Wikidata:Property proposal/opening hours

Opening hours


Open days

   Done: open days (P3025) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptiondays subject item is open
Data typeItem
Template parameterpart of hours in voy:Template:Listing Template:Listing (Q14330485) / voy:Template:See Template:View (Q14330711) / etc.
Allowed valuesdays of the week, or sequence
Example[British Museum] > (property) > [all week]
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  Done Lymantria (talk) 07:50, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Opening hours

   Not done
Descriptionhours the venue is open. Qualifier for "open days" property
Data typeString
Template parameterpart of hours in voy:Template:Listing Template:Listing (Q14330485) / voy:Template:See Template:View (Q14330711) / etc.
Allowed values(\d?\d:\d\d-\d?\d:\d\d;)+
Example[British Museum] > (open days) > [all week] > (qualifier) > 10:00–17:30;
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  Not done Unsufficient support/no consensus. Lymantria (talk) 07:50, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Hi, not sure if this is the right place to write ... first time doing that .... is there a way to indicate the start hour and end hour of opening? Or is this currently not supported? @Lymantria:

Open period

DescriptionQualifier for season when opening hours/days apply
Data typeString
Template parameterpart of hours in voy:Template:Listing Template:Listing (Q14330485) / voy:Template:See Template:View (Q14330711) / etc.
Allowed valuesrange of days
Example[British Museum] > (open days) > [all week] > (qualifier) > January 1-December 31
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Closed on

   Done: closed on (P3026) (Talk and documentation)
DescriptionExceptions to opening hours
Data typeItem
Template parameterpart of hours in voy:Template:Listing Template:Listing (Q14330485) / voy:Template:See Template:View (Q14330711) / etc.
Example[British Museum] > (open days) > [all week] > (closed on) > [24 December], [25 December], [26 December], [1 January]
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  Done as qualifier of open days (P3025). Lymantria (talk) 07:50, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

  •   Support just for Open days and Closed on as described here; however I   Oppose Opening hours and Open period - a String property just isn't right for this. How do you handle language issues, particularly for Open period? ArthurPSmith (talk) 13:17, 24 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Comment Opening hours is clearly defined enough, "09:00-12:00 & 13:00-17:00" in a known local time zone is language-neutral and fairly unambiguous. Specifying the start and end of tourist season (when it's lawful to hunt and shoot them) is a little more difficult. Take a phrase like "open weekends from Victoria Day to Thanksgiving, daily from Canada Day to Labour Day" and try to translate it into a foreign language like, ya know, Valley Girl (Q7912077) and gag me with a spoon, I am so sure, like barf out, ohmigod. The meaning is so going to get lost in translation, like, totally. San Fernando Valley (Q816843) isn't going to assume Labour Day (Q10901070) to be May 1 or anything awkward, but Thanksgiving (Q13959) will be lost in translation as valley girls speak American and the same words mean something else in Canadian, eh? That leaves the question of how to break this apart without reference to a list of region-specific or national holiday weekends. "Last Monday on or before May 24 to second Monday in October (weekends), July 1 to first Monday in September (daily)" maybe. K7L (talk) 14:19, 24 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • I think the "open days" and "closed on" are not both necessary. If one states an item is "closed on" Saturday (Q131), there is no need to state that it is open on other weekdays, is it? Lymantria (talk) 08:52, 12 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
    • In the sample above it would be needed. -- Jura 18:05, 15 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
      • Oh? I think in any period you can either choose to specify when the item is closed (rest is open), or when the item is open (rest is closed). You have a closed one with not many value restrictions, so in stead of [open days] > [weekend], you could as easily say [closed on] > [monday to friday]. That is the reason I don't think your proposal is yet complete.
    I think your intention is to start to specify openings by weekday - an understandable plan. But then we should have exceptions only per day of year, perhaps even as subproperty of day in year for periodic occurrence (P837). And both are possible - closed exceptions as well as open exceptions, the latter are not possible in your proposal (can be used for instance for openings on holidays, while normally closed on weekdays).
    To summerize: I think your "Closed on" should be restricted to days of the year and there should be a "Open on" as well. BTW, I think there is a mistake in your description of "closed on" - it should be an exception to "open days".
    Lymantria (talk) 20:09, 15 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
    Personally, I prefer the flexibility the current proposal allows. -- Jura 05:23, 16 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Jura1: Proposals dealt with. Created open days (P3025), closed on (P3026), open period from (P3027) and open period to (P3028). Lymantria (talk) 07:50, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Open period from

DescriptionQualifier for season when opening hours/days apply (start)
Data typeItem
Template parameterpart of hours in voy:Template:Listing Template:Listing (Q14330485) / voy:Template:See Template:View (Q14330711) / etc.
Allowed valuesitems for specific days or months
Example[British Museum] > (open days) > [all week] > (qualifier) > [January 1]
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  Done Lymantria (talk) 07:50, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Open period to

   Done: open period to (P3028) (Talk and documentation)
DescriptionQualifier for season when opening hours/days apply (end)
Data typeItem
Template parameterpart of hours in voy:Template:Listing Template:Listing (Q14330485) / voy:Template:See Template:View (Q14330711) / etc.
Allowed valuesitems for specific days or months
Example[British Museum] > (open days) > [all week] > (qualifier) > [December 31]
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  Done Lymantria (talk) 07:50, 4 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]