Wikidata Bot This user account is a bot with a bot flag. The bot is operated by Svebert.
  • Block this bot if it is malfunctioning.
  • Check its work.
  • Contact the operator about mistakes.
  • See all Requests for Permissions related to this bot: 1
  • License:

The bot is not yet running and waiting for the bot flag. The request is placed under Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/SvebertBot.--Svebert (talk) 22:50, 17 March 2013 (UTC)

Technical Information

  • Programming language: Python
  • Framework: none / own
  • Scripts: own (see /

(Planned) Tasks

  • Harvesting templates on DE-Wikipedia and adding properties to existing items on WikiData
    • First template will be de:Vorlage:Infobox Teilchen
      • As not all data types are available on WikiData and the bot is still “beta“ the first task will be to add the parameter “Klassifikation“ (via the property P:P279).