This is my article in Wikipedia - and here's the URL when I got the results for Wikidata. Please check it out, you'll see Wikidata as part of the search results-

I spoke with Alpho. So, how can we hide Wikidata from showing up in search results-~~~~

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)

Why do we have to? What's wrong on having Wikidata showing up in search results?

Screamborn (talkcontribs)

Because out of all the articles I've tried to search online to see if their Wikidata will appear for search, I tried it over and over but unfortunately it didn't, but when I search mine it shows up. I just don't feel its acceptable to have it shown while others don't. I want to go on but I guess I made my point. Is it just fine to delete as such?

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)

So the problem is that you can hit no Wikidata item using that engine except this one? Maybe that depends on how complete the item you tried to seach for is. But it still looks like a problem of the search engine, not Wikidata one unless there's a software bug (which you would have to discuss with our developers). I really don't know what can be done about this. I believe that all items are indexed in the same way so each should have the same chance on being in search results...

Screamborn (talkcontribs)

Yes, except this one. When I search for articles I make sure to put exactly the same name as specified in the article so I won't miss anything, but as I said, almost all of them don't give a single chance to show their Wikidata except mine. If all items are indexed or sort out in the same manner as it should be, well, I guess there's really a software bug that should be fixed, and I believe, that way it could fix my problem. The catch now is, whether or not my Wikidata appears in a search, it should be kept confidential for searching, and limited only for users who can edit it.

ChristianKl (talkcontribs)

It's up to a search enging to decide whether they find it valuable to show a link to their audience. In most cases it seems search engines don't find Wikidata valuable enough to show it to their users. In this case it seems like a search engine wants to provide readers the article. It's Yahoo's business if they consider certain items worth featuring in their search and not others.

In this case I don't see any reason why the Wikidata item should be kept confidential for searching and confidentiality goes against the spirit on Wikidata in the first place.

Screamborn (talkcontribs)

I guess there's really a software bug in your system because even this conversation pops out in search results at Yahoo. This is embarrassing and frustrating on my part . Please fix your system, otherwise, I'll delete Wikidata.

Screamborn (talkcontribs)

By the way here's the link result to this conversation at Yahoo -

ChristianKl (talkcontribs)

There's no intention on the part of Wikidata not to show up in search results. It's a feature not a bug if a search engine thinks a page is worth showing.

As far as deleting content on Wikidata, that would be vandalism and likely reverted.

Matěj Suchánek (talkcontribs)

Ok, this has gone too far. If you think, your privacy was violated, then continue with wmf:Privacy policy. But there's nothing we can do about Yahoo search engine, sorry.