Wikidata:Property proposal/SI base units

SI base units


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Natural science

   Not done
Descriptionthe value of a unit decomposed into the SI prefix and SI base units
Data typeMathematical expression
Example 1newton (Q12438) 
Example 2MISSING
Example 3MISSING
See alsoconversion to SI unit (P2370)



I'm considering this property as a way to present units in a standardized way. It might be better to just use defining formula instead, however. (Add your motivation for this property here.) The-erinaceous-one (talk) 09:27, 4 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]



  Question Would this property apply only to coherent SI units, or also to multiples and submultiples? We can already deduce which units are effectively the same by checking their conversion factor to coherent SI unit and the dimension of the associated physical quantity (for instance, joule (Q25269), newton metre (Q215571) and kilogram square metre per square second (Q106681350) are equivalent). Given that, it might be sufficient to place certain units into a new class "unit expressed in SI base units" (or similar). Toni 001 (talk) 15:19, 22 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]