Topic on Wikidata talk:WikidataCon 2019

Hogü-456 (talkcontribs)

Are you sure that Google doensnt use the data entered via the forms for the applications for the WikidataCON. Please look for a in-house solutions which stores the Data at Wikimedia-owned servers if possible in Germany. And clarify where the data for the current WikidataCON is stored. Are it Googleservers oder Wikimedia owned servers. I think it were possible to create a form about that user can enter their data for the application for WikidataCON and use Wikibase to store the data. That is something what should be used for all events of Wikimediaactivities where registration via a form is needed. If you dont have the capacity you could make a competition in the community and then they develope solutions you probably can use.

Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your feedback, we'll take your idea in account for the future events. However, you can be reassured that WMDE set up all the necessary precautions to be GDPR-compliant.

Hogü-456 (talkcontribs)

After I have wrote the question above I have thinked about the storage of data a bit more. I think if a company in this case Google says that it is conform with GDPR then you need to trust in it and I do so now until something else is known about it.

Reply to "GDPR"