Wikidata:WikiProject Chronic Pain/NK1 receptor antagonist

Title Description
Wikidata Item NK1 receptor antagonists Q12744608
Wikidata description compounds that inhibit or block the activity of neurokinin-1 receptors
Wikipedia articles NK1 receptor antagonists (en) - Antagoniste des récepteurs NK1 (fr) - NK1 receptor antagonists (de) - NK1 receptor antagonists (es) - NK1 receptor antagonists (it) - NK1 receptor antagonists (ja) - NK1 receptor antagonists (cn) - NK1 receptor antagonists (ko) - NK1 receptor antagonists (in) - مناهضات مستقبلات إن كي1 (ar)
subclass of (P279) neurotransmitter agent
instance of (P31) class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions
Links Articles - Subtypes

Reading list edit

Title Description main subject (P921) publication date (P577) DOI (P356)
The promise of substance P inhibitors in fibromyalgia Q34746456 scientific article substance P, fibromyalgia, NK1 receptor antagonists and Tachykinin receptor 1 [1]

Articles list generated using metadata edit

Articles in this list are gathered by a bot if they have main subject (P921) settled to NK1 receptor antagonists (Q12744608) and to wether chronic pain (Q1088113) or fibromyalgia (Q540571).

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P921 wd:Q12744608 . { { ?item wdt:P921 wd:Q1088113 } UNION { ?item wdt:P921 wd:Q540571 } } }
Name description main subject publication date PubMed ID
The promise of substance P inhibitors in fibromyalgia scientific article substance P
NK1 receptor antagonists
Tachykinin receptor 1
2002-05-01 12122921
End of automatically generated list.