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Bibliothécaire travaillant à la Bibliothèque nationale de France, je me consacre à l'amélioration de Wikidata dans le domaine de la préservation numérique (formats de données, outils et environnements logiciels, identifiants pérennes).

Projets edit

Tableau de bord des formats de fichier edit

Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count based on (P144) developer (P178) PRONOM file format ID (P2748) Library of Congress Format Description Document ID (P3266) File Format Wiki page ID (P3381) official website (P856)
Office Open XML (Q279979) 40 0% (0) 🔍 5.0% (2) 🔍 2.5% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 7.5% (3) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
C++ Standard Library (Q1022270) 34 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
C POSIX library (Q4035705) 27 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
C standard library (Q300914) 26 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Amateur Data Interchange Format (Q18011768) 24 4.17% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 87.5% (21) 🔍 83.33% (20) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
ZIP (Q136218) 20 5.0% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 5.0% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
AutoCAD Drawing (Q1053358) 20 0% (0) 🔍 95.0% (19) 🔍 95.0% (19) 🔍 95.0% (19) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Totals (all items) 14736 3.41% (503) 🔍 13.8% (2033) 🔍 15.93% (2347) 🔍 3.43% (505) 🔍 13.23% (1949) 🔍 2.26% (333) 🔍

Identifiant ARK dans Wikidata edit

Requêtes SPARQL edit

Map of the ARK Name assigning authorities edit

The following query uses these:

Features: map (Q24515275)     

SELECT DISTINCT ?org ?geo ?orgLabel ?image WHERE {
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
  ?org wdt:P1870 ?naan;
    wdt:P625 ?geo.
  OPTIONAL { ?org wdt:P18 ?image. }

Number of ARKs in Wikidata edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: ARK formatter (P8054)     
    SELECT ?property ?propertyLabel (COUNT(?item) AS ?numberOfARKs) WHERE {
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
      # Listing the properties that have an ARK formatter property
      ?property wdt:P8054 ?string.
      # Linking to the equivalent property in the wdt: namespace
      ?property wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      # Listing all items that have one of the properties listed above
      ?item ?prop ?ark.
    GROUP BY ?property ?propertyLabel
    ORDER BY DESC (?numberOfARKs)

Most commonly supported file formats edit

This query shows a bar chart of the 1000 file formats which have the highest number of supporting applications (applications that can read data in this format).

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: readable file format (P1072)     
    SELECT ?format ?formatLabel (count(?application) as ?numberOfReadingApps) WHERE
    {SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
     ?application wdt:P1072 ?format.
    GROUP BY ?format ?formatLabel
    ORDER BY DESC (?numberOfReadingApps)
    LIMIT 1000

All Wikidata statements whose source is the COPTR registry edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: stated in (P248)     
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?property ?propertyLabel ?value ?valueLabel WHERE
    {?item ?claim ?statement;
           ?directClaim ?value.
     ?property wikibase:claim ?claim;
               wikibase:directClaim ?directClaim.
     ?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref.
     ?ref pr:P248 wd:Q89014718.
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Formats with MIME type = "text/plain" and extension != "txt" edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: media type (P1163)     , file extension (P1195)     
    SELECT ?format ?formatLabel ?ext WHERE {
      ?format wdt:P1163 "text/plain";
              wdt:P1195 ?ext.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
      FILTER(?ext != "txt")

MIME type of formats with extension "dat" edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: media type (P1163)     , file extension (P1195)     
    SELECT ?format ?formatLabel ?MIME WHERE {
      ?format wdt:P1163 ?MIME;
              wdt:P1195 "dat".
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

XML-based formats with their signature and reference URL edit

The following query uses these:

Alignement des propriétés Wikidata pour les logiciels avec PREMIS edit

L'objectif est d'interroger les données Wikidata (les propriétés communes des logiciels listées sur et les aligner grâce à une requête CONSTRUCT au formalisme PREMIS RDF version 3, décrit sur

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: operating system (P306)     , developer (P178)     , depends on software (P1547)     , GUI toolkit or framework (P1414)     , input device (P479)     , platform (P400)     , software engine (P408)     , follows (P155)     , followed by (P156)     , source code repository URL (P1324)     , has part(s) (P527)     , part of (P361)     , software version identifier (P348)     , digital rights management system (P1032)     , Debian stable package (P3442)     , formatter URL (P1630)     , Fedora package (P3463)     , Framalibre ID (P4107)     , creator (P170)     , inception (P571)     , publication date (P577)     , copyright license (P275)     , copyright holder (P3931)     
    prefix relSubType: <>
    prefix envFuncType: <>
    prefix evType: <>
    prefix rightsRelAgRole: <>
    prefix rdf: <>
    prefix dct: <>
    prefix foaf: <>
    prefix skos: <>
    prefix premis: <>
    prefix prov: <>
      wd:Q698 rdf:type envFuncType:soa;
                rdfs:label ?itemLabel;
              premis:hasVersion ?version;
                dct:creator ?creator;
                relSubType:idp ?operatingSystem;
                relSubType:idp ?platform;
                relSubType:idp ?softwareEngine;
                relSubType:req ?requiredSoftware;
                relSubType:req ?gui;
                relSubType:req ?inputDevice;
        relSubType:isr ?debianPackage;
        relSubType:isr ?fedoraPackage;
                relSubType:isr ?sourceCodeRepo;
                relSubType:isr ?distributedRepresentation;
                relSubType:sup ?predecessor;
                relSubType:iss ?successor;
                relSubType:isp ?whole;
                relSubType:hsp ?part;
        skos:exactMatch ?framalibreID;
                prov:wasGeneratedBy ?publicationEvent;
                prov:wasGeneratedBy ?inceptionEvent;
              dct:rights ?license;
              dct:rights ?copyright.
      ?copyright rightsRelAgRole:rig ?copyrightOwner.
      ?operatingSystem rdf:type envFuncType:ops;
                       rdfs:label ?operatingSystemLabel.
      ?requiredSoftware rdf:type envFuncType:sof;
                        rdfs:label ?requiredSoftwareLabel.
      ?gui rdf:type envFuncType:sol;
           rdfs:label ?guiLabel.
      ?inputDevice rdf:type envFuncType:hap;
           rdfs:label ?inputDeviceLabel.
      ?platform rdf:type envFuncType:haa;
           rdfs:label ?platformLabel.
      ?software rdf:type envFuncType:soa;
           rdfs:label ?softwareEngineLabel.
      ?predecessor rdf:type envFuncType:sof;
                   rdfs:label ?predecessorLabel.
      ?successor rdf:type envFuncType:sof;
                 rdfs:label ?successorLabel.
      ?debianPackage rdf:type premis:Representation.
      ?sourceCodeRepo rdf:type premis:Representation.
      ?fedoraPackage rdf:type premis:Representation.
      ?distributedRepresentation rdf:type premis:Representation;
                                 premis:storedAt ?distributedRepresentationLocation.
      ?distributedRepresentationLocation rdf:type premis:StorageLocation;
                                         premis:hasMedium ?physicalMedium.
      ?publicationEvent rdf:type evType:cre;
                     dct:date ?publicationDate;
                     prov:wasAssociatedWith ?creationAgent.
      ?inceptionEvent rdf:type evType:cre;
                     dct:date ?inceptionDate;
                     prov:wasAssociatedWith ?creationAgent.
      ?creationAgent rdf:type premis:Agent;
                     foaf:name ?creationAgentLabel.
    {VALUES ?environment {wd:Q698}
      ?environment rdfs:label ?itemLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?itemLabel)="en")
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P306 ?operatingSystem.
               ?operatingSystem rdfs:label ?operatingSystemLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?operatingSystemLabel)="en")}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P178 ?creator.}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P1547 ?requiredSoftware.
               ?requiredSoftware rdfs:label ?requiredSoftwareLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?requiredSoftwareLabel)="en")}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P1414 ?gui.
               ?gui rdfs:label ?guiLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?guiLabel)="en")}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P479 ?inputDevice.
               ?inputDevice rdfs:label ?inputDeviceLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?inputDeviceLabel)="en")}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P400 ?platform.
               ?platform rdfs:label ?platformLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?platformLabel)="en")}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P408 ?softwareEngine.
               ?softwareEngine rdfs:label ?softwareEngineLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?softwareEngineLabel)="en")}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P155 ?predecessor.
               ?predecessor rdfs:label ?predecessorLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?predecessorLabel)="en")}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P156 ?successor.
               ?predecessor rdfs:label ?successorLabel.
      FILTER (lang(?successorLabel)="en")}
      OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P1324 ?sourceCodeRepo}
     OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P527 ?part}
     OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P361 ?whole}
     OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P348 ?version}
     OPTIONAL{SELECT ?physicalMedium (UUID() As ?distributedRepresentation) (UUID() As ?distributedRepresentationLocation)
                                    WHERE {wd:Q698 wdt:P1032 ?physicalMedium.}
       SELECT (IRI(REPLACE(?debianPackageBaseURI, '\\$1', ?debianPackageString)) AS ?debianPackage) WHERE {wd:Q698 wdt:P3442 ?debianPackageString.
              wd:P3442 wdt:P1630 ?debianPackageBaseURI.} }
       SELECT (IRI(REPLACE(?fedoraPackageBaseURI, '\\$1', ?fedoraPackageString)) AS ?fedoraPackage) WHERE {wd:Q698 wdt:P3463 ?fedoraPackageString.
              wd:P3463 wdt:P1630 ?fedoraPackageBaseURI.} }
       SELECT (IRI(REPLACE(?framalibreIDBaseURI, '\\$1', ?framalibreIDString)) AS ?framalibreID) WHERE {wd:Q698 wdt:P4107 ?framalibreIDString.
              wd:P4107 wdt:P1630 ?framalibreIDBaseURI.} }
       OPTIONAL{wd:Q698 wdt:P170 ?creationAgent.
               ?creationAgent rdfs:label ?creationAgentLabel.
               FILTER (lang(?creationAgentLabel)="en") }
       OPTIONAL{SELECT (UUID() as ?publicationEvent) ?publicationDate WHERE {wd:Q698 wdt:P571 ?publicationDate.} }
    OPTIONAL{SELECT (UUID() as ?inceptionEvent) ?inceptionDate WHERE {wd:Q698 wdt:P577 ?inceptionDate.} }
    OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P275 ?license}
    OPTIONAL{?environment wdt:P3931 ?copyrightOwner}