Wikidata:Edit groups/QSv2/226272

Edit group QSv2/226272

Summary {{{summary}}} Author Epìdosis
Number of edits 12,962 (more statistics) Example edit Q30069444



@Epìdosis: Why are identifiers simply deleted from the dataobjects in this batch? --Gymnicus (talk) 17:46, 13 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

These WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) (P7859) values were sourced with VIAF ID (P214) values which were once present in the items, but aren't present in them anymore; since there is a reasonable doubt that these VIAFs have been removed because they were originally wrong, the removal of the derived WorldCat IDs is meant to prevent that they are used to import new WorldCat Entities ID (P10832), spreading further the possible mistake. Besides, new WorldCat Entities ID (P10832) can be imported using directly VIAF ID (P214) and Library of Congress authority ID (P244) values, bypassing the use of old WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) (P7859). --Epìdosis 20:49, 13 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]