Wikidata:Report a technical problem/How to report a problem

Report a problemHow to report a problemHelp with PhabricatorGet involvedWDQS and Search

Different types of problems


So you've encountered a bug, or you have an idea for a new feature to add to the Wikidata software, then let us hear about it here.

Bug - a problem that is producing incorrect or unexpected results on Wikidata. Note that wrong information on Wikidata is not considered as a bug in this context.

Gadgets and scripts - are generally developed by the community and so issues about them are best directed to the maintainers of those tools. While reporting issues about gadgets and scripts is acceptable here we will defer to the tool’s developers for answers and so cannot guarantee a response to the request.

Feature request - an idea that the development team can add to the Wikidata software to make it even more awesome.

Need help on something else?


The following are out of scope of the work of the Wikidata development team

Prepare your report


If you have got a bug or feature request, and you want to report it. The first thing you should do is search for an existing report by using the search field in the upper corner. Once you’re sure nobody already reported the bug or requested the feature, then go ahead and describe the issue here or create a ticket directly on Phabricator.

Channels to report a technical problem


This page and Phabricator are the two visible locations that the Wikidata development team actively watches for bug and feature requests.

  • You can post a message on Report a problem
  • You can also directly create a ticket on Phabricator ; please check Help with Phabricator to make sure that your ticket can be discovered in order to be addressed
  • We are also active on the Wikidata Telegram Channel but because information flow there is fast, you should ping @masssly if you need our attention.
  • If the problem you encounter is about Wikidata Query Service or Search: WDQS and Search
  • Where you should not expect an answer from the dev team, but the community may answer you
    • Wikidata Mattermost bridge
    • Wikidata on Facebook
    • Forks of the Wikidata Telegram Channel such as WikiCite, Lexicographical data, Wikidata Query, etc.



The development team understands a combined limited number of languages -- but you are free to report issues in any language that you’re comfortable with.

If possible, please provide a summary in English when creating a phabricator task, or ask someone to help you.

You’re welcome to help with translation!


  • This page is followed by the Wikidata development team, as well as community members. Time of answer varies depending on the nature or complexity of the topic, etc. However, in general, you can get an answer after 2 working days.
  • When we answer you, we send you a notification, however feel free to come back to this page to see if there’s an answer. Sometimes we will need more information from you, please provide details if you want the problem to be solved
  • Not all problems can be solved immediately: depending on the impact, priority, etc. some bugs can be triaged to low priority. You may follow the status of your report on the relevant linked phabricator ticket.