Wikidata:Events/Wikidata Zurich Hackathon

After our Wikidata Zurich Workshop in 2017 and our Wikidata Zurich Datathon in June 2018, we would like to encourage everyone to put their knowledge into practice and have fun coding with and for Wikidata.

We will work in teams (that will be formed during the event) to code, for example:

  • visualizations of Wikidata's data
  • applications for Zurich that use Wikidata and open data sets from the statistical offices of the city and the canton of Zurich
  • tools that support the Wikidata ecosystem

There will be challenges encouraging people to develop specific ideas (that we are about to publish), and you can also bring your own ideas.

Let's code for wd:Q72 and wd:Q11943!


  • What? Wikidata Zurich Hackathon
  • Where? University of Zurich (UZH Zentrum KO2 Karl Schmid-Strasse 4, 8006 Zürich, map) Rooms: KO2-F-150, KO2-F-151 and KO2-F-152
  • When? Saturday September 8, 2018. Start: 9:00 End: 22:00
  • Audience expected? computer science students, open source developers, private companies developers, open data hackdays developers, Hackzurich enthusiasts, REST API masters, metadata gurus, graphic designers, people generally interested in technology. Anyone who enjoys coding with great data!
  • Registration The event is free but you need to register via Eventbrite here.
  • Languages English and German.

This event is organized by Universität Zürich, Wikimedia Schweiz, Stadt Zürich - Open Data Zürich, Fach- und Koordinationsstelle OGD - Open Data Kanton Zürich and Open Data CH.


Time Action
8:30 Coffee & early bird gathering
9:00 Introduction to the Wikidata Zurich Hackathon
9:15 Presentation of the Hacking Challenges
10:00 Teams hack
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Teams hack
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Hello Open Food Data x Smart Kitchen Hackdays!
15:45 Teams hack
17:30 Team presentations & Organizers presentation
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Networking, documenting, submitting code
22:00 End of event

Are you new to Wikidata?


If you never worked with Wikidata before, we encourage you to join the Wikidata Zurich Meetup that we will organize on Wednesday September the 5th at 18:30 (, where we will explain how to use Wikidata's SPARQL query service, and Wikidata's API to read and write information from/in the knowledge base. See also the wiki page of the Wikidata Zurich Meetup.

If you cannot come to the meetup, and you still want to prepare for the event, you can also look up the documentation online:

Wikidata's SPARQL Query Service:

Example queries:

Instructions about how to use the Query Service:

How to access data in Wikidata (general page):

Wikidata's API:

Wikidata's Help Page:

During the hackathon, we will also be happy to give support to implement queries, API calls and solve any question that you may have.

Remember that this is an inclusive event. So, we are happy to welcome people from different backgrounds and with different skills; We welcome you all, REST API masters, data scientists (using R or Python), graphic designers, metatada gurus and people generally interested in technology. The most important thing is to be wiling to learn new technologies and have fun while working in a team.