Wikidata:Property proposal/Go Botany taxon ID

Go Botany taxon ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

Descriptionidentifier for a vascular plant taxon in New England on the Go Botany website
RepresentsGo Botany (Q111544237)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainitem; taxon (Q16521)
Allowed values(family|genus|species)/[a-z]+[/a-z\-]*
Example 1Rosaceae (Q46299)family/rosaceae
Example 2Chaenomeles (Q157616)genus/chaenomeles
Example 3Chaenomeles japonica (Q158037)species/chaenomeles/japonica
Example 4turion duckweed (Q160496)species/lemna/turionifera
Example 5Wolffia columbiana (Q13962206)species/wolffia/columbiana
Example 6Wolffia (Q163015)genus/wolffia
Example 7Araceae (Q48227)family/araceae
Example 8Athyrium asplenioides (Q4815738)species/athyrium/asplenioides
Example 9Equisetaceae (Q517643)family/equisetaceae
Example 10Dendrolycopodium (Q5256763)genus/dendrolycopodium
Example 11Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Q208032)species/arctostaphylos/uva-ursi
Number of IDs in sourceover 3000
Expected completenesseventually complete
Formatter URL$1/
Applicable "stated in"-valueGo Botany (Q111544237)



Go Botany (Q111544237) is a guide to over 3,000 New England vascular plants. Information is provided on families, genera, and species, and species entries include lists of subspecies and varieties. Included are maps of New England and North American distribution, photographs, common names and synonyms, characteristics such as habitat, flower color, leaf type and arrangement, fruit type and length, presence in each New England state and conservation status, and additional morphological and other information. The site is operated by the Native Plant Trust (Q2210965) (formerly known as New England Wild Flower Society) and funded by the National Science Foundation (Q304878). AdamSeattle (talk) 20:55, 17 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

