Wikidata:WikiProject Informatics/Software/Properties









Properties related to software (Q7397)


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
Arch Linux packageP3454External identifierArch Linux: name of the official Arch Linux packageGIMP <Arch Linux package> gimp-
based onP144Itembased on: the work(s) or inputs used as the basis for subject itemWindows 8.1 <based on> Windows 8derivative work
based on with qualifier removed featureP756Itemsoftware feature, software and removed feature: which feature was removed by this version of a product itemDevuan <based on> Debian
<removed feature> systemd
binding of software libraryP1372Itemlanguage binding: software library in another programming language provided by the subject software bindingPyGObject <binding of software library> GObject-
issue tracker URLP1401URLbug tracking system: web page where bugs, issues, and feature requests for a particular software program can be listed or reportedWikidata <issue tracker URL>
creatorP170Itemcreator, author, visual artist and software developer: maker of this creative work or other object (where no more specific property exists)The Potato Eaters <creator> Vincent van Goghnotable work
Debian stable packageP3442External identifierdeb: name of the official Debian stable packageGIMP <Debian stable package> gimp-
depends on softwareP1547Itemsoftware dependency: subject software depends on object softwareGradle <depends on software> Maven Central Repository-
developerP178Itemvideo game developer and software developer: organization or person that developed the itemGNU/Linux <developer> Richard Stallman-
developer with qualifier instance ofP31Iteminstance of: when the business model of the developer (P178) of a software is different than the business model of the company considered as a whole, it should be set to an instance of (P31) subclass of (P279) business model (Q815823)Loomio <developer> Loomio Cooperative Limited-
DistroWatch IDP3112External identifieridentifier for an operating system at DistroWatch.comDebian <DistroWatch ID> debian-
edition or translation ofP629Itemversion, edition or translation: is an edition or translation of this entityWindows 8.1 <edition or translation of> Windows 8has edition or translation
end timeP582Point in timeend time: at this point in time, the software stopped any evolution or bug fixudev <end time> 2012-
facet ofP1269Itemaspect: topic of which this item is an aspect, item that offers a broader perspective on the same topicdeb <facet of> dpkg-
F-Droid packageP3597External identifierAndroid package in the F-Droid official repositoryWikipedia <F-Droid package> org.wikipedia-
Fedora packageP3463External identifiername of the official Fedora packageGIMP <Fedora package> gimp-
followsP155Itemfollows: the software is the immediate successor of an older, deprecated, softwareopkg <follows> ipkgfollowed by
followed byP156Itemfollowed by: the software is deprecated by its immediate successoripkg <followed by> opkgfollows
Framalibre IDP4107External identifierunique identifier in the Framalibre free software directoryLibreOffice Writer <Framalibre ID> libreoffice-writer-
Free Software Directory entryP2537External identifierlink to the FSD page on a given software or licenseCheese <Free Software Directory entry> Cheese-
Gentoo packageP3499External identifiername of the official Gentoo package of this applicationGIMP <Gentoo package> media-gfx/gimp-
GitHub usernameP2037External identifierusername of this project, person or organization on GitHubMichael Niedermayer <GitHub username> michaelni-
Google Play Store app IDP3418External identifierpackage name of an app registered on Google PlayVLC media player <Google Play Store app ID> org.videolan.vlc-
GUI toolkit or frameworkP1414Itemwidget toolkit and software framework: framework or toolkit a program uses to display the graphical user interfaceGIMP <GUI toolkit or framework> GTK-
has part(s)P527Itemhas part, consist of and meronymy: part of this subject; inverse property of "part of" (P361). See also "has parts of the class" (P2670).MakeHuman <has part(s)> data setpart of
has part(s) with qualifier copyright licenseP275Itemcopyright license: license under which this part of the copyrighted work is releasedMakeHuman <has part(s)> data set
<copyright license> Creative Commons CC0 License
inceptionP571Point in timedate of establishment: Use it only if it is known the date when the software was actually created. To indicate the publication date use publication date (P577) instead.Unix <inception> 1969[[d:P:Pend time (P582)|Pend time (P582)]]
influenced byP737Itemsocial influence: this person, idea, etc. is informed by that other person, idea, etc., e.g. “Heidegger was influenced by Aristotle”Lua <influenced by> C++-
input deviceP479Itemuser interface and input device: input device used to interact with a software or a deviceCounter-Strike <input device> mouse and computer keyboard-
output deviceP5196Itemoutput device and user interface: output device used to interact with a software or video game consoleAdrift <output device> Oculus Rift-
IRC channel URLP1613URLIRC and IRC channel: official IRC channel of an institution or projectInkscape <IRC channel URL>
language of work or nameP407Itemlanguage: language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412))Autobiografia di Alice Toklas (translation) <language of work or name> Italian-
copyright licenseP275Itemcopyright license: license under which this copyrighted work is releasedInkscape <copyright license> GNU General Public License, version 2.0-
media typeP1163Stringmedia type: IANA-registered identifier for a file typeSVG <media type> image/svg+xml-
movementP135Itemcultural movement: the software project supports a movement. For instance when a software belongs to the GNU Project (Q7598), it implicitly supports the free software movement (Q1076638)GNU social <movement> free software movement-
official blog URLP1581URLofficial blog: URL to the blog of this softwareRStudio <official blog URL>
official websiteP856URLofficial website and home page: URL to the website of this softwareRStudio <official website>
Open Hub IDP1972External identifieridentifier for free software at OpenHub.netFirefox <Open Hub ID> firefox-
operating systemP306Itemoperating system: operating system (OS) on which a software works or the OS installed on hardwareGIMP <operating system> Linux-
package management systemP3033Itempackage manager: package management system used to publish the softwareFirefox <package management system> dpkg-
part ofP361Itempart: a larger software contains this software or this software belongs to a group similar to the GNU Project (Q7598)Speex <part of> GNU Projecthas part(s)
platformP400Itemcomputing platform: platform for which a work was developed or released, or the specific platform version of a software productFirefox <platform> x86-
portP1641Quantityport: default communication endpoint in TCP, UDP, or other transport protocolSimple Mail Transfer Protocol <port> 25-
priceP2284Quantityprice: published price listed or paid for a product (use with unit of currency)Warfarin sodium 1 mg tab-cap <price> 1.18 United States dollar-
programmed inP277Itemprogramming language: the programming language(s) in which the software is developedMediaWiki <programmed in> PHP-
publication dateP577Point in timepublication date: date or point in time a work is first published or released.Node.js <publication date> 27 May 2009[[d:P:Pend time (P582)|Pend time (P582)]]
readable file formatP1072Itemreadable file format: file format a program can open and readInkscape <readable file format> SVG-
part of the seriesP179Itemsequence, series of creative works, event sequence, book series, painting series and video game series: series which contains the subjectWindows 8.1 <part of the series> Windows NT-
software engineP408Itemsoftware engine: software engine employed by the subject itemWikipedia <software engine> MediaWiki-
software quality assuranceP2992Itemsoftware quality assurance: quality assurance process in place for a particular softwareCKAN <software quality assurance> continuous integration-
software quality assurance with qualifier archive URLP1065URLarchive URL: the URL where the quality assurance reports are archivedLoomio <software quality assurance> continuous integration
<archive URL>
software quality assurance with qualifier described at URLP973URLInternet research: the URL describing the quality assurance process in placeLoomio <software quality assurance> continuous integration
<described at URL>
computes solution toP2159Itemproblem that this algorithm or method solvesDijkstra's algorithm <computes solution to> shortest path problem-
source code repository URLP1324URLrepository and source code: public source code repositoryOpenVPN <source code repository URL>
SourceForge projectP2209External identifieridentifier for an official SourceForge repository ("project") for a software productFileZilla <SourceForge project> filezilla-
Stack Exchange tagP1482URLStack Exchange Folksonomy and Stack Exchange: tag on the Stack Exchange websitesPHP <Stack Exchange tag>
TeX stringP1993StringTeX: string to show a concept in TeX or LaTeXbinomial distribution <TeX string> \binom{n}{k}-
Ubuntu packageP3473External identifiername of the official Ubuntu packageGIMP <Ubuntu package> gimp-
Unicode characterP487StringUnicode character: Unicode character representing the itemeuro sign <Unicode character> -
user manual URLP2078URLuser guide: link to the user manual of the object (product, program)darktable <user manual URL>
writable file formatP1073Itemwritable file format: file format a program can create and/or write toInkscape <writable file format> SVG-
digital rights management systemP1032Itemdigital rights management: technologies to control the use of digital content and devices after saleNeverwinter Nights <digital rights management system> SecuROM-
distribution formatP437Itemmethod (or type) of distribution for the subjectGrand Theft Auto V <distribution format> Blu-ray Disc-
swMATH work IDP6830External identifieridentifier of information service for mathematical softwareMaple <swMATH work ID> 545-

The properties specific to FLOSS are described in the FLOSS project.

The properties specific to video games are described in the Video games project.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance of with qualifier start timeP580Point in timestart time: time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being validLimeWire <instance of> abandonware
<start time> 27 October 2010

If an software is not longer maintained, abandonware (Q281039) should be used as instance of (P31) with qualifiers start time (P580), end time (P582) (if the software was unmaintained) or point in time (P585) (if no period is know).

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
software version identifierP348Stringsoftware version and version number: numeric or nominal identifier of a version of a software program or file format, current or pastBugzilla <software version identifier> 4.5.1-

The latest version should be marked as preferred and the other as normal rank (not deprecated because the statement don't become false when a new version is published). Old versions should not be removed because this historical aspect is interesting (it could be used to automatically create graphics). (todo)

version type

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
software version identifier with qualifier version typeP548Itemsoftware version type: type of version (qualifier for P348, software version), e.g. alpha, beta, stableBugzilla <software version identifier> 5.1.1
<version type> beta version

The version type should generally not be changed. As example : in September the version 0.0.3 is published as a beta and in October the version 0.0.3 is published as a stable version. Two statements should be created:

  • version : 0.0.3 beta
    • version type : beta
    • publication date : 19 September 2016
    • (references for the beta publication : the newsletter published the 20 September 2016)
  • version : 0.0.3
    • version type : stable version
    • publication date : 14 October 2016
    • (references for the stable publication : the news letter published the 16 October 2016)


publication date

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
software version identifier with qualifier publication dateP577Point in timepublication date: date or point in time when a work was first published or releasedBugzilla <software version identifier> 5.1.1
<publication date> 16 May 2016

The publication date may vary slightly depending on the source and the most reliable one should be preferred. For instance, if a git tag is set to v1.2 on July, 3rd 2016 and a blog post announced it July, 5th 2016, the date of the tag should be used.

download URL

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
software version identifier with qualifier download URLP4945URLdownload: URL which can be used to download a workCAPD library <software version identifier> 4.2.153
<download URL>

If the software is bundled into a file that can be downloaded, the URL to download this bundle should be set as the download URL (P4945). If, for a given version, there are multiple URLs for various architectures or platforms, they can all be mentioned. If only one download URL (P4945) is mentioned, the one including the source code should be preferred, when possible. See CAPD library (Q5008740) for instance.

Digital Object Identifier

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
software version identifier with qualifier DOIP356External identifierdigital object identifier: serial code used to uniquely identify digital objects like academic papers (use upper case letters only)Chemistry Development Kit <software version identifier> 1.5.13
<DOI> 10.5281/zenodo.50388


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
software version identifier with qualifier titleP1476Monolingual textoriginal title and title: name of the versionSwfdec <software version identifier> 0.9.2
<title> Bloxorz

When a release is not only published under a release version number but also has a name.

A subclass of (P279) an application programming interface (Q165194) is part of (P361) the software (Q7397) that implements it. See OSM API (Q25822543) for instance.


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
source code repository URL with qualifier has characteristicP1552Itemquality: mirror of a source code repository or other web resourceid Tech 3 <source code repository URL>
<has characteristic> mirror storage

When a source code repository URL (P1324) or official website (P856) is mirror storage (Q654822), it should have the has characteristic (P1552) mirror storage (Q654822) qualifier as shown above. When there are more than one possible source for such a mirror (for instance when there are multiple authoritative source code repository URL (P1324) or official website (P856) for a given item), the URL from which it is mirrored should be set as the reference URL (P854) in the reference/source section of the item. See id Tech 3 (Q263952) for an example of a mirror of a source code repository URL (P1324).

For more information about the rationale for this convention, see the mirror URL discussion.

Sources / References


The retrieved (P813) date relates to the information in the reference section of the claim or the value of the claim itself. Although it can be set by an editor, it is most useful when running a bot (such as User:FLOSSbot) to schedule automated verifications on a regular basis. For instance, the source code repository URL (P1324) URLs can be verified to be usable to obtain the sources every 30 days.

The RfC ID (P892) property is used to link to an item in Request for Comments, a publication of IETF and the Internet Society (without "RFC" prefix).

The ISO standard (P503) property is used to indicate the ISO standard which normalizes the item.

standard UNIX utility / IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013


A number of utilities such as chmod are standard UNIX utility or command (Q18343316) AKA IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013. The matching item should be an instance of (P31) standard UNIX utility or command (Q18343316) with a reference to the matching page. If there exists a software that implements this standard (GNU Core Utilities (Q1348204) for instance), the utility should be set to be part of (P361) of it. See chmod (Q310986) for a showcase.

