Wikidata:WikiProject Heritage in Finland

RKY – Cultural Heritage Site of National Significance


RKY database

Managed by the The Finnish Heritage Agency.

ID Data type Description Described by Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: If the cultural heritage item has been merged to an existing item of a site, describe the nature of the site (often subclass of cultural environment in Norway (Q4567002)). If the Wikidata item represents primarily an RKY item rather than an established site, you can use Cultural Heritage Site of National Significance (Q29966257) as value. Usually this value is added to the heritage designation (P1435) property.Turku Cathedral and Turku historic center <instance of> -
countryP17Itemcountry: sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings) Turku Cathedral and Turku historic center <country> Finland-
located in the administrative territorial entityP131Itemadministrative territorial entity: Finnish municipality, current if applicable Turku Cathedral and Turku historic center <located in the administrative territorial entity> Turku-
coordinate locationP625Geographic coordinatesgeographic coordinate: The coordinates of RKY areas have been calculated based on the geometries to make marking them on maps easier. Turku Cathedral and Turku historic center <coordinate location> @60.450895/22.272990-
geoshapeP3896Geographic shapeThe name of the Data (.map) file stored in Wikimedia Commons.Turku Cathedral and Turku historic center <geoshape> Data:Rky/
RKY national built heritage environment IDP4009External identifierCultural Heritage Site of National Significance: identifier in the national built heritage environments listing RKYTurku Cathedral and Turku historic center <RKY national built heritage environment ID> 4620-
heritage designationP1435Itemhistoric preservation and heritage designation: This property is needed to include the item in WLM Turku Cathedral and Turku historic center <heritage designation> Cultural Heritage Site of National Significance-
  • Previously we have used part of (P361) / has part(s) (P527) to mark items that are within this area to link them to the Wiki Loves Monuments dataset. It is however recommended to use location (P276) or any of the subproperties for the items in the area to link them to the RKY item, when they are not officially recognized as subdivisions of the site.



See main article

Archaeological heritage


Archaeological heritage database

Cultural environments, national


Cultural environments database

World heritage sites in Finland


World heritage page in the National Board of Antiquities

Preservation principle


Research way to declare, possible IDs. This is done but can be checked for errors.

  • Laki rakennusperinnön suojelemisesta
  • Asetus 480/85
  • Kirkkolaki
  • Laki ortodoksisesta kirkosta
  • Rautatiesopimus 1998

Types of objects in cultural environments

kylä by 301 401 village (Q532)
kaava-alue planerat område 302 402
katutila gaturum 303 403
puisto park 304 404 park (Q22698)
tori torg 305 405 square (Q174782)
pihapiiri gårdsplan 306 406 yard (Q1623285)
ruukki bruk 307 407 bruk (Q10436265)
puunjalostustehdas träförädlingsfabrik 308 408 paper mill (Q918088)
saha såg 309 409 saw (Q125356)
mylly kvarn 310 410 mill (Q44494)
muu teollisuusrakennus övrig industribyggnad 311 411 industrial building (Q12144897)
kaivos gruva 312 412 mine (Q820477)
louhos stenbrott 313 413 quarry (Q188040)
voimalaitos kraftverk 314 414 power station (Q159719)
muu tuotantorakennus övrig produktionsbyggnad 315 415
kartano herrgård 316 416 manor house (Q879050)
merkkimieskoti hem för märkesperson 317 417
huvila villa 318 418 villa (Q3950)
kausiasunto säsongbostad 319 419
talonpoikaistalo bondgård 320 420
työväen asuintalo arbetarbostad 321 421
saamelaiskulttuuri samekultur 322 422
raatihuone rådhus 323 423 Rathaus (Q543654)
tulli- ja pakkahuone tull- och packhus 324 424
lainamakasiini lånemagasin 325 425
vankila fängelse 326 426 prison (Q40357)
oppilaitos läroinrättning 327 427 school building (Q1244442)
museo museum 328 428 museum (Q33506)
teatteri teater 329 429 theatre (Q11635)
muu kulttuurirakennus övrig kulturbyggnad 330 430
hotelli hotell 331 431 hotel (Q27686)
kauppa- ja liikerakennus butiks- och affärsbyggnad 332 432 commercial building (Q655686)
kirkko kyrka 333 433 church building (Q16970)
siunauskappeli begravningskapell 334 434 cemetery chapel (Q1457501)
kellotapuli klockstapel 335 435 wooden bell tower (Q699873)
pappila prästgård 336 436 clergy house (Q607241)
hautausmaa begravningsplats 337 437 cemetery (Q39614)
linnoitus fästning 338 438 fortress (Q57831)
kasarmi kasern 339 439 barracks (Q131263)
sairaala, parantola sjukhus, sanatorium 340 440 hospital (Q16917)
huoltola vårdinrättning 341 441
urheilurakennus idrottsbyggnad 342 442
tie väg 343 443 road (Q34442)
silta bro 344 444 bridge (Q12280)
liikenteenrakennus byggnad för samfärdsel 345 445
majakka fyr 346 446 lighthouse (Q39715)
luotsiasema lotsstation 347 447 pilot station (Q16948701)
kanava kanal 348 448 canal (Q12284)
satama hamn 349 449 port (Q44782)
muu hallintorakennus övrig administrativ byggnad 350 450 administrative building (Q2519340)
muinaisjäännös fornlämning 351 451 ancient monument (Q3395377)
matkailurakennus turistbyggnad 352 452
piensatama småhamn 353 453 marina (Q721207)
seurantalo föreningshus 354 454 clubhouse (Q11893115)
käräjätalo tingshus 355 455 courthouse (Q1137809)
koulu skola 356 456 school (Q3914)
asuinkerrostalo flervåningshus 357 457 revenue house (Q1577547)
kaupungin asuintalo bostadshus i stad 358 458 public housing (Q6532502)
pienasumus småhus 359 459 small house (Q20920425)
hautakappeli gravkapell 360 460 sepulchral chapel (Q1424583)
talousrakennus ekonomibyggnad 361 461 agricultural structure (Q10480682)
kaupungintalo stadshus 363 463 Rathaus (Q543654)
huvimaja lusthus 364 464 gazebo (Q961082)
kirkkotallit kyrkstallar 365 465 church stable (Q10551544)
luostari kloster 366 466 monastery (Q44613)
navetta ladugård 367 467 cowshed (Q681337)
sakasti sakristia 368 468 sacristy (Q468939)
tuulimylly väderkvarn 369 469 windmill (Q38720)