Wikidata:WikiProject Astronomy/numbers/count by P31

astronomical object (Q6999) count by instance of (P31)-value

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

label count description ?sample
star 3306331 astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity Vega
galaxy 2095134 large gravitationally bound system of stars and interstellar matter IC 4118
astronomical radio source 353882 object in outer space that emits strong radio waves Eagle Nebula
eclipsing binary star 294247 binary star in which the orbit plane of the two stars lies so nearly in the line of sight of the observer that the components undergo mutual eclipses CM Lac
high proper-motion star 284886 total proper motion >= 50 mas/yr Vega
asteroid 248343 minor planet of the inner Solar System; not a comet 2060 Chiron
quasar 168351 active galactic nuclei containing a massive black hole [LB2005] NGC 891 X4
astrophysical X-ray source 145365 astronomical object emitting X-rays Messier 106
RR Lyrae variable 96505 type of variable star RR Lyrae
long-period variable star 91267 description for certain cool luminous pulsating variable stars Betelgeuse
galaxy cluster 84482 structure made up of a gravitationally-bound aggregation of hundreds of galaxies; is larger than a galaxy group Local Group
compact group of galaxies 78884 astronomical object type HCG 25
infrared source 77966 astronomical object that produces infrared light Arches Cluster
brightest cluster galaxy 74770 brightest galaxy within a galaxy cluster Messier 87
far-IR source 72268 λ >= 30 µm NGC 6589
red giant branch star 68898 72 Herculis
possible red giant branch star 61736 astronomical object type SSTISAGEMA J011831.58-725748.5
variable star 56455 star whose brightness as seen from Earth fluctuates Vega
rotating variable star 49147 subclass of variable star 36 Lyncis
emission-line galaxy 32562 NGC 3290
H II region 29286 large, low-density cloud of partially ionized gas Lagoon Nebula
low-mass star 28184 star whose mass is below that of the Sun 2M1207
rotating ellipsoidal variable 27135 class of variable star Omicron Persei
young stellar object candidate 27002 1RXS J160929.1−210524
astronomical object 25787 physical body of astronomically-significant size, mass, or role, naturally occurring in a universe Magellanic Bridge
galaxy group 24567 structure made up of a gravitationally-bound aggregation of about 50 or fewer galaxies; is smaller than a galaxy cluster Local Group
near-IR source 24522 λ < 10 µm Delta Virginis
double star 23335 pair of stars that appear close to each other in the sky Vega
young stellar object 23275 star in its early stage of evolution EX Lupi
molecular cloud 22912 type of interstellar cloud Solar Nebula
carbon star 21045 star whose atmosphere contains more carbon than oxygen LL Pegasi
dark nebula 21037 astronomical object type Horsehead Nebula
Mira variable 18554 type of variable star Sigma Librae
blue object 17969 astronomical object HW Virginis
active galactic nucleus 17761 compact region at the center of a galaxy that has a much higher than normal luminosity over at least some portion – and possibly all – of the electromagnetic spectrum ESO 507-32
globular cluster 17247 spherical collection of stars Messier 107
Seyfert 1 galaxy 16433 type of galaxy NGC 5033
white dwarf 16077 type of stellar remnant composed mostly of electron-degenerate matter BPM 37093
emission-line star 14889 star type Pistol Star
horizontal branch star 14561 a type of astronomical object Eta Ceti
supernova 14465 star exploding at the end of its stellar lifespan Vela Supernova Remnant
possible globular cluster 12549 [WSB85] S7 11
star cluster 12315 large group of stars Messier 4
sub-millimetric source 11194 Messier 58
low-ionization nuclear emission-line region 10974 type of galactic nucleus IC 4118
UV-emission source 10919 Vega
classical Cepheid variable 10798 type of variable star Polaris
planetary nebula 10796 type of emission nebula Dumbbell Nebula
W Ursae Majoris variable 10641 type of variable star V1381 Herculis
Algol variable 10547 class of eclipsing binary stars Algol
interacting galaxies 10360 two or more interacting galaxies Messier 82
gamma-ray burst 9917 flashes of gamma rays from distant galaxies GRB 080319B
peculiar star 9638 stars with distinctly unusual metal abundances Beta Ursae Majoris
low-surface-brightness galaxy 9198 diffuse galaxy with a surface brightness that is at least one magnitude lower than the ambient night sky NGC 746
Seyfert 2 galaxy 8966 Messier 106
spiral galaxy 8552 galaxy having a number of arms of younger stars that spiral out from the centre containing older ones NGC 3421
radio galaxy 8214 type of active galaxy that is very luminous at radio wavelengths Whirlpool Galaxy
Cepheid variable 7560 type of variable star [GHS99] C19
Delta Scuti variable 6769 type of variable star Vega
millimetric radio-source 6503 NGC 6302
exoplanet 6002 any planet beyond the Solar System Kepler-22b
binary star 5465 star system consisting of two stars rotating around a common center of mass HR 9038
spectroscopic binary 5348 double-star system so close that the two stars can only be distinguished spectroscopically Procyon
high-velocity cloud 4738 molecular cloud with speed greater than 90 km/s HVC 251.4+44.9+165
pulsating variable star 4540 type of variable star Rigel
unconfirmed exoplanet 4417 extrasolar planet whose discovery must be confirmed or is controversial KOI-5220.01
asterism 4191 pattern of stars recognized on Earth's night sky Big Dipper
blue straggler 4107 main-sequence star in an open or globular cluster that is more luminous and bluer than stars at the main sequence turnoff point for the cluster HR 3220
HI (21cm) source 3997 source of radiation at a specific wavelength MCG-01-33-061
open cluster 3986 group of "sibling" stars that are loosely gravitationally bound to one another NGC 2129
hot subdwarf star 3899 PG 1619+525
astrophysical maser 3705 naturally occurring source of stimulated spectral line emission, typically in the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum Messier 106
T Tauri-type star 3265 class of eruptive variable star AB Doradus A
BL Lacertae object 3134 active galactic nucleus with rapid and large-amplitude flux variability and significant optical polarization and with spectrum dominated by a featureless nonthermal emission continuum PMN J0202-0145
brown dwarf 3125 type of substellar object larger than a gas giant 2MASS J01040750-0053283
Herbig–Haro object 3109 small patches of nebulosity associated with newly born stars NGC 1555
lenticular galaxy 2856 type of galaxy NGC 4570
centimetric radio source 2828 NGC 2325
pulsar 2793 highly magnetized, rapidly rotating neutron star or white dwarf PSR B1257+12
eruptive variable star 2754 stars varying in brightness because of violent processes and flares occurring in their chromospheres and coronae Beta Boötis
gamma-ray source 2496 astronomical object type Large Magellanic Cloud
Orion variable 2407 type of eruptive variable stars typically associated with diffuse nebulae V* V466 Ori
interstellar cloud 2400 accumulation of gas, plasma and dust in a galaxy Local Interstellar Cloud
possible cluster of galaxies 2239 [DLS2013] 1
Be-type star 2000 in astronomy, a B-type star with emission lines Beta Canis Minoris
interacting galaxy 1879 individual galaxy whose gravitational field disturbs another galaxy Whirlpool Galaxy
nova 1855 cataclysmic nuclear explosion in a white dwarf star Eta Carinae
interstellar medium 1825 matter and radiation in the space between the star systems in a galaxy Homunculus Nebula
void 1825 vast empty spaces between filaments which contain very few or no galaxies Boötes void
dwarf nova 1606 cataclysmic variable star, consisting of a close binary star system U Geminorum
artificial satellite 1591 human-made object put into an orbit ASTEX
W Virginis variable 1548 type of variable stars W Virginis
supernova remnant 1534 remnants of an exploded star Crab Nebula
S-type star 1470 cool giant with approximately equal quantities of carbon and oxygen in its atmosphere Chi Cygni
cataclysmic variable star 1422 stars which irregularly increase in brightness by a large factor, then drop back down to a quiescent state BT Monocerotis
pre-main-sequence star 1409 star in the stage when it has not yet reached the main sequence Gomez's Hamburger
Wolf–Rayet star 1392 evolved, massive star that has run out of hydrogen Gamma Velorum
reflection nebula 1347 nebulosity in astronomy Orion Nebula
eclipsing binary candidate 1330 KIC 60018229
flare star 1322 type of eruptive variable star that can undergo unpredictable dramatic increases in brightness for a few minutes Proxima Centauri
OH/IR star 1288 NML Cygni
high-mass X-ray binary 1255 type of binary star system with a compact object and a high-mass star [HP2004] 25
near-Earth object 1212 Solar System object whose orbit brings it into proximity with Earth (524522) Zoozve
possible group of galaxies 1191 PCG J2207-0207
supercluster 1131 gravitationally-unbound collection of galaxy groups and clusters Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster
meteorite 1128 piece of solid matter from outer space that has hit the earth Gao-Guenie meteorite
trans-Neptunian object 1117 any object in the Solar System that orbits the Sun at a greater average distance than Neptune 474640 Alicanto
Beta Lyrae variable 1082 Type of variable star NGC 3148
red supergiant 1073 stars with a supergiant luminosity class Theta Delphini
elliptical galaxy 1055 galaxy having an approximately ellipsoidal shape and a smooth, nearly featureless brightness profile RX J1242-11
BY Draconis variable 1033 rotating variable star type BX Ceti
communications satellite 1009 artificial satellite designed for telecommunications Intelsat 709
X-ray binary 990 class of binary stars CXOU J124207.6+113810
cubewano 935 Kuiper belt object, not controlled by an orbital resonance with Neptune Haumea
RS Canum Venaticorum variable 908 type of eruptive variable star TYC 1961-1360-1
cataclysmic binary candidate 859 DP Leonis
extremely red object 814 [YT2003] u3063-511
possible galaxy 809 IC 3103
suspected variable 803 variable star classification Pollux
Gamma Doradus variable 795 type of variable star HR 8799
blue supergiant 710 type of star HD 268809
irregular variable 694 type of variable star 9 Boötis
irregular galaxy 643 galaxy that does not have a distinct regular shape, unlike a spiral or an elliptical galaxy NGC 14
blazar 641 very compact quasi-stellar radio source Markarian 421
hypervelocity star 573 a star with a velocity substantially different from what is expected for the normal distribution of stars in the galaxy SDSS J090745.0+024507
low-mass X-ray binary 548 type of binary star system with a compact object and a low-mass star [BFK2009] 96
starburst galaxy 500 galaxy undergoing an exceptionally high rate of star formation [VSR2011] UDS22
Jupiter-family comet 490 family of periodic comets with an orbital period of less than 20 years and an inclination of up to 30 degrees 138P/Shoemaker–Levy
periodic comet 487 comet with a stable orbit that is shorter than 200 years 195P/Hill
non-periodic comet 463 any comet whose orbit is hyperbolic or greater than 200 years C/2008 J9 (SOHO)
SX Phoenicis variable 451 type of variable star SX Phoenicis
comet 439 icy small astronomical object C/2000 J1 (Ferris)
damped Lyman-alpha system 408 concentrations of neutral hydrogen gas detected in the spectra of quasars [DGH2004] QSO J2354+4553 abs 0.78
star-forming region 396 region of the celestial sphere within which predominately very young stellar objects (YSOs) are located and their formation is likely occurring NGC 1977
Earth observation satellite 375 artificial satellite specifically designed to observe Earth from orbit IMS-1
Strela-1M 366 Cosmos 830
Alpha² Canum Venaticorum variable 362 variable star type V362 Lac
potentially hazardous asteroid 356 an asteroid or comet that can make close approaches to Earth 2004 TN1
Chinese constellations 340 groupings used in traditional Chinese culture to organize the stars Scorpius
multiple star 338 three or more stars close to one another HD 8673
gravitational lens 329 distribution of matter between a distant light source and a observer Huchra's lens
Seyfert galaxy 319 class of galaxies Whirlpool Galaxy
post-AGB star 310 type of luminous supergiant star R Coronae Borealis
bipolar outflow 304 two continuous flows of gas from the poles of a star R Aquarii
unknown astronomical object 302 astronomical object for which there is a name in a catalog, but no any certain identification IC 4192
CubeSat 289 miniaturized satellite made up of 10cm-sided cubic modules AAUSAT-II
minor planet 285 astronomical object in direct orbit around a star that is neither a planet nor a comet 13492 Vitalijzakharov
supergiant 271 large star Deneb
technology demonstration spacecraft 254 spacecraft used to demonstrate experimental technologies Kwangmyŏngsŏng-3 Unit 2
near-parabolic comet 235 extremely long-period comet C/1702 H1
reconnaissance satellite 234 satellite that covertly collects data for intelligence or military applications Kosmos 2
symbiotic binary 230 astronomic object class LHA 115-N 73
intermediate spiral galaxy 229 galaxy that is in between the classifications of a barred spiral galaxy and an unbarred spiral galaxy NGC 1369
Beta Cephei variable 223 type of variable star V* BV Cru
plutino 209 resonant trans-Neptunian object (131318) 2001 FL194
RV Tauri variable 208 type of variable star RV Tauri
nova candidate 197 PSN J00431534+4120166
Bok globule 194 isolated, small, and opaque nebula [GGF2007] Rosette Nebula 52
yellow supergiant 193 supergiant with a temperature similar to the sun SkKM 108
very red source 179 astronomical object type NIPSS 1548C853
ordinary chondrite 173 class of stony meteorites Benthullen Meteorite
space telescope 170 instrument in outer space for observing distant space objects XMM-Newton
centaur 166 Solar System body 167P/CINEOS
moon of Saturn 152 natural satellites of the planet Saturn Titan
hyperbolic comet 147 type of non-periodic comet C/2006 P1
Herbig Ae/Be star 141 young star of spectral types A and B EM* AS 444
optical double 140 pair of stars that appear close to each other as viewed from Earth, but in reality are located far apart Pollux
dense core 132 [SRB2015] p56
Strela-3 132 type of Ukrainian military communications satellite Kosmos 2481
amateur radio satellite 131 type of satellite that transmits amateur radio ANUSAT
F-type main-sequence star 128 stellar classification Alpha² Canum Venaticorum
geostationary satellite 124 satellite in geostationary orbit Artemis
R Coronae Borealis variable 121 type of eruptive variable star [TWM2009] EROS2-SMC-RCB-3
military satellite 120 artificial satellite used for military purpose Cosmos 1735
weather satellite 118 artificial satellite designed to monitor weather and climate GOES-9
Kosmos 112 series of Soviet and Russian military satellites Kosmos 1171
ultraluminous X-ray source 109 RX J1230.5+4141
Zenit 8 101 military spy satellite used by Soviet Union Cosmos 1609
moon of Jupiter 95 natural satellite orbiting Jupiter Io
triple star system 94 star system consisting of three stars Alpha Centauri
Zenit 6U 94 Soviet spy satellite Cosmos 1142
irregular moon 92 natural satellite following a distant, inclined, and often eccentric and retrograde orbit Triton
Zenit 2M 92 Soviet spy satellite Cosmos 428
stellar stream 92 astronomical object type Virgo Stellar Stream
constellation 92 one of the 88 divisions of the celestial sphere, defined by the IAU, many of which derive from traditional asterisms Boötes
research satellite 89 artificial satellite designed for scientific research BremSat
GLONASS 88 original family of GLONASS navigation satellites Cosmos 2236
possible dwarf planet 86 astronomical object that is supposed to be a dwarf planet Gonggong
asteroid family 85 population of asteroids that share similar proper orbital elements Hungaria family
US-K 83 series of Soviet and Russian early warning satellites Kosmos 1806
Zenit-2 80 Cosmos 301
Zenit-4MK 78 Cosmos 559
Yantar-4K2 78 Soviet/Russian spy satellite Kosmos 2175
physical binary candidate 72 40 Persei
Zenit-4 72 Soviet reconnaissance satellites Kosmos 69
G-type main-sequence star 70 stellar classification Sun
GPS satellite 70 satellite used by the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) GPS SVN 7
dwarf galaxy 68 small galaxy composed of up to several billion stars Willman 1
Polar 68 type of cataclysmic variable binary star system RX J0649.8-0737
barred spiral galaxy 68 spiral galaxy with a central bar-shaped structure composed of stars Milky Way
minor planet moon 67 natural satellite of a minor planet S/2003 (69230) 1
Tselina-D 67 model of Soviet signals intelligence satellite Kosmos 955
stellar association 66 astronomical object type Sagittarius Star Cloud
moving group 63 stellar association coherently drifting through the galaxy Virgo Stellar Stream
near-Earth asteroid 60 objects in a near-Earth orbit without the tail or coma of a comet 719 Albert
resonant trans-Neptunian object 59 trans-Neptunian object Gonggong
natural satellite 58 celestial body that orbits a planet or other smaller body in turn directly orbiting a star S/2001 (26308) 1
Zenit-4M 57 Cosmos 280
scattered disc 57 collection of bodies in the extreme Solar System, outside of the Kuiper belt (82155) 2001 FZ173
small satellite 56 artificial satellites of low mass and size, usually under 500 kg AERCam Sprint
CK chondrite 52 group of carbonaceous chondrites, distinguished by abundant fine-grained matrix Northwest Africa 12796
emission nebula 52 cloud of ionized gas emitting light of various colors Horsehead Nebula
iron meteorite 51 meteorite composed of iron-nickel alloy called meteoric iron Agpalilik
navigational star 51 bright, easily distinguished, stars used for navigation Sirius
fast radio burst 50 high-energy astrophysical phenomenon manifested as a transient radio pulse lasting only a few milliseconds RRAT J1819-1458
regular moon 50 natural satellite following a relatively close and prograde orbit with little orbital inclination or eccentricity Moon
red dwarf 49 type of small and relatively-cool star Barnard's Star
Halley-type comet 49 type of periodic comet with an orbital period between 20 and 200 years Halley's Comet
Strela-2M 49 Kosmos 2251
navigation satellite 45 satellite for navigation IRNSS-1A
geomagnetic satellite 45 satellite designed to monitor Earth's magnetosphere and related regions Pioneer 5
GLONASS-M 44 family of Russian GLONASS navigation satellites Kosmos 2417
pair of stars 44 Asterope
dwarf spheroidal galaxy 43 small, low-luminosity galaxies with very little dust and an older stellar population Andromeda III
Encke-type comet 40 type of periodic comet with an orbit inside that of Jupiter 412P/WISE
former constellation 40 constellations that were once listed in European star maps but are no longer recognized by the IAU Argo Navis
planetary ring 39 ring of dust and debris orbiting a planet or planet-scale object main ring
nova-like star 39 stars that exhibit only irregular small-scale brightness changes or occasional drops in luminosity WD 0800-533
Zenit-4МКМ 38 Kosmos 1214
KH-7 Gambit 38 series of U.S. reconnaissance satellites KH 7-02
group of stars 38 astronomical object type NGC 1252
edge-on galaxy 36 Messier 108
Gorizont 35 series of Russian/Soviet satellites, launched 1978-2000 Gorizont 33
Zelina-OM 34 Cosmos 1062
US-A 34 Soviet nuclear-powered surveillance satellite series Kosmos 954
Am star 33 star 44 Ophiuchi
space station 33 spacecraft designed to remain in space for an extended period with a crew Tiangong-1
intermediate polar 33 type of variable star AE Aquarii
stony meteorite 33 meteorite predominantly made of silicate minerals Zaklodzie meteorite
orbiter 32 spacecraft which orbits a planet or other celestial body Juno
geodetic satellite 31 artificial satellite used in the research and application of geodesy ANNA 1B
hypothetical astronomical object 31 astronomical object assumed to exist, or earlier assumed to exist black dwarf
Damocloid asteroid 30 asteroid following a comet-like orbit 5335 Damocles
moon of Uranus 28 natural satellites of the planet Uranus Titania
Yantar-2K 28 Soviet spy satellite Cosmos 1028
Resurs-F1 17F41 28 Cosmos 1127
terrestrial planet 26 planet that is composed primarily of silicate rocks or metals. Within the Solar System, the terrestrial planets are the inner planets closest to the Sun, i.e. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars Earth
Fram 26 Cosmos 1033
Strela-1 26 Cosmos 89
nebula 26 body of interstellar clouds NGC 1977
Nakṣatra 26 lunar mansion in Hindu an Buddhist astrology Jyeshtha
neutron star 25 collapsed core of a massive star consisting mainly of neutrons 4U 0614+091
Galileo satellite 25 satellite used by the Galileo Global Navigation Satellite System GSAT0101
FU Orionis variable 24 type of eruptive variable star V1057 Cygni
Zenit-4MT 23 Cosmos 1119
lunar orbiter 23 spacecraft which orbits the Moon Chang'e 1
substellar object 23 astronomical object with insufficient mass to sustain nuclear fusion HD 141937 b
symbiotic star candidate 22 EC 19249-7343
chondrite 22 class of stony meteorites Knyahinyai meteorite
Orbiting Vehicle 21 family of U.S. satellites OV5-5
Ekran 21 geostationary satellite Ekran 18
gamma-ray constellation 21 Black Widow Spider
Yantar-1KFT 20 Soviet spy satellite Cosmos 1246
SAR satellite 20 subclass of radar satellite focusing on SAR ERS-1
Radio Sputnik 20 series of soviet and russian amateur radio satellites Yubileiny
ロームプ 19 Cosmos 1112
Tsikada 19 satellite Cosmos 1000
Tselina-2 19 Cosmos 2428
KH-11 KENNEN 19 family of American reconnaissance satellites KH 11-15
mercury-manganese star 19 type of star with a prominent spectral line due to absorption from ionized mercury Beta Tauri
Strela 18 constellation of Ukrainian military communications satellites Kosmos 2484
ÑuSat 18 series of Argentinean commercial Earth observation satellites ÑuSat 1
star system 18 type of astronomical object, stars which orbit each other NGC 7287
US-P 17 Cosmos 1355
small Solar System body 16 object in the Solar System that is neither a planet, nor a dwarf planet, nor a satellite 90377 Sedna
geosynchronous satellite 16 satellite in geosynchronous orbit Amazonas 2
long-period comet 16 Wikimedia list article C/1769 P1
moon of Neptune 15 natural satellites of the planet Neptune Triton
Corona 14 series of American strategic reconnaissance satellites Discoverer 22
Meteor 14 satellite Kosmos 122
Gonets-M 13 satellite family Gonets M03
Yantar-4KS1 13 Soviet spy satellite Cosmos 1552
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite 13 type of communications satellite that forms part of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System TDRS-11
zodiacal constellation 13 constellation near the ecliptic Pisces
CR chondrite 13 group of carbonaceous chondrites Dar al Gani 974
galaxy filament 13 thread-like structures that form the boundaries between large voids in the universe Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex
astronomical object in the Solar System 13 type of astronomical object within the Solar System rings of Saturn
propeller moon 12 type of moon of Saturn Earhart
Ap and Bp stars 12 chemically peculiar stars (hence the "p") of types A and B Delta Delphini
carbonaceous chondrite 12 class of chondritic meteorites Tagish Lake
possible peculiar star 12 LAMOST J004637.24+401824.8
Yantar-4K1 12 Soviet spy satellite Cosmos 1097
semiregular variable star 12 type of variable star VV Cephei
twotino 12 1:2-resonant trans-Neptunian object (308379) 2005 RS43
JCSAT 12 series of communications satellites JCSAT-RA
binary asteroid 11 system of two asteroids orbiting their common center of mass 58534 Logos
K-type main-sequence star 11 stellar classification Epsilon Eridani
ring galaxy 11 galaxy with a circle-like appearance NGC 3081
Okean 11 Sich-1
KH-5 Argon 11 series of U.S. reconnaissance satellites FTV-1126
Population II star 11 stellar population HE 1523-0901
hypothetical planet 10 planet or similar body whose existence is not proven, but is speculated on by some Planet Persephone
A-type main sequence star 10 stellar classification Vega
shepherd moon 10 small natural satellite associated with a planetary ring Cordelia
Shijian-6 10 series of satellites Shijian-6A
US-KS 10 Russian and Soviet early warning satellites Kosmos 2155
Yantar-4K2M 10 Russian spy satellite Kosmos 2480
L chondrite 10 type of meteorite Ghubara
Yamal 10 communications satellite Yamal 300K
Potok 10 Cosmos 1366

∑ 310 items.

End of automatically generated list.