Babel user information
de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
es-3 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento avanzado del español.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
hu-1 Ez a szerkesztő alapszinten beszéli a magyar nyelvet.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances intermédiaires en français.
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WikiProject Physics.
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WikiProject Ontology
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WikiProject Mathematics
Users by language

Ich bin Toni.

Soy Toni.

I am Toni.

Conflict of interest statement edit

Wikimedia has guides about conflict of interest and paid editing. Wikidata does not have strict policies but suggests to use common sense. Here is my statement:

I work at Wolfram Research.

This is my personal account and I do all my edits because I want to. I'm not being paid. At Wolfram, I work on semantic web technologies. If I come across missing or wrong data during my work time (I define that as being logged into my computer with my work account), say, while preparing examples for a talk or blog post, then I might improve the data. Overall, the number of edits I make during work time is negligible compared to all my edits.

Quantities and Units edit

Motivation edit

Quantities and units are part of the language of science.

  • By providing a Wikidata item (Q-number) for each quantity and unit ever used we facilitate unambiguous communication in science.
  • By providing labels and descriptions for each item in each language we help people to talk about science across language barriers.

Localization edit

Number of Quantity-Labels per Language edit

select ?lang (count(*) as ?count) where {
  ?item wdt:P7431 [] .
  ?item rdfs:label ?label .
} group by (lang(?label) as ?lang)
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Number of Unit-Labels per Language edit

select ?lang (count(*) as ?count) where {
  ?item wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q47574 .
  ?item rdfs:label ?label .
} group by (lang(?label) as ?lang)
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Lexemes edit

  (sample(?lexeme) as ?lexeme)
  (group_concat(distinct ?sl; separator = ", ") as ?singular)
  (group_concat(distinct ?pl; separator = ", ") as ?plural)
where {
  ?unit wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q47574 .
  ?lexeme ontolex:sense / wdt:P5137 ?unit ;
          dct:language wd:Q1860 .
  optional {
    ?lexeme ontolex:lexicalForm [ wikibase:grammaticalFeature wd:Q110786 ; ontolex:representation ?s ] .
    bind (concat(str(?s), " (", lang(?s), ")") as ?sl)
  optional {
    ?lexeme ontolex:lexicalForm [ wikibase:grammaticalFeature wd:Q146786 ; ontolex:representation ?p ] .
    bind (concat(str(?p), " (", lang(?p), ")") as ?pl)
} group by ?unit
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Basic Quantities, Units and Prefixes edit

ISQ Base Quantities edit

  (sample(?label) as ?label)
  (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
  (sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
  (sample(?unit) as ?unit)
  (sample(?dim) as ?dim)
where {
  ?quantity wdt:P279 wd:Q30337748 .  # ISQ base quantity
  optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "de") }
  optional { ?quantity schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "de") }
  optional { ?quantity wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
  optional { ?quantity wdt:P8111 / wdt:P5061 ?unit . filter (lang(?unit) = "en") }
  optional { ?quantity wdt:P4020 ?dim . }
} group by ?quantity
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Coherent SI Units edit

  ?unit (sample(?label) as ?label) (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
  (sample(?conversion) as ?conversion) (sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
  (group_concat(distinct ?quantity; separator = "; ") as ?quantities)
  (sample(?wl) as ?wl) (sample(?ucum) as ?ucum) (sample(?qudt) as ?qudt) (sample(?un) as ?un) (sample(?om) as ?om)
where {
  ?unit wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q69197847 .       # coherent SI unit
  optional { ?unit rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
  optional { ?unit schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "en") }

  optional { ?unit wdt:P2370 ?conversion }       # 1 for every coherent SI unit
  optional { ?unit wdt:P5061 ?symbol . filter (lang(?symbol) = "en") }
  optional { ?unit wdt:P111 / rdfs:label ?quantity . filter (lang(?quantity) = "en") }

  optional { ?unit wdt:P7007 ?wl }
  optional { ?unit wdt:P7825 ?ucum }
  optional { ?unit wdt:P2968 ?qudt }
  optional { ?unit wdt:P6512 ?un }
  optional { ?unit wdt:P8769 ?om }
} group by ?unit
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The 24 SI Prefixes edit

select * where {
  ?prefix wdt:P31 wd:Q131299 . # SI prefix
  ?prefix rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en")
  ?prefix wdt:P5061 ?symbol . filter (lang(?symbol) = "mul")
  ?prefix wdt:P1181 ?value .
  optional { ?prefix wdt:P7825 ?ucum }
  optional { ?prefix wdt:P7007 ?wl }
} order by ?value
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General Quantities edit

select * where {
  ?gq wdt:P31 wd:Q71758646 . # general quantity
  optional { ?gq rdfs:label ?gqLabel . filter (lang(?gqLabel) = "en") }
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Extended Lists edit

Notable Quantities edit

Quantities listed in other ontologies.

  (sample(?label) as ?label) (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
  (sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
  (sample(?dim) as ?dim)
  (group_concat(distinct ?unit; separator = ", ") as ?units)
  (group_concat(distinct ?id; separator = ", ") as ?ids)
  (group_concat(distinct ?isoiecItemDate; separator = ", ") as ?isoiec)
  (sample(?gnd) as ?gnd)
where {
  ?quantity wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 . # individual quantity
  optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
  optional { ?quantity schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "en") }

  optional { ?quantity wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
  optional { ?quantity wdt:P4020 ?dim . }
  optional { ?quantity wdt:P8111 / wdt:P5061 ?unit . filter (lang(?unit) = "en") }

  { ?quantity wdt:P7431 ?wl . bind (concat("WL: ", ?wl) as ?id) }
  { ?quantity wdt:P8393 ?qudt . bind (concat("QUDT: ", ?qudt) as ?id) }
    ?isoiec wdt:P629 / wdt:P361 wd:Q568496 .              # any edition of any part of ISO/IEC 80000
    minus { ?isoiec wdt:P1366 / ^wdt:P1343 [] . }         # restrict to the latest edition used anywhere as source
    ?isoiec wdt:P577 ?isoiecDate .
    ?quantity p:P1343 [ ps:P1343 ?isoiec ; pq:P958 ?isoiecItem ] . filter (regex(?isoiecItem, "^([0-9\\-\\.])+$"))
    bind (concat(?isoiecItem, " (", str(year(?isoiecDate)), ")") as ?isoiecItemDate)

  optional {
    ?quantity wdt:P227 ?gndVal ; wdtn:P227 ?gndURI .
    bind (
        concat("<", "math><mtext href='", str(?gndURI), "'>", ?gndVal, "</mtext></math>"),
      ) as ?gnd
} group by ?quantity
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Notable Units edit

Units listed in other ontologies.

  (sample(?label) as ?label) (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
  (group_concat(distinct ?symbol; separator = ", ") as ?symbols)
  (group_concat(distinct ?quantity; separator = ", ") as ?quantities)
  (sample(?wl) as ?wl) (group_concat(distinct ?ucum; separator = "; ") as ?ucums)
  (sample(?qudt) as ?qudt) (sample(?om) as ?om) (sample(?un) as ?un)
where {
  ?unit wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q47574 .  # unit of measurement
  optional { ?unit rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
  optional { ?unit schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "en") }

  optional { ?unit wdt:P5061 ?symbol . filter (lang(?symbol) = "en") }
  optional { ?unit wdt:P111 / rdfs:label ?quantity . filter (lang(?quantity) = "en") }

  { ?unit wdt:P7007 ?wl } union { ?unit wdt:P7825 ?ucum }
  union { ?unit wdt:P2968 ?qudt } union { ?unit wdt:P8769 ?om } union { ?unit wdt:P6512 ?un }
} group by ?unit
Try it!

Quantities and Units Listed in the SI Brochure edit

  ?quantity (sample(?quantityLabel) as ?quantityLabel) (sample(?quantityDesc) as ?quantityDesc)
  ?unit (sample(?unitLabel) as ?unitLabel) (sample(?unitDesc) as ?unitDesc)
  (group_concat(?unitSymbol; separator = "; ") as ?unitSymbols)
  (sample(?unitStatus) as ?unitStatus)
where {
  values ?source { wd:Q68977959 }

  ?quantity wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 .
  optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?quantityLabel . filter (lang(?quantityLabel) = "en") }
  optional { ?quantity schema:description ?quantityDesc . filter (lang(?quantityDesc) = "en") }

  ?quantity p:P8111 ?quantityStatement .
  ?quantityStatement prov:wasDerivedFrom [ pr:P248 ?source ] ; ps:P8111 ?unit .
  optional { ?unit rdfs:label ?unitLabel . filter (lang(?unitLabel) = "en") }
  optional { ?unit schema:description ?unitDesc . filter (lang(?unitDesc) = "en") }
  optional {
    ?unit p:P5061 [ prov:wasDerivedFrom [ pr:P248 ?source ] ; ps:P5061 ?unitSymbol ] .
    filter (lang(?unitSymbol) = "en")

  optional { ?quantityStatement a ?bestRank . }
  bind (if(bound(?bestRank) && ?bestRank = wikibase:BestRank, "<recommended>", "<accepted>") as ?unitStatus)
} group by ?quantity ?unit
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Quantities Listed in ISO/IEC 80000 edit

  (sample(?label) as ?label) (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
  (year(sample(?sourceDate)) as ?year) (sample(?item) as ?item)
    concat("<", "math>", group_concat(distinct ?symbol; separator = "<mtext>,</mtext><mspace width='0.2em'/>"), "</math>"),
  ) as ?symbols)
  (group_concat(distinct ?unit; separator = ", ") as ?units)
  (sample(?dimension) as ?dimension)
where {
  ?quantity wdt:P31? / wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 .   # individual or kind of quantity
  minus { ?quantity wdt:P31 wd:Q71758646 . }      # exclude general quantities

  optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "de") }
  optional { ?quantity schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "de") }

  ?source wdt:P629 / wdt:P361 wd:Q568496 .              # any edition of any part of ISO/IEC 80000
  minus { ?source wdt:P1366 / ^wdt:P1343 [] . }         # restrict to the latest edition used anywhere as source
  ?source wdt:P577 ?sourceDate .
  ?quantity p:P1343 [ ps:P1343 ?source ; pq:P958 ?item ] . filter (regex(?item, "^([0-9\\-\\.])+$"))

  optional { ?quantity wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
  optional {
    ?quantity p:P8111 [ prov:wasDerivedFrom [ pr:P248 ?source ; pr:P958 ?unitSourceItem ] ; ps:P8111 / wdt:P5061 ?unit ] .
    filter ((strstarts(?unitSourceItem, ?item) || strbefore(?item, ".") = strbefore(?unitSourceItem, ".")) && lang(?unit) = "en")
  optional { ?quantity wdt:P4020 ?dimension . }
group by ?quantity ?item
order by (
  100 * xsd:integer(strbefore(?item, "-")) +
  xsd:integer(strbefore(concat(strafter(?item, "-"), "."), ".")) +
  0.01 * coalesce(xsd:integer(strafter(?item, ".")), 0)
Try it!

The Anthropocene by the Numbers edit

select * where {
    wdt:P279+ wd:Q126818 ;
    p:P1343 [
      ps:P1343 wd:Q105698832 ; # The Anthropocene by the Numbers: A Quantitative Snapshot of Humanity’s Influence on the Planet
      pq:P1810 ?namedAs ;
    ] ;
    wdt:P7973 ?symbol ;
    rdfs:label ?label1 ;
    schema:description ?desc1 ;
    rdfs:label ?label2 ;
    schema:description ?desc2 ;
  filter (lang(?label1) = "en")
  filter (lang(?desc1) = "en")
  filter (lang(?label2) = "de")
  filter (lang(?desc2) = "de")
Try it!

Unit Prefixes edit

select distinct * where {
  ?prefix wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q15132612 .
  ?prefix rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en")
  optional { ?prefix wdt:P5061 ?symbol . filter (lang(?symbol) = "en") }
  optional { ?prefix wdt:P1181 ?value }
  optional { ?prefix wdt:P7825 ?ucum }
  optional { ?prefix wdt:P7007 ?wl }
} order by ?value
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VIM3 edit

  (group_concat(distinct ?namedAs; separator = "; ") as ?officialLabels)
  (sample(?item) as ?item)
  (sample(?label) as ?label)
  (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
  (sample(?iev) as ?iev)
  (count(distinct ?wp) as ?wpCount)
where {
  ?item p:P1343 [
    ps:P1343 wd:Q70257574 ;
    pq:P958 ?clause ;
    pq:P1810 ?namedAs ;
  ] .
  optional { ?item rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
  optional { ?item schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "en") }
  optional { ?item wdt:P8855 ?iev }
  optional {
    ?wp schema:about ?item ;
        schema:isPartOf / wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .
group by ?clause
order by (100 * xsd:integer(strbefore(?clause, ".")) + xsd:integer(strafter(?clause, ".")))
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Defining Formulas edit

  (sample(?label) as ?label)
  (sample(?desc) as ?desc)
        "<", "math><mtable columnalign=left rowlines=dashed>",
        group_concat(distinct ?formula),
    ) as ?formulas
        "<", "math><mtable columnalign=left>",
        group_concat(distinct ?symbolAndLabel),
    ) as ?formulaSymbols
where {
  ?quantity wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 .
  optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "de") }
  optional { ?quantity schema:description ?desc . filter (lang(?desc) = "de") }
  ?quantity wdt:P2534 ?formula .
    select distinct * where {
      ?quantity p:P7235 [ ps:P7235 ?formulaSymbol ; pq:P9758 ?formulaQuantity ] .
      optional { ?formulaQuantity rdfs:label ?formulaQuantityLabel . filter (lang(?formulaQuantityLabel) = "de") }
      bind (
          "<mtext href=\"", str(?formulaQuantity), "\">",
          ": ",
          coalesce(?formulaQuantityLabel, strafter(str(?formulaQuantity), "")),
        ) as ?symbolAndLabel
} group by ?quantity
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Physical Constants edit

  (sample(?label) as ?label)
  (sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
  (sample(?value) as ?value)
  (sample(?unit) as ?unit)
  (sample(?codata) as ?codata)
  (sample(?qudt) as ?qudt)
  (sample(?wl) as ?wl)
  (sample(?ucum) as ?ucum)
where {
  ?const wdt:P31 wd:Q173227 .
  optional { ?const rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
  optional { ?const wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
  optional {
    ?const p:P1181 [
      a wikibase:BestRank ;
      psv:P1181 [ wikibase:quantityAmount ?value ; wikibase:quantityUnit / wdt:P5061 ?unit ] ;
    ] .
    filter (lang(?unit) = "en")
  optional {
    ?const wdt:P1645 ?codataVal .
    wd:P1645 wdt:P1630 ?codataTemplate .
    bind (
        concat("<", "math><mtext href='", replace(?codataTemplate, "\\$1", ?codataVal), "'>", ?codataVal, "</mtext></math>"),
      ) as ?codata
  optional {
    ?const wdt:P2968 ?qudtVal .
    ?const wdtn:P2968 ?qudtURI .
    bind (
        concat("<", "math><mtext href='", str(?qudtURI), "'>", ?qudtVal, "</mtext></math>"),
      ) as ?qudt
  optional { ?const wdt:P7007 ?wl . }
  optional { ?const wdt:P7825 ?ucum . }
} group by ?const
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Math edit

Inverse edit

select ?item ?itemLabel ?inverse ?inverseLabel ?relativeTo ?relativeToLabel where {
  ?item p:P8865 [
    ps:P8865 ?inverse ;
    pq:P2210 ?relativeTo ;
  ] .
  service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
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Properties edit

Quantity-Valued edit

  (sample(?label) as ?label)
  (sample(?quantity) as ?quantity)
  (sample(?quantityLabel) as ?quantityLabel)
  (sample(?symbol) as ?symbol)
  (sample(?dim) as ?dim)
  (group_concat(distinct ?recommendedUnit; separator = ", ") as ?recommendedUnits)
where {
  ?property wikibase:propertyType wikibase:Quantity .
  optional { ?property rdfs:label ?label . filter (lang(?label) = "en") }
  optional {
    ?property wdt:P1629 ?quantity . ?quantity wdt:P279+ wd:Q71550118 .
    optional { ?quantity rdfs:label ?quantityLabel . filter (lang(?quantityLabel) = "en") }
    optional { ?quantity wdt:P7973 ?symbol . }
    optional { ?quantity wdt:P4020 ?dim . }
    optional { ?quantity wdt:P8111 / wdt:P5061 ?recommendedUnit . filter (lang(?recommendedUnit) = "en") }
} group by ?property
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Entity Types edit

select * where {
  ?item wdt:P7497 ?wlType .
  optional { ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel . filter (lang(?itemLabel) = "en") }
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Tango edit

Canciones edit

  (sample(?songLabel) as ?songLabel)
  (group_concat(distinct ?genreLabel; separator = "; ") as ?genres)
  (group_concat(distinct ?composerLabel; separator = "; ") as ?composers)
  (group_concat(distinct ?lyricistLabel; separator = "; ") as ?lyricists)
  (year(min(?date)) as ?firstYear)
  (sample(?mbID) as ?mbID)
  (sample(?ttID) as ?ttID)
  (sample(?audio) as ?audio)
where {
  ?song wdt:P31 / wdt:P279* wd:Q2188189 . # musical work
    { ?song wdt:P136 wd:Q14390274 . } # tango
    { ?song wdt:P136 wd:Q942955 . } # milonga
    { ?song wdt:P136 wd:Q61891621 . } # vals
  optional { ?song rdfs:label ?songLabel . filter(lang(?songLabel) = "es") }
  optional { ?song wdt:P136 / rdfs:label ?genreLabel . filter(lang(?genreLabel) = "es") }
  optional { ?song wdt:P86 / rdfs:label ?composerLabel . filter (lang(?composerLabel) = "es") }
  optional { ?song wdt:P676 / rdfs:label ?lyricistLabel . filter (lang(?lyricistLabel) = "es") }
  optional { ?song wdt:P577 ?date . }
  optional { ?song wdt:P435 ?mbID . }
  optional { ?song wdt:P4932 ?ttID . }
  optional { ?song wdt:P51 ?audio . }
group by ?song
order by ?firstYear
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Músicos edit

select distinct * where {
    { ?artist wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . } # human
    { ?artist wdt:P31 wd:Q2088357 . } # group
  ?artist wdt:P136 wd:Q14390274 . # tango
  optional { ?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel . filter(lang(?artistLabel) = "es") }
  optional { ?artist wdt:P434 ?mbartist . }
  optional { ?artist wdt:P4931 ?ttperson . }
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