Wikidata:Property proposal/RomArchive person ID

RomArchive person ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

Descriptionidentifier for a person or organization on RomArchive
RepresentsRomArchive (Q65244521)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainitem; human (Q5) or organization (Q43229)
Allowed values[a-z\-]+
Example 1Andrej Giňa (Q21923151)andrej-gina
Example 2Jenő Zsigó (Q15143983)jeno-zsigo
Example 3Sandra Jayat (Q3471906)sandra-jayat
Example 4Boris T. Matić (Q12628154)boris-t-matic
Example 5Angéla Kóczé (Q111028830)angela-kocze
Example 6Roma and Sinti Philharmonic (Q94580548)roma-und-sinti-philharmoniker
Example 7Romani CRISS (Q7362469)romani-criss
Example 8ERGO Network (Q108293780)european-roma-grassroots-organizations-network
Planned useadding to items being edited or created for people or organizations that are in RomArchive
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Formatter URL$1/
Applicable "stated in"-valueRomArchive (Q65244521)



This identifier would provide links to information about and documents related to Romani people and organizations throughout the world. UWashPrincipalCataloger (talk) 04:18, 1 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]


  Done @UWashPrincipalCataloger, BrokenSegue, Clements.UWLib, Emwille: RomArchive person ID (P11270) --Emu (talk) 18:56, 6 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]