User:Joshbaumgartner/property available summary/2100-2199

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Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
Banque de noms de lieux du Québec IDP2100External identifierQuebec toponymy: unique identifier for geographical names in QuebecMontreal <Banque de noms de lieux du Québec ID> 42164-
melting pointP2101Quantitymelting point: temperature at which a solid changes its state from solid to liquid at atmospheric pressurelead <melting point> 327.462 degree Celsius-
boiling pointP2102Quantityboiling point: temperature at which a substance changes its phase from liquid to gas (indicate the corresponding pressure as qualifier)benzene <boiling point> 80.08 degree Celsius-
size of team at startP2103Quantitynumber of players/sled dogs/etc. in a team at the start of a match or raceIditarod Trail Sled Dog Race <size of team at start> 16 sled dog-
size of team at finishP2105Quantitynumber of players/sled dogs/etc. in a team at the end of the race or matchIditarod Trail Sled Dog Race <size of team at finish>sled dog-
RXNO OntologyP2106External identifierRSC ontology for organic reactionsWolff rearrangement <RXNO Ontology> RXNO:0000051-
decomposition pointP2107Quantitydecomposition point: decomposition point of a substancecopper(II) acetylide <decomposition point> 100 degree Celsius-
Kunstindeks Danmark artwork IDP2108External identifieridentifier for artwork in the Danish art databaseSitting Nubian <Kunstindeks Danmark artwork ID> 600760-
nominal power capacityP2109Quantitynameplate capacity and power rating: power produced by the engine, plant, or reactor (use with unit of power)Gnome-Rhône Mistral Major <nominal power capacity> 743 kilowatt and 821 kilowatt-
wing areaP2112Quantitywing area: area of an aircraft's wing surfacesAEG C.IV <wing area> 39 square metre-
sublimation temperatureP2113Quantitysublimation temperature: temperature at which a substance changes directly from solid to gaseous (indicate corresponding pressure qualifier)carbon dioxide <sublimation temperature> −78.5 degree Celsius-
half-lifeP2114Quantityhalf-life: time required for the amount of something to fall to half its initial valueuranium-235 <half-life> 704,000,000 annum-
NDF-RT IDP2115External identifieridentifier for the National Drug File Reference Terminologyvemurafenib <NDF-RT ID> N0000183250-
molar enthalpy of vaporizationP2116Quantitymolar enthalpy of vaporization: vaporization enthalpy of a substance with temperature as qualifierProperty talk:P2116-
combustion enthalpyP2117Quantityheat of combustion and combustion enthalpy: enthalpy difference of a substance for combustionmethanol <combustion enthalpy> −726,000 joule per mole-
kinematic viscosityP2118Quantitykinematic viscosity: viscosity of a substance, with phase of matter (P515) and temperature (P2076) as qualifiersmethanol <kinematic viscosity> 0.0084 stokes-
vapor pressureP2119Quantityvapor pressure: pressure exerted by a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phasesmethanol <vapor pressure> 16.9 kilopascal-
radiusP2120Quantityradius: distance between the center and the surface of a circle or sphereEarth <radius> 6,378.137 kilometre-
prize moneyP2121Quantityprize money: amount in a specific currencyJarkko Nieminen <prize money> 7,722,836 United States dollar-
YerelNet village IDP2123External identifieridentifier for a village, in, which contains detailed informations about all villages in TurkeyAbacılar <YerelNet village ID> 243528-
member countP2124Quantitynumber of entities that are part of an organization at a particular timeNational Coalition Party <member count> 40,000-
Revised Hepburn romanizationP2125StringHepburn romanization: romanized Japanese following the Revised Hepburn romanization systemTokyo <Revised Hepburn romanization> Tōkyō-to-
Georgian national system of romanizationP2126StringGeorgian national system of romanization: transliteration of text from Georgian script to Latin script according to the Georgian national system of romanizationGeorgian <Georgian national system of romanization> kartuli ena-
International Nuclear Event ScaleP2127ItemInternational Nuclear Event Scale: international scale for rating nuclear events and accidentsChernobyl disaster <International Nuclear Event Scale> INES level 7 event-
flash pointP2128Quantityflash point: lowest temperature at which it can vaporize to form an ignitable mixture in air. Add qualifier for measurement method (P459): open cup or closed cup. Not equal to fire point.undecane <flash point> 69 degree Celsius-
immediately dangerous to life or healthP2129QuantityImmediately dangerous to life or health: Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health valuemethyl bromide <immediately dangerous to life or health> 0.0009725 gram per litre-
costP2130Quantitycost: amount of money spent on building or producing an objectCreasyville Covered Bridge <cost> 301.25 United States dollar-
nominal GDPP2131Quantitynominal gross domestic product: market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of timeeconomy of the United States <nominal GDP> 19,390,604,000,000 United States dollar-
nominal GDP per capitaP2132Quantityper capita income and by nominal GDP per capita: country's total GDP divided by the populationeconomy of Russia <nominal GDP per capita> 10,749 United States dollar-
total debtP2133Quantitydebt: amount of debt for a company, organization or public entityProperty talk:P2133-
total reservesP2134Quantitytotal reserves comprise holdings of monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserves of IMF members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control of monetary authoritieseconomy of Morocco <total reserves> 26,189,585,939 United States dollar-
total exportsP2135Quantityexport: amount of goods and services sold to other countriesProperty talk:P2135-
total importsP2136Quantityimport: amount of goods and services bought from other countriesProperty talk:P2136-
total equityP2137Quantityequity: amount of equity value for an entityPower Machines <total equity> 393,155,000 United States dollar-
total liabilitiesP2138Quantityliability: sum of all present obligations of the entity to transfer economic resources as a result of past eventsApple <total liabilities> 241,272,000,000 United States dollar-
total revenueP2139Quantityrevenue: income gained by an organization during a given time frame. Not to be confused with fiscal revenueMondial Relay <total revenue> 190,000,000 Euro-
foreign direct investment net outflowP2140Quantityforeign direct investment: net outflow of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital, and short-term capitalProperty talk:P2140-
foreign direct investment net inflowP2141Quantityforeign direct investment: net inflow of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital, and short-term capitalProperty talk:P2141-
box officeP2142Quantitybox office: box office takings accumulated by a filmSkyfall <box office> 1,108,561,013 United States dollar-
genome sizeP2143Quantitygenome size: size of the genome in base pairshuman genome <genome size> 3,234,830,000-
frequencyP2144Quantityfrequency: frequency in Hz at which the subject works, for example the frequency a radio station can be receivedWJMH <frequency> 102.1 megahertz-
explosive energy equivalentP2145Quantityamount of energy discharged during an explosionTsar Bomba <explosive energy equivalent> 50 megaton of TNT-
orbital periodP2146Quantityorbital period: the time taken for a given astronomic object to make one complete orbit about another objectMars <orbital period> 668.5991 sol-
rotation periodP2147Quantitysidereal day: the time that astronomic objects takes to complete one revolution around its axis of rotationEarth <rotation period> 24 hour-
distance from river mouthP2148Quantityriver mile and river mouth: qualifier for P974 statements on streamsProperty talk:P2148-
clock frequencyP2149Quantityclock rate: CPU's specified clock frequency (use with determination method = Q73207925 or Q73208059 as appropriate)Intel Xeon E5-2692 <clock frequency> 2.7 gigahertz-
FSB speedP2150Quantityfront-side bus: CPU front-side bus speedPentium D 945 <FSB speed> 800 megahertz-
focal lengthP2151Quantityfocal length: focal length of lens (telescope, etc.)Hubble Space Telescope <focal length> 57.6 metre-
antiparticleP2152Itemantiparticle: particle with the same rest mass and opposite chargesproton <antiparticle> antiprotonantiparticle
PubChem Substance ID (SID)P2153External identifiersubstance (e.g. mixtures, undefined stereochemistry, ...) identifier in the PubChem databasezeolite Y <PubChem Substance ID (SID)> 135307179-
binding energyP2154Quantitybinding energy: energy required to disassemble a whole system into separate partscarbon-12 <binding energy> 92,161,753 electronvolt-
solid solution series withP2155Itemsolid solution: the mineral forms a continous (true) or discontinous "solid solution series" with another mineralProperty talk:P2155-
pseudo crystal habitP2156Itemcrystal habit: possible macrosopic appearance of a crystal different to its molecular symmetry (crystal cell, specimens with twinning or synthetic material)Property talk:P2156-
Cell Line Ontology IDP2158External identifieridentifier for the Cell Line Ontology which describes anatomic origin and nature of eukaryotic cell linesJurkat <Cell Line Ontology ID> CLO_0007043-
computes solution toP2159Itemproblem that this algorithm or method solvesDPLL algorithm <computes solution to> boolean satisfiability problem-
mass excessP2160Quantitymass excess: difference between its actual mass and its mass number in atomic mass unitscarbon-12 <mass excess>electronvolt-
Guthrie codeP2161External identifierGuthrie code of a Bantu languageKirundi <Guthrie code> JD.62-
Deutsche Ultramarathon-Vereinigung IDP2162External identifieridentifier for individual runners in the Deutsche Ultramarathon-Vereinigung (German Ultramarathon Association) databaseFrançois D'Haene <Deutsche Ultramarathon-Vereinigung ID> 34409-
FAST IDP2163External identifierauthority control identifier in WorldCat's “FAST Linked Data” authority fileEdward Snowden <FAST ID> 1916996-
SIGIC author IDP2164External identifieridentifier for a person in the database of SIGIC - Slovenian Music Information CenterTomaž Šegula <SIGIC author ID> 637-
SIGIC group IDP2165External identifieridentifier for a music group in the database of SIGIC - Slovenian Music Information CenterSlovenski oktet <SIGIC group ID> 482-
SIGIC institution IDP2166External identifieridentifier for an institution in the database of SIGIC - Slovenian Music Information CenterSlovenian Philharmonic Orchestra <SIGIC institution ID> 1-
UNSPSC CodeP2167External identifieridentifier for taxonomy of products and services for use in eCommerceambulance <UNSPSC Code> 25101703-
Swedish Film Database person IDP2168External identifieridentifier for a person on the Swedish Film Database (SFDb)Ingmar Bergman <Swedish Film Database person ID> 61807-
PublicWhip IDP2169External identifieridentifier in the PublicWhip database of British MPsTom Watson <PublicWhip ID> Tom_Watson-
Hansard (2006–March 2016) IDP2170External identifierMember of Parliament: identifier for a British MP in Hansard (2006–March 2016)Tom Watson <Hansard (2006–March 2016) ID> 4538-
TheyWorkForYou IDP2171External identifieridentifier in the 'TheyWorkForYou' database of British MPsTom Watson <TheyWorkForYou ID> 11309-
Parliamentary record IDP2172External identifierParliamentary record identifier for British MPsTom Watson <Parliamentary record ID> Tom-Watson/West-Bromwich-East/517-
BBC News Democracy Live IDP2173External identifierDemocracy Live: identifier in the BBC News Democracy Live database of British MPsTom Watson <BBC News Democracy Live ID> 25228-
Museum of Modern Art artist IDP2174External identifieridentifier assigned to an artist by the Museum of Modern ArtAntonio M. Ruíz <Museum of Modern Art artist ID> 5078-
medical condition treatedP2175Itemdisease that this pharmaceutical drug, procedure, or therapy is used to treatdabrafenib <medical condition treated> skin melanomadrug or therapy used for treatment
drug or therapy used for treatmentP2176Itemmedication: drug, procedure, or therapy that can be used to treat a medical conditionskin melanoma <drug or therapy used for treatment> dabrafenibmedical condition treated
solubilityP2177Quantitysolubility: property of a chemical to dissolve in another chemical forming a solution. Provide solvent (P2178) and temperature (P2076) as qualifiersundecane <solubility> 4E−6 gram per kilogram-
solventP2178Itemsolvent: qualifier to show which substance is the solvent in a solution-process (use with P2177)Property talk:P2178-
ACM Classification Code (2012)P2179StringACM Computing Classification System: ACM Computing Classification Code of 2012 (8 digits)human–computer interaction <ACM Classification Code (2012)> 10003121-
Kansallisbiografia IDP2180External identifieridentifier for a person in the Kansallisbiografia (National Biography of Finland)Heidi Hautala <Kansallisbiografia ID> 8903-
Finnish MP IDP2181External identifiermember of the Parliament of Finland: code of the entry on the Finnish parliament databaseHeidi Hautala <Finnish MP ID> 352-
Finnish Ministers database ID (archived)P2182External identifiercode of the entry on the Finnish ministers databasePekka Haavisto <Finnish Ministers database ID (archived)> 91-
ISO 9:1995P2183StringISO 9: the Latin transliteration of Cyrillic text (used as qualifier)Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky <ISO 9:1995> Pëtr Ilʹič Čajkovskij-
history of topicP2184Itemaspect of history and history of a geographic region: item about the historical development of a subject's topic, example: "history of Argentina" for "Argentina". To list key events of the topic, use "significant event" (P793)Germany <history of topic> history of Germany-
DLI IDP2185External identifieridentifier for a work in the Digital Library of IndiaAnandamath <DLI ID> 4990010044430-
Wiki Loves Monuments IDP2186External identifierWiki Loves Monuments: unique ID for the monuments included in Wiki Loves Monuments national listsRocca di Meldola <Wiki Loves Monuments ID> 040019806-
BiblioNet publication IDP2187External identifieridentifier in the BiblioNet database of book editionsThe Fellowship of the Ring <BiblioNet publication ID> 15959-
BiblioNet author IDP2188External identifieridentifier in the BiblioNet database of authors, created by the National Book Centre of Greece, many Greek individual publishers and their professional associationsKonstantinos P. Cavafy <BiblioNet author ID> 2576-
BiblioNet publisher IDP2189External identifieridentifier in the BiblioNet database of publishersKedros <BiblioNet publisher ID> 21-
C-SPAN person IDP2190External identifierformer identifier for a person's appearances on C-SPAN as strings - string IDs should be converted to numeric and moved to P10660 to prevent link rotVivian Schiller-
Vegetti Catalog of Fantastic Literature NILF IDP2191External identifiernumeric identifier within the Vegetti Catalog of Fantastic LiteratureUrania <Vegetti Catalog of Fantastic Literature NILF ID> 70036- IDP2192External identifieridentifier of a language on the website endangeredlanguages.comSirionó < ID> 2730-
Soccerbase player IDP2193External identifierplayer ID on the websiteDavid Beckham <Soccerbase player ID> 547-
PSS-archi architect IDP2194External identifieridentifier for an architect in the PSS-archi databaseÉmile-Auguste Chollat <PSS-archi architect ID> 483-
Soccerbase manager IDP2195External identifiermanager ID on the websiteAlex Ferguson <Soccerbase manager ID> 48-
count of studentsP2196Quantitystudent and schoolchild: number of pupils or students of any type in an educational organization. Qualify with " point in time" (P585). The most recent count would generally have preferred rank; data for previous years normal rank (not deprecated rank). Don't overwrite.Jagiellonian University <count of students> 41,661-
production rateP2197Quantityamount of a given material produced in a given timetennis ball <production rate> 325,000,000 unit per year-
average gradientP2198Quantitygrade: gradient expressed as a percentage (between 0 and 1)Snowdon Mountain Railway <average gradient> 0.1272-
autoignition temperatureP2199Quantityautoignition temperature: lowest temperature at which it will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignitionProperty talk:P2199-