Wikidata:Status updates/2013 09 06

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2013-09-06.



Other Noteworthy Stuff


Did you know?

  • Newest properties: GSS code (2011) (P836), BioLib ID (P838), IMSLP ID (P839), narrative set in (P840), Paleobiology Database Identifier (P842), SIRUTA code (P843), UBIGEO code (P844). A set of properties to build calenders: public holiday (P832), day in year for periodic occurrence (P837) and feast day (P841). A proposal for "reoccurring date in machine readable format" is still under review.


  • mlazowik has put in more work to getting support for badges (featured article and so on) to Wikidata
  • Jeroen gave a presentation on clean functions
  • More work on the URL datatype to make it ready for deployment
  • Continuous work on cucumber & moving browser tests to saucelabs/cloudbees
  • Simple query special page
  • Component reorganization in the DataValues repository
  • Improvements to interfaces in Serialization component
  • Initial work on store schema updating code
  • Index creation support in Wikibase Database
  • Start on coding conventions document for Wikibase codebase
  • Improved EntityId usage through the codeabse enabled by earlier refactor

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can view the commits currently in review here and the ones that have been merged here.

You can see all open bugs related to Wikidata here

Open Tasks for You


Anything to add? Please share! :)