Wikidata:WikiProject Chess/Lists/WGM/2011

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?start_time WHERE { ?item p:P2962 ?statement. ?statement ps:P2962 wd:Q3417060; pq:P580 ?start_time. FILTER (?start_time >= "2011-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) . FILTER (?start_time < "2012-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) . }
portrait name gender country federation date of birth date of death place of birth FIDE player ID player ID player ID player ID
Tatev Abrahamyan female United States of America United States of America
1988-01-13 Yerevan 13301918 Tatev_Abrahamyan 57342 1309
Karina Ambartsumova female Russia Russia 1989-08-17 Kazan 4166299 Karina_Ambartsumova 103244 7042
Yanira Vigoa Apecheche female Cuba
United States of America
1987 3507041 Yanira_Vigoa_Apecheche 139377 223847
Zuzana Borosova female Slovakia Slovakia 1988-08-26 Komárno 14905779 Zuzana_Borosova 54875 26515
Daria Charochkina female Russia Russia 1990-10-07 4180917 Daria_Charochkina 54893 37130
Pauline Guichard female France France 1988-11-14 Colombes 639370 Pauline_Guichard 96016 79635
Phạm Lê Thảo Nguyên female Vietnam Vietnam 1987-12-07 Vietnam 12401226 Nguyen_Pham_Le_Thao 127431 163336
Adriana Nikolova female Bulgaria Bulgaria 1988-11-09 Stara Zagora 2908689 Adriana_Nikolova 127393 149723
Nadya Ortiz female Colombia Colombia 1986-10-20 Ibagué 4401778 Nadya_Karolina_Ortiz 79663 154228
Guo Qi female People's Republic of China People's Republic of China 1995-01-27 Xinghua 8604002 Guo_Qi 122078 80309
Veronika Schneider female Hungary Hungary 1987-07-17 Budapest 721530 Veronika_Schneider 57785 190250
Galina Strutinskaya female Russia
Soviet Union
Russia 1957-07-01 4108558 Galina_N_Strutinskaya 24905 205222
Keti Tsatsalashvili female Georgia Georgia 1992-06-10 Tbilisi 13603434 Keti_Tsatsalashvili 105143 215511
Lisandra Teresa Ordaz Valdés female Cuba Cuba 1988-11-25 Camagüey 3506940 Lisandra_Ordaz_Valdes 127616 153648
Iva Videnova-Kuljasevic female Bulgaria Bulgaria 1987-10-17 Sofia 2907763 Iva_Videnova 106320 223560

∑ 15 items.

End of automatically generated list.