Wikidata:WikiProject Ontology/Problems/3rd order metaclasses by superclass

3rd or higher order metaclasses by superclass


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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: select DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?metametaclass wdt:P31 ?item . ?metaclass wdt:P31 ?metametaclass . ?class wdt:P31 ?metaclass . ?otherclass wdt:P279 ?class . }
label description instance of subclass of item
concept semantic unit understood in different ways, e.g. as mental representation, ability or abstract object (philosophy) variable-order class abstract entity
semantic unit
mental representation
formal ontology concept formally defined concept in the context of an ontology concept Q19868531
variable-order class abstract entity representing classes whose instances may be classes of different orders or even non-classes variable-order class class Q23958852
relation general relation between different objects or individuals type of property
type of object
property Q930933
classification scheme system of descriptive information for an arrangement or division of objects into groups based on characteristics, which the objects have in common variable-order class
type of system
knowledge organization system
philosophical concept concept used in philosophy concept Q33104279
metaclass a class which has instances that are all themselves classes concept
formal ontology concept
variable-order class
class Q19478619
third-order class metaclass containing as instances all classes of classes of individuals fourth-order class fixed-order class
second-order class metaclass containing as instances all classes of individuals third-order class fixed-order class
direct anatomical metaclass anatomical metaclass that has direct instances third-order class anatomical metaclass Q103997018
Klassifikation des Wissens metaclass classification scheme Q110402867
fourth-order class metaclass containing as instances all classes of classes of classes of individuals fifth-order class fixed-order class
type of system Wikidata metaclass of sets of interacting or interdependent components metaclass type
type of object
branch of biology type of branch of science second-order class branch of science Q28598684
medical metaclass third-order class metaclass Q103994247
industry classification type of economic taxonomy authority file
type of classification
economic taxonomy
authority file
economic concept concept used in economic sciences concept Q29028649
rights and privileges concept in administrative law legal concept administration Q118593729
type of process Wikidata metaclass of process metaclass type Q116505632
linguistics term technical term; word or phrase that is part of linguistics terminology metaclass technical term
psychology term technical term: word or expression used in psychology metaclass technical term Q96634632
type of world view Wikidata metaclass metaclass type Q110401282
languoid class e.g. dialect, language, macrolanguage, language subfamily, family, or superfamily; each instance of these is a subclass of languoid metaclass rank Q28923954
type of property Wikidata metaclass of property or attribute metaclass type Q96253971
legal concept lexeme with a specific meaning in jurisprudence concept
type of classification variable-order class
type Q121344523
specialty field limited to a specific area of ​​knowledge; specialization in an occupation or branch of learning; a specific use Klassifikation des Wissens knowledge system
knowledge type
field of study field of study leading to a specific degree specialty Q2267705
statistical variable science and research term for a quality of a studied object type of property property
scientific terminology part of the language that is used by scientists in the context of their professional activities specialized terminology Q12132640
type of object Wikidata metaclass of object, which could be concrete or abstract metaclass type
first-order class
first-order class class containing as instances all classes whose instances are individuals and not classes second-order class fixed-order class
form of event by occurrence Wikidata metaclass metaclass form of event Q110610843
collection set of purposefully gathered physical or digital objects with some common characteristics subject heading
academic discipline
field of study
artificial object
group of works
general quantity first-order metaclass of quantities; instances include the classes physical quantity, chemical quantity, base quantity, intensive quantity, ... second-order class No/unknown value Q71758646
social issue problem that influences a considerable number of individuals within a society problem Q1920219
category of being philosophical concept philosophical concept abstract entity Q714737
predicable any of five possible relations which can be predicated of a subject, viz. genus, species, differentia, property, accident classification scheme
philosophical concept
industry group of firms that produce a closely related set of raw materials, goods, or services economic concept group Q268592
branch of science overview of the branches of science Klassifikation des Wissens specialty
academic discipline academic field of study or profession Klassifikation des Wissens specialty Q11862829
Wikimedia project page page in the non-article namespace 4 on a Wikimedia project serving internal purposes Wikimedia page outside the main knowledge tree
Wikimedia internal item
MediaWiki non-main namespace page
Wikimedia internal item instances of this page are about some Wikimedia-only content and should not refer to real world entities Wikimedia page outside the main knowledge tree Q17442446
class of parts the instances of this class are classes whose instances are parts of something metaclass Q109542218
knowledge system systems of knowledge produced over time through interactions with other human beings type of system conceptual system Q105948247
Wissenschaft any area of scholarly study or science that involves systematic research and teaching, e.g., art history knowledge system knowledge
knowledge system
field of work particular area of activity in industry and science metaclass specialty Q627436
type of test category of checking for the purpose of issue detection or quality evaluation metaclass
second-order class
type Q96273743
quality distinguishing feature philosophical concept
type of property
property Q1207505
archive file format file that is composed of one or more computer files along with metadata; used to collect multiple data files together into a single file for easier portability and storage, or simply to compress files to use less storage space file format
software non-tangible executable component of a computer creative work
written work
term word or phrase from a specialized area of knowledge word or phrase
method planned path to reaching an objective specialty
field of study
means Q1799072
legal relationship relationship between subjects of law relation relation Q1367590
Wikimedia list article page of a Wikimedia project with a list of something list
Wikimedia article page
subject heading lexical unit of a thesaurus (word or phrase) used for indexing and that captures the essence of the topic of a document information science term
documentation science term
word or phrase Q1128340
literary genre category of literary composition metaclass art genre
narrative genre
languoid language, variety of a language, or group of languages languoid class abstract entity Q17376908
job classification system nomenclatures and classifications of occupations according to different characteristics economic taxonomy
type of mathematical function type or family of mathematical function second-order class type
type of property
mathematical object
administrative territorial entity type type of administrative divisions, usually used in several countries second-order class class
territorial entity type
legal form
type of institution
biological process process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units type of process
natural process
biological phenomenon
physical process
authority file collection of authority records, where each record picks preferred heading, alternative heading and other information, used for bibliographic information controlled vocabulary Q36524
class of disease disease as a first-order metaclass. To be used as P31 values for all disease classes. Its instances are classes (e.g., cancer) second-order class first-order class Q112193867
type of writing system metaclass type of system Q119520394
type of religious institution Wikidata metaclass second-order class type of institution
legal form
legal concept
religious concept
type of organisation
type anchoring point (of a name) in taxonomy individual Q3707858
medical entity type top-level metaclass for entities related to medicine second-order class
medical metaclass
type Q103995117
religious order group of people set apart from society and other groups based on their religious devotion religious concept
type of Christian institution
religious community
religious organization
religious concept abstract object associated with religion concept Q23847174
personal data any piece of information about a person that is not publicly known, or that allows identification of that person legal concept person property
individual data
culture of an area distinct human activities and values that take place in, or originate from, a geographic location metaclass aspect in a geographic region Q19958368
dictionary page in Wikipedia MediaWiki page MediaWiki page
dictionary entry
abstract entity entity that exists outside physical reality, including abstract objects and properties variable-order class
type of object
entity Q7048977
regulations executive or legal acts enforced according to applicable law legal concept legal act
legal act
public office elected or appointed political position position Q294414
position social role with a set of powers and responsibilities within an organization role Q4164871
corporate title job title given to company and organization officials to show what duties and responsibilities they have in the organization title of authority
job title
occupation label applied to a person based on an activity they participate in second-order class
social position Q12737077
occupation group according to ISCO-08 group of occupations in the ISCO 08 classification of the International Labour Organisation job classification system occupation Q108300140
profession occupation requiring specialized training metaclass
second-order class
occupation Q28640
technique sum of skills, methods, and processes used to accomplish objectives, such as scientific investigation or the production of goods or services method Q2695280
branch of philosophy subdivision of the field of philosophy academic discipline
class of parts
classification scheme
academic discipline Q22811234
foreign policy doctrine general statement of foreign policy and belief system through a doctrine type of world view doctrine Q943260
political concept idea, theory, or notion primarily discussed in a political science and/or politics context concept Q33104069
automated teller machine automated teller machine self-service machine
Automated cash handling
action something an agent can do or perform philosophical concept occurrence Q4026292
emergency situation such as a natural or man-made disaster requiring urgent assistance situation Q5070802
type of fixed-size set type of collection of entities that is defined by the number of elements third-order class second-order class Q99469810
type of award type of award classified by stylistic, thematic or technical criteria metaclass genre
type of distinction
information science term technical term; word or phrase that is part of information science terminology metaclass technical term Q125186879
documentation science term technical term; word or phrase that is part of documentation science terminology metaclass technical term Q125190546
type of bias metaclass class Q100912473
academic major focus of academic study leading to a degree academic discipline Q4671286
literary form category of literary works distinguished by formal characteristics without consideration of content metaclass form of art
abstract noun noun, with which somewhat non-representational is designated noun Q2712963
metabolism set of chemical reactions and pathways by which living organisms transform chemical substances biological process biological process Q1057
virtue morally positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good concept
pattern of behavior
moral quality Q157811
activity series of actions done by an agent which results in an external change of state type of process process Q1914636
pattern of behavior type of animal behavior, humans included pattern
human behavior
type of interaction metaclass type Q123345464
classification in sports classification of age groups, sexes and levels within sports second-order class specialised classification scheme Q1744559
mathematical concept abstract entity in mathematics concept
mathematical object
type of organisation form of social organisation defined by the structure of the relationship between its members, or between other organizations second-order class
class Q17197366
doxastic attitude attitude towards a proposition, such as belief, disbelief, or suspension of belief point of view Q5303685
aircraft class set of aircraft characteristics defined for certain purposes second-order class class Q1875621
code method to represent information for various purposes (storage, transmission, protection against unauthorized access etc.) sign
rule-based system
technical standard required norm or standard established to make it easier to do something in a consistent way document
reference work
color scheme choice of colors used in design for a range of media color code absorbed or reflected object light
ChEBI Ontology term term belonging to the ChEBI Ontology term Q41014950
product category group of related products, e.g., dairy products metaclass group Q63981612
product distribution method By post and online download metaclass technique
audio release format class for items of audio recordings distribution metaclass quality
book form manner in which the text in a book is arranged (dictionary, encyclopedia, directory, anthology, etc.); characteristic of works with a particular format and/or purpose metaclass format
publication format
annual event recurring event taking place once a year form of event by occurrence recurring event Q11483816
point in time with respect to recurrent timeframe item to calculate dates of periodic occurence occurrence
point in time
symptom or sign clinical symptom or sign as a first-order metaclass: to be used as P31 values for all symptom or sign classes, and instances are classes (e. g. sneezing or coughing) second-order class class Q112965645
color code system for displaying information by using different colours technical standard
color scheme
unique identifier Q1738927
electronics physics, engineering, technology and applications that deal with the emission, flow and control of electrons in vacuum and matter branch of science
academic discipline
applied physics
matter topic or area addressed by a work or set of works quality information
type of structure Wikidata metaclass of arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in an object or system metaclass type Q111972893
legal form type of legal entity within certain legal system second-order class class Q10541491
organization social entity established to meet needs or pursue goals person or organization
social system
group of humans
complex system
grammatical category analytical class within the grammar of a language specialty
field of study
Ahkam religious concept religious concept Q2357930
sourcing circumstance base class for P1480 qualifier values term
Wikibase value
Wikidata internal entity
rights fundamental legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory legal relationship legal concept
information resource resource meant to distribute information source of information
BFO class metaclass of all classes defined in BFO at some point in time metaclass class Q124711104
register form of language used for a particular purpose or in a particular communicative situation languoid class languoid Q286576
language usage usage of linguistic units established in a particular community, accorded widespread or significant acceptance by speakers linguistics term custom
advertising medium medium for the transmission of advertising messages, with the aid of advertising material may be brought up to the receiver of the advertising media
advertising material
type of Roman Catholic institution second-order class legal form
type of institution
type of religious institution
type of Christian institution
administrative territorial entity type
knowledge type Wikidata metaclass metaclass type Q110403031
notion reflection in the mind of real objects and phenomena in their essential features and relations, distinct from concept mental representation Q595523
notation system of symbols to represent facts or quantities conceptual system
sign system
road wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use itinerary
long, thin object
road or street
road transport infrastructure
emotional state personal state mental state Q41537118
military organization structuring of the armed forces of a state armed organization Q15627509
area of mathematics grouping by subject of mathematics second-order class
classification scheme
academic discipline
branch of science
mathematical theory mathematical model that is based on axioms mathematical concept theory Q20026918
fifth-order class metaclass containing as instances all fifth-order classes fixed order class of higher order fixed-order class
literary term word that is used in talking or writing about literature, books and stories metaclass term
technical term
political term term; word or phrase that is part of political terminology term
jargon term
umbrella term term that brings a broad range of disparate cases under a single headword term word or phrase
specialised classification scheme classification system focused on a specific subject area classification scheme Q24249534
taxonomic rank level in a taxonomic hierarchy third-order class rank Q427626
class of award class of award (order, medal, etc.) second-order class class
competence set of demonstrable characteristics and skills that enable, and improve the efficiency or performance of a job competence Q2015382
artificial physical object physical object made or shaped by humans physical object
artificial object
home & garden product type of product product category product Q117207560
physical tool physical item that can be used to achieve a goal type of object
first-order class
artificial physical object
sounding rocket sub-orbital rocket carrying scientific instruments sounding rocket rocket Q579036
technical term word or expression with a technical definition term Q12812139
meta category criterion criterions for Wikimedia categories and meta categories (containers) eligibility criteria Wikimedia internal item
specialty use of chemicals use of chemicals in a research, industrial, or household setting (not including pharmacologic actions) chemical actions and uses Q50413986
social movement loosely organized effort by a large group of people to achieve a particular set of goals type of world view group action
social process
collective behavior
social change
school subject field of knowledge defined and organized for teaching in school matter Q362165
science systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge, and the set of knowledge produced by this system academic discipline
knowledge system Q336
medical procedure type type or family of medical procedure second-order class
medical metaclass
medical entity type Q55214844
Wikibase reason for deprecated rank used with "reason for deprecated rank" (P2241) Wikidata internal entity Q27949697
aspect of history topic viewed from a historical point of view metaclass aspect
level of description in archival science, the position of the descriptive unit in the hierarchy of records metaclass rank Q59211454
warfare conduct of conflict military campaign
type of conflict
conflict Q12786121
type of policy metaclass type Q96251375
health insurance insurance that covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person incurring medical and healthcare expenses insurance type insurance Q334911
military term technical term; word or phrase that is part of military terminology or lingo technical term Q66740226
property predominant feature that characterizes a being, a thing, a phenomenon, etc. and which differentiates one being from another, one thing from another metaclass
category of being
abstract entity Q937228
religion type metaclass type
type of world view
computer science term technical term; word or phrase that is part of computer science terminology metaclass technical term Q66747126
statute formal written document that creates law, including acts, executive orders, and by-laws legal act
legal transaction
written work
type of legislation specific type of legislation metaclass type Q110430875
type of risk Wikidata metaclass metaclass type Q101208084
long-acting reversible contraception methods of birth control that provide effective contraception for an extended period long-acting reversible contraception birth control Q6671830
coin type metaclass for coins, to be used as P31 value for coin classes/types metaclass class Q113813711
rite single established symbolic acts, is a part of ceremony traditional activity Q628455
cult devotion to a deity, person or thing behavior
world view
spiritual practice
worship act of religious devotion religious concept devotion Q2514663
sociological concept abstract entity in sociology concept Q33104129
type of sport specific sport. Do not use with P279 (subclass of) second-order class class Q31629
localized structure class type second-order class
direct anatomical metaclass
anatomical structure class type Q103915493
identity qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that distinguish a person or group quality
trade magazine periodical dedicated to a particular field magazine genre magazine Q685935
periodical serial publication that appears in a new edition on a regular schedule type of mass media serial
recurring entity
magazine genre type of genre genre Q21114848
assignment moment or event when something is formally assigned or granted key event
type of food or dish Wikidata metaclass metaclass class Q19861951
negative emotion emotion with negative valence or desirability emotion Q60539481
cuisine characteristic style of cooking practices and traditions tradition
style manner of expression particular to a specific period, group, or person concept
group action
quality Q1292119
military profession trade or career specialty in the armed forces which demand from the individuals achievement of qualifications specialty
military personnel
smiley stylized representation of a smiling humanoid face emoticon
type of Christian institution Wikidata metaclass second-order class type of religious institution
type of institution
legal form
religious concept
theory contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking idea Q17737
type of manufactured good first-order metaclass second-order class type
product category
Wikipedia article covering multiple topics article in Wikipedia which mixes multiple separate topics. Use P921 ("main subject"), NOT P527 ("has part(s)"), to list topics covered by the article Wikipedia article page
economic activity human activity involving the transfer of goods or services industry classification intentional human activity
education industry economic branch of learning activites industry
knowledge industry
type of technology used as "instance of" for every "subclass of" technology metaclass type Q112057532
vegetation type natural habitat type, classified according to vegetation class Q18358548
human activity activity initiated by a human, intentionally or unintentionally activity
human behavior
disease attributes clinical characteristics of disease or illness statistical variable property
phase period of duration, time or occurrence, in relation to an event time interval Q1188986
source type metaclass of source or origin of object, which could be concrete or abstract variable-order class type of object Q112234259
anatomical structure class type class of anatomical structures that don't have direct instances second-order class
direct anatomical metaclass
anatomical entity class type Q103914748
class of anatomical entity anatomical entity as a first-order metaclass. To be used as P31 values for all anatomical structure classes. Its instances are classes (e.g. heart) second-order class class Q112826905
learning any process in an organism in which a relatively long-lasting adaptive behavioral change occurs as the result of experience behavior
type of process
learning or memory Q133500
international education journey or movement of people, minds, or ideas across political and cultural frontiers education Q3595759
classification process of grouping of objects into classes type of process process
information handling
aspect in a geographic region type of aspect metaclass aspect Q74817647
division distinct and large part of an organization type of organisation
legal form
organizational subdivision Q334453
military campaign large scale, long duration, significant military strategy plan warfare military operation
military operation plan
armed conflict
type of conflict metaclass type
type of process
religious law legal system based on religious teachings academic discipline law Q670732
legal order the set of laws that rule upon a community in a state law Q858700
ancient Egyptian funerary texts collection of ancient Egyptian religious texts ancient Egyptian funerary texts funerary text Q2986441
concept in physics type of concept concept Q33104303
technical concept concept associated with technology concept Q105047633
educational organization body with an aim of education organization Q5341295
course of study German type of "field of study" at different universities in Germany studies
field of study
university course
profession class by field of work group of professions of indentical field of work second-order class class Q100529537
class of mythical entities class of entities appearing in mythology second-order class class Q33294038
type of mass media metaclass for mass media metaclass type Q121132955
cooperation purposeful interaction of the actions of two or more creatures, people, organisations, or systems activity
type of interaction
interaction Q380962
exterior ornament of the shield depicting object Q1052804
economic sector conceptual grouping of economic activities classification scheme
economic concept
conceptual system Q3958441
economics term technical term; word or phrase that is part of economics terminology technical term Q64513524
legal fiction fact assumed or created by courts which is then used in order to apply a legal rule legal concept Q931483
kinship human relationship term; web of social relationships that form an important part of the lives of most humans in most societies; form of social connection interpersonal relationship Q171318
group action in sociology, a situation in which a number of agents take action simultaneously in order to achieve a common goal social action
lodging facility providing temporary accommodations lodging accommodation
accommodation facility
delict civil wrong violation of law Q1184244
refusal act of repudiation, abnegation, or declination human communication
indirect anatomical metaclass anatomical metaclass that has no direct instances third-order class anatomical metaclass Q103997133
medical test type type or family of medical test second-order class
medical metaclass
medical procedure type
type of test
abstract data type mathematical model for data types computer science term mathematical model
data type
Wikimedia project policies and guidelines Wikimedia project page Wikimedia internal item
Wikimedia project page
activity policy
Wikimedia help page page of a Wikimedia wiki in the Help namespace Wikimedia page outside the main knowledge tree
Wikimedia internal item
MediaWiki non-main namespace page
abuse of rights improper exercise of a legal right for the purpose of causing annoyance, harm, or injury to another legal abuse abuse Q12586068
eligibility criteria rules for inclusion and exclusion criterion Q114840239
place type type of environment or place (instances: marine environment, space, ground, …) second-order class type Q25894868
group well-defined, enumerable collection of discrete entities that form a collective whole metaclass collective entity Q16887380
environmental issue issue regarding environmental policies human impact on the environment
social issue
expenditure voluntary payment of monetary assets concept cost Q760120
genre of sculpture genre metaclass art genre Q18783400
public administration generic term for the administrations that perform tasks of the state, including bodies governed by public law academic discipline civil service Q31728
class collection of items defined by common characteristics metaclass
variable-order class
abstract entity
form of festival type of festival, denoting the form and specificity of the festival metaclass type
form of event
process series of events which occur over an extended period of time occurrent
temporal entity
surname from a specific origin family name
anthroponym from a specific origin
legal abuse unfair or improper legal action with malicious intentions abuse of rights abuse Q6517445
part of speech category of words based on shared grammatical properties in a clause grammatical category class
type of work of art Wikidata metaclass metaclass form of art
set of organ parts anatomical set Q27058129
material substance that can occur in different amounts, all with some similar [mixture of some] characteristics, and with which objects can be made substance
affect experience of feeling or emotion psychology term pattern
philosophical school school of thought within philosophy type of world view school of thought
world view
ideology set of beliefs and values attributed to a person or group of people world view Q7257
occurrence occurrence of a fact or object in space-time; instantiation of a property in an object temporal entity Q1190554
memorial area or object, smaller than a monument, which serves as a focus for memory of something monument
memory space
taxon entity class type metaclass for unit of an individual taxon's structural organization second-order class
direct anatomical metaclass
physical anatomical entity type Q104030742
social system patterned series of interrelationships existing between individuals, groups, and institutions type of system system Q1639378
belief psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true doxastic attitude mental state Q34394
punishment imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome action
legal act
behavior range of actions by entities, living or not, within a system psychology term pattern Q9332
probability measure measure of total value one, generalizing probability distributions finite measure Q355020
binary relation any set of ordered pairs; (on a set A) collection of ordered pairs of elements of A, i.e. subset of A × A; (between two sets A and B) collection of ordered pairs with first element in A and second element in B relation Q130901
group or class of chemical substances set of chemical substances that share a common characteristic third-order class group or class of physical objects
group or class of chemical entities
type of publication way in which a work is published metaclass class Q39725049
thematic relation role that an entity plays with respect to a specific action or state relation
semantic role
role identity of an item in relation to another specified item BFO class realizable entity Q4897819
type of error Wikidata metaclass of error or fault metaclass type Q110314665
Christian movement theological, political, or philosophical interpretation of Christianity that is not generally represented by a specific church, sect, or denomination religious movement Q995347
Christian denominational family group of Christian denominations that share common names, historical ties, and similar doctrines and practices but maintain separate organizations and governance religious denomination Q123129246
general term term Q12379553
fictional concept concept that appears only in works of fiction fictional abstract object Q122460187
Wikimedia category use with 'instance of' (P31) for Wikimedia category Wikimedia project policies and guidelines
Wikimedia help page
Wikimedia internal item
MediaWiki non-main namespace page
resident registration government record of the current and permanent residence of persons via a government database government database
register data
administrative register
sociotechnical system
medical attribute trait which influences health outcomes medical entity type attribute
act of parliament law passed by a parliament type of legislation
primary legislation Q1076579
metaclass of ambassadors third-order class second-order class Q29918297
recurring sporting event sports festival event scheduled to recur within a decided interval recurring event
sporting event
fictional religious occupation religious occupation which only exists in a work of fiction fictional entity Q47472256
class of fictional entities collection of fictional entities defined by common characteristics variable-order class class Q15831596
métaclasse fictive d'ordre variable class of fictional entities
métaclasse fictive d'ordre variable
fictional class Q126371076
authority legitimate power to decide or authorize concept role Q174834
governing body human or group of people forming a body designated to exercise certain activities on behalf of an organization (such as an international organization, a state, a juridical person or a legal entity of other type) person or organization Q895526
weapon functional class weapon class defined by the purpose for which the weapon is designed second-order class type Q124078422
sequence countable ordered set of similar objects class Q20937557
rivalry state of two people or groups engaging in a lasting competitive relationship interaction
social relation
first principle concept concept class
software category metaclass of software metaclass class
product category
mathematical model description of a system using mathematical concepts and language general term conceptual model
intellectual work
scientific model
document form for preservation of structured and identified information information resource
intellectual work
métaclasse fictif de troisième ordre class of fictional entities
métaclasse fictif de quatrième ordre
métaclasse fictive d'ordre fixe
métaclasse fictive
métaclasse fictif de quatrième ordre class of fictional entities
métaclasse fictif d'ordre fixe supérieur à 4
métaclasse fictive d'ordre fixe
métaclasse fictive
End of automatically generated list.