Wikidata:Property proposal/ESTC Citation Number

ESTC citation number edit

Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Authority control

Descriptionidentifier in the English Short Title Catalogue
RepresentsEnglish Short Title Catalogue (Q1342864)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domaineditions of literary works
Allowed values[A-Z]*\d+
Planned useIdentification of texts in the University of Oxford Text Archive
Formatter URL$1

My colleagues at the Bodleian Library tell me that ESTC numbers are crucial in the field of book research, with thousands of research papers using them as identifiers for book editions (for books printed before 1801). At the moment, Wikidata has a small number of these identifiers. Each ESTC link is represented with a inventory number (P217) statement with two qualifiers; one for collection (P195) and one for URL (P2699). I suggest that this would be better served by a dedicated identifier property: as well as being more efficient, it would better represent the meaning of the identifier. Although the site is maintained by the British Library, ESTC is not a catalogue of books within one institution, but a union catalogue that identifies books across many library collections, just as VIAF ID (P214) does for authors. ESTC numbers are used by databases such at the University of Oxford Text Archive (OTA) and the Eighteenth Century Poetry Archive. ESTC numbers will play a part in planned linking of the OTA and Wikidata. MartinPoulter (talk) 11:29, 3 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]
