Wikidata:WikiProject Informatics/Software/Operating systems

WikiProject Operating System identifies properties to define an en:Operating System. It takes into consideration infoboxes used in Wikipedia of different languages.



Please map properties of Infobox operating system to existing properties of Wikidata and identify if new properties are required.

Property EN (en:Template:Infobox OS) IT (it:Template:Sistema_operativo) FR (fr:Modèle:Infobox Système d'exploitation) DE (de:Vorlage:Infobox Betriebssystem)
logo image (P154) logo logo logo Logo
logo image (P154), qualifier media legend (P2096) logo caption
logo alt
image (P18) screenshot screenshot image
image (P18), qualifier media legend (P2096) caption didascalia légende
version of
developer (P178) developer sviluppatore développeur Entwickler
copyright holder (P3931) proprietario
part of (P361) family famiglia famille
working state stadio_sviluppo état du projet
source model tipologia_licenza
released data_prima_pubblicazione première version
RTM date
GA date
software version identifier (P348) latest release version ultima_versione_pubblicata dernière version stable Version
software version identifier (P348), qualifier publication date (P577) latest release date data_ultima_pubblicazione date de dernière version stable Freigabedatum
latest preview version dernière version avancée
latest preview date date de dernière version avancée
marketing target
programmed in (P277) programmed in écrit en
language of work or name (P407) language lingue langues Sprache
language count
language footnote
update model metodo_di_aggiornamento méthode de mise à jour
package management system (P3033) package manager gestore_pacchetti gestionnaire de paquets
platform (P400) supported platforms piattaforme_supportate plates-formes possible
kernel type tipo_kernel Kernel
userland spazio_utente
GUI toolkit or framework (P1414) ui interfaccia_utente interface graphique
copyright license (P275) license licenza licence Lizenz
follows (P155) preceded by predecessore version-précédente
followed by (P156) succeeded by successore version-suivante
official website (P856) website sito_web site web Website
support status
other articles

Operating Systems Examples


Open the table of all operating systems ("Try it" link below) and fill in the blanks:

  (SAMPLE(COALESCE(?en_label, ?any_label)) as ?label)
  (SAMPLE(?based_on_label) as ?based_on)
  (SAMPLE(?logo) as ?logo)
  (SAMPLE(?image) as ?image)
  (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?packaging_system_label ; separator=", ") as ?packaging_system)
  (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?developer_label ; separator=", ") as ?developer)
  (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?license_label ; separator=", ") as ?license)
  (SAMPLE(?inception) as ?inception)
  (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?origin_label ; separator=", ") as ?origin)
  #(SAMPLE(?website) as ?website)
  ?os wdt:P31 wd:Q9135.
  OPTIONAL{?os rdfs:label ?en_label. FILTER(LANG(?en_label) = "en")} OPTIONAL {?os rdfs:label ?any_label}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P144 ?based_on. ?based_on rdfs:label ?based_on_label. FILTER(LANG(?based_on_label) = "en")}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P154 ?logo}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P18 ?image}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P3033 ?packaging_system. ?packaging_system rdfs:label ?packaging_system_label. FILTER(LANG(?packaging_system_label) = "en")}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P275 ?license. ?license rdfs:label ?license_label. FILTER(LANG(?license_label) = "en")}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P178 ?developer. ?developer rdfs:label ?developer_label. FILTER(LANG(?developer_label) = "en")}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P571 ?inception}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P495 ?origin. ?origin rdfs:label ?origin_label. FILTER(LANG(?origin_label) = "en")}
  OPTIONAL{?os wdt:P856 ?website}
GROUP BY ?os ORDER BY ?label
Try it!

