Wikidata:WikiProject Heritage institutions/Typology




Data Structure




Data Sources


Use Cases


Tools & Tasks






The purpose of this page is to give an overview of the typology of heritage institutions within Wikidata and to provide a space where its further development can be coordinated.

To Do List


The following tasks still need to be done (please chime in!):

  • Complement the list of existing thesauri in various languages.
  • Add missing institution types from relevant thesauri (especially GND and Library of Congress Authorities) to Wikidata (also check out the Getty Arts and Architecture Thesaurus).
  • Systematically map existing thesauri in various languages to the institution types in Wikidata; if thesauri contain further institution types, consider adding them to Wikidata by creating an new item.
  • Add proper definitions from authoritative sources, in order to be able to make appropriate type hierarchy and delineation decisions, especially because the type granularity varies between sources.
  • Complement the list of similar institutions that may be referenced in databases generally containing heritage institutions.

Types of heritage institutions within Wikidata


Types of museums, by number of instances

 (COUNT(DISTINCT ?instance) AS ?count)
 (group_concat(distinct ?Alias_en;separator="; ") as ?Aliases_en) #Concatenate the values in order not to get several rows per type.
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType1_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes1_en) 
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType2_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes2_en)
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType3_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes3_en)
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType4_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes4_en)
 ?type wdt:P279* wd:Q33506 .
 OPTIONAL { ?instance wdt:P31 ?type }  
 OPTIONAL { ?type rdfs:label ?Label_en . FILTER (lang(?Label_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type skos:altLabel ?Alias_en . FILTER (lang(?Alias_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
GROUP BY ?type 						#List all the variables for which the values are not concatenated!
Try it!

Types of libraries, by number of instances

 (COUNT(DISTINCT ?instance) AS ?count)
 (group_concat(distinct ?Alias_en;separator="; ") as ?Aliases_en) #Concatenate the values in order not to get several rows per type.
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType1_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes1_en) 
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType2_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes2_en)
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType3_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes3_en)
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType4_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes4_en)
 ?type wdt:P279* wd:Q7075 .
 OPTIONAL { ?instance wdt:P31 ?type }  
 OPTIONAL { ?type rdfs:label ?Label_en . FILTER (lang(?Label_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type skos:altLabel ?Alias_en . FILTER (lang(?Alias_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
GROUP BY ?type 						#List all the variables for which the values are not concatenated!
Try it!

Types of archives, by number of instances

 (COUNT(DISTINCT ?instance) AS ?count)
 (group_concat(distinct ?Alias_en;separator="; ") as ?Aliases_en) #Concatenate the values in order not to get several rows per type.
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType1_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes1_en) 
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType2_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes2_en)
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType3_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes3_en)
 (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType4_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes4_en)
 ?type wdt:P279* wd:Q166118 .
 OPTIONAL { ?instance wdt:P31 ?type }  
 OPTIONAL { ?type rdfs:label ?Label_en . FILTER (lang(?Label_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type skos:altLabel ?Alias_en . FILTER (lang(?Alias_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
 OPTIONAL { ?type wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
GROUP BY ?type 						#List all the variables for which the values are not concatenated!
Try it!

You may also use the following query to generate a list of all existing types of museums, libraries, and archives in Wikidata:

Use the Wikidata Query Service. In case of performance problems, try running the query in the Chrome Browser.

SELECT ?item
       (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType1_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes1_en)       
       (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType2_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes2_en)
       (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType3_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes3_en)
       (group_concat(distinct ?institutionType4_en;separator="; ") as ?institutionTypes4_en)
       (group_concat(distinct ?Alias_en;separator="; ") as ?Aliases_en)    #Concatenate the values in order not to get several rows per item.
       (group_concat(distinct ?Alias_de;separator="; ") as ?Aliases_de)
  {?item wdt:P279+ wd:Q33506} UNION {?item wdt:P279+ wd:Q166118} UNION {?item wdt:P279+ wd:Q7075}.
  OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ?Label_en . FILTER (lang(?Label_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ?Label_de . FILTER (lang(?Label_de) = "de") } 
  OPTIONAL { ?item skos:altLabel ?Alias_en . FILTER (lang(?Alias_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item skos:altLabel ?Alias_de . FILTER (lang(?Alias_de) = "de") } 
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType1 . ?institutionType1 wdt:P279/^wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType1 rdfs:label ?institutionType1_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType1_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType2 . ?institutionType2 wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType2 rdfs:label ?institutionType2_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType2_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType3 . ?institutionType3 wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType3 rdfs:label ?institutionType3_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType3_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q33506 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q166118 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279+ ?institutionType4 . ?institutionType4 wdt:P279/wdt:P279/wdt:P279 wd:Q7075 . ?institutionType4 rdfs:label ?institutionType4_en . FILTER (lang(?institutionType4_en) = "en") }
group by ?item  						#List all the variables for which the values are not concatenated!

The code above outputs the labels of the institution types in English and German. The code can be adapted accordingly to output labels in other languages.

Existing thesauri (types of heritage institutions)








Proposed thesaurus for museums

WDitem institutionType1 institutionType2 institutionType3 institutionType4 Typology Remarks
museum (Q33506)      museum basic type Removed sub-class of "architectural structure".

Added sub-class of "Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums".

commercial museum (Q26945139)      museum commercial museum business orientation created based on LoC
international museum (Q26945151)      museum international museum geographical scope created based on LoC
local museum (Q1595639)      museum local museum geographical scope created based on GND
regional museum (Q26944924)      museum regional museum geographical scope created based on GND
dime museum (Q26945159)      museum dime museum historical type created based on LoC
interpretation centre (Q1549731)      museum interpretation centre methodology
living museum (Q6659501)      museum living museum methodology
working life museum (Q10416961)      museum working life museum methodology
heritage railway (Q420962)      museum heritage railway object
museum road (Q3445465)      museum museum road object
ship replica (Q3456301)      museum museum ship ship replica object Correct English label (not capitalized).
museum ship (Q575727)      museum museum ship object
museum-reserve (Q4306036)      museum open-air museum museum-reserve premises / object Correct English label (not capitalized).
city museum (Q2327632)      museum city museum ownership
(LoC) museum college museum ownership The term "college" can have several meanings in different countries (university, part of a university, or a vocational training school). There is no need for this type. Corresponding museums can be listed either as "school museum (museum belonging to a school)" or as "university museum".
state museum (Q18233199)      museum Landesmuseum ownership Add English label.
national museum (Q17431399)      museum national museum ownership
private museum (Q614316)      museum private museum ownership
classroom museum (Q26944928)      museum school museum (museum belonging to a school) ownership Clearly distinguish it from "school museum" where the school is the museum's theme.
education museum (Q26945037)      museum school museum (on the topics of school) theme
university museum (Q866133)      museum museum of a higher education institution ownership "museum of a higher education institution" instead of "university museum". Define "university museum" and "college museum" as aliases.
district museum (Q26944960)      museum Bezirksmuseum ownership / geographical scope created based on GND
county museum (Q10571947)      museum county museum ownership / geographical scope
(LoC) museum art museum; college museum college art museum ownership / theme There is no need for this type as it can be obtained by a combination of "school museum" / "university museum" and "art museum".
(LoC) museum college museum college science museum ownership / theme There is no need for this type as it can be obtained by a combination of "school museum" / "university museum" and "science museum".
corporate museum (Q26945082)      museum company museum ownership / theme created based on GND
green museum (Q5603559)      museum green museum philosophy
15635761 museum art museum black cube art museum premises / theme
traveling museum (Q6887172)      museum mobile museum premises Correct the label (not capitalized, no plural).
archaeological open-air museum (Q636819)      museum open-air museum archaeological open-air museum premises / theme Correct the label (not capitalized)
open-air museum (Q756102)      museum open-air museum premises Remove the statement sub-class of "art collection".
schloss country house museum (Q39518369)      museum castle museum premises
virtual museum (Q1225034)      museum virtual museum premises
museum farm (Q5435556)      museum open-air museum farm museum premises / theme
children's museum (Q842478)      museum children's museum target group
youth museum (Q26944966)      museum youth museum target group created based on GND
musical instrument museum (Q17438516)      museum music museum musical instrument museum theme Sub-class of "music museum" instead of "museum".
agricultural museum (Q19890860)      museum agricultural museum theme
fishery museum (Q67638959)      museum fishery museum theme AAT
antiquarium (Q3618768)      museum antiquarium theme
archaeological museum (Q3329412)      museum archaeological museum theme
architectural museum (Q26945165)      museum architectural museum theme created based on LoC
artist museum (Q1747681)      museum art museum artist museum theme
Kunstgewerbemuseum (Q1792387)      museum art museum arts and crafts museum theme Add English label.
ceramics museum (Q25964553)      museum art museum ceramics museum theme
design museum (Q1200701)      museum art museum design museum theme
diocesan museum (Q17132744)      museum art museum diocesan museum theme
Fonds régional d'art contemporain (Q3075898)      museum art museum fonds régional d'art contemporain theme Correct the label (not capitalized).
plaster cast gallery (Q3768550)      museum art museum glyptotheque plaster cast gallery theme
glyptotheque (Q957433)      museum art museum glyptotheque theme
hair museum (Q5639512)      museum art museum hair museum theme
photography museum (Q26944969)      museum art museum photography museum theme created based on GND
picture gallery (Q740437)      museum art museum pinacotheca theme
wax museum (Q667018)      museum art museum wax museum theme
art museum (Q207694)      museum art museum theme
film museum (Q26944980)      museum art museum film museum theme created based on GND
bell museum (Q26944983)      museum bell museum theme created based on GND
biographical museum (Q10624527)      museum biographical museum theme
cabinet of curiosities (Q1146002)      museum cabinet of curiosities theme
fashion museum (Q26945169)      museum costume museum theme created based on LoC
customs museum (Q218735)      museum customs museum theme
dance museum (Q26945172)      museum dance museum theme created based on LoC
ecomuseum (Q1798450)      museum ecomuseum theme
economy museum (Q26944985)      museum economy museum theme created based on GND
ethnographic museum (Q26944892)      museum ethnological museum theme created based on GND
fashion museum (Q5436782)      museum fashion museum theme
chocolate museum (Q14928320)      museum food museum chocolate museum theme
food museum (Q5465500)      museum food museum theme
forestry museum (Q26944989)      museum forestry museum theme created based on GND
geographical museum (Q26945175)      museum geographical museum theme created based on LoC
hall of fame (Q1046088)      museum hall of fame theme
harbor museum (Q1602776)      museum harbour museum theme Correct English label (not capitalized).
heritage centre (Q5739135)      museum heritage centre theme
cultural history museum (Q17105874)      museum history museum cultural historical museum theme Add English label.

Sub-class of "history museum" instead of "museum".

historic house museum (Q2087181)      museum history museum historic house museum theme
historical society museum (Q67639546)      museum history museum, local museum historical society museum theme AAT
history museum (Q16735822)      museum history museum theme
Jewish museum (Q1307560)      museum Jewish museum theme
literary museum (Q1865249)      museum literary museum theme
maritime museum (Q1863818)      museum maritime museum theme
migration museum (Q962734)      museum migration museum theme
artillery museum (Q4801148)      museum military museum artillery museum theme
Museum of Military Glory (Q16287889)      museum military museum battle glory museum theme Add English label.
naval museum (Q26958661)      museum military museum naval museum theme created based on LoC
pioneer museum (Q1465881)      museum military museum pioneer museum theme Add English label.
regimental museum (Q7308408)      museum military museum regimental museum theme
museum of fortifications (Q1014837)      museum military museum museum of fortifications theme
military museum (Q2772772)      museum military museum theme
mill museum (Q2066674)      museum mill museum theme
mining museum (Q819426)      museum mining museum theme
music museum (Q26958688)      museum music museum theme created based on LoC
numismatic collection (Q1232974)      museum numismatic museum theme Set label "numismatic museum" instead of "numismatic collection". Keep "numismatic collection" as alias.
paper museum (Q26944999)      museum paper museum theme created based on GND
peace museum (Q7157526)      museum peace museum theme
police museum (Q7209480)      museum police museum theme
postal museum (Q2106220)      museum postal museum theme
philatelic museum (Q21550879)      museum postal museum philatelic museum theme AAT
safety museum (Q26958695)      museum safety museum theme created based on LoC
anatomical museum (Q26958703)      museum science museum anatomical museum theme created based on LoC
astronomical museum (Q26958712)      museum science museum astronomical museum theme created based on LoC
geological museum (Q26958733)      museum science museum geological museum mineralogical museum theme created based on LoC
geological museum (Q26958726)      museum science museum geological museum theme created based on LoC
pathological museum (Q26959029)      museum science museum medical museum pathological museum theme created based on LoC
pharmaceutical museum (Q26959023)      museum science museum medical museum pharmaceutical museum theme created based on LoC
medical museum (Q26958986)      museum science museum medical museum theme created based on LoC
botanical museum (Q26959050)      museum science museum natural history museum botanical museum theme created based on LoC
zoological museum (Q26959059)      museum science museum natural history museum zoological museum theme created based on LoC
natural history museum (Q1970365)      museum science museum natural history museum theme Sub-class of "science museum" instead of "history museum".
science museum (Q588140)      museum science museum theme
erotic museum (Q1191610)      museum sex museum theme
sports museum (Q17000324)      museum sports museum theme
computer museum (Q1093436)      museum technology museum computer museum theme
technology museum (Q2398990)      museum technology museum theme
industry museum (Q1662089)      museum industry museum theme AAT. Different from technology museum (Q2398990)
textile museum (Q26959064)      museum textile museum theme created based on LoC
theatre museum (Q17000320)      museum theatre museum theme Add English label.
torture museum (Q11197854)      museum torture museum theme
toy museum (Q2310465)      museum toy museum theme
automobile museum (Q787934)      museum transport museum automobile museum theme Remove sub-class of "museum".
astronautical museum (Q26959070)      museum transport museum astronautical museum theme The LoC defines the astronautical museum as a sub-class of "science museum". Defining it as a sub-class of "transport museum" seems more appropriate.
aviation museum (Q4828724)      museum transport museum aviation museum theme
railway museum (Q18704634)      museum transport museum railway museum theme
tramway museum (Q1614140)      museum transport museum tramways museum theme
transport museum (Q2516357)      museum transport museum theme
wine museum (Q20948671)      museum viticulture museum theme Add English label.
women's museum (Q26945002)      museum women's museum theme
local heritage institution in Sweden (Q10520688)      museum open-air museum homestead museum theme; methodology Add English label.
science center (Q3499307)      museum science museum science center theme; methodology
online art gallery (Q7094057)      museum art museum; virtual museum online art gallery theme; premises

Proposed thesaurus for libraries

WDitem institutionType1 institutionType2 institutionType3 institutionType4 Typology Remarks
library (Q7075)      library basic type Remove sub-classes of "facility" and "library building".

Add sub-class of "Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums".

bookless library (Q17020721)      library bookless library format of holdings
digital library (Q212805)      library digital library format of holdings
hybrid library (Q17148392)      library hybrid library format of holdings
media library (Q671735)      library multimedia library format of holdings
slide library (Q8470763)      library slide library format of holdings
regional library (Q20820011)      library regional library geographical scope
circulating library (Q3639678)      library circulating library historical type
ghetto library (Q20203715)      library ghetto library historical type
libraries in the ancient world (Q576029)      library library in the ancient world historical type
medieval library (Q17478798)      library medieval library historical type
To be created (GND) library archival library institution
association library (Q19864292)      library association library institution
Boat Library (Q20898002)      library boat library institution
capitular library (Q3639561)      library church library capitular library institution Define as sub-class of "church library". Merge with "cathedral library".
To be created (GND) library castle library institution
cathedral library (Q1236923)      library church library cathedral library institution Define as sub-class of "church library"
church library (Q27030553)      library church library institution created based on GND
university library (Q1622062)      library college library institution The difference between "college library" and "university library" should be clearer. "college" can mean both "university" and an institution offering vocational education. Merge with "university library" to form "higher education library"
university of applied sciences and arts library (Q1391175)      library higher education library Libraries at Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts institution See comment regarding "college library". Define as sub-class of "higher education library" instead of "college library".
company library (Q2498389)      library company library institution
court library (Q1522344)      library court library institution
authorities library (Q2660042)      library government library institution
hospital library (Q1786555)      library hospital library institution
To be created (GND) library military library institution
monastic library (Q1776381)      library monastery library institution
parliamentary library (Q2052886)      library parliamentary library institution
Presidential libraries system (Q1546583)      library presidential library institution
prison library (Q3318834)      library prison library institution
school library (Q1076099)      library school library institution
To be created (GND) library trade union library institution
academic library (Q856234)      library higher education library institution Merge with "college library". Label "higher education library" instead of "academic library". Define "academic library", "college library", and "university library" as aliases.
collegiate library (Q2348725)      library institution merge with "monastery library"
To be created (LoC / GND) library branch library organization
To be created (GND) library central library organization
anti-systemic library (Q4774477)      library anti-systemic library organization of holdings
personal library (Q2657113)      library author's library ownership
cantonal library (Q678405)      library state library cantonal library (Switzerland) particular type
To be created library state library ownership / mission
nobility library (Q355375)      library nobility library ownership
private library (Q380829)      library private library ownership
national library (Q22806)      library national library ownership / mission
state public library (Q11834910)      library state public library (Italy) particular type Remove sub-class of "national library".
Brown University Library (Q22341583)      library university library Brown University Library particular type See comment regarding college library.
Biblioteca Pública del Estado (Q5727891)      library biblioteca pública del estado (Spain) particular type Not capitalized.
Carnegie library (Q1043939)      library Carnegie library particular type
central specialist library (Q190304)      library central specialist library (Germany) particular type
municipal library with regional vocation (Q2901462)      library municipal library bibliothèque municipale à vocation régionale (France) particular type
listed municipal library (Q2901446)      library municipal library bibliothèque municipale classée (France) particular type
bookmobile (Q720920)      library bookmobile premises
library park (Q6063256)      library library park premises
reference library (Q1769139)      library reference library purpose
research library (Q1438040)      library research library purpose
one-person library (Q169793)      library one-person library staff
children's library (Q735032)      library children's library target group
Christian library (Q5110337)      library Christian library target group
To be created (LoC) library gay library target group
library for the blind (Q884233)      library library for the blind target group
public library (Q28564)      library public library target group
To be created (GND) library student library target group
workers' library (Q627127)      library workers' library target group
To be created (GND) library youth library target group
municipal library (Q2326815)      library public library municipal library target group / ownership
art library (Q18628369)      library art library thematic scope
law library (Q6503358)      library law library thematic scope
medical library (Q6150991)      library medical library thematic scope
music library (Q2061246)      library music library thematic scope
Science fiction libraries and museums (Q7433679)      library science fiction library thematic scope
scientific library (Q2586205)      library scientific library thematic scope
special library (Q385994)      library special library thematic scope
Torah library (Q12410165)      library Torah library thematic scope
universal library (Q2495568)      library universal library thematic scope
women library (Q1451610)      library women's library thematic scope
lending library (Q779419)      library (Ausleihbibliothek) match with lending library type of service
To be created (GND) library (Freihandbibliothek) type of service
remote library (Q1406910)      library (Magazinbibliothek) (Fernbibliothek) type of service
closed stack library (Q1468779)      library (Magazinbibliothek) type of service
To be created (GND) library (Speicherbibliothek, Depotbibliothek) type of service Check the difference with (Magazinbibliothek)
lending library (Q1815075)      library lending library (match Leihbibliothek with circulating library) type of service
self-service library (Q22116012)      library self-service library type of service
subscription library (Q7631964)      library subscription library type of service

Proposed thesaurus for archives

WDitem institutionType1 institutionType2 institutionType3 institutionType4 Typology Remarks
archive (Q166118)      archive basic type
To be created (GND) archive audio-visual archive video archive format of holdings
audiovisual archive (Q27030766)      archive audio-visual archive format of holdings created based on LoC
cinematheque (Q1352795)      archive cinemateque format of holdings
photo archive (Q27032363)      archive photo archive format of holdings created based on GND
sound archive (Q27032406)      archive sound archive format of holdings created based on GND
web archive (Q30047053)      archive web archive format of holdings
regional archive (Q27032392)      archive regional archive geographical scope created based on GND
academic archive (Q27032435)      archive academic archive institution created based on GND
association archive (Q27030820)      archive association archive institution created based on GND
notarial archive (Q8203685)      archive company archive (alias: business records office) (Notariatsarchiv) institution
To be created (GND) archive company archive (alias: business records office) (Verlagsarchiv) institution
bank archive (Q52718263)      archive company archive (alias: business records office) bank archive institution
company archives (Q27030778)      archive company archive (alias: business records office) institution created based on GND
church archive (Q27030746)      archive church archive institution created based on GND
family archive (Q27032283)      archive family archive institution created based on GND and LoC
foundation archive (Q27030827)      archive foundation archive institution created based on GND
hospital archive (Q27030837)      archive hospital archive institution created based on GND
To be created (LoC) archive media archive newspaper archive institution
monastery archive (Q27030561)      archive monastery archive institution created based on GND
museum archive (Q53566456)      archive museum archive institution
party archive (Q53252161)      archive party archives institution
To be created (GND) archive public archive (alias: public records office) county archive institution
court records (Q11906844)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) court records institution
To be created (GND) archive public archive (alias: public records office) Kreisarchiv (Germany) institution
military archive (Q1934883)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) military archives institution
parliamentary archive (Q53251146)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) parliamentary archives institution
public archive (Q27031009)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) institution created based on GND
school archive (Q27030883)      archive school archive institution created based on GND
archive of an international organization (Q27031014)      archive archive of an international organization institution newly created
nobility archive (Q355358)      archive nobility archive ownership
personal archive (Q27032347)      archive personal archive ownership created based on LoC
private archive (Q3621670)      archive private archive ownership
municipal archive (Q604177)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) municipal archives ownership
national archives (Q15303967)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) national archives ownership
cantonal archive (Q2860410)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) cantonal archive (Switzerland) particular type
departmental archives (Q2860456)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) departmental archive (France) particular type
regional state archives (Q8727648)      archive public archive (alias: public records office) regional state archives (Sweden) particular type
local history archive (Q27032320)      archive local history archive (de: Heimatarchiv) thematic scope created based on GND
literary archive (Q28607652)      archive literature archive (de: Literaturarchiv) thematic scope
regional economic archive (Q2138319)      archive economic history archive (de: Wirtschaftsarchiv) regional economic history archive (de: regionales Wirtschaftsarchiv) thematic scope Sub-class of (Wirtschaftsarchiv) instead of "archive".
economic archive (Q27032167)      archive economic history archive (de: Wirtschaftsarchiv) thematic scope created based on GND
To be created (LoC) archive anthropological archive thematic scope
art archive (Q27032254)      archive art archive thematic scope created based on LoC
To be created (LoC) archive folklore archive thematic scope
To be created (LoC) archive Jewish archive thematic scope
To be created (LoC) archive media archive broadcasting archive thematic scope
To be created (GND) archive media archive thematic scope
To be created (LoC) archive medical archive thematic scope
music archive (Q53759838)      archive musical archive thematic scope
To be created (LoC) archive performing arts archive dance archive thematic scope Sub-class of "performing arts archive" instead of "archive".
performing arts archive (Q27030945)      archive performing arts archive thematic scope created based on LoC
political archive (Q27030921)      archive political archive thematic scope created based on GND
scientific archive (Q27032095)      archive scientific archive thematic scope created based on LoC
specialized archive (Q27030941)      archive special archive thematic scope created based on GND

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