Wikidata:Status updates/2013 09 20

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2013-09-20.

Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • 30 percent of all items are categorized in 6 large groups (main type (GND) (P107)). Most are items about geographic features (1.7 million items), some of these already have coordinates (0.5 million). Items about persons are fairly frequent too (1.3 million), many already with gender (0.9 million), a few with DOB (0.05 million) or DOD (0.04 million). Other groups include: creative works (305,000), terms, organizations, and events.
  • The first 2 Wikidata oversighters are elected, Ajraddatz and Rschen7754. Please contact the email at the above page, and do not post requests onwiki. Two more candidates are running: Stryn and Sven Manguard.
  • Neat new gadget to semi-automatically import labels, aliases and descriptions based on Wikipedia article introductions
  • New search backend on testwikidata needs testing
  • Commons is still scheduled to get interwiki links via Wikidata on Monday and can also be tested on

Did you know?



  • Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a software developer with a focus on frontend development with Java Script to work on Wikidata among other things. Apply!
  • Paper Cut: Display the ID of an item or property page next to the label (bugzilla:53462)
  • Paper Cut: Fix value field not loading for some properties (bugzilla:53157)
  • Paper Cut: Work on supporting non-earth globes in the UI (bugzilla:54097)
  • Worked on quantity data type implementation in backend and frontend
  • Work on a build and release tool for the Wikidata software
  • More work on sorting of references and qualifiers
  • Work on database schema modification functionality to be used by the query store
  • Prepare deployment for Wikimedia Commons (including improving script for populating sites table, adding support for Wikimedia Commons)
  • Work on making entity data available in the Mobile Wikibase skin
  • new Cirrus Search (Elastic Search) backend enabled on
  • Finished up cucumber tests for sitelinks
  • Hotfixes for coordinates autosummaries
  • Worked on simplifying process of defining wb.fetchedEntities
  • Finished working on wbeditentity
  • Worked on MySQL and SQLite table definition readers

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can view the commits currently in review here and the ones that have been merged here.

You can see all open bugs related to Wikidata here

Open Tasks for You


Anything to add? Please share! :)