Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington/Items Created or Edited: ETD

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2019-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2020-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2020
"I Am Not Computer Savvy": A Look Into the Everyday Digital Literacy Levels of Formerly Incarcerated People Using a Novel Holistic Digital Literacy Framework
"The Shape of Things To Come": Identity and Destiny in the Music of Battlestar Galactica
"This program is a make or break scenario for me": a qualitative study on participant perceptions of a supermarket fruit and vegetable incentive program
#NotAllWhites: liberal-leaning Whites racially disidentify in response to Trump-related group-image threat
(Debt) Overhang: Evidence from Resource Extraction
(Investigator Formerly Known as Architect): An Architectural Thesis Disguised as a Murder Investigation
3D Printed Polypyrrole Microneedle Arrays for Electronically Controlled Transdural Drug Release
A Bouquet of Benefits: Floriculture and Ecosystem Gifts in an Urban Industrial Zone
A Comparative Study of Four American Professional Wind Bands
A Comprehensive Guide for Learning Cello Vibrato
A Creative Inquiry: How Context Affects Design
A False Promise of Green, Equitable Urban Growth? a Critical Review of the Literature and Implications for Seattle
A Framework for Regional Scale Quantitative Landslide Risk Analysis
A Grain Carried By the Flood: Methods and Data for Global Change Ecology Amidst a Data Deluge
A High-Resolution 3D Printable Porous Biomaterial
A Longitudinal Study of Special Purpose Local Option Sales Taxes and Social Indicators of Crime Across Washington Counties
A Method for Clustering Flexible Longitudinal Trajectories With an Application to an HIV Prevention Trial
A Novel Analysis of Accelerometry Data: Calibration and Flexible Association Modeling in an Epidemiological Study of Older Women
A Path Paved by Proof Complexity Towards Verifying Nonlinear Integer Arithmetic
A Path to Song: The Incorporation of Aboriginal and Environmental Influences in 20th and 21st Century Australian Choral Music
A Pharmacometrics Approach to Understanding Drug Disposition and Drug Interactions in Healthy Individuals and Patients Undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
A Phonological Study On the Rimes of Shāgǒu Jì
A RC Slab to CFT Column Connection for Improved Seismic Behavior of Multi-Story Buildings
A Semi-automated System for Exploring and Fixing Osm Connectivity
A Shared Human Currency: Craft and Conviviality
A Simulation Study to Evaluate the Effect of Constrained Randomization for the Design and Analysis of Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trials
A Soft-Boiled Potato
A Statistical Framework for Measuring the Temporal Stability of Human Mobility Patterns
A Study of Correlations Between Trait Affect and Phishing Susceptibility
A Study of Senior-Friendly Transportation Services in Beijing
A Synthesis of Observations of Aerosol-cloud Interactions Over the Pristine, Biologically Active Southern Ocean and the Implications For Global Climate Model Predictions
A Tiny Miniature World Where the Proportions Are Slightly Off
A Visit to the Sky-mother Mountain: For Ensemble
A Visit to the Sky-mother Mountain: For Ensemble = Tianmu You Ji
A Voice in the Choir: Modernizing the Language and Practice of Voice Pedagogy in the Choral Culture
A multi-species model for selective pruritus via the direct activation of TRPA1
A qualitative study of mental health problems among children living in New Delhi slums
A structural basis for neuropathic pain syndromes associated with mutations in Nav1.7
Access, Accountability, and Ownership in Government Use of Proprietary Systems
Acequias: Building Social Resilience in Española, New Mexico
Achieving Sustainable Marine Fisheries: A Legal Analysis of the Settlement of Fishing Disputes
Acoustically Sensitive Large Assembly Spaces At School: An Elementary School Retrofit and Expansion
Acquisition, Degradation, and Cycling of Organic Matter Within Sea-Ice Brines by Bacteria and Their Viruses
Adapting Statistical Learning Method for Spatial Applications
Adult. Play. Grounds: Establishing Places For Play in the Everyday Life of Adults
Advanced Chemometrics and Fundamental Considerations for Non-targeted Analysis with Comprehensive Multidimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled with Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
Advancements in Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy
Advances in Feature Selection in One-and Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry
Agent Based Parallelization of Computational Geometry Algorithms
Agricultural Trade Law in the Republic of Indonesia: Challenges From International Law
Akanksha Misra
Alkene Amination Reactions Enabled by Organoselenium Catalysis
Alley Imagination: Building Community Resilience into Linear Neighborhood Spaces in Tacoma
Altered Vitamin D Metabolism in Health and Disease
Aminophosphines as Precursors for Doped and Phase Pure Metal Phosphide Nanocrystals: Synthesis Beyond P(sime₃)₃
An Algorithm for Street Parking Sign Rule Generation
An Empirical Study of Convergence Rates and Resampling-based Confidence Interval Methods for Step Threshold Linear Regression Models
An Observability Framework for Predicting the Behavior of Iot Systems
An examination of sleep pattern characteristics and healthy eating index scores among students in a circadian biology class
An experimental investigation of factors that influence clinicians' decisions to hospitalize suicidal patients
Analysis of Exponential Filter Time Series Operators of Geometric Brownian Motion in Trading Strategies
Analysis of Infectious Disease Incidence and Complex Survey Data in Space and Time
Analyzing Work in Project-Based Organizations: An Examination of Email As an Empirical Source For Activity-based Reflections
Another Housing Crisis?: Reclaiming Black Identity in the Albina District of Portland
Anterior Openbite Malocclusion in Adults: Treatment Stability and Patient Satisfaction
Antioxidant-loaded Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Excitotoxicity in Neurological Disease
Application of in Vitro, in Silico, and in Vivo Methodologies to Quantitatively Study Maternal-Fetal Disposition of Xenobiotics
Application-oriented Approaches to Modeling and Satellite-based Monitoring of Watershed Sediment Dynamics
Applications of Dynamic Shading Screens For Residential Buildings in Taiwan
Approaches in Deciphering Zero-point Energy Effects for Molecular Clusters Using Diffusion Monte Carlo
Arbitrary multi-resolution multi-wavelet-based polynomial chaos expansion for data-driven uncertainty quantification
Are King County Metro's Fare Policies Just?: An Examination of Racial Bias in Fare Enforcement
Ask the Doctor, He Might Know!
Association Between Child Caries and Child and Family Quality of Life in an Amazonian Slum
Association between food swamps and the diet quality of household food purchases in a nationwide sample
Association of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act with dietary quality among children in the US national school lunch program
At the Nexus of Nationalism and Islamism: Seyyid Ahmet Arvasi and the Intellectual History of Conservative Nationalism
Augmented Space Library 2: A Network Infrastructure for Collaborative Cross Reality Applications
Automatic Analysis of Language Use in K-16 Stem Education and Impact on Student Performance
Axial Evolution of a Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z Pinch
Bearing the Burden: An Ethnographic Account of Women's Online Entrepreneurship in the Jordanian Political Economy of Development
Bed of Leaves
Behind the Curtain
Bernini's Blessed Ludovica Albertoni: Drapery and the Permeability of the Body
Better Understanding Human Impacts On River Thermal Regimes Under Climate Change
Between the City and the Sea: Experiencing Identity in the Changing Landscape of Stanwood, Washington
Bi-level Optimization Algorithm for Dynamic Reversible Lane Control Based On Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction
Bioaugmentation with Sidestream Granular Sludge for Nitrification in Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment: Pilot-scale Investigation
Biosimilar Uptake in the United States: Examining State-Level Longitudinal Trends in Biosimilar Filgrastim Use and Their Association with Biosimilar Substitution Policies
Biosphere Impacts of Ocean Hypoxia in a Warming Climate
Birds and the Built Environment: The Impacts of Architecture, Structures, and Green Spaces On Avian Populations in the United States
Building Distributed Systems Using Programmable Networks
Building a Functional Kinetochore: From Microtubule to Centromere
CRISPR-Cas Activation For Regulating Multi-gene Expression in Bacteria
Cat and human personality
Ca²⁺ Handling and Stress Responses of Photoreceptor Mitochondria
Challenges and Adaptations to Technological Change in Online Communities
Changing Directions: Tree Hydraulic Redistribution From Canopy Soil
Characteristics of Pediatric Patients Receiving Dental Treatment at an Ambulatory Surgery Center Versus a Hospital Operating Room
Characterization of Interindividual Variability and Differential Tissue Abundance of UGT2B17: Discovery of a Potential Biomarker and Drug Interaction Prediction
Characterizing Eclipsing Binaries and the Population of Planets Orbiting Around Them
Characterizing the Plasma Exhaust Plume From a Sheared-flow Stabilized Z-pinch
Characterizing the Role of DDX3X in DNA Double Strand Break Repair: Implications for Lymphocyte Biology
Characterizing the mechanisms of kappa opioid receptor signaling within mesolimbic dopamine circuitry
Charles-Marie Widor's Ten Organ Symphonies: A Formal Analysis
Chemical Tools for Profiling the Allosteric Regulation and Interactomes of Inhibitor-bound Protein Kinases
Chemically Inducible Dimerization and Chemically Disruptable Systems for Spatial and Temporal Control of Cellular Processes
Chemosensory Navigation in Disease Vector Mosquito Larvae
Chitin and the Gel Within the Electrosensory Organs of Cartilaginous Fishes
Chromatin Accessibility Dynamics and Single Cell RNA-Seq Reveal New Regulators of Regeneration in Neural Progenitors
Climate Warming and the Effectiveness of Restoring Longitudinal River Connectivity for Endangered Non-anadromous Taiwan Salmon (Oncorhynchus formosanus)
Coastal Sources of Estuarine Inflow
Common Yue: A Comparative Study of Yue Dialect Historical Phonology
Commonsense Reasoning about Social Dynamics in Text
Community Governance and Urban Design in an Historic Preservation District: The Case of Pingjiang Historic Block in Suzhou, China
Comparing Healthcare Resource Use and Costs for Patients with Normal Tension Glaucoma across Levels of Severity: A Nationally Representative Sample of Commercially Insured US Adults Age 40 and Older
Comparing Internal Validation Methods for a Random Forest Prediction Model of Suicide Death
Comparing Machine Learning Classification Methods For Biological Tracking Data
Comparison of Different Methods on EEG Signal Separating of Stuttering Adult and Child During the Pre-speech Auditory Modulation
Comparison of Physicochemical Methods to Remove Arsenic from Landfill Leachate and Gas Condensate
Comparison of Several Statistical Tests for Evaluating Novel Treatments in the Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Setting
Computational Wireless Sensing at Scale
Conditional Disruption of Hem-1 Results in Impaired B Cell Development and Aberrant Antibody Production
Confidence Game: Fiscal Crisis, Market Confidence, and the Remaking of Jamaica's Post-Recession Political Economy
Confronting Stigma: The Museum's Role in Suicide Prevention
Conservation, Territory, and Knowledge in Western Pará
Constructing a Toolbox of Geochemical Indicators of Community Composition Shifts in Coral Reef Ecosystems Under Stress
Contemplating Sanctuary: Design Strategies for Contemporary Contemplation Spaces with Cleansing Water as a Wetland Treatment Park and Urban Sanctuary
Content-based Similarity Search in Dna Data Storage Systems
Contractors' Perspectives On Airfield and Highway Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Projects
Covariate-specific Breakpoints in Personalized Evaluation of Left Ventricular Enlargement
Cross-linking Methods for 3D Printable Hydrogel Materials
Cultural Resilience in Diasporic Communities: The Case of the Arab Community in Greater Seattle Area
Cybernetic Campus: University in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Cyclic Loading in Hypoplastic Facial Sutures: Can It Enhance Growth?
Data Classification in High Throughput Screening
Data Models, Query Execution, and Storage for Traditional & Immersive Video Data Management
Data Science Approaches For Tracking Electrochemical Reactions and Phase Transformations
Data-Driven Assessment of Disaster Damage and Recovery Time
Data-driven Discovery and Model Reduction of Complex Systems
Deciphering Protein Complex Structures from Cryo-electron Microscopy Maps Using Deep Learning
Decision-making At the Executive Level: How Boards of Trustees and Search Firms Hire Art Museum Executive Directors
Decoding Protein Kinase Signaling During Mitosis: Exploiting Molecular Scaffolds and Developing Drug-Targeting Tools for Studying Local Kinase Biology
Decolonizing Natural History Museums Through Volunteer Engagement
Deep Learning Based CT Image Reconstruction
Defining food systems diplomacy
Degradation and Deactivation of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Genes During Exposure to (Waste)water Treatment and Health-care Disinfectants
Desert Child: Unearthing Landscape Narratives to Cultivate Creativity and Connections to Nature
Design For 203x: Living Architecture For the Sustainable Transition
Design Implication from Public Life Data Around Bus Stations: Two Case Studies in Seattle
Design with Diploria: Coral Infrastructure for a New Coastal Future
Designing Belief-Driven Interactions With Data
Designing For Human Supported Evidence-Based Planning
Designing For Temporal Motivation
Designing Guided Asynchronous Remote Communities to Support Teen Mental Health
Designing Personal Health Technologies for Translating Population-level Evidence Into Personal Understanding
Designing Storage and Privacy-preserving Systems for Large-scale Cloud Applications
Designing the Interface of Transition Metal Phosphides for Electrocatalysis
Determination of Alpha-sheet Secondary Structure As an Early Biomarker in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease
Developing Analytical Nonlinear Microscopy Techniques to Study Biomedical Systems
Developing Catalytically Active Living Materials for Additive Manufacturing
Developing Digital Project Delivery Routines Around Frequent Disruptions: How Do Aec Organizations Respond to Disruptive Information Exchange Requirements?
Developing Wireless Sensing Methods and Technologies for Enhanced Transit Rider and Non-motorized Traffic Data
Developing and Validating Novel Genetically Encoded Sensors in Animal Behavioral Models to Investigate KOR-Dynorphin Interactions
Development and Application of Novel Optoelectronic Materials For Photodetectors and Solar Cells
Development and evaluation of a theory-informed mHealth intervention to promote viral suppression among women living with HIV who engage in sex work in Mombasa, Kenya: the role of text messaging, social support and stigma
Development of Analytical Tools to Enrich and Identify Protein Dopaminylation
Development of Biochemical Assays for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Prognosis of Treatable Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Development of Crispr-cas Tools Towards Rewiring 3d Genome Structure
Development of Highly Efficient and Stable Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells Through Composition and Interface Engineering
Development of New Modulation Methods Using the Pulse Valve Modulator for Multidimensional Gas Chromatography
Development of Protein-targeted Aptamers for Cancer Therapeutics
Development of Stable, High Optoelectronic Quality Perovskites Using Photoluminescence, Photoconductivity, and Machine Learning
Development of a Tridyne Microthruster For Cubesat Applications
Development of a Turbulent Separated Flow Validation Test Case: Experimental and Computational (Rans) Studies
Development of an Open-source Ecohydrology Model Using Landlab with Applications in Semi-arid Landscapes
Diagnostic Development and Plasma-Material Interaction Studies on the ZaP-HD Device
Dicho House
Diet quality and food additive exposure in children with and without celiac disease
Dimensions of Discomfort: Examining Child Welfare Professionals' Approach Toward Gender Diverse Foster Youth
Disability, Deviance, and Modernity in the Early Works of Edogawa Rampo
Dissection of Spatiotemporal Intracellular Signaling Using Engineered Chemical and Genetic Tools
Distributed Interaction Design
Diversity of lateral habenula neuron roles in negative valence events
Division or Solidarity: The Double-edged Sword of Workplace Gossip
Do Commissions Cause Investment Adviser Misconduct?
Documenting the Impact of Lifeline Service Disruptions on Healthcare System Performance Following Earthquakes Since 2000: A Reconnaissance Report Analysis
Does Rail Transit Induce Displacement?: A Longitudinal Study of 24 US Metro Areas from 2000-2017
Double Cation Substitution of CZTSSe Constituents to Reduce Detrimental Defects Clusters and Improve Device Performance
Drug Disposition During Pregnancy: Transport, Metabolism, and the Gut Microbiome
Economic Insecurity in China: Analyses of Family Economic Resources and Income Instability
Eddy Vertical Structure and Variability: Vortex Evolution and the Geography of Geostrophic Turbulence
Effects of Nonaxisymmetry in Equilibria and MHD Evolution of Spheromaks
Efficacy of Military and Community Compatibility Planning in the Puget Sound Region
Electromyography (emg) Based Finger Movement Detection
Eliciting VRC01-Class Antibodies Against HIV-1 Through Immunization
Elucidating Mechanisms of Transformation and Tumorigenesis by Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Tumor Antigens
Elucidating the Role of Unique Structural Features of the [alpha]1D-Adrenergic Receptor: A Tale of Two Tails
Elucidation of Group B Streptococcus Hemolytic Pigment and Hyaluronidase During Infection
Embodying Environmental Legacy
Embodying Sisterhood: Community Politics of Black Cisgender and Transgender Womanhood
Employment outcomes after critical illness
Enable Placental Extracellular Vesicle Isolation Using Binary Temperature-responsive Reagent System
Enabling End-users to Create Real-world Robot Applications through Visual Programming Interfaces and Automation
Energetics, Synthesis, and Structural Characteristics of Ferromagnetic Metals For Shape Memory Alloy and Catalysis
Engineering 3d Human Cardiac Ventricular Models With Controllable Architecture
Enhancement of Gemcitabine and Paclitaxel Uptake and Retention in Metastatic Cancer Cells: A Novel Targeted Combination Delivery Approach to Eliminate Breast Cancer in Blood and Lymph
Entangling Design Beyond Humanism
Environmental Impacts of Prefabricated Construction: CO₂ Emissions Comparison of Precast and Cast-in-place Concrete Case Study
Enzymatically Triggered Delivery of Proteins From Gel Biomaterials Using Orthogonal Sortases
Equity in the Built Environment: An Urban Design Analysis of Transit-Oriented Development in Downtown Redmond, WA
Essays on Inventions
Essays on Online Platforms: Policy and Monetization Strategies
Essays on Personalization and Market Design in Mobile Advertising
Essays on Visual Marketing
Estimating Optimal Surrogate Endpoints By Machine Learning and Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation in Two-phase Sampling Studies
Estimation of Higher-order Two-phase Regression Models
Evaluating Multiple Canopy-snow Unloading Parameterizations in Summa with Time-lapse Photography Characterized by Citizen Scientists
Evaluating Recent Policies to Accelerate Generic Drug Entry
Evaluation of Methods for the Statistical Analysis of Exacerbations in Cystic Fibrosis
Evaluation of a Multivalent Artificial Opsonin to Target and Phagocytose Gram-negative Bacteria
Everyone's Variant Annotation Tool: EVAT
Evolution of Endothelin Signaling and Diversification of Adult Pigment Patterns
Exact and Heuristic Approaches to Middle and Last Mile Logistics
Examination of a sex-related distress self-medication drinking model following sexual victimization: longitudinal and event-specific studies
Examining the Small History Museum's Impact On Place Identity
Expanding Interface Design Capabilities through Semantic and Data-driven Analyses
Experiences of family-centered care among parents of toddlers with ASD concerns
Experimental Assessment of Confinement and Heating on the HIT-SI3 Spheromak
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of Discontinuous Fiber Composite Structures Under Multi-axial Loading
Explicitly Training Metacognition and Self-Regulation For Computer Programming
Exploiting Image Resolution Holistically in Computer Vision Models
Exploiting the Interactions of Solid Binding Proteins with Silica to Form Colloidal Assemblies
Exploration of Small Peptide Binding Interactions with Inorganic Surfaces Across Timescales
Exploring Climate Change and Community Engagement in the Museum
Exploring Heterogeneous Phenotypic States in Bacteria
Exploring Non-stoichiometric Nickel Oxide (NiOₓ) as a Hole Transport Layer for Cesium Tin Triiodide (CsSnI₃) Perovskite Solar Cells
Exploring barriers and facilitators of Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive (FINI) program adoption in Washington State farmers markets: a mixed-methods analysis
Exploring the Potentials of Interdisciplinary Studios in the University of Washington College of Built Environments
Exploring the Relationship Between Empathy For Animals and Environmental Self-efficacy in Zoo and Aquarium Visitors
Exploring the Uptake of Value-Based Formulary Strategies and Their Application to Specialty Drugs
Expose and Punish: Trial by Moving Images in Revolutionary China
Extensions of the Underhill-zucchini Model for Avian Molt Data Allowing Random Duration
Fast Grid Search Algorithms for Multi-phase Regression Models
Fine-Grained Sediment Dynamics and Morphodynamics in Tide-Dominated Channels
Finite Element Analysis of Post-buckled Composite Structures
Finite Sample Bias Reduction for Misspecified Models With Extensions to High Dimensional Data
First, Let Us Look Together: Through Forests, Trees, Wood, and Building
Fluorescent Labeling Methods for Super-resolution and Optical-sectioning Imaging
Fogweaver: A Multi-objective Optimization Strategy and Characterization of a Hybrid Internet of Things (iot) Environment
Food insecurity is associated with depression among a vulnerable workforce: early care and education workers
Form and function of S-cone opponent circuits in the primate retina
Fragments of Home
From gender-affirming to trans-affirming care: trans youth discourses of healthcare access
Fundamental Studies On Model Catalyst Systems: Energetics of Metal Nanoparticles Supported On Oxide Surfaces and Microkinetic Analysis Using Degree of Rate Control
Future Forests of Bainbridge Island; Climate Change Vulnerability and Continuing Progressive Management
Generalized Matrix-fractional Functions and Their Applications
Genomic and Morphological Analysis of an American Crow Hybrid Zone
Geographic Variation in the Use of Triptans and Opioids for the Acute Treatment of Migraine Attacks
Give Me a Clean Death: Rethinking Our Modern Death-Care System
Glottal Stop Initials and Nasalization in Sino-vietnamese and Southern Chinese
Goal-directed Self-tracking in the Management of Chronic Health Conditions
Green exercise for older adults: scoping review, implementation, and perceived restorativeness / Alexa R. Meins.
Guidance Navigation & Control System Architecture For the Soci Cubesat: Satellite For Optimal Control and Imaging
Heliocracy: A Comprehensive Reevaluation of Japanese Political History
Helmholtz Resonators in Open Office Acoustics
High Performance Friction-type Bearings for Seismic Isolation
High Resolution Measurements of Rna Polymerase With Nanopore Tweezers
High-resolution Endor Studies On Vanadyl Porphyrins and Crude-oil Petroporphyrins
Highly Efficient All-Polymer Solar Cells Based On Wide Bandgap Donor Copolymers Containing Selenophene Moieties
Historical Thinking Through Historical Doing: The Impact of Wearing Armor On Visitor Thinking in Arms and Armor Galleries
Huduma Namba: Kenya's Transformation Into an Informational State
Human-centered Simulation Modeling to Facilitate Critical Infrastructure Resilience Planning
Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in the Duwamish River Estuary
I Play for Togetherness: Impacts of Audio-visual Asynchrony on Feelings of Social Closeness in Adult Community Wind Band Musicians
Identification of Hypothalamic Neural Circuits Regulating Glucose and Energy Homeostasis
Identifying and Characterizing Novel Targets Against Rhabdomyosarcoma Disease Relapse
Impact of Homeless Encampments On State Department of Transportation Right of Way
Impact of Retarder-induced Roughness On Shear Friction Capacity Using Conventional and High-strength Reinforcement
Impact of walking school bus programs on self-efficacy and outcome expectations
Improved Signcryption and Broadcast Signcryption with Detachable Signatures
Improving Cryptococcal meningitis outcomes: a mixed-methods evaluation of a Cryptococcal meningitis program in rural Uganda
Improving measurement feedback systems for measurement-based care
Incorporating Relativistic Effects in the Calculation of Core and Valence Excitations in Metal Complexes and Molecular Clusters
Indirect Costs Associated with Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Positive (HER2+) Metastatic Breast Cancer
Individual Differences in Linguistic Prediction in Native Language Comprehension and Second Language Learning
Individual Preference Learning with Collaborative Learning Framework
Inferring the Evolutionary Histories of Stars and Their Planets
Inflammatory Modulators of Central Sensitization in Fibromyalgia and Temporomandibular Disorders: A Pilot Study
Influence of an Art Museum Visit On Individuals' Psychological and Physiological Indicators of Stress
Informatic Afterlives and Database Erotics: The Performativity of Surveillance in Economies of Fidelity
Insights Into Dioxygen Bond Activation and Formation by Small Biomimetic Complexes
Insights to the Relationship Between the Condensed Phase and the Gas Phase Structure of Proteins from Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Measurements
Institutional Logics, Organizational Alignment, and Performance: The Role of the CEO
Intensive longitudinal assessment of cannabis use and related experiences
Interaction between Convection and SST in Tropical RCE
Interpretable Data Phenotyping for Healthcare Via Unsupervised Learning
Interpretable and Reliable Statistical Models for Biomedicine
Interpreting Hybridity: A Decolonizing Analysis of Museum Interpretation Strategies
Interprofessional perceptions of dental providers' engagement in childhood obesity prevention
Investigating Defects and Magnetism in Nanocrystals by Magnetic Spectroscopies
Investigating Grassroots Strategies for Sea Level Rise Adaptation: A Review of Island County's Sea Level Rise Strategy Study
Investigating the Effect of Biological and Chemical Factors On the Reaction Kinetics and Mineralogy of Ureolytic Bio-cementation
Investigating the Fracture Behavior and Damage Mechanisms of Discontinuous Fiber Composites Under Significant Out-of-plane Loading
Investigating the impact of drug history and cortical circuitry on substance use and decision-making
Investigating the influence of environmental predictability on route planning using a novel foraging paradigm
Investigation of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster For Atmospheric Applications
Investigation of the Flowfield Downstream of a Discontinuous Backward-Facing Step On a Swept Flat Plate
I̲mmunom̲odulatory P̲orous R̲e̲generative S̲car-free S̲caffolds for I̲n-Situ V̲ascular E̲ngineering (IMPRESSIVE)
Jebel/Wadi/Sahra: Exploring Relationships Between Bedouins and Travelers along Egypt’s Sinai Trail through Narrative Place-Making
Job Accessibility, Commuting Time and Travel Complexity in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA)
Killer Queen: Clytemnestra as Goddess, Heroine, and Monster
Kinetic Architecture: Reimagining the Facade of the UW Tower
Landmark Refugia: An Urban Bird Sanctuary for the Christchurch, Nz Cathedral Rebuild
Languages and Visualization Tools for Data-centric End-user Programming of Interactive Visualization Designs
Large Scale Analytics on Scientific Image Data
Latent Modeling of the Human Epigenome
Latinx Barbershop Masculinities: Dominican Men and the Adaptive Macho : Tacoma, Washington Transnational, Migration, Caribbean
Learning Scene Cad Recomposition
Learning by Watching and Learning by Doing
Let the Street Dance Back Into the Street: How a Danceable Public Realm May Support a More Inclusive Seattle
Level Up!: Japanese Second Language Acquisition in the Classroom Through Video Games
Leveraging Open Microfluidics for Platform Development and Cell-signaling Studies in Vitro
Liberating Rivers
Linearity of the Climate System Response to Antarctic Topography Change
Lipid Membranes: From Organizational Strategies in Cells to the Origins of Life
Listening across Difference: Mapping Storycorps' Affective Archives
Location Independent Organizations: Designing Work Across Space and Time
Lower Bounds in Computational Complexity from Information Theory, Algebra and Combinatorics
MJO-induced Warm Pool Eastward Extension Prior to the Onset of El Niño: An Observational Study
Making Chatbots More Transparent and Applicable to New Demographics
Malocclusion in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Refractory to Adenotonsillectomy Referred for Sleep Study
Management and Prediction of Moving Objects Under Location Uncertainty
Mapping Snow Sensor Usability in the Northern Hemisphere with Google Earth Engine
Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Mesoscale Organization: Identification, Influencing Dactors, and Lagrangian Evolution
Marine Microbial Metabolomics: A Journey through Time, Space, and Metabolism
Marking Risk and Response: Design Interventions to Support Citizen Science Monitoring of the Trans Mountain Pipelines
Mathematical Analysis of Host-parasitoid Dynamics
Measured, Marked, Modeled: Becoming With the Urban Landscape
Mechanical Properties of Alimentary Tissues in Teleostean Fishes
Mechanism of Diabetes Remission Induced by the Central Action of Fibroblast Growth Factor 1
Mechanisms of Salmonella Typhi Persistence
Mechanistic Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling of Renal and Systemic Disposition of Drugs and Metabolites
Mediation Analysis With Complex Intermediate Causal Structure
Mediators of the effects of neighborhood danger on child adjustment: maternal depression, parenting, and variations across development
Medieval Political Competition and the Attack on Ethnoreligious Diversity
Metal Halide Perovskite Light-emitting Materials and Devices
Metal and Gas Adsorption on High-Surface-Area Catalyst Support Materials: Energetics by Calorimetry and Adsorbate Structure
Mimicking Clinical Trials Using Real-World Data - a Novel Method and Applications
Mobile Phone Imaging of Fluorescence Assays in Scattering Media
Modeling Geometric and Hemodynamic Cues in Cardiovascular Biology
Modeling the Diffraction-limited Images of Interacting Emitters and Plasmonic Nanoantennas
Modern Approaches to Nagpra
Molecular Engineering of Peptide-inorganic Interfaces: From Aqueous Conformations to Complex Surface Assemblies
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Mycobacterial Glycolipid Recognition by Human T Cells
Monstrous Texts and Textual Monsters: Transgressive Hybridity in Ovid's Metamorphoses
Moving Forward Together: Partisans' Motivations for Seeking Out Cross-partisan Contact
Multiplicative Effect Modeling
Musculoskeletal symptoms in upper extremities and work performance: cut-off scores and interaction between biomechanical demand and psychosocial job factors
Natural Genetic and Phenotypic Variation for Aging
Navigating and Responding to Raciolinguistic Ideologies: Refugee and Immigrant Students' Literacy Practices Across Contexts
Nemocluster: Graph Clustering Algorithm for Structural Variant Detection
Network Replication of Inequality in Medical Crowdsourced Funding
Neural Interface for Web-scale Knowledge
New Analytical Tools for Native Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Intact Proteins
No Worker Left in the Dust: A Case Study on the Highly-contrasted and Variable Levels of Silica Safety
Nonconvex Optimization Methods With Applications to Portfolio Selection and Hybrid Systems
Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotating Detonation Waves
Nonlinear Optical Microscopy for Tissue Imaging and Analysis in Anatomic Pathology
Nonlinear Relative Pose Estimation For Autonomous Shipboard Landing
Nourishing Neighborhoods: Cultivating Local Food Connections in the Urban Envrionment
Novel Traffic Sensing Using Multi-camera Car Tracking and Re-identification (MCCTRI)
Now You See Me: The Emotional Impact of Visible Labs On Museum Staff
Numerical Investigation of the Formation and Translation of a Field Reversed Configuration With Neutrals and External Circuits Effects
Nusinersen Treatment and Healthcare Costs in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Observational Constraints On Tropospheric Chlorine Cycling
Observed and Modeled Cloud Responses to Climate Variability
Older adults who smoke: do they engage with and benefit from web-based smoking cessation interventions?
Ontogenetic & reproductive state-dependent changes to the auditory inner ear and swim bladder of the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus)
Open Data Kit 2: Building Mobile Application Frameworks for Disconnected Data Management
Open Door Behind You
Operations Management of On-demand and Crowdsourced Systems
Organoselenium-catalyzed Oxidative Transformations of Alkenes
Orthodontic Treatment of Anterior Open-bite with and Without Skeletal Anchorage
PIC Modeling of Coulomb Collisional Effects in a Wall-Bounded Plasma
Pairing Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation with Newly Discovered Nitrite-supplying Metabolisms for Enhanced Mainstream Nitrogen Removal
Pairing Things Off: Counting Stable Matchings, Finding Your Ride, and Designing Tournaments
Parabrachial and central amygdala circuits for affective nociceptive processing
Parent meta-emotion philosophy and trajectories of caregiving stress in caregivers of children with cancer
Participant perceptions on a Fitbit and Facebook intervention for adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: a qualitative study
Particles, Prey, and Purse Seines: A Data-Driven Investigation Into the Impacts of Climate on Biological Processes across the Global Ocean
Patient perspectives on nutrition providers' phenotypes and attitudes about weight during treatment for atypical anorexia nervosa
Pedestrian Exposure to Pm2.5 in Commercial Core, Seattle
Pediatric Procedural Sedation Outcomes Using Midazolam and Hydroxyzine with and Without Meperidine
Pediatric hospital falls: patient risk assessment and associated parent characteristics
Perceptual Optimizations for Video Capture, Processing, and Storage Systems
Pharmacological Regulation of Protein-Polymer Hydrogel Stiffness
Photochemical and Logic-Based Regulation Over the Cellular Microenvironment
Photophysical and Redox Properties of Degenerately Doped Nanocrystals
Pier Pressure: Addressing Ecological Opportunities of Nearshore Infrastructure in Lake Washington's Union Bay
Piloting Neighborhood Conservation Districts in Seattle: A Case Study in Wallingford
Plant Physiology Increases the Magnitude and Spread of the Transient Climate Response to Co₂ in CMIP6 Earth System Models
Playing Japanese: Fostering Semantic Language Play in a Japanese As a Foreign Language Classroom
Playing on the Spectrum: Exploring How to Create Playgrounds More Accessible for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Plugin Homes: Metabolic Framework : Hong Kong As a Testing Ground
Poaching in Southern Africa: Identifying Leverage Points for Effective Intervention
Poetics in the Architectural Archives: Possibilities For Imagining Pasts and Futures
Population Genetic Inference With Identity By Descent
Practical Knowledge Barriers in Professional Programming
Practitioners' Views On Cultural Adaptation of Web-Based Products
Predicting Expression Levels of De Novo Protein Designs in Yeast Through Machine Learning
Prediction and Inference on Big Data in Development
Principled Optimization of Dynamic Neural Networks
Prioritizing Areas for King County Metro Transit's Feeder-to-Fixed Route Flexible Services: A Preliminary Approach for the Systematic Locational Prioritization of Future Services
Privacy-preserving Filter-based Feature Selection with Secure Multiparty Computation
Privacy-preserving Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
Processing and Analysis of Lidar Derived Point Cloud Models of Low-rise Large-volume Steel Frame Buildings Damaged in Hurricane Michael
Professional Self-efficacy in Museum Educators
Protein-bound Uremic Toxin Kinetics Modeling For a New Dialysis Device
Push-button Verification of Systems Software
Quantification of Multimodal Fluorescence Imaging for Cancer Detection, Guiding Biopsy and Guiding Surgery
Quantifying Air Quality, Human Health, and Climate Impacts from Energy Systems: Electricity and Transportation
Quantifying Wellness and Disease with Personal, Dense, Dynamic Data Clouds
Quantum Dot Probes For Neuroimaging and Visualization of Extracellular Vesicles
Rainforest, Airport, Park: Navigating Extractive Entanglements through the Synthesis of Infrastructure and Ecological Function in Iquitos, Peru
Re:GEN: An Alternative to Occupying Urban Space
Reading Between the Lines: Narrativity in Beethoven's Piano Sonatas
Reading the "White Spatial Imaginary" in the Redevelopment of Yesler Terrace
Reclaiming the Right of Way: A New Infill Model for the Urban US : a Seattle Case Study
Reclaiming the Self: Political Prisoners, Gender, and Subjectivity in Post-War El Salvador
Recognizing Fear in the Voice Studio and Applying Strategies for Redirection
Reconstructing Developer and Homeowner Decisions to Understand the Complex Assembly of New Residential Patches and Plant Communities
Reduction of Off-axis Clutter in Plane-wave Ultrasound Imaging
Reflections On Algorithmic Reputation: Judgment and Equity in a Digitally Mediated Society
Reimagining Satsop: Future Life For an Industrial Ruin
Reimagining the Amphibious City: From Health Data to Ecological Design in an Amazonian Informal Community
Relationships among sleep, circadian rhythms, social timing and symptoms in adults living with a health condition
Remote Sensing of Water Surface Variability near River Mouths
Renewed Artifact: Live/Work Residences At the Boeing Field Apartments
Repertoire Choices for Teaching Intermediate-level Piano Students, with Practice Suggestions and Exercises, Based on Five Pillars of Musicianship
Resilience to Acute Sleep Deprivation Is Associated with Attenuation of Hippocampal Mediated Learning Impairment
Resisting Erasure: The Practice of Learning From Maya Mam Narratives of Survivance in Guatemala
Resonating Fluidic Circuits: A Novel Technology to Create a Portable Blood Viscoelasticity Measuring Device
Rethinking the Starting Point: The Revitalization of Fall River
Retrievals of Drizzle and Cloud Liquid Water Contents in Stratocumulus and Implications For Subgrid-scale Impacts On Model Autoconversion and Accretion Rates
Revealing Structure in Trained Neural Networks Through Dimensionality-based Methods
Rewriting Your Own Narrative: Isekai As a Contemporary Coming of Age Tale
Rhetoric and Ethics of Free Speech Discourse on Gab
Rising Together: Community Resilience and Public Libraries
Risky choices on behalf of others
Rivers of Dayak dreams: the aporia of knowledge and the melancholia of race in three memoirs about Borneo
Role of Epithelial Cells in Detection and Response to Sensory Stimuli in Drosophila
Scalable Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
Scalable Inference Algorithms for Determinantal Point Processes
Seas in Hot Water: Marine Heatwaves on the Move : Following the Heat
Seattle Vision Zero Street Improvements to Reduce Traffic Related Injuries and Deaths: What Is the Economic Impact to Local Businesses?
Seattle's Waterfront: An Exploration in Site Analysis
Secure Training of Random Forest Classifiers Over Continuous Data
Seismic Retrofit of Bridges Supported On Hollow Core Prestressed Concrete Pile-columns
Shelter +: A Domestic Violence Response Network in Newfoundland and Labrador
Should We Be Studying Family Communication Tools to Improve Cascade Testing in Genomics?: A Value-of-Information Analysis in Lynch Syndrome
Simplifying High-performance Data Management for Distributed Applications
Simulation and Statistical Methods in Proactive and Strategic Obsolescence Management
Simulation of Gust Generator-induced Wind Tunnel Flow Fields
Site-Specific Transportation Demand Management in Seattle: A Review of Transportation Management Programs in Downtown and South Lake Union
Sleeping on the job: how studying sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome kept me up at night
Social Media As Local Crisis Infrastructure: The Interconnected Work of Citizens, Responders, and Journalists in the Social Media Crowd
Social Transmission of a Stress-Related Neuroadaptation
Software Algorithms For Design of Symmetric Protein Complexes Applied to Cryo-electron Microscopy Scaffolds and Antibody Nanoparticles
Somatic symptoms and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in children and adolescents
Southern Ocean Precipitation Observed From Satellite and Ground Instrumentation At Macquarie Island
Space As a Doubt: Mapping the Inner Landscapes of the Body and the Mind
Spanning the Gaps: Integrating Site, Stakeholders, and Context to Enhance Vegetation Management at Seattle City Light
Spatializing Empathy: A K-8 Learning Village in Georgetown, Seattle
Spectroscopic Studies On the Impact of Defects in Hybrid Organic-inorganic Perovskites On Charge Carrier Dynamics and Photovoltaic Device Performance
Stability of Solutions of Integrable Partial Differential Equations
Statistical Inference for Clustering
Statistical Methods for Surrogacy and Hypothesis Testing in HIV Research
Step Into My Queerhouse: Queering the Now/future
Stimuli Responsive Polymers in Direct-ink-write Additive Manufacturing
Structural and Thermal Patterning in 3d Bioprinted Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering
Studying Cerebral Blood Flow in Mouse Cortex With Optical Microangiography
Studying Intercellular Signaling Underlying Human Diseases Using Open Microfluidic Coculture
Sub-seasonal Forecasting Using Large Ensembles of Data-driven Global Weather Prediction Models
Subsidence-induced Warming in the Genesis of Tropical Storm Cindy (2017)
Supercritical Fluid-Liquid-Solid Growth of Alloyed Si₁₋ₓGeₓ Nanowires
Supervisory Alliance as a Moderator of the Effects of Behavioral Rehearsal on TF-CBT Fidelity: Results from a Randomized Trial of Supervision Strategies
Supporting Hospitalized Patients Through Ai Technologies
Synthesis of CsPbBr₃ Quantum Dots for Photodetectors
Synthesis of Novel Backbone Functional Polymers
Synthesis, Assembly, and Integration of Semiconductor Nanowires
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Incidence and Prevalence of Orofacial Pain- Global Burden of Diseases
T Cell Immunity in the Female Genital Tract
Tactical Urbanism Demonstration Projects as Community Participation
Take-Over Time Modeling and Prediction For Conditional Driving Automation
Tandem Effects of Lipid Head and Tail Chemistry On the Wettability of Clay
Targeted Recalibration Using Single-knot Splines to Improve the Clinical Utility of a Risk Model
Targeting Tumor Tight Junctions: The Junction Opener Protein
Targeting an Anchored Phosphatase-Deacetylase Unit Restores Renal Ciliary Homeostasis
Testing of a Reinforced Concrete Core Wall for Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Shelter Structures in a Wave Flume
The 8th Kingdom: Biomimicry as a Systems Lens for Organic Architecture in Methow Valley, Washington
The Admiration of Fathers: Using Factorial Vignettes to Explore Differential Assessments of Parenting Quality
The Analysis of Rna-seq Experiments Using Approximate Likelihood
The Architecture of Human Composting
The Detection, Characterization, and Retrieval of Terrestrial Exoplanet Atmospheres
The Development, Quantification and Verification of a High-fidelity Male Urethral Catheter Simulator
The Effect of Managers’ Risk Perceptions on Risk Factor Disclosures
The Effect of Orbital Forcing on the MJO's Amplitude and Phase Speed
The Effect of Task Complexity On Time Perception in the Virtual Reality Environment: An EEG Study
The Effect of Topical Epinephrine on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Children Receiving Prefabricated Zirconia Crowns: A Randomized Controlled Trial
The Emotionology of Anger in Early Buddhist Literature: Through the Lens of a Gāndhārī Verse Text
The Everlasting Folia: A Violinist's Guide To Folias Through Context, Catalog, Analysis, and Practice
The Evolution of Solidarity and Status Attainment: A Case Study of Chicago's Latinx Gangs
The Fate and Dynamics of a River Plume in the Surf Zone
The Gould Standard: An Examination of the Pedagogical Philosophies of Mark Gould
The Impact of Cost Sharing on Adherence to Ibrutinib for Patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
The Impact of Light Rail Station Type on Single Family Residential Property Value in the City of Portland, or
The Implementation and Development of 3d Concrete Printing for On-site Applications in Construction
The Lie That Tells a Truth
The Microbial Etiology of Colorectal Cancer
The Myth and the Mattress: Replications and Installations of the Borghese Sleeping Hermaphrodite
The Nature and Characterization of M Dwarf Terrestrial Planetary Atmospheres: A Theoretical Case Study of the Trappist-1 Planetary System
The Net of Privatized Punishment: Examining the Use of Private Probation in Colorado
The Political Logic of the Radical Right Media Sphere in the United States
The Pursuit of Modernity: The Evolution of Korean Popular Music in the Age of Globalization
The Quantitative Analysis and Modification of Colloidal Nanoparticle Surfaces and Structures
The Right to Work for Less: The Effect of Right-to-Work Laws on Unfair Labor Practice Filing at the NLRB
The Role of Excited-state Energy Landscapes in Directing Electron and Proton Motion for Light Harvesting Applications
The Role of Microtubule-associated Proteins During Microtubule Nucleation and Organization
The Role of the Atmosphere in Marine Heatwaves
The Role of the Central Amygdala Kappa Opioid Receptor and Dopamine in Discriminatory Fear Learning and Anxiety
The Season of the Witch Chronicles: Anecdotes, and Musings on Harry Partch's the Bewitched
The Transnational Legal Process of Global Health Jurisprudence: Hiv and the Law in Indonesia
The Use of Automatic Identification System Data to Determine Appropriate Stand-on Vessel Maneuvers
The Use of Braess's Paradox for Urban Planning: A Case Study Analysis in Downtown Seattle
The Value of Values: An Analysis of the Tools and Technologies of Sustainable Practice
The Wenyuan Yinghua: Selecting Refined Literature
The effect of diets rich in low-fat or full-fat dairy foods on insulin sensitivity: the influence of other dietary factors
The effect of eating frequency on sleep quality among healthy adults: a component of the frequency of eating and satiety hormones (FRESH) study
The impact of low-fat and full-fat dairy consumption on metabolic health: a randomized dietary intervention trial
The impact of low-fat and full-fat dairy on symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease
The psychology of social change and backlash: examining contemporary social issues for insights on attitudes, identity, and behavior
The relation between stress and impulsivity during the first year of college
The role of macaque V1 neurons in spatiochromatic processing and behavior
The roles of extra-synaptic serotonin receptors in neuronal signaling and behavior
Therapist turnover in community mental health: testing the applicability of job embeddedness and shocks
Thinking about women as similar to men: implications for perceptions of masculine workplace cultures
Time Step Sensitivity and Process Coupling in Climate Models
To Carve Out Space: Transgender Visitors' Experiences in Museums
Toward Better Understanding of Molecular Magnetic Properties with Ab Initio Simulation Methods
Toward Centering Access in Professional Design
Towards Better Generalization: Model, Data, and Explicit Knowledge
Towards Better Understanding of Algorithms and Complexity of Some Learning Problems
Towards Lean EHR usability heuristics for behavioral health providers
Towards More Efficient Communication for Distributed Learning Systems
Towards finding a link between neuronal oscillations, declarative memory, and viewing behavior
Training Models to Ignore Dataset Bias
Transnational Crime, Mutual Legal Assistance, and Compliance With International Obligations in the Developing World: Reforming and Enforcing Legal Mechanisms to Effectively Combat Transnational Crime in Afghanistan
Transport Effects on Coastal Productivity and Harmful Algal Blooms
Tropical Convection and Subseasonal Weather Prediction in a Global Onvection-permitting Model
Troubling Matters: Examining the Spread of Misinformation and Disinformation On Social Media During Mass Disruption Events
Trying to Engender a Culture of Support: Coping Mechanisms For Empathy Burnout For Museum Interpreters
UAS Position Estimation in GPS Degraded/Denied Skies via WiFi and Cell Network Data (WiCeNav)
Understanding "Slandering": A Study of Luo Yin's Writings of Slandering
Understanding Feelings of Inclusion and Exclusion For Black and Brown Students in Museums
Understanding Localized Burst Trigger Patterns in Developing Neural Networks Using Deep Learning
Understanding Natural Language with Commonsense Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Simulation
Understanding Sequential Decision-making By Platform Participants: A Structural Analyses of Crowdsourcing and Cryptocurrencies
Understanding Src Kinase Regulatory Mechanisms and Drug Resistance Using Deep Mutational Scanning and Chemical Biology
Understanding and Forecasting Allergenic Pollen in the United States
Understanding and Improving Database-backed Applications
Understanding and Tooling Translational Research in Human-Computer Interaction
Understanding the Bicycling Behavior of a Student Population: A Case Study in the University of Washington's College of Built Environments
Unsupervised Learning: Model-guided and Model-agnostic Approaches
Urban Experience Design: A Human-Centered Method Applied to University District in Seattle
Urban Recycling Center: A Recycling District Along Suzhou's Ancient Canal
Using Biomedical Data to Identify Genetic Variants That Drive Drug Responses in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Using Health Economics Tools to Enhance the Clinical Utility of Artificial Intelligence-Based Diagnostics: A Case Study in Breast Cancer Screening
Using Hydrologic Model Ensembles to Better Understand the Impact of Climate Change On the Hydrology of Large River Basins
Using in Situ Observations From the Socrates Field Campaign to Evaluate Satellite Retrievals of Low Clouds Over the Southern Ocean
Validity and Reliability of Hld Treatment Need Indices Currently Used in the United States
Visual Learning and Processing in the Honeybee, Apis Mellifera
Voices of Impact: Assessing the Felt Impacts of Open-Pit Gold and Copper Mining in British Columbia
Vox Aestheticæ: Creating a Method of Aesthetic Analysis For the Voice Performer
Wavelet-spectral Analysis and Large-eddy Simulation Using Neural Networks of Droplet-laden Decaying Isotropic Turbulence
Western Transnormativity and the U.s. Asylum Process: From Gender-Nonconforming Forced Migrant to Neoliberal Transgender Refugee
What Asian Caregivers Observe About Their Children's Learning During a Visit to the Children's Museum
Why So Little?: The Curious Case of Taiwan's Defense Spending
Zero-Inflated Models For Semi-Continuous Transportation Data
Zwitterionic Polymer-Based Platforms For Biotherapeutics and Implants
Zwitterlation Improves Efficacy and Safety of Therapeutic Proteins
End of automatically generated list.

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2018-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2019-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2019
2019: A Space Odyssey. an Architectural Science Fiction Parody Poem (and Also a Thesis)
23rd and Union: Land Value Patterns in an Upzoned Urban Village
5-HT₂A-mediated signaling regulates spontaneous waves and 5-HT cell number in the embryonic mouse hindbrain
A Biologically Plausible Mechanism for Phonology Acquisition in Human Infants
A City Divided: Rethinking the Role of the Transit Station in Metro Atlanta
A Comparative Analysis of Lca Tools: Studying the Fac̦ade of a Campus Lab Building
A Connected Vehicle Based Coordinated Adaptive Navigation System
A Different Kind of Gentrification: Seattle and Its Relationship with Industrial Land
A Generalized Framework for Machine Re-Learning of Complex Process and Kinetic Models
A Gimbal-supported, Mono Camera, Relative Position Measurement System of a Visually Distinct Object For Uav Guidance
A Heritage of Songs: The Folk Song Collections of Carrie Grover
A Hierarchical Approach to the Design of Protein Crystals
A Machine Learning and Computer Vision Framework for Damage Characterization and Structural Behavior Prediction
A New Approach to 3-dimensional Super-resolution Microscopy
A New Perspective on Minimally Invasive Procedures: Exploring the Utility of a Novel Virtual Reality Endovascular Navigation System
A Novel Box Maze Learning Paradigm Measures Sleep-induced Cognitive Impairment
A Novel Experimental Approach For Curing Polymer Analysis
A Partial Differential Equation Approach to Three Problems in Finance: Barrier Option Pricing, Optimal Asset Liquidation and Insider Trading
A Pilot Data System and Analytical Framework for Tribal and Rural Community Traffic Safety Equity Assessments
A Rhizosphere-scale Investigation of Root Effects On Wetland Methane Dynamics
A Step-through Debugger for Distributed Systems
A Stewardship Plan for a Pollinator Meadow Garden at Bloedel Reserve
A Study of Multiscale Processes in Near-global Aquaplanet Cloud-resolving Models: From Shallow Cumulus Cloud Feedbacks to Tropical Cyclogenesis Predictability
A Study of Zwitterionic Polypeptide-Protein Conjugates
A Tale of Two Validations: Molecular Diagnostic Assays For the Detection of Clinically Significant Alterations
A Thesis On the Authenticity and Preservation of Functionally-used Objects
A Unified Approach to Model-agnostic Variable Importance
A Visualization and Analysis of the Salmon Creek Watershed for Resource Managers and Community Outreach
A Window into Terrestrial Paleoclimate: Soil Carbonate Formation Processes and Climate Proxy Applications
A Wireframe Representation of a Prototype Clinical Decision Support Tool for the Management of Cardiometabolic Disorder and Diabetes Type 2
A network approach to PTSD: comparing interview and self-report networks
A role for the lateral habenula in a delay based decision making test
A socioecological exploration of county-level toddler immunization completion
A systematic review characterizing farm direct marketing challenges, strategies, and opportunities
Accelerated intermittent theta-burst stimulation: future paradigms in neuropsychiatric disorder treatment
Access to Oral Medicine: Perceptions of Washington State Dental Providers on Using Telehealth to Deliver Oral Medicine Specialty Treatment to Their Patients
Achieving Public Agency Goals in Public-private Partnerships Using Innovative Payment Mechanisms
Adaptive Bayesian Nonparametric Smoothing with Markov Random Fields and Shrinkage Priors
Adaptive Sampling Methods for Vehicle Trajectory Data
Additive Manufacturing of Mechanoresponsive Polymers
Advancements in Single Molecule Localization Microscopy for Improved Multichannel, 3-dimensional, and Structurally-dense Imaging
Advances in Model-agnostic Approaches to Statistical Inference
Advances in Models for Assessing Interactions of Forage Fish and Their Predators and Application to Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (EBFM)
Advancing Atom Interferometry with a Bloch-Bands Approach
Aerosol-cloud-precipitation Interaction in Ultraclean Layers and Optically Thin Veil Cloud System in the Stratocumulus to Cumulus Transition: Remote Sensing Measurements and Cloud Resolving Model Results
Affective Action and Delayed Dissent: Why Colombia's Referendum Opponents Tweeted Their Outrage a Year After the Theft of Their Vote
Algal Neurotoxins in Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) from Icy Strait and Icy Point, Alaska
Aligning Wind Energy Development with National Cultural Dimensions
Alt Mercer: Rethinking the Development and Design of the Mercer Mega Block
American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) Thanatology
An Analysis of Urban Form and Canyon For Performative Daylighting Design
An Anatomy of Treaty Interpretation: Adjudicating Environmental Disputes Under International Economic Law
An Epistemology of Beauty: Situating the Affect of Embodied Knowledge Through the Discourse of Contact Improvisation
An Evaluation of the Insidious Consequences of Clinical Computing Infrastructure Failures At a Large Academic Medical Center
An Exploratory Analysis of Environmentally-Certified Wood Products (ECWPs) in the Residential Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Market: 2018 and 2011
An Injectable Gelatin-based Delivery Platform Mediated By Guest-host Complexation
An Investigation of Lightning-Generated Whistler Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
Analysis of TNC Passenger and Driver Responses to Curb-Space Allocation in Urban Land Use Contexts
Analysis of the Intended Implementation Strategies of Municipal Climate Action Plans
Analysis of the Ventricular Fibrillation Electrocardiogram During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to Predict Outcome of Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest
Analyzing Perceived Time: a Husserlian Study of Temporal-Consciousness in Gérard Grisey's Vortex Temporum and Morton Feldman's Triadic Memories
Antarctic Glacial History Inferred from Cosmogenic-Nuclide Measurements in Rocks
Anthrozoology, Anthropomorphism, and Marine Conservation: A Case Study of Southern Resident Killer Whale, Tahlequah, and Her Tour of Grief
Aota: All of the Above
Application of Functional Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Neurovascular Research
Application of Optimization to the Production Planning of Construction Prefabrication Supply Chains
Applications of Operations Management in Emerging Technologies
Approaches for Developing Treatment Rules
Assessing the Utility of Digital Health Technology to Improve Our Capacity to Assess and Intervene in Depression
Assessing the Utility of Tributary PIT-Tag Arrays in Monitoring Snake River Salmonid Recovery
Assessment of entanglement risk: a vertical line co-occurrence model of large whales and the commercial fixed gear Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) fishery off the U.S. West Coast
Associations between neighborhood sociodemographics and prevalence of beverage marketing among food retail stores in Seattle, WA
Attributing Historical and Future Evolution of Radiative Feedbacks to Regional Warming Patterns Using a Green's Function Approach: The Preeminence of the Western Pacific
Augmented Woodworking
Authority, Expertise, and Active Learning in the CS Classroom
Automated Reasoning for Web Page Layout
Automated Reasoning of Database Queries
Automatic Generation of Procedural Knowledge Using Program Synthesis
Axis-symmetric Ram Accelerator Projectile Performance Characteristics
Bead-based chemistries to quantitate antibody responses to multiple Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax antigens
Better Input, Better Output: Improving Photometric Redshifts by Enhancing Training Data and Optimizing Observations
Between Architecture and Landscape: Site Revitalization in Magnuson Park By an Integration of Landscape and Building Reuse
Between a Risk and a Hard Place: Scavenging Patterns and Habitat Selection of Carnivores in the Subarctic
Beyond Single-protein De Novo Design: A Generative Algorithm for the Ntf2-like Superfamily
Bigleaf Maple Decline in Western Washington
Biodiversity, Carbon and Chocolate: Toward an Environmentally Friendly Cocoa Production System in Ghana
Biology and Ecology of Hexacorallians in the San Juan Archipelago
Biology of Embryo-Derived Kupffer Cells
Biophilic Urbanism: Redefining Walkability in the Urban Core
Biophysical Strategies to Inhibit Bacterial Amyloid Formation and Undermine Biofilm Infections
Biotic Interactions Shift Across Temperature and Ontogeny in an Intertidal Barnacle
Body mass index and breast cancer risk among pre- and postmenopausal BRCA1/2 mutation carriers
Border Architecture: Rethinking the Future
Bot + Bot: Multi-robot Collaboration in Architecture
Brain Connectivity Networks in Theory and Practice
Breathing City: Food Hub Design in Othello Neighborhood of Seattle
Breathing Mode Effects On Hall Thruster Plasma Quantities and Channel Wall Power Loss
Bridging the Past and Future, Mitigating the Conflicts Between Cultural Identity and Contemporary Needs in Yuliang, China
Broadband Tuning the Voltage Dependence of a Sodium Channel
Building Efficient Network Protocols for Data Centers Using Programmable Switches Naveen Kr. Sharma.
Building and Querying Probabilistic Models for Open World Database Systems
Building in Craft: A Community Founded and Sustained With Industry
CGRP neurons and the neural circuitry underlying conditioned taste aversion
Caries and Quality of Life in an Amazonian Slum
Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Beetle Killed Lodgepole Pine in a Novel Ablative Reactor
Characterization of Combustion Generated Particulate Matter Produced in an Inverted Gravity Flame Reactor
Characterization of Mars Analog Soils With Microwave Radiation to Investigate Subsurface Water Extraction Utilizing Dielectric Heating
Characterization of an Exploding Micro-wire Pulsed Plasma Thruster
Characterizing Unsteadiness in Supersonic Retropropulsion Flows
Characterizing sexual assault among tribal college/university students: a study assessing risk & resiliency factors to inform prevention/intervention methods
Characterizing the Chlamydia Trachomatis Inclusion Membrane Proteome
Characterizing the Healthcare Resource Utilization and Costs by Disease Severity Among Patients with Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Chasing the Muses: Visitor Experiences With Inspiration in Art Museums
Chemical Approaches to Investigate the Biochemical Crosstalk Between Histone Sumoylation, Methylation and Acetylation
Chemical Approaches to Study the Effect of Histone Post-translational Modifications
Chronotopia: A Festival For a Pluralist Public Realm
Classifying FIA forest type from a fusion of hyperspectral and LiDAR data
Clinical Significance and Regulatory Framework for the Evaluation of Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1B-Based Drug-Drug Interactions
Closing the Gap: Identifying Leadership Strategies Used By Women in the Museum Field
Co-curation and Collaboration: A Case Study On the Effects of Co-curation On Staff
Co-designing Distributed Systems with Programmable Network Hardware
Co-evolution of life and environment across Earth history: empirical & modeling constraints on nutrient cycling, the rise of oxygen, and eukaryotic evolution
Coffee and Climate Change: A Comparative Analysis of Civil Society and Indigenous Politics in Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico
Cognition in Architecture: A Residential Design Prototype For the Autistic User
Cohousing: A Spatial Embodiment of the Collective Ideal
Combinatorial Strategies Using CRISPR/CAS9 for Gene Mutagenesis in Adult Mice
Combining Survey and Census Data in Time and Space in a Developing World Context
Come Here Often? Nonfrequent Visitor Perceptions of Art Museums
Comparison between Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis and Catalytic Fast Hydropyrolysis of Arundo donax in a Fluidized Bed Reactor
Comparison of Three Esthetic Full-coverage Restorations in Primary Maxillary Incisors
Complement or Substitute? an Analysis of Bikeshare's Effect on Transit Ridership in Portland
Computational Methods For System Identification and Data-driven Forecasting
Computational Modeling of Dynamic Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra
Computational and Experimental Models of Diatom-Bacteria Interaction
Computing Long-term Daylighting Simulations From High Dynamic Range Imagery Using Deep Neural Networks
Conditional Disruption of Hem-1 Results in Impaired Development of Alveolar Macrophages, Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis, and Increased Susceptibility to Influenza Virus Infection
Connecting End Users to Domain Experts with Universal Mobile Phones Services
Connecting the Drops: Managing the Effects of Climate Change on Water in Seattle
Consensus Over Networked Dynamical Systems: Control, Design, & Interaction
Consonant Endings of Míng Dynasty Mandarin As Reflected in the Chinese Transcriptions of Uyghur Vocabulary in Gāochāng Guǎn Zázì
Consuming Pavement Engineering Research through Software: An Empirical Investigation of Software Value in Transportation Agency Practices
Contemporaneous Health Monitoring and Biomarker Discovery By Integration of Patient Data and Disease Knowledge
Continuum Damage Progressive Failure Modeling For Crashworthiness and Static Analyses of Laminated Composites
Contributing to the Development of the Metadynamics Methodology for Studying Chemical Reactions
Contributions and Evolutionary Potential of ampC Mutations to Confer Aztreonam Resistance in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Correlated Electronic and Vibrational Motion: A Direct Perspective through Multidimensional Electronic-vibrational Spectroscopy
Correlating Sludge Constituents with Digester Foaming Risk Using Sludge Foam Potential and Rheology
Correlating Solid-binding Peptide Structure with Biomimetic Function
Cortical and subthalamic circuits in the regulation of addiction-like behaviors
Cortical stimulation induces white matter plasticity following spinal cord injury
Cost and Time Analysis of Procedural Sedation Versus General Anesthesia in a Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program
Coupling Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning to Accelerate the Design of Bioinspired Materials
Cpm Schedule Density: A New Predictor for Productivity Loss
Cross Coupling of Alkenyl Gold Complexes with Alkyl Electrophiles and Nickel Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Alkenes
Cross-parameter Influences of Ph and Heat for Biosolids Stabilization
Crowd-driven Computer Vision
Cultivating Contamination: Floating In-Situ
Cultivating Emotional Wellbeing: Museums & Art Therapy
Cultivating Urban Nature: Recontextualizing Perceptions of Nature in the Everyday Urban Experience
Cultivating the Desperation Point: Amplifying the Perceptibility of Climate Resilient Design
Cultural Translations: A Global History of the Chili Pepper in Architecture
Cultural considerations among family caregivers in palliative and hospice care
Culturally-adapted translation, psychometric and predictive validation of the Reported Edmonton Frail Scale-Thai version (REFS-Thai)
Data Mining the Electronic Medical Record With Intelligent Agents to Inform Decision Support Systems
Data-guided Estimation and Tracking Methods For Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
De Novo Design of Bioactive Protein Switches, and Applications Thereof
De Novo Design of Self-assembling Helical Protein Filaments
Deciphering the Relationship Among Nutrition, Host and Microbe
Deep Learning for Validating Resolution and Detecting Secondary Structure Elements of Proteins in 3d Cryo-electron Microscopy Images
Deep Learning to Predict Protein Backbone Structure from High-resolution Cryo-em Density Maps
Defective Branched Chain Amino Acid Catabolism Impairs Exercise Capacity and Glucose Homeostasis in the Mouse
Describing, measuring, and testing a model of illness-related concerns among children experiencing maternal breast cancer / dc Hebah Ahmed Al Mulla.
Design For Reassembly: Facing the Demands of Housing By Imagining a Flexible Future
Design and Characterization of Novel Tandem Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation
Design and Construction of His-tagged Protein Purification Workflow in Aquarium
Design and Development of Hemogram, a Web Application For a Remote Examination of Peripheral Blood Smears From Resource-limited Clinics in Nepal
Design and Synthesis of Organic Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage Applications
Design of De Novo Mini Fluorescence Activating Proteins As Ph and Calcium Biosensors
Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Patient-centered Health Dialog System to Support Inguinal Hernia Surgery Patient Information-seeking
Designing Happenstance: Spatial Agency + Appropriation in Architecture
Designing Nickel-and Palladium-based Precatalysts to Improve Catalyst-transfer Polymerization Towards Conjugated Polymer Synthesis
Designing Technologies to Support Patient Engagement in the Hospital
Designing the Commons: Places That Support Community Ownership
Designing to Account For Patients' Personal Values in Collaborative Care For Multiple Chronic Conditions
Determinants of Flaviviral Neuropathology
Develop a Supercapacitor Real Time Model for PHIL Simulation
Developing a pilot quota-based fishery management system for Fujian's Portunus crab fishery
Developing and Evaluating a Prototype Communicable Disease Web-based Clinical Reporting Tool
Developing new prognostic models for predicting outcomes in severe traumatic brain injury
Development and regulation of synaptic divergence in the mammalian retina
Development of Chloromethyl Functionalized Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene) Derivative (PEDOT-MeCl:PSS) Hole Transport Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells
Development of Mixed-Charge Ek Polypeptides For Protein Protection
Development of Organic Photoredox-Mediated Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization through Expanded Functionalities of Initiators and Monomers
Development of a High-Strength Zwitterionic Hydrogel to Combat Biofouling in Marine and Medical Applications
Development of an Active Aeroelastic Continuous Trailing Edge Wind Tunnel Wing Model For Drag and Gust Load Minimization
Differential gene transcription in monocytes from chronic kidney disease and healthy patients
Digital Media and Presidential Campaigning in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Study of the 2016 Election in Ghana
Dimension Reduction for Spatially-misaligned and Multi-pollutant Data With Missing Observations
Discrete Choice Modeling of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Use and Charging Behavior Using Stated Preference Data
Dissecting Mechanisms of Antimalarials Using Crispr/cas9 Editing in Plasmodium Falciparum
Diversification and Local Adaptation in Western Fence Lizards, Sceloporus Occidentalis
Diversity and Population Structure of Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasi) along the Northwest Coast: An Interdisciplinary Investigation Using High-Throughput Sequencing and Ancient DNA
Diversity, Distributions, and Activity of Bats in the San Juan Islands
Do caregiving-related stress and emotion regulation impact treatment adherence to a caregiver-mediated intervention for toddlers at risk for ASD?
Domain Invariant and Semantic Aware Visual Servoing
Drought + Deluge: An Amphibious Neighborhood For Mexico City's Urban Poor
Dynamic Metabolism Between the Retinal Pigmented Epithelium and Retina Reveals a Metabolic Ecosystem in the Eye
Dynamic habitat models for estuary-dependent Chinook salmon: informing management in the face of climate impacts
Dynamics of the HIV-1 Latent Reservoir
Early understanding and use of social status information
Earth-Abundant Thin-Film Devices For Photovoltaic and Electrochemical Applications
Ecosystem and Large-scale Climate Impacts of Plant Leaf Dynamics
Effectiveness of Managed Gene Flow to Reduce Genetic and Phenotypic Change Associated with Captive Breeding of Chinook Salmon
Effects of Auditory Alerts for Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) Collision Warning Systems
Effects of Flow Shielding and Channeling On Tsunami-induced Loading of Coastal Structures
Effects of High-severity Wildfires on the Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Community of Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems in Eastern Washington
Effects of Inflammatory Conditions on the Structure of Fibrin Clots: Modeling a Flexible Protein Dimer With Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Effects of Social Context and Linguistic Formality in Consumer Behavior: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Investigation
Effects of Using Virtual Reality On Aec Team Collaboration
Effects of artificial, stand-level induced drought and thinning on Pseudotsuga menziesii plantation eco-physiology, and soil respiration
Effects of divided attention for space and features
Effects of forest management, prey, and predators on the habitat selection of fishers in the South Cascades of Washington
Effects of high temperature exposure on early reproductive development in monosex female sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)
Efficient Tsunami Simulation at Local and Global Scales
Elucidating Levetiracetam Action at the Presynaptic Terminal
Elucidating Structural Effects of Conjugated Polymers On Charge Transport and Durability for Organic Electronics and Development of Stretchable Semiconducting Materials
Elucidating the Molecular Architecture of the [alpha]1D-AR:PDZ-Protein Macromolecular Complex
Embodied Carbon of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigerants (hvac+r) Systems
Emergent Subcontracting Models and Owner Involvement in Selecting Subcontracting Strategies and Participants in the U.S. Construction Industry
Emotional Infrastructure: Through Time, Place and Disruption, Fostering a Culture of Care in Post-Earthquake Christchurch, New Zealand
Empathy For Invertebrates: Adults' Empathic Behaviors At Aquarium Touch Tanks
Enabling Brain-computer Interface Co-adaptation With Performance-related Signals
Enclosing the Citizen: The Role of Telos, Areté, and Techniques of Power in Western Social Systems and K-12 Education
Engineered Platforms for Molecular Characterization of Human Abo Blood Type Antigens
Engineering Direct Electrical Stimulation of Human Sensorimotor Cortex
Engineering Multiscale Therapeutics for Kidney Disease
Engineering Post-infarct Extracellular Matrix Remodeling in Vitro for Understanding Cardiac Fibroblast Fate and Function
Engineering Zwitterionic Biomaterials for Immune Modulation and Drug Delivery
Environmental assessment of the production and end-of-life of cross-laminated timber in western Washington
Equity Impacts of Central Link Light Rail in Seattle, WA
Essays on Economics of Online Platforms
Essays on Equity Duration and Default Risk
Essays on Gamified Online Platforms
Essays on Information Structure and Corporate Policies
Essays on Stigma and Morality in Health Persuasion
Essays on the Economics of Digital Markets
Estimating Time to Intermediate Endpoints Using Population-level Survival Data and Deconvolution Methods, With Application to Cancer Progression and Recurrence
Estimating relative sensitivities of zooplankton to ocean acidification and comparing to observations in situ
Estimation and Control of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems and Nonaffine Control
Ethanol production from clean chips and whole-tree chips poplar feedstocks: effects of preprocessing on ethanol yield and process economics
Evaluating Airborne Fluxes of Reactive Nitrogen Compounds Over the Marine Boundary Layer: From Eddy Covariance to Wavelet Transform
Evaluating Methods to Estimate United States Multiple Sclerosis Prevalence from Administrative Health Claims Data
Evaluating Wind Fields for Use in Distributed Snow Models
Evaluating temperature buffering capacity of floodplain side channels to promote refugia for salmonids in the Stillaguamish River basin
Evaluating the Accuracy of Approximate Power and Sample Size Calculations for Logistic Regression
Evaluating the Performance of Different Multiple Imputation Methods When Imputing Missingness in Time-series-cross-sectional Data
Evaluation of Seismic Assessment Procedures for Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures Damaged in the 2016 Meinong Earthquake
Evidence-based public health: using data visualization for improving the understanding of data and information
Evolutionary Intensity Measures for More Accurate and Informative Evaluation of Liquefaction Triggering
Evolving ice-ocean dynamics of the western Arctic
Examining multigenerational effects of ocean acidification on the Pacific oyster: evidence of selection or plasticity?
Examining reduction of phosphorus and copper release from bioretention soil media components using phosphorus saturation ratio
Examining stress-related pathways of substance use among sexual minority women
Expanded Tunability of Dynamic Hydrogel Stiffness Using Engineered Photoresponsive Proteins
Expanding the Capabilities of Lateral Flow Assays Using Computationally Designed Affinity Proteins
Experimental Examination of New Separated Turbulent Flow Validation Test Geometry
Experimental and Numerical Nonlinear Dynamics and Stress Field Analysis of Post-buckled Composite Plates
Experimental and Numerical Study of Mode Ii Delamination in Laminated Composite Beams
Expert Advocacy: The Public Address of Scientists in a Post-truth Society
Explainable Machine Learning for Science and Medicine
Exploiting Chemoenzymatic and Photochemical Reactions to Control 4d Protein Presentation in Cell-Laden Hydrogels
Explorations Into the Synthesis and Reactivity of Polynorbornene Frameworks
Exploring Biotic Approaches in Performance Based Design
Exploring New Avenues of Surfactant Mediated Particle Charging in Apolar Media
Exploring Sustainable Materials Through Interaction Design Practice
Exploring the Impact of Mixed-Income/Mixed-Use Redevelopments in Building Community Cohesion at Seattle's Yesler Terrace
Exploring the Photophysics of Engineered and Intrinsic Charge-carrier Trapping Processes in Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Exploring the mechanisms of a family-centered behavioral intervention for behavioral sleep problems in young children
Exploring the state of U.S. soil health legislation: a qualitative policy analysis
Factors Associated with the Rate of Bike Plan Implementation in American Cities
Farm Bill to Table: Pregnancy and the Politics of Food Assistance
Fate Plasticity and Reprogramming in Genetically Distinct Populations of Danio Leucophores
Fear of intimacy in the interpersonal process model: a multi-modal investigation
Feasibility analysis of a hybrid poplar-based biorefinery in southwestern Washington
Feature Extraction Using Topological Data Analysis For Machine Learning and Network Science Applications
Feature This: Understanding Instagram Story's Role in Museum Marketing
Feeling Climate Change: Intersections of Climate Change and Everyday Cyclists
Fishing for market solutions: measuring the global performance of fishery improvement projects
Floodable Urban Landscapes for a Resilient City: Potential for the City of Seattle
Food For Thought: Social & Historic Value of the Mid-century Supermarket
Fountain; Fragments and Remains: An Journal/essay of Things Orr Nude Descending a Staircase N°2; Fragments and Remains: a Long Form Poem
Framework for the Implementation Process of Public-private Partnerships (P3S) in Highway Projects
Frequency Response Simulations and Tests of an Aeroservoelastic Wind Tunnel Model
From Data to Dynamics: Discovering Governing Equations From Data
From Fossils to Physiology: Testing the Functional Significance of Leaf Shape
From Solvate to Cell: A Molecular Engineering Approach to the Lithium-sulfur Battery
From earth to exoplanets: quantifying atmospheric biosignatures and biogeochemical controls on habitability
Functional Anatomy and Evolution of a Novel Skeletal Element in Bat Feet
Gender encoding in gender diverse and gender conforming children
Gender mainstreaming and fisheries in USAID: barriers and policy recommendations
Gene Flow and Models of Avian Speciation in Tropical Mountains
Geometry, Kinematics & Energetics of Surf Zone Waves near the Onset of Breaking Using Remote Sensing
Geomorphic and atmospheric investigations on the habitability of past and present Mars
Giton's Performance of Status in the Satyrica of Petronius
Global Burden of Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD): A Systematic Review of Tmd Prevalence and Incidence (1990- January 2019)
Global language control in bilingual language processing
Gloves On! A Study of Supervisor Support For Collections Volunteers
Great Risk, Great Reward
Growth Management Planning's Effects on Employment Trends in Washington State Rural Counties
Growth, chamber formation, and microscale heterogeneity in planktic foraminifera: implications for paleoclimate proxies
Handmade Future: A Field-based Inquiry of Innovation through Making and Craft
Hardening Dga Classifiers Using Adversarial Attacks and Ivap
Hardening Inline Dga Classifiers Against Adversarial Attacks
Harvesting Stormwater: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Drylands Stormwater Infrastructure in Tunis, Tunisia
Have inequities in BMI widened in a nationally represented cohort of kindergarteners?
Hawk/kw: An Online System for Studying Dyslexic Children's Reading, Writing, and Programming
Head For the Hills: Lateral Vernacular Adaptations and the Maithili Padas of Vidyāpati Ṭhākura (c. 15th-19th Cents.)
Healing Historic Wounds: Inclusion in Exhibits At State History Museums
Healthcare Resource Utilization and Costs Associated with Non-Adherence to Pharmacotherapy for Major Depressive Disorder
Healthcare Utilization and Costs Associated with Sickle-Cell Disease in the United States: A Retrospective Claims Analysis
Hematopoietic Stem Cell-derived Chimeric Antigen Receptor Expressing Cells Traffic to Hiv Reservoir Sites in Shiv-infected Non-human Primates
Histological Insights into Trait Acquisition in Non-mammalian Synapsids
Historical perceptions of gender in marine animals as studied through children's educational books
How Air Voids Affect the Performance of Concrete Subjected to Fire
How Could Participatory Design Be Catalyzed by Social Media?: Improving Co-design Efficiency and Effectiveness
Human Resource Management in Small-staff Museums: A Case Study Approach
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) entanglements in commercial fishing gear on the U.S. West Coast: implications for management and stock structure under the Marine Mammal Protection Act
Hybridizing Historic and Contemporary Methods to Realize More Sustainable Homes
Hydroalkylation of Alkynes Via Dual Copper-nickel Catalysis
If This Was Just a Museum: Employee Emotional Wellbeing At Trauma Site Museums
Imaging northern Cascadia wave speed structure and slow slip
Impact Investing: Performance Analysis and Comparison across Themes
Impact of Warfarin Pharmacogene Variation on Drug Metabolism and Pharmacological Response in Alaska Native and American Indian Populations
Impact of the Vaginal Microbiome on HIV Transmission
Implementing collaborative community-based conservation by applying stewardship contracting in coastal marine systems
Implications of 'other effective area-based conservation measures' for marine conservation
Implications of a dimension of perceived cultural foreignness for intergroup relations
Improving Prognostic Moist Turbulence Parameterization With Machine Learning and Software Design
Impulsivity and daily variability in intentions and willingness to drink alcohol on the weekend
In Pursuit of Connection: Exploring Visitors' Empathy in Culturally-centered Museums
In Vitro to in Vivo Extrapolation of Transporter-Mediated Clearance of Drugs Using Quantitative Proteomics
In-situ Observations and Large Eddy Simulations of Southern Ocean Boundary Layer Clouds
Incorporating Social Equity in Transit Service and Capital Planning: A Preemptive Analysis of Preliminary Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Design in King County, Washington
Incorporating neural response variability into models for neural coding
Indelible Practices of Hope: Worldbuilding 1990s Los Angeles
Inequity in healthcare delivery: barriers faced by the newly released inmate
Influence of Jet Pressure On Multi-nozzle Supersonic Retropropulsion Flowfields
Informatic Architecture: Urban Data Analysis For a Community Machine
Informatics intervention for self-management of pain after TBI
Information and Communication Technology For Development (ICT4D) Evaluation: Examining Its Foci, Gaps, Challenges, and Associations With Other Areas to Strengthen the Field's Conceptual Underpinnings
Inherited Chromosomally Integrated HHV-6 Demonstrates Tissue-specific RNA Expression in Vivo
Input Devices for the Next Generation of Computing Platforms
Insights Into Dioxygen Activation by Biomimetic Alkyl Thiolate-ligated Iron Complexes
Insights into the Molecular Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Tethering and Fusion
Intangible Asset Valuation: The Impact of Scalability and Economic Dependence
Integrating Energy Storage Systems Into Renewable Grid Applications: A Model-based Approach
Integrating Hazard Mitigation Strategies Into the City of Westport's Comprehensive Plan Update
Integrating Paper Fluidic Liquid Handling and Whole Blood Plasma Separation into Silicon Photonic Biosensors
Intelligent Behavior in Autonomous Agents through Optimization and Learning
Interaction and nonlinear effects of temperament reactivity and regulation on adjustment problems in preadolescence
Interactions between People and Carnivores in Washington State
Interactive Systems for Scalable Visualization and Analysis
Internalizing the Sun: An Exploration in Light-driven Architecture
Interpersonal relationships of children & adolescents with cancer
Intertwined Evolution of Swimming, Morphology and Microhabitat in Tree Frogs From the Subfamily Hylinae
Investigating an Asset Based Approach to Housing and Homelessness: A Phenomenological Case Study
Investigating physiological trade-offs in North Cascades plant species
Investigating the Role of Drug Transporters in Furosemide Absorption, Food-Effect and Elimination by a Proteomics Informed-Mechanistic PBPK Modeling Approach
Investigating the Role of a CaV2.1 - SYT7 Interaction in Short-Term Synaptic Facilitation
Investigation of Chemokine and Microbiome Profiles in Gingival Health and Disease in Humans
Investigation of a Cluster of High-power Helicon Thrusters For Advanced In-space Electric Propulsion Applications
Investigations of Physical Processes in Polar Firn Through Modeling and Field Measurements
Investors' Reactions to Revision Restatements: An Examination of Investment Position and Quantitative Reconciliation
Ionic Liquid Design Using Molecular Simulation and Statistical Methods
Is sweetgrass on the decline? response of Schoenoplectus pungens (M. Vahl) Palla var. badius (K. Presl) S. G. Smith to environmental variables, cultural use, and anthropogenic change in Grays Harbor, Washington
Isogeometric Computational Modeling of Curvilinear Fiber Composites
Itching and parental guilt: parent responses to children's symptoms following unintentional burn injuries
Jason vs GIJOE
Just Space: Material and Phenomenal Alternatives to Cruel and Unfortunately-usual Architecture
Keep Your Habitat: Preventing the Displacement of Vulnerable Homeowners in Seattle's Central District
Kindling Dravet Syndrome symptoms from the hippocampus
Kinetics of the Chronic Stress Response to Stocking Density and Impacts on Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus Mortality in Rainbow Trout
Korean stock structure and transoceanic divergence in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
Landscape connectivity and recovery from disturbance: understanding where and when to implement climate-change adaptation strategies
Landscape response to oblique convergence: insights from numerical modeling and from the Marlborough Fault System, New Zealand
Leaf area index in riparian forests: estimation with airborne lidar vs. airborne structure-from-motion and the societal value of remotely sensed ecological information
Learning from Sql: Database Agnostic Workload Management
Learning to Adapt: Analyses for Configurable Software
Learning to Map Natural Language to General Purpose Source Code.
Learning to Understand Entities in Text.
Learning-based Techniques for Facial Animation
Legitimated State Repression in Authoritarian Regimes: Russia, 2010-2017
Leveraging Landscape for Human Health: Retooling the Sites Rating System to Promote Built Landscapes as Health Assets
Leveraging Large-Scale Educational Data to Examine the Freshman Experience Using Machine Learning and Causal Inference Methods
Leveraging Operando Characterization Methods to Reveal Failure and Optimization Mechanisms of Group IV Semiconductor Battery Anodes
Leveraging what we do not know to quantify uncertainty in fisheries management
Lewis Acid Passivation of Mechanically Exfoliated Black Phosphorus
Life history, distribution, and impact of nonnative smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) at range boundaries in the Columbia River Basin
Linking Seasonal and Spatial Stream Carbon Dynamics to Landscape Characteristics in Selected Watersheds on the Olympic Peninsula
Liquefaction-targeted Ground Motions and Lateral Spreading Driving Stresses
Living On the Go / a Dwelling Solution For Nomadic Workers
Living in the City Through Female Fashion
Logical Control Over Biomaterial Properties Through Boolean Responsive Linkers
Long-term influence of retained forest aggregates on conifer regeneration in harvest units of the Pacific Northwest
Low-income workers' perceptions of wages, food acquisition, and well-being
MIR-155 Expression Modulates Microglia Functions in Vitro and in the APP/PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Machine Learning Based Recommendations to Aid Educational Planning and Academic Advising through the Virtual Academic Advisor System
Machine Learning of Amino Acid Composition Models For Protein Redesign
Made in the Americas: How Three Lineages of Flowering Plants Evolved and Dispersed Across the Neotropics and the World
Magnesium isotope fractionation associated with biotic and abiotic weathering -and- developing a scalable method for rare earth element extraction from non-traditional feedstocks using engineered Escherichia coli
Making Medical Assessments Available and Objective Using Smartphone Sensors
Mapping the Dream: A Poetics of Remembering
Max Reger's Adaptations of Bach Keyboard Works for the Organ
Measurements of Neutral Particles and Simulations of Plasma-neutral Dynamics in the Hit-si3 Experiment
Mechanics, Characterization, and Design of an Adaptive Variable Friction Base Isolation System
Mechanism Design for a Complex World: Rethinking Standard Assumptions
Mechanisms for Scaffold-Mediated Regulation of Kinase Activity in the Wnt Signaling Pathway
Mediating and moderating effects of child respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity in the association between early childhood adversity and later adjustment
Metaphor in the Making: Comparative Methods of Representation in Physical Architectural Models
Methods for Risk Markers That Incorporate Clinical Utility
Middle East Militaries: In and Out of Politics and Economies Due to External Threat Perceptions a Dynamic Regional Order Approach to Civil-military Relations: Comparative Cases of Turkey, Egypt, Israel
Migrants' Reported Use of Communication Behaviors that Enact Family across Distance
Mixed Integer Quadratic Optimization For Learning Directed Acyclic Graphs From Continuous Data
Model-Based Graded Electrode Design For Lithium-Ion Batteries
Model-based Self-supervision for Fine-grained Image Understanding
Modeling Autoimmune Associated Genetics in Primary Human T Cells Using CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing
Modeling Driver Behavior and Their Interactions With Driver Assistance Systems
Modeling Individual Lodgepole Pine Mortality from Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak in a Spatially Explicit Framework
Modeling Nanomaterials with Efficient and Accurate Electronic Structure Methods
Modeling child-nature interaction in a forest preschool: a behavioral analysis aligned with landscape affordances
Modeling the Changing Roles of Snow and Permafrost in Mid- and High-latitude Climate Systems
Modeling the suicidal behavior cycle: understanding repeated suicide attempts among individuals with borderline personality disorder and a history of attempting suicide
Modelling Pathological Conformations in Transthyretin Amyloidosis
Modification of Precipitation in Mid-latitude Cyclones Passing Over a Coastal Mountain Range
Modifications to Dissolved Organic Matter and Disinfection Byproduct Formation During Solar Chlorine Photolysis and Related Oxidative Treatment, as Applied to Drinking Water Treatment
Modulating Neuroinflammation With Porous Templated Scaffolds
Modulation of Oral Homeostasis in Health
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Dna Hybridization and Dynamic Force Spectroscopy
Molecular Genetics of Myeloid Malignancy Predisposition: Insights Into Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Translation
Molecular Tools for Transcriptomic Measurements
Moments of Awe: Connecting Young Children to Nature on Their Daily Journeys
Mourning Small Spaces
Moving from Passwords to Authenticators
Multi-Ribozyme-Grna-Aptazyme (rga) Networks for Biosensing and Gene Regulation
Multi-agent Payload Manipulation and Transportation Using Small Scale Quadrotor Platforms
Multi-state Occupancy Modeling and Optimal Allocation of Survey Resources for Common Loons in Washington State
Multiple effects of ocean change on crustacean zooplankton: a coupled field-laboratory approach
Multiscale Tunable Hybrid Biomaterials for Engineering Human Ipsc-based Cardiac Microphysiological Systems
Multispecies methods to facilitate the transition from heuristics to statistics in ecosystem-based fisheries management
Museum Program Facilitators: Working Within Carceral Space
Museums and Sanctuary Spaces: Staff Response to Community Crisis
Myself in Your Eyes: Layered Transparency, Opaque and Reflection : the Implication of Polarization in Architecture
Nanomaterials for Sustainable Water Remediation
Nature/war framework of disability: potential disconnect between Cambodian government and local and international communities regarding disability
Near-infrared Imaging of Artificial Enamel Caries Lesions with a Scanning Fiber Endoscope
Negative Online Reviews of Orthodontists: Content Analysis of Complaints Posted by Dissatisfied Patients
Negotiating Illegality: Bypassed Minorities' Access to Infrastructure in Middle Eastern Democracies
Negotiating the German Public Sphere: Workers, Soldiers, and Women in Photobooks of Weimar Germany
Neural Correlates of Human Motor Planning and Visuomotor Transformation
New Salt: Connecting New Bedford to Its Waterfront Through Adaptive Reuse
Nitrogen accumulation in eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) varies significantly across the Delaware Inland Bays
Nitrogen cycling and microbial communities of alpine soils in the Pacific Northwest
Nonanadromous life history diversity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimation of Instrumental Variable Method
Noradrenergic Modulation in the Mouse Auditory Midbrain
North of Nothing
Not all beliefs against focusing on race are the same: it may depend on whether race is conceptualized as a social reality or as an essentialist entity
Novel Mass Spectroscopy Techniques Implementing Uv Action Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Dna Cation Radicals and Transition Metal Complexes
Numerical Criterion For Incipient Separation of Turbulent Flows As Inferred By Rans
Nutrient cycling and wood chemistry of sinuous Douglas-fir stands across different genetic gain levels in western Washington
Nutritional Gel Supplementation Reduces Weight Loss and Mortality in Mice Infected with Influenza A/PR/8/34 Virus
Occupant-centric Daylight in Housing: Daylight Availability and Occupant Visual Comfort in Seattle Multi-family Housing
Of E. Coli and Classrooms: Stories of Persistence
Of Her Substance: Dress and Fecundity in Renaissance Painting
On the Auxiliary Driving Mechanism for Blood Circulation
On the Structural Design Synthesis of Certifiable Aircraft Engine Pylons
Ontology-driven Pathway Data Integration
Operation and Performance of a Sidestream Aerobic Granular Sludge Pilot Reactor for Mainstream Bioaugmentation
Optical Coherence Tomography for Quantitative Analyses of Cerebral Vessel Morphology and Hemodynamics
Optical Coherence Tomography for the Assessment of Skin Adaptation to Repetitive Mechanical Stress
Optimizing Distributed Systems Using Machine Learning
Optimizing Healthcare Policies Through Healthcare Delivery and Insurance Design
Optimizing Personalized Treatment Selection For Partially Observable Chronic Conditions
Optimizing the Automated Programming Stack
Oral Health-related Quality of Life in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Survivors
Orographic Precipitation in an Idealized Midlatitude Cyclone
O₃ Photochemistry in the Western Us: Mixing Wildfire Smoke With Urban Emissions
Painting the Formless and Strumming the Soundless: Yang Xiong's Taixuan Jing As Expression of the Absolute
Parasites of the past: tracking change in marine parasite abundance over time
Parental stress in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Parenting stress in caregivers of young children with concerns about ASD prior to a formal diagnostic evaluation
Partial Modulation Injection for Gas Chromatography
Patient-peer Support to Improve Quality and Safety in the Hospital
Patterns, dynamics, and potential roles of DNA methylation in reef corals and their allies
Performance of the Nci Method of Dietary Intakes in Small Sample Sizes
Performance-based Service Level Agreements for Data Analytics in the Cloud
Perpetuating Colonization Through the Gaze of United States Media
Ph-responsive Polymers for Nucleic Acid and Vaccine Delivery
Pharmacological Modulation and Functional Characterization of the Protein Kinase-endoribonuclease Ire1[alpha]
Physical activity levels of early childcare education (ECE) providers are associated with physical activity policies and practices in ECE centers
Physical and Computational Methods of Investigating the Relationship Between Stress, Cognition, and Behavior in the Context of the Kor-dynorphin System
Physiological and Mechanical Effects of Prosthetic Elevated Vacuum Systems in People With Transtibial Amputation
Phytoliths From Modern and Ancient Habitats: Toward a Modern-based, Quantitative Approach to Reconstruct Vegetation Change During the Mmco of Patagonia, Argentina
Place in Space: What Moving Means For a Museum's Identity
Place, People, and Health: Korean Apartment Residents' Experiences of Local Social Relationships and Their Effects On Mental Health and Well-being
Planning for Climate Change in Seattle: Exploring Energy Infrastructure through Scenario Planning
Planning for Seattle's Mandatory Retrofitting Policy: A Retrofitting Plan for the Northern Pacific Hotel
Planning for Trust: A Relationship-Centered Approach to Community Engagement in City Planning Practice
Plasma Dynamics Using Ion Doppler Spectroscopy in Hit-si3
Politics, Intergovernmental Relations, and Public Finance Reform in Fragile States: The Case of Afghanistan
Post-Release Survival of Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout from an Experimental Commercial Fish Trap in the Lower Columbia River, WA
Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) Simulation of Battery Packs
Practical, Efficient, and Reliable Data Center Communication
Praxis in the Trenches: A Self-Study of Feminist Assessment of Student Learning in Online Education
Predicting German Compound Words Using a Recurrent Neural Network
Predicting Maternal-Fetal Cannabinoid Exposure During Pregnancy Using Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Simulation
Prediction of aboveground component biomass for coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii)
Preliminary cost and economic performance assessment of utility-scale solar photovoltaics at the Snohomish County, Washington's Tulalip Tribes' Big Flats site
Preservation of Digital Motion Pictures in Museums
Privacy-preserving Machine Learning Applications
Privatized Public Spaces in Seattle: Incorporating Well-Designed Water Features as a Focal Point for Engagement Opportunities
Probing Electrochemical Processes of Single Entities at the Electrode/solution Interface
Processes of Everyday Resilience: The Reassembling of Informal Vending in Urban Spaces of Malang, Indonesia
Production Misalignment: A Threat to Public Knowledge
Programming Bacterial Gene Expression Using Synthetic CRISPR-Cas Transcriptional Regulators
Protein Design By Citizen Scientists
Public Space Beta: Gamification for an Engaged Participatory Landscape Design
Pursuing a More Habitable Space Module: Using Impression Based Generative Design
Quantifying and Modeling Subgrid Scale Snow Depth Variability in Forested Areas Throughout Multiple Climates in the Western United States
Quantifying burn severity in forests of the interior Pacific Northwest: from field measurements to satellite spectral indices
Quantifying predator-prey interactions: methods, challenges, and applications
Quantifying the Role of Individual Surface Properties in Atmospheric Feedbacks and Land-atmosphere Interactions
Quantifying the deep: the importance of diagenetic reactions to marine geochemical cycles
Quantitative Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Ophthalmology
Quasar Variability As Seen By Large Optical Sky Surveys
Quaternary Glaciation in Central Asia
Quaternary grounding-line fluctuations in Antarctica
Queer Masculinities and Spaces of Intimacy in the Work of Anwar Saeed
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and the Pursuit of Economic Opportunity in the Age of the Migration Decline
Racial Justice-Oriented Grantmaking: A Community-Driven Improvement Plan for Seattle's Equitable Development Initiative Fund
Radial Injector Mixing Effects On Detonation Zone Position in Rotating Detonation Engine
Rapid Prediction of Infrastructure Damage and Loss Due to Earthquake-induced Soil Liquefaction
Reactivation of a Post-industrial Town Through Adaptive Reuse
Rebuilding a Nation: Cherokee Tribal Architecture, 1839-1907
Recent Warming and Watershed Impacts of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia
Reclaiming Publicness in the Face of Sexual Assault: Social Media, Disclosure, and Visibility
Reconceptualizing Value & Space: Learning from the Slumdwellers of Delhi
Reconstructing Arctic Sea Ice in the Common Era
Reconstructing Coupled Atmosphere-ocean Variability Over the Last Millennium
Reducing Highway Runoff Pollution and Producing a Low-cost Biorefinery Feedstock
Refracted images: India's self-image and the influence of China on Indian foreign policy (1950-1975)
Regeneration of Retinal Neurons from Müller Glia in Adult Mice
Reinforcement learning and semantic selection: the role of the basal ganglia in language
Remembering Cairo
Remote Sensing Surface Temperatures of Forests and Melting Snow at Different Spatial Scales
Repetition and Iconicity in Homer
Reproducible, Robust, and Reliable Biochemical Reaction Network Models for Systems Biology
Resource Allocation to Growth and Structure: The Cost of Mussel Attachment in a Dynamic Coastal Environment
Response of Idealized Structural Systems to Simulated M9 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes Considering Local Soil Conditions
Responses of wildlife to tourism and glacial recession in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
Restoration Potential of Beaver for Hydrological Resilience in a Changing Climate
Restoring forest resilience in the Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer zone, with a focus on measuring spatial patterns of trees using airborne lidar
Rethinking Nonprofit Construction Methods: Integrating Equitable Building Practices On International Projects
Rethinking the Role of Urban Freeway: A Remediation of the I-5 Freeway in Downtown Seattle
Rhythms of Resilience: Transcending Legacies of Indigenous Loss in Wallmapu
Robert George Reichert, Architect
Robust Modeling and Algorithm Design For Science and Engineering
Routes to Low Birth Weight (or Not): Local, Cultural Racism in Exceptional Communities
Running the Gamut: From Structural Biology to Hiv-1 Vaccine Design
Salicaceae endophyte impacts on physiological functions of host plants: water relations, photosynthesis, and respiration in rice (Oryza sativa)
Salivary Mucins in Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome
Sanctuary & Sweat: Thermic Bathing As an Instrument For Systemic Health
Scalable and Intelligent Learning Systems
Scaling of a tree: how Picea sitchensis development, neighborhood forest density, and forest structure influence canopy complexity in Olympic rainforests
Screening Late Ottoman Memory in Payitaht Abdülhamid
Sea ice and upper ocean variability in the Southern Ocean
Sea-change: Agential Landscapes and the Architectural Process
Searching For Embodied Presence in Architecture
Seasonality and forcing factors of the Alaskan Coastal Current in the Bering Strait from July 2011 to July 2012
Seattle Municipal Golf Courses: A Hole in One for Affordable Housing
Seattle Rental Ad Texts and Processes of Segregation
Securing the Future of Biotechnology: A Study of Emerging Bio-cyber Security Threats to Dna-information Systems
Security and Privacy for Emerging Augmented Reality Technologies
Segregation in Suburbia: The Changing Structure of Racial and Ethnic Segregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Seismic Evaluation of Hollow Core Prestressed Concrete Bridge Column-piles in Washington State
Selected piano music for children by nineteenth-century female composers: Cécile Chaminade and Amy Beach
Selective consumption of sockeye salmon by brown bears: patterns of partial consumption, scavenging, and implications for fisheries management
Semidiurnal Internal Tides in the Santa Maria Basin
Sensory Ecology, Morphology and Behavior of Neotropical Leaf-nosed Bats
Settling the Complexity of the K-disjointness and the K-hamming Distance Problems
Sexual assault disclosure and related mental health among undergraduate female assault survivors
Shape-note and bluegrass music in the choral curriculum : an experiment in implementation of potential new genres
Shell Game: Randomized Representative Based Election to Defend Against 51% Attacks in Crowd Sensing Frameworks
Silica Fields: Revaluing the Rock Island Silicon Smelter Landscape
Simulating the effects of neural pathology on cochlear implant responses
Six quintets for flute and strings attributed to Luigi Boccherini (G 437-442): a critical edition
Sleepless in Seattle: How Human Sleep Patterns Kept Me Up At Night
Social Capital and Underrepresented Minority Graduate Students at the University of Washington School of Marine and Environmental Affairs
Social Computing for Social Good in Low-resource Environments
Social behavior and cognitive bias in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)
Social support and internalizing psychopathology in transgender youth
Sociodemographic Differentials in Support for Legal and Extra-Legal Punitive Practices in Santiago, Chile
Socioecological and Societal Impacts of the Elwha Dam Removal
Soilcraft: A Necessary Fiction
Solid Rocket Augmentation For Ram Accelerator Initial Launch
Sorting through the JuNK: Using Chemical and Genetic Tools to Probe c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Allostery and Scaffolding, as well as a General Methodology for Studying Localized Kinase Biology
Source Apportionment of Combustion Generated Particulate Matter Air Pollution Using Excitation Emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Machine Learning
Space, Security, and Trust: Federal Contracting in the Commercial Space Industry
Spaces for People and Salmon Along Restored Urban Shorelines: A Critical Reflective Analysis
Spatiotemporally Resolved Proteomics and Dynamic Biomaterial Control through Bioorthogonal Photochemistry
Speak English: Assessing Tanzanian Rural Opinions of Success On National Exams and Language Comprehension
Species From Feces: Decoding the Secrets of Genetic Resilience, Microbiome Shift and Niche Partitioning From Droppings
Spectral Photoresponse Tuning and Enhancement in Organic Ultraviolet Photodetectors Through Active Layer Optimization and Plasmonic Nanostructures
Speculum: Characterizing the Creation, Curation, Reproduction, and Neglect of Women's Health Information On the English Language Wikipedia
Stand, Speak, Act: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Evaluate a Sexual Assault Bystander Intervention Campaign on a Tri-campus University
States of Legibility: Mohammad Kibria's Calligraphic Modernism, 1950-1970
Statistical Inference in Admixed Populations
Statistical Issues in Microbiome Data Analysis: Batch Effects and Multi-omics Analysis
Statistical Methods for Sparse Binary, Count Data and Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
Statistical Miscellany: Causality, Networks, and Bandits
Step Zero: Determinants and Implications of Reliance On the Qualitative Goodwill Impairment Assessment
Stimuli-Responsive Assembly of Nanoparticles With Solid Binding Proteins
Stock Status and Management in Tuna Fisheries: From Data-Rich to Data-Poor
Stories from the Ethnoburbs: Tracing Cherished Foods through Space and Time
Stratification at Ocean Fronts
Stream Temperature Variability in Headwater Beaver Dam Complexes in Relation to Hydrologic and Environmental Factors
Street Parking Sign Detection, Recognition and Trust System
Street Vitality: A Socio-Spatial Analysis of S Jackson St
Structural Elucidation of Biomolecular Ions in the Gas Phase Using Novel Mass Spectrometric and Computational Methods
Structural Insights From Beta-sandwich Proteins Inform the Design of De Novo Immunoglobulin Domains Towards New Age Antibodies
Structural and Functional Characterization of Ube2h, a Ubiquitin-conjugating Enzyme With a C-terminal Extension
Structural controls and diagenetic conditions associated with fluid migration on the Moab Fault, UT
Structured Deep Visual Dynamics Models for Robot Manipulation
Submerge: An Exploration in Health and Healing
Subverting the Gazhe Gaze: Reclaiming Roma Identity in the European World and Beyond
Successive Convexification & High Performance Feedback Control For Agile Flight
Supporting Collaborative Goal-setting for Hospitalized Adolescent Patients
Supporting Long-Term Health Monitoring By Reducing User Burden and Enhancing User Benefit
Surface mixed layer heat and salinity budget in the central equatorial Indian Ocean
Surgical Costs Associated with the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
Syncing With the Sky: Daylight-driven Circadian Lighting Design
Synthesis and Electrochemical Cycling Characteristics of Nanostructured Antimony Alloying Electrodes For Energy Storage Applications
Synthesis and Reactivity of Pti̳i̳ Complexes with Secondary Sphere N-h Moieties
Synthesis and Surface Engineering Towards Complex Nanomaterials
Synthesis of Colloidal Semiconductor Heterostructures for Photocatalysis
System Dynamic Modeling As Applied to Coast Guard Cutter Home Porting Decisions: Innovating Systems Engineering Processes in Federal Agencies to Engage Stakeholders, Stimulate Local Economies and Benefit the Public Good
System for Serving Deep Neural Networks Efficiently
Targeting MTOR to Reverse Age-associated Periodontal Disease
Targeting Rna Structures That Control Protein Synthesis and Rna Stability
Telemental health treatment of patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders
Temperamental sensitivity to the effects of parenting in the development of child anxiety
Temperature anomalies in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and the influence of winds and currents during the 2013-2014 northeast Pacific marine heat wave and 2015 El Niño
Tending Towards Non-fouling: A Study of the Interaction between Proteins and Surfaces Prepared by Radio Frequency Glow-discharge Plasma
Terrestrial Paleoclimate of the Cenozoic: Insights from and Developments of the Soil Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometer
Testing the Theory of Radiation Belt Electron Loss by Hiss and Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
Testing the mediating effects of self-efficacy on physical and psychological outcomes following an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
The Assessment of Rapid Palatal Expansion Using a Remote Monitoring Software
The Association between Wildfire Emitted PM2.5 and Hospital Admissions in the Greater Seattle Area
The Black Spatial Imaginary in Urban Design Practice: Lessons for Creating Black-Affirming Public Spaces
The Built Environment, Travel Behaviors, and Active Transportation Safety
The Co-evolution of Life and the Nitrogen Cycle on the Early Earth
The Comparative Effectiveness, Safety, Value, and Adherence of Newer P2Y12 Inhibitors Versus Clopidogrel in the Context of Heterogeneity
The Confederate Battle Flag: Why Is It Perceived So Differently in the US and Europe/Germany?
The Connecting Line: Re-imagining the Train's Identity in Montana's Historic Railroad Towns
The Corridor Closes At Both Ends
The Diablo Winds Off Northern and Central California: Climatology and Synoptic Evolution
The Dove Project: Architecture for Activism
The Effect of ENSO on Arctic Sea Ice as a Source of Predictability
The Effect of Hydrometeors On Msu/amsu Temperature Observations Over the Tropical Ocean
The Effects of Forest Harvesting and Land-use Change on Soil Carbon and Nutrient Cycling
The Effects of Mobile Health Applications on Pediatric Dentists' Use of Fluoride Varnish for High-caries Risk Patients
The Effects of Recreational Activities on Avian Occupancy and Breeding Success in Denali National Park and Preserve
The Effects of Stellar Magnetic Activity and Variability on Observations of Exoplanets
The Futures of Flight
The Good, the Bad, and the Taxed: How Taxes Shape Morals in Markets
The History, Hydraulics, and Geomorphic Impact of Outburst Floods in the Eastern Himalaya
The Host-Pathogen Interactions of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and the Aquatic Rhabdoviral Pathogen Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus
The Impact of Climate Change and Topography on Spatial and Temporal NPP Dynamics using Time-series Landsat Data Coupled with Biome-BGC Model
The Increasing Expressivities in Slow Movements of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas: Op. 2 No. 2, Op. 13, Op. 53, Op. 57, Op. 101 and Op. 110.
The Influence of the Columbia River Plume on Predator-Prey Interactions
The Influence of the Wen Xuan on Sino-Korean Literature in Early Chosŏn
The Innovative Representation of Romantic Love in "The Oil-peddler Wins the Queen of Flowers"
The Legacy We Leave Behind: Rehabilitating Single Room Occupancy Hotels in Seattle's Chinatown International District through Use of a Legacy Development Fund
The Life and Work of Roelof Temmingh (1946-2012): A Conductor's Guide to Selected Choral Works
The National Dental Practice-based Research Network Adult Anterior Openbite Study: Patient Satisfaction with Treatment
The National Dental Practice-based Research Network Adult Anterior Openbite Study: Treatment Success
The Next Generation of Residential Construction: Adoption of Green Building Programs, Environmentally Certified Wood Products and the Transparency of Environmental Friendliness
The Origin of Soil Moisture Evaporation "regimes"
The Response of Soil Organic Carbon to Climate Change and Potential to Increase Carbon Sequestration in Soils Through Management
The Role of Data Science in Numerical Modeling of Lithium Ion Batteries
The Role of Early Autocrine IL-2 Signals in Programming Antigen-Specific CD8 T Cell Responses
The Role of KLHDC2 in Recognizing Diglycine C-end Degron and its Therapeutic Potential
The Role of Waves in the Autumn Arctic Ocean
The Sounds of Silence: Iraq's Missing Voices From the Sanctions Period
The Summer Years
The Thermal and Fluid Environment of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Southern Washington State
The University of Washington Oral Medicine Clinic Psychology Service: When and Why Are Patients Referred?
The Untold Story of Predicting Readmissions for Heart Failure Patients
The Urban Impact of Bikes: An Exploration on the Benefits from Implementing Bike-oriented Design
The Use of Environmental DNA for Understanding Changing Ecosystems: Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms
The Value of Emptiness: Terrain Vague amidst a Redeveloping Landscape
The Vertical Archipelago
The association between early mobilization intervention and the development of pressure injuries in the intensive care unit
The coding of safety-danger boundaries by the amygdala and hippocampus: an ecological risky foraging investigation in rats
The development of emotion understanding in infancy
The impact of color-coded uncertainty on understanding and decision-making
The impact of forecast inconsistency on user trust
The moderating role of ethnic identity and perceived discrimination on anxiety and depression
The role of parent responsiveness and vocal complexity in expressive language outcome: intervention effects in toddlers at risk for ASD and language impairment
The roles of acute alcohol intoxication, emotional arousal, and emotion regulation on men's sexual aggression intentions
Theoretical and Computational Studies of the Lateral Phases on a Multicomponent Lipid-Bilayer Surface
Theory and Algorithms for Penalization, Graphical Models, and Surrogate Marker Evaluation
There's a Museum For That?: Defining New Pop-up Experiential Exhibition Spaces
Three International Studies Computational Social Science Inquiries Examining Large Corpora of Natural Data
Three-dimensional Nearshore Currents and Eddies on an Alongshore-variable Barred Beach
Tidal Energy Scenario Analysis: Holistic Stakeholder Considerations for Sustainable Development
Tinder-ing Desire: The Circuit of Culture, Gamified Dating and Creating Desirable Selves
To avoid or not to avoid: the role of neuroticism and trauma, predictability information, and hormones on fear generalization
Tools and Methods toward the Advancement of Flight Control for Flexible Aircraft
Topographic Constraints on Rotating Stratified Throughflows Across Large Amplitude Topography
Topological Band Transition and Corresponding Topologically Protected Interface States in Origami-based Chains
Toward an Accurate Acoustic Localization System
Towards Practical Stochastic Computing Architectures for Emerging Applications
Towards a Kosher Architecture
Towards a Scalable, Future-proof Platform for Dynamical Modeling in Biology
Tracing Subduction Zone Processes with Magnesium Isotopes
Tracking the trade of octopus across east Africa and onto the global market- challenges to marine stewardship council certification ambitions
Tradeoffs of juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) rearing in an intermittently closed estuary, northern California USA
Traffic Impacts of an Sov Mode Split Target Policy: Evaluating Seattle's New Transportation Concurrency System
Traffic Signal Timing Optimization with Connected Vehicles
Trajectory Features as Surrogate Measures of the Nanoparticle-Microenvironment Interaction Space
Transactional relations between emotion regulation and adjustment in caregivers of children diagnosed with cancer
Transfer Learning with Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision
Transgender Vulnerabilities: State-Issued Identity Documents and Third Gender Options
Trapped in Time: Bodily Experiences of Family Dependent Workers (jiashu) in Daqing, a Model Industrial City in High-Socialist China
Tribes of Washington State: Factors Influencing Presence and Quality of Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Plans
Triple Bottom Line Thinking and the California Coastal Commission: Case Studies of Santa Cruz and Laguna Beach, CA
Tuning Parameter Selection for a Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Species Richness
Tuning Work Function and Conductivity of Methylhydroxyl Functionalized PEDOT-MeOH:PSS as a Hole Transport Material for Perovskite Solar Cells
Turbulent Methane Oxygen CFD Thermal Effects on Rotating Detonation Engine
Ubiquitin-Mediated Regulation of RNA Polymerase I in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ultrafast Photochemical Reactivity of Heptazine-based Materials
Understanding Antarctic Ice-stream Flow Using Ice-flow Models and Geophysical Observations
Understanding Challenges in the Data Pipeline for Development Data
Understanding Coronavirus Fusion through Structure
Understanding Ion Injection and Transport in Mixed Ionic/Electronic Conductors
Understanding Lipid Membranes' Interactions with Small Molecules and Cholesterol Using Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations
Understanding Modern History Museum Smartphone Mobile Guides and Apps
Understanding Problem Solving and Collaboration in Open-ended Environments
Understanding Protein Folding Through Computational Design and Experimental Validation of First Ever De Novo All [beta]-sheet Proteins for Plant Biotechnology Applications
Understanding Residential Patterns across Asian Ethnic Groups and U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Understanding Users of Cross-media Information: Contexts, Motivations, and Information Features Focusing On Visual Narrative Materials
Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Oral Immunization With Biomaterials and Applied Immunology
Understanding ice-sheet dynamics using geophysical observations and numerical ice-flow models
Understanding the Impacts of Reservoirs in Developing Regions Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Unity in György Ligeti's First Book of Etudes for Piano
Unknown Wonders: The Hidden Potential of Materials
Unravelling Synthesis and Transport Phenomena in Emulsion Systems With Small Angle Scattering
Untitled: An Architectural Provocation Exploring the Loss of Control and Rationality
Urban Acupuncture: Transforming Vacant Urban Spaces for Community Gathering Suwon, South Korea
Urban Design for Resilience to Multiple Uncertain Hazard Scenarios: Robust Strategies for Coastal Resilience in Westport, Washington
Urban and Rural Encounters in Chinese Postsocialist Film and Media
Use of Topical Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs to Reduce Pain in Oral Lichen Planus and Oral Lichenoid Lesions
User-centered Design and Usability Study of Android-based Vision Screening Tools: The Quick Check Application
User-to-user Privacy in Social and Communications Applications
Using Biophysical Analysis to Study the Regulation of the Budding Yeast Kinetochore
Using Consumer Devices to Monitor Acute Medical Conditions for Infants
Using Cost, Mix Design, Construction, and Performance Data to Inform Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Policy and Standards
Using Lidar Data to Predict Photo Interpreted Attributes
Using Metals and Stars to Constrain Galaxies' Past Gaseous Inflows and Outflows
Using Smart Watches to Facilitate High Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Patients with Cardiac Arrest
Using Visual Analytics to Support Artificial Intelligence Development
Using stand conditions, latitude, elevation, and allometric relationships to model coastal Douglas-fir crown biomass
Using text message reminders to help adolescents and young adults remain mindful of their commitment to substance use behavior change
Utilizing Rna Aptamers for Small Molecule Biosensing in Engineered Biosynthetic Pathways
Versus Jane Doe
Visual Fixation Patterns of Undergraduate Brass and Woodwind Musicians on a Conductor while Playing an Instrument and Reading Music
Walkability and Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection: Understanding the Relationship and How It Can Work on the United States Air Force's Main Operating Bases
Washington Maritime Blue and the Blue Economy: Using Diversity and Inclusion to Advance Social Justice in the Maritime Industry
Whale Watching in the Salish Sea: A Case Study of On-board Interpretation and Willingness to Protect the Marine Environment
What Factors Influence the Quality of Hazard Mitigation Plans in Washington State?
When Architecture Meets Painting: A Utopian Community Inspired By Landscape Painting in Song Dynasty
When a Museum Decides to Stop Charging For Admission
Wind Chamber Music by Women Composers: The Biographies, Compositional Techniques, and Perspectives of Jocelyn Morlock, Elizabeth Raum, Marilyn Shrude, and Augusta Read Thomas
Wireless Parking Detection System Based On Sensor Fusion and Iot Communication
Words From a Broken World
Workplace Capitalization: The Consequences of Sharing Good News At Work
Writing Across Margins: Contemporary Afro-german Literature
Writing Graffiti in Berlin: Shaping Space and Self in the Postmodern Metropolis, 1990-2017
X-maps: A Computational Method for Space Planning Using Multi-variate Occupant Comfort
Y(our) Space: Patterns of Community for Seattle Housing
You Just Gotta Be Great: Narratives or Experience from Two Women Conducting in the Lutheran Collegiate Choral Context
[Un] Settling Salt Marshes: Speculations on Legible Vulnerability in a Vanishing Place
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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2017-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2018-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2018
"Let Me Tell You About Indian Libraries": Self-Determination, Leadership, and Vision -- the Basis of Tribal Library Development in the United States
"Pass the Mic": Perceptions of Museum-community Collaborative Exhibit Development
"Remember When We ...?": Personal Memory in Family Visits to History Museums
"Structure" as Conceptual Rigor: The Collaboration of Cecil Balmond and Rem Koolhaas
"That's Messed Up": A Critical Race Analysis of Tacoma's School Desegregation and Connections to Youth Experiences Today
"The Spark Came From That Experience": Career Aspirations and Internet Information Access in Two Nigerian Universities
21st Century European Populism: Boundaries of Inclusion and Exclusion
3-D Comparison of the Shape and Position of the Condyle Before and After Class II Correction
4D Control of Tissue Development and Blood Vasculature Using Photo-mediated Chemistries
A Brotherhood with One Sister: A Collective Case Study of Women Conductors of Collegiate Men's Choirs
A Community Approach to Understanding Patterns and Processes on Rocky Subtidal Reefs in the Salish Sea
A Comparison of Deep Learning Algorithms for Medical Image Classification and Image Enhancement
A Decision Theoretic Framework for Hypothesis and Significance Testing
A Finite Approximation Framework for Infinite Dimensional Functional Problems
A Framework for Understanding and Addressing Bias and Sparsity in Mobile Location-based Traffic Data
A General Methodology for Inferring Failure Propagation Process from Post-disaster Disruptions Data
A High-throughput Screening Assay Based On Tr-fret to Identify Inhibitors for T. Brucei Kinases
A Mixed-methods Approach to Exploring Engagement in Moodtech: An Online Cbt Intervention for Older Adults With Depression
A Natural History of Genius: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Totalitarianism
A New Instrument and Method for Nitrogen-Loss Studies in Oxygen Deficient Zones
A New Method For Computing Standard Errors of Risk and Performance Estimators With Serially Correlated Returns
A New Transiting Planet Search Applied to Kepler and K2: Discovery of Hundreds of Planet Candidates, Eclipsing Binary Stars, and a Self-lensing Binary System
A Perfect Circle Rimmed With Gold
A Rich Musical Legacy from Québec: Baroque Motets of the Ursuline and Hôtel-dieu Monasteries of New France
A Sign in the Pattern: The Creation of Mary Seton Watts's Ideal Design in the Compton Mortuary Chapel (Surrey, England, 1898)
A Simulation Study of Statistical Approaches to Data Analysis in the Stepped Wedge Design
A Two-layer Authentication Using Voiceprint for Voice Assistants
A novel naturalistic paradigm to study aerial predator-induced fear
Above/between: Urban Housing in a City of Voids
Accelerating Peptoid-Surface Simulations: Peptoid Binding On Au(111) and Au(100)
Accounting for the Presence of Surrogate Data in Adaptive Clinical Trials
Acoustic Manipulation of Macroscopic Objects
Acras a Hybrid Graphical User-authentication System
Actin-like Filament A (AlfA) and AlfA-driven Plasmid Segregation
Activating the Vertical City: An Office Building in Chengdu, China
Adaptive Statistical Inference Procedures for Multigroup Data and Phylogenetic Tree Inferences
Adaptive Support For Face-to-face Collaborative Learning At Tabletop Computers
Adjoint-guided Adaptive Mesh Refinement For Hyperbolic Systems of Equations
Adolescent Concealment: Causes and Consequences
Advancing Precipitation and Transboundary Flood Forecasting in Monsoon Climates
Adverse childhood experiences, sleep, and social emotional development among infants and toddlers from families involved with child protective services
Aerodynamics of a Swept Wing With Simulated Scalloped Ice At Low Reynolds Number
Alteration of the Epithelial Environment and Cellular Pathways by HPV Type 16 E6 and NFX1-123
Aminoacyl-trna Synthetases As Targets for Structure Guided Drug Design (sgdd) Against Pathogenic Protozoa and Bacteria
Among the Ruins: Memory, Trauma, and a Residential Treatment Facility For Posttraumatic Stress Disorder At Fort Casey, Washington
An Architecture of Path and Destination in the Land of Water, Forests, and Peaks
An Assessment of Alkali Metal-O₂ Chemistry: Perspectives and Prospectives
An Evaluation of Simulated Microphysics Over Terrain During the Olympex Field Campaign
An Exploration of "Weaving Threads" as a Model for Resilience in Bay Area Marginal Suburban Communities
An Exploration of Factors That Affect Earth's Climate in Time
An Immersive Journey: Analyzing the Use of Survivor Testimony in Holocaust Museums
An Investigation of Evaluation Methods of Weighted-Point Landscaping Policy -- in Seattle and Malmö
An Organelle With Many Jobs: Mitochondrial Specialization in the Retina and Rpe
An Urban Cemetery For the People: Rethinking Rituals in Beijing
An evaluation of current lunchroom food waste and food rescue programs in a Washington State school district
Analysis of Bivariate Censored Longitudinal Data: A Case Study
Analysis of Patients Planned for Admission After Dental Treatment Under General Anesthesia
Analysis of child undernutrition intervention priorities among nutrition stakeholders from multiple low and middle-income countries
Anatomical and functional organization of the visual cortex, and the effect of visual deprivation in animal models
Annotating and Modeling Shallow Semantics Directly from Text
Anti-markovnikov Hydroarylation of Alkenes with Aryl Halides and Synthesis and Characterization of a Monomeric Copper Hydride Complex
Antibody Characterization For Use in Clinical Mass Spectrometry
Applications of Physical Chemistry in Solar Energy, Membrane Biophysics, and Cultural Heritage
Applying RE-AIM framework to the evaluation of a translational study of RDAD-NW in AAA communities
Approaches to Scenario Planning at the Intersection of Urbanization and Climate Change
Approximate Dynamic Programming For Weakly Coupled Markov Decision Processes With Perfect and Imperfect Information
Architecture of Belonging: A Multicultural Sanctuary Center For South Park
Architecture of Life: Biophilic Urban Acupuncture For Downtown Seattle
Architecture: Where Mutual Fantasy May Live
Articulating Loss: Quantifying Skeletal Incompleteness in Natural History Collections
Assembling 'Cosmopolitan' Pera: An Infrastructural History of Late Ottoman Istanbul
Assessing Boat Waste Impacts on Small Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations
Assessing the Feasibility of Predictive Modeling for Hfe-hereditary Hemochromatosis Using Electronic Health Records
Assessing the Potential Applications of Deep Learning in Design
At the Confluence: Participatory Development, State-society Relations, and Transboundary Water Management in the Kura River Basin
Auditory perception and the electrode-neuron interface in children and adults with cochlear implants
Augmenting Exploratory Data Analysis with Visualization Recommendation
Automated Parallelization to Improve Usability and Efficiency of Distributed Neural Network Training
Automatic Detection of Providers with Excess Healthcare Spending
Bayesian Modeling of Partially Observed Epidemic Count Data
Becoming an Expert Cannabis Connoisseur: Toward a Theory of Moralizing Labor
Before Their Time: Tracing the Emergence of the Figure of La Pachuca, 1910-1930s
Behavioral Adaptations of Drivers to Autonomous Systems: Evaluating Intermediate and Carryover Effects
Between City and Sea: Multi-Trophic Mariculture as Urban Intertidal Catalyst
Between the Ground and the Air: Refugee Residences and Integration in Berlin, Germany
Beyond DNA Compaction: An Emerging View of the Diverse Functions of Drosophila Sperm Nuclear Basic Proteins
Beyond the Autonomous Vehicle: The New Mobility Hub
Beyond the Bayh-Dole Effect: An Entrepreneurial Approach to Building Technology Transfer
Bias-corrected Least Squares (BCLS) Method for Estimating Parameters in Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations Models with Mixed-Effects
Bicluster-based Identification of Gene Sets through Multivariate Meta-Analysis (MVMA)
Bioengineering New Therapeutics for Pulmonary Infections
Black Lake
Brains in the Wild: Machine Learning for Naturalistic, Long-term Neural and Video Recordings
Brown induction and red/green hue shifts
Building Culture and Community in Gender-specific Choral Ensembles: a Comparison of Pedagogy, Language, Musical and Personal Development
Building Out of Place
Building Recovery Capital: The Role of Cooperative Behavior in a Community Support Institution
Building a Machine Learning Based Recommendation Engine for the Virtual Academic Advisor System
Building and Accelerating a Declarative Platform for Machine Learning Model Serving
Building as a Pedagogy, Rural School on Ridge of Loess Plateau
Characterization of Coronary Arteries: Correlating Mechanical Stiffness with Staining for In Vivo Imaging
Characterization of Marine Mammal Biomechanics to Evaluate Tidal Turbine Collision Impact
Characterization of Precancerous Mutations in Ulcerative Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer and High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer via Duplex Sequencing
Characterization of Trp-Cage and its Circular Permutation
Characterization of the Structures of Small Peptides and Their Interactions with Inorganic Minerals
Characterizing the Appearance of Ex Vivo Remineralized White Spot Lesions with a Novel Peptide
Characterizing the role of cortical neuronal subtypes and drug intake pattern in cocaine addiction
Chemical Strategies for Investigation of Deubiquitinases
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Are Able to Maintain Dental Skills: A 2-year Follow-up of Desensitization Treatment
Chitin the Good Fight - Identification and Description of Chitin and its Genes in Cnidaria
Choreographing Urban Habitation: Strategies For Enhancing Public Space in the City
Civic Participation in Indonesia: Islam, Community, and Rural Development
Climate Driven Changes in Nitrate Deposition and Preservation Over the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Closed-loop Neural Engineering Approaches to Motor Rehabilitation
Cognition gone wild: a test of the social intelligence hypothesis in wild birds
Columbia City Stakeholders' Perception of the Proposed Citywide Urm Retrofit Mandate
Combining Silicon Photonics and Machine Learning for Red Blood Cell Characterization
Comfort, Safety, Delight & Aesthetics: An Evaluation of S Henderson Street's Pedestrian Realm
Community-based Financing: Entrepreneurial Resource Acquisition in the Age of Disintermediation
Comparative Research on Rural Redevelopment Planning in the Linpan Landscape: Case Study of Sandaoyan Town, Chengdu
Compliance to a prescribed eating frequency protocol
Computational Curation of Open Science Data
Computational Design of Symmetric Protein Complexes With Implications for Vaccine and Biotherapeutic Development
Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of a Baffled-tube Ram Accelerator with Inclined Baffles
Concept analysis of dispositional humility in professionals and expanding the understanding of the concept in a multidisciplinary primary care environment: a mixed methods study
Constructing Journalism Practice between the Global and the Local: Lessons from the Rwandan Journalism Field
Construction of Interactive and Intelligible Distance Cartograms
Contemporary Bamboo Housing in South America: Challenges & Opportunities For Building in the Informal Sector
Contraceptive knowledge and contraceptive self-efficacy of Thai adolescent mothers
Controlling Enzyme Expression Dynamics to Improve Production From Engineered Biosynthetic Pathways
Controls of Tropical Pacific Rainfall and Sst Biases in Global Climate Models
Convex and Robust Optimization Methods For Modality Selection in External Beam Radiotherapy
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-ART HIV Drug Resistance Testing in Kenya
Cratering Characteristics of the Europa Kinetic Ice Penetrator
Creativity Readiness in Crisis Communications: How Crisis Communicators' Ability to be Creative is Impacted at the Individual, Work Team, and Organizational Levels
Cross-stack Co-design for Efficient and Adaptable Hardware Acceleration
Cueing effects for simple detection can be accounted for by a decision model of selective attention
Cultivating Creativity: Understanding Visitor Perceptions of Creativity in Art Museum Exhibits
Cultural Threshold: Framing the Anthropocene
Culturally-specific Museums: Who Are They For? : Translating Missions to Messages
Data Science of the Social: How the Practice Is Responding to Ethical Crisis and Spreading Across Sectors
Data Structure Synthesis
Data-driven Approaches for Personalized Head Reconstruction
Data-driven Sensor Placement Methods
De Novo Protein Fusions as Platforms for Enzyme Design
Defect-related Luminescence in Nanocrystals: Spectroscopy and Computation
Deliberative Democracy in the Networked Public Sphere: Using Social Media to Talk Politics
Dental Needs of Oncology Inpatients at Seattle Children's Hospital
Depletion of DAKAP1 Signaling Complexes Accompanies Pathological Changes in Mitochondrial Dynamics During Breast Cancer Progression
Description of Foraminiferal Assemblages within Hood Canal, Puget Sound, WA
Design and Construction of a Wind Tunnel Model With Active Variable Camber Continuous Trailing Edge Flap For Aeroelastic "in-flight" Shape Optimization Tests
Design and Evaluation of an in Vivo, Repeatable, and Real Time Reporter for Myofibroblast Cell Fate As a Surrogate for Cardiac Fibrotic Remodeling
Design of Grna Expression Systems and Characterization of Crispr Transcriptional Networks in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Designing Technology For Inclusive Play
Designing With (Political) Complexity: Understanding Stakeholders, Emotion, Time, and Technology in the Case of Medical Aid-in-dying
Detecting Streaming Wireless Cameras with Timing Analysis
Detection of Beta-barrels from Medium Resolution Cryo-electron Microscopy Density Maps
Determinants of quality of life in caregivers of children with autism and autism concerns
Developing Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy Techniques For Probing Coupled Phenomena in Functional Materials
Developing Gold-and Silver-catalyzed Dehydrogenative Cross-coupling Toward Donor-acceptor Polymer Synthesis
Developing a Visualization Tool for Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques on *omics Data
Developing a family planning counseling intervention for women and adolescent girls in resource-limited settings
Development and Evolution of Cell Behavior and Interactions During Danio Pattern Formation
Development and Validation of Computational Tools For the Characterization and Analysis of Non-linear Plasma Photonic Crystals
Development of Biomaterials for Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapy
Development of Instrumental and Chemometric Techniques for the Analysis of Complex Samples Via Multi-dimensional Gas Chromatography
Development of Mass Spectrometry-based Assays for Newborn Screening: Novel Approaches to Lysosomal Acid Lipase and the Mucopolysaccharidoses
Development of Microphysiological Models for the Assessment of Xenobiotic and Endobiotic Absorption and Disposition
Development of Newborn Screening Methods for Mucopolysaccharidosis Iii Type a and Type B in Dried Blood Spot Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Development of Novel Direct Arylation Methodology for the Synthesis of Conjugated Polymers
Development of Numerical Tools for the Evaluation of Pile Response to Laterally Spreading Soil
Development of Ultra-fast Modulation for Application in Multi-dimensional Gas Chromatography
Development of a Collisionless Plasma Kinetic Solver and an Investigation of One-dimensional Plasma Waves and Instabilities
Development of a Highly Sensitive Protein Diagnostic Device Using Isothermal Strand Displacement Amplification
Development of a Microphysiological Model of the Kidney Proximal Tubule and Application in Predictive Toxicity Testing of Polymyxin Antibiotics
Dictators and Their Puppets: Musicians Who Advocated for Musical Integrity in Twentieth-century Regimes
Diet quality and circulating sphingolipids: the strong heart family study
Dietary intake of overweight and obese men diagnosed with prostate cancer before and after a lifestyle intervention
Differences in Ice Cloud Optical Depth From Calipso and Ground-based Raman Lidar At the Arm Sgp and Twp Sites
Differentiating Between Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis and Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain: Assessment of a Novel Method for Collecting Data on the Temporal Patterns of Pain
Digital Manufacturing Techniques for Microfluidic Device Fabrication
Direct Health Care Costs of Metastatic Ovarian Cancer in a Commercially-Insured Population: A Retrospective Database Analysis
Dispositional factors that predict alcohol consumption in young adult women
Disproportionality in school disciplinary practices: findings from a policy surveillance
Distinct mechanisms underlie regeneration of mechanosensory hair cells in zebrafish
Divergent Medial Amygdala Circuits for Resolving Approach-Avoidance Conflict
Do It Off Broadway: Exploring the Politics of Diversity and Inclusion in Museums Through Risk, Advocacy, and Queer Experience
Dwelling Amongst a Ludic Internet of Things: An Autobiographical Design Inquiry
Dwelling, Community, and Resilience: Reimagining Tomorrow in Port-au-prince
Effects of Accelerated Curing on the Time-dependent Properties of Concrete
Effects of High Fidelity Modeling On Sensor Placement Optimization
Efficient, Secure, and Flexible High Speed Packet Processing for Data Centers
Elastic Wave Manipulations Via 3d-printed Chains of Hollow Elliptical Cylinders
Electrochemical Characterization of Nanomaterials and Development of New Electrochemical Methods
Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy: Analytical Theory and Numerical Simulations of Individual Nanoparticles and Nanostructures
Elucidating Mechanisms for Drug Combination Nanoparticles to Enhance and Prolong Lymphatic Exposure: Experimental and Modeling Approaches
Embodied Writing: Gender and Class in the Graffiti and Murals of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution
Emnets: A Convolutional Autoencoder for Protein Surface Retrieval Based on Cryo-electron Microscopy Imaging
Emperor Qianlong's Pictorial and Physical Sites For Western Paradises
Enabling Novel Sensing and Interaction with Everyday Objects Using Commercial Rfid Systems
End-to-end Programming Tools for Mobile Manipulator Robots
Energetics of Catalytic Intermediates On Nickel(111) by Calorimetry: Empirical Trends and Benchmarks for Quantum Theory
Energy expenditure in patients undergoing targeted temperature management at 36°C after cardiac arrest, the effect of shivering and ability to maintain goal temperature
Engineering Zwitterionic-switchable Chromatin-mimetic Nanoparticles for Immune Modulation
Engineering and Evaluating Fibrin-targeted Biomaterials for Hemostasis
Envisioning a Network for Pollinators in South Seattle
Equitable Improvements to Public Space in the Right-of-Way
Eroticism in the Works of Contemporary Egyptian and Levantine Female Novelists
Essays on User Engagement in Online Collaborative Communities
Estimating the Location of Private Infrastructure for Delivery and Pick-up Operations in Dense Urban Areas
Evaluating Changes in the Inter-occlusal Space During Orthodontic Retention Stage
Evaluating Different Approaches to Simplifying Data Access for Clinical Users
Evaluating the Fairness in the Performance of Machine Learning Methods
Evaluating the effectiveness of a suicide prevention training program for nurses' continuing education
Evangelical Sexual Politics in Trump's America
Event_architecture: Enacting Spatial Exotopy in the Liminal Environment of Burning Man
Event_cognizance: The Spatial Dimension of Iñupiaq Spirituality : Architecture As a Medium of Understanding a Buried Identity
Everyday Personal Informatics
Evidence for Minimal Cardiogenic Potential of Sca-1 Positive Cells in the Adult Mouse Heart
Evolutionary Adaptations in Developmental Signaling Pathways Underlie Regenerative Scar-Free Wound Repair in African Spiny Mouse (Genus Acomys)
Examination of the Changes in Spatial Structure of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Under Wave Forcing Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
Examining Opportunities to Improve the Pre-Construction Schedule Performance of Seattle Public Utilities Scope in Seattle Department of Transportation Capital Projects
Examining Preexisting Immune Mediators That Augment Immune Responses to Drifted Influenza Exposure
Examining the Efficacy of Rent Control: An Empirical Analysis for Consideration of Rent Control in Seattle
Examining the Feasibility of Internet of Things Technologies to Support Aging-in-place
Expanding Information Access through Data-driven Design
Expansion Microscopy for the Interrogation of Nanoscale Features in Complex Biological Systems
Experimental Investigation of Chevron Special Concentrically Braced Frames with a Yielding Beam Plastic Mechanism
Experimental and Numerical Validation of Three-dimensional Tsunami Wave Pressures and Forces On an Elevated Structure
Experimentally Driven Performance Model For the Baffled-tube Ram Accelerator
Exploring Characteristics of Family Engagement Strategies Implemented in Art Museum Exhibitions
Exploring Copper As a Catalyst For Supercritical Fluid-Based Silicon Nanowire Growth
Exploring Serine-Lysine Peptide Aggregation in Water and Interaction with Inorganic Surfaces Using Molecular Dynamics
Exploring the Impact of Exchange: A Study of Central Asian Experiences With U.S.-sponsored Academic Exchange Programs
Exploring the Impact of Shared Mobility: An In-depth Look at How Bike Share Services and Shared Automated Vehicles Will Impact Our Transportation Systems
Exploring the relationship of patients' opioid knowledge and the transitional experience of postoperative pain management: a mixed method study
Expressive Struggles: Neoliberal Temporalities and the Social Reproduction of Feminized Labor in South Korea
Extracting Hydrologic Information from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Data for Improved Hydrologic Modeling
Extractives of Douglas-Fir and Their Implications For Biofuel Saccharification
Failure Diagnosis for Datacenter Applications
Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems in Medical Cyber-physical Systems
Field-deployable Microfluidics for Species Identification in Conservation
Finding Clarity in Collaboration: Practitioner Perspectives of Collaborative Exhibition Development
Flexible Narrowband Ultraviolet Photodetectors With Photomultiplication Based On Wide Band Gap Conjugated Polymer and Inorganic Nanoparticles
Flow Characterization for In-stream Energy Sites
Fluorination of Polylactides As a Path to Enhanced Hemocompatibility
Flyshare 2020
Food insecurity and diabetes self-management among youth and young adults with type 1 diabetes
Forest-driven Futures: A Center For Advancement of Sustainable Forestry
Formalizing Informal Trade and Credit Institutions: Designing Effective Institutional Economic Reforms in Afghanistan and Beyond
Forming the Image of Cheng Xuanying (ca. 600-690)
From A to B: An Algorithmic Approach to Circulation Inside Buildings
From Exhibit to Action: The Impact of Museum Experiences On Visitors' Social Justice Actions
From Reionization Until Now: The History of the Ionizing Background
From Species to Populations: Genetic and Eco-physiological Divergence Across Puerto Rican Anolis Lizards
Functional organization of the ventral temporal cortex
G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 2 (GRK2) and Toll-like Receptors as Regulators of Central Sensitization in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders
Gender Structures, Strategies, and Expectations During Nepal's Labor Migration
Gender double standard of aging: how perception of age and related social outcomes are modulated by the gender of the perceived
Gender in Context: Immigrant Routes to Healthcare Access
Genealogical Modernism: Family Structures, Identity, History, and Narrative in the 20th-century "Long" Novel
Genetically Engineered Human Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes to Study the Novel Titin Isoform Cronos in Development and Disease
Good Vibes, Interesting History: Teen Programs in Museums
Green's Law and the Riemann Problem in Layered Media
HSD2 neurons and the neural circuitry underlying sodium appetite
Hablemos De Arte: Bilingual Spanish/English Family Programs in Art Museums
Hebrew and Persian Revival Movements in the 19th Century
Herkos Athēnaiōn: The Ajax Myth, the Trojan War, and Civic Ideology in Fifth-century Athens
Hidden Conflict in Pollination and Its Implications for Diversification
High-dimensional Machine Learning for Drug Target Discovery and Precision Medicine
Higher Order Trapped Lee Waves in the Stratosphere
History, Narrative, and Production in the Cheonggyecheon Reconstruction
How Citizenship Informs Political Authority: The Case of Kuwait and Bahrain
How Distinct Is Gay Neighborhood Change? Patterns and Variation in Gayborhood Trajectories
How We Grow
Human Organ-specific Vascular Heterogeneity and the Endothelial Role in Fetal Liver Hematopoiesis
Human Psychophysics of Direct Cortical Stimulation of Somatosensory Cortex
Hunt For a Genetically Engineered, Rationally Designed, Stealth Peptide to Prevent Non-Specific Protein Interactions
Hyperosmotic Stress Induced Inclusion Formation of a Prionogenic Transcriptional Corepressor is Regulated by Glycerol Accumulation
Hypertensive chronic kidney disease identification in primary care: a convergent parallel mixed-methods single embedded case study
Identification of Physicians and Ehr User Types
Identification of Urban Scaling Behavior for Transportation Mode Share
Identifying Valued Community Resilience Indicators and Dimensions for King County
Immersive Realities: An Expansion Pack for Landscape Architecture
Immunologic Correlates Analysis of Rhcmvsiv Vaccine Efficacy: Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Model Vaccine Elicited T Cell Responses
Impact of Covariate Adaptive Allocation Procedures on Power and Validity in Small-scale Clinical Studies
Impacts of Biomass Burning On Ozone, Particulate Matter, and Carbon Dioxide in the Northwest U.s
Impacts of an M9 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake On Structures Located in Deep Sedimentary Basins
Improved Performance in Plasmonic Biosensors For Bacterial Detection Through Dielectric Conditioning and Dielectrophoretic Enhancement
Improving Safety and Efficacy of Protein Therapeutics By Chemical Modifications
Improving Touch Accuracy For People With Motor Impairments
In Search of Identity: Adaptive Reuse of Jeddah's Ruins
In Vitro to in Vivo Translation of Complex Drug-Drug Interactions Involving Retinoic Acid
Increased Sensitivity for Lateral Flow Immunoassays Through Signal Amplification Methods
Increasing Access to Solar Energy in Seattle, Washington through the Framework of Energy Democracy
Individual differences in second-language reading skill: understanding the role of cross-linguistic interactions
Infiltrating the High-tech Enclave: Inhabiting South Lake Union Through a Network of Temporary Architecture
Influence of Pressure On Supersonic Retropropulsion Flow Field At Mach 2
Influences in Ernest Chausson's Piano Quartet
Information Theoretic Learning Methods For Markov Decision Processes With Parametric Uncertainty
Informed and Informative: New Choral Arrangements of Sephardic Music
Innovation, Value, and Uncertainty in Oncology Precision Medicine
Insecurity and the Built Environment: The Science of Architectural Experience
Integrating Human Health, Ecology and Built Environment Design: A Tdar Gardens Intervention Case Study With an Informal Slum Community in the Peruvian Amazon.
Integrating a Contemporary Therapeutic Landscape Into a Historic Campus: Design for the Dr. Martin Horvat Hospital, Rovinj, Croatia
Internet-delivered dialectical behavior therapy skills training for suicidal and heavy drinkers
Interpersonal violence exposure, social cognition, and aggression in adolescence
Interplay of Local Structure, Dynamics, and Self-association in Hspb1
Interwoven Social Determinants: Race, Education, and Health in the United States
Inuit Compromise and Resurgence: The Legacies of the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement
Investigating the Sources of Anthropogenic Wintertime Pollutants in the Northeast United States With a Lagrangian Dispersion Model
Investigation of Aspects of Aeroservoelastic State-space Modeling On Active Flutter Suppression Lqr Control Synthesis
Investigation of Extending Feature Selection Algorithms to Explicit Feature Selection in Kernel Space
Investigations of Protein Fiber Structures and the Interactions At Their Interfaces Using Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy
Is there a role for myeloid cell-derived versican in diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis?
Islamist Radicalization in France Since the Algerian War
K-spectral Sets and Functions of Nonnormal Matrices
Kasper's Theater: Avant-garde and Propaganda Puppetry in Early Twentieth-century Germany
Kernel Mechanisms for Efficient Gpu Accelerated Deep Neural Network Inference on Embedded Devices
Kindred Spirits: Communal Making and Religious Revival in Arts and Crafts Movements, 1870-1920
Land Rights of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples Under Natural Disasters: Analysis of Post-typhoon Morakot Reconstruction From Legal, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives
Large-scale Dynamic Testing of Rocking Cross Laminated Timber Walls
Late Transition Metal Pre-catalysts for the Hydrogenation of Carbonyl-containing Substrates
Legitimating visions: the Nanyang imaginary in contemporary Southeast Asian cinemas
Let My People Stay: Irregular Migrants' Struggle For Rights and Recognition
Lifebuildingx Life Building Exchange: Investigating the Intersection of Pro-environmental Behavior, Place Meaning, and High-performance Design
Linear and Nonlinear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy For Lithium-Ion Batteries
Linking Protein Function to Complex Traits
Liquids & Robots: An Investigation of Techniques for Robotic Interaction with Liquids
Living in Place: Rebuilding the Relationship Between People and Place in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing, China
Local Ecosystem Processes Modulate Ocean Acidification and Its Effect on Benthic Foundation Species
Looking At Jacopo Ligozzi's Daphne Laureola in Three Ways
Loss and loyalty: change in political and gender identity among Clinton supporters after the 2016 U.S. Presidential election
Louis Vierne and the Evolution of His Modal Consciousness
Lower Bounds for Interactive Compression and Linear Programs
Machine Learning of Spatiotemporal Bursting Behavior in Developing Neural Networks
Magnetoshell Aerocapture: Advances Toward Concept Feasibility
Maintaining the Menstruating Body: Feminist Interventions On Care Resources
Making Ceramic Membranes Used in Redox Flow Batteries With Sol-Gel Process
Manipulating Elastic Waves in Topological Mechanical Metamaterials
Manufacturing Consensus: Computational Propaganda and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Mars' Water Cycle Seen Through an Ice Lens
Mathematical Models to Evaluate the Clinical and Economic Impact of Biomedical HIV Prevention Strategies in the United States
Mechanical Simulation of Human Pleura For Medical Training By Crosslinked Polyurethane
Mechanism of Ssph1: A Bacterial Effector Ubiquitin Ligase Hijacks the Eukaryotic Ubiquitylation Pathway
Memes + Genes: Pursuing Innovation in Education & Design Through Our Natural Learning Processes
Mental Health in Temporary Construction Workers
Metabolic Pathway Optimization With Data Driven Approaches
Metal-free Photoredox-mediated Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization
Methodology For the Preliminary Design of a System of Integrated Clinical Laboratories
Methods for Causal Inference in Randomized Trials With Multiple Versions of Control and Noncompliance, With an Application to Behavioral Intervention Trials
Microbial Evolution in Changing Environments
Mille Simul Leti Facies: The Allusive Battlefield of Punica 4
Mind-crafting: Anticipatory Critique of Transhumanist Mind-uploading in German High Modernist Novels
Misinformation and Disinformation in Online Games: An Exploratory Investigation of Possible Cues
Mitochondria in the life and death of mechanosensory hair cells
Model-agnostic Explanations and Evaluation of Machine Learning
Modeling Seasonal Evolution of Liquid Water Percolation in Maritime and Continental Snowpacks
Molecular Architecture and Regulation of the Budding Yeast Kinetochore-microtubule Interface
Molecular Composition, Volatility, and Formation Mechanisms of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol
Molecular and Cellular Phenotypes of AUTS2 Deficiency in the Developing Mouse Cortex and Hippocampus
Morphological Evolution of Rock-slopes and Assessing the Rockfall Activity Index (RAI) Methodology
Mouthguards During Orthodontic Treatment: Perspectives of Orthodontists and a Survey of Orthodontic Patients Playing School-sanctioned Basketball and Football
Mpower Voice Activity Monitoring and Classification for Parkinson's Diagnosis
Multi-chord Heterodyne Quadrature Interferometry Measurement of the Fuze Sheared Flow Z-pinch Plasma
Multiscale Techniques For Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Applications and Theory
Musical Humility: an Ethnographic Case Study of a Competitive High School Jazz Band
Mussel Attachment in a Dynamic Ocean: An Ecomechanical Perspective
Mycelium Infrastructures For Impermanent Futures
Navigation of Indoor Spaces Using Multiple Quadrotors
Nd or Not Nd?: To What Extent Are Biomass Burning Aerosols Modulating Cloud Microphysics in the Southeast Atlantic?
Near Before and After / Katelyn Oppegard.
Nest success and life history syndromes of island and continental Rufous Fantail (Rhipidura rufifrons) subspecies
Networks Into Institutions or Institutions Into Networks? Evidence from the Medieval Hansa
Neural Models for Large-scale Semantic Role Labelling
New Algorithmic Tools for Distributed Similarity Search and Edge Estimation
New Methods for Seismic Performance Evaluation and Retrofit of Nonductile Concentrically Braced Frames
New Statistical Inference Methods for Deer Spectroscopy On Proteins
No Country For Old Media
No Wrong Door: Designing Health Information Technology to Support Interprofessional Collaboration Around Child Development Work
Nonparametric Structure Models in Local Protein Conformation Sampling and Design
Nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescents: an explanatory model of contextual factors
Novel Disease Genes Underlying Rare Recessively Inherited Forms of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Novel KOR Antidepressant and Analgesic Strategies
Numerical Study of Crack Propagation in Boulders Subjected to Diurnal Solar Irradiation
Objective Quantification of Convective Clustering Observed During the Amie/dynamo 2-day Rain Episodes
Observations of Near-Surface Temperature and Salinity from Profiling Floats: Vertical Variability, Structure, and Connection to Deeper Properties
Observing Goods Delivery Activities and Identifying Opportunities to Improve the Design of Commercial Vehicle Load Zones in Seattle
Ocean Heat Transport and the Width of the Hadley Circulation in an Aquaplanet Gcm
On Dimensions of Corporate Misbehavior: Financial Misrepresentation and Operational Misconduct
On Star-planet Interaction: Magnetospheric Dynamics and Atmospheric Evolution
On the Interactions Between Clouds and Atmospheric Circulation in the Tropics and Midlatitudes
Oncoslice: A Microfluidic Platform for Personalized Cancer Care and Drug Development
Optimization and Scheduling Methodologies to Enable Low Earth Orbit Nano-Satellite Communication
Optimizing Population Healthcare Resource Allocation Under Uncertainty Using Global Optimization Methods
Optoelectronic Quality and Stability of Hybrid Perovskites Determined By Steady-State Luminescence Techniques
Oral Disease in Immigrant Children Attending a University Dental Clinic
Parallax & the Cut: Perceiving Urban Public Space and Its Connection to Public Transportation Architecture
Parcel-Scale Development and Landscaping Actions Affect Vegetation, Bird, and Fungal Communities on Office Developments
Parent perceptions on a walking school bus program among low-income families: a qualitative study
Particle Tracking Velocimetry: A Review
Pathways Toward Rapid Wastewater Treatment Response During the Global Refugee Crisis
Patterns of Urbanism: A Design Framework For the Networked Cities of Today
Pedestrianizing Pike Street: Continuing to Re-Envision the Right of Way of Pike Street in Capitol Hill
Perception + Precision: An Exploratory Process Towards Generative Site Analysis
Photo and Electrochemical Investigations of Solution Processable Molecules and Materials for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Phylogeny and Biogeography of Neotropical Flowering Plant Tribe Citharexyleae (verbenaceae)
Picturebooks and the Grammar of Tanzanian National Identity: Sociolinguistic Policy, Collective Transformations and Cultural Production
Pilot evaluation of a brief emotion regulation intervention for secondary school students in post-earthquake Nepal
Plagiarism in Chinese Popular Fiction: Tolerated Copyright Infringement in a Money-making Industry
Planning for Community Resilience: A Spatial Planning Approach to New Orleans' Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
Planning in Postmodern Era: Navigating Normativity and Political Implications of 'Planning for/in Uncertainty'
Plasmon Hybridization in Clusters of Metal Nanoparticles and Magnetic Nanoparticle Oligomers
Play and Performance: Creating Life Spaces in Which Learning and Development Flourish
Poetics of Empire: Literature and Political Culture At the Early Modern Ottoman Court
Polynomial-based Methods For Time-integration
Pono Kauhale: Multi-generational Housing in Big Island's Pahoa Village
Practical Verification of Safety-critical Systems
Predicting rape events: the influence of intimate partner violence history, condom use resistance, and heavy drinking
Preparing Cities for Package Demand Growth: Predicting Neighborhood Demand and Implementing Truck Vmt Reduction Strategies
Preparing for an Autonomous Future: Transportation Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in the Puget Sound Region
Printing For Pleasure: Chen Diexian's Literary Enterprise and Popular Magazines in Early 20th Century China
Program Evaluation of Academic Detailing on Naloxone Prescriptions Prescribed in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Programmable Design of Protein Interaction Specificity and Logic Gates
Psoriasis Treatment Patterns: A Retrospective Claims Study
Pushing the Limits of Compiler Verification
Putting the Family Back in Multi-family: Reconnecting Urban Density and Family Housing in North Seattle
Pymolsar: A Python-based Toolkit to Predict the Activity and Property of Small Molecules
Questions of Gesture and Sound: Temporal Interactions in Conducted Ensembles: a Multiple Study Dissertation
Racial segregation and its effects on intergroup cognition
Ragapadmi and the first leper: a critical history of leprosy transmission in Madura, Indonesia
Re-imagining Energy On the Colville Reservation
Real-time Optimization in Aerospace Systems
Reclaiming Rocky Flats: Revealing Buried Cold War History
Reconfigurable Convolution Implementation for Cnns in Fpga
Reconnecting in a Connected World: Nature, Technology and the Next-generation Library
Reducing intrusive memories of real-world stimuli via memory reconsolidation
Referred Pain in Temporomandibular Disorders: Prevalence, Associated Factors and Effects on Tmd Prognosis
Regional Open-Space Conservation Strategies: A Case Study of the Intertwine Alliance's Regional Conservation Strategy
Regulating Uncertainty: Institutional Implications of Regulatory Mechanisms for Temporary Accommodations for Displaced Persons in Germany and Sweden
Regulation of Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Salmonella: Bifunctional Regulators, RcsB and YifA, Shape Flagellar Bistability
Reimagining the Institution: The North Seattle Police Precinct
Renal Tubular Transport of Drugs in Healthy and Diseased Kidney
Repurposing DNA for Information Processing and Storage
Responses of the Climate System to Opposing Solar and Co₂ Forcings
Retail Spaces in Mixed-Use Developments: Supporting Small Businesses and Creating Place in Seattle's Neighborhoods
Rethinking Centralization: Innovation in Early Soviet Avant-garde Museology
Rethinking the Right-of-Way: Exploring Seattle's Autonomous Future
Review of Capacity Fade Models For Lithium-Ion Batteries: Effect of Mechanisms On Numerical Implementation
Revitalizing Waterfront Space: Exploring a Mixed Partnership Model in Urban Waterfront Development
Reworking Wenatchee: High Performance in a New & Existing Building
Risk Factors Analysis of Longitudinal Viral Dynamics and Immunological Responses Among Hiv-discordant Couples
Risk-Averse Optimization in Multicriteria and Multistage Decision Making
Robust Dynamic Optimization: Theory and Applications
Robustness Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicle Controllers
Runtime Optimizations for Large-scale Data Analytics
Runtime Repair and Enhancement of Mobile App Accessibility
Safety and Health in Prefabricated Construction: A New Framework for Analysis
Sampling Designs for Resource Efficient Collection of Outcome Labels for Machine-learning, With Application to Electronic Medical Records
Scaled Matrix Completion and Cell Deconvolution With Nanostring Data
Scratching the Surface of Colloidal Inp Nanoparticles: Tuning the Physical and Electronic Structure through Surface Chemistry
Sea Ice Sources of Sea Salt Aerosols in Polar Regions
Seasonal Circuitry: Transcriptional and Post-translational Regulation of Photoperiodic Flowering in Arabidopsis Thaliana
Seasonal Migration, Gene Flow, and Speciation in North American Birds
Seattle's Year-Round Neighborhood-Scale Farmers Markets: A Study of Inclusivity
Secondary Usage of Electronic Health Record Data for Patient-specific Modeling
Selective Labeling of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Solid Binding Proteins
Self-improving Crowdsourcing: Near-effortless Design of Adaptive Distributed Work
Serving the Public in Neighborhood Design Review: A Case Study of Seattle's Capitol Hill Design Guidelines
Sex and Fear: Mathematical Models of Mate Choice, Parental Care, and Maladaptive Anxiety
Sharing Cities: Catalysts for Developing New Models for Urban Space
Shear Stress Transfer Across Concrete to Concrete and Steel to Concrete Interfaces
Shifting Role of Chemoautotrophic Sup05 Bacteria in Nitrogen, Sulfur and Carbon Cycles across Oxygen Gradients in Marine Environments
Signal Enhancement in Immunofluorescence Via Polydopamine Deposition
Simultaneous Prediction of Density, Viscosity and Heat Capacity of Ionic Liquids: A Deep Learning Approach
Simultaneous Serologic and Phenotypic Analyses of Blood on Silicon Photonics
Skew-t Information Matrix: Evaluation and Use
Sleep Apnea Impairs Hippocampal Function and Adult Neurogenesis
Sleep Disordered Breathing and Oral Health in Children
Smpcengine: An N-party Implementation of the Secure Multiparty Private Computation Protocol
Social network analysis of college and professional basketball
Solar Ready: Harmonizing the Solar Ready Scope for Safer & More Productive Solar Deployments
Solid Binding Peptides: Applications in Affinity Protein Purification and Bioprotonic Devices
Solvent Effect On Morphological, Crystalline and Electronic Properties of Triple-Cation Lead-Tin Double-Halide Perovskite Thin Films and Their Air Stability
Some Problems in Stochastic Dynamics and Statistical Analysis of Single-cell Biology of Cancer
Soul of Zelda: A Memoir of an Ephemeral Being
Sources, Chemistry, and Transport of Urban Aerosols and Oxidized Mercury: An Analysis Combining Aircraft and Surface Observations With a Chemical Transport Model
Souvenirs and Travel Guides: The Cognitive Sociology of Grieving Public Figures
Spectroscopic Studies of Exciton Electronic Structure and Charge Recombination in Solution Processed Semiconductors for Photovoltaics
Spontaneous and task-related changes in resting state connectivity
Stability Analysis and Geometric Control For a Bluff-body Hydrodynamic Vehicle
Stabilization of Unstable Equilibria in Bistable Structures
Stabilizing Degenerate Dopants in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Statistical Genetic Methods and Applications for Population Structure
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Microbiome Data
Stem Programs For Girls: Making Them Last
Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization With Applications in Graph Covering
Stochastic Dynamics: Markov Chains, Random Transformations and Applications
Strath Terrace Formation: The Influence of Rock Type, Climate, and Humans
Strengthening the Roots: Culturally Responsive Museum Education
Structural Elucidation of Gas-phase Peptide Ions by Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Structural Optimization of 3d Printed Designs With Spatially-varying Material Properties
Structure Engineering of Self-and Directed-Assembled Conjugated Polymers
Studies and Optimization of All-Polymer Solar Cells Based on Naphthalene Diimide-Biselenophene Copolymer Acceptors
Study of Customer Behavior in a Revenue Management Setting Using Data-driven Approaches
Study of Protein-fluoropolymer Interactions for Passivation of Blood-contacting Surfaces
Study of a Novel Zwitterionic Material and Its Biological Applications
Studying Ultrafast Vibrational Dynamics of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds Using Broadband Infrared Pump-probe Spectroscopy
Supervision in community mental health: understanding intensity of EBT Focus
Survival Rates of Full Coronal Restorations in Primary Maxillary Incisors
Synthesis and Reactivity of Late Transition Metal Pincer Complexes: Progress Toward Alkane Functionalization
Synthesis and Reactivity of M̳e̳⁴pcp and M̳e̳⁴pocop Iridium Complexes
Synthesis of Degradable Poly-hema Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering
Targeted Nanocarriers for HIV Therapy
Temperament as a moderator of the association of cumulative risk with pre-adolescent appraisal and coping
Tenant Screening and Fair Housing in the Information Age
That Is to Say
The Best of the Olympians: The Character of Apollo in the Homeric Epics and Hymns
The Bully Pulpit On Display: How Presidential Libraries Present Presidential History
The Carcass and the Balloon: Reinterpreting the Hanford Landscape Through Mapping and Measure
The Collections Connection: Understanding the Attitudes of Participants in Behind-the-scenes Museum Tours
The Consequences of Mutator-Driven Mutagenesis and Analysis of Lifespan Extending Compounds Using Outgrowth Analysis and Replicative Lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The Conserved Coiled-coil Protein Cccp1 and the Endosomal Complex Earp Regulate Dense-core Vesicle Cargo Sorting
The Cornfield's Monster Diva: Cewebrity Leslie Hall Takes Midwest Stereotypes to Camp
The Dynamics of Cross-shore Sediment Transport in the Rhine Region of Freshwater Influence
The Effect of Cloud Computing on Marketing of Web-based Services
The Effect of Selective Attention on Error-detection Abilities
The Effects of Commute Trip Reduction Program on Employee Non-SOV Travel Frequency
The Endothelium and the Bone Marrow Microenvironment
The Erk Mapk Pathway Modulates Gq-dependent Locomotion in Caenorhabditis Elegans
The Evolution and Dynamics of Magnetized Plasma Jets in the Mochi. Labjet Experiment
The History of the Ladies Musical Club is Like the Biography of a Great Man: Women, Place, Repertory, Race, and the Ladies Musical Club of Seattle, 1891-1950
The Impact of Peer-to-Peer Ridesharing on Travel Mode: Empirical Study of Uber Effects on Travel Mode in Seattle
The Impact of Technology on Work Practices
The Influence of Labio-lingual and Mesio-distal Anterior Tooth Dimensions on Inter-arch Relationships: A Modified Anterior Bolton Analysis
The Legibility of Power and Culture in Ba'thist Iraq From 1968-1991
The Life Cycle and Net Radiative Effect of Extended Anvil Clouds
The Long Shadow: The Long-Term Consequences of Armed Conflict for Population Change in Tajikistan
The Microdynamics of Team Diversity and Collaboration Networks
The Multimodal Power of Storytime: Exploring an Information Environment For Young Children
The Myofilament Basis of Striated Muscle Function: Experimental and Computational Models
The Paradoxes of Peruvian Infrastructure: NGO Governance, Rural Energy Transitions, and Public-Private Partnerships
The Power and Promise of Direct Measurements of Metabolites in Marine Systems
The Problem of Time: Addressing Challenges in Spatio-temporal Data Integration
The Psychology of Constraints: The Time Scarcity and Money Scarcity Effect
The Real Option Value of Life and Innovation
The Rhetoric of Bitcoin: Money, Politics, and the Construction of Blockchain Communities
The Role of CS1 Fibronectin in HIV-1 Infection of α4β7+T Lymphocytes
The Role of Market Scale in Electric Vehicle Adoption: Consumer and Infrastructure Perspectives
The Role of Metabolism in Cardiomyocyte Maturation, Disease and Regeneration
The Role of Organic Cation Transporters in the Disposition, Drug-Drug Interactions, and Tissue Toxicity of Amphetamines
The Role of RNA-Binding Protein, Muscleblind-Like 1, in Cardiac Wound Healing and Remodeling
The Sharp White Background: An Autoethnographic Analysis of the Experiences of Undergraduate Women of Color
The Streets Around Here Tell You Exactly Where You Are
The Underappreciation of Feeling Appreciated: Identifying and Measuring a Critical Bridge Construct
The Urban Filter
The Use of Inter-clinician Variation in Measuring Healthcare Performance
The Value of Cloud Computing Technology in Public Transportation Construction
The Woods, the Neighborhood, & the City
The Zagreb School of Animation and the Unperfect
The effects of rostral anterior cingulate lesions on avoidance and decision-making processes in rats living in a naturalistic, risky foraging environment
The emotional benefits of generosity: children's experiences and beliefs regarding giving and happiness
The meaning of grief after perinatal loss to Nigerian women
The role of addiction mindsets in smoking cessation: scale development and pilot randomized trial
Therapeutic Potential of the Endocannabinoid System in a Novel Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease
Thermodynamics of Acidophiles: Energetics of Microbial Growth, Response to Substrate Availability, and Interactions With Heavy Metals
Three Investigations of Low Mass Stars in the Milky Way Using New Technology Surveys
Tissue-engineered Arterial Tunica Media With Multi-layered, Circumferentially Aligned Smooth Muscle Architecture
To Use or Not to Use? Substance Abuse and Post-9/11 Veterans: The Impact of Military Service on the Life Course
To the Moon I Go and Other Stories
Total Differential Capacity Plot Analysis Using Data Science Methods
Touchscreen-based Learning Technologies for Children with Visual Impairments
Toward Better Design of Humanitarian ICT: A Social Agency-Centered Framework of Humanitarian Information Needs Based On a Grounded Study of Successful Red Cross/Red Crescent Practitioners
Towards Cannabis Culture
Towards Efficient and Scalable Electronic Structure Methods for the Treatment of Relativistic Effects and Molecular Response
Towards More Flexible Models in High Dimensions
Traditional, Folk, Fusion, and Confusion: Music and Change in the Newar Communities of Nepal
Transfixed: Leveraging Local Ecology to Create a Thick Transportation Corridor in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Transient Oxygen Droplet Combustion in a Hydrogen Atmosphere: A Numerical Approach
Translating "transition": a Case Study in Interpreting Seventeenth Century German Church Music Through a Survey of Three Settings of Christ Lag in Todesbanden
Travel Time Measurement Using Mac Address-based Mobile Device Sensing Technology: Principles, Practice and Challenges
Treatment Patterns, Discontinuation, and Switching of Acute Medications for Migraine: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Tumor Imaging Using the Pacifastin Family of Peptides
Two-dimensional Vibrational-electronic Spectroscopy: The Design and Development of a Novel Multidimensional Spectroscopic Technique to Directly Measure Coherent Coupling Between Vibrational and Electronic Degrees of Freedom
U-net for Cerebral Cortical Mr Image Segmentation
UBX Cofactors Are Required in SAN1-Dependent Nuclear Protein Quality Control
Uncovering Pathogenesis of the DNAJ-PKAc Fusion in Fibrolamellar Carcinoma
Understanding Context of Use and Perceptions of Usability of Cosegregation Analysis Tool Analyzemyvariant
Understanding Owner Information Need for Facility Management Asset Data in a Large Education Institute
Understanding Pregnancy-Induced Changes in the Disposition of Norbuprenorphine, Metformin and Glyburide in Mice and Humans for Optimizing Drug Therapy During Pregnancy
Understanding Self-Assembly in Solution and At Interfaces Using All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Enhanced Sampling Methods
Understanding Visitor Happiness in Museums
Understanding Work Engagement in BIM: A Positive Psychology Approach
Understanding the Practical Utility of Using the Analytic Potential of Patient Data in Identifying High-cost Patients
Undoculives: Understanding the Information Behavior, Needs, and Networks of Undocustudents in Higher Education
Unloader: How Wal-Mart Saved My Life
Unsustainable and Uncontrolled: Framing Immigration During the Brexit Campaign
Upgrading the Women's Movement in Iran: Through Cultural Activism, Creative Resistance, and Adaptability
Upregulation of TASK-3 underlies retraction of spontaneous activity in the developing mouse hindbrain
Urban Ecological Architecture: An Integrated Approach to Environmental Health in the City
Urban Forest Restoration and Park Design, a Study of Improvements in Habitat Conditions and Open Space Amenity in Kirkland, WA
Urban Freeway Removal: Building a Case for the Re-Purposing of I-5 through Downtown Seattle
Urban Tapestry: Spatial Interventions With Colonial Architecture, Gunsan, South Korea
Use of Wearable Sensors to Unveil Roles of Task Demands-personal Resources and Burnout on Performance of Construction Workers
Use of a nutrient rich foods index to study the effect of Seattle's Minimum Wage Ordinance on supermarket food prices by nutrient quality
User-centric Classification of Virtual Reality Locomotion Methods
Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Statistical Modeling to Explore Membrane Structure and Membrane-protein Interactions
Using Personal Informatics Data in Collaboration Among People With Different Expertise
Using Synthetic Signaling to Reprogram Plants
Validating smartphone- and computer-based technologies with GPS for activity tracking
Validation of an ELISA Method For Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies in Dried Blood Spot Specimens and Correlation of EBV Serology With DNA Detection and Cytomegalovirus Serology
Verification of Cloud Production in the Community Atmosphere Model: A Comparison of Two Data Assimilation Techniques
Vindicating Public Environmental Interest: Defining the Role of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China
Visitor Perceptions of Augmented Reality in Science Museums
Visitor Trust When Museums Are Not Neutral
Visual Anchoring: Fixed-wing Uas Orbit Stabilization About a Visual Anchor Point Without Gps Dependence
Walkable Hydrology: Creating a New Public Realm Ground-scape For New Orleans
Washington Waysides: Curating an Experience of the Given At Tipsoo Lake
Wave Dynamics in Origami-based Mechanical Metamaterials
What Can We Learn From the Cleanest Marine Boundary Layers?: Insights From the North Atlantic
Whiteness in American Life: Communication and Race in the Era of Donald Trump
Wind and Wave-influenced Mixing and Dynamics in the Near-field Fraser River Plume
X-ray Insights Into Massive Star Evolution: The X-ray Source Population of M33 As Seen By Xmm-newton, Chandra, and the Hubble Space Telescope
Youth Self-efficacy and the Art Museum Open Studio
[Dis]placed by Illness: Lyme Disease as a Case for Re-Imagining Everyday Places to Recognize Invisible Chronic Illnesses
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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2016-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2017-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2017
"'Cause This is Africa": Contesting Visual, Sonic, and Performed Representations of Africa in Paris, Montreal, and the 2010 South African World Cup
"Come, All My Dear Brethren, and Help Me to Sing": Dialogue and Participation as Foundations for the Choral Performance of Sacred Harp Music
"Punk Rock Calvinists Who Hate the Modern Worship Movement": Ritual, Power, and White Masculinity in Mars Hill Church's Worship Music
"Scotland's Future in Scotland's Hands": Identity, Memory, and Grievance in the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum
"Such Infinite Distances": Visualizing Embedded Narratives in the Tacoma Smelter Plume
"That Stinks": News Framing of a Corruption Scandal
"The Land at Our Feet": Preserving Pioneer Square's Queer Landscape
(Re)Bordering Territory and Citizenship On the Greek-Turkish Borderland
(Un)Finished: Pattern Language For Human-centric Architectural Evolution
A Bayesian Network Model of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Incorporating Gene Expression Profiles
A Cabin in the City: Searching For Refuge in the Dense Urban Fabric
A Comparison of Patient and Dental Condition Characteristics Presenting to a Pediatric Hospital Emergency Department Versus Urgent Care with Non-emergency Dental Complaints
A Framework for Mass-market Inductive Program Synthesis
A Framework of Distributed Affect in Text-Based Communication
A Landscape Approach to Forecasting Climate Change Impacts on Geographic Ranges and Phenologies of Plants in the Washington Cascades
A Museum in Context: Understanding the Practices of Independent Pop-up Museums
A Pause in the Mountain and City: Re-imagining Tea Drinking in Guangzhou, China
A Post-Design Evaluation of Park Design and Usage: Cal Anderson and Judkins Park (Seattle, WA)
A River to Forgive the Town: Resilience and Reclamation of Public Space in South Park through Temporary Activation and Community Empowerment
A Roadmap to Better Agency Planning: A Case Study in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Regional Office Division of Facilities Pilot Project
A Scalable Open-source Web-analytic Framework to Improve Satellite-based Operational Water Management in Developing Countries
A Statistical Method for Analyzing Risk Difference in Trials With a Three-level Paired Design
A Study of Variable Friction Base Isolation Systems
A Systems Biology Approach to Characterizing Gene Fusion Pathways in Cancer
A qualitative study of United States food waste programs and activities at the state and local level
A qualitative study on the development and adoption of the first state-wide comprehensive food service guidelines for improving the health and productivity of state employees
Accounting for Subject-level Heterogeneity in Sieve Analysis of Vaccine Efficacy
Acute regulation of synaptic NMDA receptor content in hippocampal neurons
Adaptive Pitch Composite Blades for Axial-flow Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines
Adhesion and Interphase Properties of Reinforced Polymeric Composites
Adopt-an-object: Reaching Donors Through Personalized Fundraising
Advanced Approaches For the Collection, Quality Control, and Bias Correction of Smartphone Pressure Observations and Their Application in Numerical Weather Prediction
Advanced Chemometric Techniques for the Analysis of Complex Samples Using One-and Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled with Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
Advanced Methods and Materials for Vat Photopolymerization Additive Manufacturing
Advances and Applications of Multiple Scale Methods in Complex Dynamical Systems
Advances in Computer Aided Protein Structure Determination From Sparse Cryo Electron Microscopy Data
Aging-as-Leveler for Mental Health?: Stressful Life Transitions and CES-D Trajectories in Late-Life
Alternative Voices: Exploring Museums' Use of Technology-based Contributory Visitor Experiences
Ambulatory Vascular Monitoring for Quantication of Lower Leg Hemodynamics and Severity of Venous Disease
An Equity Analysis of Bicycle Infrastructure Around Light Rail Stations in Seattle, WA
An Investigation of a Vertical Test Method For Large Deformation Bending of High Strain Composite Laminates
Analysis of Initial Divergence Rate of Single Near-wall Vortex in a Parallel Vortex Field
Analysis of Plasma Detachment Through Magnetic Nozzle Via Canonical Field Theory
Analyzing Measurements of Housing Affordability
Analyzing Small Molecule Inhibition of Enzymes: A Preliminary Machine Learning Approach Towards Drug Lead Generation
Anxiety, Depression and Somatization in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus
Application of Building Integrated Photovoltaic: Design Strategies For Optimization of Renewable Energy Through Envelope and Daylight Harvesting
Architecture Must Die: Placing Cemeteries Within the Flow of Lived Time
Are Neighborhood Bicycle Greenways the Answer? Analyzing the Impact of Bicycle Greenways on Collisions Between Bicycles and Motor Vehicles
Art, Cinema, and the Berlin School
Assessing the Societal Burden of Glaucoma Patients With vs. Without Physical or Mental Comorbidities
Assessing the Technology Used By Uavs in Data Acquisition on Construction Sites
Assessing the sodium content of foods in the emergency food system
Association of Day-100 Oral GVHD with Subsequent Chronic GVHD Diagnosed by NIH 2005 Consensus Criteria and Treated with Systemic Immunosuppression
Association of whole grain intake with diabetes and subclinical CVD in the multiethnic study of Atherosclerosis: a sensitivity analysis
Associations between functional mobility, physical functioning, and dementia caregiving time
Atomism in the Aeneid: Physics, Politics, and Cosmological Disorder
Audiovisual Persona Reconstruction
Audit Committee Expertise: An Examination of the Post-sox Era
Backlash Against Foreign Investment Regime: Indonesia's Experience
Barriers to a Successful and Sustainable Dynamic Car-pooling System
Behavioral ecology of the Mariana crow (Corvus kubaryi): age-related foraging, spatial behavior, habitat selection, and correlates of first year survival
Bend-twist Coupled Carbon-fiber Laminate Beams: Fundamental Behavior and Applications
Benthic Subtidal Assemblages and Ecological Processes in Urbanized Seascapes of Puget Sound, Washington, Usa
Better Education through Improved Reinforcement Learning
Beyond Integrity: Prioritizing Historic Significance Over Historic Integrity for a Representative Landscape of Built Cultural Heritage in Seattle's Central District
Beyond the Concert Hall: The Creation and Implementation of a Teaching Artist Training Program at the University Level
BiI₃: A Lower Toxicity Route to Tandem Solar Cells
Biological Applications of Designed Hairpin Peptides: As Antimicrobials and as Inhibitors of Amyloidogenesis
Bioprinting 3-dimensional Skeletal Muscle Tissue Models Using Decellularized Extracellular Matrix
Biotic and Abiotic Influences on Bull Kelp (nereocystis Luetkeana) Abundance and Distribution in the Salish Sea
Bodies of Sound, Agents of Muslim Malayness: Malaysian Identity Politics and the Symbolic Ecology of the Gambus Lute
Breaking Symmetry in Time-dependent Electronic Structure Theory to Describe Spectroscopic Properties of Non-collinear and Chiral Molecules
Bridging Research and Practice: A Theoretical and Empirical Mapping of Design Space Using Solo Travel Domain
Brundlund Slotspark: A Proposal For a Culture Park in Aabenraa, Denmark
Building Futures: Framework For the Contemporary Native School
Building Galaxy Models With Self-consistent Prescriptions For Stellar and Nebular Emission
Burning Village: Deployable, Scalable, Open Source Camp Infrastructure For Burning Man
CRL3 and CRL4 Are Functionally Diverse Ubiquitination Complexes That Regulate Fundamental Cell Processes from Human DNA Damage Repair to Plant Pathogen Immunity
Can Intelligent Hyperparameter Selection Improve Resistance to Adversarial Examples?
Can the Response to Global Warming Be La Niña-like?
Caps-turns-loops: Designing Better [beta]-hairpins
Capture and Identification of a Novel Protein in the Necrotic Cell Death Pathway, Toward Discovery of Inhibitors of Human Group Iii Secreted Phospholipase A2 ...
Caste and the quest for racial hierarchy in British Burma: an analysis of census classifications from 1872-1931
Castles in Air: A Burke Avenue Story
Cathedrals of Power: Re-energizing Historic Power Systems
Cells Incognito: Microfluidic Tools for Detecting and Isolating Cancer Cells
Changes in self-efficacy and outcome expectations from child participation in bicycle trains for commuting to and from school
Chanting Up Zion: Reggae As Productive Mechanism For Repatriated Rastafari in Ethiopia
Characteristics of bariatric patients on home parenteral nutrition
Characterization of Cytokinesis and Ventrolateral Flange Dynamics in Giardia Lamblia
Characterizing Aztreonam Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Through Artificial Selection and Whole Genome Sequencing
Child maltreatment and emotion regulation networks
Choristers' Perceptions of Laban-based Conducting Gestures
Circadian Clock Regulation of Chemical Communication Between Plants and Pollinators: A Case Study of Petunia Flowers and Manduca Hawkmoths
Circuit mechanisms underlying the encoding of ethologically relevant visual stimuli in the retina
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Military Installations: Design and Planning Principles for Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Climate-specific Life-cycle Cost Analysis of Different HVAC Systems
Cloud Feedbacks in Limited-area and Near-global Cloud-resolving Simulations of an Aquaplanet in Sam
Cloud Space: An Architecture of the Third Environment
Collaborative Living 2.0: An Alternative Model of Living in the Sharing City
Columella's Georgics: Form, Method, Intertextuality, Ideology
Combinatorial Maturation Strategy for Disease Modeling and Phenotypic Drug Screening of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Cardiomyopathy
Combining Biomarkers for Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Screening: Methods for Direct Maximization, Multilevel Outcomes, and Multicenter Studies
Combining Surface Analytical and Computational Techniques to Investigate Orientation Effects of Immobilized Proteins
Community Resilience of the Korean New Village Movement, 1970-1979: Historical Interpretation and Resilience Assessment
Comparing the Release Rates of Ciprofloxacin From Different Polymer Structures With Different Linker Chemistries
Comparison of Clinical Features Between Inpatient and Outpatient Cases of Clostridium difficile Infection
Compensation For Economic Loss Following an Oil Spill Incident: Building a New Framework For Thailand
Compositional Techniques in the Saxophone Works of Yusef Lateef
Computational Design of Hyperstable, De Novo Miniproteins Targeting Pd-1
Computational and Statistical Fitting of Particle Tracking Simulation On Oseen Vortex
Configurable Space: Architectural Robotics At the Scale of Furniture
Consequences of Partner Incarceration for Women's Employment
Consonance: A Computer Generated Composition
Consonance: A Computer Generated Composition
Constraining the Surface Energy Balance of Snow in Complex Terrain
Contemporary Sanctuary in Germany: Bavaria and the Intricacies of Church Asylum
Contextual influences on impulsivity and associations with alcohol use
Controlling Apoptosis With Computationally Designed Inhibitors Targeting Pro-survival and Pro-apoptosis Bcl2 Family Members
Converging Media and Divergent Bodies: Articulations of Powerful Women in the Ultimate Fighting Championship
Copper Catalysis in Organic Synthesis of Alkyl Fluorides, Sterically Hindered Anilines, and 1,4-dienes
Correlating Nanoscale Optoelectronic and Mechanical Properties of Solution Processable Thin Film Photovoltaic Materials Using Scanning Probe Microscopy
Creating a Smartphone Application for Image-assisted Dietary Assessment Among Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes
Cultivating Workplace Well-being: A Living Office Renewal
Cultural Lifeboats: Distribution Network Facilities For Barrow, Alaska
Curcumin-Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles For Neuroprotection in Neonatal Rats With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (hie)
Currency Denomination Decision and the Cost of Capital: Evidence From Global Bonds
Cyclic Loading Effects on Craniofacial Strain and Sutural Growth in Pigs
Cyclic Stiffness Photomodulation of Cell-Laden Protein-Polymer Hydrogels
Data Assimilation Problems in Glaciology
Data Provenance for Multi-agent Models in a Distributed Memory
Deaf-first Architecture: An Educational Design Framework For Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Deep Learning Based Intrusion Detection System for Internet of Things
Delamination Arrest By Fasteners in Aircraft Structure Under Static and Fatigue Loading
Delamination Growth in Carbon Fiber Beams: Numerical and Experimental Study Using Computed Tomography
Delivery of antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention in pregnant and postpartum women
Density Control of Multi-agent Systems With Safety Constraints: A Markov Chain Approach
Density Dependence Without Resource Partitioning On an Online Petitioning Platform
Dental Care Utilization for Children with Special Health Care Needs in Washington State's Access to Baby and Child Dentistry Program
Dental Utilization by Pediatric Patients Attending the 2015 Dental Home Day
Dependence of Tropical Precipitation On Changes in Cross-equatorial Atmosphere and Ocean Heat Transport in Global Warming Simulations
Depression and anxiety among HIV+ men who have sex with men and men who have sex with women in China
Design For Social Accessibility: Incorporating Social Factors in the Design of Accessible Technologies
Design of a Hyperstable 60-subunit Icosahedral Nanocage
Design of a Rail Gun System For Mitigating Disruptions in Fusion Reactors
Designing Chat Guidance For Positive Psychological Change
Designing For Disassembly in the Built Environment
Designing For the Dynamic Needs of Young Adult Cancer Survivors
Designing Technology for Existing Infrastructure in the Developing World
Detection of Near-wall Vortices and Their Manipulation By Use of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators
Determining the Prevalence and Characteristics of Feeding Disorders Within a University Pediatric Dental Clinic
Developing Computational Approaches to Investigate Health Inequalities
Developing Extended Strands in Girder-diaphragm Connections for Positive Moment Resistance
Developing Zwitterionic Hydrogel For Biomedical Applications
Developing a Quantitative Method for the Measurement of Public Life-supportive Urban Form: Eight Test Sites and Applications in Seattle, WA and Copenhagen, Denmark
Developing and pilot testing a brief intervention to reduce psychological distress among individuals recently diagnosed with HIV in China
Development and Optimization of Peptide-based, Tumor-associated Macrophage (tam)-targeting Therapeutics
Development and Use of Molecular Simulation Tools to Study the Structure and Function of Biomolecules at Interfaces
Development of Activatable Recognition Proteins Using the Bacterial Adhesin FimH
Development of Auxiliary-mediated Protein Semisynthesis Methods Toward the Study of Histone Sumoylation
Development of Biomaterial Porous Scaffolds for Dendritic Cell Modulation and Mrna Delivery
Development of Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Mammalian Models of Barth Syndrome
Development of Instrumental and Computational Methods for Accessing Information in Multi-dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry
Development of Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation to Investigate the Gas-phase Structures of Protein and Protein Complex Ions
Development of a Promising Methanotrophic Bacterium As an Industrial Biocatalyst
Development of a murine model for hot flashes
Diagnostic Monitoring of High-Dimensional Networked Systems (with Applications in Manufacturing and Healthcare System)
Diametric Changes in Ventral Striatal Dopamine Release Regulate Drug-Taking and Drug-Seeking Behavior
Differential Concerns: Perceived Benefits and Barriers to Visitation From the Mental Models of Museum Visitors and Non-visitors
Digital Pathology: Diagnostic Errors, Viewing Behavior and Image Characteristics
Direct Numerical Simulation of Droplet-laden Isotropic Turbulence
Disasters Are Not Inevitable: Social Vulnerability, Hazard Losses, and Adaptive Learning in Communities of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Watersheds
Discovery of Novel TAF1 DNA Binding Domains in TFIID Promoter Recognition and Gene Transcription
Discursive Provocateurs: Countering Alienation Through Fiction
Disorder in the Neighborhood: A Large-Scale Field Experiment on Disorder, Norm Violation, and Pro-Social Behavior
Distributed Protocols, Nonlinear State-dependent Networks, and Human-swarm Interactions
Distribution-free Approaches to Assessing the Potential Clinical Impact of Biomarkers
Does anal sex stigma impede engagement of men who have sex with men in HIV services and sexual prevention strategies? A mixed-methods study with structural equation modeling
Early Careers and Life Course Transitions for Three Cohorts of Young Adults
Earthquake Risk Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridges in Washington State Using Pushover Analysis
Eboss: Evolutionary Building Operations Systems Solver
Eco-Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change: Adaptive Strategies for Sacramento's Midtown
Eco-grids For Resilient Communities
Effect of Ice Accretion Simulation Fidelity On Low-reynolds Number Swept-wing Aerodynamic Performance
Effect of Snow Grain Shape and Impurities On Snow Albedo and Its Parameterization: China, North America, and the Arctic
Effect of Time Measurement Error on Assessing Treatments With Time Dependent Effect
Effects of Long-duration Ground Motions On Liquefaction Hazards
Effects of Peer Feedback on Password Strength
Effects of Recent Concussion On Simulated Driving Performance in Young Drivers
Effects of Single Mutations From Experimental Evolution of Microbial Proteins: Thermostability in Phi6 Cystovirus and Toxin Diversification in Escherichia Coli
Electoral Campaigning and the Internet in Japan in the 2010s
Electronic Activation and Tuning of Redox-active Ligand Orbitals
Electronic and Geometric Structure of Biological Spin Centers Investigated with Epr Spectroscopy
Emerging Identity: Envisioning Eco-Cultural Infrastructure in Post Industrial Shenyang, China
Energy Commons: A Hypothetical Replacement For Urban Gas Stations in Seattle
Energy and Charge Transfer in Open Plasmonic Systems
Engineered Microvessels for Improved Integration With Host Coronary Circulation and for the Generation of Pre-vascularized Cardiac Constructs
Engineering Living Systems: Closing the Loop in the Design-build-test Cycle Using the Semantic Web
Engineering Osteoclasts to Prevent Diseases Caused by Osteoclast Deficiency
Environment of Tension, Moments of Conflict: A Comparative Study of Majority-Roma Interethnic Relations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Environmentally Friendly Self-Polishing Anti-Fouling Coatings For Marine Applications
Epithelial Signals That Influence the Form and Function of Somatosensory Neurons in Drosophila
Essays on Healthcare Payments and Operations
Essays on Information Diffusion and Stock Markets
Essays on Intellectual Property Rights
Essays on Similarities Between Executives and Investors
Essays on Social Media Fundraising and E-commerce
Essays on the Empirical Analysis in Seller Behavior in Online Marketplace
Establishing Prehospital Transfusion With Airlift Northwest and Harborview Medical Center
Estimates of Drag Coefficients and Surface Waves Under Tropical Cyclones Using Subsurface EM-APEX Floats
Estimation of an Exposure Effect on Outcome Rate of Change in Observational Study Settings
Evaluating CFSv2 Subseasonal Forecast Skill With an Emphasis On Tropical Convection
Evaluation of Treatment Effect Modification By Post-randomization Biomarker-defined Principal Strata With Application to Vaccine Efficacy Trials
Evanescent Event: Using the Olympic City As a Catalyst For Change in Post-industrial Cities
Evolutionary History of the Patagonian Liolaemus Fitzingerii Species Group of Lizards
Examination of the associations between indices of caregiver capabilities on infant and young child feeding practices and nutrition status
Examining Changes to the Madden-Julian Oscillation in a Warmer Climate Using CMIP5 Models
Examining Children's Historical Thinking in Hands-on History Spaces
Examining food procurement characteristics in Washington State child care settings
Examining the social emotional impact of a brief mindfulness program for students in special education
Excited State Molecular Dynamics: Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
Expanding the Reach of Electrocorticographic Brain-computer Interfaces: A Bimanual Approach
Experimental Characterization and Fracture Behavior of Graphene Nanocomposites
Experimental Characterization of Failure Mechanisms in Carbon Fiber Laminated Joints
Experimental Investigation of Throatless Supersonic Exhaust On a Rotating Detonation Engine
Experimental Investigation of the Topographic Modification of Earthquake Ground Motion
Experimental Nonlinear Dynamics and Snap-through of Post-buckled Thin Laminated Composite Plates
Exploration of learning goals and learning outcomes in two community kitchens in Seattle
Explorations of Just Intonation, Minimalism, and Spectralism in 20th Century Music
Exploring Drivers of Gene Flow in Jaguars and Pumas in Southern Mexico Via Molecular Scatology and Eco-evo Simulations
Exploring International Repatriation Between U.s. Museums and First Nations in Canada
Exploring Kinase Function and Drug Targets in Giardia Lamblia
Exploring Sculpture Conservation in Seattle
Exploring Walkability: A Spatial Analysis of Vibrancy in New Holly, a New Urbanist Community in South Seattle, WA
Exploring the Mechanisms of Regeneration in Ptychodera Flava
Exploring the Molecular Design of Ligand Binding Sites By Computational Protein Design
Exploring the Thermal and Mechanochemical Reactivity of 1,2-oxazine Hetero-Diels-Alder Adducts for Stimuli-responsive Polymers
Expressive Text: From a Spoken Style to Rhythmic Plasticity
Extraction of Clinical Timeline From Discharge Summaries Using Neural Networks
Facilitating the incorporation of neuroscience methods and knowledge into brain-computer interfaces
Family-centered care in pediatric intensive care units
Farmers market use and perceived barriers to farmers market access among SNAP recipients in Washington State
Fast and Modular Biomolecular Circuits Using Spatial Organization
Feasibility and acceptability of a computerized working memory training in breast cancer survivors
Feasibility, acceptability, and outcomes of a brief mindfulness intervention for college students with posttraumatic stress symptoms and problem drinking
Feast or Famine in the Public Sphere?: A Content Analysis of Links Shared in Civic Conversations On Reddit
Finding a (Food) Way: A GIS Modeling Approach to Quantifying Local Food Transportation Systems
Fitting psychometric functions to achromatic brightness matching data
Floor Response Spectra in Hybrid Base-rocking and Reinforced Concrete Wall Buildings
Forced Out: Race, Market, and Neighborhood Dynamics of Evictions
Forecasting Medical Patient Length of Stay At Presentation in an Emergency Department Using Machine Learning
Formal Semantics and Scalable Verification for the Border Gateway Protocol Using Proof Assistants and Smt Solvers
Formulation of Spectral Stiffness Microplane Model For Uni-directional Composite
Fundamental Considerations in One and Two-dimensional Chromatography for Improved Chemometric Analysis
Gateway to Inclusion: Understanding the Structure of Early Open Autism Events in Museums
Genomics, Transcriptomics, and Statistical/machine Learning to Enhance Understanding of Methanotrophic Microbial Metabolism in Isolates and Communities
Glacial Indifference: The Failure and Future of Seattle
Glycan Polymeric Prodrugs Against Pulmonary Intracellular Alveolar Infections
Gone Haunting: Exploring the Use of Mission-Based Ghost Tours in Historic House Museums
Growing Responsible Cities: An Ecological Design Approach to Bellingham's Waterfront District
HSP70 Isoforms SSA1 and SSA2 Are Differentially Required in SAN1 Mediated Degradation
Hallmarks of Reversible Phase Separation in Living, Unperturbed Cell Membranes
Helping Observe and Tune Diffusion Using Mn² Photophysics in Inorganic Nanocrystals After Growth
High Order Shock Capturing Methods With Compact Stencils For Use With Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Mapped Grids
High-power Helicon Double Gun Thruster
High-throughput Characterization of Protein-protein Interactions By Reprogramming Yeast Mating
Hiring in Bahrain's Healthcare Industry: Recruitment Methods and Nationality
Hope for Sustainable Hospitality: Learning to Listen Ethically through Discourses of Difference and Dialogic Philosophy
Host Land or Homeland?: Civic-Cultural Identity and Banal Integration in Latvia
How does preparation influence cognitive control?: Informative cues guide cortico-subcortical systems for conflict resolution
Humans + Habitat: Reconciling Recreation With Wildlife Preservation in Discovery Park
Hurricane Kinetic Energy Spectra From in Situ Aircraft Observations
Hypothesis Testing With High-dimensional Data
Identifying Meteorological Controls On Open and Closed Mesoscale Cellular Convection Associated With Marine Cold Air Outbreaks
Illuminating the Potential of Thin-Film Photovoltaics
Imagining the Buddhist Ecumene in Myanmar: how Buddhist paradigms dictate belonging in contemporary Myanmar
Impact of Beam Strength On Seismic Performance of Chevron Concentrically Braced Frames
Impact of Stratospheric Intrusions, Regional Wildfires, and Long-range Transport Events On Air Quality in the Western United States
Impact of social support on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Implementation of an Unequal Path Length, Heterodyne Interferometer On the Mochi Labjet Experiment
Implementing Temporary LED Construction Lighting
Implications of Disclosing Order Backlog
Improvement of Vibration and End-to-end Latency for Optical Motion Detection System in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
In Search of an Improved Methodology for Measuring Dental Implant Stability: Combining Experimental Model Analysis (EMA) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to Achieve Maximum Reliability
In Silent Homage to Amaterasu: Kagura Secret Songs at Ise Jingū and the Imperial Palace Shrine in Modern and Pre-modern Japan
Indigenous Spaces, Indigenous Traditions: An Immersive Environmental Education Center in Kodagu, Karnataka, India
Individual differences in grammatical error processing
Influence of nighttime interruptions on sleep and function of patients following traumatic brain injury
Influences of pain, insomnia, and depression on health care utilization in older adults with osteoarthritis
Information Artifact Evaluation and Iterative Design: A Novel Mixed-Method Approach
Inhalable Antibiotic Prodrug Therapies for the Treatment of Intracellular Pulmonary Infections
Inhalable Macromolecular Prodrugs of Ciprofloxacin for the Treatment of Pulmonary Intracellular Bacterial Infections
Inorganic Chlorine Budget and Gas-particle Partitioning in the Winter Lower Troposphere Over the Northeast United States
Insight From Designing Ideal [alpha] [beta] Monomers and Homo-oligomers
Inspire: Understanding Scent Inclusion in Museum Settings
Instance Cities: An Infrastructure of Hope for Berlin's Refugee Populations
Institutional Determinants of Child Protection Systems in the United States
Integrated Approach and Analysis of Reliability, Robustness, Resilience and Infrastructure Applications
Integrating External Biological Knowledge in the Construction of Regulatory Networks from Lincs Data
Interactions Between Inflammasomes and the Stealth Pathogen, Coxiella burnetii
Interactions of Vegetation and Climate: Remote Observations, Earth System Models, and the Amazon Forest
Interactive In-situ Scene Capture on Mobile Devices
Interpretative Dubbing: The Voice Stars in the 1980s China
Intraplaque Hemorrhage Quantification Using Carotid Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Investigating Factors That Influence the Implementation of Model-based Estimation
Investigating Weather Forecasts for Hydropower Maximization in Small and Medium Storage Dams
Investigating a role for hippocampus during cost based decision making
Investigating the Dependence of Radiative Feedbacks On Patterns of Forcing and Surface Temperature Change
Investigating the Dynamics of Canonical Flux Tubes
Investigating the Relationship Between the Gas-phase Structures of Protein Ions and Their Charge States
Investigating the contributions of hippocampal memory and reward valuation systems to cost-benefit decision making
Investigation of Ultra-high Performance Concrete for Longitudinal Joints in Deck Bulb Tee Bridge Girders
Investigation of the Fundamentals of Electrospray Ionization and the Separation of Small Molecules Using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry
Invisible Logic of Space Forming: Rethinking the Urban Growth in Yueyang, China
Irreversibility in Stochastic Dynamic Models and Efficient Bayesian Inference
Is Wall Color Significant to Museum Visitors?: Exploring the Impact Wall Color in an Exhibit Has On the Visitor Experience
Isotachophoresis Enhanced Point-of-Care Immunoassays For Clinical Diagnostics
Isotretinoin Administration Improves Sperm Production in Men with Infertility
It's All Greek to Me: How Museums Use Language to Connect to Community
It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Understanding How Museums Preserve and Exhibit Video Games
Kilometer-scale Transient Atmospheres For Kinetic Payload Deposition On Icy Bodies
Kiuas: Cultivating Health and Wellness Through Cultural Identity
Land and Water: Ecological Education Center At Seattle Waterfront
Landfast Ice Breakup Timing and Processes Along the Alaska Beaufort Sea Coast
Landscapes of Light: An Investigation of Light-driven Forms in Northern Climates and Cultures
Large-Scale Personalized Health Surveillance By Collaborative Learning and Selective Sensing
Laser-Induced Heat and Momentum Transfer in Nanostructure Processing
Law, Brands, and Innovation: How Trademark Law Helps to Create Fashion Innovation
Leaf2tableau: From Clinical Data to Clinical Knowledge Discovery
Learn to Work: A Job Corps Magnet Program in Seattle
Lily [Bloom in My Darkness]: An Electroacoustic Opera
Location of the Mandibular Lingula in Pediatric Patients Using CBCT Images
Loss of Fnip1 Results in Renal Cyst Formation and Synergizes with Tsc1 Loss to Promote Mtorc1 Activation
Making a Memory Trace: Slow Time At the Windstar Retreat, Old Snowmass, Colorado
Mammalian Faunal Recovery Following the Cretaceous-paleogene Mass Extinction: A Multifaceted Investigation
Manuscripts, Texts and Geographical Writings: A Study of Dunhuang Manuscript P.2005
Marks of Empire: Extracting a Narrative from the Corpus of Kuṣāṇa Inscriptions
Mass Spectral Imaging for Chemical Analysis of Cancerous Tissues Using Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Maternal prenatal stress and offspring wheeze in dyads experiencing high adversity
Measuring Circadian Light Through High Dynamic Range (hdr) Photography
Measuring and Improving Security and Privacy on the Web: Case Studies with Qr Codes, Third-party Tracking, and Archives
Mechanisms of Group B Streptococcus Colonization and Ascending Infection
Memory enhances search strategies during odor-guided foraging
Mental health disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual youth: the role of emotion regulation and the parent-child relationship
Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Immunogenicity and the Characterization of CD4 T Cell Responses to the Merkel Cell Polyomavirus
Metaphor and Pedagogy in Early Buddhist Literature: An Edition and Study of Two Sūtras From the Senior Collection of Gāndhārī Manuscripts
Methods to promote reanimation and rehabilitation of forelimb function after spinal cord injury
Microphysical Mechanisms in Stratiform Precipitation As Observed in Olympex
Mineralization of Titania with sfGFP-Car9 Variants
Minority stress: understanding alcohol behaviors, suicidality, and non-suicidal self-injury among transgender adults
Mixed methods socio-cultural study of the process of maternal stress response in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in South Korea
Mobile Agent Based Intrusion Detection for Smart and Connected Medical Devices
Model-Based Battery Management Systems: From Theory to Practice
Modeling Core Excitations and Preserving Spin Symmetry in Molecular Systems
Modeling Supermassive Black Holes in Cosmological Simulations
Modeling adverse outcomes in very low birth weight infants based on an infant diet of mother's breast milk and donor breast milk
Modeling and Control of a Fixed Wing Tilt-rotor Tri-copter
Modeling and Observational Constraints On Tropospheric Sulfur-halogen Interactions
Modeling of Test Section Conditions in a High Enthalpy Flow Facility
Models of human causal learning: review, synthesis, generalization (a long argument for a short rule)
Molecular Mechanisms of DNA Replication across UV-induced DNA Lesions and Novel Approaches to Suppress UV Mutagenesis
Moment or Movement?: U.S. News Coverage of Racial Issues in a Digital Era
Money in Taiwanese Politics: A Historical Analysis of Taiwanese Campaign Finance Law
More Than Just a Novelty?: Museum Visitor Interactions With 3d Printed Artifacts
More Than Two-spirit: Queer Indigenous Sovereignty and Survivance in Museums
Motivation in Private Piano Instruction for Adolescents: A Social-cognitive Analysis of Piano Pedagogy
Moving Together: Sameness, Difference, and Ownership in the Seattle-Guinean Drum and Dance Scene
Multi-scale Scattering Transform in Music Similarity Measuring
Multivariate Inference and Surveillance Using Population Scale Data
Museum Professionals' Numinous Experiences: Exploring Their Nature and Influences
Museum of Seattle Clouds: Retrieving Regional Identity in an Era of Globalization
Museums and Social Justice: Creating the Intersection
Nakano Flow: Designing For Spatial and Temporal Flow in Urban Tokyo
Native American Telecommunication Independence: One Step Above Smoke Signals
Native Cultural Design: Exploring Design to Address Historical Trauma and Assist with Village Relocation on the Quinault Indian Nation in Taholah, Wa
Natural Language as a Scaffold for Visual Recognition
Networks of Great Expectations: Palestinian Youth Activism in the Internet Age
Neural closed-loop deep brain stimulation for tremor mitigation
Neural encoding of object properties and task-dependent changes in primate visual area V4
Neural response patterns to social acoustic signals and the role of the sexually dimorphic swim bladder in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus
New Economy, Who Dis?: A Comparative Analysis of Technology and Economic Recovery in the Business Press
New Tandem Mass Spectrometric Methods of Structure and Sequence Elucidation of Synthetic and Tryptic Peptides
New Tools for Studying Nanoscale Electrochemical Phenomena
Nitrification Bioaugmentation in Mainstream Flocculent Activated Sludge Systems Using Sidestream Aerobic Granular Sludge
Not so Black and White: The Association Between Allostatic Load and Residential Racial/Ethnic Segregation in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort
Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Parameter-dependent Systems With Continuation Methods
Numerical and Experimental Study of an Ambient Air Vaporizer Coupled With a Compact Heat Exchanger
Nursing outcomes related to purposeful interprofessional team interventions
Object Manipulation with Tangible User Interface for Head Mounted Augmented Reality Devices
On Neural Encoding: Its Estimation, Application, and Development
On Shaky Ground: An Earthquake Discovery Center For the Pacific Northwest
On the Control of Consensus Networks: Theory and Applications
On the Criteria and Methods For "discerning Inauthenticity" in the Context of Early Chinese Texts
On the Evolution, Detection, and Characterization of Small Planets in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs
On the Excited States Formed During Interfacial Charge Transfer and Recombination in Organic Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Devices
One Voice Among Many: Forepersons, Juries, and the Importance of Communication
Oral Epithelial Cell Sensing of LPS: A Novel Protection Mechanism of Oral Epithelium
Orbital Dynamics and Habitability of Exoplanets
Orographic Modification of Precipitation Processes in a Tropical Cyclone Moving Over a Continental Mountain Range
Orthogonal Collocation On Finite Element Method For Driven Cavity Flow
Overlooked: Balancing Habitat and Access in Seattle's Shoreline Street Ends
Pain management concerns from the family caregivers' perspective: an exploratory study and utility test of an educational tool to support pain management
Palimpsest & the Computational Environment
Parametric Exploration of Shading Screens: Daylight, Sun Penetration, and View Factor
Parental oral health beliefs and practices toward young children's dental caries among Chinese immigrant parents
Partial independence of brightness induction and brown inducton suggests a two-stage model for brightness induction
Particle Filter Data Assimilation of Streamflow in Basins with Seasonal Snow for Initializing Short- to Medium-range Streamflow Forecasts
Passive Spaces For Active Learners: A Palette of Classroom Spaces Based On Daylighting
Patient-specific Guides: Improved Point-registration Accuracy for Surgical Navigation and Robotic-assisted Surgery
Performance Analysis of Real Time Streaming Systems for Smart Buildings
Performance Characterization of Simulated Regoliths and Space Debris to Investigate the In-situ Resource Utilization Capabilities of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster System
Pharmacokinetics and Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Xenobiotic Disposition in Special Populations
Phase Sensitive Mri and Its Application to Cardiovascular Diseases
Plant-pollinator Interactions in an Ecological and Evolutionary Context: The Promising Role of 3d-printing Technology and Mathematical Modeling
Player-reported fluid intake & measured hydration status of NCAA division I football players during fall training camp
Playing the Game: Understanding the Gender Gap in Art Museum Directorships
Political Institutions and Carbon Taxation
Political Laws and Ethnic Accommodation: Why Cross-ethnic Coalitions Have Failed to Institutionalize in Afghanistan
Position Before Submission: Grappling With Gender and Hypermasculinity in Mixed Martial Arts
Practical Improvements to User Privacy in Cloud Applications
Practice-based Perspectives On the Interpretive Planning Process
Predictability of Idealized Deep Convection: Influence of Error Scale and Amplitude in Various Environments
Predicting Cancer Outcome With Multispectral Tumor Tissue Images
Predicting Hospitalizations and Returns to the Emergency Department 30-Days Post Emergency Department Discharge Among Patients with Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections
Predicting Maternal-Fetal Disposition of Drugs Using in Vitro and in Silico Tools
Prediction of CYP3A4 Metabolic Activity From Whole Genome RNA-seq Data With Feature Selection Machine Learning Methods
Preparation and Characterization of Iridium Hydride and Dihydrogen Complexes Relevant to Biomass Deoxygenation
Preparation, Characterization, and Reactivity of Ruthenium Protic N-heterocyclic Carbene Complexes
Preserving the Past Together: Cultural Resource Management, Collections Management Professionals, and the Accessibility of Archaeological Collections
Probabilistic Modeling of Shallow Landslides at Regional Scales
Probing Local Heterogeneity in the Optoelectronic Properties of Organic-inorganic Perovskites Using Fluorescence Microscopy
Processes and Records of Coastal Sediment Dispersal in Contrasting Deltaic Systems
Progressive Damage and Failure Analysis of Composite Laminates
Projecting South Korea's Future As a Middle Power in the Arctic
Protecting Economic and Social Rights in a Constitutionally Strong Form of Judicial Review: The Case of Constitutional Review By the Indonesian Constitutional Court
Psychosocial Symptoms as Predictors for Persistent Pain in Temporomandibular Disorder
Pushing the Needle: Collections Based Museum and Source Community Collaborations
Qualitative Assessment of Hot Debriefs for Code Teams At Seattle Children's Hospital
Quantifying the Influence of Dynamics Across Scales On Regional Climate Uncertainty in Western North America
Quantitative Computational and Experimental Characterization of Functionalized Nanoparticles
Rate Dependent Strength Characterization of Carbon Fiber Composite Laminates
Re-presenting Antiquity As Distinction: Pre-arab Pasts in Tunis' Colonial, Postcolonial and Contemporary Built Environments
Reactive Nitrogen Multiphase Chemistry and Chlorine Activation On Authentic Biomass Burning Aerosol
Rebuilding the Past: Understanding the Role of Objects in Creating Authentic Experiences For Visitors to Living History Museums
Recall a Chinese Traditional Residential Community: "Hutong"
Reclaiming the Land: Evaluating the Potential of Underutilized Spaces in Urban Regeneration
Recover in Place: Architecture For Living and Well-being in San Francisco's Tenderloin District
Redefining and "Re-presenting" Native American Collections and Curatorial Practice
Reduced Admission: Benefits and Challenges For Children's Museums
Reducing CBCT Radiation Dose and Maintaining Image Quality for Reliable Cephalometric Measurements-- Proof of Concept
Reducing Underreporting By Aggregating Budgeted Time
Reflections on Recovery: Analyzing Disaster Recovery Frameworks for the Cities of Seattle and Wellington through a Lens of Reflexive Sociology
Regenerative Toxicity: Research and Proposals for Alleviating Soil Degradation, Reconstructing Local Infrastructure and Re-Visioning Future of Bien Hoa Air Base, Viet Nam
Regional-scale Coseismic Landslide Hazard Modeling and Consequence Analysis
Regulation of Stemness in Humans: The Role of Hypoxia Inducible Factors and Tie2
Regulation through Legal Ambiguity: Politics of Reproduction in Contemporary Turkey
Reifying Optimism, Solidarity and Empathy: Articulating Curriculum as Basis for Land-Based Youth Leadership
Rejuvenate the Countryside: An Urbanization Strategy For Rural Hancheng
Remapping the Sino-japanese Dialectic: Sino-japanese Interplay in Linked Verse Compositions of Japan, 14th to 17th Centuries
Remembering what we've seen: the hippocampus and relational memory
Responding to Funding Cuts As a Government-funded Museum
Resurfacing the Topographic Imagination: Landform, Representation, & Process
Revenge of the Lake: An Exploration of Water, Sacrifice, and Regeneration in Mexico City
Reversibly Reconfigurable Plasmonic Nanomaterials
Riding the Speciation Continuum: Discordance Between Genomic Divergence and Phenotypic Variation in a Rapidly Evolving Avian Genus (Motacilla)
Risk of Depressive or Anxiety Disorders in Commercially Insured Patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) in the US: A Retrospective Analysis
Rna-seq Generates New Insights into Leishmania Differentiation
Robust, Non-Stationary, and Adaptive Fractionation in Radiotherapy
Role of Technology Selection in Supporting Collaboration and Communication in Globally Distributed Virtual Teams
Salvaged Witness, Keyarena Meets Nowness
Scents and Sense Ability: The Evolution and Role of Chemical Cues in the Pollination and Herbivory of Passiflora
School lunch entree components before and after implementation of the healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010: a secondary data analysis
School nurses' roles in diabetes education and management for students with type 1 diabetes in school settings
Searching for Predictive Subgroups With Enhanced Treatment Effect in Clinical Trials Using Shapes
Seattle Neighborhood Greenway Evaluation
Seattle's Expanded Mobility Portfolio: An Evaluation of Two Commute-focused Pilot Programs
Seattle's Magic Carpet: Thirty-Nine Years of Fare-Free Service
Seattle's Minimum Wage Ordinance did not affect supermarket food prices by processing category
Sediment Dynamics and Deposits Along the Fluvial-Marine Transition: Tidal River to Mangrove Coast
Self-reported perceptions and practices of university students who adhere to special restrictive diets: a pilot study
Shifting Perceptions: A Systematic Approach to Urban Environmental Stewardship
Shifting Shorelines: A Process-based Approach to Sea Level Rise Resilience in Grays Harbor Estuary
Short-Term Rapamycin Persistently Improves Cardiac Function After Cessation of Treatment in Aged Male and Female Mice
Single-cell Molecular Profiling of Nucleic Acids in the Microfluidic Self-digitization Chip
Situated Knowledge, Transnational Identities: Place and Embodiment in K-pop Fan Reaction Videos
Six Key Components of Collaboration in Higher Education Buildings: A Case Study of Stakeholder Engagement at the University of Washington
Skill of Ship-following Large-eddy Simulations in Reproducing Magic Observations Across the Northeast Pacific Stratocumulus to Cumulus Transition Region
Small-molecule Gated Artificial Regulatory Domains: A Novel Tool for Dissecting Signaling Pathways
Smart-transfer: A Cost-minimized Inter-service Data Storage and Transfer Scheme
Snap-tag Based Affinity Reagents for Proteomic Profiling of Cell Signaling
Social Tension
Social Value in Museum and Funding Priorities
Solution-Processed Visible-Blind UV-A Photodetectors Based On CH₃NH₃PbCl₃ Perovskite Thin Films
Sovereign Redistribution and Its Constrained Imagination: An Anarchist Critique of 'Equity Planning'
Space For Community: Cohousing As an Alternative Density Model For Housing Seattle
Span-based Neural Structured Prediction
Spatial and Domestic Liminality: Navigating Urban Terrain and the Multigenerational Household
Spatio-Temporal Patch-Based Learning for Premature Neonatal Brain MRI Analysis
Speaking Up: Communicating with Authorities through Positive Disruptions
Speaking Up: Down-ballot Candidate Communication, Clinton, Trump, and the Election That Surprised America
Spontaneous Structures: The Life of Vacant Spaces
Stability-based Hybrid Automata For Safety Verification Using Continuation Methods
Stigma and the Educational Experience of Children of Incarcerated Parents
Stories of us - Chuyện Kể Nhau Nghe: building community for health through stories
Strategic Green Infrastructure Planning: A Geodesign-Based Planning Support Approach
Stress, obesogenic behaviors, measures of obesity risk among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic white women
String Quartet
Structural Studies of RNF146-Mediated PARylation-Dependent Ubiquitylation
Suas Position Estimation and Fusion in Gps-degraded and Gps-denied Environments Using an Ads-b Transponder and Local Area Multilateration
Supporting Intentional Media Use in Families
Supporting Successful Community Street Paintings
Suppression of Asphaltene Adsorption in Porous Media
Surveillance: From Solutions to New Problems
Sustainable Urban Transportation: Examining Cargo Bike Use in Seattle
Symmetry, Thematic Transformation, Quotation in George Crumb's Eine Kleine Mitternachtmusik
Systematics of Buddleja (Scrophulariaceae): Phylogenetic Relationships, Historical Biogeography, and Phylogenomics
Tactile Maptile: Working Towards Inclusive Cartography
Tailoring mindset interventions for first-generation college students: a cultural fit approach
Talking About Mindfulness: Portrayals in Diverse Communication Communities
Talking Story: The Militarization of Guåhan and Flows of Information in Chamoru Systems of Knowledge
Talking With Tweets: An Exploration of Museums' Use of Twitter For Two-way Engagement
Teaching Transgender Singers
Temporal Belonging
Terminal Vacancies in the Industrial Void: A Combined District Heating Power Plant and Public Bath in the Port of Tacoma
The Anatomical Grip
The Asean Patent System: The Adoption of Regional Patent Office in Asean
The Association Between Central Nervous System (CNS)-Active Medication Use and Fall-Related Injury in Older Adults with Dementia
The Astrophysics of Active Galactic Nuclei Variability in Large Scale Spectroscopic Surveys
The Balance Between Prokaryotic Autotrophy and Heterotrophy in the Oceans
The Battle of Gentrification vs. Centrification: The Role of Nonprofits
The Complexity of Collecting Digital and Social Media Data in Ephemeral Contexts
The Convergent Workplace: A Bamboo Factory in Aberdeen, Washington
The Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and Precipitation At the ARM SGP Site
The Education of Musical Thinking Through the Hand According to Marie Jaëll (1846-1925)
The Effect of Biophysical Characteristics and Dosing on Pediatric Oral Sedation Outcome
The Effect of Different Sludge Pretreatment Methods On Mitigation of Anaerobic Digester Foaming
The Effect of Digital Diagnostic Setups on Orthodontic Treatment Planning
The Effect of Supplemental Vibration on Orthodontic Treatment with Aligners - a Randomized Clinical Trial
The Effects of Ice and Currents On Wave-breaking Turbulence at the Ocean Surface
The Exodus From Iraq and the End of Christian Nation-Building
The Fugitive: Murder and Exile in the Age of Heroes
The Gendered Landscape of Chinese Forestry Reform: Labor, Narrative and Resistance, 1950s-current
The Great Decline: Toxic Air Pollution and Neighborhood Dynamics
The Homeric Answer: How By-ear Learning and Improvisation Enhance the Musicianship of Classical Performers
The Imagery of Migrants in the British Media and Its Impact On the Brexit Vote in the Midlands
The Impact of Consumer Privacy Behavior on the Purchase Decision Process of Smart Home Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
The Imperial Frontier: Tribal Dynamics and Oil in Qajar Persia, 1901-1910
The Influence of American Organ Building and American Hymnody On William Bolcom's Gospel Preludes For Organ
The Influence of Climatic Conditions, Demographic Variations, and Water Demand Management Policy on Domestic Per-Capita Water Use in the United States
The Influence of Hospital Resource Factors On Adverse Health Outcomes
The Influence of Patient, Practitioner, and Dentofacial Characteristics on Recommendations and Acceptance of Treatment Plans for Anterior Open Bite in Adults
The Influence of an Orographic Feature On an Idealized Mid-latitude Cyclone
The Information Lives of Immigrant and Refugee Youth Acting As Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Wayfarers
The Intelligent Management of Crowd-powered Machine Learning
The Life and Legacy of Albert Mcneil and the Albert Mcneil Jubilee Singers
The Missing Hour
The Myth of Voluntary Death: The Representation of Sacrifice and Martyrdom in the Maoist Films (1949-1976)
The Nature and Impact of Task Definition: Information Problem Categorization During Task Definition Within the Information Problem-Solving Process
The River Twice
The Role of Political Ideology in Corporate Governance
The Role of Precursor Chemistry in the Nucleation and Growth of Zinc Pnictide Based Semiconductor Quantum Dots
The Ruin: History As a Labyrinth
The SEK-1 p38 MAP Kinase Pathway Regulates Gq Signaling in C. elegans
The Sanctuary of the Mind
The Self and the State: Bureaucracy and the Ethics of Identity in the Twentieth Century Turkish Novel
The Stability and Instabilities of Stationary Solutions to the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation and the Sine-gordon Equation
The Sum-product Theorem and Its Applications
The Use of Boundary Lubricants For the Reduction of Particle Jamming in Abrasive Particle Slurries For Jet Cutting
The Use of Intelligence in Indonesian Counter-terrorism Policing
The function of conditioned fear in reward propensity: evidence for interrelated approach-avoid systems
The process of symptoms and coping strategies experienced in the prodromal schizophrenia: a grounded theory
The role of hypocretin in post-traumatic brain injury sleep-wake disturbance
Thermodynamic Modeling and Mechanical Design of a Liquid Nitrogen Vaporization and Pressure Building Device
Thimblerig: Architectural Moving Target Defense and a Framework for Its Game Theoretic Analysis
This Brain Is a Mess: Inference, Random Graphs, and Biophysics to Disentangle Neuronal Networks
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
This Is Your Brain On Architecture: An Exploration in Designing a Neurologically Healthy Mental Wellness Center
Thoughts from the Groove: A New Approach to Euphonium Chamber Music
Tinnitus and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Subtypes
Tooled: An Exploration of Craft, the Tool and Emergent Trends in Wooden Architecture
Touching Augmented Reality: Direct Object Manipulation for Marker-less Ar on Handheld Mobile Devices
Towards a Flexible, High-performance Operating System for Mobile/cloud Applications
Training Wheels: Designing Traffic Playscapes Into Seattle's Safe Routes to School Program
Transcriptional, Metabolic and Epigenetic Changes Associated with in Utero Diesel Exhaust Particulate Exposure
Transient Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of Baffled Tube Ram Accelerator
Transnational Saudi Arabian Youth and Facebook: Enacting Privacy and Identity
Treatment Performance of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation for Volatile, Semi-volatile and Non-volatile Organic Contaminants in Water
Trends in prices of fresh vs. ultra-processed foods: analyses of Seattle-King county prices from 2004-16
Tropical South Pacific Paleohydrology from Hydrogen Isotopes in Algal Lipids
Tropical Tropopause Layer Cirrus and Its Relation to Tropopause
Two Roads Converged in a Wood: The Intersection of Fairy Tales and Western Piano Music
Ultra-low-dose Ct-based Attenuation Correction for Respiratory Motion Compensation in Petct Imaging
Ultraclean Layers and Optically Thin Clouds in the Stratocumulus to Cumulus Transition: Depletion of Cloud Droplets and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Through Collision-coalescence
Ultrasound-and-microbubble-mediated Drug Delivery in Microvascular Networks
Uncertainty Quantification Problems in Tsunami Modeling and Reduced Order Models For Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
Understanding Online Two-sided Market: An Empirical Perspective
Understanding Patient and Caregiver Work to Support Health Care System Reliability and Quality
Understanding Probable Maximum Precipitation and Safety of Water Management Infrastructures Under a Changing Climate
Understanding and Improving Blind Students' Access to Visual Information in Computer Science Education
United We Tweet?: A Quantitative Analysis of Racial Differences in Twitter Use
Unlocking the Black Box of Mental Health Court Case Processing: An Event History Analysis of Extralegal Characteristics & Behavior on Case Revocation
Urban Nature for Well-Being: Design Recommendations for Psychological Benefits in Urban Public Spaces
Use Bim and Prefabrication to Reduce Construction Waste
User-centered Design of a Collaborative Genetic Variant Interpretation Tool
Utilizing Molecular Dynamics' Multipotent Methodologies to Measure Microscopic Motions of Dna Molecules: A Magniloquent Manuscript On Dna's Means and Mannerisms
Vates and Initiates: Augustan Poetic Manipulation of Greek Mystery Cult
Vertical School: A New Typology For the City
Virtual Reality as a Training Tool for Building Operations
Vulnerability Detection and Resolution in Internet of Things (iot) Devices
We must inspire before we expire
What Contributes to Successful Commute Trip Reduction in the State of Washington? a Focus on Transit Accessibility
What Makes People Feel at Home? Reframing Home and Homelessness through Stories from Seattle's Tent City 3
What We Talk About When We Talk About Basara
When Are They More Likely to Listen? An Investigation on Managerial Response to Voice
When Do Firms Risk Shift? Evidence From Venture Capital
Who Are Art Exhibitions For?: An Investigation Into Narrative Choice and Public Reaction in Art Museums
Why Are We Doing This? Oh That's Right Rock N' Roll, and Love, and Drugs, and Especially Best Friends! Let's Live Forever a Novella - Live. Smoke. Try Again. a Feature Film - If Not This
With Conviction: The Politics of Criminal Records Reform
Youth Perspectives On the Impact of Museum Programs On Self-efficacy
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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2015-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2016-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2016
"Teach Us the Truth": The Controversy over Advanced Placement United States History
"Tell Me Who You Hang With and I'll Tell You What You Are": Gang Identity, Organization, and Desistance
"To the victor go the spoils": infants expect dominant individuals to receive more resources than submissive individuals
"We Report the World as It Is, Not as We Want It to Be": Journalistic Negotiation of News Routines, Roles and Responsibilities when Reporting on Suicide
(Mass) Timber: Structurally Optimized Timber Buildings
(sub)urban Confluence
A Community in Motion: A Multimodal Transit and Waterfront Activity Center At the University of Washington
A Comparative Evaluation of Group and Private Piano Instruction on the Musical Achievements of Young Beginners
A Comparative Sudy of Copper Chalcogenide Nanocrystals As Agents For Photothermal Therapy
A Comprehensive Analysis of Sexual Dimorphism in the Midbrain Dopamine System
A Computational Pipeline for Identifying Copy Number Variation From Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Data and Applications to Congenital Heart Disease
A Computational Tool to Enhance Clinical Selection of Prosthetic Liners for People With Lower Limb Amputation
A Feasibility Analysis of Parcel B-4-24 Development Project in Huaihua City, China
A Humanizing Nature: Multifamily Housing Through the Lens of Human Experience
A Kinetic Vlasov Model For Plasma Simulation Using Discontinuous Galerkin Method On Many-core Architectures
A Knowledge-based System for Intelligent Support in Pharmacogenomics Evidence Assessment: Ontology-driven Evidence Representation, Retrieval, Classification and Interpretation
A Method for Quantifying the Regression to the Mean Effect Applied to Bivariate Binary Outcomes in the Presence of Limited Baseline Data
A Nanopatterned Cantilever Device for Assaying Contractile Properties of Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes
A New Direction for Bellevue: From Cars to People and a Livable Community
A Novel Framework for Real-time Traffic Flow Parameter Estimation from Aerial Videos
A Pre-tensioned, Rocking Bridge System for Accelerated Construction and Enhanced Seismic Performance
A Review of the Residential Parking Management Program in Bellevue, WA
A Sequence Based Approach for Predicting Clinical Events
A Sham Delight Has No Exchange Value: Henri Lefebvre and the Evolution of Bernard Tschumi's Early Architectural Theory
A Site Analysis for Programming Public Art on the University of Washington's Burke-Gilman Trail
A Sub-kiloparsec Scale View of Star Formation in M31
A Theoretical and Synthetic Investigation of New Donors for Organic Electro-optic Chromophores: Understanding the Effects of Structure and Substituents on Donor Strength
A Three-dimensional Particle Tracking Velocimetry System For the Evaluation of Large Eddy Simulation Turbulence Models
A Way of Doing Things: Exploring and Applying the Alexander Technique for Choral Conductors
A neurophysiological explanation for biases in visual localization
Above, Below, Between
Accelerating Protein Unfolding Simulations: Effect of Ionic Liquids On Villin Headpiece Unfolding Time
Accuracy of volumetric vs. weight measurement in nutrient analysis for research
Acoustic Emission Beamforming For Detection and Localization of Damage
Adaptive Crowd Algorithms for Open-ended Problems
Adaptive Designs in the Time to Event Setting: The Potential for Benefit and Risk
Admission Categories and Differences in Annual Earnings and Job Quality of New Permanent Resident Immigrants
Adsorption Calorimetry for Energy Conversion Technologies: Applications in Organic Photovoltaics, Catalysis, and Atomic Layer Deposition
Adsorption and Adhesion Energies of Metal Films and Nanoparticles Studied by Adsorption Calorimetry: Understanding Catalytic Systems
Afffinity Tag Excision Strategies for Car9-Tagged Proteins
Age-Specific Fertility Dynamics: Sub-Saharan African Fertility in a Global Context
Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State: A Comparative Study of the Jihadi Narratives
Alcohol-involved sexual assault and mental health outcomes: the role of alcohol use characteristics
Alkyl-heteroatom Bond Forming Reactions from the Late Transition Metals
Allusion and Cultural Memory in Late Antiquity: Ausonius, Prudentius, and Claudian
Amphibious City: Sustainable Adaptations to Sea Level Rise in Seattle's Interbay Area
An Ancient Neurotrophin Code in Zebrafish: The Runxcbf[beta] Complex Specifies the Fate Switch From Trkb+ to Trkc+ Nociceptors and Sensory Receptor Expression
An Economic Analysis of the Addition of Bevacizumab to Standard Chemotherapy in Patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
An Evaluation of Complex Adaptive Evolvable System Simulation
An Exploratory Assessment of Parklet Usage in Seattle: Methods and Findings
An Independent Evaluation of Frozen Precipitation from the WRF Model and PRISM in the Olympic Mountains for WY 2015 and 2016
An Integrated System for Large Volume Sample Processing At the Point of Care
An Investigation of the Arctic Sea Ice Surface
An Investigation of the Potential for Side Sewer Infiltration to Local Freshwater Systems, Thornton Creek, Seattle Wa: A Case Study
An Observational and Theoretical Study of the Structure and Propagation of the Madden-julian Oscillation
An analysis of the adoption and implementation of breastfeeding policies in Washington State clinics
Analyzing Visitor Perceptions of Personalization in Art Museum Interactive Technology
Antarctic Sea Ice Response to Weather and Climate Modes of Variability
Apparitions in Alfred Schnittke's Sonata No. 2 (Quasi Una Sonata)
Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Approaches and Strategy for Cancer Research and Surveillance Data: Integration, Information Pipeline, Data Models, and Informatics Opportunities
Architecture For a Regional Food System: A Food Hub For the Beacon Hill Neighborhood
Are Media 'Watchdogs' of Illegal State Practices in Post-Cold War Liberal Democracies?: A Case-Study of the Coke Extradition
Armenian Orchestral Music
Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater: Exploration of the Role of Organic Carbon in Mobilization Processes and Evaluation of Mechanisms of Arsenic Sequestration by in Situ Treatment Systems
Assessing Cognitive Workload of In-Vehicle Voice Control Systems
Assessing Historical Thinking At a State History Museum
Assessing Temperament as a Predictor of Distress at Anesthesia Induction Using the Children's Behavior Questionnaire Short Form
Assessing the Feasibility of Yttria-stabilized Zirconia in Novel Designs as Mandibular Anterior Fixed Lingual Retention Following Orthodontic Treatment
Audio Screen: Unsighted Game Mechanics for Mobile Devices
Auditory perception and cortical plasticity after long-term blindness
Becoming an Architect: Narratives of Architectural Education
Becoming red and white: the legacy of new order nationalism on interfaith relations in Ambon
Bicycling and the Built Environment: Route Choice and Road Safety
Big Data Development: A Tool For Interpreting Institutional Impact
Bike Touring Infrastructure: An Architectural Proposal For Sustainable Bicycle Tourism
Bilingual language control: separating preparation and production
Biocompatible Zwitterionic Polymer Chemistries and Hydrogels For Gene Therapy, Drug Delivery, and Regenerative Medicine
Bioinspired Anti-Fouling Coating On Hydrophobic Surfaces
Biophysical population models of the auditory nerve
Borderless Fandom and Contemporary Popular Cultural Scene in Chinese Cyberspace
Breaking Waves On the Ocean Surface
Building Better Schools: A New Model For Autism Inclusion in Seattle
Business Signage Control in Seattle's Chinatown International District: Pursuing Healthy Balance of Preservation and Commercial Vitalization in a Historic Commercial Districts
Case Study: Commercial Gentrification in the Pike/Pine Corridor
Causal Inference With Selection and Confounding Variables
Cell-Specific Transcriptional Analysis in Complex Tissues
Censorship Resistant Web Applications
Characteristics of Fin Whale Vocalizations Recorded on Instruments in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Characterization and Degradation of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters and Biodiesel in Artificial Seawater Under Uv Exposure Using Raman Spectroscopy
Characterization and Exploitation of Bidirectional Allosteric Coupling in Multi-domain Tyrosine Kinases Using Conformation-selective Atp-competitive Inhibitors
Characterization of Beam Vibration
Characterization of Wall Shear Stress of Underexpanded Impinging Jets
Characterization of the Role of Viral Sensing and Migratory Capacity in Regulatory T Cells After Neurotropic Viral Infection
Characterization of the Structure and Dynamics of Biomimetic Peptides by Solid-state Nmr
Characterizing Bupropion Metabolism, Pharmacokinetics and Drug-Drug Interaction Liability
Characterizing Healthcare Utilization, Direct Costs, and Comorbidities Associated with Interstitial Cystitis: A Retrospective Claims Analysis
Characterizing and Modulating the Canine T-cell Costimulatory Molecules Ctla-4 and Cd28
Chemically-Addressable Protein Entrapment in Silica Sol-Gels
Child safety signal learning in the context of parental worry, overprotection, PTSD, and depression
Classifying Child Maltreatment by Brain Imaging Data
Clinical Phenotyping in the Prediction of Pediatric Acute Kidney Injury
Code to Matter: Integrating Industrial Robotic Arms : Reconciling the Rapid Advancement of Digital Potentials With a Tangible Physical Existence
Collaborative Change: A Survey of Collaborations in Museums to Address Social Issues
Colonialism and Displays of Third World Dependency Among Thai Sex Workers
Combining Pac and Haops with Microgranular Adsorptive Filtration to Enhance Water Treatment
Communicating Meaning in Context-Aware System Design
Communicating weather uncertainty: an individual differences approach
Communication and Round Balanced Oblivious Fsm Evaluation
Comparison of objectively and subjectively measured sedentary behavior in men with prostate cancer and a history of androgen-deprivation therapy use
Competing "Host" Discourses: Appropriation of Australian Aboriginal Culture in the Tourism Borderzones
Computational Approaches and Tools For Modeling Biomass Pyrolysis
Concrete Nurse Logs: Spawning Biodiversity From Ballard's Century-old Locks
Conditioned Pain Modulation (CPM) Test: Reliability, Feasibility, and Normal Values
Conflict and Stability in the Neoliberal Era: Explaining Urban Unrest in Latin America
Constraining Storm-scale Forecasts of Deep Convective Initiation With Surface Weather Observations
Contributions to Physics-based Aeroservoelastic Uncertainty Analysis
Control Design For a Non-minimum Phase Hypersonic Vehicle Model
Coping with discrimination: the roles of discrimination, coping, and group identity in alcohol use among Filipin@ American young adults
Corporate Social Media: How Two-way Disclosure Channels Influence Investors
Cosine Kuramoto Based Distribution of a Convoy With Limit-cycle Obstacle Avoidance Through the Use of Simulated Agents
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Adaptive Monitoring Strategies For Depression Treatment
Creating Discomfort: Exploring the Use of Emotional Immersive Experiences to Address Social Issues in Museums
Cultivating the Campus: Productive Strategies for the University of Washington's Educational Landscape
Cultural influences on positive affect and reward processing in depressed youth
Culture You Can Drink: What Can Museums Learn From Brewery Tours?
Current Science in Museums and Science Centers
Dabblers, bedazzlers, or total makeovers: clinician modification to a CBT approach
Data-adaptive Modeling Using Convex Regression
Delamination Arrestment in Bonded-bolted Composite Structures By Fasteners
Delocalization: The "highway" Apparatus
Demographic and Geographic Heterogeneity Between Subgroups of Cyclists
Depression Management Using Electronic Health Record: Individual Progression Prediction
Design Expressions and Dynamic Evaluation of Cfst Bridges Subjected to Seismic Hazards
Design Guidelines and Development Policies for an Adaptable Historic Urban Street: The Case of West Street in Quanzhou, Fujian, China
Design and Experimental Investigation of a Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate Based Workhorse Microthruster
Designing and Evaluating a Patient-driven Application for Patients With Primary Brain Tumors
Designing for User-facing Uncertainty in Everyday Sensing and Prediction
Determining Day Length and Temperature Regulation of Flowering: A Molecular and Modelling Approach
Developing Multifunctional Surface Chemistry For Plasmonic Biosensing in Complex Media
Developing a Small Molecule Regulated Cre Recombinase: And, a Chemical-genetic Strategy for the Investigation of Kinase Non-catalytic Function Using Covalent Conformation-selective Inhibitors
Developing an Inducible Osteoclast System As a Cell Therapy for Ectopic Calcification
Development and Application of Improvements to the Tile-based Fisher Ratio Method and Fundamental Instrument Considerations for Non-targeted Analysis Using Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography
Development and regeneration of neuronal circuits in the vertebrate retina
Development of Fluorescence-enabled Electrochemical Microscopy for Electrochemical Imaging and Detection
Development of a Flow Cytometry Assay For Measurement of CD4+ T Cell Proliferation
Development of effortful control as a moderator of the longitudinal relations of negative reactivity and symptoms in preschool
Diet and adipose tissue inflammation
Differential associations of threat and deprivation with emotion regulation and cognitive control in adolescence
Digital Media and Campaign Practices in Nigeria: Ekiti State Governorship Election
Digital Media in Landscape Architecture Design Process
Digitally Mediated Political Participation: Understanding the Democratic Impact of Internet Diffusion in the Asian Media Systems
Dimensionality Hyper-reduction and Machine Learning For Dynamical Systems With Varying Parameters
Disability, Identity, and the Law: A Phenomenological Study of Living with Acquired, Invisible Impairment
Discovering the Parameters of Sound Creation: Physics Informed String Pedagogy
Discrete-Event Simulation and Optimization to Improve the Performance of a Healthcare System
Do Two Libor Reforms Reduce the Effect of Incentives on Submitted Rates?
Does Initial Malocclusion Predict the Outcome of Orthodontic Treatment?
Does Music Matter to Museum Visitors?: Understanding the Effect of Music in an Exhibit On the Visitor Experience
Don't Forget to Play: Examining What Play Looks Like in Museums for Adult Visitors
Driving Flows in Laboratory Astrophysical Plasma Jets: The Mochi Labjet Experiment
Dynamic Balance: School As Living System
Dynamic Management of Loyalty Program Strategies
Dynamic Models Under Uncertainty For Large-Scale Enterprise Systems
Dynamic, Convex, and Robust Optimization With Bayesian Learning For Response-guided Dosing
Dynamics and Control of a Quadrotor With Active Geometric Morphing
Dynamics of Large-scale Convective Onset in the Madden-julian Oscillation
Eating perceptions of university students who are following a special restrictive diet: the food and health survey
Ecophysiology of Marine Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea
Education in Motion: Employing Modular Classrooms to Create Vibrant, Collaborative, and Flexible Learning Environments in the Seattle School District
Educational Systems for Maximizing Learning Online and in the Classroom
Effects of Nanotopography on Structural Maturation and Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes
Effects of Near Wall Vortex Perturbation in an Array On the Induced Velocity and Pressure
Effects of Shallow Bi-angle, Thin-ply Laminates On the Structural Performance of Composite Wings
Effects of Temporal Self-comparisons on the Pursuit of Improvement
Effects of the Mid-miocene Climatic Optimum on Ecosystem Structure and Plant-animal Interactions: A Phytolith and Stable Isotope Perspective
Efficient Security and Privacy Enhancing Solutions in Untrusted Environments
Electrospun Fibers for HIV Prevention: Translational Design for in Vivo Efficacy
Elevated Phosphate-induced Cell Signaling Through Phosphate Transporter Pit-1 in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
Emergence of Special Art Exhibits in Shopping Malls in Shanghai
Empathy and Its Potential in Museum Practice
Engaging Wilderness: A Visitor Center and Ranger Station For the Us Forest Service in Central Washington
Engineering Nanomaterials to Overcome Barriers in Cancer Therapy
Engineering Solid Binding Proteins For the Biofabrication of Environmentally Friendly Multi-Functional Quantum Dots
Engineering of Functional, Striated Muscle Tissues With Controllable 3d Architectures Using a Novel, Thermoresponsive, Nanofabricated Substratum
Enhancing Legacy, Engaging Process: Phytoremediation at Gas Works Park
Enhancing Quality of Life for People Who Are Blind or Low Vision Using Computing Technology
Enhancing the Performance of Silicon Photonic Biosensors for Clinical Applications
Essays on Entrepreneurship and Founder Pre-entry Knowledge
Essays on Omnichannel Sale
Essays on Personal Bankruptcy Law and Small Business Financing
Essays on the Issue of Piracy in the Market of Information Goods
Ethobehavioral studies of fear, sex, and biological rhythms
Europa Kinetic Ice Penetrator System For Hyper Velocity Instrument Deposition
Evaluating New Matrix Pooled Testing Methods for Detecting HIV Treatment Failure With and Without Covariate Information
Evaluating an Educational Module for Training Predoctoral Dental Students in Pediatric Dentistry
Evaluating the Sex Ratio Hypothesis: County-Level Sex Ratios and Nonmarital Fertility for African Americans
Evaluation and Potential Cost-Effectiveness of Active Surveillance Pharmacovigilance for First-Line HAART in Namibia
Evaluation of One-dimensional Seismic Site Response Analyses at Small to Large Strain Levels
Evaluation of select food additive exposures in children with Crohn's Disease
Evocations of Nature in the Piano Music of Franz Liszt and the Seeds of Impressionism
Evolutionary Dynamics Under Various Modes of Reproduction
Evolutionary Response of Marine Bacteria to the Co-Occurring Pnictogens Phosphorus and Arsenic
Expanding Bicycle Access to Transit: Providing Increased Secure Bicycle Parking at Light Rail Stations in the Seattle Area
Expanding the Design Space: Forging the Transition From 3d Printing to Additive Manufacturing
Experimental and Computational Study of Structure and Dynamics of Bulk Conjugated Polymer Systems
Explicitly Controlling Geometric Characteristics of Corridors in Spatial Optimization
Exploratory Wayfinding in Wide Field Ethnography
Exploring Habitability Markers, Biosignatures, and Their False Positives Using Spectral Models of Terrestrial Exoplanets
Exploring Plasma Stability and Confinement With High Resolution Density Measurements On the Zap-hd Flow Z-pinch
Exploring Relationships Between Vector-borne Diseases and Landscape Architecture: aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus and Landscape Architecture
Exploring factors that influence adoption and implementation of the baby-friendly hospital initiative in Washington State
Exploring the World's Visual History
Extending the Capabilities of Smartphone Sensors for Applications in Interaction and Health
Facilitating Realistic and Efficient Applications of Ab Initio Electronic Dynamics for Polyatomic Systems
Feminist Street Performances in Puerto Rico: Alternative Imaginaries Shifting the Ideal(ized) National Body
Feminista Frequencies: Tuning in to Chicana Radio Activism in the Pacific Northwest, 1975-1990
First impressions during infancy: the impact of counter-information
Flexible Modeling and Estimation for High-dimensional Graphs
Flexible Strategies for Association Analysis With Genomic Phenotypes
Floating Wetlands in the Puget Lowlands: Design, Construction, and Viability
Food For Thought: Emergence of Food-based Historical Museum Walking Tours
Food shopping trip characteristics before and after the light rail
Formless Being: For Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, French Horn, Percussion, Piano and String Quartet
Fries Are Not a Vegetable: Urban Farm High School Grows Its Lunch and Its Curriculum
From Necropolis to Metropolis: Bringing Death Back Into Urban Life
From Process to Product: An Analysis of Seattle's Design Review Program
From Quillayute
From kids to counties: new directions in implicit social cognition
Function and Regulation of Cytochrome P450 4V2 and the Implications in Bietti's Crystalline Dystrophy
Functions of the Slc36 Transporter Pathetic in Growth Control of Drosophila Sensory Neurons
Fundamental Insights Into Catalyst Design: Energetics of Metal Atom Adsorption and Nanoparticle Adhesion On Oxide Surfaces
Future-proofing: Seeking Resilience in the Historic Built Environment
GIS-Base Suitability Analysis and Planning of Green Infrastructure: A Case of the PPCOD, Capitol Hill
Gardening for health: patterns of gardening and fruit and vegetable consumption on the Navajo nation
Gaseous Studies of Ionic Chromophores and Peptide Cation Radicals Generated from Electron Transfer
Gene Network Inference Using Machine Learning and Graph Algorithms on Big Biomedical Data
Global Observations of Physical and Biogeochemical Processes in the Ocean
Global Trade Governance and Asean: Studies of Trade-related Aspects of Labor, Environment and Culture in Southeast Asia
Glutathione in Parkinson's disease
Growing Climate Resilience: An Urban Forest Design Framework
HMX1 Function in Lateral Facial Development
Heat, Fluid, and Sample Control in Point-of-care Diagnostics
Hepatocyte Determinants of Susceptibility to Pre-Erythrocytic Plasmodium Infection
Her Representation Precedes Her: Transatlantic Celebrity, Portraiture, and Visual Culture, 1865-1890
High-performance Parallel Systems for Data-intensive Computing
Housing Metanoia: Accommodating the Modern Family's Changing Spatial Needs Through Flexible Design
How Can We Talk About It?: Disrupting Heteronormativity Through Historic House Museums
Human Mobility, Exposure to the Built Environment, and Health
Hyparactive: A Design Exploration Tool For Multi-segment Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells
ISIS Success in Iraq: A Movement 40 Years in the Making
Ice-atmosphere Interactions and Sea Ice Predictability At Multiple Resolutions in the Community Earth System Model
Idealized Numerical Modeling Experiments of the Diurnal Cycle of Tropical Cyclones
Immigrant's Sense of Belonging to Chinatown-international District, the Changing Neighborhood
Improving Constraints On the Sources and Distribution of Sea Salt Aerosols in Polar Regions
Improving Fault Tolerance and Performance of Data Center Networks
Impure Memory, Imperfect Justice: A Comparison of Post-repression Fiction Across the South Atlantic
Increasing farmers market access among low-income shoppers in Washington State: understanding the role of peer-to-peer programs
Indirect effects of parental coping on children's psychosocial adjustment in the context of pediatric cancer
Individual and Organizational Factors Influencing Technology Adoption for Construction Safety
Infants' understanding of object weight: relations with action experience and strength
Influence Apart from Adoption: How Interaction Between Programming and Scientific Practices Shapes Modes of Inquiry in Four Oceanography Teams
Influence of Clinicians' Experience and Gender on Extraction Decision in Orthodontics
Information Exchange in the Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Public Transit Infrastructure
Information Extraction From Clinical and Radiology Notes for Liver Cancer Staging
Initiation of Orderly Spinning Detonation Waves Via Phased Sparking
Innate Immune Consequences of Hepatocyte Injury
Insight Into Biological Small-molecule Activation from Enzymes, Model Complexes, and X-ray Spectroscopy
Integrated Housing Approach For Riyadh's Hot Arid Climate: Solutions From the Desert Vernacular
Integration of Dynamic Rhizospheric Methane Oxidation Into a Process-based Methane Emissions Model
Investigating Marine Boundary Layer Aerosol Budgets and Variability
Investigating social mobility: cultural frames and cultural frame switching in first-generation college students
Investigating the Effect of Histone H4 Sumoylation On Chromatin Structure and Function
Investigation and Development of Zwitterionic Biomaterials for Protein Therapeutics
Investigation of the Nucleation and Growth of Colloidal Indium Phosphide: From Molecular Precursors to Semiconductor Nanocrystals through In₃-- P₂₀(o₂cr)₅₁ as a Magic-size Intermediate
Investigations of the Pup-proteasome System in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Is Mindfulness Beneficial for Job Performance Following Positive and Negative Affective Events?: The Attenuating Role of Mindfulness On Self-serving Bias
Is the Risk of Product Market Predation a Cost of Disclosure?
It's Not Rocket Library Science: Design Epistemology and American Librarianship
It's Only Temporary: Public Art and the Museum
It's a Trap!: Unravelling Reversible Charge Trapping in Nanocrystals through Single Particle and Ensemble Studies
Junkgold: The Collecting, Processing, and Archiving of Unwanted Goods
Knowledge Workers and Associative Activity: An Examination of Knowledge Work Systems and Settings
L.I.F.E. Landscape: A Co-Created Healing Environment for Vulnerable Maasai Youth
Lake Killarney Partnership: Ecological Planning with Roots in Science and Policy
Late Transition-metal Complexes Supported by Pincer Ligands: Applications in Partial Oxidation Catalysis
Learning Robust Tractable Models for Vision
Learning in Complex Dynamic Systems: With Applications to Perpetual Flight, Energy Management, Distributed Decision Making, and Social Networks
Learning to Interpret and Generate Instructional Recipes
Linguistically Motivated Combinatory Categorial Grammar Induction
Live, Work, Grow: Integrating Food Production Into a Cooperative Housing Project
Local Actors in Donor-funded Rule of Law Assistance in Indonesia: Owners, Partners, Agents?
Local Estimation of Patient Prognosis
Local Imaging of Optoelectronic Properties and Film Degradation in Polymer/fullerene Solar Cells with Electrostatic Force Microscopy
Local Impacts of Global Change: Shifting Range Limits, Advancing Phenology, and Communicating Research
Locally periodic signal estimation and pitch detection, and acoustic communication in American and northwestern crows
Locus Sacer & Nordic Archetypes: Architectural Experiences Through an Existential, Collective Memory
Logic-based Delivery of Site-specifically-modified Proteins from Gels through Engineered Biomacromolecular Architecture
Long-term Impacts of a Museum School Experience On Science Identity
Looking Through Glass: Understanding Visitor Perceptions of Visible Storage Methods in Museums
Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth: Decision-making About Acquisitions At Community Historical Organizations
Low- vs. high-glycemic load diets: effects on postprandial plasma free fatty acids
Machine Learning and Data Decompositions For Complex Networked Dynamical Systems
Mahler's Third Symphony and the Languages of Transcendence
Making Space: Feasibility of Urban Manufacturing Through Shared Resources
Making the 2004 Constitution of Afghanistan: A History and Analysis Through the Lens of Coordination and Deferral Theory
Management of Overbite with the Invisalign® Appliance
Manipulators and Manipulation in High Dimensional Spaces
Mapping the Determinants in Owl Monkey CD4 and CCR5 That Allow Entry of Early-Stage HIV-1 Env Variants
Marriage Timing, Gender Context, and Early Family Formation
Material Evaluation of an Elastomer, Epoxy and Lightweight Concrete Rail Attachment System for Direct Fixation Light Rail Applications
Measures: Monastery For an Atomic Priesthood ; Hanford, Wa
Mechanisms in Midface Development and Dysmorphology
Mechanisms of B and T Lymphocyte Accumulation in Tumor-draining Lymph Nodes
Mental Preparation for Piano Performance Using Principles of Aikido
Merkel Cell Polyomavirus-Specific CD8 T Cells in Merkel Cell Carcinoma: T Cell Receptor Diversity & Novel Immune Therapies
Metabolic Flux Analysis and Metabolomics of Methylotrophs
Method Development and Validation of Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 Using Mass Spectrometry
Methods for Confounding Adjustment and High-dimensional Environmental Exposures
Methods for Estimating Causal Effects of Treatment in Randomized Controlled Trials With Simultaneous Provider and Subject Noncompliance
Methods for Hypothesis Testing in Animal Carcinogenicity Experiments
Microphysics and Southern Ocean Cloud Feedback
Microtubule Attachment and Regulation Mechanisms of the Budding Yeast Kinetochore
Microtubule Dynamics in Neuronal Morphogenesis
Mindfulness and Moral Behavior in the Organization: The Role of Awareness of and Attention to Morality
Mindfulness practice moderates the relationship between craving and substance use in a clinical sample
Mixed-Charge Copolymer As Environmentally Friendly Low Fouling Marine Coatings
Mixing Regimes in the Amundsen Basin of the Arctic Ocean
Modeling Collisional Processes in Plasmas Using Discontinuous Numerical Methods
Modeling Depression Progression Dynamics From Electronic Health Record
Modeling Seasonal and Weather Impacts on Cycling Count
Modeling of Creep in Hot-cured Concrete Used in Prestressed, Precast Bridge Girders
Modeling of Infectious Disease Surveillance Data
Modeling the Extragalactic Epoch of Reionization Foreground
Modern Horn Playing in Beethoven: An Exploration of Period Appropriate Techniques For the Orchestral Music of Beethoven For the Modern Horn Player
Modulation of Macrophage Polarization With Surface Immobilized Bioactive Molecules
Molecular Insights into the Ubiquitin Transfer Mechanism of Ring-in-between-ring Ubiquitin Ligases
Molecular Mechanism of the Response to Hydrogen Sulfide in C. Elegans
Mollusca Non-grata: The Influence of Top-down Control and Residence Time On the Abundance, Distribution, and Behavior of Non-native Marine Snails in Washington State
Moments of Rupture: Narratological Readings of Contemporary German Literature
Mucosal-Associated Invariant T (MAIT) Cell Contributions to Mucosal Immunity
Multi-Disciplinary Applications of Oceanographic Geophysical Data Collection
Multi-scale Modeling of Paracrine Pdgf-driven Glioma Growth and Invasion
Multi-vehicle Function Tracking By Moment Matching
Multi-year Trends in Modis and Misr Observed Cloud Fraction Over the Extratropical Oceans
Multimodal Transportation in Northeast Seattle: An Integrated Design
Multiple Zebrafish Atoh1 Genes Specify a Diversity of Neuronal Types in the Zebrafish Hindbrain
NGOs, international aid, and mental health in Cambodia
Navigating 3d Scatter Plots in Immersive Virtual Reality
Neighborhood Change After Investment in Light-Rail Transit (LRT)
New Techniques in Deep Representation Learning
Noise-enabled Observability of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using the Empirical Observability Gramian
Non-invasive detection of cortical control signals for brain-computer interfaces
Not Like Us?: The Professional Boundaries of American and British Journalism in the Digital Age
Novel Antitubulin Agents Uncover New Players in Microtubule Regulation and Cell Division in Cancer
Objective methods for characterizing physical exposures which may contribute to work-related musculoskeletal disorders in agricultural workers
Observability-based Approach to Design, Analysis and Optimization of Dynamical Systems
Observation, Simulation, and Evaluation of Snow Dynamics in the Transitional Snow Zone
On Computing Shape: A Study of the Neural Processes Concerning Naturalistic Boundary Conformation Within the Ventral Visual Pathway
On Managing Stochastic Decentralized Projects
On the Edge
On the Influence of Poleward Jet Shift On Shortwave Cloud Feedback in Global Climate Models
On the Nature of the Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Effect and Its Impact On Tropical Convection
On the Structure of Atmospheric Warming in Models and Observations: Implications For the Lapse Rate Feedback
One Hundred Years of the Concert Marimba: American and Japanese Innovation and Convergence, 1915 To 2014
Online Video as a Tool for Planning Education and Engagement: A Content Analysis of U.s. City Planning Departments' Youtube Channels
Open Source City: Mobile Technology in the Public Realm
Open-source Computerized Patient-reported Outcomes: Case Studies Illustrating Fifteen Years of Evolution
Optimization and Machine Learning Frameworks For Complex Network Analysis
Optimization and Machine Learning Methods For Medical and Healthcare Applications
Oral Health Experiences of Social Workers Serving Children in the Foster Care System: Assessing the Feasibility of a Social Worker-driven Oral Health Intervention
Our Grass Groweth Over: A Built Network to Reclaim the American Lawn
Our Landscape, Ourselves: Integrating Process and Traditional Food Principles for Wellbeing + Resilience in the Swinomish Tribal Community
Pacific Crossings: Travel, Writing, and Literary Transition in the Sino-american Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Palladium-catalyzed Cross-couplings of 2-alkylaziridines and Alkenylboronic Acids
Parameter Selection of Sparse Functional Principal Component Analysis With Fmri Data
Parametric Optimization of Inductively Driven Liner Compression Driver System
Pin the Protein On the Membrane: Using Numerical Simulations to Explore Membrane-protein Systems
Place and Urban Experience in the Suburbs: Microsoft's Campus Location and its Long-Term Competitiveness
Platinum(ii) Olefin Hydroarylation Catalysts: Tuning Selectivity for the Anti-markovnikov Product ; Tandem Catalytic Ester Hydrogenation and Deoxygenation of Polyethylene Terephthalate
Play On: The Importance of Adult-only Play Events At Children's Museums
Point-­of-­care Nucleic Acid Diagnostics Using Isotachophoresis and Isothermal Amplification
Policy and Design Guidelines for Trees in a Growing Seattle
Polymerizable Peptide Monomers for the Targeted and Intracellular Delivery of Cancer Therapeutics
Portland's Urban Growth Boundary and Lessons for Shanghai and Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Urban Agglomeration, China
Positive Encounters: An Investigative Study On the Effects of Interactions Between Cations and Quantum Dots
Powerful Structure: Inspecting Infrastructures of Information Organization in Wikimedia Foundation Projects
Predicting Successful Dental Examination for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Prediction and Privacy in Healthcare Analytics
Predictive Analytics and Decision Support for Heart Failure Patients
Preformations of the Amazonian: Strong Women in German Literature of the Early Enlightenment
Preliminary development and psychometric evaluation of the ACL scale: factor structure, measurement invariance, reliability, and validity
Preschoolers' executive control and diurnal cortisol as mediators of the relations of prenatal stress to child adjustment
Presynaptic Anchoring of PKA by AKAP7 is Required for Pattern Separation by Dentate Gyrus
Primitivism, Regionalism, and the Vernacular in Le Corbusier's Middle Years, 1929-1945
Privacy in the Smart City: Implications of Sensor Network Design, Law, and Policy for Locational Privacy
Production Planning, Pricing and Market Coordination for News Vendor Problem With Price Dependent Demand
Progressive Mid-latitude Afforestation: Local and Remote Climate Impacts in the Framework of Two Coupled Earth System Models
Projectile Combustion Effects On Ram Accelerator Performance
Promote Neighborhood Character: A Case Study of Pike/Pine Neighborhood
Public Land for Affordable Housing: An Evaluation of a Hala Proposal in Seattle
Public Risk Interpretation and Community Resilience Planning: A Case Study in Aberdeen, Washington
Pulling Back the Veil: The Characterization and Habitability of Enshrouded Worlds
Quantifying and Modeling the Influence of Forest On the Magnitude and Duration of Mountain Snow Storage in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Quantifying the Effect of Helical Cell Shape on Helicobacter Pylori's Motility and Niche Acquisition
Queering U.s. History Museums: Heteronormative Histories, Digital Disruptions
Questions in Narratives from Oral Tradition to Literature
Radical Language, Radical Identity: Korean Writers in Japanese Spaces and the Burden to "represent"
Re-envisioning Rural Urban Development in Dali, China
Recapturing a Cultural Landscape: The Past and Future Character of the Haller Gardens
Reconstructing Past Climate By Using Proxy Data and a Linear Climate Model
Recovering Biomethane from Fats, Oils, and Greases: Examining the Impacts of Microbial Ecology On Anaerobic Codigester Stability and Bioconversion Kinetics
Recovering From Natural Disasters: Helping Museum Employees Return to Workplace Normalcy
Recovering Natural History: Modeling Cardiovascular Biomarkers in the Presence of Endogenous Medication Use
Recq5 Promotes Recombination and Mutagenesis At Targeted Nicks Through Disruption of Rad51 Filaments
Redefining Medical Tourism: A Legal and Qualitative Analysis of International Medical Travel From the United States
Redefining Urban Alleywalls: Urban Design for Active Public Space in Maynard Alley, Chinatown-International District, Seattle
Reducing Errors in Simulated Satellite Views of Clouds From Large-scale Models
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Alterations to the Public Right-of-Way
Regenerative Cues of Myeloid Cells on Pancreatic Epithelium
Regenerative Early Educational Facility For Underrepresented Children in Pratiksha Nagar, Mumbai
Regulation of Dendrite Growth, Placement, and Patterning in Drosophila Melanogaster Class 4 Dendrite Arborization Neurons
Regulation of Microtubule Nucleation and Attachment to Spindle Pole Bodies
Relationships between dialectical behavior therapy, psychiatric emergency room visits, and suicide attempts: a secondary analysis
Relocation and Resilience: Exploring Co-Benefits in Aberdeen, WA
Remote Control Electrodeposition: Patterning On Substrates Without Direct Electrical Connections
Renal Drug Transporters--Clinical Significance and Role in Drug-Drug Interactions
Replay Value: Toward an Architecture of Future Narratives
Resolved Stars' Insights Into Galaxy Physics
Responsible Tourism For the New Museum: An Evaluation of Offsite Museum Travel Programs
Restoring Function After Neuromuscular Trauma: Novel Paradigms for Enhancing Volitional Control of Neural Activity in Untethered Environments and Vhab, a Gamified Therapy Platform
Rewilding Ballard: Growing Small-Scale Community Habitat
Risk Prediction in Cardiovascular Epidemiology: Considerations for Modeling Composite Endpoints
Role for Cell-to-Cell Communication in Stem Cell Specification Toward Pancreatic Progenitors: Relevance to the Design of Novel Therapies for Diabetes
Role of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Pit-2 in Basal Ganglia Calcification
Roles and Responsibility of Digital Engagement Managers in Art Museums
Rooted or Stuck? The Causes and Consequences of American Mobility Decline
Rose Color Light
Runx2 and Vascular Calcification
Salivary Gland and Tooth Abnormalities Massively Increase Caries Susceptibility in a Mouse Model of Cleft Lip/palate
Saraswati Sings: The Slide-guitar in India
Scalable Propagation Algorithms for Node Labeling in Bipartite Graphs
Screening the Museum Aesthetic: Auteurs in Transnational Heritage Film
Sea Urchin Sperm Chemotaxis: Individual Effects and Fertilization Success
Searching for Predictive Subgroups
Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concentrically Braced Frames
Seismically-induced Rock-slope Failure: Numerical Investigations Using the Bonded Particle Model
Selective Listening: Why U.S. Policymakers De-securitized Colombia's Internal Displacement Crisis
Semiparametric Analysis of an Expanded Cox Proportional Hazards Model With Time-varying Covariates
Sexual Minority Rights As Human Rights: Mapping the Evolution of LGBT Norms in Swedish and U.S. Foreign Policy
Shadows and Light: Seeing Senescence in British and American Genre Painting, Ca. 1850-1910
Shape Matters: Corolla Curvature Improves Nectary Discovery in the Hawkmoth Manduca Sexta
Shear Resistance of Circular Concrete-filled Steel Tubes
Site 1121 - Field Notes: Revealing Deep Form as a Basis for Urban Landscape Design
Slope Effects On Liquefaction Potential and Pore Pressure Generation in Earthquake Loading
Snow Conditions in the Pacific Northwest: Near Real-time Monitoring and Future Projections
So We Beat On: How Native Interpreters At Living History Museums Experience Racial Microaggressions
Social-Institutional Structures That Matter: An Exploratory Analysis of Sexual/Gender Minority Status and Income in Japan
Sodium in school lunches before and after implementation of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010
Software and Space: Investigating How a Cosmology Research Group Enacts Infrastructure By Producing Software
Sovereignty, Political Economy, and Economic Development in Native American Nations
Spectroscopic Characterization of Interfacial Charge Transfer and Recombination in Polymer/quantum Dot Blends
Standard Essential Patent in Telecommunication Standard: United States and China Comparison
Standardize Angular Response Function Pre-calculation Requirements for Collimator-detector Response Modeling in Spect Imaging
Statistical Methods for Inferring Population Structure With Human Genome Sequence Data
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Autosomal and X Chromosome Genetic Data in Samples With Unknown Structure
Statistical Methods in Admixture Mapping: Mixed Model Based Testing and Genome-wide Significance Thresholds
Stepped Wedge Design for Multiple Interventions
Stochastic Modeling of Reversible Biochemical Reaction-diffusion Systems and High-resolution Shock-capturing Methods For Fluid Interfaces
Striatal 5-HT₆ receptors: roles in cocaine reinforcement and neuronal primary cilia
Structural Analysis of CavAb, a Prokaryotic Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel
Structure Function Paradigms of Organic Electrooptic Materials
Study of Tsunami-induced Fluid and Debris Load On Bridges Using the Material Point Method
Suboptimal Vitamin D Associated with Dental Caries at an Urban Pediatric Hospital
Surface Waves in the Beaufort Sea
Synthetic Polymer and Microbubble Systems for Gene Delivery to the Brain
Systems Modeling of Lung Cancer Screening Programs to Improve Quality
Task Shifting, Tools, and Tactics: Investigating the Collaborative Practices of Community Health Workers in India
Techniques For Fault Detection and Visualization of Telemetry Dependence Relationships For Root Cause Fault Analysis in Complex Systems
The Adolescent Empathy Paradox and Juvenile Offending: Why Sex Differences in Empathic Ability Can Help Explain the Gender Gap in Juvenile Offending Behavior
The American Newsroom: A Social History, 1920 to 1960
The Applicability of Sliding Block Analyses for the Prediction of Lateral Spreading Displacements
The Coordinated City's Mutation Machine: Capitalism, Sympathy, and Urbanization in Seattle's South Lake Union Neighborhood
The Discovery, Development, and Mechanistic Investigations of Transition Metal-catalyzed Organic Reactions
The Economic, Aesthetic, and Nonprofit Organization of Professional Vocal Ensembles: Toward a Theory of the Performing Arts
The Effect of Need to Belong On Online Social Behaviors and Cognitive Interactions
The Effects of Reverse Micelles On Charging Behavior in Apolar Media
The Formation and Circulation of Early Yanzi Lore, Fourth Century B.c. - Third Century A.d
The Health of Returned Migrants in Mexico
The High-redshift Quasar Luminosity Function From Multi-epoch Imaging Surveys
The Homogeneity of Optimal Sensor Placement Across Multiple Winged Insect Species
The Identification and Characterization of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Associated with Systemic Polymyxins in the Management of Severe Gram-Negative Infections
The Impact of Depression on Patient Outcomes Among Older Adults with Lung Cancer
The Impact of Light Rail Transit-Oriented Development on Residential Property Value in Seattle, WA
The Impact of Socially Conscious Art Exhibitions: A Case Study of Art Aids America
The Impact of Tropical Teleconnections On Antarctic Sea Ice and Climate
The Kinetics of Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cell Frequency and Function in Chronic Retroviral Infections
The Little Galaxies That Could Reionize the Universe
The Location of Registered Sex Offenders and Their Impact on Neighborhood Crime and Informal Social Control
The Long and Winding Road: Heterogeneity in the Form and Timing of Postsecondary Education
The Meanings of New Money: Social Constructions of Value in the Rise of Digital Currencies
The Mestizo State: Violence and State Formation in Peru (1980-2000)
The Microphysical Structure of Mesoscale Convective Systems
The North Pacific Biological Pump: Rates, Efficiency and Influence on Ocean Carbon Uptake
The Power of Participation: Documenting and Evaluating a Community Build Project in Pongro Senchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The Privacy Paradox: Privacy, Surveillance, and Encryption
The Problem of Philosophy in Classical Chinese Thought: The Text Zhuangzi As Case Study
The Redox Potentials of N-type Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals
The Relationship of Built Environment and Weather With Bike Share: Evidence From the Pronto Bike Share System in Seattle
The Residential Stratification of Mixed-Race Couples
The Response of Thermocline Ventilation to Variability at the Ocean Surface from Observations and Offline Tracer Modeling
The Rhetoric of Social Robots: How Consumerism Is Shaping Perceptions of Robotic Ontology
The Rise of Modern Mammalian Faunas: Tempo and Mode of Faunal Turnover in Western Montana During the Oligocene
The Roles of Land and Orography On Precipitation and Ocean Circulation in Global Climate Models
The Seattle Public Bathhouse
The Shape of Global Wealth: Slender Towers From New York to Seattle
The Social Justice and Societal Impact of Public Programs in House Museums
The association between vitamin K₂ intake and glucose homeostasis in individuals with and without chronic kidney disease
The effect of fructose vs. glucose beverages on low-grade systemic inflammation
The effects of noise exposure and genetic background on auditory-evoked behaviors in larval zebrafish
The effects of systematic self-monitoring, feedback, and collaborative assessment on stress reduction
The ins of the striatum: utilizing chemogenetics to define the contribution of cortical and thalamic afferents during addiction behaviors
The relationship of diet quality and blood serum lipid levels in a population at high risk for diabetes: the Strong Heart Family Study
The role of muscarinic cholinergic signaling in cost-benefit decision making
The role of the FEFsem in smooth pursuit: insights from varying retinal input
Theoretical Performance Model and Initial Experimentation of a Baffled-tube Ram Accelerator
Therapeutic Streetscapes: A New Bell Street Designed to Accommodate Those on the Autism Spectrum
Thermochemical Dynamics of Laser-irradiated Semiconductor Nanostructures
Thinking Local About Self-Driving Cars: A Local Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Development in the United States
Threshold Dependence of Central Amygdala CRF in Fear Behaviors
Through a Literary Lens: The Effect of Jean Paul and E.T.A. Hoffmann's Writing Styles on the Compositional Techniques of Robert Schumann
Through the Glass: A Glimpse Into the Management of Visible Labs
Tidal Migration Patterns Moderate Thermal Risk in the Intertidal Snail Nucella Ostrina
Timber Two: Wood Innovation On the Olympic Peninsula
Time-series Luminance Distribution Maps: Implementation of Annual Daylight Simulation Methods For Occupant Visual Comfort Analysis
Tissue Engineering Strategies to Improve Post-mi Engraftment of Hesc-derived Cardiomyocytes
Tooth Mobility, Periodontal Ligament Space, and the Alveolus During Periodontal Health, Disease, and Disuse
Tooth Viability Following Distraction Osteogenesis in Patients with Maxillary Hypoplasia
Toward Catalytic Hydrogenolysis of Chlorofluorocarbons with Group 8 and 9 Complexes
Toward Never-ending Object Learning for Robots
Towards the Accurate and Efficient Description of Excited States
Traffic-Related PM₂.₅ Air Pollution and Schools in Proximity to Major Roadways in Shanghai, China
Tree-based Ensemble Methods for Individualized Treatment Rules
Two Nextgen Air Safety Tools: An Ads-b Equipped Uav and a Wake Turbulence Estimator
Type-aware Programming Models for Distributed Applications
Under the Big Naust, a Return to the Polyvalent Structure: Migrant Housing in Marginal Norway
Under the Bridge: Utilizing Covered Liminal Spaces for Sanctioned Homeless Encampments in the City of Seattle
Understanding Human Genome Regulation through Entropic Graph-based Regularization and Submodular Optimization
Understanding the Arctic Hydroclimate Using the Regional Arctic System Model
Understanding the Limits of the Seasonal Prediction of Sea Ice in the Arctic
Unequally Unemployed: Labor Market Stratification After the Great Recession
Urban Crematoria: Reinventing the Architecture of Death
Urban Design Guidelines for Human Wellbeing in Martian Settlements
Urbanism and Social Transformation in Peter the Great's Russia
Using the R Package Shiny to Create Web Applications That Facilitate Quantitative Gene Expression Analysis
Value Assessment of Orphan Drugs and Treatments for Rare Diseases
Variability in Modified Estimators of Var and Es
Variations in Surgeon Treatment Preferences and the Impact on the Cost-Utility of Surgery for Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Vehicle Distance Threshold For Quayside Operations of Container Terminals
Vertebrate Patterns of Taxonomic and Ecological Diversity and Recovery From the End-permian Mass Extinction: Two Novel Test Cases From Southern Pangea
Virtual Clinical Trials in PET Imaging for Improved Diagnosis of and Evaluation of Therapies for Cancer
Virtual Environments, Rendered Realism and Their Effects On Spatial Memory
Vortex Detection Through Pressure Measurements
Warts and All: The Representation and Interpretation of War in Museums
We can't breathe: affective and psychophysiological reactivity of vicarious discrimination
What Makes a Great Software Engineer
What drives parental concerns about their 18-month-olds at familial risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder?
White-naped Crane, Migratory Bird
Will you be angry too?: infants generalize emotional dispositions across people
Winning Friends and Influencing People With Guns: Understanding the Growth of China's Military Diplomacy
Wnt/[beta]-catenin Signaling Regulates Regeneration in Diverse Tissues of the Zebrafish
Written On Running Water: Ovidian Poetics in the Roman Waterscape
Wājid 'alī Shāh Plays Krishna's Stolen Flute: The Multiplicity of Voices in the King of Awadh's Dramatic Work
[wind]scapes: Engaging the Shifting Nature of the Wind Formed Landscapes of Denmark
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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2014-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2015-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2015
"This Humble Work": Puerto Rican and Philippine Literature Between Spanish and United States Empires
#poop2potable: Re-envisioning Water Cycles in the Sacramento Valley
A Benefit-Risk Assessment Framework for Development of Clinical Guidelines in Diagnostic Radiology
A Cell-Type Specific Approach to Assess the Contribution of Dysregulated Nutrient Handling to Atherosclerosis
A Characterization of the Expression, Regulation, and Function of the Mouse Voltage-Sensitive Phosphatase, Mm-VSP
A City Full of Holes: Exploration and Experimentation in the Terrain Vague
A Comparative Analysis of US Departments of Transportation Scheduling Specifications and Industry Recommended Scheduling Practices
A Comparative Study of Design Guidelines for Chinatowns in North America: A Reference for Façade Design Regulation in Seattle's Chinatown - International District
A Comparison of Disc Diffusion and Microbroth Dilution Methods For the Detection of Antibiotic Resistant Subpopulations in Fram Negative Bacilli
A Corpus-linguistic Analysis of News Coverage in Kenya's Daily Nation and Great Britain's Times
A Molecular Characterization of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol By High-resolution Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry: Composition and Volatility.
A More Powerful Quasi-likelihood Score Test for Detecting Genetic Association With Multivariate Phenotypes in Related Samples
A Numerical Investigation of Rectangular Cylinders With Interest in Maximizing Drag
A Pre-tensioned Bent System for Accelerated Bridge Construction in Seismic Regions
A Retrospective Claims Analysis of Medication Adherence and Persistence Among Patients Taking Antidepressants for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
A Simpler Model for the Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on Cognitive Trajectories in the Elderly
A Strategy For Multiple Cooperative Spacecraft to Control the Translational Velocity of a Shared Payload
A Study of Backyard Cottage Policy in Seattle, Washington: Existing Conditions Study, Capacity Analysis, and Survey in Conjunction with Seattle's Department of Planning and Development
A Study of Plasma Dynamics in Hit-si Using Ion Doppler Spectroscopy
A Study of the Survival of Alexandrium Cysts in Natural Sediments and Their Utility to Reconstruct Harmful Algal Blooms in the Pacific Northwest
A Theological Interpretation of Four Pièces Terminales From Charles Tournemire's L'orgue Mystique
A Thermoresponsive Magnetic Nanoparticle System Using an Antiviral Lectin for HIV Capture and Concentration
ALDH1A Enzymes Regulate Retinoic Acid Homeostasis in a Tissue Specific Manner: A Model of How Novel Methods Can Unravel Old Unanswered Questions
Accessibility and Population Density in the Linpan Landscape: A Study of Urbanization in the Chengdu Plain, Sichuan, China
Action Recognition and Prediction with Applications to Medical Diagnosis and Daily Living
Adaptive Reuse and Rehabilitation: Connecting Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing Developments in Seattle, Washington
Advances in Instrumentation and Data Analysis Techniques for Increasing Peak Capacity and Peak Capacity Production in One and Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography
Aeroelasticity of Nonlinear Tail / Rudder Systems With Freeplay
Alexander Technique and Organ Performance
Aligning Contractual, Technological, and Organizational Elements to Achieve Higher Performance Buildings: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis Approach
All Italy an Orchard: Landscape and the State in Varro's De Re Rustica
An Architecture of Fire: Restoring the Former Denny-renton Clay and Coal Co. Site in Renton
An Equity Analysis of the 2014 Seattle Bicycle Master Plan: Initial Findings and Recommended Methods Improvements
An Evaluation of Flexible Summary Measures for the Comparison of Binary Outcomes in Non-inferiority Trials
An Examination of Ambivalence: When Cognitive Conflicts Can Help Individuals Overcome Cognitive Traps
An International Framework for Sustainable Roadway Rating Systems
An Investigation of the Time Scales of Development of the Double-itcz Bias
Analysis of Biased Sampling Designs Using Longitudinal Data
Analytical Methods for the Detection and Quantification of Trenbolone Acetate Metabolites, Altrenogest and Related Photoproducts Via Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Animate Biology: Data, Visualization, and Life's Moving Image
Applying Climate Change Models to Risk Assessment and Flood Hazard Scenario Modeling in Snohomish County
Applying the Concept of Standard Work to Inpatient Dental Consultations
Approaching the Limitless: The Sustainability of Art-collecting Institutions of the Pacific Northwest
Approximating Large-Scale Binary Integer Programs By Discrete Optimal Control
Art Museums, School Visits and Critical Thinking: A Case Study of Programmatic Strategies
Assessing Temperament as a Predictor of Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Sedation Success Using the Children's Behavior Questionnaire Short Form
Assessing the Availability, Service Quality, and Price of Essential Medicines in Private Pharmacies in Afghanistan
Assessing the Burden of Worsening Self-Reported Vision in Older Americans Using the Health and Retirement Study
Assessing the Impact of Health Economics and Outcomes Research Evidence on Reimbursement Decisions in the United States
Association between soda consumption and body mass index in the University of Washington twin registry
Association of Vitamin D and Dental Caries in Children Using Nhanes 2005-2006 Data
Audio Elements: Understanding Current Uses of Sound in Museum Exhibits
Automated Discovery and Learning of Complex Movement Behaviors
Bayesian Computation and Optimal Decision Making in Primate Brains
Bayesian Estimation of Participants' Adherence in an HIV Prevention Trial Using Multiple Data Sources and Pharmacokinetic Models
Bayesian Networks From Ontological Formalisms in Radiation Oncology
Behind the Masks: performance DVD and Thesis of Masks, Op. 3 (1969) for Solo Flute and Glass Chimes 'ad Lib' by Oliver Knussen
Benefits of Seed Dispersal for Plant Populations and Species Diversity
Between the Mines and the Mountaintops: Remembrance, Learning, and Activism At Brushy Mountain Penitentiary
Bicyclists' Stopping Behaviors: An Observational Study of Bicyclists' Patterns and Practices
Bidirectional relations between temperament and parenting predicting preschool-age children's adjustment
Biologic Monitoring of Environmental Contaminants in Marine (killer Whale) and Terrestrial (caribou, Moose, and Wolf) Wildlife Populations Using Scat Samples
Blue Dreams, Black Disillusions: Literary Market and Modern Authorship in the Late Ottoman Empire
Bodies in Space: Spatial Practice and Spatial Representations in the Work of Francesca Woodman and Gordon Matta-clark
Body Mapping Principles and Their Applications For Optimizing Pianists' Techniques
Brain-based individual difference measures of reading skill in deaf and hearing adults
Brief interventions for suicidal individuals not engaged in treatment
Building Behavioral Experimentation Engines
Building User Audit: Capturing Behavior, Energy, and Culture
Buying Time for the Farmers of Chengdu: Settlement Form, Labor Time Allocation, and Their Implications for Resilient Land Use Planning in a Rapidly Urbanizing Region
Can "i" and "we" in Accounting Disclosures Influence Investors' Perceptions of Manager Credibility and Investment Decisions?
Capitalizing On Change: The Influence of Queen Elizabeth I's Marriage Politics On the Lives and Works of Anne Bradstreet and Aphra Behn
Caring for Caregivers: Assessing the Influence of Expressive Writing On Cancer Caregivers' Emotional Well-being, Relational Satisfaction, and Comforting Sensitivity
Center For Bird Rehabilitation and Public Education in the Union Bay Natural Area
Characterization and Optimization of Temperature-sensitive Microbeads For Simultaneous Thermometry and Velocimetry For Fluid Dynamic Applications
Characterization of Ultrasound Pressure Fields, Microbubbles and Their Interaction
Characterization of the Group B Streptococcus Hemolysin and Its Role in Intrauterine Infection
Characterizing and Improving Web Page Load Times
Children's conceptions of the moral standing of a humanoid robot of the here and now
Chimera Obscura: Wayfinding Vestiges in Rural Iceland
Cholinergic signaling is essential for hydrogen sulfide responses in Caenorhabditis elegans
Closing the Contractual Circle: Investigating Emergent Subcontracting Approaches
Closing the Loop: Optimal Stimulation of Neuronal Networks Via Adaptive Control Algorithms
Combining Acoustic Percussion Performance With Gesture Control Electronics
Combining Indirect Observations and Models to Resolve Spatiotemporal Patterns of Precipitation in Complex Terrain
Come Together: An Ethnography of the Seattle Men's Chorus Family
Coming Home to the Land: Natural Farming As Therapeutic Landscape Experience in Chengdu Plain, China
Community Warmth: Returning a Lost Building Type to the Village and Nunakauyarmiut People of Toksook Bay, Ak
Comparing the relative impact of parent- and coach-initiated motivational climates on young athletes' self-esteem, performance anxiety, and achievement goal orientation
Comparison of Hair and Dna-based Approaches in Dietary Analysis of Free-ranging Wolves (canis Lupus) in Alberta, Canada
Compliance with an intense dietary intervention and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
Composing Democracy: Collective Identity Formation in Small Group Composition
Comprehensive Automated Analysis of Three-dimensional Brain Cell-resolution Imaging Data
Computational Design and Optimization of Protein-protein Interactions to Engineer Novel Binders of Influenza Hemagglutinin
Computational Design of Interleukin-2 Mimetics
Computational Design of Small Molecule Binding Proteins
Computational Study of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Single Molecules and Clusters of Organic Electro-optic Chromophores
Computerized trans-diagnostic dialectical behavior therapy skills training for emotion dysregulation
Cone opsin gene variants in color blindness and other vision disorders
Contemporary racism and the Asian American experience: the impact of lifetime racial microaggression stress on psychological functioning and risk behavior in Asian American young adults
Contentious Representations: Interpretations of the Representation of French Regional Architecture 1914-1939.
Contextualizing the Music of Jehan Alain: Three Lenses On Variations Sur Un Thème De Clément Jannequin
Contractile Properties of Striated Muscle in Development and in Disease
Convex and Dynamic Optimization With Learning For Adaptive Biologically Conformal Radiotherapy
Coordinated Neural Activity: Mechanistic Origins and Impact On Stimulus Coding
Coordination in Commons-based Peer Production Communities: Evaluation, Analysis, and Design For Emergent Systems
Cost-Utility Analysis of Medications for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A United States Third-Party Payer Perspective
Critical Mass: Performance and Programmability Evaluation of Mass (multi-agent Spatial Simulation) and Hybrid Openmp/mpi
Curiosity Can Resist Anything But Temptation: The Incidental Effects of Curiosity On Indulgent Consumption
Daring to Be Dramatic: An Examination of the Live Interpretation of Slavery At Living History Museums
Data-adaptive Estimation in Longitudinal Data Structures With Applications in Vaccine Efficacy Trials
Declawing has no effect on biting behavior but does affect adoption outcomes for domestic cats in an animal shelter
Defining Protein Interactions With Small Heat Shock Proteins
Demographic, physical, and behavioral characteristics associated with TV parenting practices among Latino parents of preschool children
Dental Utilization for Medicaid-enrolled Children with Cystic Fibrosis
Design + Development: Architectural Agency Through Real Estate Development
Design Recommendations for Pharmacogenomics Clinical Decision Support Systems
Design and Construction of a Sensor to Monitor Blood Parameters During Resuscitation
Design and Control of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand: Learning Advantages from the Human Body & Brain
Designing Wellness Tools for and With Older Adults
Detection of Megatal-induced HIV POL Mutation By Droplet Digital PCR
Determining the Function of Alto, a Novel Protein of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus
Developing Improved Challenge Viruses for Macaque Models of HIV-1 Infection
Developing Low Fouling Peptides and Zwitterionic Materials For Biomedical Applications
Developing Olmsted: Combatting Contemporary Health Problems Through Century Old Design Ideas
Developing a Simulation Framework for Modeling Biomolecules in Ionic Liquids
Development and Evaluation of Peptide Mimetic Inhibitors of Hiv-1 Replication: Structure of the Conserved Core Region of the Lincrna Cyrano
Development and Investigation of a Dihydroartemisinin-resistant Human Leukemia Cell Line
Development of Microfluidic Devices for In Situ Investigation of Cells Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Development of Simultaneous Pressure and Velocity Measurements Using Multi-luminophore Microspheres For Wind Tunnel Application
Development of Yeast-Displayed SCFV and Monoclonal Antibodies for Entamoeba Histolytica Cyst Detection
Development of a Gridded Energy Analyzer For Measurement of the Mochi Experiment Ion Energy Distribution
Development of a Novel Carbon Fixation Pathway Enabled By Protein Engineering
Development of a Novel Paper-based Flu Test for Improved Diagnosis At the Point of Care
Developmental pathways to substance use across European American and Asian American youth
Diesel exhaust exposure and N-acetyl-cysteine supplementation in-utero and atherosclerotic lesion progression in hyperlipidemic mice
Diferãs: for Orchestra
Digging Up the Past: Postcranial Perspectives On Mammals Across the Cretaceous-paleogene Boundary
Discovery and Assessment of Endogenous Biomarkers of CYP2D6 Activity for Application in Clinical Studies
Discrete Gaussian Sampling for Low-power Devices
Disease in Spheniscus Penguins: Feather-loss Disorder and Avian Pox
Distinct Effects of the Two Major Types of Uv-induced Dna Lesions on Dna Damage Responses
Distributed Channel Assignment Using a Modified Aloha Protocol
Does Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Have a Role in US Managed Care Drug Formularies?: An Empirical Study of Utilization, Costs, Outcomes, and Elasticity of Demand of a Value-Based Formulary
Does Money Matter?: Visitor Awareness and Perception of Museum Funding Models
Domestic Conquest: Land Reform and Bounded Rationality in the Middle East
Drilled Shaft Socket Connections for Precast Columns in Seismic Regions
Drug Encapsulated Aerosolized Microspheres As a Biodegradable, Intelligent Glioma Therapy
Drug Use Among Military Men and Women: A Longitudinal Fixed Effects Approach
Duplication and Functional Divergence in the Floral Organ Identity Genes
Dynamic and Thermodynamic Mechanisms Controlling the Amount and Distribution of Orographic Precipitation
Dynamics of Therapeutic Gene Delivery to Sensory Neurons of the Trigeminal Ganglion
Economic Characteristics of Drayage Drivers at the Port of Seattle
Eddy Circulation, Heat and Salt Balances, and Ocean Metabolism: Observations from a Seaglider-Mooring Array at Ocean Station Papa
Education and Health: Exploring Variation in the Gradient by Racial/Ethnic Groups in the United States
Effect of Operational Parameters on Microgranular Adsorptive Filtration (μGAF)
Effective perceptual and cognitive functioning in a noisy world: computing summaries and identifying randomness
Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter (dom) On Metal Release from Solid Phases Typical for Corrosion Processes and Characterization of Interactions Between Dom and Metal Cations by in Situ Spectroscopic Methods
Effects of Fish Predation on Benthic Communities in the San Juan Archipelago
Effects of GLT-1 Loss on Central Nervous System Insulin Signaling and Implications for Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis
Effects of Prolonged and Timing-Specific Exposure to Neighborhood Disadvantage During Childhood and Adolescence on Health and Health Inequalities in Early Adulthood
Effects of excessive energy intake from fructose- vs. high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)- vs. glucose-sweetened beverages on fasting plasma IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 concentrations
Efficient, Low-Cost Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells Via Materials, Interface, and Device Structure Design
Ego Depletion and Behavioral Ethics
Electro-optic Material Design Criteria Derived from Condensed Matter Simulations Using the Level-of-detail Coarse-graining Approach
Electrocatalytic and Fundamental Properties of Nanoscale Materials and Development of New Nanoscale Electrochemical Methods
Elevated Temperature and Ocean Acidification Alter Mechanics of Mussel Attachment
Elucidating the Metabolic Activities of SUP05, an Abundant Group of Marine Sulfur Oxidizing Gamma-Proteobacteria
Emotions At Play: Assessing Emotional Responses of Teenagers After They Play "Papers, Please"
Empirically Derived Sensitivity of Vegetation to Climate Across the Globe
Employment Relations in Transition: An Examination of Workers' Self-Assessments of Job Quality, 1970-2006
Encoding and decoding models of functional MRI responses in human visual and auditory cortex
Energy and Moisture Transport in the Earth Climate System: Mean State and the Perturbation Response
Energy-aware Workflow Scheduling and Fuzzy Logic Based Capacity Provisioning in Cloud Environment
Engaging With Space in Human Rights and Memorial Museums
Engineering Highly Ordered Two-dimensional Arrays and Cages Mediated By Noncovalent Protein-protein Interfaces
Engineering Macrophages to Control the Foreign Body Reaction
Engineering a Novel Device to Implement Afterload on Human Stem Cell-derived Cardiac Tissues
Enhancing Health Information-gathering Experiences in Online Health Communities
Enhancing Software Development Techniques Via Copy Codebases
Enhancing the Human-nature Connection Through Biophilic Design in the Built Environment: A Branch Library On the Banks of Lake Union
Entity Analysis with Weak Supervision: Typing, Linking, and Attribute Extraction
Entrusting Collections: Exploring a Process For Held-in-trust Collections
Equity & the Public Meeting: Are Public Meetings Engaging the Community?
Establishing a Framework for Landscape Narrative Exploration Within Seattle's Pioneer Square Historic District
Estimators of Effect Modification of Cumulative Incidence: Aalen-johansen and Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimator
Evaluating Prediction Performance of Longitudinal Biomarkers Under Cohort and Two-phase Study Designs
Evaluating smoking attitudes in response to different types of anti-smoking messages using a Highly Repeated Within-Person Design
Evaluating the Architecture Centric Traceability for Stakeholders (acts) Holistically from the Economic, Social, and Technical Perspectives
Evaluation of BIM-COBie Data for Facility Management
Evaluation of a Prescription Drug Pay-for-Performance Program: Impact on Prescribing Trends, Budget, and Patient Outcomes
Evaluation of patient characteristics, indications, and effectiveness of home parenteral nutrition (HPN) therapy in obese adult patients
Evidences of Learning in an Art Museum Makerspace
Examining Low Frequency Molecular Modulations from the High Frequency Vantage Point: Anharmonically-coupled Low Frequency Modes in Pcet Model Systems
Examining the Chemistry of Atmospheric Mercury Using Aircraft-based Measurements and a Global Chemical Transport Model
Examining the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Fall Detection Device
Examining the Vibrational Couplings and Dynamics in Cyanide-bridged Transition Metal Mixed Valence Complexes Using Ultrafast Nonlinear Infrared Spectroscopy
Expanding the Capabilities of the Pulsed Plasma Thruster For In-space and Atmospheric Operation
Experimental Investigation of Moving Surfaces For Boundary Layer and Circulation Control of Airfoils and Wings
Experimental Investigation of the Shear Resistance of Circular Concrete-filled Steel Tubes (cfts) Subjected to Transverse Loading
Exploration and Application of Mechanoresponsive Polymers: Polymer Architecture, Amplified Response, and Additive Manufacturing
Exploring the use of Seattle's farmers' market incentive program ("Fresh Bucks") by household food security levels
Fabrication and Characterization of an Acellular Human Kidney Ecm-derived Hydrogel
Factors Affecting Hydraulic Conductivity of High Ph, High Silica Groundwater at the Former Occidental Chemical Corporation Facility
Factors associated with sexual risk of HIV transmission among HIV-positive Latino men who have sex with men on the U.S.-Mexico border
Factors influencing water intake at school among youth in King County, Washington: a qualitative study based on the social ecological model
Fatal Attraction: HIV/AIDS and Family Formation in Southern Africa
Feminine Plural: Representations of Vulnerabilities and Vulnerabilities of Representations : Narratives of Women in Contemporary Egyptian Cinema
Floating Metropolis: Resilient Infrastructure to Prevent Tsunami Inundation
Fluorescence Detection of DNA Amplification in Porous Media for Point-of-care Diagnostics
Fly, robot: the use of a controllable fly robot to explore object recognition and visual tracking during courtship in Drosophila
Food For Thought: Assessing Visitor Comfort and Attitudes Toward Carcass Feeding At the Abq Biopark Zoo
Food, the state and development: a political economy of agriculture and trade in Indonesia
Fostering Food Systems Transformation: An Examination of Planning in the Central Puget Sound Region
Fourth Year Dental Students' Confidence Level in Treating Pediatric Dental Patients
Fresh Hill Behind: Designing Activities for Learning Food
From Yeast to Mammals: The Exploration of a Conserved, Intrinsically Disordered Deubiquitinase That Regulates Ribosomal RNA Synthesis
From the Village to the Global Village: An Alternative Model of Collective Action in Digital Media Networks
Fundamental and Applied Investigations in Solid-state Polymer Mechanochemistry
Future Histories
Fuzzy Rough Set Approximations in Large Scale Information Systems
Gender and the Symphonic Conductor
Gender, Class and Cinephilia: Parisian Cinema Cultures, 1918-1925
Generating Detonation Waves in an Annulus Via Phased Adiabatic Shocks
Genetic and functional cartography of the central amygdala
Genre, Narration, and Meditation in the Death of Klinghoffer
Glassy Carbon Μecog Electrode Array for In-vivo Sensing and Stimulation
Global Climate Reconstruction Across Time and Space Using Data Assimilation
Gold-catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis of Cyclic Ethers and Copper-catalyzed Hydrofunctionalization of Alkynes
Graph Estimation and Cluster Analysis in High Dimensions
Growing Up in Taiwan: Counterfactual Models of Part-Time Work, Romantic Relationships, and Crime Among Taiwanese Youth
Growing Washington's Prison Landscapes: A Design & Construction Guidebook
Hair cell regeneration in the cristae of the mouse vestibular system
Hardware and Software for Approximate Computing
Heat Transfer and Convective Structure of Evaporating Films Under Pressure-modulated Conditions
Hi-lo: High-tech Design to Enhance Low-tech Execution
Hidden in Plain Sight: Proactive Designer Instigated Projects
High Density Development: Reinventing the Concept of Courtyard Housing in Beijing
High-Throughput Exploration of Defect Passivation Strategies For Kesterite Photovoltaics
Historic Alley Reactivation in Seattle's Chinatown International District
History Buff: Understanding the Goals of Physical Activity Programs and Exhibits At History Museums
How Far Up the River? Assessing the Consequences of Criminal Justice Contact
How Transit Agencies Handle Bicycles: An Analysis of Nine North American Transit Agencies
How the Weather, Land Use, and Infrastructure Influence Non-motorized Mode Choices
Human Centered Tools For Analyzing Online Social Data
Humoral Immune Responses in HIV Mother-to-Child Transmission and Disease
Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport at the River-ocean Interface: Analytical and Laboratory Investigations
I Wish for an Animal: A Multiplayer Mixed-reality Game about Wildlife Conservation
Identification and Characterization of M2 Macrophage-targeting Peptide M2pep for the Delivery of Pro-apoptotic Peptides to Tumor-associated Macrophages
Identification and Characterization of Novel Human Papillomaviruses in Oral Rinse Samples
Immersive Virtual Reality Prototype for Evaluating 4D CAD Model
Immunoengineering Nanoparticles for Mucosal Drug and Vaccine Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Impact of Connection Type On Performance of Non-seismic Concentrically Braced Frames
Impacts of Art Museum-based Dementia Programming On the Participating Care Partners
Impacts of Future Climate and Landuse On Water Resources in Espírito Santo, Brazil
Implementation of 3dptv For Turbulence Analysis and Subgrid-scale Stress Model Testing of a Backward-facing Step Flow
Implementation of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on the Mobile Phone
Implications of Glacier Recession for Water Resources
Improved Estimates of Air-Sea Oxygen Fluxes and Biological Carbon Export Through the Use of Self-Calibrating Argo Oxygen Floats in the Pacific
In Sickness and in Health: Museum Programming For People With Life-threatening Illness
Income Shifting Incentives and Offshored U.s. Jobs
Incorporating and Measuring Social Equity in Transit Service Allocation
Indirect Costs and Workplace Productivity Loss Associated with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Inequity by Default? Metropolitan Foreclosure and Housing Market Dynamics
Infant Feeding Practices, Food-Borne Toxins and Immune Activation in HIV-Endemic South Africa
Inferring Biological Networks From Time-course Observations Using a Non-linear Vector Autoregressive Model
Innovative Use of Earthworms for the Remediation of Soil Contaminated with Crude Oil
Insight Into the Local Solvent Environment of Biologically Relevant Iron-nitroysl Systems through Two-dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy
Institutional policies, values and practices that guide health care providers in the provision of patient and family centered and culturally safe reproductive health care to women from Somalia
Interactions Between Clouds and Atmospheric Circulation in the Extratropics
Interactive Data Integration and Entity Resolution for Exploratory Visual Data Analytics
Interface Problems Using the Fokas Method
Interface: Contextualizing the Workplace of Software Design in Seattle's Pioneer Square
Internal Waves in the Western Arctic Ocean
International Traveling Exhibitions: Comparison of Two Case Studies From China
Interpreting Incarceration: How Historical Prison Museums Are Addressing the Social Aspects of Criminal Justice
Interpretive Planners and Institutional Change in Art Museums
Intervention Recommendations to Minimize the 30-day Risk-of-readmission for Heart Failure
Investigating Plasma Viscosity With Fast Framing Photography in the Zap-hd Flow Z-pinch Experiment
Investigating Temperature Dependence in Denitrifying Woodchip Beds Used in Onsite Septic Treatment Systems
Investigating the Functional Morphology, Locomotor Diversification, and Paleoecology of Mesozoic Mammals
Investigation of Seismic Failure Modes in Flexural Concrete Walls Using Finite Element Analysis
Irf6 Loss-of-function Causes Disturbances in Epithelial Polarity, Enamel Formation, and Root Patterning
Language Teacher Identity Negotiation: A Case Study of a Heritage Thai Language Class in a Thai Buddhist School in the United States
Late Cretaceous and Paleocene Lissamphibia and Squamata of Montana and the End-cretaceous Mass Extinction
Lauren O'Laughlin
Law and Society in Ottoman Iraq: The Case of the Buried Treasure (1856)
Lawyers On the Barricades: The Politics of Exceptional Law in Turkey, 1930-1980
Learning and Exploiting Relational Structure for Efficient Inference
Let's Bury I-5: An Urban Design Framework for Freeway Lids in Downtown Seattle
Liberalization of labor relations in Germany and the United States: a firm-centered comparison of cross-national labor organizing at Amazon and Volkswagen
Lightning in the Night: Transgression in Urban Design
Lily Pad Urbanism: Reimagining Seattle's Floating Home Community
Location Aware: Museum Mobile Applications As an Interpretive Tool
Low-speed Stability and Control of Exploratory Tailless Long-range Supersonic Configurations
Luminescent Manganese in Nanocrystals
Ma: Space Where Flows Meet
Maintaining Authenticity in Ethnic Enclaves: Chinatown, Koreatown, and Thai Town, Los Angeles
Managing Education Collections: The Care/use Balance in Natural History Museums
Managing Premium Data
Many Paths to Chlorophyll: The Evolution of Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductases in the Algae
Mass Cuda: Abstracting Many Core Parallel Programming from Agent Based Modeling Frameworks
Material Urbanism: Building Distinction in the Fremont Urban Village in Seattle, Washington
Measuring plate waste: validity and inter-rater reliability of the quarter-waste method
Mechanisms of Opioid Receptor Desensitization
Mechanisms of Tropical Pacific Climate Change During the Holocene
Medical Language in the Speeches of Demosthenes
Mesolimbic dopamine transmission during decisions involving cost-benefit tradeoffs
Metal-free Methods Utilizing Single-electron Oxidations
Methods for Describing the Time-varying Predictive Performance of Survival Models
Methods to Assess Presence and Biological Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles
Microcircuitry of the songbird basal ganglia nucleus area X
Mind in Dispute: The Section On Mind in Harivarman's *tattvasiddhi
Mirum Terra
Mobile Camera-based Systems for Low-resource Environments
Model Estimate of Pan-arctic Wetland Methane Emissions and Their Climate Sensitivity During 1960-2006
Modeling Aircraft Position and Conservatively Calculating Airspace Violations For an Autonomous Collision Awareness System For Unmanned Aerial Systems
Modernization, Codification and the Judicial Analysis: Exploring Predictability in Law in Sharīʻa Courts in Saudi Arabia
Molecular Engineering of Polymer Semiconductors For Electronics and Photonics
Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
Monetary Policy Surprises, Investment Opportunities, and Asset Prices
Moral Hazard and Hospital Physician Integration
Moving Up or Staying Put? Mobility, Marriage and Gender in Transitional China
Mt. Baker Base Camp and Research Facility: An American Typology Standard For the European Mountain Hut
Multiscale Modeling of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Museums Connect: The Next Chapter of International Collaboration
Nanomaterial Strategies to Enhance Antiretroviral Efficacy for Vaginal Drug Delivery
Native Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: Characterizing Biological Assemblies and Modeling Their Structures
Networks of Making
Neural Correlates of Learning and Intent During Human Brain-computer Interface Use
Neural Networks and Neighborhood Inclusion: A Paradigm Shift in Senior Housing
Neutrophil Chemokine Expression in Healthy and Diseased Periodontal Tissue
New Methods for Investigating the Interplay of Photoluminescence Intermittency and Local Dielectric Constant
New Methods for Meta-analysis Under a Fixed Effects Framework, With Frequentist and Bayesian Estimation
New Solution to an Old Problem: Exploring Properties of Chemical Reactions in Condensed Phases Using Molecular Simulation
Ngsdb: A Ngs Data Management and Analysis Platform for Comparative Genomics
Occupying Bangkok-mobile vendors and democratic attitudes
Ocean Boundary Layer Dynamics and Air-Sea Interaction
On the Development of a Technique to Isolate Newly Recycled Synaptic Vesicles for the Purpose of Studying the Mechanism of Action of the Anticonvulsant Drug Levetiracetam
On the Mach Number Effects On Droplet Breakup in Laminar Flow
On the Quasi One-dimensional Structure of Two-dimensional Cellular Detonations in a Duct
On the Structure of the Internal Wave Field: The Impact of the Distribution of Shear and Strain Variance in Wavenumber-Frequency Space on Mixing Estimates
On the Topic of Oceanic Variability near the Coriolis Frequency ; Generation Mechanisms, Observations, and Implications for Interior Mixing
Ontology-Driven Education: Teaching Anatomy With Intelligent 3D Games On the Web
Open Tours
Ophthalmic Application of Optical Coherence Tomography Based Angiography for Choroidal Imaging
Optical Mapping of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocyte Graft Electrical Activity in Injured Hearts
Optimization of Flow Cytometric Sorting in the Hematopathology Laboratory
Optimizing Hepatitis C Birth-Cohort Screening and Treatment Allocation Strategy
Oral Polymicrobial Community Activation of Toll-like Receptor 4
Oral sex: gateway or alternative to vaginal intercourse?
Ottoman Reflections On Gender, Class and Race in Victorian England: Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan's Finten
Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling of N-sulfonylaziridines with Boronic Acids and Synthetic Approaches to Organic Polymer-supported One-dimensional Metal Wires
Pan, Sinking: For Steelpan and Nine Instruments
Pan, Sinking: for Steelpan and Nine Instruments
Parent Preferences for Dental Preparatory Aids for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Parental Nonstandard Work Schedules and Child Behavioral Outcomes
Parental Perceptions Toward Viewing an Animation about Dental Injections
Pariahs, Tricksters, and the Subversion of Modernity: The Decolonial Borderland Narratives of Cormac Mccarthy and Eduardo Antonio Parra.
Participatory development and disaster risk reduction and management in the Philippines: the case of Albay province
Pathogen Host Interactions: Proteomics of Influenza Nep During Infection Reveals an Antagonistic Role in the Formation of Tight Junctions
Patient-centered Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Wound Tracking Tool
Pedestrians' Exposure to Air Pollution: Pm2.5, the Case for International District, Seattle
Peptide-functionalized Biomaterials for Hemostasis and Cancer Imaging
Performing the City: A Hybrid Composting Center and Urban Food Park in Seattle, Wa
Pharmaceutical Interventions in a Murine Cardiac Aging Model
Photo-realistic Scene Modeling and Visualization Using Online Photo Collections
Physiognomy of Speed: A Velodrome On Seattle's Waterfront
Pixel-based Reverse Engineering of Graphical Interfaces
Playing Standards: Authenticity, Evaluation, and Agency Among Seattle Jazz Musicians
Pnw: A Musical Composition For Narrator, Tenor Saxophone, and Live Computer Electronics
Politics of ports: China's investments in Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Bangladesh
Posttraumatic stress symptoms and parenting following intimate partner violence: the role of maternal emotion regulation
Precipitation and Processing of Solids from High Ph, High Si Groundwater
Predicting Improvement of Post-orthodontic White Spot Lesions
Predicting symptom recovery post-concussion: an application of the integrated model of response to sport injury
Premeditation moderates the relation between sensation seeking and risky substance use among young adults
Prioritizing Research: The Use of Risk Prediction, Value of Information Analyses, and Portfolio Evaluation to Improve Public Investments in Cancer Clinical Trials
Prison Landscapes: A Landscape Prototype in a Transitional Facility for the Reintegration of Prerelease Inmates in Thailand
Process, Symmetry, and Ceo-classicism in the 20th Century: Three Analytic Essays
Program Synthesis Without Full Specifications for Novel Applications
Programmable Logic-Based Delivery of Small-Molecule Therapeutics from Gels
Properties of Stellar Clusters and Their Relation to Molecular Gas in the Andromeda Galaxy
Protecting Neighborhood Character: Pike/Pine's Conservation Overlay District
Protein Structure Determination From Cryo-electron Microscopy Density Maps
Proteome Turnover in Mouse Aging: In Vivo Studies by Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry
Proteomics in 3d: Development of New Technology and Computational Tools for Structural Analysis
Proton Coupled Electron Transfer Reactions at the Surface of Metal Oxide Nanomaterials
Psychometric evaluation of the brief adjustment scale-6 (BASE-6): a new measure of general psychological adjustment
Psychotherapy processes underlying sudden gains in treatment of PTSD
Quantifying Drivers Foot Movements and Pedal Misapplication Errors
Quantifying and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Local Government Cement and Asphalt Purchasing
Quantitative and Qualitative Investigations of Music Participation: A Multiple Study Dissertation
Quantum Computation and Isomorphism Testing
Query Processing for Massively Parallel Systems
Race, Gender, and County Context in Support for Harsh Punishments across the U.S.
Racial Disparities in Orthodontic Care for Medicaid-enrolled Children in Washington
Re-frame: Form-finding Within the Constraints of Mutually Supporting Assemblies
Re-imaging healthy aging: perspectives of older black African immigrant women
Reciprocity: Seattle's Housed Community Hosts a Network of Villages For Seattle's Unhoused Families
Reclaiming the Daylight Factory: The Significance of Versatility in the Preservation of Early Twentieth Century Concrete Frame Industrial Buildings in Dayton, Ohio
Reconfiguring the Everyday: Understanding, Designing, and Supporting Chronic Illness Management
Reconnect Generations: Intergenerational Housing
Recovery Reimagined: Regenerative Intervention in the Upper Stillaguamish River Valley
Reducing sexual assault and re-assault on college campuses
Regulation of Slit-Robo Signaling by Scaffolding Proteins
Regulatory T Cell Contributions to Mucosal Antiviral Immunity
Relating Phase Separation and Thickness Mismatch in Model Lipid Membranes
Relation Extraction: From Ontological Smoothing to Temporal Correspondence
Relationship dynamics as inconsistent mediators of traumatic stress and condomless sex among jail-detained women
Remixing the Landscape Architecture History Class
Representation of color in the human retina
Residual San Francisco: Evaluating Identity and Creating Distinction for Bayview's Pdr Districts
Responding to joint attention mediates the relation between early imitation and later expressive language in infants at high and low risk for autism spectrum disorder
Restaurant response to the San Francisco toy ordinance: changes in toy marketing and children's menu options
Reusing Abandoned Zoos: A Progressive Approach to Human-animal Relationship
Revealing Wastewater Ecologies: A Combined Sewer Overflow Strategy and Treatment Facility Design for Seattle's Georgetown Neighborhood
Roach Motel: Research, Policy, and Structural Inequalities of the No Child Left Behind Act in California Public Schools
Rock-slope Activity Index (RAI): A Lidar-derived Process-based Rock-slope Assessment System
Rocking Connection Between a Precast Bridge Column and Cap Beam
Rocking the Boat: Exhibition Methods of Storytelling the Experience of Gender & Sexuality in Museums
Root Resorption Detection by Multiple Radiographs Versus Cone-beam Computed Tomography
Rootbound: Exploring Production in Seattle's Urban Forest
SNAP-based incentives for healthy food access: comparing socio-demographic factors of SNAP shoppers at farmers markets to SNAP participants in Washington State
Saigyō's "six Elements and Four Mandalas" Sequence: The Story and Rhetoric of Enlightenment
School Composition, Social Origins, and the Educational Outcomes of Mexican Origin Youth
Seattle Center: Exploring Ways to Document, Designate and Reactivate the Modern Era Exposition Site as a Historic District
Seismic Design and Testing of Rocking Cross Laminated Timber Walls
Seismic Rock Slope Failure Modes and Time-dependent Displacements Using Single Block Methods
Selected Pieces By Six Taiwanese and Chinese Composers of the Twentieth Century: Ty-zen Hsiao, Shui- Long Ma, Fan-ling Su, Kwang-i Yin, Chen Yi and Tan Dun
Selecting Robust Strategies in Rts Games Via Concurrent Plan Augmentation
Self-interacting Dark Matter in Cosmological Simulations
Separating my own identity from my father: adaptation process in adult children of alcoholic fathers in South Korea
Settling for less: restricted awards steer women and students of color away from more lucrative opportunities
Shared Transit Parking in Multifamily Developments: A Geospatial Analysis for King County Metro Transit
Signal Peptide and Chaperone Engineering For Secretion and Excretion in Escherichia Coli
Simultaneous Spectroscopic Determination of Ion Temperature, Electron Density, and Magnetic Field For the Zap-hd Experiment
Singing the Unsayable: Female Performers and Global Health in the Gambia
Single unit recordings of rat lateral habenula during a navigation-based spatial memory task
Siteinsight: Assigning Physical Computing a Role in Architectural Ideation
Situated Understanding and Learning of Natural Language
Sleep, Sickness, and Spirituality: Altered States and Victorian Visions of Femininity in British and American Art, 1850-1915
Snow Nitrate Photolysis in Polar Regions and the Mid-latitudes: Impact On Boundary Layer Chemistry and Implications For Ice Core Records
Social Media and Collective Action Participation: A Socio-Psychological Investigation
Something New Under the Sun: Physiosocial Landscape Interventions for the Holy Child Program, a School for Children with Behavioral Difficulties in Beit Sahour, Palestine
Space Borne Hydrodynamic Model Development: The Case of Ganges and Brahmaputra River Basin
Spatial Flexibility: Redefining Middle Class Urban Housing Communities Through a Modular Solution For Seattle's Capitol Hill Neighborhood
Splitting the Seam: Exploring the Tension Between Natural and Manufactured Spaces in Abandoned Granite Quarries Along Coastal Maine
Spots and Flares: Stellar Activity in the Time Domain Era
Spring Music
Stages of Inversion: Die Verkehrte Welt in Nineteenth-century German Literature
Star Cluster Formation Efficiency in the Andromeda Galaxy
Startup: Reinventing the Live/work High Rise to Foster the Incubation + Growth of Seattle's Startups
Sterol-phospholipid Interactions in Model Lipid Membranes
Stochastic Optimization and Subgroup Selection
Strange Interludes?: Carnivalesque Inversions and the Humorous Music of the Marx Brothers
Stripping the Veneer and Exposing a Symbol in Mendes's Cabaret
Structural Basis for Phosphatase Regulation by the Anchoring Protein AKAP79
Structural and Functional Characterization of Non-canonical Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzymes
Structure and Function of the Mammalian Circadian Clock
Structure-Property Relationships of Self-Assembled Conjugated Polymers
Studies of Climate Dynamics With Innovative Global-model Simulations
Studies of Pyrite Fes₂ Nanocrystals and Plasmonic Nanostructures For Low Cost and High Efficiency Inverted Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells
Studies of Zinc Oxide Nanocrystals: Quantification of Capping Ligands and the Coupling of Protons and Electrons
Studying Azobenzene-modified Dna for Programmable Nanoparticle Assembly and Nucleic Acid Detection
Sudargo Gautama and the Development of Indonesian Public Order: A Study On the Application of Public Order Doctrine in a Pluralistic Legal System
Sunlight-driven Photolysis of Free Available Chlorine to Reactive Oxygen Species for Enhanced Inactivation of Chlorine-resistant Microbial Pathogens
Super-resolution Reconstruction of Orientation Distribution Function From Motion Scattered Diffusion Weighted Image Slices and Its Application to Fetal Brain Connectivity Study
Surfactant Mediated Acid-Base Particle Charging in Apolar Media
Synaptojanin1 Is Involved in Endolysosomal Trafficking in Cone Photoreceptors
Systems of Sustenance: A Re-imagining of Seattle's Food and Food Waste Infrastructure
Taking Artemisinin to Clinical Anticancer Applications: Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Ph-responsive Artemisinin Dimer Derivatives in Lipid Nanoparticles
Taste and Smell Alterations in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantations
Taxonomic and functional characterization of human gut microbes involved in dietary plant lignan metabolism
Teaching and Engaging With Debugging Puzzles
Telomere Dynamics in Magellanic Penguins (spheniscus Magellanicus)
The "Other-words": Connecting Integrity, Respect, and Responsible Disagreement about Science
The AKAP220 Signaling Complex Regulates Renal Aquaporin-2 Localization
The Art of War: Examining Museums' Art Therapy Programs For Military Veterans
The Biogeochemistry of Particulate Trace Elements and Isotopes in the North Atlantic Ocean
The Comfort in Being Sad: Memorial, Museum, and Kurt Cobain
The Cross-valley Greenway: Making Way for People and Wildlife across the Duwamish Valley
The Dynamics and Misfolding Pathways of the Prion Protein At Atomic Resolution
The Effect of Passive Investment on a Firm's Information Environment
The Effect of Visual Design and Information Content On Readers' Assessments of API Reference Topics
The Effects of Ice Crystal Shape On the Evolution of Optically Thin Cirrus Clouds in the Tropics
The Fabulous Party Boys and Adapting the Tuba For Modern Popular Contexts
The Fluid City: The Integration of Architecture and Urban Design to Reconnect the City of Erie to Its Post-industrial Waterfront and the Temporal Environment Beyond
The Functional Morphology of Hard-prey Crushing Teeth
The Good, the Bad, and the Robust: Climate Change Adaptation Choices for the Port of Rotterdam, Port of San Diego, and Naval Base Kitsap - Bremerton
The Honey Bee and Apian Imagery in Classical Literature
The Impact of New Urbanism on Single Family Housing Values: The Case of Issaquah Highlands
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development on Residential Property Value in King County, Wa
The Impact of the Violation of the Proportional Hazards Assumption on Confirmatory Analysis of Survival Data Using Delayed Entry
The Importance of Psalms and Accompaniment From Ancient Times Through the Protestant Reformation With Special Emphasis On Psalmody in the Dutch Reformed Tradition
The Lifestyles of Viruses in the Sunlit Ocean Revealed through Isolation, Genomics, and Infection Dynamics
The Location of Public Schools: Implications for Communities and Planners, and School District Decision-Making in the Puget Sound Region
The Lyman Alpha Forest 1d Power Spectrum From the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
The Postsecular Traces of Transcendence in Contemporary German Literature
The Process of Networked Civic Innovation: Examining the Role of Values, Resources, and Power in Community-based Technology Projects
The Public Imperative: Civic Engagement, News Media, and Digital Politics in the Tea Party Movement
The Race of a Teacher and Differential Student Achievement: Evidence from Project Star
The Role of Dental Metal Allergy in Oral Lichen Planus
The Role of Wing Mechanosensory Feedback in Insect Flight Control
The Sensitivity of Orographic Precipitation to Flow Direction: An Idealized Modeling Approach
The Sophistic Roman: Education and Status in Quintilian, Tacitus and Pliny
The Space Between Research and Practice: A Critical Evaluation of Computer-based Lighting Metrics
The Spaces In-between: Learning From Kampala's Slums
The Static and Dynamic Impact of Couple-level Work-family Conflict on Intra-couple Job Change, Couple Separation and Family Expansion
The U.S. Coast Guard 87' Patrol Boat Maintenance Program: An Analysis of a Scheduling and Resource Leveling Problem
The UAE and the Green Facade: Renewable Energy Challenges in a Hyper-Consuming Society
The Walking City Is a Better City: Promoting Human Social-Spatial Understanding as a Foundational Framework for Urban Planning
The association between baseline fructose consumption and baseline biomarkers of inflammation in a randomized controlled feeding trial
The delegitimization of women's claims of ingroup discrimination: consequences for women who claim
The demands of diversity messages: strategic self-stereotyping among racial minorities
The influence of timber legality regulations on Chinese and Vietnamese wood products manufacturers
The passive leg raising maneuver and prediction of fluid responsiveness: noninvasive monitoring of pulse pressure and systolic blood pressure
The sodium-potassium ratio: adherence to guidelines in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis
Thermonavigation of convective plumes in the mosquito Aedes aegypti
Theurgy and the snake: the yoga Kalandar and Bengali Sufism
Think By Making
This grievable life: precarity, land tenancy, climate change and flooding in the Kampung of Jakarta
Three-dimensional Effects of Tsunami Impact On Bridges
Tolerances and Responses of Seagrasses to Hydrogen Sulfide and Implications to Ecology and Restoration
Tooth Roots and the Periodontal Ligament: Morphology, Modeling and Behavior
Toward a Resilient Landscape: The Eco-Cultural Dedevelopment in Rural Chengdu Plain
Towards Efficient and Accurate Description of Many-electron Problems: Developments of Static and Time-dependent Electronic Structure Methods
Trace Organic Contaminant Degradation by Isolated Bacteria Bioaugmented Into Lab-scale Reactors and Identification of Associated Degradation Genes
Trailblazing the Concrete Jungle: Museums Utilizing Interpretive Nature Trails in Urban Communities
Training Lay People As First Responders to Reduce Road Traffic Mortalities and Morbidities in Ethiopia: Challenges, Barriers and Feasible Solutions
Transcriptional Regulation of ATP2B2 Determines the Severity of AHL in C57BL/6J Mice
Transformable Physical Design Media
Transparent Lives and the Surveillance State: Policing, New Visibility, and Information Policy
Tuning the Auxin Transcriptional Response
Two dimensions of subordination: evidence for a new model of racial position
Two-Dimensional Protein Arrays: De Novo Design and Applications
Two-lane Highway Work Zone Capacity Model and Control Analysis
Uncertainty Management For Aerial Vehicles: Coordination, Deconfliction, and Disturbance Rejection
Uncovering Mechanisms of Phytoplankton Response to Climate Change
Understanding Dynamic Software Behavior with Tools for Retroactive Investigation
Untangling Genomes from Metagenomes
Urban Engawa/Veranda: Fuzzy Spaces In-between Inside and Outside Making Interactive Spaces for Tokyo Urbanites
Urban Forestry in a Time of Climate Change: Can Seattle, Washington Become More Resilient through the Effective Management of Urban Forests?
Urban Grain: Fostering Social and Economic Diversity Through Parcelization of Large Urban Development Sites : a Test Case in Seattle's Central District
Urban Living Room: Inclusive U District Station Plaza Design
Urban Planning and Housing: An Assessment of Fair Housing Laws Providing Protective Status to Veterans
Using Surface Analysis to Investigate How Adsorbed Protein Structure Changes With Controlled Changes in Surface Chemistry: A Case Study Involving Bare & Sodium Styrene Sulfonate-grafted Gold Surfaces
Using Technology to Engage People With Dementia in Recreational Activities
Value Proposition of Cobie at University of Washington
Variability of Large-Scale Ocean Circulation and Meridional Heat Transport in the Atlantic Ocean
Variations in children's generosity: reputation and the role of mutual identification
Verismo in Italian Art Song: A Comparative Analysis of Veristic Literature, Opera and Art Song
Vibrotactile Sensory Feedback for Lower Limb Prostheses
Visions of Community: Literary Culture and Social Change Among the Northern Kyrgyz, 1856-1924
Visualization, Communication, and Copresence: Using Building Information Models in Virtual Worlds
Warm-season Diurnal Circulations and Heat Extremes Over the Northwest U.s
Wave-supported Gravity Currents in Continental Shelves
Weak Bond Detection in Composites Using Solitary Waves
Weaving Industries: Conservation of Sodo's Urban Fabric Through Creative Manufacturing
When Is a Threat More or Less of a Threat? the Sensitivity of Psychologically Central Identities to Threat and the Resulting Impact on Work
Whose Authority? Interpreting, Imposing, and Complying With Corporate Zakat Obligations in Indonesia
Why Consumers Help Victims Who Resemble Their Attachment Figures: An Attachment Anxiety Account
Wood Cityscapes: Mass Timber Office Building
X-linked Opitz Syndrome Protein, MID1, and Its Effects on Cell Adhesion Force and Protein Interactions
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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2013-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2014-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2014
"This Project We Call Spain": Nationality, Autochthony, and Politics in Spain's North African Exclaves
"finding Rome in Rome": Reexamining Raphael's Transformation Through His Roles At the Villa Farnesina
3-d Object Segmentation from Motion Cues
5-HT₁B autoreceptors: molecular mechanisms and behavioral implications
A Blended Finite Element Method For Multi-fluid Plasma Modeling
A Comparison of Sample Size Calculations for Cluster Randomized Crossover Trials With a Binary Outcome
A Comparison, Evaluation and Accuracy Assessment of the Fluidigm (TM) Platform in Genotyping Common and Rare Variants in an Alaska Native Population
A Cost Minimization Analysis of Home Versus Lab-Based Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
A Cry and a Demand: Tactical Urbanism and the Right to the City
A Full Realization of Isang Yun's Tuyaux Sonores and Its Analysis Based On Daoism
A Geodesign Inspired Multiple Criteria Decision Tool for Prioritizing Levee Setback Project Sites
A Little Healthy Competition: The Effects of Press-government Competition On Institutional Trust
A Marginal Structural Cox Model Based Analysis of the Comparative Effectiveness of Two Dialysis Therapies
A Multi-Racial-Ethnic Model of Perceived Neighborhood Crime
A Multi-Scale Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystem Processes Across the Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Continuum: From Headlands to the Sea
A Music Campus At Fort Lawton in Discovery Park
A Practical Method of Rhythmic Reading To Improve Comprehension and Performance
A Preliminary Assessment of Adding New Retail Space in the City of Snoqualmie, Washington: The Case of the Highway 18/Interstate 90 Interchange
A Review of the Traffic Safety Culture in Europe to Improve Pedestrian Safety in the U.s.: Lessons from France and Sweden
A Single-stage Reusable Launch Vehicle Concept
A Wall Model For Large-eddy Simulation of Compressible Channel Flows
A Z-estimation System for Two-phase Sampling With Applications to Additive Hazards Models and Epidemiologic Studies
A functional role of the amygdala in rats living in a semi-naturalistic risky environment
Accommodating the Nation: Hospitality and Citizenship in Nineteenth-century German Literature
Acculturation, family context, and Mexican origin youth substance use risk across time
Acculturation, peer influence, alcohol protective behavioral strategies, and alcohol use and related problems among Asian and Pacific Islander college students
Activism Success: A Concept Explication
Activist Social Work in Small Museums: A Community-level Exploration
Adaptive Mixology: A Direction For Transforming Chicago's Shuttered Schools
Adaptive Radiation of Marine Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea
Adaptive Randomization Ratios in Multi-arm Clinical Trials
Adherence to micronutrient supplementation in bariatric patients
Adult Immigrants and the American Museum: Forming Relationships and Engagement From Within the Community
Adults' attributions of psychological agency, credit, and fairness to a humanoid social robot
Age-related differences in diet and foraging behavior of the critically endangered Mariana Crow (Corvus kubaryi)
Alleyways and Add-ons: Housing Incremental Change Through Multi-generations in Bali, Taiwan
Alpha, Beta, Gamma Males: Asian/American Men and Audience Research
An Analysis of Fundraising Strategies in Local Maritime History Museums
An Archeology of Postmodern Architecture: A Reading of Charles Jencks' Work
An Ensemble Numerical Modeling Study of Alantic Basin Hurricane Intensification
An Examination of Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase 2 Localization in the Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body Reveals a Cell Size Gradient
An International Firebrand: Germano Celant's Role As Radical Critic, Innovative Curator and Contemporary Art Historian
An examination of nutritional outcomes from an intensive outpatient pediatric feeding program for children with feeding difficulties
Analysis of Delamination Arrest Fasteners in Bolted-conded Composite Structures
Analysis of an Aggregation-based Algebraic Multigrid Method and Its Parallelization
Analytical Techniques for Microscale Analysis
Antimicrobial Activity of Gold-titanates on Gram-positive Cariogenic Bacteria
Applications of item-response theory in health outcomes assessment and pain measurement
Architecture of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Saga Transcription Coactivator Complex
Assessing Temperament as a Predictor of Oral Sedation Success Using the Children's Behavior Questionnaire Short Form
Assessing the Knowledge and Dissemination of Nutrition Information Related to Oral Health in Wic Counselors and Clients
Assessing the Relationship Between City Growth and Electricity Use Over Time: A Comparative Analysis of Chandigarh and Seattle
Assessing the impact of post-purchase barriers on fruit and vegetable consumption: a secondary analysis of a survey of SNAP recipients at Seattle farmers markets
Assimilation of Lightning Data By Nudging Tropospheric Water Vapor and Applications to Numerical Forecasts of Convective Events
Association between objective measurement of walking activity and neighborhood walkability
Association between obstructive sleep apnea and obesity in a pediatric population
Asthma control and medication use behaviors among children with written asthma action plans at home and school: 2010 behavioral risk factor surveillance system child asthma call-back survey
Atherosclerosis Plaque Neovascular Inflation Using Ultrasound Strain Imaging
Atmospheric Classification As a Cloud and Precipitation Evaluation Tool in Models and Observations
Automatic Scaffolding for Procedural Learning
Automating Stochastic Control
Autonomous Collision Avoidance and Mapping With a Quadrotor Using Panning Sonar Sensors
Auxin-induced Degradation Dynamics and Plant Development
Avoiding State-space Explosion in Multithreaded Programs with Input-covering Schedules and Symbolic Execution
Ballard Bridge Park: Preserving Place for Transient Populations in Urban Spaces
Bayesian Hierarchical Frailty Models for Heterogeneity in Risk
Benefits of the Balancing Act: Motherhood, Employment and Mental Health
Bicycle Infrastructure Safety: A Review and Application of the Case-Control Methodology
Biological Probes to Measure Transcription Dynamics in E. Coli
Biological Water: Properties and Role in Muscle Function and Development
Biophysical Mechanisms of the Kinetochore-microtubule Interface and Its Regulation During Mitosis
Biostatistical Methods for HIV Monitoring and Prevention
Board Dynamics: A Structural Investigation
Body image, acculturation, menopause, and weight-related behaviors in Hispanic women
Boeing's Behavior in a Liberalized Marketplace: The 787 Dreamliner Project and Impact On Puget Sound Workers
Brazil's Emerging Roadmap For Internet Governance
Breta Sǫgur from Am 544 4to: An Edition and Translation
Building a Community Rooftop Network: Design Prototypes for Taipei
Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Demographic and Comorbid Condition Case Series
Can school lunches deliver better nutrition without sacrificing palatability? an evaluation of nutritional adequacy of school lunches in urban Washington State
Capturing the Energy Absorbing Mechanisms of Composite Structures Under Crash Loading
Catalytic Parking: Creating New Possibilities in an Integrated Suburban Parking Garage
Causal Mediation Analysis With Failure Time Outcome and Error-prone Longitudinal Covariate
Cavitation Monitoring and Spatial Mapping for Pulsed High-intensity Focused Ultrasound Enhanced Drug Delivery
Cellular Interactions During Zebrafish Adult Stripe Formation and Implications for Pigment Pattern Evolution
Cft Column-to-cap Beam Connections for Accelerated Bridge Construction in Seismic Regions
Changes in Molecular Integrity of Chloroplast DNA and Mitochondrial DNA in Maize
Channel Choice as a Relational Message
Characterization and Modeling of La{1-X}sr{x}coo{3-Delta} Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes Using Nonlinear Electrochemical Impedance Techniques
Children's environmental and moral conceptions of protecting an endangered animal
Climate Change Impacts on the Distribution and Performance of Plant Species at Mount Rainier
Collaborate and Listen: How Small Museums Define and Pursue Community Engagement
Collective Activity in Neural Networks: The Mathematical Structure of Connection Graphs and Population Codes
Combating Visitor Pressure: Impact of Tourism On the Conservation of World Heritage Sites
Coming Together?: Trends in Black-White Occupational Segregation, 1980 to 2009
Commerce and Quarantine in Baghdad: Contending Visions of Ottoman and British Imperialism in Iraq, 1862-1908
Communicating weather and climate uncertainty: exploratory research in cognitive psychology
Communication and Social Action: Policy Stories in the 2011 King County Metro Funding Debate
Comprehensive Analysis of WRN Protein Interaction Network by Mass Spectrometry
Connections Across Oceans: Debussy, Impressionism, and "The Floating World (ukiyo-e)" of Japanese Art
Conserving Primates in Colombian Bamboo Forest Fragments: Logging and Landscape Impacts On Red Howler Monkeys
Constrained Positive Matrix Factorization: Elemental Ratios, Spatial Distinction, and Chemical Transport Model Source Contributions
Constructing the Universal Library
Contemporary Vocal Technique in the Choral Rehearsal: Exploratory Strategies For Learning
Control of Endosomal Toll-Like Receptor (tlr) Signaling By Nanoparticles and Applications in Cancer Therapy
Convective Power Loss Measurements in a Field Reversed Configuration With Rotating Magnetic Field Current Drive
Coplandia, Or, the Ideological American Sound
Correlation-based Contraction Tracking of Cardiomyocyte Monolayers
Criminal Defense in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Study of the Practice of Criminal Defense in Saudi Arabia
Critical Conditions: The Signature of the Wound in Franz Kafka's Shorter Fiction
Critical Reflections On and in "the Field": The Study of `religion' and the Methodology of True (reflexive) Praxis in Puerto Rico
Cross-conjugated Moieties as Design Motifs for a Class of Novel Electro-optic Chromophores
Cultivate L.a: Converting the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena to an Urban Food Hub
Cultivating Earthworks of the Anthropocene: A Laboratory For Land and Environmental Art in Lime, Oregon
Cultural Exchange: A New Center For Seattle's Asian Immigrants
Cultural Resilience in Asia: A Comparative Study of Heritage Conservation in Lijiang and Bagan
Culture and intimate partner violence: the impact of loss of face, acculturation, and trauma history on Asian American women's in-the-moment behavioral intentions and risk perception
Cycle-graphic Landscapes: Experiencing Honolulu Through Its Harrowed Cycling Infrastructure
Data-driven Methods and Models for Predicting Protein Structure Using Dynamic Fragments and Rotamers
Datascapes: Revealing the Potential of Data to Design Neighborhoods For the Future
Deconstructing Hydrologies: Reviving the Memory of Water in Dumbarton Oaks Park
Defining the Characteristics of the Universal Museum: Missions, Collections, and Size
Density of Pediatric Dentists and Preventive Dental Care Utilization for Medicaid-enrolled Children in Washington State
Design For Dignity: A Supportive Housing Community For Families and Youth
Design and Evaluation of Health Visualizations for Older Adults
Designing Self-Monitoring Technology to Promote Data Capture and Reflection
Detection of Lysosomal Storage Disorders Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Developing Children's Multicultural Sensitivity Using Music of the African Diaspora: An Elementary School Music Culture Project
Developing Domain-Specific Simulation Objects For Modeling Clinical Laboratory Operations
Development and Application of Multifunctional Optical Coherence Tomography
Development and Characterization of Pressure-sensitive Microbeads For Simultaneous Barometry and Velocimetry For Fluid Dynamic Applications
Development and validation of performance assessment tools for interprofessional communication and teamwork (PACT)
Development of Palladium and Hypervalent Iodine(iii) Catalyzed Alkene Difunctionalization Reactions ; Hydroamination, Carboamination, Aminofluorination & Diamination
Development of Peptide-polymers for Drug and Gene Delivery to the Central Nervous System
Development of Quantitative Multi-spectral Fluorescence Endoscopic Imaging for Early Cancer Detection
Development of a Field-use Paper-based Pku Test Using Colorimetric Readout
Development of a Reflective Polymer-dispersed Liquid Crystal
Differential effects of fatty acids on an in vitro model of hepatocyte steatosis
Digital Mass: A Transparent E-waste Infrastructure For Seattle
Dismantling Silos: From Creative Collaboration to Collaborative Creativity
Distributed Agent Management in a Parallel Simulation and Analysis Environment
Distributed Diverging Topic Models: A Novel Algorithm for Large Scale Topic Modeling in Spark
Divergent Allosteric Control of Ire1[alpha] Endoribonuclease Using Small Molecule Kinase Inhibitors
Diversity and implicit race bias in the United States
Do drinking consequences predict sexual revictimization in a college sample of binge-drinking women?
Do infants generalize other people's emotional dispositions across contexts?
Do mindfulness and/or thought suppression mediate treatment effects on cardiac vagal control in substance abusers treated with mindfulness-based relapse prevention, relapse prevention or treatment as usual?
Driver Behavioral Adaptation to In-Vehicle Technologies: Influence of Demands and Exposures
Dynamic Analyses of Result Quality in Energy-aware Approximate Programs
Dynamics in Organizational Problem Solving and the Leveraging of Social Capital: An Agent-based Modeling (ABM) Perspective
Eating well and paying less: a positive deviance study
Ecological Determinants of Rockweed Performance: Interactions Among Herbivores, Epiphytes and Tides
Economic Approaches to Managing Stormwater Runoff in the Seattle Area
Ecosystem Services and Climate Change Planning: An Awareness-, Analysis-, Action-Based Assessment of Local Planning Efforts
Effect of Voice Matching On Individual Vocal Characteristics of Singers Performing in Duet
Effect of lymphocyte count and AML prognosis
Effective Program Analyses for Automated Software Testing and Error Diagnosis
Effectiveness of Pretrial Disposition Reform: Interactions Between Judicial Efficiency and Access to Justice
Effects of state and federal legislation on a sample of local public school district wellness policy scores over time
Electrisense: Single-point Sensing Using Emi for Electrical Event Detection and Classification in the Home
Electrochemistry Under Confinement: Controlling Dynamics in Nanochannels Via Tunable Mass Transport
Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy Theory and Simulation Applied to Nanoparticle Plasmonics
Electronic Doping and Trap Reduction of Quantum Dots
Electronic and Impurity Doping in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Electrospun Fibers for the Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Elmi Bodari and the Construction of the Modern Somali Subject in a Colonial and Sufi Context
Embryonic Xanthophore Fate in the Zebrafish, Danio Rerio
Emerging Practices: Early Learning Experiences in Art Museums
Enantioselective Diamination of Alkenes, Hydroamination of 1,3-dienes, and the Development of Nhc Palladium Complexes
Energetics of Elementary Steps in Catalysis and Their Use to Search For New Catalysts
Engineering Blend Particle Delivery Platform for Subunit Vaccines against Mucosally Transmitted Viral Infections
Engineering the Cardiac Fuel Supply: Elevation of 2-deoxy-atp for Myofilament-targeted Treatment of Heart Failure
Engineering the Multi-Length Scale Structure of Self-Assembled Conjugated Polymer Networks
Enhancing Demonstration-based Recognition Tools with Interactive Declarative Guidance for Authoring Touch Gestures
Essays on Corporate Governance and Asset Pricing
Estimating Energy Dissipation Due to Wave Breaking in the Surf Zone Using Infrared Imagery
Estimation and Comparison of Hiv-specific Substitution Matrices
Estimation and Conditional Inference in High-dimensional Statistical Models
Evaluating the Impacts of Discount Function and Rate Selection on the Net Present Valuation of Coastal Wetland Ecosystem Services: An Exploratory Meta-Analysis
Evaluation and Retrofit of Non-capacity Designed Braced Frames
Evaluation of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry For Clinical Microbiology Applications
Evaluation of Strategies for the Phase Ii to Phase Iii Progression in Treatment Discovery
Evaluation of Tsunami Design Codes and Recommendations for Bridges Susceptible to Tsunami Inundation
Evaluation of the Kcl Denuder Method For Gaseous Oxidized Mercury Using Hgbr₂ At an In-service Amnet Site
Evolution of the Rbcs Gene Family in Solanaceae: Concerted Evolution and Gain and Loss of Introns, With a Description of New Statistical Guidelines for Determining the Number of Unique Gene Copies
Examining Perceptions of Authenticity in Museum Exhibits About Skateboarding
Examining the Effects of Varying Levels of Similar or Dissimilar Detail on Investors' Risk Perceptions and Investment Decisions
Examining the Effects of Wastewater Infrastructure on Puget Sound Near-Shore Water Quality across a Gradient of Urbanization
Exploring Aerosol-cloud-precipitation Feedbacks On Marine Low Cloud Induced By Natural and Anthropogenic Perturbations in a Cloud Resolving Model
Exploring Meteorological and Biomass Burning Aerosol Influences On Marine Stratocumulus in the Southeast Atlantic Using Wrf-chem
Exploring the Impact of Virtual Medicine On the Patient-Centered Medical Home
Extending Sensing Capabilities and Modalities of Mobile Devices
Eye Tracking and Game Mechanics: An Evaluation of Unmodified Tablet Computers for Use in Vision Screening Software for Children
Eyes-free Input on Mobile Devices
Fabrication + Adaptation: A System For Replacing Elementary School Portable Classrooms Throughout California
Facilitators and barriers to evidence-based cancer pain management
Factors Affecting Survival of Primary Teeth Receiving Interim Therapeutic Restorations in a Pediatric Population
Fate and Transformation Model of 17 [alpha]-ethinylestradiol in Activated Sludge Treatment Processes
Feasibility of a Wind-propelled Spar Buoy For Use As a Meteorological Observation Platform in Hurricane Conditions
Feature Engineering for 3d Medical Image Applications
Field and Laboratory Perspectives On the Cloud Nucleating Abilities of Aerosol Particles
Field-deployable System for the Detection and Measurement of Micronutrients
Finite Volume Methods For Tsunamis Generated By Submarine Landslides
Fjord Sedimentation During the Rapid Retreat of Tidewater Glaciers: Observations and Modeling
Flexible and Robust Treatments for Missing Traffic Sensor Data
Floral Volatiles in Mimulus: Chemical Ecology, Insect Olfaction, Genetics, and Reproductive Isolation
Forest Fire Lookouts in the North Cascades: From Utilitarian Sentry to Writer's Refuge
Fragmenting History: Prostitutes, Hostesses, and Actresses at the Edge of Empire
From Energy Generation to Storage: The Exploration of Unusual Architectures and Applications of Conjugated Organic Molecules
From Genetics to Behavior, the Dynamics and Mechanisms of Adult Neurogenesis in a Sensorimotor Circuit
From Oldham to Oxford: The Formative Years of Sir William Walton
From Romantic Aesthetics to Environmental Ethics: Rethinking the Role of Natural Aesthetics in Ecocritical Discourse
From the Mouths of Babes: Putti As Moralizers in Four Prints By Master H.l.
Fundamental Studies of Rocket Propellant Fuel Using Gc X Gc-- Tofms Instrumentation with Chemometric Data Analysis
Gait Effects of Unexpected and Coronally-uneven Terrain on Healthy Adults
Garbage Dump Expertise: Tracing the 'common Man' Project in the Works of Aditya Prakash
Genetic disruption of circadian rhythms impairs hippocampus-dependent memory
Ghanaian Voices: Examining the Causal Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Women's Empowerment in Ghana
Glareshade: A Visual Comfort Based Approach to Adaptive Shading Systems
Great Expectations: Researching Usability of Online Museum Collections
Grow, Thrive, Be: Building Healthy Communities and Preserving Culture through Designing Children's Outdoor Play
Guerrilla Productivity: Gamification and Design-related Touch Interfaces
Gut microbial community in infants and toddlers with and without phenylketonuria (PKU)
Hasn't It Always Been Like This?
Healing Spaces: An Outpatient Primary Care Neighborhood Clinic
Hidden Density: A Proposal For Single-family Infill Housing
History On Their Shoulders: Music and Nation-building in Iceland
How Can an Asset-Based Appreciative Inquiry Risk Assessment Model Improve FEMA's Risk Map Process to Help Communities Become More Resilient?
How Social Integration Leverages Interpersonal and Brand Trust
How to Increase Revenue for King County Metro Operations
Hugo Distler (1908-1942): Recontextualizing Distler's Music for Performance in the Twenty-first Century
Human Rights Enforcement At the ICC: An Interdisciplinary Proposal For a Multi-level Approach Based On Wendt and Habermas
Human-centric Security and Privacy for Emerging Technologies
Hybrid Infrastructures: Re:positioning the Anacostia
I Do What I Want: Freedom and Power in Classical Athens
Ignorance is bliss: increasing predictability increases fear generalization in individuals with higher neuroticism
Image-based Remodeling: A Framework for Creating, Visualizing, and Editing Image-based Models
Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Polymeric Composites
Improving Efficiency in Allocating Pediatric Ambulatory Care Clinics
Improving Predictions for Camber in Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders
Improving the Energy Function Used in Rosetta for Protein Structure Prediction and Design
In Plain Sight: A Sensory Art Studio For the Blind and Sighted Communities of Atlanta
In-home use of home-based sensor technology for monitoring mobility in community-dwelling Korean American older adults
Incomplete Streets: Operationalizing Jan Gehl's 12 Quality Criteria on Ballard Avenue
Increased Anatomical Specificity for Neuromodulation Using Modulated Focused Ultrasound
Individual-Group Dynamics in a 12-Step Fellowship: Identification, Service, and Recovery in Overeaters Anonymous
Inferring Big 5 Personality from Online Social Networks
Inferring, Estimating, and Accounting for Population and Pedigree Structure in Genetic Analyses
Influence of Baseline Air Masses and Wildland Fires On Air Quality in the Western United States
Influence of Perspective on Preferences for Prostate Cancer Outcomes
Infrastructural Landscape: Strategies for Post-Industrial Reuse
Infrastructure For Ephemeral Expenditure At Land's End
Innate Immune Recognition of Conserved Structural Features of Bacterial Flagellin Shapes Host Antibody Responses
Inscribing Augustan Personae: Epigraphic Conventions and Memory Across Genres
Inside the Hyper-instrument: Unsuk Chin's Double Concerto
Insights From a Metabolic Chimera: Pyruvate Kinase and Aspartate-glutamate Carrier Distributions Reveal Key Metabolic Links Between Neurons and Glia in the Retina
Integrating Art + STEM: An Exploratory Study of Three Science Centers
Integrating Data-driven Methods in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Control, Sparsity and Machine Learning
Intergenerational dialogue about sexual health and HIV prevention among African American women in Rural Mississippi
Interrelation and plasticity of inter- and intrahemispheric corticocortical connections, and the relation between ocular dominance columns and callosal connections in rat visual cortex
Interrogating the Electronic Structure and Photochemistry of Molecules with Transient X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Investigating Sediment Transport on the Waipaoa Margin: Linking in Situ Observations with Preserved Deposits
Investigation into the effects and mechanisms of rapamycin treatment in two mouse models of complex I-deficient neurological pathology
Investigation of Reagent Delivery Formats and Implications for Higher-sensitivity Detection in Paper-based Diagnostics
Investigation of the Spatial and Temporal Structure of Internal Waves
Iterative Multistate Negative Design of Protein Folds
Joint Modeling of Survival and Longitudinal Data Measured With Error, With Application to Assessing Immune Correlates of Protection in Vaccine Efficacy Trials
Kamba Time: For Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Viola and Cello
Kappa opioid regulation of dopamine in dysphoria and addiction
Kinetochore-microtubule Coupling and Its Regulation During Mitosis
Ktētē and Synthesis: Epigrams, Miniatures, and Authorship in the Leo Bible
Labels for Some: Long-Term Consequences of Police Encounters and Arrests for African American and White Youth
Laboro Ergo Sum (i Work Therefore I Am): The Effects of Occupation Characteristics On Psychological Characteristics and Nonwork Outcomes
Lagrangian Coherent Structures and the Dynamics of Inertial Particles
Lan[d]tern: Designing the Transit-oriented Pedestrian Nightscape
Land Value Under Growth Control in King County
Landscapes of Fulfillment: Re-examining Infrastructures For E-commerce Distribution in Los Angeles
Lanthanum Ferrite-based Mixed-conducting Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
Large-Scale Ocean Circulation Observed from Autonomous Profiling Floats
Latency-tolerant Distributed Shared Memory for Data-intensive Applications
Latent Continuous Time Markov Chains for Partially-observed Multistate Disease Processes
Latent Realities: Uncovering the Unseen At the Top of Denmark
Layers of Accumulation: Reusing a Contaminated Industrial Waterfront On Rock Bay, B.c.
Leisure & Practice: An Exploratory Study On the Impact of Leisurely Museum Visits On Museum Professionals
Life in the Cold Biosphere: The Ecology of Psychrophile Communities, Genomes, and Genes
Light-absorbing Particulates in Seasonal Snow in Western North America
Lineages: An Inter-generational Approach to the Urban Environment
Liquidated Urbanism: Found Condition and Exploited Conflict
Live-work/live-learn/live-play: An Urban Village For Musicians Across Generations
Local Community Museum Architecture: Planning and Designing For Community
Localization of the Human Malaria Parasite's Dihydrofolate Reductase-thymidylate Synthase and Examining Its Role in Proguanil and Atovaquone Drug Synergy
Long-lived Charge Carrier Dynamics in Polymer/quantum Dot Blends and Organometal Halide Perovskites
Longitudinal associations between home food environment and diet quality in children
Low-tech.high-touch: Dna-brick Assembly
Lucan's Natural Questions: Landscape and Geography in the Bellum Civile
Macaque personality: structure, development, and relationship to social behavior
Machine Learning Based Attacks and Defenses in Computer Security: Towards Privacy and Utility Balance in Emerging Technology Environments
Making East Asian Consumers: Market Formation and Evolution of Demand in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China
Management of Caries-related Visits to a Pediatric Hospital Emergency Department
Mapping cellular and synaptic distributions in the mouse retina
Marginalizable Mixed Effect Models for Clustered Binary, Categorical and Survival Data
Marion Bauer's 'completely Musical Life' (1882-1955): An American Composer's Essential Creative Works and Contributions To Twentieth-century Music
Math Attitudes and Interests of Adult Science Café Participants
Mathematical Modeling of Focal Axonal Swellings Arising in Traumatic Brain Injuries and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Maturation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Engineered Cardiac Tissues
Maximizing Ecological and Social Benefits of Habitat Restoration in the Lower Duwamish River: A Spatial Framework for Site Selection
Megakaryopoiesis, Thrombopoiesis and the Microenvironment
Mental rehearsal increases liking for repeatedly exposed stimuli
Messiahs and Pariahs: Suffering and Social Conscience in the Passion Genre from J.S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion (1727) to David Lang's the Little Match Girl Passion (2007)
Metabolic Engineering of the Ethylmalonyl-Coa Pathway in M. Extorquens Am1 For 1-Butanol Production
Metabolome response to glycemic load in a randomized, controlled, crossover feeding trial in humans
Metal/organic and Metal/inorganic Interfaces: Interfacial Bond Energies, Structure and Energy-level Alignment
Method Development for Qualitative and Quantitative Study in Mass Spectrometry
Methods and Models to Control and Predict Behavior of Two Dimensional Paper Networks for Diagnostics
Methods for Estimation and Evaluation of Marker-guided Treatment Rules Based on Multivariate Marker Panels
Methods for the Prediction of Endpoint-occurrence Times in Clinical Trials
Mhd Modeling in Complex 3d Geometries: Towards Predictive Simulation of Sihi Current Drive
Microfluidic Platforms for Focal Stimulation of Muscle Cells and Large-scale Studies of Synaptogenesis
Microglia and astrocytoma cells express alkylindole-sensitive receptors
Micrornas and Metabolites in Naïve to Primed Human Embryonic Stem Cell Transition
Midfacial and Denal Changes Associated with Positive Airway Pressure in Children and Adolescents with Sleep-disordered Breathing
Migration as an Adaptive Response to Ethnic Nationalism in Russia
Mitochondrial Dynamics in the Presence of Neurodegenerative Disease
Mn² in Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Mobile Loitering: A Response to Public Space Needs in Niger's Post-colonial, Highly Gendered Urban Context
Modeling Protein Stability and Structural Preference in Ionic Liquids
Modeling the Ecohydrologic Role of Solar Radiation On Catchment Development in Semiarid Ecosystems
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Poly(3-Hexylthiophenes) in Dilute Solutions
Molecular Engineering Approaches Against Germs, Spores and Biofilm Formation
Monomethyl Pt Complexes Coordinated to Hemilabile Facially Coordinating Ligands in Aqueous Solution: Aerobic Oxidation and C-o Coupling to Form Methanol
Motion accumulates while movement disappears: spatial interactions in visual motion
Moving Forward Towards Sustainability: Contributions of the Living Building Challenge to Triple Bottom Line Reporting
Moving Goods to Consumers: Land Use Patterns, Logistics, and Emissions
Mri-guided Focused Ultrasound Application for Targeted Drug Delivery
Multi-versioned Data Storage and Iterative Processing in a Parallel Array Database Engine
Multidisciplinary Approach to Address Water Scarcity in Informal Settlements in Lima, Peru: Fog Water Collection, the Fog Resource and the Health Context
Multifunctional Zwitterionic Surface Chemistry For Applications in Complex Media
Murin-an: Literary Descriptions and the Interpretation of Experiences in a Japanese Dwelling
Museum Outreach and Academic Identity: An Examination of Academic Identity Formation in Underserved Audiences
Negotiating Ballard's Missing Link of the Burke-Gilman Trail: How Bicycle Infrastructure Can Integrate a Sustainable Design Solution
Neighborhood Effects on Residential Living Arrangements Among Older Adults
Neighborhood Networks and the Decision-making Processes in a Distressed Social-built Environment: A Case Study in Lake City (seattle), Washington
Neural mechanisms for decisions based on sequential samples of evidence
Neuronal and network-based mechanisms of spontaneous synchronous activity in the developing mouse cortex
New Approaches to Study the Marine Carbon Cycle
New Home: Creating a New Typology For Migrant Worker Housing
Next Generation Sequencing Panels for the Evaluation of Colorectal Cancer and Polyposis Syndromes: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Nonlinear Internal Waves on the Washington Continental Shelf
Oasis of Resilience, Healing and Empowering Syrian Children in Za'atari Refugee Camp
Observability-based Guidance and Sensor Placement
Observations of Tropical Cirrus By Elastic Backscatter Lidars and the Development of a Cloud and Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm For Raman Lidars
Of Mice and Women: Understanding Pregnancy-Induced Changes in Glyburide PK/PD for the Improved Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
On Estimation of Time-varying Population Attributable Fractions for Population-based Case-control Studies
On the Instability of Water Waves With Surface Tension
On the Nature of Severe Orographic Thunderstorms Near the Andes in Subtropical South America
On the Origins of Trust
Open Question Answering
Operating a Museum For Profit: Furthering the Dialouge About Corporate Structures Available to Museums
Organizing Knowledge: Comparative Structures of Intersubjectivity in Nineteenth-Century Historical Dictionaries
Outcome and predictors of functional impairment in suicidal women with BPD receiving dialectical behavior therapy
Ownership Structure and Firm Value: Evidence From Mergers of Institutional Investors and Genetics, Homeownership and Home Location Choice
Ozone Enhancement in Western U.s. Wildfire Plumes At the Mt. Bachelor Observatory: The Role of Nox
P'ungmul Kut (percussion Music Rituals): Integrating Korean Traditions With Modern Identities
Parallel Adaptive Simulation of Detonation Waves Using a Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Scheme
Parental Opinions of Anti-tobacco Messages Within a Pediatric Dental Clinic
Parents' Use of Benzocaine for Oral Pain in Young Children
Partner Rotation and Pcaob Inspections: Effects On End-of-term Audit Quality
Passive Pitch Control in Marine Hydrokinetic Turbine Blades
Pharmacologic Regulation of Wnt/[beta]-catenin Signaling in Stem and Progenitor Cells
Photodoping of Colloidal Nanocrystals
Physician Perspectives on Cyp2c19 Pharmacogenomic Active Clinical Decision Support
Pid Control Simulation and Kalman Filter State Estimation of Hit-si Injector Flux Circuit
Planning Effectively for Legalized Recreational Marijuana: An Assessment of Community Land Use Ordinances in Washington State
Planning for Broadband: An Evaluation of California's High Speed Internet Infrastructure Programs
Planning for Resilience: A Proposed Landscape Evaluation for Redevelopment Planning in the Linpan Landscape
Planning for Self-Organized Homeless Camps: Policy, Community Relations, and Locational Process
Planning for Small & Ordinary Natural Urban Spaces to Enhance Mental Health & Well-Being: The Psychological Health Benefits from Contact with Nature
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha Signaling Pathways in Development and Liver Disease
Prediction of Time-dependent Stresses and Deflections in Prestressed, Concrete Girders: From Start of Fabrication to End of Service Life
Prefrontal modulation of midbrain dopamine systems during navigation-based decision tasks
Preparation and Reactivity of Sigma-complexes
Princess Cristina Trivulzio Di Belgiojoso: Her Passion For Music and Politics
Prioritizing Pedestrian Safety Improvement Locations: A Spatial Analytical Approach Using Network Kernel Density Estimation
Probabilistic Estimation of State Via Propagation of Error For a Collision Warning System
Probing Underlying Processes in Organic Photovoltaics with Atomic Force Microscopies
Process Based Learning in Planning Studio Pedagogy: A Theoretical Model for Planning Education
Proton-coupled Electron Transfer Reactivity of Ruthenium Complexes with Separation Between the Proton and Electron Transfer Sites
Public Curation As Civic Engagement: Naming Success in Participatory Curatorial Models
Public Involvement as an Opportunity for Multicultural Sociability in an Urban Context
Quadrant Distribution of Tropical Cyclone Inner-core Kinematics in Relation to Environmental Shear
Quantification of Life-Stage Transition Behaviors in Harmful Algae and Their Implications for Pelagic and Benthic Distributions
Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands: Strengthening Diversity for Community Resilience
Reactivity and Thermochemistry of First-row Transition Metal Complexes with Stable Organic Radicals
Reconstruction and Visualization of Architectural Scenes
Red cell distribution width and fall events in older adults
Reducing the Usability Barrier to Specification and Verification
Refining the Association Among Race, Education and Health
Regeneration: An Institute For Making in Southeastern Ohio's Postindustrial Vacancies
Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 5 is Expressed in Hepatic Stellate Cells and Moderates the Fibrotic Response to Injury
Relations among maternal psychopathology, emotion socialization and child emotion regulation and adjustment in high risk families
Relationship of Pre-transplant Periodontal Assessment and Post-transplant Outcomes in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Remodeling the Frauenzimmer: Women-authored Spaces in German Literature From 1770-1820
Reproducibility in Human Cognitive Neuroimaging: A Community-driven Data Sharing Framework for Provenance Information Integration and Interoperability
Resonance and Relevance: Reactions to Collaboratively Developed Display of Culture
Restoration of Native Plant Communities: An Examination of Seed Limitation and Microsite Limitation in the Garry Oak Ecosystem
Restorative Environments: A Campus For Trafficked Youth in Chiang Rai, Thailand
Rhetorical Topographies of Post-earthquake L'aquila: Locality, Activism, and Citizenship Engagement
Role of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Adult Neurogenesis and Cholinergic Seizures
Roles of GABAergic interneurons in calcium waves of the developing neocortex
Sacred Vernacular, a Look Into the Storefront Mosques of Seattle
Scalar and Multivariate Approaches For Optimal Network Design in Antarctica
Scale Effect ; Experience of Scale in Natural Landscapes: A Washington Parks Information Center On Seattle's Waterfront
Scheduling Mass Customized Large Product Assembly Line Considering Learning Effect and Shifting Bottleneck
Science Fiction Exhibits As Stem Gateways
Screening subjects: humanitarian government and the politics of asylum at Palawan
Seattle's Bicycle Stations: A Social and Infrastructure Support Network For Tired, Wet, and Caffeine Deprived Cyclists
Securing Embedded Systems: Analyses of Modern Automotive Systems and Enabling Near-real Time Dynamic Analysis
Securing Technologies of Freedom after the Arab Spring: Policy Entrepreneurship and Norms Consolidation Practices in Internet Freedom Promotion
Security and Privacy for Untrusted Applications in Modern and Emerging Client Platforms
Sediment Dispersal and Accumulation in an Insular Sea: Deltas of Puget Sound
Sediment Dynamics in Tidal Environments Spanning a Range of Fluvial Influence
Seismic Evaluation of Bolted Connections in Non-seismic Concentrically Braced Frames
Seismic Performance of Chevron Concentrically Braced Frames with Weak Beams
Selective Bivalent Reagents for the Study of Protein Kinases
Self-Assembly of Nanoparticle Surfactants
Self-optimizing Metamaterial Antennas
September 04, 1998: Entanglement and Experimentation, Or, Cultural Fascism and Google Street View
Sexually explicit online media and sexual risk among men who have sex with men in the United States
Shared Space: Community-centered Development in the Suburbs
Sharing the Street: Shared Space in an American Context
Shariʻa in the Secular State: Evolving Perceptions of Law and Religion in Turkey
Shift: Experimental Public Space At the Periphery of Copenhagen
Silicon Photonic Biosensors for the Phenotypic and Serologic Characterization of Blood
Simulating Protein Adsorption Phenomena For Experimental Comparison
Singa Nebah: Adapting a Javanese Gamelan Composition for a Western Percussion Ensemble
Smoking and Cvd in the Multi-ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis: Functional Form, Mediating Pathways, and Implications of Intensity Reduction
Social and foraging behavior in Northwestern Crows (Corvus caurinus): incorporating new analyses and technology
Socioeconomic trends in household food expenditures: comparing objective food shopping receipts vs. self-reports
Software and Hardware Support for Data-race Exceptions
Solid-Binding Proteins for Modification of Inorganic Substrates
Source Affiliation and Framing of the GMO Debate By East Africa's Nation Media Group
Spatial Measurement Error Methods in Air Pollution Epidemiology
Spectral Methods For Partial Differential Equations That Model Shallow Water Wave Phenomena
Stigma in women living with HIV in Jakarta, Indonesia
Storytelling and Networking on Tibet: Relationships Between Narratives, Framing and Networks Within and Between Two Oppositional Issue Networks
Strange Bedfellows: A Marriage of Housing and Industry On the Duwamish Waterway, or a Sordid Tale of Domestic Bliss
Stress and Substance Use During Pregnancy for Alaska Native and Rural Alaskan Women
Stress and coping model of alcohol use among treatment-seeking Asian Americans
Strong Space, Thick Space: Towards an Architectural Motive
Structural Characterization of Composite Thin-Film and Dispersed Phase Conjugated Polymer/fullerene Composites
Structural Studies of the Atpase From the Type Ii Secretion System
Studies of Solution-Processed Organic Light-Emitting Diodes and All-Polymer Solar Cells
Studying Network Structural Changes Using Information Event Signatures
Suburban Dialectic: A Design For the Refabrication of Seattle's Deteriorating Strip Corridors
Supporting the Supporter: Social Support, Stress, and Well-being Among Caregivers of Children with Severe Disabilities
Survival Analysis Methods for Recurrent Medical Cost Data
Sustainable Urban Community Development: A Case Study of Flood Design in Snoqualmie, WA, USA
Swarm Intelligence Based Adaptive Signal System
Talking to Robots: Learning to Ground Human Language in Perception and Execution
Tao Yuanming and William Wordsworth: A Parallel Study
Targeting Success. an Evaluation of Information Literacy Standards: A Mixed Method Approach Utilizing the Judgments of National Board Certified Teachers
The Abyssal Ocean's Contributions to the Global Energy and Sea Level Budgets Between the 1990s and 2000s
The Architecture of Suspense: A Center For the Cinematic Arts in the Former Olympia Brewery
The Beauty of Molokai'i
The Bittersweet Taste of the Past: Reading Food in Armenian Literature in Turkish
The Building of Verse: Descriptions of Architectural Structures in Roman Poetry
The Built Environment, Obesity and Walking
The Catholic Imagination of Czeslaw Milosz
The Cellular and Molecular Axis of Muscle Regeneration
The Circulation of Jades in Early China: (late Neolithic-eastern Zhou, Ca. 4500-221 B.c.)
The Depot: A New Intermodal Transit Facility in Mazar-i-sharif, Afghanistan
The Development of a Multi-model Optical Imaging System to Investigate Hemodynamic Responses to Tissue Injury in Vivo
The Downstream Decay of Trapped Lee Waves
The Effect of Star-planet Interactions On Planetary Climate
The Effects of Refraction and Forward Scattering On Exoplanet Transit Transmission Spectroscopy
The Formation and Outcome of Corporate Venture Capital Investments Between Incumbents and New Ventures
The Frictions and Flows of Data-intensive Transformations: A Comparative Study of Discourses, Practices, and Structures of Digital Health in the U.S. and India
The Great Recession and health disparities: a study of maternal and child health outcomes in Washington and Florida
The ICC and the situation in Kenya: impact and analysis of the Kenyatta and Ruto/Sang trials
The Impact of Digital Marketing on Firms' Strategies and Consumers' Post-purchase Behavior
The Impact of R10-Hydroxywarfarin on CYP2C9-Mediated S-Warfarin Metabolism
The Impacts of Household Behaviors and Housing Choice on Residential Energy Consumption
The Impacts of Time Pressure and Emotion On the Information Behavior of High Stakes Decision Makers: The Home Buying Experience
The Influence of Conditional Cash Transfers on Migration: A Re-Examination from a Gendered Lens
The Influence of Orbital Forcing of Tropical Insolation On the Climate and Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in South America
The Integrity of Steel Gravity Framing System Connections Subjected to Column Removal Loading
The Invisible Hand of Islam: Islamic Business and the State Relations in Turkey and Egypt.
The Lake City Commons: A Catalytic Approach for Generating Urban Coherence
The Life and Music of Isang Yun
The Mystery of Biological Transmutation
The Nature of Predication in Parmenides
The Relationship Between Musicians' Internal Pulse and Rhythmic Sight-reading
The Role of Museum Marketing Departments During the Exhibition Development Process
The Role of Trait Affect in the Information Security Behavior of Home Users
The Role of the Ankle Plantar Flexors During Running With Different Strike Patterns
The Study of Phosphorus Bioavailability in Effluents from Advanced Nutrient Removal Treatments
The Unpublished Songs of Ivor Gurney
The Use of Patient Capital to Promote Real Estate Development in Walkable Communities
The association between depression and overweight/obesity among ethnic minority youth
The cost of healthy foods in Seattle, WA: price trends from 2004-2014
The dynamics of category-specific perception in ventral temporal cortex
The dysfunction and therapeutic potential of the endocannabinoid system in Huntington's disease
The genetic identification and physiological characterization of a novel locus for non-progressive hearing loss on mouse chromosome 17
The influence of caregivers and meal decision makers on the nutritional content of fast foods purchased for children
The relation between maternal behavior and social smiling in infants at high risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder
The role of executive functioning in the treatment of borderline personality disorder
The role of the dorsal periaqueductal grey in risky foraging behavior
Theoretical Insight Into the Manipulation of the Optical and Magnetic Properties of Transition-metal-doped Ii-vi Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Elementary Surface Reaction Steps in Catalysis By Single Crystal Adsorption Calorimetry
Time for a change: college students' preference for in-person versus technology mediated help for emotional distress
To Use or Not to Use: Understanding Public Support for Expanded Federal Wilderness Preservation Policies
To the Funhouse: W.g. Sebald's Playful Intertextuality
Tokyo Canal City: Reuniting Tokyo With the Kanda River
Toppling the Ivory Tower: Coded Anti-intellectualism in American Political Discourse
Total and Disease Specific Resource Use and Healthcare Cost of Patients with Glaucoma
Towards Large Scale Summarization
Towards Personalized Cancer Therapy: Microfluidic Approaches for Drug Screening
Towards Widespread Adoption of Automated Microfluidic Systems
Tracing Domain Data Concepts in Layered Applications
Traffic-Related Air Pollution, PM₂.₅: The Case of Shanghai
Trail Markers: Identity and Utility Along the Pacific Crest Trail
Transforming Borders and Crossing Frontiers: A Trans-border Light-rail System For the City of El Paso and Juarez
Translation of a Chemical Reaction from Batch to Continuous Flow Via Process Analytical Technology and Chemometrics
Tropical Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Stable Isotopes of Mangrove Lipid Biomarkers
Truck GPS Data in Freight Planning: Methodologies and Applications for Measurement and Forecasting
Trumpet Mouthpiece Backbores: An Investigation of Interior Volume and Timbre
Tuned Souls: The Role of Music in the Lives of Homeless Young People
Unconditional Exact Tests for Binomial Proportions in the Group Sequential Setting
Understanding Activity Location Choice with Mobile Phone Data
Understanding How Uncertainty in the Forcing Irradiances Impacts Simulations of Snow
Understanding Properties of Zwitterionic Materials From Their Molecular Structures
Understanding Technology Integration On Single-visit Field Trips: A Study of Three Field Trip Programs Utilizing Technology
Understanding and Communicating Spatially-oriented Ontologies
Understanding the Responses of Precipitation, Evaporative Demand, and Terrestrial Water Availability to Planetary Temperature in Climate Models
Unequal at the Starting Line: How Early Learning Experiences and School Capital Influence Stratification in the United States
Unmarked and Unheard: Voices of Working Class White Men in an Appalachian Borderland
Unveiling the Sacred: The Emergence of Temple Museums in Japan
Urban Instigators: Reclaiming the Duwamish Waterways
Using Collision Cones to Asses Biological Deconfliction Methods
Using Vocals Rex C-130 Aircraft Measurements to Understand Aerosol-cloud-precipitation Interactions in Marine Stratocumulus
Utilization of Protease-activated Receptor Signaling Pathways in Oral Innate Immune Regulation
Validating Vaccines: Understanding the Rhetorical Dynamics of Expertise amid a Manufactured Controversy
Variation in WIC cash-value voucher redemption rates among American Indian reservation communities in Washington State
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression in the Murine Dental Pulp During Aging and Dentin Regeneration
Verifying Concurrent Programs by Controlling Alias Interference
Veränderte Umwelt: Neue Leseweisen Im Anthropozän
Vietnam's forgotten revolutionaries: student voices from inside the Vietnamese revolution, 1954-1975
Visual Analytics Methods for Analyzing Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Mutant Proteins
Visual and Aural Modes of Perception in Choral Performance Evaluations
Visualizing the Holocaust: The Perceived Benefits and Concerns of Including Holocaust Atrocity Images in Museum Exhibits
Vlogging the Museum: YouTube As a Tool For Audience Engagement
W.G. Sebald and the Cinematic Imagination
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: A Guidebook for Implementing Role-Playing Simulation Games in the Planning Process
Washington State Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction Benchmarks: How Might They Be Reached?
Watermarks: New Modes of Inhabitation in the Water Dominated Landscape of Rome
Wave Breaking and Turbulence at a Tidal Inlet: Shoals, Currents, & Winds
What Makes Unions Strong?: A Network Perspective on Union Bargaining Power
Who is like a scientist? a self-prototype matching approach to women's underrepresentation in STEM Fields
Why Do You Want Your Child to Have Braces?: Investigating the Motivations of Hispanic/Latino and Caucasian Parents
Wildlife + Human Interaction: Creating a Mindful Link Between the Visitor + Pygmy Elephant Territories
Winter Extreme Precipitation Along the North American West Coast
Within the Edge: A Revised Approach to Urban Containment Within the Chandigarh Periphery
Women's sex-related dissociation: the effects of alcohol intoxication, instructions to control sexual arousal, and history of sexual abuse
Zoned for Success: How Urban Planners Can Promote Educational Equality
Zwitterionic Poly(carboxybetaine) Materials For Blood-Contacting Medical Devices and Nanoparticles
[re]commissioned: An Indoor Aerodrome and Development Center For Unmanned Vehicles in Tillamook's Iconic Airship Hangar
End of automatically generated list.

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2012-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2013-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2013
"Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts": Coordinating Centers As Facilitators of Network-level Work in Cancer Epidemiology Coordinating Center Enabled Networks
"Now Sing From the Mouth and From the Heart": The Spiritual Folksongs of Cyrillus Kreek
"The Call of God": Korean American Women's Activism in the Pacific Northwest
"What's Your Status?": Disclosure of HIV Status Among Men Who Have Sex with Men
'Punishment's Twin': Theorizing Prisoner Reentry for a Politics of Abolition
100 Chants: A Resource for Choral Practice and Performance
3-d Particle Tracking Velocimetry: Development and Applications in Small Scale Flows
A Bridge to the Mississippi: A Transportation Museum On the St. Louis Riverfront
A Broadband Optical Ring Resonator for Absorption and Refractive Index Detection
A Community-based Grassroots Organization in the South Bronx As a Catalyst for Youth Organizing and Activism: Analyzing the Dynamics of a Transformative Youth Program
A Computational Framework for Next-generation Inspection Imaging
A Conversation Between Dance and Architecture
A Differential Requirement for CDC48/P97 and Protein Chaperones in Nuclear Protein Quality Control Degradation
A Dream of Etruria: The Sacro Bosco of Bomarzo and the Alternate Antiquity of Alto Lazio
A Few Words from the Bench: Judges' Communication to and about the Jury
A Graph-theoretic Approach to Model Genomic Data and Identify Biological Modules Asscociated With Cancer Outcomes
A Graphic History: The Integration of Architecture and Graphic Design to Represent the Evolution of Cincinnati's Over-the-rhine Community
A Mass Balance Field Study of the Phytoremediation of Trichloroethylene with Transgenic Poplars Genetically Modified with Cytochrome P450 2E1
A Mixed Model Approach With Control for Modeled Baseline in Longitudinal Analysis, With Applications to the Multi-ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
A Model or a Symbol?: Criminal IP Judicial Reforms of Taiwan Under U.S. Special 301
A Modular Ph-responsive Polymer Platform for Protein-based Vaccines
A Nursery Rhyme From Another Summer
A Performer's View of Three Recitals
A Preliminary Exploration of the Differences Between Two Financing Options for University Real Estate Projects Under Public-Private Partnerships: A Case Study of 501(c)3 and 63-20 Tax-Exempt Bond Processes
A Proof of Concept Imaging System for Automated Cervical Cancer Screening in Peru
A Retrospective Investigation of the Effects and Efficiency of Self-ligating and Conventional Brackets
A Woman's Place: Gender Politics and Twitter in the 2012 Elections
A comparison of the effect of consuming a fructose-, glucose-, or aspartame-sweetened beverage on ad libitum caloric intake
A retrospective chart review of hospital based wound discharge planning and 30-day readmission rates
Acquired copper deficiency post Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery: a retrospective review
Activating Modernist Public Space: Deconstructing the Urban Plaza
Acute alcohol intoxication & sexual risk likelihood: exploring cultural factors
Adaptation and Automation of Search and Rescue Patterns With Implementation For an Operational Unmanned Aircraft System
Adaptive Reuse of New Holland Island in St. Petersburg, Russia: Incremental Development Within Historic Fabric
Addressing Issues With the Stepped Wedge Design of Cluster-randomized Clinical Trials
Adherence to Oral Migraine Prophylaxis Medications in Patients with Chronic Migraine
Adjusting for Misclassified Outcomes in a Multistate Model
Adsorption and Thin-film Adhesion On Single-crystalline Surfaces: Enthalpies, Entropies, and Kinetic Prefactors for Surface Reactions
Aerosol Cloud Interactions in Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus: Satellite Observations, in Situ Data and Regional Modeling
Alcohol Use and Misuse Among American Indians: Applying a Modified Historical Trauma Model
Alcohol interventions for mandated students (Project AIMS)
Alcohol myopia and sexual abdication: examining the moderating effect of child sexual abuse
An Algorithm For Autonomous Formation Obstacle Avoidance
An Analysis of the Risk From Uas Missions in the National Airspace
An Evaluation Framework for the Integrated Design Process of Sustainable High-performance Buildings
An Experiment to Investigate the Stability of Evaporating Films in Micro-gravity
An Observational Study of Davis Strait Transports
An Urban Refuge in Hong Kong: Transitional Housing For Displaced Informal Settlements
An exploration of discourses of workplace bullying of organizations, regulatory agencies and hospital nursing unit managers
Analysis of Managed Lanes On Freeway Facilities
Analysis of WAsP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) in Complex Topographical Conditions Using Measured Production from a Large Scale Wind Farm
Analysis of the Renewable Energy Assessment Programs Retscreen and System Advisor Model (SAM): Wind Energy Model Predictions Comparison with Measured Operational Data
Analytical Study of Gusset Plate Joints in Steel Truss Bridges and Development of Assessment Procedures
Antiepileptic Drug Switching and Epilepsy-Related Events in Subjects with Epilepsy: A Case-Control Analysis of Health Insurance Claims Data
Anxieties, Expectations, and Truths of Contemporary Journalism: A Case Study of the Mike Daisey Scandal
Application and Development of 2d Ir Spectroscopy for the Study of Complex Biological Systems
Applications of Metric Embeddings in Solving Combinatorial Problems
Approximate Acceleration for a Post Multicore Era
Architecture of Connection: A Mixed-use Housing Strategy For Building Urban Community
Are Museum Professionals Happy? Exploring Well-being Across Domains and in the Workplace
Assessing Vaccine Effects in Hiv-1 Vaccine Trials: Antigenic Maps, Antigen Selection, and Sieve Analysis
Assessing green space as a correlate of physical activity among twins
Assessing the Relationship Between Caregivers' Pediatric Oral Health Literacy and Children's Caries Status
Assessment of HIV prevention needs of west Kenyan adolescents: implications for intervention adaptation
Assessment of Wind Energy Production Software
Assessment of parenting stress as measured by the parenting stress index-short form related to treatment and management of a child with phenylketonuria
Assimilation of Time-averaged Pseudoproxies For Climate Reconstruction
Attenuating fearful memories through modulation of learning: effects of modified consolidation and cued extinction on intrusions
Bach and Schumann As Keyboard Pedagogues: A Comparative and Critical Overview of the "notebook of Anna Magdalena," and the "album For the Young"
Back to the Root: Designing a Culturally Responsive Open Space for Seattle's Chinatown-International District
Bariatric Surgery for Severe Obesity: Determinants of Use and Economic Impact
Biogeochemical Cycling of Mercury in the Atmosphere-ocean-land System: Global and Regional Modeling
Biophysical Characterization of Hydrogel-core, Lipid-shell Nanoparticles (nanolipogels) for HIV Chemoprophylaxis
Black-White Wealth Accumulation: Does Veteran Status Matter?
Body and Spirit: Crafting an Architectural Language of Redemption
Boundaries and Dynamics of Biomes
Brokers Beyond Borders: Moldova's Countertraffickers
Building Language: A Traditional Andean Language Center in Ollantaytambo, Cuzco, Peru
Building Sustainable Behavior Through Social Marketing: Encouraging Reusable Shopping Bag Use At Stadium Thriftway in Tacoma, Wa -- a Case Study
Built Lens: Designing Environmental Engagement On Flathead Lake
Burning Mouth Syndrome Questionnaire
CD44-/- Animals Display Decreased Orthodontic Tooth Movement Using a Murine Model
Cephalometric Analysis and Long-term Outcomes of Surgical Jaw Advancement in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Challenges Associated With Statistical Analysis in the Presence of Sparse Data and Applications to Alternative Tobacco Product Research
Channeling Friendships Across Social Types Via Mediated Communication and High School Clubs
Characteristics and Fate of Orthodontic Articles Submitted for Publication: An Exploratory Study of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Characterization of Dental Pulp Stem Cells and Their Potential Clinical Applications
Chemical Analysis of Cells and Tissues With Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Chican@ Artivistas: East Los Angeles Trenches, Transborder Tactics
Choices On Top of Choices: A Case Illustrating the Dialectic Impact of User Technology Choice
Christian Motifs in Pacific Northwest Coast Native American Art
Chromatic detection from cone photoreceptors to individual V1 neurons to behavior in macaque monkeys
Chronic stress alters serum lipids: effects due to "stress eating" versus metabolic changes
Classification and Treatment of Angle Class II Subdivision Malocculsions
Cloud Camp: Refuge Above Paradise
Collective Identification, High Risk Protest, and Social Media Use in the Occupy Wall Street Movement
Comparative Analysis of Successful Third Parties
Comparing Nasolabial Measures Using Casts and Facial Scans
Comparison of Effects of Bromination and Iodination On the Spectroscopic Properties of Natural Organic Matter
Comparison of Lateral Flow Iimunoassays to Current Stool Evaluation Methods For the Detection of Giardia and Cryptosporidium
Complex Adaptive Food Supply Systems
Complicating Youth in Contemporary Turkey: Cultural Activism and a New Muslim Youth Identity
Compressible Flow Structure of Droplets Under Supersonic Conditions
Computational Modeling of Optical Projection Tomographic Microscopy
Conceptions of Trust: How Designers Approach Usable Privacy and Security
Confronting for the greater good: are confrontations that address the broad benefits of prejudice reduction taken seriously?
Constraints On the Reactivity and Components of Nocturnal Nitrogen Oxides
Contending with the Challenges of HIV Genetic Diversity: The Role of Epitope Variant Recognition in Immune Control of HIV
Contributions of Dense Pressure Observations to Mesoscale Analyses and Forecasts
Control of Innate Antiviral Immunity by HIV-1
Control of Rab Small G-proteins in Yeast Endosomal Traffic
Coordinating the Commons: Diversity & Dynamics in Open Collaborations
Copper-catalyzed Reactions of Organoboron Compounds
Correlating Electronic and Nuclear Motions in Ultrafast Photoinduced Charge Transfer Reactions with Femtosecond Multidimensional Spectroscopies
Cosolve: A Novel System for Engaging Users in Collaborative Problem-solving
Created Differences: Rhetorics of Race and Resistance in Intellectual Property Law
Creating a Greater Connection: Volunteer Training in Seattle-area Museums
Curation Experimentation: The Blurring of Art and Life Along Portland's North Park Blocks
David and Goliath: Individualism and Liberty in the Italian Renaissance and the American Revolution
Decoding Coordinated Hand Movement in Human Primary Motor Cortex Using High Resolution Electrocorticography
Defining the Role of Maternal Plasma Neutralizing Antibodies in Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1
Design Activism Landscape Architecture for Marginalized People and Lands
Design Optimization of Structures With Shape Memory Alloy Member Actuators
Design Summary: Schematic Design for Interimcda's Farm & Nature Center Project
Design for Us
Design for Use and Acceptance of Tracking Tools in Healthcare
Designing for Gender Equality in the Developing Context: Developing a Gender-Integrated Design Process to Support Designers Seeing, Process, and Space Making
Designing for Health: Investigating Strategies to Create Healthy People, Landscapes and Ecosystems
Detection and Attribution of Global Surface Air Temperature Change in the Instrumental Record
Developing a Library of Recognition Proteins Using Fimh As a Protein Scaffold
Developing an Escience Transportation Platform for Freeway Performance Analysis
Development and Mechanistic Study of Copper-based Water Oxidation Catalysts
Development of Catalytic Processes for the Transformation of Low Value Chemical Feedstocks to Value Added Chemicals
Development of Multifunctional Block Copolymers for the Delivery of Nucleic Acid Vaccines
Development of Practical Synthetic Tools Using Copper and Gold Catalysis
Development of Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography for in Vivo Functional Imaging of Biological Tissues
Development of a Non-instrumented Point-of-care (poc) Hiv-1 Diagnostic Device
Development of the DESK (Disinhibited Eating Score for Koreans) questionnaire: examining the relationship between eating cues and food intake in the corporate-working population of Seoul, Korea
Discovery and Development of Synthetic and Natural Biomaterials For Protein Therapeutics and Medical Device Applications
Distributed Method to Optimal Profile Descent
District market: a pilot marketing study
Do You Speak English?: Speech Codes Relating to "English Only" Language Policy Within Multi-lingual Office Space in China
Do neural measures of executive function account for income differences in preschool children's effortful control?
Do screen time policies matter?: The association between the presence of screen time policies in child care facilities and child care provider knowledge, provider advocacy and facility practices
Drivers of Turbulence in the Neutral Interstellar Medium of Dwarf Galaxies
Dynamic Load Balancing in Mass
Dynamic Scheduling Policies in Production-inventory Systems With Returns or Two Classes of Demands
Dynamic Shading: An Analysis
Early Childhood Learning in Preschool Planetarium Programs
Early communication development in infants at high and low genetic risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders: an examination of communication spontaneity
Eat This Book: Human-centered Research and Software Design Using the Metaphor of Food to Support Media Consumption and Design an Ambient Technology Display for Stashes of To-be-read Ebooks
Eating frequency, disease-related biomarkers and appetite
Ecological and Evolutionary Strategies of Archaeal, Bacterial, and Viral Communities in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Educating Physicians to Detect Dental Caries: Evaluating a Simple Teaching Method
Educational and Racial Variation in Women's Transitions Into and Out of Single Motherhood
Edward Elgar, Sonata in G for Organ, Op. 28 and Symphonic Idealism
Edwin Lord Weeks: An American Artist in North Africa and South Asia
Effects of Built Environments on Travel Behavior and Emissions: A Reexamination by Addressing Methodological Issues
Effects of Roadway On Driver Stress: An On-road Study Using Physiological Measures
Effects of a pretreatment brief motivational intervention on treatment engagement in CBT-based and mindfulness-based relapse prevention
Effects of attention on physiological responses in human visual cortex
Effects of deleterious opsin gene variants on cone photoreceptor structure, function, and viability
Elias Hecht and the Chamber Music Society of San Francisco: Pioneers of West Coast Chamber Music
Emerging Trends With Interactives in Art Museums
Encouraging Healing in Hospitals: An Integrative Application of Evidence-based Design
End-of-life communication in end-stage liver disease: three empirical studies
Endogenous Biomarkers of CYP3A Activity
Energy-aware Batch Scheduling
Engineered Fibrin Scaffolds for Cardiac Tissue Repair
Engineering Combinatorial Microenvironments for Structural and Functional Maturation of Human Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes
Engineering Protein Electrophoresis Through Surfactant Design
Engineering Troponin C With Altered Ca²⁺ Binding Properties to Study Mechanisms of Enhanced Contraction of Cardiac Muscle From Healthy and Infarcted Hearts
Enhancing Evolution: When Spatial Structure and Environmental Change Improve Adaptation
Ephemeral Design: Capturing Time and Ecological Processes Along the Elwha River
Essays on Optimal Bidding Strategies in Sponsored Search Advertising Auctions
Estimating the Inpatient and Outpatient Costs of Atrial Fibrillation and Associated Adverse Events
Estimating the Response of Mid-latitude Orographic Precipitation to Global Warming
Estimation of Inherent Optical Properties and Phytoplankton Community Structure from Hyperspectral In-Water Radiometry
Ethnic Identity Formation in Adolescence: Impact of Teen Programs in Museums
Euripides and Gender: The Difference the Fragments Make
Evaluating Public Participation Techniques: Improving the Planner's Tool Box
Evaluation of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Mineralized with Proteins and Peptides for Use as Adjuvants in Protein and Nucleic Acid Vaccines
Evaluation of Emissions from R & D Facilities Using Stack Measurements
Evaluation of Onsite Preanoxic Recirculating Gravel Filter Wastewater Treatment Systems for Nitrogen Removal
Evaluation of a CD4-aptamer For Flow Cytometry-based Enumeration of T-cell Subsets
Evaluation of implementation fidelity in the delivery of EnhanceFitness classes in King County, Washington
Event-related potential additivity as an Index of overlap in neurocognitive resources
Evolutionary Dynamics of Pine Squirrels (tamiasciurus) in Western North America
Examination of the Degradation of the Antineoplastic Drug 5-fluorouracil by Chlorine at Varying Treatment Conditions
Exclusion, Amelioration, Tolerance: An Investigation of the Physiological Basis for Tolerance in Serpentine Mimulus Guttatus
Experiences of Lesbian-Parented Children: A Journey of Discovery
Experiential Infrastructure
Experimental and Analytical Study of Delamination Arrest By Multiple Fasteners in Composite Structures
Exploring Epitope-focused Vaccine Development: Design of Epitope Scaffolds and Nanoparticle Presentation Platforms, and Computational Prediction of Conformational Epitopes
Exploring the Seattle Museum Community's Perceptions Toward Crowdfunding
Exploring the Use of Wikis For Information Sharing in Interdisciplinary Design
Expressed emotion, depression, burden, and perceived health in family caregivers of older adults with dementia in Taiwan
Expressive Interpretation in David Maslanka's "eternal Garden: Four Songs For Clarinet and Piano"
Expressive Structure: The Life and Work of Matthew Nowicki
Extracting Knowledge from Twitter and the Web
Factors Associated with Accessory Dwelling Unit Density
Feature Engineering in Fine-grained Image Classification
Feeling Zulian Through Gaita: Singing Regional Identity in Maracaibo, Venezuela
Figures of Degeneration in Fin-de-siècle French Literature
Fish and Floods: Implementation of the 2008 Biological Opinion on the National Flood Insurance Program in Washington State
Fluorescence-enabled Electrochemical Microscopy and Nanoscale Electrochemical Analysis
For Agnes Martin
From Cells to Canopies: Reconstructing Vegetation Structure and Its Response to Climate Change in the Middle Cenozoic of Patagonia Using Phytolith Morphology
From Grain Elevator to Creamery: Reconnecting to the Working Landscape in Silvana, Washington
From Six Directions: Documenting and Protecting Zuni Knowledge in Multiple Environments
Frozen Landscapes, Swirling History: The Construction of Meaning at San Juan Island National Historical Park
Fundamental studies of mouse amacrine cells
Future Kent: Community Design Through Storytelling in the Suburbs
Genetic Selection of Cardiomyocytes and Pacemaker Cells Derived From Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Geographic Range Shifts Under Climate Warming
Girls, Stem, and Children's Books: A Review of the Literature Concerning Girls' Interest, Motivation and Ability in Stem, Complemented By a Mixed Methods Content Analysis of Award Winning Informational Children's Books
Grange Halls in Washington State: A Critical Investigation of a Vernacular Building Type
Growth Signaling in Aging and Disease
Harvesting Encounter: An Interpretive Research Center At Pack Forest
Highly Sensitive Quantitative Microscopy for Cellular and Subcellular Analysis
Hopping Around: Development of Methods for the Simulation of Non-adiabatic Dynamics in Large Molecular Systems
Hormonal modulation of auditory processing in a seasonally breeding songbird
How Customer-centric Structures Leverage the Effects of Advertising and R&d on Brand Equity and Firm Performance
How Scientists Develop Competence in Visual Communication
How the Chili Got Its Spice: Ecological and Evolutionary Interactions Between Fungal Fruit Pathogens and Wild Chilies
Huapangueros Reclaiming Son Huasteco in Trans-local Festivals: Youth, Women and Nahua Musicians
Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Migrate in Response to Gradients of Fibronectin and WNT5A: Implications for Cardiac Repair & Congenital Heart Defects
Humanizing Industry: A Training Ground For Advanced Manufacturing in Kent, Wa
Hydrogen Isotopes from Lipid Biomarkers: Purification, Field Calibration, and Application to Reconstructing Galápagos Paleohydrology
Hydrologic Sensitivities of Western U.S. Rivers to Climate Change
Identifying Overlapping Speech Communities through Holographic Methodology: The Case of Signing Communities in Panama
Identifying the Origins of Bone Loss Induced By Transient Muscle Paralysis Using Novel Microct Image Registration Techniques
Identity Regulation: Theory and Implications of Multiple-identity Management
Immune Correlates of Cross-Reactive Neutralizing Antibodies in HIV-1 Infection
Impact of the Marine Biological Pump on Atmospheric Co2 Uptake in the North Pacific: A Study Based on Basin-Wide Underway Measurements of Oxygen/Argon Gas Ratios and PCO2
Implications of Urbanization and Climate Change for Oregon White Oak (quercus garryana) Regeneration, Planning, and Management in the Pacific Northwest
Improving Boundary Layer Cloudiness in the Ncep-gfs
Improving the Contractile Performance of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes for Cardiac Cell Therapy
Improvisation Generated Composition
In Vivo Disruption of PKA Activity through Targeted Mutations of the RI[alpha] Regulatory Subunit
Induction and Regulation of Cxcl10 in Hepatocytes During Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Influence of Kinetic and Metabolic Selection On 17 [alpha]-ethinylestradiol Biodegradation in Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Systems
Infrastructural Ecologies: Converting the Abandoned Fisher Flourmill On Seattle's Harbor Island Into an Aquaponic Food Production and Education Facility
Innate Immune Detection of Flagellin Positively and Negatively Regulates Salmonella Infection
Innate and Humoral Immune Responses to Hiv-1
Innovative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Nitrogen Removal: A Recirculating Gravel Filter with a Preanoxic Zone and a Recirculating Gravel Filter with a Postanoxic Woodchip Bed
Insights of Mixing on the Assembly of DNA Nanoparticles
Institutional Investors: Arbitrageurs or Rational Trend Chasers
Interactive Playspaces for Object Assembly and Digital Storytelling
Interfacial and Transport Properties of Nanoconstrained Inorganic and Organic Materials
Intracellular Delivery of Cancer-targeting Antibody-drug Conjugates
Investigating Device Physics in Bulk-heterojunction Organic Solar Cells through Materials Engineering of Interfaces
Investigating Inactive Conformations of Protein Kinases
Investigating the Intracellular Trafficking of Polymeric Vectors for Gene Delivery
Investigating the Structure of Macromolecular Complexes and Membrane Proteins Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
Investigation of the Three-dimensional Structure of a Rotating Magnetic Field Driven Field-reversed Configuration Using Internal Magnetic Field Measurements
Investigations of the Climate System Response to Climate Engineering in a Hierarchy of Models
Investigations of the Reactivity of Palladium and Platinum Complexes with Molecular Oxygen and Characterization of a Gold(iii)-alkene Complex
Iranian Audacity & Israeli Opacity: Challenges to the Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone
Isotopic Investigation of Anthropogenic- and Climate-driven Changes in Sulfate and Nitrate Aerosol Production
Jian'an Literature Revisited: Poetic Dialogues in the Last Three Decades of the Han Dynasty
Kreuzspiel, Louange à L'éternité de Jésus, and Mashups: Three Analytical Essays on Music from the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries
LR8 Gene Expression in Normal and Fibrotic Human Tissues
Landscape of Experimentation: Pioneering and Succession on Harbor Island
Late Surrealist Exhibitions and the Question of the Neo-avant-garde
Latent Class and Latent Profile Analysis in Medical Diagnosis and Prognosis
Leading the March: The Role of Latino Religion in the Immigrant Rights Movement
Learning Through Architecture: An Ecological Approach For Helping Children Understand the Natural Environment
Leaving Rome: Alienation from and Attachment to the City in Augustan Literature
Let's Play Our Way: Designing Flexibility Into Card Game Systems
Linking Soil Moisture and Summertime Surface Temperature Variability
Little House On the Alley: Seeking an Ethic of Development For Dadus in Seattle
Long-Term Survival in Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Rescue Therapies for Refractory Hypoxemia
Low-depth Quantum Architectures for Factoring
Macrophage ADAM17 Deficiency Augments CD36-Dependent Apoptotic Cell Uptake and the Linked Anti-Inflammatory Phenotype
Magic in the Music?: Music Programming in Art Museums
Maintaining National Identities: Cuisine, Immigrant Exclusion, and Nationalism
Making the Invisible Visible: Olympia's Artesian Wells and Public Space Design
Managing New Product Development Projects in a Competitive Market
Manufacturing Towns in China: Governance, Space, and Conveyance of Rural Migrants to the Assembly Line
Material Logic
Means Versus Ends: The Roles of Implicit Theories and Maximizing Versus Satisficing Orientations in Consumer Evaluations
Measurement of Cystatin C in Dried Blood Spot Specimens
Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen in Highly Restricted (picoliter) Volumes Utilizing Thin Film Luminescent Sensors
Memento Mori: A Non-sectarian Memorial Site in Seattle
Meridional Exchanges and Mixing at the Iceland-Faroe Ridge
Merkel Cell Polyomavirus-Specific T Cell Responses, Immune Evasion Mechanisms & Immune Therapy in Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Mesoscale Predictability and Error Growth in Short Range Ensemble Forecasts
Metabolism of plant lignans by human intestinal bacteria
Metabolomics and the Development of Nontarget Discovery Analysis Methods for Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry
Methods for Detection of Interactions With Multiple Components
Methods for the Estimation and Application of Biological Networks
Miami's Forgotten River: Redefining Waterfront Development to Sustain Community, Ecology and Industry
MicroRNA Biomarkers Released By Platelet Activation
Microbial Challenges and Solutions to Inhabiting the Dynamic Architecture of Saline Ice Formations
Migraine and Tmd Comorbidity in Adolescents
Minimizing race, emphasizing individuality: the relationship between support for color-blindness and American views about the self
Mixed Methods Curriculum Evaluation: Maternity Care Competence
Mnemonic Cartographies: Remembrance At the Trans-pecos Borderland
Mobile Device Identifier Data Collection and Analysis for Transportation Intelligence Purposes: Applications, Uncertainty and Privacy
Modeling Landslide-induced Flow Interactions with Structures Using the Material Point Method
Modeling Nonspecific Interactions At Biological Interfaces
Modeling Systems from Logs of Their Behavior
Modeling User Behavior and Attention in Search
Modeling a Progressive Disease Process Under Panel Observation
Modeling and Control of a Quadrotor With Dynamic Inertia
Modeling the Age Pattern of Human Mortality: Mathematical and Tabular Representations of the Risk of Death
Modernism and Politics in the Architecture of Socialist Yugoslavia, 1945-1965
Molecular Analysis of Human Cranial Compartments with Different Embryonic Origins
Monitoring, Contractual Incentive Pay, and the Structure of Ceo Equity-based Compensation
More Than Crowdsourcing Science: The Reasons For Museum Citizen Science Programs and How and Why They Change
Moving Cataclysm: Journeys of Quest, Landscapes of Loss in Late Medieval French Romance and 19th-century Travel Narratives
Multi-subject Connectivity-based Parcellation
Multifunctional Thin Film Lithium Ion-graphite Composite Structural Laminates
Multimodal Optical Detection of Early Childhood Caries
Music and Media in the Dutch East Indies: Gramophone Records and Radio in the Late Colonial Era, 1903-1942
Nesting Behavior, Migration, and Dispersal of Neotropical Army Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae: Ecitoninae)
Network Sovereignty: Understanding the Implications of Tribal Broadband Networks
Networked Dynamic Systems: Identification, Controllability, and Randomness
Neural substrates of emotion dysregulation and self injury in adolescent girls
Neutral Polymeric Micelles for Rna Delivery
New Copper-catalyzed Reactions of Organoboron and Organosilicon Compounds
New Technologies and the Value of Information Systems
Nmr Studies of Polypeptide Structuring and Aggregation
Nonlinear Aeroelastic Behavior of Tail/rudder Systems With Freeplay and Actuator Failure
Normalizing: adolescent experiences in living with type 1 diabetes
Normative Pluralism in Kyrgyzstan: National, Community, and Individual Perspectives
Numerical Evaluation of Forces On Piled Bridge Foundations in Laterally Spreading Soil
Numerical Modeling of Poroelastic-fluid Systems Using High-resolution Finite Volume Methods
Numerically Generated Tangent Stiffness Matrices For Geometrically Non-linear Structures
Object Recognition and Semantic Scene Labeling for Rgb-d Data
Objectively Measured Walking: Temporal, Spatial, and Built Environmental Characteristics
Objects of Heaven and Earth: Thaumaturgy & Representation in Quattrocento Italy
Observability Based Path Planning in Range-only Localization
Observational Constraints On Models of Rapidly Evolving Luminous Stars
Obtaining nutritional information for dietary assessment
Obturator Fabrication and Management for Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
On Driven Neural Assemblies: Synchrony, Chaos and Entropy
On Jazz Analysis: Schenker, Salzer, and Salience
On the Predictability of Sea Ice
Ontogeny of hearing in the plainfin midshipman, Porichthys notatus
Ontology-based Data Integration of Open Source Electronic Medical Record and Electronic Data Capture Systems
Opening Up the Collaborative Problem-solving Process to Solvers
Operation of Polycarbonate Projectiles in the Ram Accelerator
Our Past Betrays Us: Collective Memory, Homicide and Southern Lynching
Overlooking sexism: how diversity structures shape women's perceptions of discrimination
Particle Fabrication and Delivery Systems for Controlled Release of Bumped Kinase Inhibitors (BKIs) for Malaria Transmission Blocking
Patient Agreements Aimed at Improving Pediatric Dental Self-compliance and Self-efficacy
Performance Evaluation of a Natural Language Processing Tool to Extract Infectious Disease Problems
Performing Space: A Center For Contemporary Dance
Phase Change: Waning Fishing Villages On the Northeast Coast of Japan
Physiological and Behavioral Responses to Temperature and Flow in the Barnacle Balanus Glandula Darwin (1854)
Physiology and development of inner retinal photoreception
Plants, Pollinators and Global Change: The Effects of Invasion and Flowering Phenology On Plant-pollinator Interactions
Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 response to vitamin D supplementation in obese and non-obese men and women
Please don't make me ask for help: implicit social support and mental health in Chinese individuals living with HIV
Policing the Police: Conflict Theory and Police Violence in a Racialized Society
Political Discussion and Deliberative Democracy in Immigrant Communities
Polymer Transparent Electrode Interface Studies with Applications for Organic Solar Cells
Porous Membranes for Interfacing Microfluidics With Cell Cultures
Practical, Usable, and Secure Authentication and Authorization on the Web
Predicting Drug Disposition During Pregnancy through Modeling and Simulation
Prediction of in Vivo Metabolite Disposition and Complex Metabolite-Dependent Drug-Drug Interactions
Predictors of responsiveness to vitamin D supplementation and outcomes assessment in patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery
Prevalence of anemia and use of red cell distribution width as a predictive tool in a bariatric surgery population
Primary care providers' perspective on the inclusion of behavioral risk measures in the electronic health record for patient engagement of individuals with multiple chronic conditions
Probing Photocurrent Generation Mechanisms in Hybrid Ir-senstive Quantum Dot/conjugated Polymer Solar Cells
Problems in Pedigrees and Phylogenies
Programming Sequential Reagent Delivering Using a Pseudo-one Dimensional Paper Network
Protein Enrichment Strategies for Advanced Proteomic Studies
Pure Violence On the Stage of Exception: Representations of Revolutions in Georg Büchner, Hugo Von Hofmannsthal, Heiner Müller, and Elfriede Jelinek
Put a Frame On It: Contextualizing Climate Change For Museum Visitors
Quality and Capacity Decisions in Service Industry
Quantification of DNA Content Using 3d Optical Projection Tomographic Microscopy for Early Cancer Diagnosis
Quantification of Uncertainties in Snow Accumulation, Snowmelt, and Snow Disappearance Dates
Quantifying Crime Displacement After a Hot-Spot Intervention
Quantifying Drivers' Use of In-Vehicle Systems: Implications For Long-Term Behavior
Quantifying the Response of Diatom Nitrogen Metabolism to Environmental Changes
Quantitative Effectiveness Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Policies: Introduction of Socio-Feed-in Tariff Mechanism (SocioFIT) and its Implementation in Turkey
Quantitative Objective Assessment of Preoperative Warm-up for Robotic Surgery
Quantum Dot Platform for Single-cell Molecular Profiling
Randomized controlled trial of group cognitive-behavioral therapy for ADHD among college students
Rare Variant Method for Identity-by-descent Detection in Sequence Data, and the Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor Given Identity-by-descent Segment Length
Re-urbanizing Downtown Los Angeles: Micro Housing - Densifying the City's Core
Reclaiming the Neighborhood: Housing As More Than Housing For the Pennsylvania Avenue Corridor of Baltimore, Md
Reclaiming the Void: The Humanization of the Space Under the Freeway in Seattle's International District
Recommendation of Residential Property Taxing for the City Wenzhou
Recurrent Episode Analyses of Pulmonary Exacerbations in the Infant Study of Inhaled Saline (isis) Trial
Recursos Fandangueros: Fandango Resources
Redd+ Issues Influence in Indonesia's Regulatory Process
Reducing Disruptive Effects of Patient No-Shows: A Scheduling Approach
Regulation of mitochondrial and nonmitochondrial protein turnover by the PINK1-Parkin pathway
Relationship between parental use of praise and child weight outcomes in the FOCUS pediatric obesity study
Restoring the Hydrologic Response to Pre-developed Conditions in an Urbanized Headwater Catchment: Reality or Utopia?
Rethinking Minimalism: At the Intersection of Music Theory and Art Criticism
Returning to the Cut: Reconnecting the University of Washington to the Water's Edge
Ricardo Viñes and Les Apaches
Riemann-hilbert Problems, Their Numerical Solution and the Computation of Nonlinear Special Functions
Right Turn in Albuquerque: Barelas Central Market Terminal
Road as Recovery: Using the Urban Street Network as a Therapeutic Resource to Support Positive Mental Health
Roads Less Traveled: Access, Automobiles, and Recreation in Mount Rainier National Park's Wilderness Areas
Robust Real-time Image Processing Through Dynamic Mode Decomposition
Role of Endothelin Signaling in Osteochondrogenic Differentiation and Matrix Calcification of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
Role of perineuronal nets in the cerebellar nuclei: Insights from histology and behavior
Roles of the Hops Complex and Sec1munc18 Proteins in Membrane Fusion
Runners' World: Trail Infrastructure For Navigating Extreme Urban Freeway Conditions
Samish Bay Oyster Farm: Overlapping Domains of Landscape and Architecture
Scalable Methods and Expressive Models for Planning Under Uncertainty
Scrumptious Science: Opportunities for Using Scientific Research to Increase Yields in Community Agriculture
Seattle Apartment Market Alignment Analysis
Seeking a Place: A Hostel in Seattle
Self-centering Steel Plate Shear Walls: Subassembly and Full-scale Testing
Semi-autonomous Networks: Effective Control of Networked Systems Through Protocols, Design, and Modeling
Sensitive and High-throughput Detection, Separation and Analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells
Silence and the Scream: Exposing Paul Virilio's Humanism Through the Architecture of Anti-form
Simulated Hail Ice Mechanical Properties and Failure Mechanism At Quasi-static Strain Rates
Simulations of Steady Streaming Flows and the Time-Averaged Motion of Inertial Particles
Single-column and Mixed-layer Model Analysis of Subtropical Stratocumulus Response Mechanisms Relevant to Climate Change
Sleep and activity patterns of children with down syndrome in relation to sleep disordered breathing
Sleep patterns in relation to aging, culture, and social environment in Chinese elderly
Smart Card Data Mining and Inference for Transit System Optimization and Performance Improvement
Social support provision and related facilitators and barriers in a community kitchen
Software-based Art: Challenges and Strategies For Museum Collections
Solid State Nmr Characterization of Biosilicification Peptides
Somatic size and Cav1.3 channel expression in vulnerable and resistant motoneurons of the SOD1 mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Arctic Aerosols: New Insights From the Calipso Satellite
Specialized Track Bridge Structure for Light Rail Construction On Floating Bridges
Spiritual Health in the Bhakti Tradition of Śhrī Hariāyajī's Śhikshāpatra
Stage-dependent regulation of intracellular calcium by spontaneous activity in developing brainstem
Staging of Musical Drama in Italy At the Turn of Seventeenth Century: A History of Theatrical Production
Star Formation in N-body + Sph Simulations
State-constrained Rotational and Translational Motion Control With Applications to Monolithic and Distributed Spacecraft
Statistical Inference for Residual Time Quantiles in Regression Models for Censored Time-to-event Data
Statistical Prediction of Hla Alleles and Relatedness Analysis in Genome-wide Association Studies
Stem Cells and Fate Control in Plant Stomatal Development
Stimulating retinal neurogenesis from Müller glia
Storm Track Variability From the Perspective of Individual Storms
Storm-centered Ensemble Data Assimilation For Tropical Cyclones
Strategies of Inwardness: Narrative Apprehension and the Modernist Quest for the Locus of Authenticity
Stress physiology and post-traumatic stress symptoms in children exposed to intimate partner violence
String Quartet
Structural Design Parameters of Current Wsdot Mixtures
Structural Diversity in Antibody Interactions with HIV-1 Env Immunogens
Structural and Biochemical Studies of the Transcription Termination Machinery
Structure Study of a Plant Dual-Affinity Transceptor, CHL1
Studies of Organic Semiconductor Nanostructures and Their Photovoltaic Applications
Subjective Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes in a Medicaid Population
Superinfection Fitness as a Component of Overall Fitness for a Vertebrate RNA Virus
Supermarket Departure: An Urban Community Center For Food Education
Supporting Users After Software Deployment Through Selection-Based Crowdsourced Contextual Help
Surface Acoustic Wave Nebulization as a Mass Spectrometry Ionization Source, Characterization and Application
Synthesis of Electrophilic Rhodium and Iridium Complexes and Investigation of Reactivity for C-h Bond Activation and Functionalization
System Support for Concurrent Software Reliability
Systems analysis and improvement to optimize the prevention of mother-to-child transmission in central Mozambique
Tailoring Polymer Micro-Extraction Phases to Enhance the Sensitivity and Selectivity of Raman Spectroscopy
Targeted therapies for medulloblastoma: understanding the mechanisms of drug resistance and exploring new peptide-based therapeutics
Task-based Variability in Children's Singing Accuracy
Tectonics of the Georgia Basin, Northwest Washington State, USA, and Southwest British Columbia, Canada
Temporal Data Mining in Electronic Medical Records From Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome
Terminals or Galleries? an Exploratory Study of Museum Operations in Aiports
Testing the Limits: Understanding How Climate and Competition Affect Species' Ranges in a Warming World
The American National Plot Visualized: The Reinterpretation of Indian Captivity Narratives At the End of the Nineteenth Century
The Analysis of Weak Rock Using the Pressuremeter
The Architecture of Persuasion: Reinterpreting Commercial Vernacular On Wilshire Boulevard
The Atmospheric Energy Constraint On Precipitation Change
The Built Environment, Walking, and Physical Activity: A Comparison Between Korean Immigrants and Caucasian Women in King County, WA
The Development of An Enhanced School Home Note Intervention: Applying Key Behavioral Parent Training Components To Improve the Outcomes of School Based Behavioral Intervention
The Development of Tools to Investigate Relationships Between Atomic Contacts in Proteins
The Dilemma of Urban Road Space Reallocation: An Outreach and Engagement Strategy for Bus Rapid Transit on Seattle's Madison Street
The Early Start Denver Model: outcomes and moderators of an intervention for toddlers with autism
The Economic Burden of Diabetic Macular Edemia in a Working Age and Commercially Insured Population
The Effect of Intentional, Preplanned Movement On Novice Conductors' Gesture
The Effect of Persistent Vortices On Boundary Layer Behavior in Turbulent Flow Along a Kelvin-stuart Cat's Eyes Wavy Wall
The Effects of Small-scale Heterogeneity On the Large-scale Dynamics of West Siberian Wetland Carbon Fluxes
The Energetic Constraints On the Zonal Mean Atmospheric Circulations in the Tropics, Midlatitudes, and High Latitudes
The Evolutionary Implications of Alternative Larval Development in Ascidians
The Financial Crisis and Credibility of Corporate Credit Ratings
The Garden Unit: A Case Study Exploring Therapeutic Garden Design for Elderly with Dementia at the Jewish Home of San Francisco
The Gendered Effects of Marriage on Health in Japan: Structure, Role Expectations, and Cutcomes
The Global Scale Structure of the Mjo
The Inelastic Seismic Response of Steel Plate Shear Web Plates and Their Interaction with the Vertical Boundary Members
The Invisible Divide: Bridging the La River Through the Arts
The Local, Remote, and Global Consequences of Climate Feedbacks
The Location of Tropical Precipitation in Idealized Atmospheric General Circulation Models Forced With Andes Topography and Surface Heat Fluxes
The Milky Way in Sdss and in N-body Models
The Musical Life and Conducting Pedagogy of Peter Erős
The Paleobiology of South African Therocephalian Therapsids (amniota, Synapsida) and the Effects of the End-permian Extinction on Size, Growth, and Bone Microstructure
The Power of Associaitons, Social Media and Social Movements: Facebook in the Interactions of Social Movement Organizations
The Precipitating Cloud Population of the Madden-julian Oscillation Over the Indian and West Pacific Oceans
The Problem of Perversion: Žižek, Rhetoric, and Materiality
The Re-exploration of a Mine Site: A Solar Bathhouse and Passive Water Treatment System in the Desert
The Recovery Center: Light and Space in a Rooftop Inpatient Care Facility in South Lake Union
The Regulation of Brown Adipose Tissue Activation by Multiple Phosphodiesterases
The Relative Importance of CYP26A1 and CYP26B1 in Mediating Retinoid Homeostasis: Studies on the Formation, Elimination and Biological Activity of All-Trans-Retinoic Acid Metabolites
The Residential Urban Forest: Linking Structure, Function and Management
The Role of CD4+ T Cell Help and the Co-Stimulatory Molecule CD40 in Protective Immunity Against Liver Stage Plasmodium Infection
The Role of Dynamin Like Protein 1 in Parkinson's Disease
The Role of Innate Immunity in HIV-1 Transmission and Pathogenesis: A Study of NK Cells and Monocytes
The Role of Organic Cation Transporter 3 in Metformin Disposition During Pregnancy
The Social Act of Bicycling: Designing Bicycle Facilities to Foster Social Interaction
The Study of Viruses of Methanosaeta, a Key Acetoclastic Methanogen for Digestion Process Stability
The Systematics and Evolution of Lantaneae (verbenaceae), a Molecular Phylogenetic Approach
The Thresholds and Mechanisms of Tissue Injury By Focused Ultrasound
The Use of Readily Obtained Patient and Parent Data in Mandibular Growth Prediction
The War With No End: Sentencing Disparities in the "War On Drugs" and National Trends That Are Defining a Nation
The What, When & How of Seedling Growth Regulation
The World's "exceptional" Neighbor: Comparative Perspectives On American Exceptionalism in Presidential Discourse and the Effects at Home and Abroad
The Y Model, Simultaneous Instruction in Digital Fabrication and Representation
The association between access to water and sugary-sweetened beverage consumption in 37 schools in King County
The metalloproteinase inhibitor Reck is essential for zebrafish DRG development
The roles of respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity and intimate partner violence in childhood as predictors of adolescent risky behavior
Thermal Modeling For Pulsed Inductive Frc Plasmoid Thrusters
Thickening the Threshold: Designing For Communities of Convergence in Contemporary Brazil
Tidal Flat Thermodynamics
Tight Labor Markets and Extensive Job Searches: How Changes in the Unemployment Rate Affect Job Search Behaviors
Time-space Tradeoffs and Query Complexity in Statistics, Coding Theory, and Quantum Computing
Tissue-engineered Prostate Cancer Xenografts: A Biomaterials-based Approach to Study Tumorigenesis and Dormancy Escape
Tonal Composition in Multidimensional Virtual Realms
Towards Patient-specific Mathematical Radiation Oncology
Towards Petascale Dns of High Reynolds-number Turbulent Boundary Layer
Traffic Crash Modeling Considering Inconsistent Observations, Interaction Behavior, and Nonlinear Relationships
Transformational Leadership and Lean Construction Implementation
Transient Sweatshop: The Spatial Trajectories of a Downtown Los Angeles Midrise
Trauma in Young Permanent Teeth: Factors Associated with Adverse Outcomes
Tribal Cultural Centers: Planning For Today and Tomorrow
Turn Left at the Station: How Safety and Wayfinding Influences the Transit User's Experience
Two Essays on Corporate Finance: Financing Frictions and Corporate Decisions
Un/becoming Chinese: Huaqiao, the Non-perishable Sojourner Reinvented, and Alterity of Chineseness
Unbelievable Bodies: Audience Readings of Action Heroines as a Post-feminist Visual Metaphor
Unbonded Pre-tensioned Bridge Columns with Hybrid Fiber-reinforced Concrete Shells
Unbonded Pre-tensioned Bridge Columns with Rocking Detail
Uncommon Ground: An Architectural Narration of an Oregon Chemical Depot's Embedded History
Understanding Changes in the Stratospheric Circulation From Observations and Simulations
Understanding Game Balance with Quantitative Methods
Understanding University Students' Use of Tools and Artifacts in Support of Collaborative Project Work
Understanding and Manipulating Anti-hiv Antibody Responses Via Structural Methods
Unintended Consequences of Loyalty Initiatives
Up an Urban Creek: The Role of Development Patterns in Stream Health
Urban Acupuncture & Dwelling Formability: Regeneration of Coastal Informal Settlements in Manila
Urban Intensification in Seattle: A Data System, Policy Evaluation and Market Analysis
Using Inheritance Vectors to Impute Genotypes and Detect Genotyping Errors
Value Function Approximation Methods For Linearly-solvable Markov Decision Process
Visible Atonement Through Transforming America's Prisons
Visualizing Identity: Perspectives On the Influences of Digital Representation in Architectural Practice and Education
We Are Patriots: National Identity Discourse in the Tea Party Movement and an Echoing Press
Westlake Union Traverse
What Difference Does a Form Make: Redesign and Evaluation of a Form for Documenting In-hospital Cardiac Arrest
What Is the Evidence?: The Application of Evidence-based Design in Healthcare Facilities
What We Talk About When We Talk About Development: How Board Members & Ceos Assess Their Organization's Development
Within the Fold: A Cultural Center For Fitchburg, Ma
Women's Modernism in Peripheral Catholic Europe: The Poetry of Blanaid Salkeld and Concha Méndez
Writing the Indigenous: Contemporary Mayan Literature in Chiapas, Mexico and Palestinian Literature in Israel
X-ray Binary Evolution and the Connection to Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies With the Chandra Local Volume Survey
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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "2011-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2012-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
All 2012
"Study Nature, Not Books": Education in 19th Century Natural History Museums
(by)metrics (by)design: Building For Endurance
(re)negotiating Speech Codes in an Online Language Learning Community
A Comparative Analysis of Construction Operation Information Exchange via Paper-based Systems and COBie Format: A Case Study of the First COBie Pilot Project at University of Washington
A Fragmented Memory Project: Archaeological and Ethnographic Museums in Turkey, 1960-1980
A Frame-based Theory of Information Behavior: A Grounded Theory Study
A Generative Cell Specific 1 Ortholog in Drosophila Melanogaster
A Ground-based Search For Transit Timing Variations From the Apache Point Observatory
A Historical Overview, Analysis, and Wind Transcription of Frank Zappa's "sad Jane"
A Historical Overview, Analysis, and Wind Transcription of Frank Zappa's "sad Jane"
A Lagrangian Study of Southeast Pacific Boundary Layer Clouds
A Parametric Analysis of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Volleyballs in Turbulent Flow
A Sacred House for the Lost: Chile's New Museum of Memory and Implications for Human Rights Today
A Sensitivity Analysis for Clinical Trials With Informatively Censored Survival Endpoints
A Time for Cognitive Change: The Reappraisal of Anger, Interpersonal Injustice, and Counterproductive Work Behaviors
A Unified Theory of Consumer Response to Self-concept Threat
A Web-Based System For Optimizing Post Disaster Temporary Housing Allocation
A new assessment of an old measure: utilizing latent class analysis to examine the strange situation
A treatment mechanism for emotion dysregulation across mood and anxiety disorders
Accelerating Large-scale Simulations of Cortical Neuronal Network Development
Active Learning and Submodular Functions
Activity and Kinematics of Cool and Ultracool Dwarfs
Adaptive Probabilistic Topic Models for Social Networks
Adsorption Calorimetry Measurements of the Energetics of Catalytic Intermediates: Empirical Trends and Benchmarks For Theory
Adverse Events Associated with Bevacizumab and Chemotherapy in Older Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Adverse childhood experiences and psychosocial well-being of adult women formerly in foster care as children
After the Wedding Night: The Confluence of Masculinity and Purity in Married Life
Alcohol-involved rape disclosure among Asian American college women
Algorithmic Approaches to Detecting Interviewer Fabrication in Surveys
All Mixed Up: Social Interaction and Social Ties in a Mixed-Income Public Housing Community
Alterations in inhibition underlying treatment effects and recovery in PTSD
An Analysis of Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing Incentives in Seattle's Chinatown - International District
An Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Inner Core Precipitation Features in a Tropical Cyclone
An Empirical Study of Urban/Suburban Residential Location Choice in the Seattle Metropolitan Area
An Estimate of Male Subfecundity in the Gwembe Tonga of Zambia
An Evaluation of Adaptive Clinical Trial Designs With Pre-specified Rules for Modifying the Sampling Plan
An Evaluation of Land Cover Change from 2006 to 2009 and the Effectiveness of Certain Conservation Land Use Tools Within Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8) Riparian Buffers
An Investigation of Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Medical Prognostics
An Investment-based Explanation for the Post-merger Underperformance Puzzle
An examination of the broader autism phenotype in simplex and multiplex families
Analysis of Epitope-Specific HIV CD8 T Cell Responses Elicited During Early HIV-1 Infection and Their Association with Viral Control
Analysis of Life Cycle Costs and Social Acceptance of Solar Photovoltaic Systems Implementation in Washington State Public Schools
Analysis of New Observational Datasets Relating to the Organization and Dynamical Impacts of Tropical Convection
Annexation Effects: Cultural Appropriation and the Politics of Place in Czech-German Films, 1930-1945
Antegonial Notching and the Pattern of Vertical Facial Growth
Applying Official Language Plus From the Perspectives of Linguistic Human Rights and Multiculturalism in Taiwan
Approaches to Food Journaling on Mobile Devices
Appropriate Parking Management Strategy for Successful Transit Oriented Development
Arctic Climate Response to Light-absorbing Particles in Snow and Sea Ice in the Community Earth System Model
Arctic Ocean Circulation Patterns Revealed by Ocean Bottom Pressure Anomalies
Assessing Measurement Error Correction for Genotype Imputation in Gwas
Assessing and Improving Computational Models of Protein Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Assessing the Accuracy of Provider Profiling Methods for Classification
Associations among grade, sex, and free and reduced price lunch eligibility with use of nutrition labels in middle and high school students
Atelier Seattle: Engaging Immigrants in the Design, Production, and Exchange of Ethnic Clothing
Autophagy, or Not to Be: The Delicate Balance of Cellular Self-digestion in Neurons and Neurodegeneration
B-shelves: A Web Based Mass Customized Product
B-side Urbanism: A Dub City
Backscatter Protocols and Energy-efficient Computing for Rf-powered Devices
Behavior of Riveted Connections in Steel Truss Bridges
Being Without Belonging: Seattle's Ahıska Turks and the Limitations of Transnationalism for Stateless Diaspora Groups
Beyond Depiction: Engaging With Homeless Adults
Beyond the Cul-de-sac: A New Texture For the American Suburb
Bi-directional growth of effortful control and respiratory sinus arrhythmia and their relation to adjustment in preschool age children
Bimusical Identity of Children in a Mexican American School
Bioimpedance Analysis to Determine the Effect of Pressure Release on Limb Fluid Volume Change in Persons With Transtibial Limb Loss
Biological Production Rates in the Southern California Current System
Biosensor Platform Development for Studying Carbohydrate-mediated Bacterial Adhesion
Black and white or shades of gray: individual differences in automatic race categorization
Brief online interventions targeting risk and protective factors for increased and problematic alcohol use among American college students studying abroad
Bringing the Farm to the Table: Reinventing the Slaughterhouse For Seattle
Bringing the Neighbor Back to the 'hood: A Creative Re-appropriation of Vacant Land On Detroit's Eastside
Building Community, Building Capacity: Revitalization Through Reuse
Caesarian Conflict: Portrayals of Julius Caesar in Narratives of Civil War
Carescapes: Transnational Urban Redevelopment of the Post-colonial Hong Kong
Catalytic Urbanism: Encouraging Urban Vitality in Spokane, Washington Through Modular Development
Ce-esi-ms Based Proteomic Analysis
Celebrity as Cultural Authority: Media, Representation and the Politics of Fame
Cerebellar degeneration and prevention of symptom progression in a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 7
Change in Race and Ethnic Stratification: The Roles of Period, Cohort, Immigrant Generation, Socioeconomic Origins and Gender in Shaping Educational Attainment
Change in Root Angulation of Maxillary Molars and Incisors After Orthodontic Treatment
Changed Perceptions About Science Communication: A Case Study of Stem Graduate Students in Portal to the Public
Changing Habits: A Think Tank For Catholic Women Religious
Characterization of Selective and Potent Inhibitors of the Human Retinoic Acid Hydroxylases CYP26A1 and CYP26B1
Characterization of Ubiquitin-Mediated Protein Quality Control in the Nucleus
Characterizing the Role of Protein Deubiquitination in Ribosome Biogenesis
Characterizing the Role of Sodium Channels in Mouse Models of Dravet Syndrome
Chemical Modification of Cellulose for Biomolecule Capture
Chemical Proteomic Tools for Studying Protein Kinase Active Sites
Chemical Strategies to Enrich Malarial Proteins from Wheat Lysate
Childhood sexual abuse and sexual risk-taking among men who have sex with women: the roles of alcohol, mental health symptoms, and sex motives
Chololoche Grooves: Crossroads and Mestizaje in Chicano Soul of San Antonio
Chordal Cello Accompaniment: The Proof and Practice of Figured Bass Realization On the Violoncello From 1660-1850
Cirrus and Water Vapor Transport in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
Civic (Re)socializing: The Transformative Potential of Deliberative Public Sphere Structures
Classical Allusions and Imperial Desire: Problems of Identity in Georgian and Russian Literature
Climate Response to Solar Variation: Cyclic and Secular
Clinical outcomes following pre- and post-operative vitamin D supplementation in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients
Co-calibration of self-reported measures of pain interference: the patient reported outcomes measurement information system and the brief pain inventory
Coarsening Dynamics of Domains in Lipid Membranes
Cold War, Hot Topic: Museum Representations of 'communism' in Post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe
Collaborative Creativity: Creating Participatory Experiences in Art Museums
Collect, Blend, Disperse: A Hybrid Strategy For the Othello Neighborhood
Collision Avoidance in Biological Systems Using Collision Cones
Comfort and Connectivity: The Museum As a Healer
Communitycare: An Outpatient Autoimmune Clinic
Comparative Effectiveness Approaches to Evaluate Pharmacogenomic Technology
Comparative Study On Patent Claim Interpretation: The United States and China
Comparing food desert and non-food desert residents by key socio-demographic variables, distance to supermarkets, supermarket type by price, diet quality and obesity in King County, Washington
Comparison of Electrode Configurations On Zap: Investigation of Heating Mechanisms in a Flow Z-pinch
Computational De-novo Design of Ester Hydrolases
Computational Generation of Terrestrial Animal Locomotion
Concerto For Solo Tuba and Winds
Consequences of Ocean Change for Ecological Function: Observational and Modeling Case Studies of Larval Echinoderms
Contemporary Popular Culture and the Politics of Asian American Representation, Resistance, and Cultural Production
Converting Vertical Vibration of a Texture Ratchet into Horizontal Drop Motion
Covariate Measurement Error Correction Methods in Mediation Analysis With Failure Time Data
Created in the Image?: Holocaust Perpetrators in Israeli Fiction
Creativity, Landscape Design Process, Maury Island Gravel Mine
Critical Color: The Use of Color in Nature For Energy Performance and Its Application to Building Skins
Cross-Cultural Communication for International Urban Design Practice: Lessons from a Field Studio in China
Culture of Energy: Rethinking the Inherent Value of Landscapes of Energy Extraction
Curating the Interstice: Exploiting the Urban Gap Phenomenon in Kobe, Japan
Cézanne Becoming Cézanne: The Influence of Stendhal On the Painter's Theory and Practice After 1878
Deeply Connective Encounters With Museum Objects
Design and Qualitative/quantitative Analysis of Multi-agent Spatial Simulation Library
Design of the Dssl Testbench Hardware Architecture For Rapid Development and Execution of Hardware-in-the-loop Control
Design, Analysis, and Translation of 3d Hydrodynamic Tweezer Microeddies
Designing Mixed-Income Communities: Comparing New Urbanism and Everyday Urbanism to Narratives and Lessons Learned From Three Design Teams of Three HOPE VI Projects
Designing for Effective End-user Interaction with Machine Learning
Deterministic Execution for Arbitrary Multithreaded Programs
Developing a Bayesian statistical approach to behavioral intervention trials
Development and Application of Novel Methodologies for the Characterization of Phospholipase A2 Activity: Targeted Lipidomic Profiling and Interfacial Binding Analysis
Development and Characteristics of the Earliest Cross-Neutralizing Antibody Response to HIV-1
Development and Evaluation of a Web-based Electronic Medical Record System Without Borders
Development and Testing of Temperature-sensitive Beads For Simultaneous Thermometry and Velocimetry
Development and Testing of a Snow Interceptometer to Quantify Canopy Interception in the Rain/snow Transition Zone of the North Cascades, Washington, Usa
Development of Ph-responsive, Glycopolymer Micelles for DNA Delivery
Development of a Unified Land Model with Multi-criteria Observational Data for the Simulation of Regional Hydrology and Land-atmosphere Interaction
Development of a Vision-based Particle Tracking Velocimetry Method and Post-processing of Scattered Velocity Data
Die Boten Des Unglücks: Verortung Der Sprache Der Flüchtlinge Im Werk Von Jakob Wassermann, Franz Kafka, Emine Özdamar Und Herta Müller
Die Zauberflöte and the Moral Law of Opposing Forces
Die Zauberflöte and the Moral Law of Opposing Forces
Discovery and Applications of Bacterial Noncoding Rnas
Dissecting the Role of the Major Cleft Gene, IRF6, in Primary Palatal Epithelia
Distress tolerance as a moderator of mindfulness-based relapse prevention effects on alcohol and other drug use outcomes
Diversity and Structure of Subtidal Rock Walls in the Salish Sea: The Roles of Grazing, Oceanography, and Long-term Change
Docent Remix: Profiles of Art Museum Docents in the Modern Museum
Does It Pay to Attend a For-Profit College?: Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education
Drilled Shaft Socket Connections for Precast Columns in Seismic Regions
ETG-ETL Portfolio Optimization
Eco-decision Making for Pavement Construction Projects
Ecology of Cephalopod Early Life History in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea
Economic Implications of the Use of Technology in Commercial Vehicle Operations
Ecosystem Service Values in Benefit-Cost Analysis of Flood Mitigation Projects
Effects of Density Control On Internal Plasma Dynamics and Current Drive in Hit-si
Effects of Food Insecurity on Fast Food Consumption: A Cross Sectional Study
Effects of Masticatory Muscle Treatment with Botulinum Neurotoxin Type a on Cell Division in the Mandibular Condyle in Rabbits
Effects of Projected Twenty-first Century Sea Level Rise, Storm Surge, and River Flooding On Water Levels in Puget Sound Floodplains and Estuaries
Effects of Water Quality Changes On the Corrosion of Iron, Accumulation and Release of Inorganic Contaminants in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Effects of attention without perceptual awareness on motor responses, memory and behavior
Electro-Catalytic Reforming of Ethylene Glycol
Electronics Design for a Portable, Disposable Ultrasound Guidance System for Intracranial Pressure-relieving Surgical Procedures
Elements of Impressionism Evoked in Debussy and Ravel's Reflets Dans L'eau and Jeux D'eau: The Theme of Water
Elements of Impressionism Evoked in Debussy and Ravel's Reflets Dans L'eau and Jeux D'eau: The Theme of Water
Elucidating Temporal Variability in Organic Matter Sources and Cycling in Tropical Rivers
Emotion regulation in adults with a history of childhood abuse following PTSD treatment
Engineered Cardiac Troponin C Structure-function Studies: Designing Proteins for Treatment of Cardiomyopathies
Engineering Gene Targeting Reagents Through Computational Design and Directed Evolution of Protein-dna Interactions
Engineering Student Development: Supporting Self-Authoring Engineers
Engineering a Decorin Surface Coating and Evaluating the Role of Decorin in the Foreign Body Response to Implants
Environmentally Induced Changes to the Diatom Cell Wall and the Implications of These Changes on Biogeochemical Cycles
Escherichia Coli's Literal Link to Infection: Exploring Mutagenesis of the Fimh Adhesin to Allosterically "lock" in Low-affinity
Essays on Adoption and Diffusion of New Technology in Supply Chains
Evaluating Human Visual Preference and Performance in an Office Environment Using Luminance-based Metrics
Evaluating Reference Evapotranspiration and the Effects of Climate Change and Soil Parameterization Within Distributed Hydrologic Models
Evaluation of High-level Clouds in Cloud Resolving Model Simulations With Arm and Kwajex Observations
Evaluation of Potential Surrogate Endpoints
Evaluation of a Computer-based System Using Cell Phones for HIV Positive People in Peru
Everyday Life: Spatial Oppression and Resilience Under the Israeli Occupation : the Case of the Old Town of Nablus, Palestine
Ex Vivo Biomechanical Testing to Examine the Etiology of Low Back Pain As a Result of Whole Body Vibration
Examining Folk Pedagogies of Science Exhibit Designers
Examining the interplay of vagal tone and parenting as predictors of child psychopathology
Experiencing the Urban Water Cycle: SR 520 Montlake Stormwater Treatment Facility
Experiential, neural, and cognitive influences on decision making in rats
Experimental and Analytical Study of Mode Ii Interlaminar Failure of Bolted and Bonded Composite Structures
Exploiting Low Dimensionality in Nonlinear Optics and Other Physical Systems
Exploring the Relationship Between Walkability and the Built Environment: A Case Study of Three Intersections in Seattle's University District
Expressive Writing to Cope with Hate Speech: Assessing Psychobiological Stress Recovery and Forgiveness Promotion for Lgbq Victims of Hate Speech
Factors Related To Continued Choral Participation: A Comparative Study of Participants and Non-participants in College Choir
Factors Related to Continued Choral Participation: A Comparative Study of Participants and Non-participants in College Choir
Fast-food consumption and the fast-food environment
Feasibility Analysis Case Study: Seattle Central Community College's Development in the Surplus Space of Sound Transit's Capitol Hill Light Rail Station
Feedback and Firm Value
Feedforward Control and Process Improvement For Some Time Series Disturbance Models
Feeling a Little Fat: Stereotype Threat and Weight-Based Stigma as Predictor of Marriage
Feminist Disability Studies: Theoretical Debates, Activism, Identity Politics, & Coalition Building
Field-based Job Dispatch and Migration
Filtration At the Mega-scale: Exploring the Filter Morphology and Filtration Mechanisms in the Cartilaginous Fishes
Fine-tuning synaptic plasticity by modulation of presynaptic Cav2.1 channels with Ca² sensor proteins
Flame Structure and Emissions of Strongly-pulsed Turbulent Diffusion Flames With Swirl
Folate Pathway Inhibition in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Implications for Antibiotic Development
Form and function of the secondary hemilineages in the adult Drosophila thoracic nervous system
From Geometry Optimization to Time Dependent Molecular Structure Modeling: Method Developments, Ab Initio Theories and Applications
From Transposon to Transcription Factor: Genome-wide Functional Studies of the Conserved Primate Csb-pgbd3 Fusion Protein
From the Government to the Streets: Why the U.S. is a Policy Innovator in Disability Rights
Functional Interactions of E2~ubiquitin Conjugates in and Outside the Ubiquitination Pathway
Gender, Race, and Science: A Feminista Analysis of Women of Color in Science
Generating Latinas: Online Images and the Mechanisms of the Google Search Engine
Genomic Evidence of Speciation and Adaptation in Diatoms
George Walker Viola Sonata (1989): A History, Analysis and Practical Performance Guide of a Great American Work
George Walker Viola Sonata (1989): A History, Analysis and Practical Performance Guide of a Great American Work
Governance of Public Development Authorities in the State of Washington: Variations and a Prospective Application Generated by a Case-Study Review
Healthcare Data Mining Using In-database Analytics to Predict Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
HiPSC-derived neural stem/progenitor cells in chronic cervical spinal cord Injury
Hidden in Plain Sight: Northwest Impressionism, 1910-1935
High Dynamic Range Image Processing Toolkit For Lighting Simulations and Analysis
High Field Chemistry with Scanning Probes
Homestays as Livelihood Strategies in Rural Economies: The Case of Johar Valley, Uttarakhand, India
Hosmer-lemeshow Goodness-of-fit Test: Translations to the Cox Proportional Hazards Model
How Shareholder Accusations of Managerial Misconduct Affect Sell-side Analysts
Hyperfemininities, Hypermasculinities, and Hypersexualities in Classical Japanese Literature
Ideally Reality: Alignment of Deaccession Policy and Emerging Practice in History Museums
Identification of the Determinants of Latency and Replication for Rhesus Rhadinovirus (RRV)
Identity and Resource Mobilization in New Ventures: A Model of Venture Identification
Images of Life: A Crematorium On Time and Memory
Immunogenicity of Gold Nanoshell/silica Core Nanoplasmonics and Photothermal Induced-Cell Death
Impacts of Lateral Spreading and Upstream Conditions On Buoyant River Plumes: Mixing, Structure and Plume Dynamics
Implementation science: implementation methods used by pediatric intensive care units in a national collaborative
Implementing the Multi-agent Spatial Simulation (mass) Library on the Graphics Processor Unit
Implications and Investigations of Pharmacy Benefit in the United States
Improving Clinical Decision Support in Low-income Regions
In the Garden of the Apocalypse: Narrating Myth and Reality in the Hanford Landscape
Incorporating Modern Piano Music Into the Core Repertoire of Undergraduate Piano Majors: An Accessible and Manageable Syllabus
Incorporating Modern Piano Music Into the Core Repertoire of Undergraduate Piano Majors: An Accessible and Manageable Syllabus
Indigenizing Southern California Indian Basket Studies: Unpacking Issues of "mission" and "tradition"
Industrial Landscape Preservation: An Expanded Approach to Protect the Working Small Town
Infants' understanding of others' behaviors: do infants tie goals to individuals?
Influence of Meridional Constraints and Eddy Feedbacks On Low-frequency Variability and Its Response to Climate Change
Influence of Protein Environment on Tryptophan Fluorescence
Information Economics in the Age of E-commerce: Models and Mechanisms for Information-rich Markets
Inglewood Grange: Infrastructure to Catalyze an Urban Community Food System
Integrated Evaluation of Smoke Exposure, Health Impacts and User Satisfaction of an Improved Cookstove Intervention
Interactive Learning of Relation Extractors with Weak Supervision
Intercomparison of Meteorological Forcing Data from Empirical and Mesoscale Model Sources in the N.F. American River Basin in Northern California
Interfacial Water At Hydrophilic Surfaces: Measurement of Force At the Nafion-water Interface
Interference-free Regions and Their Application to Compiler Optimization and Data-race Detection
Interweaving the Displaced Environment: A Digital Storytelling Network For Ciudad Bolivar
Investigating the Association Between Sedative Hypnotic Prescription Exposures and Motor Vehicle Crashes
Is healthy happy?: the affective impact of the Renton Menu Labeling Project in an adolescent population
Karhunen-loève Analysis For Weak Gravitational Lensing
Know the Hands That Feed You: A Marketplace and Knowledge Co-op in the Skagit Valley For Farmworkers, Locals, and Consumers
Label Transfer Reagents for the Study of Protein Kinase Complexes
Landslides Caused by the 8/15/2007 Pisco, Peru (mw = 7.9) Earthquake: A Case Study
Leveraging Knowledge Bases in Web Text Processing
Leveraging Usage History to Enhance Database Usability
Long Range Transport of Microorganisms in the Upper Atmosphere
Lowering the Barrier to Applying Machine Learning
Making It Better for Queer Youth: Troubling (neo)liberal Rhetorics of Visibility and Empowerment
Managing Pediatric Dental Trauma in a Hospital Emergency Department
Managing Skew in the Parallel Evaluation of User-defined Operations
Manufacturing Identities, Producing Poverty: Criminalizing Poor Women through Welfare Fraud
Marine Microbial Biogeography from Microscopic to Global Scales: Ecology of the Diatom Pseudo-Nitzschia
Marketing Expenses, Brand Equity, and a Firm's Financial Value
Mass Media, Mass Culture and Contemporary Italian Fiction
Max Reger's Symphonische Fantasie Und Fuge, Op. 57: A Study of Thematic and Harmonic Structure and Issues of Performance Practice
Max Reger's Symphonische Fantasie Und Fuge, Op. 57: A Study of Thematic and Harmonic Structure and Issues of Performance Practice
Measuring Sustainability in Civil Engineering: Development, Testing, and Implementation of the Greenroads Rating System
Mechanisms Underlying the Adverse Consequences of Stress: A Role for the Dynorphin/Kappa Opioid Receptor System, P38[alpha] MAPK, and the Serotonin Transporter
Mechanisms for Stigma Reduction, the Deconcentration of Poverty, and Hope for Hope Vi
Mechanosensory hair cell regeneration in the zebrafish lateral line is mitotic and facilitated by innervation
Mediation, Motives, and Goals: Identifying the Networked Nature of Contemporary Activism
Medieval Persian Texts and Modern Contexts: Mohammad Qazvini and the Modern Reception of Chahār Maqāle (the Four Discourses)
Medusa City: A Minority Run Design Institute in Postcolonial Milieu
Methodology for Examining Differential Rates of Change for Longitudinal Data
Migraine-Specific Health Resource Utilization in Chronic and Episodic Migraine Across Six Countries
Mining the Midden: A Facility Fo Dynamic Waste Harvesting At the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill
Mobile Food Vending and the Public Realm: A Seattle Study
Mod-kit: Modular Solutions For a Portable Problem
Model Choice Considerations for Fitting Concentration-response Curves
Model-based Hand Posture Estimation Using Monocular Camera
Modeling Long Distance Highway Passenger Travel: A National Data Framework Approach
Molecular Regulation of Opioid Receptor Signaling
Molecular Regulations and Lineage Tracing in Early Mouse Embryogenesis
Molecular Studies of Alpha-Scorpion Toxin Interactions with Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels
Moving on Up?: Access, Persistence, and Outcomes of Immigrant and Native Youth in Postsecondary Education
Multi-ethnic Third Place: Community Garden Center in Wilshire Neighborhood of Los Angeles
Multi-scale Modeling of Organic Electro-optic Materials
Multichannel Marketing and Hidden Markov Models
Multimedia in the Mainstream: Analyzing Legacy News Traditions in Online Journalism
Museum Engagement With Veterans, and Representations of War and Ptsd
N-type Naphthalene Diimide Copolymers: Synthesis, Characterization, and Device Studies
Neighborhood Ribbon: Integrated With Local Provision and Public-shared Space
Neural pathways integrating circadian information into the decision to trigger ovulation
Neural representation of economic parameters by dopamine release: a quantitative analysis
New Electrochemical Methods for Studying Nanoparticle Electrocatalysis and Neuronal Exocytosis
New Urbanism and Neighborhood Revitalization: A Case Study Analysis of Urban Design, Economic Development and Social Equity in Hope Vi Neighborhood Revitalization Projects
New Urbanism in Oregon's Growth Managed Communities
Nicolas Cordier's Il Moro: The African As "Christian Antiquity" in Early Modern Rome
Non-invasive real-time assessment of muscle fatigue during computer use: using mouse button-click and keystroke durations
Not What Meets the Eye: Re-examining Reconstruction in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina
Novel Injection Techniques to Enable Fast, High Peak Capacity Gas Chromatography Separations
Numerical Simulation of Walls and Seismic Design Recommendations for Walled Buildings
Object-based attention: the effects of selective and divided attention A Modern Method For Oboe Embouchure
Observations and Analysis of the Internal Tide in the Monterey Bay Region
On Strange Shepherds, Golden Microphones, and Electric Guitars: Genre, Scene, and the Rise of Anadolu Pop in the Republic of Turkey
On the Horizon: Space, Place and Roadscape Along the Andøya National Tourist Route, Norway
On the Nature of Optically-thin Low Clouds Over Land and Ocean
Oncology Orphan Drugs: An Evidence Assessment, Network Meta-Analysis, and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
One On One: An Exploratory Study of Facilitated Dialogue At the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Open Data Kit: Technologies for Mobile Data Collection and Deployment Experiences in Developing Regions
Operational Applications of Macroscale Hydrologic Models for Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in the Western United States
Optimization of Aqueous Chlorine Photochemistry for Enhanced Inactivation of Chlorine-resistant Microorganisms
Organic Materials for Electro-optic and Optoelectronic Applications: Understanding Structure-- Property Relationships
Organic-Inorganic Ion-Exchange in Cellulosic Fiber Matrices
Organizational Genealogy: Boundaries and Extensions of the Biological Metaphor
Oxidative Difunctionalizations of Alkenes
Pain of osteoarthritis in women: environment research
Palladium(ii) Catalyzed Intramolecular Hydroamination of 1,3-dienes
Parental directiveness in childhood survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Parental monitoring: an examination of antecedents and bidirectional associations with child and adolescent conduct problems
Pediatric Dentists' Willingness to Participate in Practice Based Research
Performance Guide to Makrokosmos Volume II
Performance Guide to Makrokosmos Volume Ii
Perspectives on Seattle Women's Decisions to Bike for Transportation
Physiological responses to social and non-social reward among children with autism
Picaresque Comedy and Its Discontents
Pier 48: Collaborative Consumption
Plasma Membrane Sorting of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors
Population Dynamics of Holopedium Gibberum in a Pacific Northwest Drinking Water Reservoir: Effects of Temperature, Food, and Competition
Post-earthquake Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Frames
Predicting Risk of Re-hospitalization for Congestive Heart Failure Patients
Preserving Retail Affordability in Seattle's Little Saigon: The Impact of Policy on Financial Feasibility
Privacy and Performance in Social Overlay Networks
Private Events, Public Spaces: Why Guests Choose Museums As Hosting Sites, a Case Study At the Museum of Flight
Probing Buried Interfaces Within Organic Diodes Using Electromodulated Transmittance Spectroscopies
Procedural Implications of the March 2011 Solicitor's Memorandum: Repatriation in Alaska
Promoting Multi-modal Transit: The Revitalization of the Shoreline Park & Ride
Promoting Rhetorical Awareness and Perceived Self-Efficacy: Engineering Undergraduate Students Creating Preparedness Portfolios About Communication
Providing Connections: A Wetland Boardwalk
Putting the Formal in Informal: Doctoral Study and Museum Education
Quantifying Sea-Ice Volume Flux Using Moored Instrumentation in the Bering Strait
Raze-or-Retrofit: Institutional Influences on Redevelopment for Energy Efficiency
Raze-or-retrofit: Evaluation of Seattle's Commercial Building Stock For Energy Efficiency
Re-framing Fillmore East: Architecture and Music in the Ipod City
Re:engineered: Exposing the the Architectural and Environmental Possibilities of New Structural Wood Composites
Reading the Cosmic Landscape: An Observatory in the Nevada Desert
Real-time Three-dimensional DNA Microarrays: How Well Can We Distinguish Between Related Target Sequences?
Real-time Traffic Prediction Improvement through Semantic Mining of Social Networks
Reclaiming Altered Landscapes: The Bingham Canyon Mine Memorial
Reconciling Tropospheric Temperature Trends From the Microwave Sounding Unit
Reconnecting Cuba's Waterfront: An Urban Strategy For Post-revolution Havana
Redefining All-inclusive: Sustainable Tourism in the Dominican Republic
Reduction of Ct Dose for Ct-based Pet Attenuation Correction
Regulation of In Vivo Mitochondrial Energetics by Oxidative Stress Throughout Life: A Multi-modal Spectroscopy Approach
Reinventing the Space in Between: Urban Lilong Community Design in North Sichuan Road, Shanghai
Relationship between aerobic fitness and academic achievement in Seattle secondary school children
Relationship of Nighttime Arousals and Nocturnal Cortisol in Ibs and Normal Subjects
Religious Capital as Human, Cultural, Social, and Emotional: Toward a Sociological Theory of Membership Dynamics in Religious Voluntary Associations
Remaking Chinese Planning As a Profession: Growing Demand and Challenges
Representing Atmospheric Moisture Content in the Mountains: Examination Using Distributed Sensors in the Sierra Nevada, California
Resolving Mechanisms of Apoptosis in Response to Wnt3A in Melanoma
Restricted eating behavior in children with PKU and HPA
Retrieval-induced forgetting: a proposed mechanism for intrusive reexperiencing in posttraumatic stress disorder
Rheology and Interparticle Interaction Studies in Complex Media
Russian Lyric Diction: A Practical Guide With Introduction and Annotations and a Bibliography With Annotations On Selected Sources
Russian Lyric Diction: A Practical Guide with Introduction and Annotations and a Bibliography with Annotations on Selected Sources
Russian Piano Music For Children Written From 1878 To 1917
Russian Piano Music For Children Written From 1878 to 1917
Safeguarding the Ethical Conduct of Biomedical Research in Israel Against Conflict of Interest
Sanskrit Beyond Text: The Use of Bonji (siddham) in Mandala and Other Imagery in Ancient and Medieval Japan
Scalable Query Evaluation Over Complex Probabilistic Databases
Screening for microRNA Regulators of an Orphan Cytochrome P450 4V2 (CYP4V2)
Second Breast Cancer Events in Relation to Frequent Antibiotic Use: An Assessment of Risk and the Development of a Framework to Evaluate Detection Bias in Breast Cancer Pharmacoepidemiology Studies
Secondary Use of Electronic Clinical Data: Barriers, Facilitators and a Proposed Solution
Secrecy, Secularism, and the Coming Revolution in Naguib Mahfouz's Postwar Masterpieces
Seeking Refuge: A Place of Recovery in the Cascade Mountains
Seismic Behavior, Performance and Design of Steel Concentrically Braced Frame Systems
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Concentrically Braced Frames
Seismic Performance of Slender Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls
Seismic Response Evaluation of the Linked Column Frame System
Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles in Dispersion and At Fluid-Fluid Interfaces
Self-Consistent Modeling of Ice-Sheet Evolution and Paleoclimate
Self-efficacy of monitoring eating choices associated with fruit and vegetable intake, BMI and autonomy in the MOVE'M study
Sequential Safety Monitoring Using Observational Data: A Comparison of Methods Appropriate for Newly-licensed Vaccines in Children
Serotonin and song: neuronal and behavioral effects in the zebra finch
Shear-sensitive Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal
Sieve Analysis: Statistical Methods for Assessing Genotype-specific Vaccine Protection in Hiv-1 Efficacy Trials With Multivariate and Missing Genotypes
Simplifying the Configuration of 802.11 Wireless Networks with Effective Snr
Simulating and Characterizing the Pale Blue Dot
Single-element Characterization of the Ls-dyna Mat54 Material Model
Single-molecule Studies for the Characterization of Synaptic Vesicles
Sink or Swim in the Labor Pool: Determinants and Consequences of Teenage Employment
Situational Interest of Fourth Grade Children in Music At School
Situational Interest of Fourth Grade Children in Music at School
Slope and Shelf Processes Associated with Upwelling in the Northern California Current System
Slow Motion: The Spaces of Waiting At the Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal
Small Molecule Activation Studies Involving Thiolate-ligated Manganese(ii) Complexes and Biologically-relevant Oxidants
Sociallda: Scalable Topic Modeling in Social Networks
Soft Core: Community Performance in the Madison Valley
Solar Water Oxidation by Composite Cobalt-based Catalyst/oxide Semiconductor Photoanodes
Some Boundary-value Problems For Water Waves
Songlines and Groundlines: Music and Landform Shaping Each Other
Songs Young Japanese Children Sing: An Ethnographic Study of Songs and Musical Utterances
Spanning the Rural Urban Divide: Toward an Expanded Theory of Landscape Architecture
Spatial and Process Strategies Toward the Formalization and Integration of the Informal Settlement, Villa 31, in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spatial organization of long-range inhibition in binaural hearing
Spheres of Influence: A Comparative Study of Political Legitimacy in North Korea
Stability and Control of a Morphing Vehicle
Stable Versus Shifting Ethical Leadership: The Impact On Follower Positivity and Performance
Staged Ethnicity and Touristic Consumption in Postcolonial Latin America: The Case of Cholita Wrestling
Stand-mediated [sic] DNA Displacement for Multiplexed Analyte Separation and Detection
Statistical Analyses of the Perceptions and Trust of Adaptive Cruise Control Owners
Statistical, Stochastic, and Dynamical Models of Neural Decision Making
Stretching the Limits of Walkability: Comparing Walk and Bus Trips in Urban Seattle Neighborhoods
String Quartet
String Quartet
Structural and Biochemical Studies of Protein Poly(adp-ribosyl)ation
Structure-Function Relationships of Self-Assembled Fibrillar Gels
Structure-based Computational Retargeting of Rna Binding Proteins
Studies of Polymer Field-Effect Transistors
Studies of Sample Compartmentalization by Microfluidic Methods
Suburban Advantage: Social Reality or Lingering Ideal
Surface Analysis of Adsorbed Proteins: A Multi-technique Approach to Characterize Surface Structure
Team Processes in Mental Health Care
Technocraft: Community Fabrication in Rainier Beach
Temperament in infants at-risk for Autism spectrum disorder
Temperature Gradients Drive Functional Heterogeneity Within Muscle
Thailand's Second Triumvirate: Sarit Thanarat and the military, King Bhumibol Adulyadej and the monarchy and the United States. 1957-1963
The 21st Century Learning Environment: Education in the Digital Era
The Activity of Breast Milk and Monoclonal HIV-Specific Antibodies in Mother-to-Child Transmission
The Allegory of Site and the Resettling of Smith Cove
The Bayesian Analysis of Data Arising From Complex Sampling Designs
The Chapel of the Madonna Della Strada: A Case Study of Post-tridentine Painting in Rome
The Circadian Regulation of Glucocorticoid Release in Rodents
The Civic Waterfront: Public Participation in Urban Megaproject Design
The Clinical Diagnosis of Porphyrias by Tandem Mass Spectrometry
The Donald Hunsberger Wind Band Transcription of Ralph Vaughan Williams' Variations For Brass Band: Historical Profile, Performance Practice, Conducting Considerations, and Corrected Edition
The Donald Hunsberger Wind Band Transcription of Ralph Vaughan Williams' Variations For Brass: Historical Profile, Performance Practice, Conducting Considerations, and Corrected Edition
The Dynamics and Folding Pathways of Naturally Occurring and Engineered Proteins At Atomic Resolution
The Dynamics and Resilience of River Cities As Coupled Human-natural Systems
The Effect of Community Based Externships on Host Sites: A Survey of Staff Dentists at Washington State Community Clinics
The Effects of Punishment on Observers: A Model and Empirical Demonstration
The Endocrinology and Evolution of Tropical Social Wasps: From Casteless Groups to High Societies
The Evolution of Temporal Polyethism
The Exclusionary Benefit in Multifamily Housing
The Great Transformation: Contours of the Sino-Islamic Intellectual Tradition
The Harp in Jazz and American Pop Music
The Harp in Jazz and American Pop Music
The Illogic of Separation: Examining Arguments About Gender-Neutral Public Bathrooms
The Impact of Adherence and an Intervention Program on Patient Outcomes and Costs in Chronic Hepatitis C Infection
The Impact of CYP3A5 Variation and Pregnancy on the Metabolic Disposition of Calcineurin Inhibitors
The Influence of Mucosal Inflammation on Early Events Following Siv Infection in Rhesus Macaques
The Influence of Sea Ice On Antarctic Ice Core Sulfur Chemistry and On the Future Evolution of Arctic Snow Depth: Investigations Using Global Models
The Influence of Snow Grain Size and Impurities On the Vertical Profiles of Actinic Flux and Associated Nox Emissions On the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets
The Iranians' Debate After the Crackdown: Is Green Movement Revolutionary or Reformist?
The Link Between Immigration and Native Out-Migration in the U.S., 1995-2000
The London St. Cecilia's Day Festivals and the Cultivation of a Godly Nation
The London St. Cecilia's Day Festivals and the Cultivation of a Godly Nation
The New Era of Electronic Commerce: Mobile Commerce, Electronic Book Market and Novel Online Retail Strategies
The North Cascades Highway: Redefining the Rest Area As a Cultural Landscape
The Optical Variability of Quasars As Seen By Sloan Digital Sky Survey
The Perceptual-cognitive Body and the Consumption of Material Space: A Critical Proposal For the Danish Pavilion
The Production of Value: A Study of Urbanism in South Lake Union, Seattle
The Public Work of Care: Emerging Art Curatorial Community Engagement Practices
The Role of A-type Lamins in Normal Cardiac Function
The Role of CD44 in Periodontal Ligament Organization and Repair
The Role of Osteopontin in Macrophage-mediated Inflammation
The Scarring Effects of Bankruptcy: Cumulative Disadvantage across Credit and Labor Markets
The Site and the Familiar: A Collaborative Outpost On South Georgia Island
The Social Feasibility of Roadside Raingardens: A Compendium of Siting, Design and Engagement Tools
The Soft Edge of Density: Placemaking On the Urban Industrial Fringe
The Source of the Midwinter Suppression in Storminess Over the North Pacific
The Synthetic Biology Open Language a Data Exchange Standard for Biological Engineering
The True, New, Newer, Not-so-new, and Blue Woman On Stage in American Painting, 1880-1940
The Urban (in)formal: Reinterpreting the Globalized City Through Deleuze and Guattari
The Value of Social Media for Patients: Social Supports, Networking, and Learning in Online Healthcare Communities
The West Coast Thermal Trough: Climatology, Evolution and Sensitivity to Terrain and Surface Fluxes
The automatic social categorization test: validating a new measure
The effect of high-level image structure in early human visual cortex
The effect of meal preparation time on food expenditure and nutritional quality of menus in family child-care homes in King County, Washington
The impact of repeated stress on neuropeptidergic regulation of monoamine systems
The relationships among alcohol use, sex-related alcohol expectancies, and incapacitated sex
The use of 100% fruit juice as a fruit and vegetable equivalent in federally-subsidized child care homes
The vulnerability of nigral dopamine neurons to mitochondrial complex I deletion in the adult mouse: implications for Parkinson's disease pathogenesis
Thiolate Containing N-heterocyclic Amine Based Ligands, Investigations of Intermediates in O₂⁻ and O₂ Reactivity and Application Towards New Ligand Design for Modelling the Active Site of Superoxide Reductase
Three Analytical Essays On Music From the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries
Three Analytical Essays on Music from the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries
Three paradigms for selective attention in vision
Time-resolved Properties and Global Trends in Dme Flares From Simultaneous Photometry and Spectra
Tomorrow Was Yesterday: Urban Options for Preserving Historic, Modern Chandigarh
Towards the Improvement of Drought Monitoring and Prediction in the United States
Transit Planning and Social Equity: A Comparative Analysis in West Seattle
Transmission Lines in Wildland Landscapes: Gauging Visual Impact Among Casual Observers
Transporter and Metabolic-Based Drug-Drug Interactions: The Blood-Brain Barrier and the Liver
Trophic Interactions in South West Atlantic Seabird Colonies
Two Essays on Payout Policy: Strategic Interaction Effects and Union Effects
Two Faces of a Control Freak: Decomposing Authoritarian Leadership and Its Effects On Work Unit Effectiveness
Ultrasensitive Analysis of Single Neurons Using Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser Induced Fluorescence
Ultrasonic Detection and Expulsion of Kidney Stones
Understanding Proton Shuttling with Pendent Bases in Catalyzing the Interconversion of Dioxygen and Water
Understanding Recent Snow Cover Changes in the Pan-arctic
Understanding the roles of appraisal and coping in the presence of cumulative risk: test of mediating and moderating effects
Unearthed: Actors, Agency and Activism At Jagtvej 69
Unraveling Carbohydrate-mediated Host-pathogen Interactions: Surface Chemistry and Label-free Biosensing
Unraveling Dispersed Kinetic Behavior of Single Photoacid Molecules in Transparent Crystal Hosts
Unstructured Image Mosaics
Urban Design for a Local Merchant Community: The Case of 'Uptown' Bellevue, WA
Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect in the Puget Sound Region: Adaptation and Biomimetic Strategies to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change
Urbanization and Interactions in the Early Historic Deccan: The Sātavāhana, Western Kṣatrapa, and Ikṣvāku Dynasties
Using Bottom Pressure to Quantify Tidal Form Drag on a Sloping Headland
Using Female Empowerment as a Cover Story for Whiteness and Racial Hierarchy in Pop Culture: Interrogating the Intersections of Racial Appropriation and Feminist Discourse in the Performances of Fergie, Gwen Stefani, and Lady Gaga
Using GIS to Assist Location and Site Selection Decisions
Venture Capital Directors, Earnings Manipulation & Firm Performance
Vessel of the Voice: A Seattle Oratory
Vortex Dynamics of Geostrophically Adjusted Density Perturbations in Triply-periodic Models of Stratified Incompressible Fluids
WTX Is a Novel Regulator of Ubiquitination in the Wnt/beta-catenin and KEAP1/NRF2 Pathways
Wage Earning Women of the Industrial Age: Representation in Northeastern American Historical Museums
Wave Breaking Dissipation in a Fetch-limited Sea
Wei-jin Sacrificial Ballets: Reform Versus Conservation
Weighted Likelihood Estimation Under Two-phase Sampling
Wetland Wasteland
What good is pretending?: adding a pretense context to the dimensional change card sort
What's on the menu?: an evaluation of the foods served in federally-subsidized child care homes
Why and when do racial microaggressions hurt?: the role of perceived diversity credentials
Woven Networks: Reinventing Street Life in Downtown Minneapolis
Writing a Grammatical Commentary On Hafiz of Shiraz: A Sixteenth-century Ottoman Scholar On the Divan of Hafiz
You are what you emote: gendered connotations of facial expressions impact sexual orientation judgments
Yú [yú] and Yū [yū]: Their Origins, Their Grammaticalization, and the Process of Encroachment of the Former By the Latter From a Historical Perspective
Zwitterionic Polymers and Their Derivatives As Drug and Gene Delivery Carriers and Implantable Materials
[m]form: Symbiotic Design and Fabrication For Casting of Modular Systems
End of automatically generated list.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "1999-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2012-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
"Degenerate" Hope: Philosophic and Literary Responses to Antisemitism and the Holocaust
"Die Sprache Aus Dem Bett Reiben": Feminist Satire in the Works of Elfriede Jelinek and Isolde Schaad
"Firewater myth": fact, fantasy or self-fulfilling prophecy
"Getting On the Same Page": Negotiation and Intellectual Collaboration in Student Research Groups
"Hello, My Friends": Social Capital and Transformations of Trust in a Grassroots Breast Cancer Website
"I Can Think of a Lot of Stories.": Shared Knowledges, Indigenous Methodology and Purposeful Conversations with Sixteen Native Women in Seattle
"Lessons of Variety and Freedom": Reading & Ethics in China and the West
"Listen to their conversation very carefully": homeless women talk about their health and AIDS prevention
"Making Church": The Experience of Spirituality in Women's Choruses
"the Forest For the Trees": The Beethoven Piano Sonatas As Integrated Cycles
'One Wiser, Better, Dearer Than Ourselves': Gothic Friendship
(Re)presenting African-American men: analyzing discourses on manhood, prison, and relationships
A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Heterogeneous Spatial Covariances
A Bayesian Approach to Parametric Image Analysis
A Bayesian Model for Curve Clustering With Application to Gene Expression Data Analysis
A Beautiful, Shining Sound Object: Contextualizing Multi-instrumentalism in the Association For the Advancement of Creative Musicians
A Cache-based Prefetching Memory System for Mediaprocessors
A Century of Population Change in the U.S. Great Plains
A Chemical Genetic Approach for the Identification of Selective Inhibitors of Nad(+)-dependent Deacetylases
A Comparative Study of C.p.e. Bach's Keyboard Sonatas
A Comparison of the Wind Band Writing of Three Contemporary Composers: Karel Husa, Timothy Broege, and Cindy Mctee
A Conductor's Guide to the Roman Liturgy
A Conserved Plasmodium Falciparum Protein PfCSA-l Mediates Placental Sequestration of Malaria Parasites
A Coupled Local Mode Approach to Laterally Heterogeneous Anisotropic Media, Volume Scattering, and T-wave Excitation
A Critical Edition of Missam Hanc Doubus Choris Ac Quatuor Voce, Domine, Salvum Fac Regem, and Ecce Tu Pulchra Es By Nicolas Formé
A Deductive Theory of Deviance
A Diachronic-transformational Theory of Musical Contour Relations
A Discontinuous Galerkin Method For the Two-fluid Plasma System and Its Application to the Z-pinch
A Disordered Ubiquitin Ligase Targets Misfolded Proteins for Degradation
A Dynamic Game For Managing a Conservative Pollutant in an Estuary
A Framework for Video Annotation, Visualization, and Interaction
A Genetic and Pharmacological Dissection of Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus
A Guide For Prospective Piano Studio Teachers
A Guide to Contemporary Piano Repertoire For the Developing Student: Interpretive Suggestions For Selected Works By Robert Starer and Seymour Bernstein
A Hierarchical Aggregate Data Model With Allowance for Spatially Correlated Disease Rates
A Living Instrument: The Clarinet in Jazz in the 1950s and 1960s
A Machine Learning Approach to Web Personalization
A Manual For the Vocal Accompanist
A Method of Sight Reading For Piano Ensemble: With Commentary and Preparatory Exercises
A Methodology to Design Rule-Based Systems
A Model System for Investigating Biomineralization: Elucidating Protein Gcalcium Oxalate Monohydrate Interactions
A Model for Microcirculatory Fluid and Solute Exchange in the Heart
A Modern Edition and Conductor's Performance Guide to Felix Mendelssohn's Oratorio Elijah
A Multiwavelength Study of the Local Group Starburst Galaxy Ic 10
A Musical and Poetic Investigation of John Duke's Six Poems By Emily Dickinson and Four Poems By Emily Dickinson
A Neutralization-reionization Mass Spectrometry and Computational Analysis of 3-hydroxypyridine, 2-hydroxypyridine/2-(1h)pyridone, and Uracil
A New Framework for Nonparametric Estimation of the Bivariate Survivor Function
A New Legal Era For the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan: Self-Government?
A New Parameterization of Marine Stratocumulus and Shallow Cumulus Clouds For Climate Models
A New Renormalization Method For the Asymptotic Solution of Multiple Scale Singular Perturbation Problems
A Numerical Study of Three Dimensional Gravity Waves Triggered By Deep Tropical Convection and Their Role in the Quasi Biennial Oscillation
A Pedagogical Analysis of Pierre Baillot's Twenty-four Études and a Comparison to the Études of Rudolphe Kreutzer and Pierre Rode
A Physical Model to Estimate Snowfall Over Land Using Microwave Measurements
A Place for the Sacred: Native American and European American Representations of Death in the American Landscape
A Proteomics Investigation of the Hiv-1 Infection in T-cells
A Robotic Muscle Spindle: Neuromechanics of Individual and Ensemble Response
A Robust Control Law Design Technique For a Linear System With an Amplitude-constrained Actuator
A Role for Adenylyl Cyclase and the CREB/CRE Transctiptional [sic] Pathway in Mammalian Behavior
A Role for the Calcium/Calmodulin-Stimulated Adenylyl Cyclases in Cocaine Sensitization
A Solid State Deuterium Nmr Study of Local Dynamics of Dna with Tpa Junctions
A Solid State Nmr Dipolar Recoupling Study of Surface Interactions of a N-terminal Statherin Fragment Bound to Hydroxyapatite
A Statistical Analysis of Factors Associated with Driver-perceived Road Roughness On Urban Highways
A Study On Compositional Structure in Max Reger Phantasie Für Orgel Über Den Choral, "hallelujah! Gott Zu Loben, Bleibe Meine Sellenfreud!"
A Study of Jet Exhaust-wing Interaction
A Study of Korean Art Songs Since 1900: Focusing On Pieces By Dong-jin Kim, Heung-yeol Lee, and Isang Yun
A Study of the Use of Programmatic and Liturgical Themes in Selected Wind Ensemble Compositions of David Gillingham
A Study of the Wind Band Writing of Two Contemporary Composers: Libby Larsen and Frank Ticheli
A Survey For Resolved Milky Way Dwarf Galaxy Satellites
A Technical Preconstruction Services Process Model for the Private Real Estate Development Industry
A Theory of Flexible Rhythmic Spaces For Diasporic African Music
A Thin Film Oxygen Sensor for the Study of Insect Flight
A Unique Mitochondrial Lipid Kinase with Multiple Substrates
A Wave Propagation Method With Constrained Transport For Ideal and Shallow Water Magnetohydrodynamics
A Work in Progress: The Shostakovich Cello Sonata, Op. 40 in Revision
A World of Hurt: Art Music and the American War in Vietnam
A brief intervention for screened problem drinking in an employee assistance program
A brief personalized feedback intervention integrating a motivational interviewing therapeutic style and dialectical behavioral therapy skills for depressed or anxious heavy drinking young adults
A causal model: acculturation, social support, and quality of life among Korean immigrant elderly in the Pacific Northwest in the U.S.
A causal model: factors influencing pelvic muscle exercise adherence among Taiwanese women with urinary incontinence
A community-based long-term care model for the U.S. elderly
A critical ethnography of lesbian families with biologically born babies
A cross-cultural comparison of Korean American and European American parental meta-emotion philosophy and its relationship to parent-child interaction
A dynamic systems approach to co-emotion regulation in preschoolers and mothers in the context of strange situation: predictors and developmental consequences
A mixed methods approach to investigate partner violence in HIV-positive outpatients
A model experimental system for studying prenatal stress in pigtailed macaque monkeys (Macaca nemestrina)
A neuroeconomic approach to the study of substance use: risk and reward valuation following adolescent alcohol exposure
A pilot survey of nurses' attitudes and practice of developmentally supportive care in NICUs in Taiwan
A randomized clinical trial of a brief, mailed intervention for depressed mood in a college student sample
A randomized clinical trial of a web-based prevention program for at-risk gambling college student [i.e. students]
A randomized controlled study of the efficacy of a novel silver nanoparticle gel against artificially seeded bacterial hand flora
A relapse prevention program for distressed couples following workshop-based marital intervention
A review of the management of patients at risk for or diagnosed with venous thromboembolism (VTE) at an academic medical center, and the cost-effectiveness of diagnostic strategies for VTE
A role for hippocampal and midbrain neural processing in context-dependent spatial memory
A-type Lamins Are Necessary for the Stabilization of the Retinoblastoma Protein
ABCC2 (cMOAT): Role in 4-Hydroxycyclophosphamide Elimination from the Liver and Survival of High Dose Cyclophosphamide Regimens
Absolute Quantification of Target Proteins in Complex Mixtures Using Visible Isotope-coded Affinity Tags and Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Acceptability and feasibility of a lifestyle physical activity program for people with spinal cord injury (SCI): a pilot study
Accepting and adjusting to chronicity of hypertension: a grounded theory study in Thai people
Access to health care and level of health-related quality of life of elderly Chinese immigrants in the Pacific Northwest
Accessibility and Location Choice: Innovations in Measurement and Modeling
Accumulating Disadvantage: The Growth in the Black-White Wage Gap Among Women
Accurate Annotation of Non-coding Rnas in Practical Time
Acetoclastic Methanogenesis: A Key to Anaerobic Digester Stability
Achieving Robust Performance in Parallel Programming Languages
Active properties of retinal ganglion cells
Activity-Friendly Communities: Correlates of Transportation or Recreation Walking, and Correlates of Physical Activity for Different Sub-Populations
Adaptation of sound localization precision: from an ion channel to perception
Adapting Simulation Environments For Emergency Response Planning and Training
Adapting to the Heat: Integrating Healthcare, Communities + the Built Environment in Gao, Mali
Adaptive Random Search For Noisy and Global Optimization
Adaptive Signal Processing and Correlational Learning in Mixed-signal Vlsi
Adaptive selection of personality items to inform a neural network predicting job performance
Addressing Capacity Uncertainty in Resource-Constrained Assignment Problems
Adh2 Repression: A Genetic and Biochemical Approach
Adhesion to Laminin 5 Suppresses P38 Map Kinase and Activating Transcription Factor 3 in Leading Keratinocytes of Epidermal Wounds
Adjusting for Covariate Effects in Biomarker Studies Using the Subject-specfic Threshold Roc Curve
Administrative Model V. Adjudication Model: The Impact of Administrative Detention in the Criminal Process of the People's Republic of China
Adolescent substance use, problem behaviors, and emotional distress
Adrift On the Pequod, Space Out of Time: A Trappist Monastery Off the Coast of Santa Barbara
Advanced Non-linear Optic Chromophores and Dendritic Molecules for Optimizing Electro-optic Materials Properties
Advances in Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis of Lipids, Proteins, and Peptides with Laser-induced Fluorescence
Advances in Integrated Urban Modeling: Microsimulation Models of the Housing Market, Real Estate Development, and Workplace Choice
Advances in Magnetic Resonance Coronary Angiography
Advances in Methods to Characterize the Initiation of Drug Resistance and Measure Rates of Mutation in Plasmodium Falciparum
Advection-Diffusion Process Inference via Statistical Oceanographic Methods in the North Atlantic and Southern Oceans
Aerosol Size Distribution Modeling For the Pacific Northwest
Affective correlates of white racial identity development
Afferent input regulates dendritic structure in nucleus laminaris
Affinity Bioseparations With Smart Polymer Conjugates Containing Dna, Streptavidin, and Antibody Fragments
After Hours: Five Encores For Flute and Piano : a History and Analysis of David Schiff's Work For Flute and Piano With Practice Guide
Aging happens: experiences of Swiss women living alone
Agonist-Dependent Regulation of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expression and Function
Al-azdī's Ḥikāyat Abī Al Qāsim Al-baghdādī: Placing an Anomalous Text Within the Literary Developments of Its Time
Alcohol abuse prevention in the workplace: the development and evaluation of an individualized approach
Alcohol and sexual disinhibition among college students
Alcohol involvement, employment, relationships and psychiatric status among women one-year following gender specific treatment for substance dependence
Algorithmic Applications of Propositional Proof Complexity
Algorithms for Comparative Sequence Analysis and Comparative Proteomics
Algorithms for Dna Restriction Mapping
Algorithms for Managing Data in Distributed Systems
Allegories of Tibet
Alpha synuclein in the adult avian song system
Alpine Insects: Physiology and Evolution in Cold, Thin Air
Alterations in emotional numbing in PTSD: effects of treatment and recovery
Alternate Occupancy: Increasing Urban Density Through Reuse of Existing Parking Garages
Amalgamated Spaces of Modernity
An Analysis and Comparison of the Three Woodwind Quintets By Chen Yi
An Analysis of Alternative Methods of Plea Negotiations
An Analysis of Continuous Wave and Time Domain Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra with Applications to Biological Systems
An Analysis of Frictional Feedback in the Madden-julian Oscillation
An Analysis of Software Interface Issues for Smt Processors
An Analysis of a Persistent Isotherm Tilt During Early-spring and Its Effect On the Diatom Bloom: Lake Washington, Seattle, Wa
An Analysis of the Extracellular Matrix in Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome
An Analysis of the Influence of Tangos On Selected Organ Works By Pamela Decker: Flores Del Desierto
An Analysis of the Violin Concerto of Johannes Brahms
An Analytical Model and Applications for Ground Surface Effects from Liquefaction
An Analytical Study of Korean-based Sacred Choral Music: Korean Traditional Music and Its Relation to Fourteen Selected Korean Sacred Choral Works
An Analytical Study of Reinforced Concrete Beam-column Joint Behavior Under Seismic Loading
An Analytical/empirical Model for Prediction of Lateral Spread Displacements
An Anthology of Diverse Piano Repertoire: Organized in Order of Ascending Difficulty With Commentary and Preparatory Exercises
An Ecological Study of Children Commuting to School
An Empirical Study of the Lidar Ratio and Its Variability, With Implications For Determining Climate Forcing By Satellite-borne Lidar
An Epidemiologic Study Examining the Risk of Anemia Associated with Zidovudine-Based Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in Namibia
An Evaluation of Insider Trading Regulation in the Republic of Korea: What Are the Policy Considerations and What Is Necessary For Korea to Strengthen Insider Trading Regulation?
An Evaluation of the Effects of a Pricing Policy on the Water Consumption of Heterogeneous Households in Seattle
An Examination of Corporate Tax Shelter Participants
An Examination of Olympic Dances By John Harbison
An Expensive Illusion?: The Use of Isolation As a Tuberculosis Control Strategy in Taiwan
An Exploratory Approach to Software Reuse
An Implementation of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics For Large Deformation, History Dependent Geomaterials With Applications to Tectonic Deformation
An Integrated Approach to Lifeline Performance Evaluation
An Integrated Model of Community Technology: An Asset-Based Approach to Community-Based Computer Learning Programs
An Investigation Into Pulsating Aurora
An Investigation Into the Causes For the Reduction in the Variability of the El Niño-southern Oscillation in the Early Holocene in a Global Climate Model
An Investigation of Complexity Measures to Characterize Heart Rate Dynamics
An Investigation of Current Instruction Practices For the Undergraduate Instrumental Conducting Student Concerning Left Hand Technique and Facial Gestures
An Investigation of Current Instruction Practices for the Undergraduate Instrumental Conducting Student Concerning Left Hand Technique and Facial Gestures
An Investigation of Entrepreneurial Expertise: Theory, Strategy and Performance
An Investigation of Local Dna Dynamics in Bacterial Restriction Sites by Solid-state Deuterium Nmr
An Investigation of the Synergy Between Ultrasound and Membrane-disruptive Polymers and Its Effect on Cell Membranes
An Investigaton of the Mechanisms of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Induced Platelet Activity
An Observational Study of the Tropical Tropospheric Circulation
An Observational and Modeling Study of a Heavy Orographic Precipitation Event Over the Oregon Cascades
An Original Transcription For the Organ: Serenade For Strings, Op. 48 By Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Including a Comprehensive History of Organ Transcription and Relevant Organ Design
An electrophysiological study of the perception and representation of Michottean launching events
An ethnographic approach to understanding the nurse's role as supervisor of nursing assistants in nursing homes
An ethnography of women participating in a United States microcredit program
An event related potential investigation of reinforcement learning in boys with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
An examination of the minority stress hypothesis in a sample of undergraduates from the United States
An exploration of women's experience of growing older while living alone in a rural community
An exploratory study of boarding home sanctions and compliance in Washington State
An investigation of hearing infants' preferences for American Sign Language and nonlinguistic biological motion
Analogical integration of semantic and arithmetic relations in mathematical word problems: evidence from event-related brain potentials
Analysis and Development of Interphase Matrices for Use in Thermosetting Composites and Adhesives
Analysis and Development of Stopping Criteria For Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms
Analysis of Age-structured Chemostat Models
Analysis of Aggregate Longitudinal Data With Time-dependent Exposure
Analysis of Binary Longitudinal Data With Dropout and Death
Analysis of Clustered Data: A Combined Estimating Equations Approach
Analysis of Failure Time Data Under Risk Set Sampling and Missing Covariates
Analysis of Myogenic Regulatory Factors and Insulin-like Growth Factors in Early Somite Myogenesis
Analysis of Optical Wavefront Reconstruction and Deconvolution in Adaptive Optics
Analysis of Plant Gene Expression Responses to the Pathogen and Natural Genetic Engineer Agrobacterium Tumefaciens
Analysis of the Binding Interactions Between Peptides and the Mhc Class Ii Protein I-a(d)
Analysis of the Everyday Human Environment Via Large Scale Commonsense Reasoning
Analytical Investigation On the Seismic Performance of Special Concentrically Braced Frames
Anatomical and physiological characterization of the dopaminergic input to a basal ganglia circuit required for vocal learning in songbirds
Ancient Icelandic Heritage in Icelandic a Cappella Choral Music in the Twentieth Century
And Then It Rained: Power and Song in Western Washington Coast Salish Myth Narratives
Anisotropic Interactions of Metabolites in Skeletal Muscle Observed By Dipolar Coupling in ¹h Nmr Spectroscopy
Anisotropy of Ice Ih: Development of Fabric and Effects of Anisotropy On Deformation
Annotating Digital Documents for Asynchronous Collaboration
Annular Modes in the Atmospheric General Circulation
Antecedents and antisocial behavioral outcomes of deviant peer involvement in elementary school
Anteroposterior patterning of the vertebrate forebrain: a role for Wnt signaling
Anti-corporate Collectivists, Capable Individualists, and Relativists: A Q-methodological Exploration of Audiences for Health Communication About Contaminated Soils
Antonio Vivaldi's Dramatic Choruses in Oratorios and Operas: Toward Historically Informed Performance
Apparently Safe: How Aviation Regulation Characterizes Risk
Application of Information From Homologous Proteins for the Prediction of Protein Structure
Application of Mass Spectrometry in Enzyme Deficiency Assay for Newborn Screening Purpose
Application of the Trp-cage Motif to Polypeptide Folding Questions
Applications of Neon, Nitrogen, Argon, and Oxygen to Physical, Chemical, and Biological Cycles in the Ocean
Applying Mobile Boundary Water Surface Profile Models to Coarse-bedded Bridge Crossings
Approximate Dynamic Programming For Dynamic Stochastic Resource Allocation With Applications to Healthcare
Apuleius' "Cupid and Psyche" and the Egyptian Cult
Aquatic exercise improves flexibility, strength, and walk time in osteoarthritis
Architecture Occupation: A Sky Community Culture Center in Traditional District, Guangzhou
Architecture of Necessity: A New Secondary Boarding School in Kenya's Ngong Hills
Archiving the Web: Collection, Documentation, Display, and Shifting Knowledge Production Paradigms
Art Information Use and Needs of Non-Specialists: Evidence in Art Museum Visitor Studies
Aspects of Boreal Forest Hydrology: From Stand to Watershed
Aspects of Matching and Power in Group Randomized Trials
Assessing the Clinical and Economic Impact of Genetic Polymorphisms
Assessing the role of dopamine in fear conditioning using genetic mouse models
Assessment of Pacific Ocean Carbon Production and Export Using Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen Isotopes and Oxygen/Argon Gas Ratios
Assessment of Reductive Dechlorination of Vinyl Chloride and Characterization of Enrichments That Grow On Vinyl Chloride as the Sole Carbon and Energy Source
Assimilating to Diversity: The Fertility of Foreign-Born and Native-Born Women in the United States
Assisted Cognition: Compensatory Activity Assistance Technology
Associations between glycemic status and graft-versus-host disease, infection, and mortality among hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients
Asthma management disparities: a critical analysis of the discourses of African American adolescent and public health stakeholders in Washington State
Asynchronous Stochastic Learning Curve Effects in a Large Scale Production System
At Home in Globalization: Social Reproduction, Transnational Migration and the Circulating Indian Household
Ataxin-7 conserved motifs determine the severity of the neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 in transgenic mice and influence lifespan in yeast
Athletic Girls: External Support, Internal Motivation, and Advanced Participation in Sport
Atomic Force Miscroscopy [sic] Study of Sio₂/si(111)-- (7x7) Grown Via Atomic Oxygen Plasma
Attenuation of exertional muscle damage with a nutritional supplement
Auditory implicit association tests
August Wilhelm Schlegel: Poet, Critic and Translator
Authoring Effective Depictions of Reality by Combining Multiple Samples of the Plenoptic Function
Automated Affinity Measurement of Biospecific Interactions Using a Lab-on-valve Apparatus Coupled to Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Automated Left Ventriculogram Boundary Delineation
Automatic Staged Compilation
Automatic Visual Display Design and Creation
Automatically Proving the Correctness of Program Analyses and Transformations
Automating Selective Dynamic Compilation
Autonomy at the end of life: a discourse analysis
BEST MoveS: The Built Environment Space-Time MOVEment Study: A Framework for Objective Measurement of Behavior, Movement and Exposure in Urban Environments
Bacterial Abundance, Activity, and Diversity at Extremely Cold Temperatures in Arctic Sea Ice
Bacterial Adaptation to the Cold: In Situ Activities of Extracellular Enzymes in the North Water Polynya and Characterization of a Cold-Active Aminopeptidase from Colwellia Psychrerythraea Strain 34h
Banning Headscarves and Muslim Women's Subjectivity in Turkey
Basis of Host-Specific Virulence of U and M Genogroup Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV)
Bayesian Cognitive Models for Imitation
Bayesian Discovery of Regulatory Motifs Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Bayesian Minimum Expected Risk Estimation of Distributions For Statistical Learning
Beginning Organ Method Book
Behavior of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Walls with Poor Quality Backfills On Yielding Foundations
Behavior of Hybrid Frames Under Seismic Loading
Behavior of the Atomic Oxygen 5577 Ångström Emission Intensity At Mid-Latitudes: A Climatological View
Behavioral activation, cognitive therapy, and antidepressant medication in the acute treatment of major depression
Behavioral and physiological characteristics associated with anxiety in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
Benefits and Costs of Staged Run-time Specialization
Beta-catenin signaling occurs in prognitors of the adult nervous system and increases in NG2+ progenitors and astrocytes during posttraumatic gliogenesis
Beyond Art and Politics: Voices of Spanish Modernism
Beyond Verse and Chorus: Experimental Formal Structures in Post-millennial Rock Music
Bidirectional Control of Microglial Cell Migration
Big Horses Don't Die: The Chaebol Dominance in the Course of Korean Industrialization
Bili, a Conserved FERM Domain Containing Protein Negatively Regulates Wnt/beta-catenin Signaling
Bilingualism and Educational Expectations, College Access, and Success of Youth from Immigrant Families: A Test of Segmented Assimilation Theory
Bio-Social Determinants of Child and Adult Mortality in South Africa
Biochemical and Structural Studies of Key Components in the Wnt Signaling Pathway
Biochemical and functional characterization of the interaction between the synaptic vesicle proteins SV2 and synaptotagmin
Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethene by Pseudonocardia Chlorethenivorans Sl-1
Biogeochemistry of Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids (MAAS): A New Perspective on UV-Absorbing Compounds via Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Bioinformatics of Proteomic Tandem Mass Spectra: Selection, Characterization, and Identification
Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Deep-Sea and Hydrothermal Vent Environments
Biological Significance, Oxidative Inhibition, and Glutathiolation of Human Soluble Catechol-o-methyltransferase
Biomechanics and Dynamics of Turning
Biomimetic Modeling of Superoxide Reductase
Biomimetic Models of the Active Site of the Metalloenzyme Nitrile Hydratase
Biosynthetic Studies On Phenazine Antibiotics
Bird Scenes
Blood Safety and Resource Allocation: Economic Analyses of Donated Blood Safety Initiatives
Body-oriented therapy in sexual abuse recovery: a study of efficacy, dissociation, and process
Borehole Investigations of Firn Processes
Bounded accumulation of evidence in parietal cortex: a flexible neural mechanism for making decisions and estimating certainty
Brahms in the Meiningen Tradition: His Symphonies and Haydn Variations According to the Markings of Fritz Steinbach, Edited By Walter Blume : a Complete Translation With Background and Commentary
Brahms's Eleven Chorale Preludes Op. 122 For Organ and Oboe: A New Perspective On His Enigmatic Final Work
Brahms's String Quartet in C Minor, Op. 51, No. 1: Context, Analysis and Interpretive Approaches
Brahms, the Early Choral Music Heritage and His Piano Music
Brain CaV1 Channel/AKAP15 Signaling Complexes and the Role of the Distal C-terminus in CaV1 Channel Regulation in Vivo
Brain-computer Interfaces for Control and Computation
Brass Music During the American Revolutionary Era
Bridging cell growth and proliferation: identification and characterization of binding partners for pescadillo, a novel nucleolar protein involved in tumorigenesis and DNA damage
Bridging the Gap Between User Experience Research and Design in Industry: An Analysis of Two Common Communication Tools, Personas and Scenarios
Building On the Hot-injection Architecture: Giving Worth to Alternative Nanocrystal Syntheses
Building Political Engagement in Multi-Ethnic Communities: Toward a Multicultural Empowerment Praxis for Planning
Building System Services with Virtual Machine Monitors
Building Watershed Narratives: Two Case Studies of Urban Streams in Seattle, Washington
Building an Ideal High School Instrumental Ensemble Program in Taiwan: Based On the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Ithaca High School Band Program From 1955 to 1967 Directed By Frank Battisti
Built Environments, Grocery Shopping Travel Behavior, and Food Deserts
C-Jun N-terminal Kinase Activation Disrupts Opioid Receptor Signaling
CIS-retinol dehydrogenase: characterization and biochemical analysis of 9-cis-retinol metabolism in two model systems
Cabezonas con suenos: assets Latina/o nursing students used to overcome obstacles
Cache Performance Analysis of Algorithms
Calcification, Organic Production, and Carbon Dioxide on a Hawaiian Coral Reef
Calcium-stimulated signal transduction in long-term memory formation and neural plasticity
Campfire Songs
Can P-Glycoprotein-based Drug Interactions at the Human Blood-Brain Barrier Be Predicted from in Vitro and Rat in Vivo Studies?
Candidate Isolated Neutron Stars and Other Stellar X-ray Sources From the Rosat All-sky and Sloan Digital Sky Surveys
Cannabinoid Signaling in Glia
Cannabinoid receptor signaling
Cannabinoid receptor signaling pathways
Carbon and Phosphorus Cycling by Phylogenetically-Defined Groups of Bacteria in the North Pacific Ocean
Causal Inference in HIV Vaccine Trials: Comparing Outcomes in a Subset Chosen After Randomization
Causal Modeling in Quantitative Genomics
Ce-microreactor-ce-ms-ms for Protein Analysis
Cellists and the Dvořák Cello Concerto: The Labyrinth of Interpretation
Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses to the Polyomavirus-Linked Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Implications for Pathogenesis, Prognosis, and Therapy
Cellular and Molecular Patterning Mechanisms Underlying Metamorphosis of the Thoracic Leg in Manduca Sexta
Cellular and in vivo characterization of electrophysiological, pharmacological, and morphological properties of a post-traumatic neocortical epileptic focus
Cerebellar contribution to saccades
Cervical Spine Injury Potential Resulting From Sagittal Plane Inertial Loading
Challenges Faced By Modern Violists When Preparing the F. Schubert Arpeggione Sonata For Performance
Changes in Community Composition and Ecosystem Processes Associated With Biological Invasions: Impacts of Zostera Japonica in the Marine Intertidal Zone
Changes in Hepatic Drug Metabolizing Enzymes During Pregnancy
Changes on physiologic and cognitive functioning through light/sound stimulation in older adults: a mind/body connection
Changes to the Civil Procedure Laws and Regulations Prompted By Specialized Litigation: Regarding the United States and the Japanese Patent Invalidation Procedures
Changing belief to memory: the role of sensory enhanced imagination and semantic activation in the creation and quality of false memories
Characteristics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 Envelope at Infection and Reinfection in a Cohort of Kenyan Women
Characterization and Analysis of Osteopontin-immobilized Poly(2-hydroxyethyl Methacrylate)
Characterization of A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins Associated with the Type IIA Sodium Channel
Characterization of Adsorbed Protein Films Using Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Multivariate Analysis
Characterization of Bacterial Homing Endonuclease I-ssp6803i
Characterization of Cryogenic Microcracking in Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composite Materials
Characterization of DNA-functionalized Surfaces for Microarray and Biosensor Applications
Characterization of Evolutionarily Conserved Mammalian Alternative Splicing and Alternative Promoters
Characterization of Genomic Instability in Neoplastic Progression of Ulcerative Colitis
Characterization of Live Modeling Performance Boundaries for Computational Structural Mechanics
Characterization of Marine Boundary Layer Aerosol From North Atlantic and European Sources: Physical and Chemical Properties and Climate Forcing Parameters
Characterization of Modern Off-Shelf Sediment Export on the Eel Margin, Northern California
Characterization of Protein Expression in Breast Cancer Tissues by One and Two-dimensional Capillary Electrophoresis
Characterization of Regulation and Expression Patterns of Escherichia Coli Hsp31 Protein
Characterization of Sea Urchin Focal Adhesion Kinase (fak): Roles in Epithelial and Primary Mesenchyme Morphogenesis
Characterization of Tetrachloroethene Dechlorinating Cultures and Isolation of a Novel Tetrachloroethene to Cis-1,2-dichloroethene Halorespiring Bacterium
Characterization of galanin in the murine brain
Characterization of the Retinoic Acid Hydroxylases CYP26A1 and CYP26B1: Catalytic Activity, Tissue Expression, and Ligand Selectivity
Characterization of the Small Scale Ice Sheet Topography of Antarctica and Greenland
Characterizing Internal Dna Dynamics Using Solution and Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Characterizing Internal Dynamics in Nucleic Acids by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Study of Rna, Dna, and Rna-protein Complexes
Characterizing the Humoral Immune Response to Human Papillomavirus Type 6
Chemical Shifts Define the Structure and Folding Thermodynamics of Polypeptides
Chemical-Genetic Screening Identifies Novel Protein Regulators of Wnt/beta-catenin Signaling
Chemistry and Physics in Low Reynolds Number Micro Steady Streaming Devices
Chieko Hara: A Life and Art
Childhood obesity prevention and obesogenic school environments
Children At Work in Their Musical Expression: A Classroom-based Study of Small Group Improvisation
Children Distinguish Conventional From Moral Violations in Interactions With a Personified Agent
Children's and parents' experiences following children's moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
Chiro-optics of Achiral Compounds
Chlamydia Trachomatis Interactions with Human Dendritic and CD8 T Cells
Chlorine Dioxide Photochemistry in Solution: Time-resolved Resonance Raman and Femtosecond Pump-probe Studies
Choice Avoidance in Managerial Accounting Decisions
Cholera Toxin Inhibition and Epsf From Its Secretion System
Cholera Toxin and Heat-labile Enterotoxin: Structural Studies of Assembly and Design of Active A-subunit Constructs
Cholesterol and Alzheimer's disease
Chondroplastic conversion and calcification of advanced atherosclerotic lesions: the impact of bone regulatory proteins and diet
Choral Rehearsal Memory Techniques
Chronic pain in youths with physical disabilities
Cicero Fabricator: The Ethos of Aesthetics in Cicero's Verrines
Circadian Oscillation of MAPK Activity and cAMP in the Hippocampus: Implications for Memory Persistence
Citation and Allusion in the Lays of Guillaume De Machaut
Citizen Production, Citizen Identity: The Role of the Mother in Euripides and Menander
Citizens' Argument Repertoire and Media Discourse
Classification As Communication: Properties and Design
Clinical Utility, Cost-Effectiveness and Provider Perceptions of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 Genotyping for Chronic Warfarin Therapy
Clonal Diversity, Population Differentiation and Bloom Dynamics in the Centric Diatom, Ditylum Brightwellii
Cloning, Sequencing, Expression, and Inactivation of the Aminodehydroquinate Dehydratase Gene in Amycolatopsis Mediterranei S699
Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data
Clustering Genes in Genetical Genomics
Coastal Recipes: Internal Waves, Turbulence and Mixing on the New England Continental Shelf
Cocoa and Cash, Culture and Chocolate: A Feminist Analysis of Development and Trade in Ghana and Britain
Codes of Commonality and Cooperation: Notions of Citizen Personae and Citizen Speech Codes in American Public Meetings
Codification in Thailand During the 19th and 20th Centuries: A Study of the Causes, Process and Consequences of Drafting the Penal Code of 1908
Cognitive disturbance among elderly Taiwanese patients after elective surgery
Cohesin Proteins SMC1 and SMC33: Roles in Aneuploidy and in Meiotic Chromosome Dynamics
Coincident signaling of cAMP with phosphatidylinositol 3' kinase and mitogen activated protein kinase signal transduction cascades: a role in regulating gene exression during development and synaptic plasticity
Communication Synthesis and Interface Synthesis for Embedded Systems
Communication as Environmental Resource: An Ethnographic Exploration of Endangered Whale Watching and Human-nature Relations
Comparative Analysis of a Latency-Associated Gene Conserved in KSHV-like Rhadinoviruses
Comparison of biofeedback interventions for sleep disturbance accompanying chronic pain
Comparison of in Vitro and in Vivo Inhibition Potencies of Fluvoxamine Toward CYP1A2 and CYP2C19
Comparison of self-reported energy and fat intake with objective biomarkers in postmenopausal women
Comparison of the Cost-Effectiveness of Triamicinolone Acetonide (Azmacort HFA) and Fluticasone Propionate (Flovent) in Adult Asthmatics in Randomized Controlled Equivalence Trial
Complex Evolution of the 7E Segmental Duplications and 7E Olfactory Receptor Genes
Complex Regulation, Multiple Developmental Functions, and Phylogenetic Conservation of Misfire, the Drosophila Melanogaster Ferlin Gene
Complex System Modeling For Hospital-Associated Infection Transmission in Pediatric Icus
Complexity Results for Infinite-horizon Markov Decision Processes
Compliance with dietary recommendations in adults with irritable bowel syndrome
Comprehensive Gas Chromatography with Chemometric Data Analysis for Pattern Recognition and Signal Deconvolution of Complex Samples
Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry with Chemometric Analysis
Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography and Chemometrics for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures
Compressive Cervical Spine Injury: The Effect of Injury Mechanism On Structural Injury Pattern and Neurologic Injury Potential
Computational Investigations of the Dynamics of Chlorine Dioxide
Computational Methods for Transcription Anlysis Using Oligonucleotide Microarrays
Computational Modeling of Skeletal Muscle Glycogenolysis Dynamics
Computational Studies On the Effects of Heteroatom Substitution in Delocalized Pi Systems
Computational Studies of Protein Stabilization and Denaturation by Small Molecules
Computational representation of bedside nursing decision-making processes
Computer Graphics and Geometric Ornamental Design
Computer Simulation Studies of Molecular Interactions by Application of Classical Molecular Dynamics
Computer Use and Anthropometry: Effects of Cumulative Exposure On Measures of Activity
Computer-aided Segmentation of Anatomical Features in Transrectal Ultrasound Prostate Images
Computer-aided hypoglycemia detection in adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Computerized symptom and quality of life assessment for adolescent patients with cancer
Conceptions of Subject Analysis: A Metatheoretical Investigation
Conceptual integration of mathematical and semantic knowledge
Conceptualizing Oral Documents
Conditional Market Timing With Heteroskedasticity
Conduct problems, depressive symptomatology and their comorbid presentation: adjustment to early adolescence
Confidentiality and Integrity in Distributed Data Exchange
Conform to the norm?: influence of social normative perceptions of health-related risk behaviors in college students over time
Congruence of self, parent, teacher, and peer perceptions of social competence in the early school age child
Connecting Software Design Principles to Source Code for Improved Ease of Change
Connexins 26 and 32 in the developing neocortex
Conservation of the Innate Immune Responses to Francisella Infection in the Zebrafish
Consistent Crudeness in Prestressed Concrete Girder Design
Constrained Short Selling and the Probability of Informed Trade
Contemporary American Organ Music: Defining the Compositional Potential of the Pipe Organ in Conversations With Composers
Continental Margin Sources of Iron, Aluminum, and Manganese to the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent: A Data and Modeling Approach
Continental-Margin Sedimentation: A Wet-Tropical Perspective from New Guinea
Contingencies Between Organizational Identification and Professional Employee Performance
Contradiction and Authority in Gorgias
Contribution of Itraconazole and its Metabolites to in Vivo CYP3A4 Inhibition
Contributions to the Wind Ensemble Medium By Three Contemporary American Composers: Norman Dello Joio, Warren Benson, and Samuel Adler
Contributions to the Wind Ensemble Medium by Three Contemporary American Composers: Norman Dello Joio, Warren Benson, and Samuel Adler
Control & Manipulation of Femtoliter Droplets for the Study of Single Cell Reactions & Nanochemistry
Control of Endothelial Cell Differentiation and Proliferation for Vascular Tissue Engineering
Control of Epithelial Differentiation By Cell-instructive Scaffolds
Control of Protein Activities By Conjugation of Stimuli-responsive Polymers to Proteins
Control of Protein-Surface, Protein-Protein, and Cell-Matrix Interactions for Biomaterials as Tissue Engineering Scaffolds
Convective Momentum Transport Over the Tropical Pacific
Cooperative Caching in Local-area and Wide-area Networks
Coordination-centric Debugging for Heterogeneous Distributed Embedded Systems
Core and bladder temperature gradient in critically ill adults: urine flow rate as a factor
Cornelius L. Reid: Interpreting the Vocal Registration Tradition of Bel Canto
Corporate Venture Capital: Towards Understanding Who Does It, Why and How
Corticoaccumbal glutamate release is regulated presynaptically by dopamine and repeated stimulant exposure modifies the nature of this regulation
Cosmological N-body Simulations and Their Analysis
Cosmological Simulations of Dark Matter Halos
Cost-effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy in the treatment of borderline personality disorder
Costs and Benefits of Managing Earnings to Meet an Earnings Target
Costs of Induced Abortion and Cost-Effectiveness of Universal Access to Modern Contraceptives in Uganda
Coupling Retinal Scanning Displays to the Human Visual System: Visual System Response and Engineering Considerations
Courting the Court: Social Visions, State Authority, and the Religious Law Conflict in Israel
Cracking One Open: Building Inside Out, a Cooperative Distillery in Georgetown
Craniofacial Periosteal Cell Capacities
Creating Animation for Presentations
Credit Ratings and Capital Structure
Credit or Blame: Non-State Provision of Services and Political Support in Africa
Cross-linked Hydrogels for the Delivery of Growth Factors in Tissue Engineering
Cross-tropopause Tracer Transport in Midlatitude Convection
Crystal Structure of Dihydropteroate Synthase From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Culture, Technology, Market, and Transnational Circulation of Cultural Products: The Glocalization of Ea Digital Games in Taiwan
Customer-Centric Reliability Measures Based On Fuzzy Set Theory
DOCK2 is an EP2-dependent regulator of microglial response present in normal and Alzheimer's disease brain
Data Network Pricing Under Quality of Service (qos) Guarantee: Single Class and Multiple Classes
Daughter and daughter-in-law caregivers of demented parents in South Korea
Davis Shuman: A Biography
Decolonizing Colleen: Gender, Power, and Diaspora in Irish Music in the United States
Deductive content analysis of end-of-life decision-making in the ICU
Deep Fueling of Large Tokamaks By Field-reversed Configuration Injection
Defining Moments: Vicissitudes in Alexander Scriabin's Twentieth-century Reception
Delivery of Anti-inflammatory Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Using Smart Polymeric Carriers
Denervation facilitates motor skills learning with the "unaffected" forelimb in adult rats with unilateral sensorimotor cortex lesions
Density Characteristics of a Sheared-flow Z-pinch
Design and Analysis of Architectures for Programmable Network Processing Systems
Design and Development of Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Microfluidic Assays
Design and Screening of Potential Peptide Modulator through the Studies of Iron-dependent Regulator Functions
Design and Study of Trp-cage Miniproteins
Design and Synthesis of Functionalizable Prodot Based Chromophores for Use in Electro-optics
Design of Functional Rnas through Combinatorial Selections and Characterization of a Fluorescent Cytosine Analogue in Dna
Design of Synthetic Peptides That Display Cell Binding and Signaling Sequences on Calcium Phosphate Surfaces
Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Cholera Toxin Inhibitors and [alpha]-helix Mimetics of Dormancy Survival Regulator
Design, Synthesis, and Screening of Small Libraries of Potential Topoisomerase I Poisons
Design-oriented Aeroservoelastic Optimization of Strain-actuated Aircraft
Design-oriented Gust Stress Contraints For Aeroservoelastic Design Synthesis
Design-oriented Thermoelastic Analysis, Sensitivities, and Approximations For Shape Optimization of Aerospace Vehicles
Designing Immunogens to Elicit Broadly Reactive Neutralizing Antibodies to the HIV Envelope
Designing a computer tutorial to correct a common student misconception in mathematics
Designing an Architecture for Delivering Mobile Information Services to the Rural Developing World
Designing and Evaluating a Persuasive Technology to Encourage Lifestyle Behavior Change
Designing the Diffusion Immunoassay (dia): How Properties of the Analyte Affect Dia Performance
Detection and Localization of Peripheral Vascular Bleeding Using Ultrasound Imaging
Detection of Biological Species by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
Detection of Enzyme Deficient Genetic Diseases by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Determinants and Consequences of Auditor Resignations and Dismissals: The Effect of Sox
Determinants and Economic Consequences of Discretionary Accounting Conservatism
Determinants of Firms' Responses to Underwater Employee Stock Options: Evidence From Traditional Repricings, 6 & 1 Exchanges, and Makeup Grants
Determinants of Managers' Choices in the Japanese Banking Industry
Determination of Oxidation Mechanism of Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (edta)-metal Complexes by Alkaline Permanganate and Structures of in Situ Formed Manganese Oxides Containing Heavy Metals
Determination of the Structure and Dynamics of Salivary Statherin and N-terminal Fragments Bound to Hydroxyapatite Using Solid State NMR
Determining the Order Parameters of Organic Nonlinear Optical Chromophores by Monte Carlo Methods
Developing Alternating Current Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy to Measure Thin Film Properties On the Nanoscale
Developing Models for the Active Sites of Hydrogenase Enzymes
Development Engineering of Advanced Polymeric Composite Systems
Development and Application of Mixed Beam-solid Models for Analysis of Soil-pile Interaction Problems
Development and Applications of a Full-Stress Flowband Model For Ice Using the Finite Volume Method
Development and Applications of a Radar-Attenuation Model For Polar Ice Sheets
Development and Utilization of Optical Low Coherence Reflectometry for the Study of Multiple Scattering in Randomly Distributed Solid-liquid Suspensions
Development and Validation of Statistical Potential Functions for the Prediction of Proteinnucleic-acid Interactions From Structure
Development and preliminary evaluation of brief FAP-based relationship enhancement
Development of Bead Injection Methodology for Immunoassays
Development of Grating Light Reflection Spectroscopy for Chemical Sensing Applications
Development of Methods for Improving Inductance Loop Data Quality and Quantifying Incident-induced Delay On Freeways
Development of Microreactor Systems for Electrocatalytic Studies of Methanol Oxidation at Elevated Temperatures
Development of Redox Microphysiometry to Assay Cell Signaling and Metabolism
Development of Self-assembled Molecular Structures on Polymeric Surfaces and Their Applications As Ultrasonically Responsive Barrier Coatings for On-demand, Pulsatile Drug Delivery
Development of Sequential Injection Methodology for Enzyme Studies
Development of Sirtuin and Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibitors as Anti-cancer Therapeutics
Development of Surface Chemistries and Protein Arrays for Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing in Complex Media
Development of an Inducible Promoter System in Leishmania Donovani
Development of an anger magnitude and duration measure, and its relationships with cardiovascular reactivity and recovery
Development, generation, and origin of synchronous oscillations in the brainstem respiratory network
Developments in Late Metal-mediated C-n Bond Forming Reactions
Diagnostic utility of soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 in ventilator-associated pneumonia
Diazotrophic Endophytes of Populus
Dicer is required for progression of progenitor competence during mouse retinal development
Diet-induced hyperhomocysteinemia in a mouse model
Dietrich Buxtehude's 'nun Freut Euch, Lieben Christen Gmein': The Culmination of Chorale Fantasy
Differential Regulation of Endothelial Cell Permeability by cGMP via Phosphodiesterase 2A and Phosphodiesterase 3A
Diffusion Based Analysis of Molecular Binding Reactions in Microfluidic Devices
Dipika Nath
Direct Numerical Simulation of Ferrofluid Turbulence in Magnetic Fields
Direct Profiling of Multiple Enzymes in Human Cell Lysates by Affinity Chromatography/electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Application to Clinical Enzymology
Directed forgetting of autobiographical events
Disassociation between arithmetic and algebraic knowledge in mathematical modeling
Discarded Needles and the Urban Environment: A Spatial Analysis of Attractors, Deterrents and Disposal Options
Discovery Based Yeast Metabolomic Analysis Using Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography with Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry and Chemometrics
Discovery of Novel Malaria Vaccine Candidates in the Early Liver Stage Transcriptome of Plasmodium Falciparum
Discrete Proportional Hazards Models for Uncertain Outcomes
Dispersal, Disturbance, and Distance: The Connection Between Ecological Processes and Spatial Genetic Patterns in the Pacific Jumping Mouse (zapus Trinotatus)
Dispersion and Gradients in Flow Injection
Disposition of Anti-HIV Protease Inhibitors in Pregnancy
Dissecting the Cooperative Energetics of the Binding Interactions Between Peptides and Mhc Class Ii Proteins
Dissection of a Novel G-Protein Coupled Receptor Signaling Network
Dissentworks: Emergent Collective Action at the Turn of the Millennium
Dissociable cost and benefit encoding of future rewards by mesolimbic dopamine
Distinct Wnt signaling pathways have opposing roles in appendage regeneration
Distributable Defect Localization Using Markov Models
Distributing Digital Product in Peer-to-peer Network: The Diffusion Process and the Optimal Referrals
Dna Studies: A Novel Structural Transition, Relaxation of Secondary Structure by Topo I, and Resolution of a Pcr Problem
Do patients referred for stress myocardial perfusion studies meet appropriateness guidelines?
Does the Metallicity Affect the Fate of Massive Stars?
Doing the Dirty Work: Emotion Work, Professionalism, and Sexuality in a Customer Service Economy
Domestic Violence in the Civil Court System
Dopamine-deficient mice as a model to study the behavioral responses to drugs of abuse
Doppler Ultrasound Detection of Tissue Motion and Flow Generated By External Energy
Dual Function of TAF1 in Basal and Activated Cyclin D1 Transcription
Dual Pulses for Cavitation Control in Lithotripsy: Shock Wave--bubble Interactions and Bioeffects
Dyeing Crystals: 19th Century Phenomenology to 21st Century Technology
Dynamic Cache-line Sizes
Dynamic Markings in Bach Cello Suites
Dynamic Optimal Design of Online Retail Auctions
Dynamic Reliability Based Performance Measures For Multi-State Systems
Dynamic Surface Tension Detection: Novel Applications to Continuous Flow Analysis and Interfacial Analysis
Dynamic Surface Tension Detector in Flow Injection Analysis and Liquid Chromatography
Dynamical Properties of Embedded Protostars and the Luminosity Function of the Galactic Disk
Dynamically Discovering Likely Program Invariants
Dynamics and Mechanism of Immunoglobulin Gene Diversification
Dynamics and Stability of Periodic Spatial Patterns in the Optical Parametric Oscillator
Dynamics of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: The Case of the Palestinian West Bank
Dynamics of Transport and Variability in the Denmark Strait Overflow
Dynamics of Willapa Bay, Washington: Links to the Coastal Ocean, Tidal Dispersion, and Oyster Carrying Capacity
Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Structural Investigations of Nucleic Acids Using Site-specific Spin-labeling and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Déjà Vu, the Sublime, and the Uncanny: The Route to Self-overcoming of Hans Castorp's "schnee" Vision in Thomas Mann's Der Zauberberg
E75 and Broad Complex: Two Jh-regulated Genes in the Ecdysone Signaling Pathway
Early Age Autogenous Shrinkage of Concrete
Early characteristics of young siblings of children with autism
Early conduct problems and ADHD symptoms as predictors of various stages of cigarette smoking in a high-risk urban sample
Early correlates of psychopathy and relations between psychopathy, youth adjustment, and growth trajectories for externalizing behavior in samples of normative and high-risk youth
East Meets West: Han Chinese Music, Taiwanese Cultural Identity, and the Mechanics of Musical Fusion in Ma Shui-long's Liao Tian-ding Suite
Ecological Interaction Among Natural Enemies and Its Consequences for Biological Control
Ecological Investigations of Genetic Diversity in the Diatom Genus Pseudo-Nitzschia
Ecological Studies Using Supplemental Case-control Data
Ecological risk factors and severity of child conduct problems
Ecology, Phylogeny and Physiological Adaptations of Euryhaline and Moderately Halophilic Bacteria from Deep-Sea and Hydrothermal-Vent Environments
Ecology, Physiology, and Phylogeny of Subseafloor Thermophiles from Mid-Ocean Ridge Environments
Econometric Analysis of the Effect of Roadway Geometric and Roadside Features On Run-off-roadway Accident Frequencies and Severities
Ecovillages, Sustainability, and Information Tools: An Ethnography of Values, Adaptation, and Tension
Educational Stratification in Viet Nam During the Evolution and Devolution of Socialism
Effect of Biomaterial Surface Topography on the Cell and Tissue Response
Effect of Impact Fees on Housing Prices: Analysis of Quality Differentiated Single Family Housing Market of King County and Snohomish County, Washington
Effect of a comprehensive self-management intervention on urine cortisol/catecholamine levels and daily stress/emotional symptoms in adults with irritable bowel syndrome
Effectiveness of postural intervention via manual wheelchair change: feasibility of teleconsultation delivery
Effects of Blocked and Random Practices Schedules On Performance By Beginning Wind Players
Effects of Conditional Expression of Hepatitis C Virus Proteins on Non-Transformed Human Hepatocyte Line HH4 Cells
Effects of Estrogenic Compounds on Neuronal Apoptotic Pathways
Effects of Firn Ventilation On Geochemistry of Polar Snow
Effects of Genotype and RNA Expression on Activity of Cytochrome P450 2D6: A Highly Polymorphic Drug Metabolizing Enzyme
Effects of Maternal Nutrition on Growth and Form of Colonial Offspring of a Placental Bryozoan
Effects of Neutral Osmolytes On Dna
Effects of Unsteady Flow and Real Gas Equations of State On High Pressure Ram Accelerator Operation
Effects of Watching Wildlife Television On Wildlife Conservation Behavior
Effects of a full-body massage on pain intensity, anxiety, and physiologic relaxation in Taiwanese patients with metastatic bone pain: a pilot study
Effects of and Defenses Against Ultraviolet Radiation in Marine Embryos and Larvae
Effects of apiaceous vegetable constituents on CYP1A2 activity in humans and a yeast expression system: implications for CYP1A2-activated procarcinogens
Effects of cycled lighting on heart rate, oxygenation, and weight gain in preterm infants
Effects of educational intervention for parents of children with febrile convulsions
Effects of estrogen and serotonin on anxiety
Effects of mindfulness-based instructions on negative affect, urges and smoking
Effects of sex steroids and diet on adipose distribution and cardiovascular disease risk factors
Effects of warm foot bathing on distal-proximal skin temperature gradient, PSG sleep and perceived sleep quality in older adults with sleep disturbance
Efficient Discovery of Network Topology and Routing Policy in the Internet
Efficient Inference: A Machine Learning Approach
Efficient Query Processing for Data Integration
Efficient and Secure Media Delivery
Ego Depletion in Emotional Labor: The Role of Humor and Methods of Acting
El Dúo De La Africana: A 1997 Opera Production At the University of Washington School of Music
El Niño--Southern Oscillation Warm and Cold Events
Electroacoustic Music For Flute
Electrochemical Nanomoulding through Proteins
Electrochemical Oxidation of Representative Inorganic and Organic Contaminants in an in Situ Electrochemical Reactor
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Spin-labeled Rna: An Emerging Tool for the Elucidation of Rna Structure and Dynamics
Electron Spin Dynamics in Quantum Dots, and the Roles of Charge Transfer Excited States in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
Electronic Defects in Amorphous Silicon Dioxide
Electrophysiological and hormonal mechanisms underlying seasonal changes in song behavior in the Gambel's white-crowned sparrow
Electrophysiological investigations of second language word learning, attrition, and bilingual processing
Electrospinning Controlled Architecture Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering & the Effect of Scaffold Mechanical Properties on Collagen Synthesis in Tissue Engineered Mitral Valves
Electrostatic Interactions and Exciton Coupling in Photosynthetic Light-harvesting Complexes and Reaction Centers
Elevated Maternal Corticosterone Alters Offspring Development, Physiology, and Behavior in Quail
Elimination of Zinc From Synaptic Visicles in the Intact Mouse Brain By Targeted Disruption of Znt3
Elucidation of Molecular Recognition Mechanisms of a Peptide Involved in Biomineralization Using Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Embryonic Stem Cells for Myocardial Infarct Repair
Emergent Identities and State-Society Interactions: Transformations of National and Ethnic Identities in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore
Emissions From Savanna Fires in Southern Africa
Emotion regulation in childhood cancer survivors: the coping after cancer study
Emotional intelligence in school-aged children: relations to early maternal depression and cognitive functioning
Employment, Crime, and Context: A Multi-Level Analysis of the Relationship Between Work and Crime
End-of-life care for patients with life-limiting and chronic illnesses: three empirical studies
Endocrine & metabolic regulators of Galanin-like peptide gene expression
Energetics of Hydrocarbon Adsorption On Model Catalysts
Energy and Volume Flux Into the Deep Ocean: Examining Diffuse Hydrothermal Systems
Engineering Biomaterial Interfaces to Control Foreign Body Response: Reducing Giant Cell Formation and Understanding Host Response to Porous Materials
Engineering Mathematics: An Investigation of Students' Mathematical Thinking From a Cognitive Engineering Perspective
Engineering Nanomaterials with a Combined Electrochemical and Molecular Biomimetic Approach
Engineering Surfaces for Directed Motion of Motor Proteins: Building a Molecular Shuttle System
Enhancement of User-Experiences in Immersive Virtual Environments That Employ Wide-Field Displays
Enhancing Sustainability in Downtown by Triple-Value Adding to Urban Redevelopment Efforts: A Case Study of Seoul, Korea
Enso-related Marine Cloud Variation and New Single Column Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Modeling
Environmental Drivers of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Lakes
Environmental Effects on the Long-term Durability and Utilization of Polymeric Composites
Environmental Modification of Biological Interactions: A Comparison Across Scales
Environmental justice discourses in El Proyecto Bienestar (The Well Being Project)
Enzyme Mechanism, Substrate Specificity, and Lipoprotein Association of Human Plasma Platelet-activating Factor Acetylhydrolase
Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of Cobalt-doped Zinc Oxide and Cobalt-doped Titanium Dioxide for Spintronic Applications
Epithelial Cell Sensing and Responses to P. Gingivalis
Essays in New Product Introduction
Essays in Peer-to-peer Content Distribution Networks: Scale, Formation, and Pricing
Essays on Examining the Impacts of Forest Cover on Housing Prices Using Bayesian Model Averaging and Geographically Weighted Regression
Establishing Paper-types For Manuscript Dating Purposes: Filigranology, Rastrology and Their Application to Hr Iii 4 1/2 2 427 and Other Manuscripts From the Oettingen-wallerstein Music Collection
Estimating Causal Effects With Observational Data: The Intensity-score Approach to Adjusting for Confounding
Estimating Causal Treatment Effect in Randomized Clinical Trials With Noncompliance and Outcome Nonresponse
Estimating the Freshwater Budget of High-latitude Land Areas
Estimation Methods for Cox Regression With Nonclassical Covariate Measurement Error
Estimation of Random Genome Sharing: Consequences for Linkage Detection
Ethnic Heterogeneity and the Limits of Altruism
Ethnicity with the NCAST teaching scale: a secondary analysis of United States national data
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Regulatory Growth Management Programs: An Interregional Analysis
Evaluating the Predictiveness of Continuous Biomarkers
Evaluation of Hidden Markov Models
Evolution of DNA Polymerase Active Site
Evolution of Nuclear Localization and Functional Interactions of the Latency-Associated Nuclear Antigens of KSHV and Related Macaque Rhadinoviruses
Evolution of the Cross-equatorial Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the East Pacific: Observations and Models
Evolution-based Path Planning and Management For Autonomous Vehicles
Examination of the Regulation of Gap Junction Communication and Connexin 43 Phosphorylation During the Cell Cycle
Examining Proper Communicative Conduct in the Discursive Construction of Racialized Others: An Analysis of Perspectives in the Case of Saul Bellow and Brent Staples
Examining barriers and facilitators to professional mental health help-seeking in Asian American youth
Examining relationships between the marriage, mother-father-baby interactions and infant emotion regulation
Examining the Consequences of Constitutive PRFA Activation and of Long-Term Stationary Phase Survival Strategies on the Fitness of Listeria Monocytogenes Inside and Outside of the Host
Examining the relations among cortisol response, family risk factors, parenting, and child adjustment
Experiential avoidance and substance use relapse
Experimental Investigation of Plasma Sail Propulsion Concepts Using Cascaded Arcs and Rotating Magnetic Field Current Drive
Experimental Investigation of the Mini-magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion Prototype
Explaining the Racial Disparity in Sexually Transmitted Infection: Individual-Level Behavior, Meso-Level Structure and Macro-Level Outcomes
Exploding Java Objects for Performance
Exploitation of Molecular Mobilities for Advanced Organic Optoelectronic and Photonic Nano-materials
Exploring New Techniques in Contemporary Piano Music: A Guide For the Intermediate-grade Student
Exploring Online and Offline Interactions Within the Workplace Collective
Exploring Reactivities of Oxo and Nitrido Ligands On High Valent Osmium with Electrophiles, Nucleophiles, Alkenes, Hydrogen, and Methane.
Exploring and Developing the Instrumental Aspects of Grating Light Reflection Spectroscopy
Exploring factors that influence adolescent alcohol abuse in Iceland
Exploring gender differences in attitudes towards repressed memories of childhood abuse
Exploring multidimensional complexity in the dementias: dementia diagnoses, stages of severity, co-existing physical illnesses and neuropsychiatric symptoms
Exploring new directions for ending practices of male violence: masculinity, adolescent boys, and culture
Exploring preconception policies and health with adult daughters, their maternal mothers, and healthcare providers in rural Zhejiang Province, P.R. China
Exploring stress and headaches in adolescent females
Exploring the Diversity and Physiological Significance of Attached Microorganisms in Rock-Hosted Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Environments
Exploring the Effects of Residential Segregation on Health Outcomes Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups
Exploring the generality of rod hue biases
Exploring the role of negative mood states in the substance use and delinquency of incarcerated adolescents
Exploring trait resilience in association with mental and physical health
Extending Interactive Graphical Applications with Constraints
FGF2 Is Weakly Mitogenic for Intimal Smooth Muscle Cells: Role of FGF Receptor Expression, Cytoplasmic Signaling and Cell Cycle Regulation
Face perception and recognition processes in Asperger syndrome as revealed by patterns of visual attention
Facilitating NICU caregiving in Taiwan through understanding preterm infant behaviors
Factors Influencing the Diurnal Temperature Range in the Contiguous United States
Failure Patterns of New Ventures: A Survival Analysis and Performance Implications
Families of adolescents with schizophrenia: a multiple case study
Family and personal factors influencing adolescent suicide risk behaviors
Family caregiving of persons living with HIV/AIDS in urban Thailand
Family stressors, emotional competence, and adolescent risky behavior
Fas/FADD-Induced Pro-Inflammatory Response in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
Fast and Slow Internal Dynamics of ¹³c Labeled Dna Oligomers in Solution
Feminist Border Praxis: Exploring Racialized Citizenship, National Belonging and Gendered Reproduction in the Yakima Valley
Feminist border praxis: exploring racialized citizenship, national belonging and gendered reproduction in the Yakima Valley
Field studies on the song sparrow society
Finite Volume Methods For Acoustics and Elasto-plasticity With Damage in a Heterogeneous Medium
Finite Volume Methods and Adaptive Refinement For Tsunami Propagation and Inundation
Fluid Dynamics of the Shock Wave Reactor
Fluid and Particle Simulations of the Interaction of the Solar Wind With Magnetic Anomalies On the Surface of the Moon and Mars
Fluorescence Anisotropy Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (fansom): A New Technique for Biological Microviscometry
Foamy Virus Particle Assembly: Functional Domains of Gag
Focused Chemical Libraries Targeting Pyrimidine Metabolism in Plasmodium Falciparum
Folate status and risk of relapse following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant for chronic myelogenous leukemia
Folding Kinetics and Redesign of Peptostreptococcal Protein L and G
Folding Mechanism of the Src Sh3 Domain
Folding of Stratigraphic Layers in Ice Domes
Folic acid and the prevention of neural tube defects: western Washington women's knowledge, beliefs and opinions
Food insecurity and health among low income families living in crowded urban areas in Thailand
For the Love of Music: Avenues of Entry Into the World of Western Art Music
Form meets function: cellular and functional properties of retinal ganglion cells
Formal Models of Prolongation
Formation of a Sheared Flow Z-pinch
Fractured Mothering: African American Mothers at the Crossroads of Expectations and Reality
Fractured mothering: African American mothers at the crossroads of expectations and reality
Frank Leon Battisti: The Music of Life
Franz Liszt's Lyricism: A Discussion of the Inspiration For His First Italy Album of "année De Pèlerinage"
Frequency-agile Hyper-rayleigh Scattering Studies of Nonlinear Optical Chromophores
Frequency-specific specializations in the avian auditory brainstem: a review of tonotopic gradients
Frictional Convergence and the Madden-julian Oscillation
Frog Under the Well: The Relationship of Global Media Use and Cosmopolitan Orientation Among Hong Kong Youth
From Dihydrogen Complexes to Polyhydrides
From Moderate Chastisement to Mandatory Arrest: Responses to Violence Against Women in Canada and the United States
From One Village to the Global Village: Institutional Importance in the Diffusion of New Communication Technology in Rural Greece from 1938 to 2003 : an Ethnographic Case Study
From Prachan to Prakuad: The Process of Officializing Traditional Music Competition in Contemporary Bangkok
From Redevelopment to Preservation: Downtown Planning in Post-War Seattle
From actions to habits in rats: striatal circuitry and serotonin 5-HT6 receptors
Frontal Wave Development Over the Southern Ocean
Function and Regulation of the Delta Subunit of PDE6
Function in sedentary older adults with mild cognitive impairment
Functional Effects of Genetic Polymorphism and Splice Variation in Human Nuclear Receptors and Their Co-Activators
Functional Genomics and Liver Regeneration: Transcriptional Regulation on Rapid Liver Regeneration
Functional Interaction of Primate Lentiviral Capsid with Host Factors
Functional Materials Based On Carbon Nanotubes: Carbon Nanotube Actuators and Noncovalent Carbon Nanotube Modification
Functional Study of ClpB95 and ClpB80, the Alternative Translation Products of the E. coli clpB Transcript
Functionally Homogeneous Clustering: A Framework for Building Scalable Data-intensive Internet Services
Functions of Cdk1-cyclin B in Regulating the Early Embryonic Mitoses in Drosophila
Fundamental Aspects of Ultrasound Contrast Agent Dynamic Behaviors and Inertial Cavitation Quantification
Fundamental Studies of the Halogenation of Phenolic Compounds During Water Chlorination
GABAergic inhibition of nucleus magnocellularis and laminaris by the superior olivary nucleus
Gain control of rod and cone vision in the mammalian retina
Galactic Structure, Near and Far
Galanin-like peptide
Galaxy Dissection: The Evolution of the Disk of Messier 31 From Stellar Populations Analysis
Ganymede's Magnetosphere: Unraveling the Ganymede-Jupiter Interaction Through Combining Multi-Fluid Simulations and Observations
Gas-vapor Bubble Dynamics in Therapeutic Ultrasound
Gathering Jade and Assembling Splendor: The Life and Art of Tseng Yuho
Gee With Large Cluster Sizes: High-dimensional Working Correlation Models
Gender, Crime, and Culture: Media Coverage of the Mary Kay Letourneau Child Rape Case
Gendered Conceptions: Reproductions of Pregnancy and Childbirth in Greek Literature
Gene Annotation Using Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction: Method Development and Application to Major Protein Families
Generalized Extreme Value and Mixed Logit Models: Empirical Applications to Vehicle Accident Severities
Generation and Function of Porphyromonas Gingivalis Lipid A Heterogeneity
Generation and evaluation of Parkin-deficient mice as a model for Parkinson's Disease
Generation and transplantation of retinal cells derived from human embryonic stem cells
Generations & symbolic politics: a longitudinal analysis of whites' symbolic attitudes
Genetic Analysis of A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins in Mouse Neural Function and Behavior
Genetic Approaches to the Study of Protein Kinase A-Mediated Signaling in the Context of Body Weight Regulation and Male Fertility
Genetic Association Studies: Exploiting Snp-haplotype Selection and Covariate Independence
Genetic Diversity, Evolution, and Fitness of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus Within an Endemic Focus in Rainbow Trout Aquaculture
Genetic Structure and Speciation in Planktonic Copepods: Global Phylogeography of the Calanus Helgolandicus Clade
Genetic Variation in Mycoplasma Genitalium: Antigenic Diversity and Persistence of Infection Within a Genomically Challenged Pathogen
Genetic Variation in the Multidrug Resistance Gene (MDR1): Impact on Drug Delivery and Disposition
Genetic Variations in Human Beta Defensin Genes and their Relationship to Oral Health and Disease
Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of Zebrafish With Visual Function Defects
Genetic and Epigenetic Regulation of X Inactivation and Escape from X Inactivation
Genetic and neural contributions to social behavior in sticklebacks
Genomic Analysis By Single Cell Flow Sorting
George Crumb's Chamber Music For the Flute: An Over View With an Analysis of an Idyll For the Misbegotten
Ghost Healer: Music Healing in a North Indian Village
Giacomo Puccini's Suor Angelica, Production Considerations: Based On the University of Washington's 2006 Production
Girl Choir Culture: An Ethnography of the Seattle Girl's Choir
Giving a Damn about Dom in the Subtropical North Pacific: Quantifying the Role of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Cycling of Carbon, Oxygen and Nutrients in the Upper Ocean
Glia-Regulated, Apolipoprotein E Specific Mechanisms of Neuroprotection and Neurodegeneration
Globalization and Anarchy in Cinema: Who Wins and Who Loses in the Entertainment War
Glyburide Disposition During Pregnancy: Role of the Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP/ABCG2) and Cytochrome P450s
Gods and Humans in Ovid's "Metamorphoses": Constructions of Identity and the Politics of Status
Graduated Sightsinging Instruction: An Adaptation of the Kodály Concept to Teach Sightsinging to the Collegiate Choir
Gravity Waves Generated By Tropical Convection: Generation Mechanisms and Implications For Global Circulation Models
Grażyna Bacewicz and Social Realism
Groove and Flow: Six Analytical Essays On the Music of Stevie Wonder
Group Testing for Image Compression
Growth and Function of Transgenic Endocrine Cells on Silanized Surfaces
Guanidine Donors in Nonlinear Optical Chromophores
Guanylyl Cyclase Activating Protein-1 and Its Regulation of Retinal Guanylyl Cyclases: A Study By Molecular Biological Methods and a Novel Mass Spectrometry Based Method
Guidelines for the Successful Implementation of Transit Signal Priority On Arterials
HCN channels, neuronal excitability, and epileptogenesis
HIV-1 Immunity: Innate Immune Correlates and Vaccine Responses
HIV/AIDS family caregiving in Switzerland in the context of silence
Handel's Messiah: A Korean Version
Hard News, Soft News, and Tough Issues: The Symbiotic Relationships between NGOs, News Agencies, and International Development
Harnessing Osteopontin and Other Natural Inhibitors to Mitigate Ectopic Calcification of Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Material
Hayden Covington, the Jehovah's Witnesses and Their Plan to Expand First Amendment Freedoms
Health and health promotion among Korean goose mothers
Health, place, and the practice of skilled home health care
Health, quality of life, and physical activity in youth with cerebral palsy
Health-seeking behaviors of Southern Thai middle-aged women by type of health insurance
Heart rate variability during sleep in fibromyalgia and insomnia
Herodotus Among the Sages: Four Studies On the Intellectual Background of the Histories
Heteroaggregation of Oppositely Charged Colloids
Hi Selected Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Hierarchical Approach to Semiconductor Yield Modeling: Applications of Generalized Linear Models
High Pressure and Low Temperature Equations of State For Aqueous Magnesium Sulfate: Applications to the Search For Life in Extraterrestrial Oceans, With Particular Reference to Europa
High Temperature Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Oxides with Perovskite Structure
High-intensity Focused Ultrasound (hifu) Induced Hyperechoic Regions for the Ultrasound Guidance of Hifu Therapy
High-intensity Focused Ultrasound As a Novel Method of Nerve Conduction Block: Dose-dependent Effects Range From Partial to Complete Block
High-level Programming Language Abstractions for Advanced and Dynamic Parallel Computations
Higher Idiosyncratic Moments and the Cross-section of Expected Stock Returns
Hope: building a schema
Horses and Horsemanship in the Oral Poetry of Ancient Greece and the Indo-european World
How Does Lightning Initiate and What Controls Lightning Frequency?
How Dynamic Networks Animate Living Embryos
How Teens Who Are at Risk for Suicide and Who Have Conflict with Parents Characterize Their Parents' Communicative Behavior
How couples praise and complain: an examination of two brief marital interventions
How the Public Thinks About "freedom" and "press Freedom": A Cognigraphic Analysis
How to Build a Complex Theory: Complex Systems, Computer Simulation, and Sociological Theory
How to Prepare For Foreign Art Songs: An Innovative Method For Beginning Singers
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type I (HIV-1) Envelope Evolution and the Relationship to Neutralizing Antibodies
Human PXR-Mediated Dysregulation of 1alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 Function: A Possible Mechanism of Drug-Induced Osteomalacia
Human Protease Activated Receptor 4 and Its Role in Platelet Activation
Humor in the Piano Sonatas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Humoral Immune Response to Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus in Persons With and Without Kaposi's Sarcoma
Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Microspheres for Delivery of Protein Therapeutics
Hybrid Silicon-organic Ring Resonator Photonic Devices
Hydrogen Atom Transfer Reactions of Iron and Cobalt Tris Alpha-diimines: A Study of Intrinsic and Thermodynamic Effects
Hydrography and Flow in the Axial Valley of the Endeavour Segment: Implications for Larval Dispersal
Hydrologic Implications of 20th Century Warming and Climate Variability in the Western U.S.
Identification and Evaluation of Non-infrastructure Regional Freight Mobility Issues
Identification of Tumor Cell Growth Inhibitory Compounds Within the Herbal Extract PC_SPES
Identification of Two Distinct Lineages of Macaque Gamma-2 Herpesviruses
Identification of a Physically Idealized Human Rated Rocket Based Interplanetary Transportation System
Identifying Substrate and E2 Interactions of the Brca1bard1 Ubiquitin Ligase
Identifying the Enemy: Social Categorization and National Security Policy
Identifying the distress cues social-support providers use when making support-relevant judgments: a highly-repeated within-subjects approach
Identifying the features of stressful situations
Image Analysis and Signal Extraction From Cdna Microarrays
Image-guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment for Uterine Leiomyomata
Images and voices: adolescent mothers negotiating socioeconomic environments and health
Imagination inflation with posttest delays: how long will it last?
Imago Triumphalis: The Function and Significance of Triumphal Imagery For Italian Renaissance Rulers
Imitation of an Innovator: A Comparative Analysis of Agon By Igor Stravinsky and Dance Movements For Brass Quintet By David Snow
Immersed Interface Methods For Incompressible Flow With Moving Interfaces
Immigration, Collective Efficacy, and Neighborhood Participation: Exploring the Limits of Social Control in Seattle and Brisbane
Immune Control of SHIV in Macaques Upon Mucosal Infection of Immunization
Immune Responses During Experimental Treponema Pallidum Infection
Immunosuppressants Used in the Conditioning Regimens for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Impact of CYP3A5 and P-Glycoprotein on Hepatic and Renal Drug Clearance
Impact of Corporate Venture Capital on Knowledge Creation in Corporate Investors
Impact of War and Military Service on the Transition to Adulthood and Long-Term Socioeconomic Achievement in Northern Vietnam
Impact of the CYP3A5 Polymorphism on the Metabolic Disposition of Calcineurin Inhibitors
Implications of Myelin Basic Protein Processing and Presentation On T Cell Activation and Tolerance
Implicit Solid Modeling Using Interval Methods
Improved Conformational Sampling for Protein-protein Docking
Improved System for Collecting Real-time Truck Data from Dual-loop Detectors
Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Polymeric Composites: Experimental Methods and New Systems
Improvements of Protein Function Annotations Using Structures
Improving Effectiveness of Automated Software Testing in the Absence of Specifications
Improving Traffic Characterization to Enhance Pavement Design and Performance
Improving pre-literacy experiences of toddlers with disabilities
Improving the Immunogenicity of HIV-1 Env GP140 Immunogens: An Iterative Approach
Improving the Reliability of Commodity Operating Systems
In Context: Information Architects, Politics, and Interdisciplinarity
In Silico Evolution of Protein-protein Interactions: From Altered Specificities to De Novo Complexes
In Silico Protein Evolution By Intelligent Design: Creating New and Improved Protein Structures
In Vitro Modeling of Breast Cancer
In vitro expanded natural killer (NK) cells are more susceptible to Fas mediated apoptosis compared to fresh or overnight IL-2 activated NK cells
In-Situ and Post-growth Investigation of Low Temperature Group III-Nitride Thin Films Deposited via MOCVD
In-vivo and Postmortem Biomechanics of Abdominal Organs Under Compressive Loads: Experimental Approach in a Laparoscopic Surgery Setup
Incident chronic lower limb wounds and access to care
Inclusion and Exclusion in IR: A Feminist Analysis of the Journal of International Affairs and International Studies Quarterly
Incorporating Death into the Statistical Analysis of Categorical Longitudinal Health Status Data
Incorporating Uncertainty Into a Multicriteria Supplier Selection Problem
Increasing the Functionality of Finite Element Based Surgical Suturing Simulators
Independence and older American women: a concept exploration and analysis
Index Selection Using Hypothetical Configuration Evaluation
Individual and familial predictors of multiple dimensions of fathers' parenting
Individual differences in the use of strategy in spatial orientation: acquiring route and configural knowledge in virtual environments
Inference for Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes
Infidelity and marital therapy: initial findings from a randomized clinical trial
Influence of routine on functional status in elderly: development and validation of an instrument to measure routine
Information Bounds and Efficient Estimates for Two-phase Designs With Lifetime Data
Information Content of Public Announcements
Information Culture of Support Staff in Municipal Government and Implications For Managerial Decision-making
Information Extraction from Unstructured Web Text
Information Technology Adoption and Its Impact on Employee Compensation
Information and the Cancer Experience: A Study of Patient Work in Cancer Care
Information processing in the halteres of dipteran insects
Infrastructure of Aggression: Military Expenditure During the British Industrial and the American Informational Mode of Development Shifts
Inhibition of Muscle Differentiation by the Novel Muscleblind-Related Protein CHCR
Initiation of intravenous heroin use: symbolic meaning of the first time
Injury Severity Analysis for Car, Pickup, Sport Utility Vehicle and Minivan Drivers: Male and Female Differences
Ink-Media Interactions in Ink-Jet Printing
Innovation in Context: The Effect of Diminishing Sensitivity, Reference Dependence, and Goal Orientation On Consumer Acceptance of New Features
Insights From the Characterization and Cloning of the Zebrafish Visual Mutant, Nrc: Synaptojanin's Essential Role in Photoreceptor Ribbon Synaptic Function
Insights into the molecular interactions of the neurogenic basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, neuroD2, and the mechanism of regulation of a key target, RE-1 silencing transcription factor
Institutionalizing Tribes as Governments: Skillful Meaning Entrepreneurship across Political Fields
Institutions, Contracts, and Housework: The Division of Household Labor in Marriage, Remarriage, and Cohabitation
Instrumental Intensity Scales for Geotechnical and Structural Damage
Integrated Structure/acutation Synthesis For Strain Actuated Devices
Integrating Structure-based Drug Design and Multivalency for Creating Effective Antagonists of Cholera Toxin and E. Coli Heat-labile Enterotoxin
Integrating genetic, cognitive and psychosocial predictors of alcohol use in Asian Americans
Integro-differential-equation Models in Ecology and Epidemiology
Intellectual Capital in the Software Industry: An Empirical Test
Interacting-Particle Algorithm and Meta-Control of Temperature Parameter
Interactions Between an Incident Bore and a Free-standing Coastal Structure
Interactions of Glutathione Transferases with 4-Hydroxynonenal and Glutathione
Interactions of Oral Spirochetes with the Innate Immune Mechanisms of the Gingival Epithelium
Interactive Character Animation Using Dynamic Elastic Simulation
Interannual Variability of Nearbed Sediment Flux and Associated Physical Processes on the Eel River Shelf, Northern California, Usa
Interannual Variations in Upper Ocean Heat Content and Heat Transport Convergence in the Western North Atlantic
Interfacial Nanorheology: Probing Molecular Mobility in Mesoscopic Polymeric Systems
Intergenerational Housing For the Shenzhen District of Guangdong, China: Reinterpreting the Traditional Hakka Dwelling
Interlayer Modified Prepreg Systems for Customized Density Applications
Interleukin-21 (il-21), a Novel Il-2-related Cytokine That Modulates Pro-mitogenic Signaling By the Il-2 Receptor
Intermodal Theater of Movement: A High Speed Rail Hub For Seattle
Intermodal Transit Hub: Improving the Transfer Environment At the Li Shui Bridge Transportation Node in Beijing
Internal Stability Analyses of Geosynthetic Reinforced Retaining Walls
Internal-Wave Mixing Along Sloping Boundaries: A Mechanism for Generating Intermediate Nepheloid Layers
Internet usage of college students and relationship to psychopathology and addiction symptomatology
Interpretation of Infrasound Generated By Erupting Volcanoes and Seismo-Acoustic Energy Partitioning During Strombolian Explosions
Interruptions in the Goal Striving Process
Intracranial pressure waveform analysis in traumatic brain injury: an approach to determining parameters capable of prediction decreased intracranial adaptive capacity
Intrinsic and Thermodynamic Influences On Hydrogen Atom Transfer Reactions Involving Transition Metal Complexes
Investigating Cell Adhesion to Controlled Surface Chemistry Via Self-assembly of Binary Composition Alkylthiol Monolayers, Streptavidin Immobilization, and Cell Receptor Ligand Attachment
Investigating Resource-constrained Populations: Developing Design Approaches to Support Agency and Reciprocity
Investigating implicit and explicit cognitions associated with smoking
Investigating the Binding Interactions Between Peptides and the Mhc Class Ii Protein I-a(k)
Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms of Cooperative Tension Generation in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle By Altering Acto-myosin Interactions and Engineering Troponin C Calcium Binding Kinetics
Investigation in Transition Metal Dihydrogen and Dihydride Chemistry
Investigation into the neuroanatomical sources that influence diffusion tensor imaging measurements
Investigation of Ribozyme Structure and Dynamics through Photochemical Crosslinking and Metal Ion Cleavage
Investigation of the Barrett's Esophagus Cell Line by Capillary Electrophoresis
Investigations Into the Climate of the South Pole
Investigations on the Destruction of Ultrasound Contrast Agents: Fragmentation Thresholds, Inertial Cavitation, and Bioeffects
Investor Response to Sell-side Analyst Revisions in Ipo Recommendations: Do They Correct Expectations?
Ion Transport Through Biological Cell Membranes: From Electro-diffusion to Hodgkin-huxley Via a Quasi Steady-state Approach
Iron deficiency anemia in refugee children from Burma: a policy proposal
Is tanshinone IIA, the active ingredient of Chinese herbal supplement danshen, really beneficial?: a study from cell and animal perspectives
Is there a therapist in the house?: measuring in-vivo therapist strategies during FAP-enhanced cognitive therapy for depression
Isolated Ecologies: A Strategy For the Reintegration of Mcneil Island
Isolation and the Enclave: The Presence and Variety of Strong Ties Among Immigrants
Isotopic Constraints on Sources and Cycling of Riverine Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Amazon Basin
Isotopic Determination of the Role and Fate of Volatile Carbon in Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Circulation
Janusbilder: Der Diskurs Um Frauen Und Juden in Der Bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit Des Deutschen Kaiserreiches
Japanese Band Culture: How It Is Sustained
Japanese Cultural History as Literary Landscape: Scholarship, Authorship and Language in Yanagita Kunio's Native Ethnology
Jeanne Demessieux (1921-1968): A Critical Examination of Her Life
Johannes Brahms and Nineteenth-century Comic Ideology
Jose Mauricio Nunes Garcia's Orchestral Works: Style and Models
Juan De Fuca Subducting Plate Geometry and Intraslab Seismicity
Kanai Kikuko: The Life and Works of a Twentieth-century Okinawan Composer
Karg-elert's Passacaglia and Fugue On B-a-c-h: A Study of Harmonic and Stylistic Analysis
Killing Time: Peers, Violence, and the Informal Organization of Schools
Kin, Kith, and Same-Sex Couple Quality
Kinetic Processes in the Plasma Sheet Observed During Auroral Activity
Kinetics of Ligand Binding and Drug Response in a Whole Cell System Using Flow Injection Analysis
Kinetoplastid RNA Editing Ligases: Functional Analysis and Editosome Association
Kinetoplastid RNA Editing: In Vitro RNA Editing and Functional Analysis of the Editosome
Kirtan in Seattle: New Hootenanny For Spirit Junkies
Korean immigrant couples' out-of-culture childbirth experience in the United States
Kyrgyz Nomadic Customs and the Impact of Re-islamization After Independence
Labor's Capital Revisited: A Social Movement Perspective On the Fourth Wave of Shareholder Activism
Laboratory Studies and Field Measurements of Organic Compounds in Tropospheric Aerosols
Labrador Sea Boundary Currents
Language and Media in the Promotion of the Breton Cultural Identity in the European Union
Language, behavior, and neurodevelopmental delay in children of adolescent mothers
Late-stage Accretion and Habitability of Terrestrial Planets
Learning Body Shape Models from Real-world Data
Learning and Inference in Collective Knowledge Bases
Learning by Imitation and Exploration: Bayesian Models and Applications in Humanoid Robotics
Learning to Map Between Structured Representations of Data
Lgtc Expression Mediates Complement Resistance in Nontypeable Haemophilus Influenzae Strain R2866
Lightbox: Dynamic Daylighting in a Portable Gallery System
Lightness constancy in 4-month-old human infants: a cue elimination approach
Lightning-Driven Electric and Magnetic Fields Measured in the Stratosphere: Implications For Sprites
Linking Individual Foraging Strategies with Ecological Dynamics: Quantifying Zooplankton Movements in Heterogeneous Resource Distributions
Linking the Macroscopic Rheological Properties of Gels to Micro- and Nano-scopic Colloidal Phenomena
Lipid A Heterogeneity within Porphyromonas Gingivalis and Other Oral Bacteria: Effect of Lipid A Content on HTLR4 Utilization and E-selectin Expression
Lipopolysaccharide Lipid A Structural Heterogeneity of Porphyromonas Gingivalis
List Decoding and Property Testing of Error Correcting Codes
Listening to the Music: Comparison Case Studies of High School Composers
Listeria Monocytogenes Pathogenesis: Elucidation of Novel Virulence Factors through Exploration of an Alternative Infection Model
Literary Characteristics Hidden in Schumann's Piano Music: Taken From Mutually-related Ideas of E.t.a. Hoffmann and Robert Schumann
Living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in South Korea: an ethnographic study with photo-elicitation
Loading Effects on the Pig Temporomandibular Joint Disc
Localization and Activity of Pedal Peptide Within the Central Nervous System of the Gastropod Mollusc Tritonia Diomedea
Locati[o]n-based Activity Recognition
Location-aware Information Access through Wireless Networks
Locus Ornatus: Ornamental Structures in the Idyll From Gessner to Eichendorff
Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Synthesis at the Crossroads Between Glucose and Fatty Acid-Enhanced Inflammation and Atherosclerosis in Diabetes
Long-range Transport of Asian Pollution to North America: Mechanisms, Chemistry and Variability
Long-term outcomes of parent training and predictors of adolescent adjustment
Longitudinal patterns of depressive symptoms in midlife women
Loss of DNA Polymerase Proofreading Leads to Cancer and Tumor Acceleration in Mice
Lost Lake Park: Perceiving Site History Through a Recreation Landscape On Lake Union
Lou Harrison's Organ Concerto With Percussion Orchestra: The Fusion of Asian Musical Rhetoric With the Western World's Oldest Musical Instrument
Low-dimensional Representations for the Simulation and Control of Complex Dynamics
Low-power Visual Pattern Classification in Analog Vlsi
Luminal nutrition during hepatopoietic cell transplantation and its effects on indices of intestinal barrier function in children and adults
Madame Chrysanthème: The Opera and Its Relationship to Madame Butterfly
Maelstrom and Drosophila Nuage
Magnetic Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Properties of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Magnetic Resonance Studies of Binding Site Structure and Dynamics in Tar Rna
Magnetohydrodynamics Stability of an Aluminum Reduction Cell
Making the Implicit Explicit: Tools for Aiding Human Communication
Making the Most of University: Gender Differences in Early Entrance Students' Talent Development
Malaria Pathogenesis: Deformability Limits of Malaria Infected Erythrocytes
Male and female conduct problem trajectories: what are they and how do they relate to childhood risk and domains of adult functioning?
Male violence and stress in pregnancy: neuroendocrine parameters and length of gestation
Mammalian rod's single-photon responses: what do they tell us about rapid and reliable GPCR inactivation
Management of Transient Xml Messages
Managing Risks in Complex Projects Using Compression Strategies
Managing Uncertainty Using Probabilistic Databases
Mandela Went to China-- and India Too: Musical Cultures of Childhood in South Africa
Manifestations of Cultural Hybridity in Yosa Buson's Bunjinga: Interpretations of Eighteenth-century Japanese Paintings
Marginal Modeling of Longitudinal, Binary Response Data: Semiparametric and Parametric Estimation With Long Response Series and an Efficient Outcome Dependent Sampling Design
Marginal Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Data With Irregular, Biased Sampling
Marine and Freshwater Chlorophenolics-transforming Enrichments: Performance Evaluation and Microbial Characterization
Marketing Strategy and the Firm Value
Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Kinetics of in Vivo Rhodopsin Phosphorylation During Light Adaptation and Recovery
Mass Spectrometric and Computational Methods for the Analysis of Cu(ii)-2,2'-bipyridine Amino Acid Complexes
Masticatory Strain and Bone Growth of Two Osteogenic Surfaces: Cranial Sutures and the Mandibular Osteodistraction Site
Material and Transport Properties of Fluids in Nanoconfining Systems
Materials and Magnetic Studies of Cobalt-doped Anatase Titanium Dioxide and Perovskite Strontium Titanate as Potential Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors
Maternal adaptation from pregnancy to postpartum: focus on the relationship between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and mood
Maternal birth outcomes, nursing education, and workforce policy and planning in Anambra State, Nigeria
Mathematical Modeling of Pre-malignant Lesions in Multistage Carcinogenesis
Maturation of state organization in preterm infants during hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit
Meaning for the Masses: Theory and Applications for Semantic Web and Semantic Email Systems
Measured Responses: Minor Characters in Plato's Sophist and Statesman
Measurement and Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems
Measurement and Prediction of Nonlinear Harmonics as a Tool for Dynamic Characterization of Electrochemical Systems
Measurement of Chemical Composition and Ph Profiles near the Liquid-Vapor Interface of Aqueous Solutions Using a Unique Confocal Microscope System
Measurement-driven Modeling and Design of Internet-scale Systems
Measurements and Mechanisms of Microbial PAH Bioremediation in Undisturbed Marine Sediments
Measurements of the Foreign-broadened Continuum of Water Vapor in the 6.3 Micron Band At-30 Celsius
Measuring Acceptance of Regulatory Growth Management Policy: Korea's Green Belt Case
Measuring Signalized Intersection Performances with Traffic Sensors
Measuring Stock Returns in the Presence of Transaction Uncertainty
Measuring dual-task performance after participating in 18 hours of EnhanceFitness Training
Measuring implicit attitudes and stereotypes: increasing internal consistency reveals the convergent validity of IAT and priming measures
Measuring neonatal quality of life (NeoQOL) for critically-ill newborns in neonatal intensive care units
Measuring outcomes: the impact of a three-day mental health training on juvenile corrections officers day-to-day decision-making regarding the mentally ill youth in their care
Mechanical Properties of Myocardium Following Cardiomyocyte Transplantation into Infarcted Hearts and Investigations of the Role of Troponin C Ca2+ Binding Kinetics in Skeletal Muscle Contraction
Mechanism of Endocytosis of CD33/SIGLEC-3: Role of ITIMs, Tyrosine Phosphorylation, and Monoubiquitylation
Mechanisms Underlying Differential Responses to Dietary Restriction
Mechanisms by Which Pregnancy Increases the Clearance of the Anti-HIV Protease Inhibitor, Nelfinavir
Mechanisms of Axial Compressive Fracture in Human Lumbar Spine
Mechanisms of Cell Fate Acquisition in the Differentiation of Pluripotent Stem Cells
Mechanisms of Estrogen Rapid Signaling
Mechanisms of Estrogen Signaling in Astrocytes
Mechanisms of seasonal regression in the avian song control system
Mechanisms of the Foreign Body Response to Protein and Monocyte Repellant Tetraglyme Films
Mechanistic Studies of Carbon-carbon and Carbon-hydrogen Reductive Elimination Reactions from Platinum(iv) Complexes
Mechanistic Studies of Reactions Between Molecular Oxygen and Platinum Alkyl and Platinum Hydrocarbyl Hydride Complexes
Mechanistic Studies of the Oxidations of Hydrocarbons by Manganese and Ruthenium Transition Metal Complexes
Mechanistic Studies on the Differences Between in Vitro and in Vivo Inhibition Potencies of Fluvoxamine Towards Various Cytochrome P450s
Media Constructions of Scottish National Identity Though the Prism of the New Scottish Parliament
Medical Ultrasound Algorithm for Noninvasive High Intensity Ultrasound Applications
Medtner: His Beliefs, Influences and Work
Menstruation during deployment: military women's attitudes towards menstrual suppression
Mentoring in the Construction Industry
Mesoscale Variability and Drizzle in Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus
Meta-Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Chlorhexidine Gluconate and Povidone Iodine Use for the Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection
Metabolic Responses of Diatoms to a Changing Environment: Pathways for Energy Dissipation in High Light
Metabolic and Inhibitory Differences Between Cytochromes P450 3A4 and 3A5
Metabolism of Carbamazepine and Inhibitory Drug Interactions
Metastatic recurrent breast cancer: the couples' experience with role changes
Methods for Calculating Rates of Transitions with Application to Catalysis and Crystal Growth
Methods for Calculating the Free Energy of Atomic Clusters
Methyl Halides: Concentrations, Fluxes and Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios Measured in the Atmosphere, Coastal Waters, and Soils
Mexican Telenovelas and Latina Teenagers' Understanding of Romantic Relationships: A Reception Analysis
Michael Daugherty's Concerto Raise the Roof For Timpani and Symphonic Band (2007): Analysis and Performance Guide
Micro Sequential Injection for Bioanalytical Assays
MicroRNA 132 in learning and memory and short-term synaptic plasticity
Microbial Dechlorination of Carbon Tetrachloride and Biotreatment of Carbon Tetrachloride Contaminated Gases
Microbial Ecology and Nitrogen Isotope Biogeochemistry of the Black Sea
Microbial Evolution in Sea Ice: Communities to Genes
Microcalorimetric Heats of Adsorption, Surface Residence Times and Sticking Probabilities of Metals On Metal-oxide, and Silicon Substrates
Microeddies as Microfluidic Elements: Reactors and Cell Traps
Microfabricated Chromatographic Instrumentation for Micro Total Analysis Systems
Microfluidic Elastomeric Platforms for Probing Single Cells
Microfluidic Electrochemical Flow Cells: Design, Fabrication, and Characterization
Microscopy Studies of Non-linear Optical Materials
Microsequential Injection Systems for the Real-time Monitoring of Glucose Metabolism of Live Cells by Enzymatic Assay
Midazolam as a Probe Drug to Study Cytochrome P450 3A Allosterism
Midlife experience: voices from the city women of Bangkok
Milt Jackson: The Creative Genius Behind "bags' Groove"
Mind's World: Imagination and the Modern Subject
Mining Massive Data Streams
Minority stress, coping, and health among sexual minority women
Miscarriage experiences of lesbian birth and social mothers
Mislocalization of Neutrophil Elastase Is the Major Cause of Inherited Neutropenia
Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress in Cardiac Aging, Pressure-Overload Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy and Failure
Mixture Models for Genetic Changes in Cancer Cells
Mobile Food Fusion: Using the Power of Mobile Food to Create a New Restaurant Typology
Mobile hybridity: supporting personal and romantic relationships with mobile phones in digitally emergent spaces
Model Selection for Performance-based Earthquake Engineering of Bridges
Modeling Genetic Networks to Aid in Understanding Their Function
Modeling Uncertainty in Data Integration for Improving Protein Function Assignment
Modeling a Non-homogeneous Markov Process Via Time Transformation
Modeling a noisy sensory decision-making task as optimal action-selection under state-uncertainty
Modeling and Control of the Single Fiber Scanning Endoscope
Modeling and Inference for Linkage Disequilibrium and Recombination
Modeling and predicting stable response variation across situations
Modeling of Micro-Spatial Employment Location Patterns and its Application to the Puget Sound Region: Count and Choice Approaches
Modulation of KIR3 by Lipids and Tyrosine Phosphorylation
Modulation of the Neuronal Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel NaV1.2 by the Non-Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Fyn
Modulation of the sonic hedgehog response in dorsoventral neutral tube patterning
Moist Convection and the Large Scale Tropical Circulation
Molecular Components of the Wnt/Calcium Pathway
Molecular Control of Skeletal Myoblast Proliferation for Cardiac Repair
Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 Transmission: A Case Study of Source Partners of Individuals with Acute Retroviral Syndrome
Molecular Mechanisms of Opioid Receptor Regulation by GRK and Arrestin
Molecular Mechanisms of c-Myc-Induced Immortalization of Human Fibroblasts
Molecular Mediators of Alpha V Beta 3-Induced NF-[kappa] B Activation in Endothelial Cell Survival
Molecular Modeling of the Bacterial Chemotaxis Receptors Tar and Trg
Molecular and Biochemical Mechanisms of Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Molecular and Nanoscale Engineering for Enhanced Order in Organic Electro-optic Materials
Molecular mechanisms of synapse dysfunction: modeling neurological disease by viral-mediated protein overexpression in mammalian CNS neurons
Moments in Space, Spaces in Time: Phenomenology and the Embodied Depth of Cinematic Image
Monocytemacrophage and Protein Interactions With Non-fouling Plasma Polymerized Tetraglyme and Chemically Modified Polystyrene Surfaces: In Vitro and in Vivo Studies
More Than Just Lab Partners: Women Scientists and Engineers Married and Partnered to Other Scientists and Engineers
More than just lab partners: women scientists and engineers married and partnered to other scientists and engineers
Mortality and Cardiovascular Outcomes Associated with Medications Used in the Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Mosaik: Für Ensemble
Mothers and Daughters in Morrison, Tan, Marshall, and Kincaid
Motif-based Mining of Protein Sequences
Motivational interviewing as a mechanism of change in a brief alcohol intervention for college students
Moving Beyond Amino Acids: Examinations of the Protein Component in Sedimentary Marine Environments
Moving Towards a More Comprehensive Theory of Educational Attainment: An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the College Completion Process
Mpingo and Woodwind Instrument Making: Does It Have a Future?
Multi-Objective Optimization of Complex Systems Defined By Rules
Multi-channel Service: Performance and Implications for Customer Retention
Multi-component Chemical Defense in Seahares (gastropodaopisthobranchia): Antipredator Compounds Act As Both Honest and Deceptive Signals to Multiple Predator Species
Multi-dynamic Bayesian Networks for Machine Translation and Nlp
Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms For Ecological Process Models
Multidecadal Variability and Trends in Upper Ocean Temperature
Multimodel Investment Choice Analysis: Application of Goal Programming for Selection of Transportation Projects
Multivariate Analysis of Tof-sims Spectra From Self-assembled Monolayers
Music Competition, Cooperation and Community: An Ethnography of a Japanese School Band
Music Historiography and Useful Style Histories: The Case For the Evolving Era of Neo-impressionism and Its Influence On American Choral Music of the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Centuries
Music and Musicians At St. James Cathedral, Seattle, 1903-1953: The First 50 Years
Musical Networks of Children: An Ethnography of Elementary School Children in Singapore
Musical Parenting: An Ethnographic Account of Musical Interactions of Parents and Young Children
My Music: The Music Making and Listening Experiences of Seventh and Eighth Graders Not Enrolled in School Music Ensembles
Myelin changes after spinal cord injury and throughout aging
Nano-mechanics of Skeletal Muscle Structures
Nanoscale Investigations of Individual Bioparticles in Microfluidic Channels
Narrative Fits: Freud's Essay On Dostoevsky
Native Spaces, Native Actions, Native Traditions: An Outdoor Eduction Campus For the Seattle Public Schools
Natural Language Processing Tools for Reading Level Assessment and Text Simplication for Bilingual Education
Navigating between two worlds: a sociocultural examination of alcohol problems among urban American Indian youth
Negotiating Gender, Work, and Family: Examining Gendered Consequences of Leave-Taking Over Time
Negotiating Spectacle: Florence Mills, Josephine Baker & Adelaide Hall : Transnational Black Women's Expressive Culture, 1920-1935
Negotiating quality: everyday practices and nursing self regulation
Neighborhood Residential Location Choice of the Elderly: A Study of the Elderly in the Puget Sound Region of Washington
Neighborhood Structure and Criminal Homicide: Socio-Economic and Demographic Correlates of Homicide Types and Trends
Neonationalism in Scandinavia: Immigration, Segregation, and Anti-Immigrant Voting in Denmark and Sweden
Nerve growth factor produces hyperalgesia through phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent recruitment of TRPV1 ion channels
Network Processor Memory Hierarchy Designs for IP Packet Classification
Neural and behavioral correlates of motivation in sodium deplete animals
Neural basis of song perception in songbirds
Neural circuitry of retinal receptive fields in primate
Neural circuitry underlying expression of fos-like immunoreactivity in intermediate nucleus of the solitary tract following expression of taste aversion learning
Neural computations underlying decision formation in a motion discrimination task
Neural mechanisms for combining information in a visual discrimination task
Neural mechanisms responsible for decisions about stochastic motion stimuli
Neural mediation of taste processing and aversion learning
Neuronal Activity Rapidly Induces Transcription of a CREB-Regulated microRNA in Vivo
Neuronal signal transduction in hippocampus-dependent memory function
Neuroplasticity in Olfactory Sensation
Neuroprotection and cell-based therapy in retinal degeneration
Neurotrophins and seasonal plasticity in the avian song control system
Neutralization and Reionization Mass Spectrometry and Computational Studies of Small Biomolecule Radicals in the Gas Phase
Neutralization-reionization Mass Spectrometric and Computational Studies of Elusive Neutral Intermediates
Neutralization-reionization Mass Spectrometry and Computational Studies of Hydrogen Atom Adducts to the Amide Bond
New Blacks, New Whites, and the New Day: Intergenerational Mobility Among Black and White Immigrants in the Post-Civil Rights Era
New Conjugated Polymers for Organic Electronics: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
New Eyes On Waste: Transforming Waste Materials in New Building Design
New Methods For Modeling Large-scale Biochemical Networks
New Models and Methods for Matting and Compositing
Ni hombre, ni macho: the relationship between gender norms and risky sexual behavior
Nietzsche and Baudelaire: At the Threshold of Our Esthetic Modernity
Nitrogen, Oxygen, and the Noble Gases as Tracers of Upper-Ocean Productivity and Air-Sea Gas Fluxes
Nmr Characterization Guides the Design of Beta Hairpins and Sheets While Providing Insights Into Folding Cooperativity and Dynamics
Nmr Studies Reveal the Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Hairpin Formation
Nmr Studies of Calmodulin From S. Cerevisiae
Nobody was out back then: abuse of alcohol by midlife and older lesbians
Non-adiabatic Molecular Dynamics of Electron Transfer in Dye Sensitized Semiconductor Systems
Non-cell autonomous Purkinje neuron degeneration in spinal cerebella ataxia type 7: the role of neuron-glia interaction
Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics in Time-dependent Density Functional Theory with Applications to Nanoscale Materials
Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics with Application to Condensed Phase Chemical Systems
Noninvasive Ultrasound Elastography of Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease: Methods and Clinical Evaluation
Nonlinear Acoustic Analysis of the Mitral Valve
Nonlinear Material Properties Shape Locomotor Performance in Hydrozoan Jellyfish
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Analysis of Recurrent Events in the Presence of Terminal Events and Dependent Censoring
Nonsensical Speech: Speech Acts in Postsocialist Chinese Culture
Normalizing, a study of young Thai children's experiences with postoperative acute abdominal surgical pain
Northern Thai school-aged children pain experience: pain descriptions and pain management strategies
Not Just the "king of Swing": Benny Goodman's Classical Style
Not in My 'Hood: Social Control, Ethnicity, and Crime in Seattle's International District
Novel Catalysts By Computational Enzyme Design
Novel Concepts in the Design and Synthesis of Organic Nonlinear Optical and Electro-optic Materials
Novel Quantitative Methods for Drug Benefit-Risk Assessment in Regulatory Decision-Making: A Case Study and Policy Analysis
Novel Technique Development for Characterizing Electro-oxidation Processes on Platinum Surfaces
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Xubf Box 1 DNA Binding Domain
Numerical Methods For 3-dimensional Magnetic Confinement Configurations Using Two-fluid Plasma Equations
Numerical Modeling of a Bridge System & Its Application for Performance-based Earthquake Engineering
Object and Concept Recognition for Content-based Image Retrieval
Objectively Obtaining Information from Gas Chromatographic Separations of Complex Samples Using Novel Data Processing and Chemometric Techniques
Observational and Modeling Studies of the Juan De Fuca Eddy: A Mesoscale, Topographically-Linked Upwelling Eddy in the Northern California Current System
Observations of Breaking Internal Tides on the Oregon Continental Slope
Observations of Vertical and Horizontal Aspects of Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea by Fully Lagrangian Floats
Observations of newlywed interactions in conflict and in everyday life
Observations of the Labrador Sea Eddy Field
Odorant receptor-associated proteins and axon pathfinding in the mouse
On Profit Maximization in Mechanism Design
On the Annual Cycle Over the Atlantic Sector: The Relative Role of Land and Ocean.
On the Asymptotic Behavior of Internal Layer Solutions of Advection-diffusion-reaction Equations
On the Formation of Vortex Breakdown Over Delta Wings
On the Population Ecology of the Toxigenic Marine Diatom Genus, Pseudo-Nitzschia: Perspectives from the Growth and Mortality Environments
On the Stability of the Swept Leading-edge Boundary Layer
One story, two interpretations: the lived experiences of Taiwanese immigrant families in the United States
Ontology Recapitulates Phylogeny: Design, Implementation and Potential for Usage of a Comparative Anatomy Information System
Optical Low Coherence Reflectometery for Morphological Characterization of Static and Dynamic Systems
Optical Pulse Propagation, Diffusion and Depolarization in Discrete Random Media
Optimal Hyperplanar Transition State Theory
Optimal adaptation strategies in sensory neural processing
Optimization Model For Production and Delivery Planning in JIT-kanban Supply Chain Systems
Optimization in the Private Value Model: Competitive Analysis Applied to Auction Design
Optimization of Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy
Optimization-based Analysis of Rigid Mechanical Systems With Unilateral Contact and Kinetic Friction
Optimizing Escherichia Coli for the Detection of Antimicrobial Compounds
Orchestration Techniques of Duke Ellington
Orchestration of Skeletal Myogenesis by the Myogenic bHLH Family of Transcription Factors
Order Coordination in a Decentralized Two-echelon Supply Chain
Organic Dyes for Photoswitching and Photovoltaic Applications
Organic Matter Preservation Along a Dynamic Continental Margin: Form and Fates of Sedimentary Organic Matter
Organization of work in assisted living: implications for the occupational health and safety of unlicensed direct care workers
Organizational disability climate, nurses with disabilities, and perspectives of acute care nurses: conceptual and empirical views
Organizational influences on the intention, ability, and freedom of health care staff to act in accordance with ethical principles and standards: three empirical studies
Organized Layer Overturning in Mesoscale Convective Systems Over the Western Pacific Warm Pool
Orographic Enhancement of Mid-latitude Cyclone Precipitation
Our family's experiences: a study of Thai families living with women in the early stages of breast cancer
Overcoming Resistance to Density and Desegregation in Seattle: Developing a Model For High-density Integrative Transit Oriented Development
Ozone Photochemistry in the Northeastern Pacific Troposphere and the Impacts of Trans-pacific Pollution Transport
P58ipk, the Cellular Eif2alpha Kinase Inhibitor, Promotes Viral Mrna Translation and Limits Host Death During Influenza Virus Infection
PSGL-1 Mediated Signal Transduction and Translational Control Mechanisms During Adherence of Macrophages
Parallel Methods for Static and Dynamic Simulation of Flexible Pavement Systems
Paramagnetic Spin-up of a Field Reversed Configuration With Rotating Magnetic Field Current Drive
Parametric Identifiability and Related Problems
Parent socialization of adolescent emotion: the moderating role of adolescent depressive status
Parental traditionalism and parent-child relationships, explicit and implicit psychological acculturation, and mental health of Korean-American young adults
Parenting and child care as predictors of language, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes in young, low-income children
Part I, Cobalt Thiolate Complexes Modeling the Active Site of Cobalt Nitrile Hydratase: Part Ii, Formation of Inorganic Nanoparticles On Protein Scaffolding in Esherichia Coli Glutamine Synthetase
Passive Acoustic Detection and Measurement of Rainfall at Sea and an Empirical Ocean Ambient Sound Model
Pathways to Differential Adult Mortality by Socioeconomic Status in the United States
Patterns of Climate Variability of the Northern Hemisphere Wintertime Circulation
Patterns of emotion in response to parasuicide imagery in borderline personality disorder
Patterns of parent-child relationship quality, parent depression and adolescent development outcomes
Paul Fritts and Company, Organ Builders: The Evolution of the Mechanical-action Organ in the United States During the 20th Century With Historical Emphasis On the Instruments of Paul Fritts
Pedagogical Insights in Teaching Children For Prospective Teachers
Peer supported storytelling for grieving pediatric oncology nurses: a pilot study
Peptide Sequence Assignments By Probabilistic Peptide Profile Matching to an Annotated Peptide Database
Perceived environmental barriers and supports for people with low vision due to diabetic retinopathy
Perceiving motion in the dark
Perceptions and values regarding DNA contribution to genetic biobanks: survey design, generation, and testing
Perceptions of anti-White discrimination: Whites' ego-defensive response to racial progress
Perceptions of the therapeutic relationship and the prediction of suicidal behavior in dialectical behavior therapy
Performance Modeling Strategies for Modern Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
Performance of Alternative Currency Option Pricing Models: A Study of the Japanese Yen
Perioperative immunonutrition in head and neck cancer: a feasibility study
Peroxide Complexes of Non-redox Active Metal Centers: Models for Alternative Mechanisms in Cytochrome P450 Oxidations?
Persistence in Pension Account Returns: The Impact of Survivorship and Reaction of Asset Flows
Personality in context: an interpersonal systems perspective
Ph Dynamics, Glycogenolysis and Phosphoenergetics in Isolated Cell Free Reconstituted Systems and in Mouse Skeletal Muscle
Ph-responsive Polymer-protein Complexes for Control of Intracellular Trafficking of Biomolecular Therapeutics
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral Oxycodone: Role of Active Metabolites
Phonon-assisted Charge Carrier Dynamics and Photoexcited State Phenomena in Nanoscale Systems: Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Carbon Nanotubes
Photo-switching of Protein Activities By Conjugation of Photo-responsive Polymers to Proteins
Photoaffinity Labeling of Cytochrome P450s with Imidazole-tethered Benzophenone Compounds
Photochemical Processing of Long Range Transported Eurasian Pollution in the Northeast Pacific Troposphere
Photophysical Consequences from Interactions of Glutathione S-transferases with the Photodynamic Sensitizer Hypericin
Phylogenetic and Physiological Diversity of Subseafloor Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Seamounts
Phylogeography, Population Genetic Structure, and Reproductive Biology of Antelope Ground Squirrels
Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Coarse-grained Soils
Physical education activities scale: the development of an instrument to measure adolescent perceptions of school physical education activities
Physiologic Functions of Activated Caspases in Macrophages
Physiological and Evolutionary Consequences to Drosophila Melanogaster of Immune Response to Parasitism By the Wasp Asobara Tabida
Picking Up After the American Family: Domestic Work in the World of Television
Pie-1, Mex-5, Mex-6, and Somagermline Asymmetry in C. Elegans Embryos
Pietro Edwards and the Restoration of the Public Pictures of Venice, 1778-1819: Necessity Introduced These Arts
Pipe-Routing Algorithm Development For a Ship Engine Room Design
Pixelated Urbanism: A Mixed-use Strategy For Urban Density and Neighborhood Development
Planting psychological theories: influencing the sequence of thoughts and emotions with treatment rationales
Plasmodium Falciparum: Insights Into Var Gene Evolution and the Functional Specialization of PfEMP1 Protein Family Members
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta and Platelet-Derived Growth Factor B-Chain in Vascular Reaction to Injury and Angiogenesis
Play, Learn, Inspire: Hawai'i Children's Discovery Center of Nature
Plga Microsphere Formulations for Sustained Local Delivery of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor: Considerations for Therapeutic Angiogenesis of Infarcted Myocardium
Policewomen's perceptions of the interaction between their work and their health
Policy-making as an Articulation and Communication Process: Nicaragua's Telecommunications Reforms
Political Cyberprotest As an Information System in (semi)authoritarian Societies: Development of a Theoretical Framework
Polymeric Microfluidic Devices: Development of Thermoset Polyester Microfluidic Devices and Use of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Devices for Droplet Applications
Polymorphism and Replication of Heterochromatic Repeats in the DNA of Arabidopsis
Porous Hydrogels with Well-defined Pore Structure for Biomaterials Applications
Porphyrin Self-assembly On Gold for the Design of Molecular Biorecognition Surfaces
Posttreatment predictors of depression relapse following cognitive behavior therapy
Potential Impact of Breast Cancer Resistance Protein on Drug Disposition During Pregnancy
Practical and Efficient Internet Routing with Competing Interests
Pre-actuation and Post-actuation in Control Applications
Preconditioning Saliva to Measure Small Analytes in a Microfluidic Biosensor
Predictability of Runoff in the Mississippi River Basin
Predicting alcohol relapse using nonlinear dynamics and growth mixture modeling
Predicting child cognitive development in low-income families
Predicting response to treatment in a randomized clinical trial of marital therapy
Predicting the Impacts of Cloud Processing On Aerosol Properties
Prediction of the Residual Strength of Liquefied Soils
Predictions of Kinetic Parameters for the CYP2C9 Substrates Phenytoin and Tolbutamide and the Inhibitor Fluconazole
Preference Values for Health States Associated with Colon Cancer and its Treatment
Preferential Association and the Emergence of Fairness: Theory and Experiment
Pregnant women's decision-making processes regarding prenatal genetic testing
Presenilin-1 and TCF/[beta]-Catenin Signaling: Effects on Neuronal Differentiation
Preservation of Organic Matter in Marine Sediments: A Density Fractionation and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Approach
Presynaptic Calcium Channel Regulation and Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity
Preventing alcohol abuse and alcohol-related negative consequences among freshmen college students: using emerging computer technology to deliver and evaluate the effectiveness of brief intervention efforts
Probabilistic Mesoscale Forecast Error Prediction Using Short-range Ensembles
Problem Children: The View from the End of the Line
Problems of Race and Genre in the Critical Reception of Porgy and Bess
Process Engineering of Polynanomeric Layered and Infused Composites
Processes Controlling the Mean Tropical Pacific Precipitation Pattern
Programming by Demonstration: A Machine Learning Approach
Projections or Connections?: A Comparison of Perceptual and Actual Measures of Peer Delinquency in Adolescent Friendship Networks
Prophecy and Policy in Roman Egypt
Proprotein Convertases in Terminal Differentiation of Epidermis and Processing of the Profilaggrin Amino Terminus
Protective and risk factors in adolescents with schizophrenia
Protein and Platelet Interactions With Polyurethanes
Proteomic Analysis of Macrophage Proinflammatory Programmed Cell Death and Macrophage Activation
Protocol Design in an Uncooperative Internet
Providing Best-effort Services in Dataspace Systems
Proximate and Ultimate Constraints on Breeding in Seabirds
Pssms: Not Just Roadkill On the Information Superhighway
Psychological skills training utilization among college athletes: an intervention and investigation of determinants
Psychophysiology of women in the early phase of recovery from alcoholism: a longitudinal prospective study
Public Journalism and the Needs of Youth: A Case Study
Public Meetings and Public Officials: Officeholders' Accounts of Participatory and Deliberative Democratic Encounters with Citizens
Quality Control of Type I Procollagen Folding and Assembly in the Secretory Pathway
Quality of life and its predictors in adolescents after general traumatic injury
Quantification of Pulmonary Gas Exchange: Combined Effects of Gas Solubility and Transport Mechanisms
Quantifying Single Oil-particle Interactions in Aqueous Media
Quantifying and Comparing the Predictive Accuracy of Prognostic Factors
Quantitative Analysis of Diffusion and Chemical Reaction in Pressure-driven Microfluidic Channels
Quantitative Aspects of Spr Spectroscopy and Spr Microscopy, Applications in Protein Binding to Immobilized Vesicles and Dsdna Arrays
Quantitative Characterization of Carotid Arterial Remodeling By High-resolution Serial Mri
Racial Inequality in Wealth: Do Labor Unions Matter?
Radar Observations of Orographic Precipitation
Radiative Properties of Arctic Clouds
Random Mutations, Protein Mutability, and DNA Repair: Understanding Protein Tolerance to Random Amino Acid Changes through Directed Evolution
Rape prevention with Asian/Pacific Islander and Caucasian college men: the roles of culture and risk status
Rapid and Reproducible One-and Two-dimensional Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis of Barrett's Esophagus
Rates and Pathways of Fixed Nitrogen Loss in Oxygen Deficient Marine Environments
Re-presenting dis-ability: building a bridge between nursing inquiry and critical dis-ability studies : applying critical discourse analysis to media and nursing representations of dis-ability
Reactions at Nitrogenous Ligands On Oxidizing Group 8 Metal Centers
Reactive and Soft Landing of Polyatomic Gas-phase Ions On Plasma-treated Metal Surfaces
Reactivity Studies of Platinum(iv) Hydroxide and Methoxide Complexes and the Study of Pincer Palladium(ii) Complexes as Potential Catalysts for Olefin Epoxidation
Reagent Storage and Transport in Microfluidic Systems for Clinical Diagnostic and Drug Discovery Purposes
Realizing a Fractional Volt Half-wave Voltage in Mach-zehnder Modulators Using a Dc Biased Push-pull Method and Synthesis and Characterization of Indole Based Nlo Chromophores for Improving Electro-optic Activity
Reconciling Gaap Losses and Pro Forma Profits: Effects On Investor Judgments and Decisions
Redesigning Downtown: The Fabrication of German-themed Villages in Small-town America
Reduced BRCA1 Expression in Breast and Ovarian Tumorigenesis
Reduced models of single neuron intrinsic computation
Reducing Fibrosis and Cell Death in Cardiomyoplasty
Regenerating the Sampling Interface of Modular Chemical Sensing Systems
Regeneration in the adult and aging brain: a focus on the mitotic and metabolic activity of neural stem cells
Regenerative Matrices for Oriented Bone Growth in Craniofacial and Dental Repair
Regional Mortality Variation in China
Regression Based Variable Clustering for Data Reduction
Regression Methods for Areas and Partial Areas Under the Receiver-operating Characteristic Curve
Regression in the early developmental course of autism spectrum disorders: validation of the phenomenon using parent report and home video tapes
Regulation and role of neurotensin in the basal ganglia
Regulation of Apobec3 Cytidine Deaminase Activity in Primary Human Hematopoietic Cells
Regulation of Energy Metabolism of Heart Myoblasts
Regulation of Expression and Function of Neurokine Receptors
Regulation of G-Protein Gated Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channels by Tyrosine Phosphorylation
Regulation of Intestinal CYP3A4 Expression and Metabolism of 1alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
Regulation of Methanol Oxidation Genes in Methylobacterium extorquens AM1
Regulation of Neurogenin (NGN) 1 by the ERK5 MAP Kinase During Cortical Neurogenesis
Regulation of Snare Protein Interaction with CaV2.2 Channels by Protein Phosphorylation
Regulation of Somite Myogenesis By Cytokines Occurs in Specific Somite Regions and During Distinct Temporal Periods
Regulation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Growth by Nitric Oxide and CGMP in Vitro and in Vivo
Regulation of the Atp2b2 gene
Regulation of the ERK/MAPK pathway by calcium-stimulated adenylyl cyclases during fear conditioning and cocaine sensitization
Regulation, Structure and Folding of Enzymes
Rehearsal Achievement in High School Bands and Its Relationship to Performance Quality, Selected Rehearsal Procedures, and Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness
Relational Turning Point Events and Their Outcomes in College Teacher-student Relationships from Students' Perspectives
Relational and transactional processes of couples' experience with breast cancer
Relationship between Structure and Ion Intercalation Properties in Nickel Hexacyanoferrate
Relationship of stress to gastrointestinal symptoms in women with irritable bowel syndrome
Relationship of vitamin A status to bronchopulmonary dysplasia in a large preterm infant cohort
Relationships Between Neighborhood-Scale Urban Form, Travel Behavior, and Residential Location: Implications for Land Use and Transportation Planning and Policy
Relationships Between Wintertime Modes of Atmospheric Variability On Intermediate and Long Timescales
Relative contributions of maternal depression, maternal antisocial behavior, and comorbid maternal depression and antisocial behavior to the risk for internalizing and externalizing outcomes in the children of adolescent mothers
Relief Chain Planning and Management: Modeling and Analyzing Humanitarian Logistic Problems
Religion, Ethnicity, and Organization: An Organizational Analysis of the Buddhist Churches of America
Representations of Women in Theocritus
Reproducing social inequality in the national health information infrastructure: a discourse analysis
Reproductive decision making among couples with HIV/AIDS in Taiwan
Requirement Specifications for Communication in Distributed Real-time Systems
Research On the Post-pks Modification Steps of Rifamycin B Biosynthesis in Amycolatopsis Mediterranei S699
Resisting the Tide: Stability and Change in Racially Integrated Neighborhoods, 1980-2000
Resonance Raman Intensity Analysis of Chlorine Dioxide in Solution
Resonance Raman Intensity Analysis of Chlorine Dioxide, Nitrosyl Chloride, and Isopropyl Nitrate in Solution
Resonance Raman Studies of Halooxide Photochemistry in the Gas and Condensed Phase
Retracting a Diagnosis of Madness: A Reconsideration of Japanese Eccentric Art
Reverse Logistics: A Multicriteria Decision Model With Uncertainty
Revising "Family Structure": Including Siblings in the Family's Influence on Delinquent Behavior
Revulsion and Desire: The Figure of the Monster in Roman Imperial Imagination
Rewording Power: Examining the Role of First-person Narratives in Nineteenth-century Nationalist and Reform Movements
Rhapsody in Blue: A Culmination of George Gershwin's Early Musical Education
Rhetoric and Epistolary Exchange in Ovid's Heroides 16-21
Rheumatoid arthritis and major depression: effects of antidepressant therapy on markers of inflammation
Rhizosphere: Gilles Deleuze and Minor American Literature and Thought
Rhythmic behaviors in typically developing infants, and infants with later diagnosed autism or developmental delay
Ribonucleotide Reductase From E. Coli: Mechanistic Studies of Hydroxyurea Resistance
Rigid, Multi-rigid, and Non-rigid Image Registration of Skeletal Structures
Risk Management in Brownfields Redevelopment
Risk and protective factors for Barrett's esophagus
Rodolfo and Mimi: A Study of the Powerful Blend of Lyrics and Music in Puccini's La Bohème
Role of Antecedent Land Surface Conditions On North American Monsoon Rainfall Variability
Role of Flice Inhibitory Protein (flip) in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Role of Norepinephrine in Glucose Homeostasis
Role of synaptic inhibition in shaping response properties in the intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
Role of the Calcium-Stimulated Adenylyl Cyclases in Neuroplasticity
Role of the caudal dorsal raphe nucleus in regulating fear, anxiety, and depression
Roles of Plate Locking and Block Rotation in the Tectonics of the Pacific Northwest
Roles of the Rho1 Small Gtpase During Development in Drosophila Melanogaster
Routes to Ethnic Resistance: Virtual Kurdistan West and the Transformation of Kurdish Politics in Turkey
Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks
Rr Lyrae Stars and Type Ia Supernovae: Discovery and Calibration of Astronomical Standard Candles
Sacred Ties: Why Religion Inspires Confidence, Community, and Sacrifice
Sacred and Seductive Space: The Problem of Domesticity in Goethe's Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre
Safe and Efficient Resource Sharing in Component-based Systems
Salt appetite and psychostimulants: interaction between reward systems
Scenario Thinking and Optimism in Analysts' Forecasts
Scheduling Protocols for Media-on-demand Systems
Scour in Low Gradient Gravel Bed Streams: Patterns, Processes, and Implications for the Survival of Salmonid Embryos
Screening for and treatment of cobalamin deficiency in older adults
Seaquake Waves - Standing Wave Dynamics With Faraday Excitation and Radiative Loss
Search Algorithms for Biosequences Using Random Projection
Searching for a Voice of Authority in Newspaper Writing
Seattle's Interstate 5 Proximity Land Use Patterns: An Interdisciplinary Narrative
Seattle's late 1960's free clinic movement: exploration of social activism as a change strategy for health care and the ways in which individuals engaged in activism
Secret as a Key to Narration: Evolution from English Gothic to the Gothic in Dostoyevsky
Secure, Efficient, and Manageable Virtual Machine Systems
Seeing Structure: Using Knowledge to Reconstruct and Illustrate Anatomy
Selected Intermediate Piano Pieces By Seven Women of the Twentieth Century: Marion Bauer, Germaine Tailleferre, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Sofia Gubaidulina, Emma Lou Diemer, Chen Yi, and Karen Tanaka
Selenium, selenoenzymes and the risk of colorectal and esophageal cancers
Self-assembly Approaches to Nanostructured Materials
Self-construction of Pharmacists through Their Use of Labels for Care Recipients
Self-designing Optimal Group Sequential Clinical Trials
Self-efficacy, cognitive interference, sport anxiety, and psychological coping skills as predictors of performance in intercollegiate golf
Self-esteem and Social Influences on Retaliation Behavior
Self-injurious behavior in male rhesus macaques: association with aggression and stress as measured by salivary cortisol
Self-injurious behaviors among adolescent females: a biosocial approach
Self-monitoring and eating related behaviors associated with 12-month weight change among postmenopausal sedentary overweight/obese women in a lifestyle behavior change trial
Self-trapped Excitons, Defects, and Water Impurities in Silica
Semantic Data Sharing with a Peer Data Management System
Semi-parametric Analysis of Failure Time Data From Case-control Family Studies on Candidate Genes
Semiparametric Efficient and Inefficient Estimation for the Auxiliary Outcome Problem With the Conditional Mean Model
Semiparametric Failure-time Regression With Mismeasured or Missing Covariates
Semiparametric Least Squares Analysis of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
Semiparametric Marginal Mean Models for Multivariate Counting Processes
Semiparametric Methods for Longitudinal Diagnostic Accuracy
Sense[ability]: A Multi-layered Design Approach to B.f. Day Elementary
Separation, Completeness, and Markov Properties for Amp Chain Graph Models
Sequential Injection Analysis for the Investigation of Biomolecular Interactions
Severity of bloating in women with irritable bowel syndrome
Sex Segregation in Undergraduate Engineering Majors
Sexual intent perceptions: review and integration of findings, investigation of automatic processes, and development and implementation of a dynamic assessment methodology
Sexual minorities in substance abuse treatment: the impact of provider biases and treatment outcomes
Sexual racism in gay communities: negotiating the ethnosexual marketplace
Sexuality as Social Status
Shallow Convection in Orographic Precipitation
Shallow Crustal Structure of Axial Seamount: Geophysical Inversion of Sea Surface and near Seafloor Gravity Observations
Sharing and Caching Characteristics of Internet Content
Shear Stress Enhances Bacterial Adhesion
Sheep Retroviral Envelope Glycoproteins: Mechanisms of Oncogenesis and Incorporation Into HIV-1 Lentiviral Vectors
Short Sellers and Financial Misrepresentation
Short-selling Constraints, Divergence of Opinion, and Overvaluation: The Role of Accounting Conservatism
Short-term modulation and long-term plasticity of synapses in the songbird premotor nucleus RA
Signaling Pathways Regulating Endothelial Cell Survival and Activation
Signaling Pathways and Chromatin Dynamics Regulate Cardiac Differentiation from Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Silicon Primitives for Machine Learning
Simultaneous Inversion of 3D Velocity Structure, Hypocenter Locations, and Reflector Geometry in Cascadia
Simultaneous color contrast in four-month-old infants is revealed by a temporal modulation paradigm
Single Bacterium Proteomics: Analysis of the Reca Protein in Single Deinococcus Radiodurans
Single-molecule Orientations and Photophysics in Dyed Salt Crystals
Single-voice Transformations: A Model For Parsimonious Voice Leading
Sintering and Reactivity of Model Oxide-supported Catalysts: Pt/zno(000-1)-o and Pd/[alpha]-al₂o₃(0001)
Skin-Homing Molecule and Chemokine Receptor Expression on Herpesvirus-Specific CD8+ T-Cells
Skirting the Airwaves: The All-girl Radio of Wher-am
Sleep disturbances in U.S. Army soldiers after deployment to Afghanistan or Iraq
Small Insertion-deletion Polymorphisms in the Human Genome: Characterization and Automation of Detection By Resequencing
Small Talk with Friends and Family: Does Text Messaging On the Mobile Phone Help Users Enhance Relationships?
Small, Oxygenated Sulfur Compounds: A Neutralization-reionization Mass Spectrometry, Ab Initio/rrkm, and Flowing Pyrolysis Study
Small-Scale Coastal Dynamics and Mixing from a Lagrangian Perspective
Smart Polymer Nanoscale Particles for Rapid Molecular Diagnostics
Social Application of the Arts: Making a Difference through Art
Social and emotional predictors of alcohol-related problems among diverse adolescents
Social behavior and ecology of "southern resident" killer whales (Orcinus orca)
Social capital, acculturation, and mental health among women of Mexican ancestry
Solar Radiation Processes On the East Antarctic Plateau: Interaction of Clouds, Snow, and Atmospheric Gases
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques for Determining Structure in Proteins and Peptides
Solid-state Nmr: Investigations of Biomolecular Structure
Solving Boundary-value Problems For Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws With Rapidly Varying Coefficients
Some Extensions and Applications of Multistage Carcinogenesis Models
Some Methods for the Analysis of Skewed Data
Songs of the Empire: Continental Asia in Japanese Wartime Popular Music
Sonic hedgehog in the vertebrate retina
Sonoluminescence for the Quantitative Analysis of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Chlorides
Sources and Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Amazon River Basin
Sources and Implications of HIV-1 Diversity Within Women in Mombasa, Kenya
Sources, Cycling, and Preservation of Black Carbon in Sediments from the Washington Margin
Sources, Transport, and Fate of Terrestrial Organic Matter Inputs to Small Puget Lowland Streams: Effects of Urbanization, Floods, and Salmon
Spacetime Stereo and Its Applications
Spanish for Americans?: The Politics of Bilingualism in the United States
Spatial Coupling Between Sarcomeric Proteins Controls Ca2+-sensitive Contraction Muscle: A Complementary Research Approach Integrating Theory With Experiments
Spatial Ecology of Bacteria in Surficial Marine Sediments
Spatially Controlled Engineering of Myocardial Tissue
Spatially and Temporally Resolved Delivery of Stimuli to Single Cells Using Nanocapsules and Laser Manipulation
Spatially-Distributed Modeling of Hydrology and Nitrogen Export from Watersheds
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Development Patterns in Palestinian Communities: Bethlehem-Hebron Region (BHR) as a Case
Spectral Methods for Data Analysis
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 2 Induces Expression of Smooth Muscle Alpha-Actin: A Role for Rho and Calcium
Spina Accresco Mechanicus: On the Developmental Biomechanics of the Spine
Splicing Signals in Caenorhabditis Elegans: Candidate Exonic Splicing Enhancer Motifs
Square Kufic Calligraphy in Modern Art, Transmission and Transformation
Ssnmr Methods for Determining Structure in Nucleosides and Peptides
Stability and Dynamics of Solitary Waves in Nonlinear Optical Materials
Stationary Vortices and Persistent Turbulence
Statistical Methods for Analyzing Genomic Data With Consideration of Spatial Structures
Statius and the Discourse of Ekphrasis
Status Characteristics, Perceived Similarity, and Institutional Legitimacy in Promotion Recommendations
Stem Cells, Genetic Selection, and Strong Embryos: A Feminist Analysis of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Steroid regulation of seasonal territorial aggression in the male song sparrow, Melospiza melodia morphna
Stochastic Planning with Concurrent, Durative Actions
Storm Track Variability and Interaction With the Background Flow On Daily, Interannual and Climate Change Time Scales
Strategies for Chemometric Analysis of Gas Chromatographic Data
Strategy and Structure in Interfirm Alliances: The U.S. Biotechnology Industry, 1980-1992
Stratified Flow and Turbulence Over an Abrupt Sill
Stratospheric and Tropospheric Signals Extracted Using the Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
Stress and the dynorphin/kappa opioid receptor system: identifying sites and mechanisms of action within brain reward circuitry
String Quartet No. 2: By-products of Mass Media
Structural Changes of Fibronectin During Cell Interactions and Adsorption to Surfaces Measured Using Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
Structural Characterization of Adsorbed Helical and Beta-Sheet Peptides
Structural Studies of Factor Xiii
Structural Studies of Protein Phosphatase 2a, Simian Virus 40 Small T Antigen, and the Phoq Sensor Domain
Structural Studies of the Cgmp-binding Gaf Domain of Pde5a
Structural Studies of the Chaperone Hsp31 from Escherichia Coli
Structural Studies of the Cholera Toxin Catalytic Subunit
Structural and Biochemical Analysis of Cullin-Based Ubiquitin Ligases Reveal Regulatory Mechanisms of Ubiquitination Machinery
Structural and Biochemical Studies of Trypanosomatid Drug Target Proteins
Structural and Biochemical Studies on the Wnt[beta]-catenin Signaling Pathway and the Pi3kcisk Signaling Pathway
Structural and Computational Studies of Two Oligonucleotide Modifying Enzymes: I-ppoi and T4 Polynucleotide Kinase
Structural and Dynamical Investigations of the Interaction Between the Muc1 Tumor Antigen and the Humoral Immune System: Towards the Design of a Second Generation Cancer Vaccine
Structural and Functional Analysis of a Novel Organic Cation/Monoamine Transporter PMAT in the SLC29 Family
Structural and Functional Studies of Minor Pseudopilins From the Type 2 Secretion System of Vibrio Cholerae
Structural rearrangements during gating in cyclic nucleotide-modulated channels
Structural-optical Relationships in First-year Sea Ice
Structure Based Design of Inhibitors Toward Disease Related Multivalent Protein Targets
Structure and Dynamics of Proteins and Rna's Involved in 3'-mrna Processsing
Structure and Dynamics of Small Proteins by Nmr
Structure and Function of Rna Modification and Transcription Regulation Factors by Nmr
Structure, Function and Evolution of Human Subtelomeres
Structure-Function Analysis and Substrate Specific Inhibition of RecQ Helicases
Structure-based Design of Secreted and Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 Inhibitors
Studies On the Biosynthesis of Naturally Occurring Antitumor Agents
Studies On the Biosynthesis of Taxol
Studies of the Isomerization of Retinoids in the Vertebrate Retina
Studies of the Reactivities of Organometallic Complexes Containing Platinum(iv)-oxygen Bonds
Study of Electrochemical Performance of Strontium Doped Lanthanum Cobalt Oxides Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Microelectrode Array Cell Design
Study of Low Abundance Proteins in Single Cells of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Using Capillary Electrophoresis and Ultra Sensitivity Laser Induced Fluorescence Detection
Study of a Light-gas Gun For Launching Active Transient Internal Probes
Sub-Seasonal Wind Variability and El Niño
Subcertification and Relationship Quality: Effects On Subordinate Effort and Justification
Subfamily I Treponema Pallidum Repeat Proteins: Sequence Variation and Immunity
Subregional suprachiasmatic nucleus control of sleep stage architecture and its role in hippocampus-dependent long-term memory
Subtle psychological side effects: documentation, description, and treatment implications of subjective experiences of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors taken for depression
Subtropical Stratocumulus and Its Effect On Climate
Supernova Feedback in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations of Galaxy Formation
Supporting Collaborative Clinical Trial Protocol Writing Through an Annotation Design
Supporting Unanchored Information Work of Cancer Patients With Mobile Technology
Surface Energetics and Acid-Base Properties of Modified and Unmodified Mineral Oxides
Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors: Development and Applications
Surface Reactions, Solvation, and Adsorption Phenomena of Electrolytic Adlayers on Metal Surfaces
Surface Studies of Model Catalysts Using Metal Atoms and Particles On Zno(0001)-zn And-o and Tio₂(110)
Surrogate Variable Analysis
Survey of oral care practices for the orally intubated adult critically ill patient
Sympathetic Stimulation of Adult Cardiomyocytes Requires Association of AKAP5 with a Sub-Population of L-Type Calcium Channels
Symphony By Numbers
Symphony by Numbers
Symptom clustering in the menopausal transition: concept, theory, and application
Symptom presentation of acute coronary syndromes in men and women
Synaesthetics: For Violoncello & Octet
Synaptic origins of color and luminance coding in the primate retina
Syntheses and Evaluation of Novel Porpholactones for Photonic Applications
Syntheses and Reactivity Studies of Hydroxo-palladium(ii) and Amido-platinum(iv) Complexes
Synthesis and Characterization of Annelated Nitronyl Nitroxides
Synthesis and Properties of Two Fold Symmetric Ruthenium and Rhodium Dihydrogen-hydride Complexes
Synthesis and Reactivity Studies of Late Transition Metal Complexes Relevant to C-h Bond Activation and Functionalization
Synthesis and Study of Some Cyclopentane-1,3-diyl Derivatives as Potentially Long-lived Singlet Diradicals
Synthesis and Utilization of Metal Nanostructures
Synthesis of Silver Nanostructures with Controlled Shapes and Properties
Synthesis, Spectroscopy, and Magnetism of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Dithiolate Bridged Iron Carbonyl Dimers
Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Five-coordinate Platinum(iv) Complexes
Synthetic Analogues of Cysteinate-ligated Non-heme Iron Enzymes: Understanding the Structure-function Relationship of Nitrile Hydratase (nhase) and Superoxide Reductase (sor)
Synthetic Approaches to One-dimensional Nanostructures
Synthetic Models and Reactivity of Sulfur-ligated Iron Metalloenzymes
Synthetic Models for Metalloenzymes Containing Sulfur-metal Bonds
Synthetic Models of Fe-type Nitrile Hydratase
Synthetic, Ph-sensitive Polymers That Promote the Intracellular Delivery of Nonviral Gene Therapy Vectors
System Support for Pervasive Applications
Systematic Study of Thiazole Incorporated Nlo Gradient Bridge Chromophores
Systems Analysis of Freight Transportation Networks
T-cell Signaling in Response to Altered Myelin Basic Protein Peptides
TAF1 HAT Activity in Cell Proliferation
TWIST1 Osteobiology: Implications for the Pathogenesis of Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome
Taiwanese older adults' and healthcare providers' views of depression and depression prevention
Target and perceiver gender in person perception: power as a possible explanation for gender differences
Targeted Antiviral Drug Delivery to HIV Host Cells in the Lymphoid Tissue
Targeting Astrocytomas with Cannabinoids
Tat-streptavidin: A Novel Drug Delivery Vector for the Intracellular Uptake of Macromolecular Cargo
Taxes, Conservatism in Financial Reporting, and the Value Relevance of Accounting Data
Taxes, Financial Distress, and Capital Structure in the United States and Japan
Techniques Utilizing Memory Reference Characteristics for Improved Performance
Telomere Length and Chromosomal Instability in the Neoplastic Progression of Barrett's Esophagus
Temperature-dependant [sic] Smart Bead Adhesion: A Versatile Platform for Biomolecular Immobilization in Microfluidic Devices
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Modern Shelf Sedimentation in the Adriatic Sea
Temporal and Spatial Variability of Hydrothermal Fluxes Within a Mid-Ocean Ridge Segment
Testing the similarity heuristic for conjunction errors and related probablistic reasoning errors
Testing two computational models of preference: the person trade-off and cumulative prospect theory
Textual Histories of Early Jewish Writings: Multivalences Vs. the Quest For "the Original"
Thai parents' experiences of parenting preterm infants during hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit
The "Piano Without Hammers": Reconsidering Debussy's Pianism
The "myth of Amherst" and the American Voice: Emily Dickinson Through the Music of Arthur Farwell, Ernst Bacon, and Robert Baksa
The "piano Without Hammers": Reconsidering Debussy's Pianism
The "saw-it-all-along" effect: demonstrations of visual hindsight bias
The ADAMs: A Novel Family of Cell Surface Proteins with Adhesive and Protease Activity
The Activity and Distribution of Nitrogen Cycling Bacteria in the Black Sea
The Age of Sadness: A Study of Naturalism in Taiwanese Literature Under Japanese Colonization
The Applicability of Hydraulic Theory to Gap Winds Observed in the Wipp Valley
The Application of Microfluidics to the Study of Biological Processes
The Association Between HMG-CoA Inhibitor Use and Breast Cancer Risk & a Validation Study of Patient Interview Data and Pharmacy Records for Antihypertensive, Statin, and Antidepressant Medication Use
The Association of Demographic and Clinical Characteristics with Pain in Persons Who Received Hospice Care in the United States
The Ballad of Baby Doe: Historical Accuracy and Gender Ideology in the Characterization of Augusta and Babe Doe
The Biosynthesis of Manumycin Type Metabolites
The Buffoon and the Magician: Poetry, Spectacle and Critical Discourse in the Works of Pier Paolo Pasolini
The Cell Cycle Phase Specificity of DNA Damage Induced by Radiation, Peroxide and Chemotherapeutic Drugs Targeting Topoisomerase II, and CD4 and CD8 Receptor Expression on Apoptotic Human Lymphocytes
The Chemically Peculiar Nature of Stars With Planets: Searching For Signatures of Accretion in Stellar Photospheres
The Chicano communal spirit: a northwest historical perspective
The Choral Music of Gloria Wilson Swisher
The Clustering of Regression Models Method With Applications in Gene Expression Data
The Communication Role of Influentials in Promoting Condom Use in Rural Tswana Settings
The Conductor's Toolkit: A Diagnostic Intonation Software Design Proposal
The Contexts and Production of William Blake's the Four Zoas: Towards a Theory of the Manuscript
The Continuing Existence of Firms With a Market-to-book Ratio Less Than 1
The Creation and Adhesion Testing of Patterned Silane Surfaces
The Cultural Power of Law: The Criminalization, Organization, and Mobilization of Independent Midwifery
The Dependence of Clouds and Their Radiative Impacts On the Large-scale Vertical Velocity
The Design and Building of an Alternating Current Scanning Tunneling Microscope for Nanometer Scale Imaging of Insulating Surfaces
The Design and Implementation of a Region-based Parallel Programming Language
The Design and Synthesis of Endosomal Disruptive Polymers
The Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Phosphorescent Metal Complexes
The Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Template Assembled Synthetic Proteins
The Desire For Sohbet: An Ethnography of Communication in Turkey
The Determinants of Gender Inequality in Higher Education
The Deuterium Content of Atmospheric Molecular Hydrogen
The Development of an Associate of Arts Degree in Jazz Studies Through a System of Shared Governance: A Case Study
The Development of the Singing Voice By Franziska Martenssen-lohmann: A Critical Translation
The Development of the Solo Oboe Genre: A Study of Five Works From the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
The Devlopment of Cal Tjader's Latin Jazz Vibraphone Style
The Digital Challenge to the Public Interest: A Policy Analysis of the Regulation of Virtual Advertising in the European Union
The Discourse of Conflict: A New Reading of Court-Ordered Cesareans
The Distributional Effects of Transportation Policies: The Case of a Bridge Toll for Seattle
The Dynamics of Gap Flow Over Idealized Topography
The Ecology of Invasions in a Minnesota Grassland: Characteristics of Invasive Species and Invaded Communities and the Effects of Global Change
The Economic and Clinical Outcomes and Policy Implications of Gene Expression Profiling in Breast Cancer Care
The Effect of Linguistic Explicitness and English Language Proficiency On the Credibility of Online Medical Information
The Effect of Phosphodiesterase 5A Inhibitors on Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Function in Dystrophin-Deficient (MDX) Mice
The Effect of Rain On Microwave Backscatter From the Ocean: Measurements and Modeling
The Effect of Veteran Status on Spatial and Socioeconomic Mobility: Outcomes for Black and White Men in the Late 20th Century
The Effect of the Use of an Aural Model During Score Study On Undergraduate Music Majors' Conducting Gesture
The Effectiveness of Regional Growth Centers Policy in Increasing Transit Use
The Effects of Meridional Heating Gradients On the Atmospheric General Circulation and Its Variability
The Effects of Newspaper Competition On Local News Reporting and Content Diversity
The Effects of Non-DLVO Forces in Colloidal Aggregation
The Effects of Passive Neutralizing and Binding Immunoglobulin on SHIV Infection in Neonatal Pig-Tailed Macaques
The Effects of Visual and Aural Congruence On the Sight-reading of Music Notation
The Effects of the Ceo's Stock Option Portfolio on Stock Return Volatility and Firm Performance
The Emergence of Corporate Forms in China, 1872-1949: An Analysis on Institutional Transformation
The Evolution and Composition of Rna Polymerase Iv in Plants
The Experience of Exclusion: Strategies of Adaptation Among Immigrants in Post-Apartheid Urban South Africa
The Flute Music of Carl Reinecke
The Formal World of Viennese Classicism
The Frequency and Extent of Hydrologic Disturbances in Streams in the Puget Lowland, Washington
The Functions of FE65 Proteins and Their Roles in Dementias of the Alzheimer Type
The Future Church: Identity and Persuasion On Congregational Websites
The Genetic and Endocrine Bases of the Evolution of Complete Metamorphosis in Insects
The Geomorphology of Puget Sound Beaches
The Great Secularization Experiment: Assessing the Communist Attempt to Eliminate Religion
The Guise of Deliberation: A Rhetorical Criticism of Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Site Authorization Controversy
The Heat and Salt Balances of the Upper Ocean Beneath a Spatially Variable Melting Sea Ice Cover
The History of an Incident and Its Lessons: Communal Violence Among Arabs in Israel
The Impact of Accounting Smoothing on Asset Allocation in Corporate Pension Plans: Evidence From the U.k.
The Impact of Earnings Management on Price Momentum
The Impact of Enhanced Olfactory Deposition and Retention on Direct Nose-to-Brain Drug Delivery
The Impact of Genetic Variation and Tissue Selective Expression of the Multidrug Resistant Transporter P-Glycoprotein: Evaluation in Recombinant Cells and Development of Transgenic Mouse Models
The Impact of Open Market Share Repurchases on Volatility and Liquidity: Are Open Market Share Repurchase Firms Making the Market for Their Own Shares?
The Impact of Superstar Ceos on Financial Reporting Practices and Firm Performance
The Implications of Cash Flow Forecasts for Investors' Pricing and Managers' Reporting of Earnings
The Implicit Self-concept: The Structure of the Self-concept and Its Influence On Attitude Formation At an Unconscious Level
The Importance of Selected Variables in Predicting Student Participation in Junior High Choir
The Importance of Social Movements' Networks in Development Communication: Lessons from the Zapatista Movement in Chiapas, Mexico
The Indepth Magnetotelluric Experiment On the Tibetan Plateau and Its Implications
The Influence of Alcohol on Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity: CYP2E1 Induction and Selective Mitochondrial Glutathione Depletion
The Influence of French Baroque Dance On the Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach
The Influence of Hemispheric Asymmetry and Realistic Basic States On Tropical Stationary Waves in a Shallow Water Model
The Influence of High Electric Fields on Water and Methanol Surface Electrochemistry
The Influence of Institutional Environments on the Relationship Between Diversification and Firm Performance
The Influence of Poloidal Magnetic Fields On Astrophysical Outflows
The Influence of Seasonal and Climatic Environmental Changes On Plankton in the Marine Mixed Layer
The Influence of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart On the Creative Life and Output of Ludwig Van Beethoven: A Cross-genre Investigation
The Institutions of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries and Socialeconomic Outcomes: A Justice Perspective
The Integration of the Suburban Shopping Center with Its Surroundings: Redmond Town Center
The Interactions of Group B Streptococci with Human Fibronectin
The Intersection of History and Place: Socio-spatial Strategies For Housing Women and Artists
The Italian Invasion of Libya in 1911 and the Nineteen Years of Libyan Resistance
The Keyboard Idiom of Jehan Alain: A Survey of Musical Structures in Representative Works
The Keyboard Idiom of Jehan Alain: a Survey of Musical Structures in Representative Works
The Large-Scale Circulation of the Deep North Pacific by Inverse Methods
The Life and Concepts of Choral Conductor William Dawson Hall (b. 1934)
The Life and Works of Peter R. Hallock (b. 1924)
The Linguistic, Musical and Cultural Delicacy of Translation: Korean, Japanese, English, and German Versions of La Traviata
The Liszt Transcriptions For Piano of Songs By Beethoven, Chopin, and Mendelssohn: Inspiration, Process and Intention
The Location Stack
The Macrophage Response to Biomaterial Topography: Gene Expression, Integrin Signaling, and Surface Adhesions
The Malaysian Anomaly: Understanding the Consequences of Affirmative Action in the Developing World
The Management of Water Resources Using a Mid-range Climate Forecast Model
The Mask of the Seducer: Deceit, Disguise, and Seduction in the Da Ponte Operas of Mozart
The Measurement and Modeling of Large Particle Transport in the Atmosphere
The Mechanism of Osteoinduction by Nacre: Effects of Soluble Proteins and Insoluble Matrix
The Mechanism of Voltage Dependent Gating of the NaChBac Prokaryotic Sodium Channel
The Moral Structure of Social Control
The Music of Daniel Bukvich: A Biography, Analysis of Selected Works, and Annotated Guide to the Complete Works 1978-2005
The Nature and Impact of Information Problem Solving in the Middle School Classroom
The Nature of Adjoint Sensitivities With Respect to Model Parameters and Their Use in Adaptive Data Assimilation
The Nature of Losses and the Value Relevance of Earnings and Book Values
The Neurosecretory Vesicle Protein Phogrin Has Phosphatidylinositol Phosphatase Activity That Is Involved in Insulin Secretion
The Normal Kernel Coupler: An Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method for Efficiently Sampling From Multi-modal Distributions
The Normalization of Two-channel Microarrays
The Oklahoma Codex: Spanish Matters in Indian Text : the History of the Indies Up to the Conquest of Mexico, Taken from the Library of This Court, Madrid in October of 1778, Book Two : Chapters 1-30
The Once and Future Bobby Sands: A Critique of the Material Rhetorical Appeal of the 1981 Hunger Strike in Long Kesh Prison
The Origin, Measurement, and Fate of Volatiles in Hydrothermal Systems through Plume Studies, Time Series Analysis, and Sensor Development
The Paleomagnetic Field's Long-Term Mean Intensity and Secular Variation
The Peculiar Behavior of Baroclinic Waves During the Midwinter Suppression of the Pacific Storm Track
The Performance of Fauré's La Bonne Chanson, Opus 61, in Practice
The Persistence and Pricing of Earnings, Accruals and Cash Flows When Firms Have Large Book-tax Differences
The Pokémon Phenomenon: A Case Study of Media Influence and Audience Agency in Children's Consumer Culture
The Poor Predictive Performance of Asset Pricing Models
The Population Dynamics of Modern Self-Help/Mutual-Aid: Organizational and Institutional Change in the Civil Sector, 1955-2000
The Prediction of Adhesion in Filled Polymeric Composites
The Programmatic Use of the Woodwinds in Selected Operas of Verdi
The Protein-protein Interactions of the Molecular Chaperone, Alphab Crystallin: An In-depth Analysis of Structure, Function, and Mechanism
The Re-enchantment of Feminism: Countering Fundamentalisms, Encountering the Sacred
The Regulation of LIF- and CNTF-Mediated Signal Transduction
The Relationship Between Old and New in a Cultural Landscape: Portuguese Cultural Center For the Performing Arts
The Relationship Between Viscoelastic Relaxation and Ligament Morphometry
The Relevant Knowledge Pool: Learning From What Others Have Learned From You
The Return Period of Soil Liquefaction
The Rhythm of Form: Compositional Processes in the Music of Sofia Gubaidulina
The Right of Publicity in the Global Market: Is James Dean a Living Dead Even in Korea?
The Role of Habitat Quality in Shaping Evolutionary Dynamics, Population Dynamics, and Conservation Planning
The Role of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-Related Protein-1 in Human Breast Cancer
The Role of Mechanical Tension in Fibronectin Matrix Assembly
The Role of North Atlantic Deep Water Formation in the Thermohaline Circulation
The Role of PDE4 and cAMP in Chronic Inflammation
The Role of PI3k and ERK/MAPK Signal Transduction Cascades in Long-Term Memory Formation
The Role of Particle-Associated Microbial Communities and Extracellular Enzymes in Carbon Cycling on Arctic Shelves
The Role of Person-organization Fit and Person-job Fit in Managers' Hiring Decisions: The Effects of Work Status and Occupational Characteristics of Job Openings
The Role of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Q in Development and Disease
The Role of Retinoic Acid Receptor Beta Isoforms in Breast Cancer Cells and Human Mammary Epithelial Cells
The Role of Runt-Related Transcription Factor 2 in Arterial Smooth Muscle Cell Mineralization
The Role of Sorptive Processes in the Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles of the Amazon River Basin
The Role of TNF-alpha Converting Enzyme in Liver Injury and Regeneration
The Role of Versican in the Biology of Smooth Muscle Cells and in the Engineering of Elastin Rich Blood Vessel Substitutes
The Role of Visual Subsystems in Drosophila Phototaxis
The Role of the Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter 1 (ENT1) on the Absorption and Disposition of Ribavirin in the Mouse
The Role of the Nucleoside Transporters in the Absorption and Distribution of the Nucleoside Drugs Ribavirin and Gemcitabine
The Role of the Superior Colliculus in the Feedback Control of Saccadic Eye Movement in the Rhesus Monkey
The Role of the Transcription Factor NF-kappa B in Hepatocyte Proliferation and Apoptosis
The Roles of the High Infinity cAMP-Specific Phosphodiesterase 8B in Adrenal Steroidogenesis, Anxiety, and Learning
The Romantic Outlaw Narrative
The Roots of the Religious, Ethnic, and National Identity of the Bosnian-Herzegovinan Muslims
The Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Chromosomal Passenger, Bir1
The Sacred Choral Music of Normand Lockwood: An Analysis and Critical Edition of the Mass of the Holy Ghost
The Scattering Support and the Inverse Scattering Problem At Fixed Frequency
The Seasonal Footprinting Mechanism in the Csiro Coupled General Circulation Models and in Observations
The Seasonal-Interannual Surface Layer Heat Balance in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean
The Secret Violence of Henry Miller
The Seen and the Unseen: Hidden Allegorical Links in the Trinity Season Chorale Cantatas of J.S. Bach
The Seen and the Unseen: Hidden Allegorical Links in the Trinity Season Chorale Cantatas of J.s. Bach
The Shaping of Modest Moussorgsky's Musical Language: An Assimilation of Social, Artistic and Folk Influences
The Significance of the Available Media and Modes of Communication at a Television Station
The Slashdot Effect: Analysis of a Large-scale Public Conversation On the World Wide Web
The Sociology of Inheritance: Privileged Parlance & Unearned Rights
The Soft Power of Violence: Towards a Definition of Combat Dancing
The Songs For Voice and Piano of Edward Elgar: A Reappraisal
The Songs of Seymour Barab
The Sources of Debt Matter, Too
The Specialization Choices and Performance of Venture Capital Funds
The Spring Phytoplankton Bloom and Vertical Velocities in the Stratified and Deep Convecting Labrador Sea, as Observed by Seagliders
The Star Thrust Experiment, Rotating Magnetic Field Current Drive in the Field Reversed Configuration
The Stellar Populations and Star Formation History of Ngc 6822
The Story of the Soni Ventorum Wind Quintet
The Structure and Dynamics of Columbia Gorge Gap Flow Revealed By High-resolution Numerical Modeling
The Struggle Over Land Rights: A Study of Indigenous Property Rights in Indonesia
The Study of Seating Arrangement Effect On Choral Blend: Positioning Singers in Three Seating Arrangements According to Individual Volume
The Synthesis, Design, and Applications of Lanthanide Cored Complexes
The Thermodynamic and Kinetic Impacts of Organics On Marine Aerosols
The Tipping Point: Preventive Treatment Exacerbates Drug-Resistant Malaria During Pregnancy
The Tradition of Making: An Urban Craft and Cultural Center in Seattle's Pioneer Square
The Transient Receptor Potential Channel 1 (TRPC1) Mediates Calcium-regulated Differentiation in Oral Gingival Keratinocytes
The Transmission of Ghanaian Music By Culture-bearers: From Master Musician to Music Teacher
The Transportation Crisis in Bangkok: An Exploratory Evaluation
The Two Antilles: Power and Representation in the West Indies
The Urbanization of Colonial Brazil: An Incremental Approach
The Use of Weighted Logrank Statistics in Group Sequential Testing and Non-proportional Hazards
The Use of a Flexible Fiber Optic Scope to View the Oral Cavities of Experienced and Less Experienced Clarinetists
The Utility of Aza-peptides for the Activation of Cd-four Helper T-cells and as Potential Therapeutics in Autoimmune Disease
The Utilization of Genetic Mouse Models to Study Protein Kinase A Signaling in Body Weight Regulation and Fertility
The Value Relevance of Revenue for Internet Firms: Does Reporting Grossed-up or Barter Revenue Make a Difference?
The Violin and Piano Sonatas of Charles Ives: A Methodical Approach to Performance With Motivic Analysis
The Western Flute in China: History, Pedagogy, and New Trends
The William Primrose Transcriptions: Primrose's Rise to Eminence and the Expansion of the Viola Repertoire Through His Transcriptions
The abstinence violation effect in a sample of incarcerated sexual offenders: a reconsideration of the terms lapse and relapse
The behavioral and physiological effects of ecotourism on the Sulawesi black macaques at the Tangkoko Nature Reserve, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
The central executive model: an examination of its utility to predict changes in drinking behavior among people abusing alcohol
The combined effects of forest fragmentation and elevation on species richness, behavior, and ecology of social Hymenoptera in Costa Rica
The consumer/case manager working alliance and its relationship to dual-disordered client outcomes in a representative payee treatment program
The development of drinking in urban American Indian adolescents: a longitudinal examination of self-derogation theory
The effect of head of bed elevation on cerebrovascular dynamics in mild or moderate cerebral vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
The effect of substance abuse on pain management for traumatic patients
The effect of supplemental enteral protein on the postnatal growth of premature infants less than 1500 grams birth weight
The effects of alcohol, executive cognitive function, individual differences, and contextual variables on college men's perceptions of unwanted sexual advances
The effects of aversive racism on teachers' assessments of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder among African American youth
The effects of methylphenidate, an adjuvant medication for outpatients with pain due to cancer: a pilot study
The effects of religiosity on depression symptomatology in college-age students
The encoding properties of gyroscopic mechanosensory neurons in Lepidoptera
The experience of bulimia: a phenomenologic investigation
The experience of stress in air travel situations: development of the air travel stress scale
The face of masking: examining central tendencies and between-person variability in display management and display rules
The health effects of attending college for Latina undergraduate students and their families
The impact of negative emotions on the efficacy of treatment for parasuicide in borderline personality disorder
The impact of validation on emotional responding
The influence of significant relationships on sobriety decisions and sobriety processes for Tlingit and Haida people
The influence of similarity on perceptions of risk for negative outcomes: two laboratory experiments and a field investigation of breast cancer survivors
The interrelationship between and meaning of power and opportunity, nursing leadership, organizational characteristics of magnet institutions, and clinical nurse job satisfaction
The intersectionality of diabetes and the cultural-political contexts of urban American Indians
The meaning of U.S. childbirth for Mexican immigrant women
The molecular and genetic basis of comorbidities in Dravet syndrome
The molecular basis of a critical period for afferent input-dependent neuron survival in mouse cochlear nucleus
The nature of mothers' developing relationships with their internationally adopted Chinese daughters
The politics of mental illness in a prison control unit: a discourse analysis
The potential of family dinner: an observational study comparing social communication patterns in families of children with autism and families of typically developing children
The relationship between cruciferous vegetables and human gut microbiota
The relationship between length of hospital stay and outcomes after discharge from hip fracture surgery in Japan and the United States
The relationship between menstrual cycle and food intake in Taiwanese cycling women
The relationship between parent training and parent-child interaction in autism
The relationship between stressful life events, social support and depression among adolescents in Taiwan
The relationship between ventilator inspired gas temperature and tracheal injury in neonates
The relationship of comfort and spirituality to quality of life among long-term care facility residents in southern Taiwan
The relationship of daily sleep to respiratory symptoms and lung function in children with asthma
The reproductive biology and behavior of the sun bear Ursus malayanus
The response of blood folate levels to folic acid supplementation: results from a crossover trial
The role of JNK signaling and Bcl-2 in neuronal function: from apoptosis to neuron excitability
The role of ethnicity in parenting practices and children's behavior problems
The role of mesolimbic dopamine in the motivation for sodium and food: voltammetric assessment of dopamine transporter activity and pharmacological antagonism
The role of motivation in the executive function and symptom expression of young children with autism spectrum disorders
The role of myeloperoxidase in inflammatory diseases
The role of the NMDA receptor NR2 subunit in synaptogenesis and synaptic stabilization
The role of the corticothalamic projection in the primate motor thalamus
The roles of SV2 and SVOP proteins in regulating neurotransmission
The serine hydrolase ABHD6 regulates endocannabinoid signaling
The situation and the person: a social-cognitive approach to modeling and predicting people's unique patterns of emotional and behavioral responses to complex social situations
The social biology of the sweat bee Megalopta genalis
The structure and function of basal ganglia output in a songbird
The subfornical organ and vagus nerve: a similar role in hypernatremic thirst demonstrated by hypothalamic fos-immunoreactivity
The traits as situational sensitivities (TASS) model: a more accurate way to predict behavior
The transition from progenitor cell to neuron: fibroblast growth factors and their role in retinal ganglion cell neurogenesis
The use of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in Washington & Oregon emergency departments
The Übermensch Comes to Scandinavia: Rereading Hamsun and Dinesen in the Light of Nietzsche's Philosophy
Theoretical Foundation For Common Generic Block in Assembly Production
Theoretical Studies of Pd On Mgo(100) Surface with Density Functional and Transition State Theories
Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Diradicals, Pyramidalized Alkenes, and Bent Alkynes
Theory Guided Design and Molecular Engineering of Organic Materials for Enhanced Second-order Nonlinear Optical Properties
Thermo-Mechanical/Structural Properties and Oxygen Permeation Behavior of Mixed Ionic Electronic Conductors La(1-x)Sr(x)CoO(3-delta)
Thermophoretic Force Measurements of Spherical and Non-spherical Particles
Thick Disks in External Galaxies
Thinking as or thinking as if: children's and young adults' conceptions of a robot dinosaur in relation to natural and artifactual entities
Thinking of one's purpose versus focusing on the process: how behavioral representations function as a coping strategy
Three Essays on Managing Information Systems Security: Patch Management, Learning Dynamics, and Security Software Market
Time Use, Strategic Behaviors, Technical Content, and Cognitive and Motivational Profiles in Collegiate Vocal Music Practice
Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) Characterization of Conformation and Orientation of Adsorbed Protein Films
Time-resolved Absorption Studies of Chlorine Dioxide Photochemistry in Solution
Time-resolved Resonance Raman and Femtosecond Pump-probe Study of Chlorine Dioxide (oclo) Photochemistry in Solution
Time-space Tradeoffs for Nonuniform Computation
To know me is to keep me: self-verification, validation, and therapy dropout in the treatment of borderline personality disorder
Tomographically Aided Study of Field Reversed Configuration Plasma Rotation and Stability
Tonotopic map of potassium currents and current clamp responses in chick auditory hair cells using an intact basilar papilla
Tools For Studying Gross Nuclear Organization, Dynamics and Epigenetic Modifications of Chromosomes
Tools for Flexible Electrochemical Microfabrication
Topics in Constrained Optimal Control: Spacecraft Formation Flying, Constrained Attitude Control, and Rank Minimization Problems
Toru Takemitsu's Japanese Gardens: An Application of Superset/subset Networks to the Analysis of the Three Orchestral Compositions
Toward Directly Mediated Interaction in Computer Supported Environments
Toward a More Complex Understanding of Urban Stream Function: Assessing Post-Developmental Recovery Period and Channel Morphology and the Relationship Between Urban Built Form, Land Cover Pattern, and Hydrologic Flow Regime
Toward a Theory of Conducting Motion
Towards Confident and Informed Musicianship: A Curricular Synthesis of Theory, Ear Training, and Harmony, Achieved Through the Acquisition of Keyboard Skills
Towards a Dynamic Pedagogy: Contemporary Pedagogical Approaches to Basic Violin Technique
Towards a Generative Model of Natural Motion
Towards an Improved Understanding of Deep Convection Patterns Over the Tropical Oceans
Towards an Integrated Approach to Urban Watershed Planning: Linking Vegetation Patterns, Human Preferences, and Stream Biotic Conditions in the Puget Sound Lowland
Towards an Understanding of Seismic Performance of 3D Structures: Stability & Reliability
Tracking and manipulating myelin dynamics after spinal cord injury
Trajectories of maternal depression over seven years: relations with child psychophysiology and behavior
Transcriptional Control of Stroma-Dependent Apoptosis in the Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
Transcriptional Regulation by Distinct Wnt Signaling Pathways in Melanoma
Transcriptional Regulation: Applications Toward Raav-based Gene Therapies in Striated Muscle
Transforming personal reality: a descriptive study of the experiences of women diagnosed initially with advanced stage breast cancer
Transgenerational Musical Play: Oral History Accounts of Girls' Musical Engagement
Transient Mountain Waves in an Evolving Synoptic-scale Flow and Their Interaction With Large Scales
Translating the Nakazuri: Translation of Eighteen Contemporary Japanese Short Stories and Critical Essay
Transmembrane Gla Proteins
Transport of Valproic Acid in the Brain: Involvement of Multiple Organic Anion Transporters
Transtibial Amputee Gait Adaptation: Correlating Residual Limb Compliance to Energy Storing and Return Prosthetic Foot Compliance in Bouncing Gait
Treatment Patterns, Costs and Outcomes of Systemic Chemotherapy, Adjuvant Intravesical Therapy, and Surveillance for Urothelial Bladder Cancer
Treatment decision making in older adults newly diagnosed with myeloma
Treatment of shame in borderline personality disorder
Trees, Snow, and Flooding: An Investigation of Forest Canopy Effects On Snow Accumulation and Melt at the Plot and Watershed Scales in the Pacific Northwest
Treponema Pallidum Repeat Protein K and Heterologous Protection Against Syphilis
Tridentate, Dianionic Ligands for Alkane Functionalization with Platinum(ii) and Oxidation of Iridium(iii) Hydrides with Dioxygen
Tropical Climate Sensitivities: Clouds, Water Vapor, Radiation and Large-scale Circulation
Tropical Precipitation in Relation to the Large-scale Circulation
Tryptophan hydroxylase gene polymorphisms and irritable bowel syndrome
Tune, Tot and Kin: Constructing Music Praxis in a Humanities Course For Undergraduate Nonmusic Majors
Tunneling in Hydrogen Atom Transfer Reactions of Ruthenium Complexes, Nitroxyl Radicals, and Hydroxylamines
Tunog Pil-am: Creating and Reinventing the Sound of the Filipino Natives of America
Turbulent Entrainment Fluxes Within the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool
Turbulent Mixing near Rough Topography
Turbulent Structure and Emissions of Strongly-pulsed Jet Diffusion Flames
Turning Off the Light Response in Rod and Cone Photoreceptors
Twenty-four hour light exposure experiences and circadian rest-activity patterns in mothers and infants
Two Essays on the Expansion of Organizational Boundaries
Tyzen Hsiao's Ilha Formosa Requiem: A Complete Background, Musical Analysis, and Performance Guide
UTI Antibiotics: Mechanism of Transport and in Vivo Interaction with Cranberry Juice
Uav Guidance Control Laws For Autonomous Coordinated Tracking of a Moving Ground Target
Ubiquitin Ligases Everywhere: From Auxin Receptor to HIV Infection
Ultra-high Resolution Imaging and Artery-vein Separation of Blood Pool Contrast-enhanced Mra
Ultrasensitive One-and Two-dimensional Capillary Electrophoresis for Single Cell Analysis
Ultrasonically Aided Electrospray Source For Monodisperse, Charged Nanoparticles
Ultrasound Plethysmography: Signal Processing and Application
Ultrasound-enhanced Ocular Drug Delivery
Ultrasound-mediated Vascular Bioeffects: Applications for Hemostasis and Sclerotherapy
Unconscious analysis of non-adjacent letters in four- and five-letter words
Uncovering the unknown of government policy decision-making process at senior levels: multiple case study
Under the Radar: The Subversive Work of American Children's Books, 1930-1980
Understanding Community: The Implications of Information Flow and Social Interactions in Online Discussion Groups
Understanding Interactions Between Marine Bacteria and Phytoplankton: The Influence of Phytoplankton Photorespiration on Diversity and Succession of Glycolate-Utilizing Bacteria
Understanding Taiwanese home healthcare nurse managers' empowerment and international learning experiences: community-based participatory research approach using a US home healthcare learning tour
Understanding and Creating Accessible Touch Screen Interactions For Blind People
Understanding and Extending the Li-duan Theorem
Understanding and Overcoming the Intracellular Barriers Associated With Nonviral Nucleic Acid Delivery to Neurons
Understanding body image among African American women
Understanding the Causes of Streamflow Changes in the Eurasian Arctic
Understanding the Challenges: Domestic Violence Agencies and Social Change
Understanding the Hydrologic Effects of Frozen Soil
Understanding the acculturation experiences of American Indian nursing students
Understanding the lived experiences of depressed Mien refugees who have resided in the United States for ten or more years
Understanding the pathways for pre-adolescent girls to social deviancy and possible early substance use initiation
Understanding violence against taxicab drivers
Unexpected Feminisms: How Popular Culture Brought Feminism Beyond the Movement
Uniformity of the Patent Policy in Technology Transfer in Thailand: To What Extent Can the Bayh-dole Act Concept Be Adapted For the Thai Technology Transfer System?
Unique Dynamic Behaviors of Ice Divides: Siple Dome and the Rheological Properties of Ice
Unraveling the 3-D Character of Clinoforms: Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea
Unraveling the Complex Drug-Drug Interactions of the HIV Protease Inhibitors Ritonavir and Nelfinavir
Untangling Mitochondrial Mutagenesis and Aging in Mice
Untangling the Knot: Immigration, Intermarriage, and Assimilation of Asian Ancestry Groups in the United States
Urban Form Correlates of Crime
Use of an Independent Visual Background to Alleviate Simulator Sickness in the Virtual Environments That Employ Wide-Field Displays
User Perceptions of Digital Reference Services
Using Climate Model Ensemble Forecasts for Seasonal Hydrologic Prediction
Using Cognitive Load Theory to Explain the Accrual Anomaly
Using Ensemble Data Assimilation For Predictability and Dynamics
Using Known Schemas and Mappings to Construct New Semantic Mappings
Using Statistical and Knowledge-Based Approaches For Literature-Based Discovery
Using Types to Enforce Architectural Structure
Using causal modeling to predict the impact of caregiving on depression among elderly Taiwanese
Using community-based participatory research in the development of a consumer-driven cultural competency tool
Utilities for mental health outcomes among individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders and schizophrenia: a feasibility study
Value-based Design of Electronic Commerce Servers
Values and barriers related to credentialing: examining the underutilization of the community/public health nursing credential
Variability in CYP3A Expression and Metabolism: Influence of Genetics and Probe Substrate Selection
Variability of Tprk and the Immune Response to Tprk Variants During Treponema Pallidum Infection
Variable Importance in Predictive Models: Separating Borrowing Information and Forming Contrasts
Variable Importance in Tree-based Models
Ventral tegmental area modulation of hippocampal mnemonic functions
Vernal Migratory Behavior in Captive White-crowned Sparrows, Zonotrichia Leucophrys
Vibrato On the Cello: An Objective Analysis, Current Understanding and Teaching Guide
View-dependent Image-based Techniques for Fast Rendering of Complex Environments
Vingt Regards Sur L'enfant-jésus: Messiaen's Means of Conveying Extra-musical Subtext
Violence Against Women in Post-mao China: International Human Rights Norms and Local Law
Viral Adaptations to Life in the Cold
Viscoelastic Processing and Characterization of High-performance Polymeric Composite Systems
Visions of Europe: The Semiotic Production of Transnational Identity in Contemporary European Visual Discourse
Visual object perception under divided attention
Visualization for Biological Models, Simulation, and Ontologies
Visualization of stimulus convergence in amygdala neurons during associative learning
Visually guided locomotion: behavior, chemical inactivation, and electrophysiology
Voices from the frontline: findings and practical considerations of a critical ethnographic study
Vom Barbaren Zum Aufgeklärten Herrscher: Zur Entwicklung Des Türkenbildes Im Deutschsprachigen Drama Des 17. Jahrhunderts
Vulnerable Girls, Resilient Boys?: Gender, Officials' Assessments and the Processing of Juvenile Offenders
Wandering Rocks: For Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Piano
Watching the World Sweat: Development and Utilization of an In-Situ Conductivity Sensor for Monitoring Chloride Dynamics in High Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids at Divergent Plate Boundaries
Waterfront Connections: A Dynamic Learning Environment For Downtown Seattle
Wave Propagation Algorithms For Multicomponent Compressible Flows With Applications to Volcanic Jets
Wave Propagation Algorithms On Curved Manifolds With Applications to Relativistic Hydrodynamics
Wave-mean-flow Interaction and the Annular Mode
Webcrawler: Finding What People Want
Weighing in on Inequality: Obesity Among Low and High Ses Children
Well-being during the menopausal transition and early postmenopause
What Has Happened to Seattle's Black Community?: Exploring the Changes in the Central District
What Is the Indonesian Responsibility For High Seas Fisheries?
What Shapes Employees' Decisions to Share Knowledge in Real Work Practices: An Exploration of Knowledge Sharing Processes and Factors Shaping Workers' Knowledge Sharing When Performing a Task
What do we know about adolescent risky sexual behavior: a multi-level environmental approach
What does e pluribus unum mean anyway?: the effects of instruction on ethnic identity development and political attitudes among adolescents
What's Happening Around Herbig Ae Stars?: Investigating Circumstellar Activity in Young Intermediate Mass Stars With Optical and Near-infrared Spectroscopy
When Does Money Matter?: Parents' Perceptions of Paying for College and Students' Expectations, Preparedness, and Enrollment
When Machines Play Chopin: Musical Instruments and the Spirit of Musical Performance in Nineteenth-century German Literature
When Police Dogs Attacked: Iconic News Photographs and the Construction of History, Mythology, and Political Discourse
When wife has stage IV breast cancer: Taiwanese couples' daily lived experiences
Which Arias Better Represent Susanna's Character: The Original or Replaced Arias?
White Backlash Revisited: Consumer Response to Model's Race in Print Advertisements
William Mitchell Ramsay: An Intellectual Biography
William Penn's Garland Songs: An Orchestration and Examination of Music and Text Association
Wing Flexibility and Design for Animal Flight
With the Power of Soul: Jimi Hendrix in Band of Gypsys
With/in: For Trombone and Wind Ensemble
Within Wedlock and Out-of-Wedlock County-Level Birthrates, 1980 and 1990
Wnt Signaling Regulated by Frizzled and HIPK1
Women's and Men's Economic Roles in Northern Viet Nam During an Era of Market Reform
Women's sexual behavior, attitudes, and alcohol-related sex risk following sexual assault in childhood, adulthood, or both
Women, bodies, and self-surveillance: recovery from anorexia : a discourse of social analysis and an analysis regarding discourse
Worry, stress, and family: critical signifiers of high blood pressure by rural dwelling African Americans
Writing For Saxophones: A Guide to the Tonal Palette of the Saxophone Family For Composers, Arrangers, and Performers
X Chromosome Upregulation and Its Biological Significance in Mammals
X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Three Proteins: The Novel Structures of the Corn Hageman Factor Inhibitor, the G-protein Coupled Receptor Rhodopsin, and the Ultra-high Resolution Structure of Carbonic Anhydrase
X-ray Crystallographic Studies of Two Trypanosomatid Aldolases
Yoga and diabetes self-management: the mind-body connection
Young Singers and the Repertoire
Young adults with schizophrenia: defining happiness, building hope
Zhukovsky and the Germans: A Study in Romantic Hermeneutics
Zum Fest Der Heiligen Cäcilia By Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel: A Performing Edition
cAMP Signaling and Regulation by Phosphodiesterases in Trypanosomes
cFLIP Regulates Fas-Induced Apoptosis and Pro-Inflammatory Gene Expression in Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
End of automatically generated list.

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?thesis wdt:P279* wd:Q1266946. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q98970039. ?item wdt:P31 ?thesis. ?item wdt:P571 ?inception. filter (?inception > "1800-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime && ?inception < "2000-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
Through 1999
"A Solid Dose of Accurate Information": America's Unfilled Drug Advertising Prescription
"Maxing Out" and "Getting Deeked": Formal and Informal Work Organizations Among Rental Car Agents in Seattle, Washington
"We're Not Activists": Grassroots Organizing Among Seattle's Homeless Population
"creative Destruction" or "creative Cooperation"?: An Empirical Investigation of Technological Discontinuities and Their Effect On the Nature of Competition and Firm Performance
12 Variations On Paganini's 24th Caprice: An Analysis
19f Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy As a Tool to Study Clinical Pharmacokinetics: Fluvoxamine in the Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
A Brass Players' Guide to the Transcription and Performance of J.s. Bach
A Cartesian Grid Method For Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in Irregular Regions
A Cartesian Grid Method For Solving the Streamfunction Vorticity Equations in Irregular Geometries
A Communication Methodology Focused On Ecological Unitizing Designed to Enable Upper Elementary School Students to Generate Their Own Appropriate Learning Goals
A Comparative Study of Interaction Patterns Between Deviant and Non-Deviant Families
A Comparative Study of the Retail Structure as an Approach to Contemporary Arabic-Islamic Planning
A Comparison of Theory with Laboratory and Field Observations of Wave Propagation in Grease Ice
A Comparison of Three Trough to Peak Estimators Derived From Ambulatory Blood Pressure Data
A Computational Framework for Dynamic Soil-structure Interaction Analysis
A Computer Analysis of the Latin Poetry of the Fourth Century
A Consumer Welfare Approach to Measuring Accessibility
A Flexible Class of Models for Regression Modelling of Multivariate Failure Time Data
A Flush Mounted Microelectromechanical System (mems) Pressure and Flow Sensor Based Air Data System
A Framework for the Integration of Auditing Evidence.
A General Formulation of Quantum Transition State Theory
A Genetic Analysis of Cell Fate Determination and Transdetermination in Drosophila Imaginal Discs
A Graphical Methodology for Describing Interrater Variability in Ordinal Assessments Among Many Raters
A History of the Polyphonic Sequence in the Middle Ages
A Linear, Stochastic, Dynamical Model of El Nino/southern Oscillation
A Model Study of Natural Variability in the Arctic Climate
A Model of Aural Instruction Examined in a Case of Fiddle Teaching
A Model of Telecommuting Withdrawal: Employee Perceptions Predicting the Reduction or Stopping of Telework
A Modeling Study of Self-aggregation and Large-scale Control of Tropical Deep Convection
A Modeling Study of Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Flash Rate
A Modeling Study of the Subtropical Stratocumulus-to-trade-cumulus Transition
A Monte Carlo (MCNP) sensitivity code development and application
A New Adiabatic High Temperature Calorimeter and the Heat Capacity of Iron (ii) Bromide
A New Dual-stage Multicomponent Thermosetting Polymer System
A Novel A Kinase Anchoring Protein Targets PKA to Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels
A Polymetric Interpretation of the Swing Impulse: Rhythmic Stratification in Jazz
A Regression Modeling Approach for Describing Patterns of HIV Genetic Variation
A Repertory of Ideas: The Music of the Rwais, Berber Professional Musicians From Southwestern Morocco
A Sociometric Study of University of Washington Students of Japanese Ancestry: Spring Quarter, 1948
A Solid-state Deuterium Nmr Investigation of the Local Dynamics of Nucleotides in the Ecori Restriction Endonuclease Binding Site
A Solid-state Nmr Investigation of Structure and Dynamics in Nucleosides and Methylated Dna Oligonucleotides
A Splitting Algorithm For Multistage Stochastic Programming With Application to Hydropower Scheduling
A Statistical Model for Fluorescence Image Cytometry
A Structural Analysis and Performance Guideline of Ludus Tonalis By Paul Hindemith
A Study of Baroque Tempo Practices and Their Applications to the Violoncello Suite No. 2 By Johann Sebastian Bach
A Study of Cantonese Opera: Musical Source Materials, Historical Development, Contemporary Social Organization, and Adaptive Strategies
A Study of Keyboard Proficiency Requirements For Non-keyboard Music Majors in Universities and Conservatories
A Study of Natural Areas in the Central Residential District of Seattle
A Study of Scheduling Operations With Preemptive Jobs and Global System Interruptions
A Study of Spin Dynamics and Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids by Nmr
A Study of the Programmatic Aspects in the Wind Music of Michael Colgrass
A Study on Multinational Banks (mnbs): Their Identities and Determinants
A Survey of Flutists and Flute Activities in Eighteenth-century America
A Systems Approach to Recognition Imaging: Micropatterning and Scanning Force Microscopy in the Development of Engineered Biomaterials
A Systems Model of a Magazine Publishing Firm
A Tale of Two X-Linked Genes: Gene Expression, Localization and the Ohno Hypothesis
A Test of the Effects of Incentive Compensation Plans, Uncertainty, and Perceptions of Fairness on Performance, Pay Satisfaction, and Evaluations of Incentive Plans
A Theory of Collective Taste and Preference: The Sociology of Food and Wine
A Theory of Natural Gas Contracting, and a Contingent Claim Method of Evaluating Natural Gas Purchase Volume Options
A Transaction Cost Analysis of Defense Contracting
A Transient Polarization Grating Method to Study Tumbling and Bending Dynamics of Dna
A Two-layer Variable Infiltration Capacity Land Surface Representation for General Circulation Models
A behavioral and electrophysiological study on the effect of dietary fatty acids
A catalog of background patterns in neutron activation analysis of environmental samples
A causal model of physical and social functioning of older adults with urinary incontinence in Thailand
A comparison of EPPS scores obtained from the standard forced-choice procedure and a rating-scale procedure
A contextual analysis of alcohol consumption among college students: implications for the prevention of alcohol-related problems
A controlled investigation over time of chronic severe insomniacs
A cost benefit analysis of computer aided nuclear plant construction
A digital data acquisition system for a fusion plasma experiment
A discourse analysis of nursing diagnosis
A grounded theory study of women's perceptions of cardiovascular risk
A model of parental competence
A naturalistic study of sleep regulation in seasonal affective disorder: SAD, asleep, and unresponsive
A neuropsychological model of learning disability: classification of brain function in 9-14 year old children
A neutronics analysis of variations in lithium oxide fusion reactor blankets
A nursing intervention for perimenstrual turmoil: a longitudinal therapeutic trial
A philosophic approach to health risk theory development for public health nurses
A probabilistic assessment of the risk of turbine missile damage in Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Project No. 2
A prospective study of prenatal cocaine exposure: language, play, and global cognitive abilities in 2-year olds
A qualitative study of the implementation of a system to increase nurses' use of standardized nursing languages
A study of the neutron noise in an operating pressurized water reactor
A study of the processes controlling the isolation performance of a nuclear waste package in a deep geologic repository
A study of the relationship between resilience and personal constructions of the experience of moving to congregate housing among older adults
A study of women caregiving to husbands who have Alzheimer's disease: family know-how as a process of interpretive caring
A system for measuring the timing of high-current spark gap switches in a pulsed high voltage fusion experiment
A two-dimensional finite element model study of the near field of a high-level radioactive waste repository
A water inventory program with a concomitant diagnostic expert system for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory High Flux Isotope Reactor
Abra-cadaver: The Anti-detective Story in Postmodern Fiction.
Absorption of pteroylglutamic acid and pteroylpolyglutamic acid in women with a history of neural tube defect affected pregnancies vs. controls
Actinide hazard reduction by partitioning and transmutation in a coupled reactor system
Activation of Small Molecules by Cationic Rhenium Complexes
Adapting Multivariate Analysis for Monitoring and Modeling of Dynamic Systems
Additive Hazards Regression With Incomplete Covariate Data
Adhesive Formulation via Thermolytic Modification of Lignin
Admission and Discharge Policies for Progressive Health Care Facilities
Adopting Residual Income-based Compensation Plans: Evidence of Effects On Management Actions
Adsorption of Ethanol and Water Vapor on Ion Exchange Resin and Catalysis of Ethanol Dehydration
Advances in Flow Extraction Techniques: Applications in Forensic Toxicology
Advection and Diffusion of Substances in Tissues Containing Complex Vascular Networks
Aerosol Measurement Techniques Developed for Nuclear Reactor Accident Simulations
African American families, perspectives of racism and delinquency
African-American Community Development and Migration Streams: Patterns of Change in 20th Century Metropolitan Migration
Age-Dependent Busulfan Disposition and its Relation to GSTA1-1 Expression
Aggregation of Colloidal Particles at the Air-Water Interface
Aggression-conduct problems, attention-deficits hyperactivity, play, and social cognition in four year old boys
Agrarian Law, Land Tenure and Subsistence in Java: Case Study of the Villages of Sukoharjo and Medayu
Agricultural Commercialization and State Development in Central America: The Political Economy of the Coffee Industry from 1838 to 1940
Agtpps4 Enhanced Brachytherapy As a Treatment for Inoperable Brain Tumors
Air Pollution and the Exacerbation of Asthma in an Arid, Western, US City
Alexandre Joseph Paillet (1743-1814): Study of a Parisian Art Dealer
Allocating Life: The Selection of Liver Transplant Patients
Alternative Schools and the Public School System: A Study on Conflict and Accommodation
Ambient Gas Effects On Thin Film Porphyrins and On Al/porphyrin/ag Electroluminescent and Electrochemical Devices
An Adaptive Multilevel Method For Boundary Layer Meteorology
An Advanced Implicit Solver For Mhd
An Analytical Study of Liszt's "grandes Études De Paganini", Nos. 3 and 6
An Analytical Study of Paganini's Twenty-four Caprices For Solo Violin
An Application of Near-infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of Biomass Viability
An Empirical Examination of the Association Between Earnings Per Share Figures and Stock Price Movement.
An Evaluation of Industrial Ventilation Troubleshooting Methods
An Evaluation of Saddlepoint Approximations in the Generalized Linear Model
An Examination of Fifth Grade Instrumental Music Programs and Their Relationships With Music and Academic Achievement
An Examination of the Effects of Tempo and Meter Upon Anxiety Reduction
An Experimental and Theoretical Comparison of the Swarm, Continuum, and Molecular-statistical Theories of Nematic Liquid Crystals
An Explicitly Conservative Method For Time-accurate Solution of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations On Embedded Chimera Grids
An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship Between Corporate Culture and Corporate Performance in the Computer Industry
An Integrated Optical Microcalorimeter
An Inverse Diffusion Method for Estimating Optical Properties of a Scattering Medium
An Investigation of Sand and Sandstone Permeability Degradation At Elevated Temperature and Pressure
An Investigation of the Transition from Aerobic to Nitrate Respiration in Marine Bacteria in Continuous Culture
An Investigation of the Use of Post-training Interventions to Promote Generalization of Interpersonal Skill
An Observational Study of Atmosphere-ocean Interactions in the Northern Oceans On Interannual and Interdecadal Time-scale
An Observational and Numerical Study of Windstorms Along the Western Side of the Washington Cascade Mountains
An Orchestration of the Three Songs From Wilhelm Tell (1845) By Frank Liszt
An acute stressor and the physiological, neuroendocrine, and immune function in healthy women and women with irritable bowel syndrome
An analysis of computational difficulties associated with boiling in computer simulated liquid metal flows
An animal model of a developmental lesion caused by gestational diabetes
An assessment of individual differences in spatial knowledge of real and virtual environments
An ethnographic study of childbearing practices among a Coast Salish band of Indians in British Columbia
An evaluation of individual, group and video therapy for women sexually molested as children
An experimental method for determining tritium reaction rates
An explanatory model of bulimia in young adult women
An investigation into the use of untempered end plug welds on HT9-clad fuel elements in the integral fast reactor
An investigation of the proactive effects of pentylenetetrazol on learning
An investigation of the relationship between maternal-infant patterns of synchrony during feeding, preterm infant state and a parent administered state modulation treatment
Analyses of the Twelve Fantasies For Solo Flute (1732-33) and the Twelve Fantasies For Solo Violin (1735) of G. Ph. Telemann: (with Suggestions For Performance)
Analysis and Application of Subdivision Surfaces
Analysis and Comparative Review of Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching By Ivan Galamian
Analysis and Development of Non-invasive Gastro-intestinal Motility Monitors
Analysis of Appetite and Body Weight Regulation in Neuropeptide Y Knockout Mice
Analysis of Chemical and Physical Processes during the Pyrolysis of Large Biomass Pellets
Analysis of Cw-epr Spectra and the Internal Dynamics of Dna
Analysis of Defibrillation Efficacy and Investigation of Impedance Cardiography With Finite Element Models Incorporating Anisotropic Myocardium
Analysis of Synthetic Polymers by Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Analysis of the Spindle Pole Component Spc110p
Analytic Shape Sensitivities and Approximations of Local and Global Airframe Buckling Constraints
Analytic limitations of unconscious language processing
Analyzing Free Jazz
Anchorage Characteristics for Reinforcing Bars Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading
Animal Models of Atherosclerosis: Overexpression of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 (PAI-1) and Tissue Factor in the Rat Carotid Artery
Animal Models of Chlamydia Pneumoniae and Atherosclerosis: Dissemination to and Persistence in Atheromatous Lesions
Anisotropic Potential Energy Surfaces for Atmospheric Gas: Unsaturated Hydrocarbon Molecule Interactions from Differential Scattering Experiments
Apoptosis of Malignant Human B Cells By Ligation of Cd20 With Monoclonal Antibodies
Application of the method of regularization to fuel motion monitoring by radiation detectors.
Applications of Chlorophyll A Fluorescence in Bio-Optical Models of Phytoplankton Biomass and Productivity
Applications of a Photodiode Array Spectrophotometer for the Short Wavelength Near-infrared Region (700-1100 Nm)
Appropriating Rents From External Knowledge: The Impact of Regional Knowledge Spillovers On Firm Sales Growth and Research Productivity
Architectural Retiming: A Technique for Optimizing Latency-constrained Circuits
Architecture of Rna Polymerase Ii and Rna Polymerase Iii Pre-initiation Transcription Complexes
Array Restructuring for Cache Locality
Arsenic Speciation and Removal in Adsorption Systems
Artificial Muscles: Actuators for Biorobotic Systems
Artificial Nutrition and Hydration Practices and the American Nursing Home: Currents of Social Change and Adaptation by an Industry in Transition
As Long As We Continue to Joik, We'll Remember Who We Are: Negotiating Identity and the Performance of Culture: the Saami Joik
Aspects of Human CYP 2E1 Regulation in Health and Disease
Aspects of Quantum Dynamics in Chemistry
Assessing context of care at the unit level of the organization
Assessment of Cumulative Effects of Urbanization On Small Streams in the Puget Sound Lowland Ecoregion: Implications for Salmonid Resource Management
Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions in Stochastic Optimization: Nonsmooth Analysis and the Derivation of Non-normal Limit Distributions
Asymptotic Efficiency in Semiparametric Models With Non-i.i.d. Data
At the Vanguard of Russian Musical Modernism: Nikolai Andreevich Roslavets
At-reactor Dry Storage of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel in Air
Atmospheric Chemistry and Long-term Measurements of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate and Ozone at a Remote Location in Northern New Mexico
Attachment and the function of marital violence: using the adult attachment interview to typologize batterers & organize their behavior
Attachment style, defense mechanisms, sex, and psychopathological symptom severity: a self-organizational perspective
Attachment to parents and peers in late adolescence: relationships to affective status, self-esteem and coping with loss, threat and challenge
Attention process training: its effectiveness in remediating attention and memory deficits following mild traumatic brain injury
Attitude and Aggregation in Financial Reports: Their Effects On the Assessment of Company Performance and Management Credibility
Auditory feedback and song behavior in adult Bengalese finches
Automation of Radionuclide Separations and Analysis by Flow Injection Techniques
Autonomous mobile robot navigation through an unexplored environment
Autonomy and relatedness in family interactions with depressed adolescents
Axon Growth and Neuron-glia Interactions in the Olfactory System
BWR Two-phase Flow Subchannel Thermal Hydraulics
Bacterial Activity and Community Structure in the Columbia River Estuarine Turbidity Maxima
Bacterial Foraging with Cell-Free Enzymes
Balancing Honor and Loyalty: Social Control at the United States Naval Academy
Becoming a couple affected by HIV infection
Becoming an "other": the process of group membership change
Becoming and being homeless as described by homeless mothers with children
Becoming average: factors influencing persistence of high-achieving college students in science and engineering programs
Behavior of the coolant flow in the PBF severe fuel damage scoping test
Behavioral and Physiological Aspects of Natal Dispersal in the Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel Spermophilus Saturatus
Behavioral responses of children to the death of a sibling
Behind the Scenes, Behind the Signs: Some Pragmatic Reflections On Courtliness in Gottfried's "Tristan"
Being Outside: How High and Low Income Residents of Seattle Perceive, Use and Value Urban Open Space
Bel Canto: Its Effect On Piano Repertoire of the Nineteenth Century
Berlioz On Conducting
Beyond the Cox Model: Extensions of the Model and Alternative Estimators
Biological Oxidations in Oxic and Anoxic Marine Environments, Rates and Processes
Biosynthesis of Validamycin a in Streptomyces Hygroscopicus Var. Limoneus
Biotic and Abiotic Transformations of Tetrachloromethane in Methanogenic Environments
Biotreatment of Contaminated Gases in a Sparged Suspended-growth Reactor: Mass Transfer and Biodegradation Model
Birdsong Communication and Perception: Field and Laboratory Studies
Birth planning values and intentions of professional couples
Black Liquor Oxidation with Molecular Oxygen in a Plug Flow Reactor
Blacks in the Coronary Artery Surgery Study
Blockholders, Corporate Control, and Firm Value
Brief intervention for heavy and hazardous college drinkers in a student primary health care setting
Brightness Measures of Trombone Timbre
Building Competitive Advantage in Shrinkwrap Software: The Role of Technical Support
Bénard Convection With Strongly Temperature-Dependent Viscosity
C-h Bond Activation in Iridium Complexes
COSMOS: a program for stepwise calculation of shutdown margin over a fuel shuffle sequence
CYP2E1: Mechanism of Induction by Isoniazid and Role in Acetaminophen Oxidation
Calculational Methods Used in Determining Reaction Rates in the Multi-isotope Production Assembly
Caregiver perceptions of caring in the organizational environment
Caring for the critically-ill patient receiving life-sustaining therapy: combining descriptive and normative research in ethics
Case study of organizational uncertainty in an acute care hospital
Categorization and Conservation of Melody in Infants
Cationic Dihydrogen Complexes of Rhenium with Isonitrile Coligands
Cdat - a Computerized Data Acquisition and Analysis System
Cell Adhesion Molecules in Human Hair Follicle Morphogenesis
Cell Proliferation as a Biomarker of Aging and Effect of Caloric Restriction in Mouse Lens
Cellular Construction in the Piano Concerti of Franz Liszt
Chaebol and Corporate Governance in Korea
Characteristics of Fulvic and Humic Acids Isolated from Various Sources and Their Role in Fe and Al Mobilization
Characterization and Application of Escherichia Coli Stress Promoter-lacz Fusions
Characterization of BRF1, an RNA Polymerase III Transcription Factor
Characterization of Inhibition of Intestinal CYP3A: Role of Sequestration and Protein Binding
Characterization of Molecular Forms of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 1 (Rhodopsin Kinase) in Vertebrate Retina and Pineal Gland
Characterization of downward two phase flow by neutron noise analysis
Characterization of the Alcohol Dehydrogenase Ii Regulatory Sequences in Yeast Saacharomyces Cerevisae
Characterization of the sodium void reactivity effect for advanced liquid metal reactor fuels
Characterization of the thermoluminescent response of the Teledyne Isotopes PB-3 dosimetry system to mixed neutron-gamma fields
Characterization, Partial Purification, and Substrate Specificity Studies of the Mammalian Prenyl Protein-specific Endoprotease Activity
Characterizing the Properties and Reactions of Natural Organic Matter by Uv Spectroscopy: Adsorption of Nom and Formation of Disinfection By-products
Charismatic Chief Executive Officers, Are They More Effective?: An Empirical Test of Charismatic Leadership Theory
Chemical Reaction and Thermodynamic Studies of Microparticles Using Electrodynamic Balances
Chemical Shift Tools in Peptide Folding and Miniature Protein Design
Chemical Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Nitrous Acid Interstrand Cross-linked Duplex Dna
Chemometrics and Infrared Emission Spectroscopy for Remote Analysis
Children's Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of Family Life on Children's Outcomes Postdivorce
Children's perceptions of social network members: the relationship between social support, self-esteem, and behavioral adjustment
Chinese American families of children with developmental disabilities: cognitive coping, three levels of meaning, shared meaning, and maternal wellness
Chinese Commercial Law in the Late Ch'ing (1842-1911): Jurisprudence and the Dispute Resolution Process in Taiwan
Choral Festivals and Choral Workshops Among the Mennonites of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, 1900-1960, With an Account of Early Developments in Russia
Choral Music of Kirke Mechem: An Analytical Approach to His Choral Cycles and Representative Choral Works
Circadian phase relationships of sleep-wake cycle and body temperature rhythm in aging
Classicism in Aristotle's Poetics and Liu Xie's Wenxin Diaolong
Clinical depression and depressive features in homeless adolescents
Clustering Web Documents: A Phrase-based Method for Grouping Search Engine Results
Cognitive interference in social interaction: development and validation of the social interference questionnaire
Cognitive structures of first-line nurse managers in critical care settings
Cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression: relapse prevention
Coherence function measurement in a small subcritical plutonium-uranium system.
Coil Design on the Helicity Injected Tokamak
Cold Air Incursions Into Low-latitudes: Global Perspective and Regional Analysis Over South America
Cold War and Post-cold War Concepts of Internationalization in the Japanese National Press: A Content Analysis Study of the Discourse Presented in the Asahi Shimbun in 1985 and 1995
Communication and Change: A Comparison of Malay Women in Three Squatter Villages
Community Control and Crime: An Ecological Analysis
Community Development in Black Ghettoes
Comparative Study of Patent Claim Interpretation in the United States, Federal Republic of Germany, and Japan
Comparison and prediction of completers and non-completers of a domestic violence program
Compatability of Optical-fiber Measurements with Near-infrared and Visible Analysis
Complexity as an indicator of cerebrovascular adaptive capacity in individuals with acute brain injury
Composition Related Effects on Thermal Reactivity of Organic Feedstocks
Computational Studies of G-protein Coupled Receptors
Computer Simulations of Amorphous Copper-zirconium
Computing Collaboration: A Study of the Potential of Model Building to Facilitate Urban Water Supply Planning in Selected Cities of Zimbabwe, Estonia, and Sweden
Conceptual Design of High-beta Tokamak Fusion Reactors with "bean" - Shaped Flux Surfaces
Conceptual design of an in-reactor neutron noise detecting test assembly for BWR thermal/hydraulic studies
Concrete Fracture Process Zone Characteristics
Conflicting Forces Shaping Reproductive Strategies of Plants: Florivory and Pollination
Conflicting realities of women in abusive relationships
Confronting the medical model: a hermeneutic view of the quest for health care by gay men with HIV and AIDS
Conscious and unconscious processes in the mere exposure effect
Conspecific Nest Parasitism in the Northern Masked Weaver
Constructing the meaning of community in a community-based clinic: a postmodern feminist analysis
Consumerism in the 1960's: A Study of the Development Of, Underlying Reasons For, and Business Reaction to Today's Consumer Protection Movement.
Continuity and Change in Istanbul's Nineteenth Century Neighborhoods: From Traditional House to Apartment House
Control Composition and Synthesis of Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems
Control expectancy and mother-child play during the transition to toddlerhood
Control of Fibroin Conformation: Toward the Development of a Biomimetic Spinning Process for Silk Fibers
Controlled Release Technology: Development of a Slow Release Systemic Repellent for the Protection of Tree Seedlings from Deer
Controlling Children's Channels: Comparing Children's Television Policies in Australia, Canada, and the United States
Controlling Peptide Conformations: Stabilizing Helices
Convergence Investigation of the Direct Stiffness Method
Convergence or Divergence: Uighur Family Change in Urumqi
Cooperatively Controlled Objects in Support of Collaboration
Coordination and German Syntax
Coping strategies and adaptation to childhood cancer of Puerto Rican families
Cost-effectiveness analysis for radon remediation at two Washington counties
Couple processes as a context for breast cancer recovery: doing everything we can
Coupling between eddy currents and deflection in cantilevered beams in magnetic fields
Court and Spark: Studies in Professional University Technology Transfer Management
Covariate Measurement Error Methods in Failure Time Regression
Crises in Personality: A Study in Social Psychology
Criteria for Selecting Partners for Joint Ventures in Industrialized Market Economies
Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure For the Pacific Northwest From an Analysis of Short-Period Teleseismic Network Data
Crystallographic Investigations of Phosphoglycerate Kinase From the Causative Agent of Sleeping Sickness
Cultural Imperialism and United States Television Programming in Greece
Customer-Centered Reliability Measures For Flexible Multistate Reliability Models
Cyclic GMP-Stimulated Phosphodiesterase Isoforms: Distinct Subcellular Distribution, Localization in Mouse Brain, and Identification of a Novel Olfactory Signaling Pathway
Data Prefetching for High-performance Processors
Data acquisition programs for a fusion plasma experiment
De-inking Toner-printed Paper by Selective Agglomeration
Dealing with wife abuse: a study from the women's perspectives in Thailand
Deciphering the Protein Folding Code: Ab Initio Prediction of Protein Structure
Defining the Cis-acting Requirements in the Hmg-coa Reductase Gene for Karmellae Biogenesis
Deformable Models for Segmentation of Medical Ultrasound Images
Deformation Prediction of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls
Delinquency, Opportunity, and Patterns of Orientations
Demosthenes and His Biographers
Denying and preserving self: Batswana women's experiences of infertility
Dependency Estimation Over a Finite Bivariate Failure Time Region
Deposition of Plasma Polymerized Thin Films
Deposition of Sulfate Aerosol and Isotopes of Beryllium to the Antarctic Snow Surface and Implications for Ice Cores and Climate
Description of family communication about chronic illness in children with cancer
Design and analysis of a radiatively-cooled, inertially-driven nuclear generator system for space-based applications
Design and construction of ArF excimer laser for photodissociation of oxygen molecules
Design, construction and preliminary testing of an experimental system to study two-phase flow using a nuclear reactor
Determinants of Condom Use for Disease Prevention Among Heterosexual Men in the United States: The Health Belief Model (HBM) and Beyond
Determination and Characterization of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor Signal Transduction Systems
Determination of Myocardial Intracellular Oxygen Partial Pressure By Optical Spectroscopy
Determination of a self-consistent set of parameters for a tandem mirror reactor with thermal barriers
Determination of the sensitivity volume of a BWR incore detector
Developing Contract Theory in a Changing Society: Standardization of Contracts in the Taiwan Marketplace and the Growth of Consumer Protection
Development and Application of Multidimensional Dipolar Recoupling Methods for Distance Measurement in Nucleic Acids
Development and Characterization of a New Assay to Examine Telomere-Protein Interactions in Vivo
Development and Evaluation of Remote Database Snapshot Refresh Methods
Development and evaluation of the cancer and cardiovascular disease health belief scale and the use of the health belief scale in determining the adoption of a lowfat dietary pattern
Development and validation of the Washington resilience scale
Development of Automated Methods for Analysis of Mass Spectrometric Data and Characterization of an Active Proteolytic Fragment of Cd45
Development of High Speed Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers and Second Order Data Analysis Techniques
Development of Line-imaging Raman Spectroscopy for Use with Electrochemical Systems
Development of a High-throughput Fluorescence Scanner Employing Internal Reflection Optics and Phase-sensitive Detection
Development of a Micromachined Optoelectronic Carbon Dioxide Sensor for Transcutaneous Monitoring of Neonates
Development of an Analyzer for Surface Active Species in Flow Injection and Liquid Chromatography Environments
Development of an Incomprehensible Navier-stokes Solver and Its Application to the Calculation of Separated Flows
Development of the Lateral Musculature in the Teleost, Brachydanio Rerio: A Fine Structural Study.
Developmental Expression and Functions of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels in Normal and Mutant Mice
Developmental Regulation of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expression in Embryonic Chick Heart and Retina
Developmental process and outcome in preterm children: a transactional study
Dicationic Dihydrogen Complexes of Osmium and Ruthenium
Die Winterreise of Franz Schubert: A Study of the Relationship of Music to Poetry
Dielectric Properties and Ionization of Water in High Interfacial Electric Fields
Dielectric Thermal Analysis of Polymeric Matrices
Diet, acculturation, and health in Chinese American women
Differences Without Distinction: Ideology and the Performative Contexts of Fictional Self-representation in Modern Japanese Literature
Digestion Theory and Applications to Deposit Feeders
Dimensions of dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a nociceptive model
Direct Simulation of Enhancement of Turbulent Heat Transfer by Micro-riblets
Disclosure practices of nurse midwives relative to childbirth pain management methods
Discounting and independence in preferences between health sequences
Discourses of Danger: The Construction of Gender through Talk about Violence
Disequilibrium Fine-mapping of a Rare Allele Via Coalescent Models of Gene Ancestry
Distressing gastrointestinal symptoms in postmenopausal women
Distribution and Mobility of Antibiotic Resistant Genes in Oral/urogentital [sic] Bacteria
Distributions and Fluxes of Methyl Halides in Natural Waters
Dividend Capture and the Tax Reform Act of 1986
Dividends and Earnings: Their Effect On Firm Value
Does positive parenting influence the development of conduct problems in children of adolescent mothers?
Doppler uncertainty in liquid metal reactor safety analysis
Dualistic Relationships in Northern Chinese Narrative Arts
Durability of Polymeric Composites After Elevated Temperature Aging
Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation
Dye Sensitized N-p Heterojunctions of Titanium Dioxide and Copper Thiocyanate, a New Interface for Photoinduced Charge Separation
Dynamic Distribution Services and Demand Contingent Quality of Service Policies
Dynamic Processes in Single Liquid Microspheres
Dynamics and Structures of Linear and Supercoiled Dnas
Dynamics of Potential Vorticity Fronts
Dynamics of Rotating Convection Including a Horizontal Stratification and Wind
Dynamics of Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Equatorial Pacific
Dynamics of Western Boundary Currents in Simple Models of Low-Latitude Circulations
Early adolescent girls in transition in a peri-urban northern Thai community: perceptions of gender role and sexuality
Early identification of infants with autism and infants with a global developmental delay
Earnings Management With Reversing Accruals
Earth Pressures Against Excavation Support Structures
Ecological Consequences and Evolutionary Implications of Group Foraging By Coral Reef Fishes
Ecological and Social Consequences of Food Competition in Brown Capuchin Monkeys
Ecological, Evolutionary, and Applied Aspects of Lizard Life Histories
Ecology, Diversity, and Temperature-Pressure Adaptation of the Deep-Sea Hyperthermophilic Archaea Thermococcales
Econometric Analysis of Highway Incident Duration, Public Perceptions and Information for Advanced Traveler Information Systems
Economic Lot Scheduling With Stochastic Demands and Lost Sales
Economic Measures of International Financial Centers: A Cluster and Discriminant Analysis With Special Reference to Tokyo.
Effect of Adhesion Proteins and Surface Chemistry on the Procoagulant State of Adherent Platelets
Effect of early pregnancy vomiting on offspring salt taste preference
Effective Interprocedural Optimization of Object-oriented Languages
Effects of Anisotropy and Lateral Heterogeneities On Elastic Waves and Mode Coupling in Shallow Water
Effects of Liquefaction-induced Lateral Spreading On Pile Foundations
Effects of Pictures and Words As Cognitive Cues on Information Processing in Print Ads
Effects of Repetitiveness, Pairing and Linkage on Position-effect Variegation in Drosophila
Effects of Rotation On Impinging Jets For Turbine Cooling
Effects of Spatial Constraints On Channel Network Topology: Implications for Geomorphological Inference
Effects of high fat feeding on determinants of glucose tolerance and brain insulin delivery in dogs
Effects of rocking bed on Methadone-exposed infants treated with oral Morphine
Effects of the 30-degree lateral recumbent position on pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery wedge pressures in critically ill adults
Efficiency Based Adaptive Tests for Censored Survival Data
Efficient Content-based Retrieval of Images Using Triangle-inequality-based Algorithms
Efficient Estimation in the Generalized Semilinear Model
Efficient Replication Management in Distributed Systems
Egg Production of Calanus Pacificus Brodsky and Its Relationship to Seasonal Changes in Phytoplankton Availability
Elderly nursing home residents' control of activities of daily living and well-being
Electrodeposition of NiFe 3-D Microstructures
Electrodynamic Trapping, Manipulation, and Raman Characterization of Single Particles and Fine Particulate Clouds
Electrokinetic Clarification of Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions
Electromagnetic and Optical Characteristics of Lightning Measured in the Earth's Ionosphere
Elementary Accounting Principles and Bookkeeping Methods
Elimination of Induced Axial Current in a Hardcore Theta Pinch
Embellishing Schubert's Songs: A Performance Practice
Emergency response plan for Iran 1 and Iran 2 nuclear power plants
Emission, Evolution, and Radiative Properties of Particles From Biomass Burning in Brazil
Employee Stock Ownership Incentives and Contracting Efficiency: With Evidence From Employee Stock Ownership Plan Adopters
Enabling the Reuse of World Wide Web Documents in Tutorials
Endocrine Regulation of Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis During Metamorphosis of the Central Nervous System in Drosophila
Endothelial Cell Interactions With Model Surfaces: Effect of Surface Chemistry, Surface Mobility, and the Adsorbed Protein Layer
Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Aurora As Determined By X-ray Imaging
Energy Dependent Ion Scattering Spectroscopy: A Chemometric Study of Its Analytical Utility
Engineered Antibodies: Folding Stability, Domain-domain Assembly, Refolding Efficiency and Solubility
Entrainment and Detrainment of a Jet Impinging On a Stratified Interface
Environment, resources, depression, and competence of community-based older adults
Environmental influences on language development of high social-risk toddlers
Environments and clinical professionals: influences on policy change efforts from within the state bureaucratic system
Ephemeral Resources and Firm Knowledge: The Case of the Contingent Workforce
Equatorial Wave-Mean Flow Interaction: The Long Rossby Waves
Equilibrium Beta Limits of Symmetric and Asymmetric Linear Heliac Configurations
Estonian Tourism Professionals: A Case Study in Post-Soviet Transition to Capitalism
Ethnic Tourism and Image-Making in Wales: The Medium and the Message
Ethnic differences in alcohol outcome expectancies and drinking patterns
Ethnic variations in women's report of depression: a question of women's adaptation to changing gender roles
Ethnicity and personality: variations in personality as a function of cultural differences in social desirability
European Symbolist Theater: Conventions and Innovations
Evaluating Stochastic Discount Factors From Term Structure Models
Evaluation and Calibration of Enzyme Immunoassays for Detecting Antibody to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Other Agents
Evaluation and characterization of the radiation field from a ¹³⁷Cs source in the state regional calibration laboratory
Evaluation of Liquid Lithium as a Coolant for Space Power Applications
Evaluation of Optical Storage Technology for Decision Support Databases
Evaluation of Thermal Stresses in a Concrete Box Girder Bridge
Evaluation of a Planar Optic Waveguide as a Platform for Evanescent Field Chemical Sensor Development
Evaluation of a two-phase fusion reactor blanket using the Monte Carlo code MCNP
Evaluation of depleted uranium as a shield material in SP-100 class space nuclear reactors
Event Query Based Debugging
Event related potentials reflect the early stages of second language lexical acquisition
Evidence of Alternative Secondary Structure States in Dna: Simulations and Experiments
Evidences of Impressionism in the Music of Charles Tomlinson Griffes
Evolution Between Marine and Freshwater Habitats: A Case Study of the Gastropod Suborder Neritopsina
Execution Characteristics and Optimization of Modern Commercial Applications
Executive function and social problem-solving in maltreated and non-maltreated preschool children
Exercise and meditation as a lifestyle intervention for addictive behaviors
Experimental Investigation of Internal Magnetic Fluctuations in a Low-aspect Ration Helicity Injected Tokamak Plasma
Experimental Studies of Stimulus Response Relationships in Leaflet Communication
Experimental Study of the Thermophoretic Force and Evaporation Rates for Single Microparticles in the Knudsen Regime
Experimental and Monte Carlo evaluation of dual photon and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry techniques in bone mineral measurement
Experimental investigation of high-density plasmas in field-reversed configurations
Experimental investigation of the thermal and fast neutron field
Experimental studies of linear high beta heliac plasma configurations
Explicit memory and dissociative identity disorder: the function of one-way amnesia barriers
Exploiting Thread-level Parallelism on Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors
Exploration of a two phase flow map using neutronic noise analysis
Exploring Communicative Space: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Conceptual Dimensions of the Emerging New Media Environment
Exploring the theoretic basis of an adolescent drug abuse prevention program
Expression of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia Coli under the Transcriptional Control of the Cold-shock Inducible cspA Promoter
Expression, Degradation, and Applications of Escherichia coli TolA-beta-lactamase Fusion Proteins
FMS Signal Transduction, P150s̳h̳i̳p̳: A Signal Transduction Molecule with Inositol 5-Phosphatase Activity
Facilitation of parenting within the newborn intensive care unit
Factors Affecting Fluidized Bed Quality
Factors Associated with Adjustment to a Selected Housing Environment
Factors influencing family functioning in families with breast cancer in the mother
Family Matters: Theoretical and Methodological Issues Surrounding Family and Juvenile Delinquency
Family caregiving for Chinese American elderly: a grounded theory study
Family coping during adult critical illness: development and psychometric validation of the coping questionnaire for the Thai families
Family crisis in childhood illness: an investigation of families having a school-age child with a brain tumor
Family members' concerns after cancer diagnosis
Fast Neutron Flux Effects at the Pressure Vessel Wall Due to Changes in Selected Pwr Design Parameters
Fate and Biotransformation of Pcp in Anaerobic Fluidized-bed Reactors and Anaerobic Digesters
Fathering young children: maternal depression, paternal mental health, and marital adjustment as determinants of involvement and parenting
Female-female territorial aggression and its hormonal control in the song sparrow
Fertility Behavior in the Vietnam Red River Delta: Birth Timing and Birth Interval Dynamics
Fictionality and Reality in Narrative Discourse: A Reading of Four Contemporary Taiwanese Writers
Finding Your Own Speed: How Flutists Find Music Groups in Which They Like to Play
Finite Element Analysis For Sandwich Structures With a Viscoelastic-constrained Layer
Finite Element Analysis of Propagating Interface Cracks in Composites
Firm Value, Growth Opportunities, and Leverage
Five parameter quantitative characterization of two-phase flow using the University of Washington nuclear reactor
Flotation Deinking of Toner-printed Papers
Flow Injection Methods for Drug-receptor Interaction Studies, Based On Probing Cell Metabolism
Flow Injection Techniques for Enzymatic and Cellular Drug Discovery Assays
Flow Injection/sequential Injection Separation and Preconcent[r]ation: Diffusion Denuders as Renewable Separative Surfaces in Flow Injection Analysis
Focus of Attention: A Behavioral Perspective on Media Credibility
Folk Music of the Colombian Andes
Form and Texture in the Chamber Music of Debussy and Ravel
Fragmentation and Wholeness in the Novels of Luisa Josefina Hernandez and Gerlind Reinshagen
Freezing as an index of aversive conditioning in the rat
French Baroque Influences On Johann Sebastian Bach's Six Suites For Violoncello Solo: With an Emphasis On French Court Dance and Suite V
From Century 21 to Local Agenda 21: Sustainable Development and Local Urban Communities in East and West Berlin (Germany), and Seattle (United States)
From Stones to Structures: A Sustainable Future for Development in the West Bank--Palestine
From implicit self-esteem to in-group favoritism
From leaving Poland to feeling at home: psychological adaptation to migration and resettlement
Frothy Markets?: An Examination of Aggregate Equity Issue Clustering
Functional Domains of Neuromodulin and the Interaction of Calmodulin with Target Peptides
Fundamental Processes in Competitive Unimolecular Reaction Systems
Fundamental Studies of the Effect of Electric Fields on Water-surface Chemistry
Future time perspective and its relation to the effects of external stimulation and activity upon time estimation in delinquent and non-delinquent male adolescents
Gender and Influence in Task Dyads
Generalized B-spline Surfaces of Arbitrary Topological Type
Generalized Estimating Equations for Censored Multivariate Failure Time Data
Generation of Soot Particles and Studies of Factors Controlling Soot Light Absorption
Genetic Variation, Thermal Sensitivity, and Thermal Acclimation in Volvox Aureus and Volvox Globator
Genetic and Cytological Analysis of Hmg-coa Reductase-induced Membrane Biogenesis in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Genomic Structure and Transcriptional Regulation of Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channel Genes
Geometric Sensitivity Analysis Using Monte Carlo Techniques
Georges Gillet and the Paris Conservatoire Concours Oboe Solos, 1882-1919
Giant H Ii Regions in M33
Giuseppe Verdi's Simon Boccanegra: A Comparison of the 1857 and 1881 Versions
Glacier Geophysics At Taylor Dome, Antarctica
Glaciological Investigations Beneath an Active Polar Glacier
Global Memory Management for Workstation Networks
Global Modeling of the Average Response of the Magnetosphere to Varying Solar Wind Conditions
Global Phylogeography of the Copepod Species Complex Eurytemora Affinis and Recent Invasions of Fresh Water
Glow Discharge Immobilization of Polyethylene-Oxide-Containing Surfactants for Non-Fouling Surfaces
Goethe's Poetic Epistemology and the Visual Arts
Grating Light Reflection Spectroscopy
Ground-Based Infrared Remote Sensing of Cloud Properties Over the Antarctic Plateau
Growing and Gathering: An Adaptive Re-Use Plan for Greenwood Greenhouse
Growth Management in an Urban Regional Context: The Contemporary Transformation of Regional Development Planning from a Governance Perspective
Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 2 (c Minor): A Historical Background and Analysis
Handel's Saul On Stage: The Viability and Validity of Producing a Staged Dramatic Presentation of a Sacred Oratorio in a Church Edifice As a Non-traditional Setting Using Handel's Saul As a Working Production Model
Health care providers' knowledge of pesticide-related illness and treatment
Health care system dependency among older adults: patterns of hospital use by lung cancer patients
Heartbroken or free-falling: the perils of lost love
Hector Berlioz As Conductor
Heterogeneous Consumption and Asset Pricing in Global Financial Markets
Heteronuclear Nmr Studies on Mutants of Hpr From Escherichia Coli
High Performance Cross-address Space Communication
High-drag States and Lee Vortices in Stratified Flow Over Topography
High-level Radioactive Waste Package Design
High-performance Adhesive Systems for Polymer Composite Bonding Applications
Historic Landscape Preservation: What Are the Most Innovative Cities Doing to Protect Their Historic Landscapes : Part One, Selection of a Sample of Cities
History Doesn't Always Stand Still: Earthquake Preparedness and Preservation Planning in King County, Washington
History, Identity, and Representation in Recent German-language Autobiographical Novels
Holocene Stratigraphy and Sedimentation on the Northern California Continental Shelf
Hormonal, cardiovascular, and behavioral correlates of rank in male baboons during activities that occur in a social setting
Host Use and Diversification in Symbiotic Polychaetes
Huang Tʻing-chien (1045-1105) and the Use of Tradition
Human responses to an alternating versus a continuous pattern of total body cooling
Humour: The Other Intelligence : Curt Goetz and Jorge Ibargüengoitia
Hydrodynamic Effects Exerted by Animal Tubes and Marsh Grasses and Their Importance to the Ecology of Soft-Substratum Marine Benthos
Höfisch-Heroisch-Fragmentiert: Körpergebundene Kommunikation Im 'Nibelungenlied'
Hölderlin's Skeptical Horizon: Negation and the Renunciation of Dialectical Production in Hyperion
I: the Choral Music of Vincent Persichetti (b. 1915): Ii: Documentation of Recital: December 1, 1970. Iii: Documentation of Recital: May 27, 1971
I: the Music of Mátyás Seiber (1905-1960).: Ii: Documentation of Recital: December 6, 1972. Iii: Documentation of Recital: April 15, 1973. Iv: Documentation of Recital: May 29, 1973
Identification and Characterization of Novel Antigen Genes of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Identification and Characterization of Three New Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase Gene Families
Identification and Characterization of Type II Collagen Mutations
Identification, Interactions, and Specificity of a Novel Map Kinase Kinase, Mkk7
Identity, Race and the Blood Ideology of Japan
Illness and treatment appraisal processes of healthy and hemophilic boys
Illness demands and social support during recovery from a cardiac illness event
Image size and resolution in face recognition
Image-based Pen-and-ink Illustration
Imaging Mid-Mantle Discontinuities: Implications For Mantle Chemistry, Dynamics, Rheology, and Deep Earthquakes
Immobilized Biocatalysts in Stimuli-Sensitive Hydrogels
Impact Crater Particulates: Microscopic Meteoritic Material Surrounding Meteorite Craters
Implementation and evaluation of supportive telephone counseling in a primary care-based intervention with at-risk drinkers
Implications of the Phaeopigment, Carbon and Nitrogen Content of Sinking Particles for the Origin of Export Production
Impurity radiation and energy balance in field reversed configurations
In Situ Analysis of Thin Layer Chromatography Plates Using an Imaging Detector
In Vitro Evolution of 5-Fluorouracil Resistant Thymidylate Synthases for Cancer Gene Therapy
Incorporating Structural Information Into Interpretation of Satellite Images of Forests
Individual Expressive Performance Achievement in the Choral Ensemble: Its Relationship to Ensemble Achievement, Technical Achievement, and Musical Background
Individual differences in time pressured decision making
Induced preference or aversion for sodium chloride in rats with chronic bile duct ligation
Induction of CYP3A6 in Rabbits by the Rifamycins, Rifabutin and Rifampin and Administration of Aerosolized Tobramycin to Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
Influence Diagnostics for Correlated Data
Influence of Breaking Waves on Sediment Concentration Profiles and Longshore Sediment Flux in the Nearshore Zone
Influence of Embankment/superstructure Interaction On the Seismic Response of Bridges
Influences of Mean Shear in Florida Current on Turbulent Production by Internal Waves
Inhibition of Human Liver Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase
Innovation and the Boundaries of the Firm
Institutional Investor Myopia, Ownership, Earnings, and Returns
Instrument failure detection using functional redundancy applied to a nuclear pressurizer
Integrated Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Organic Atmospheric Aerosols
Integrin Alpha 6 Beta 4 Ligation to Laminin 5 and Phosphoinositide 3-OH Kinase Define Differences in Alpha 3 Beta 1-Laminin 5 and Alpha 2 Beta 1-Collagen Spreading: Implications for Epidermal Wound Repair
Integritas: Modern Relationships Between Music and Architecture
Intensification and Instability of Internal Gravity Waves At Caustics and Critical Levels
Interaction of Frontal Systems With the Coastal Mountains of the Western U.s
Interaction of an Accelerated Frc in a Transverse Magnetic Field
Interactions between Surface Active Components in the Promotion and Destruction of Foams
Interactions between depressed mothers and their infants: joint attention behaviors
Interactions of Atmospheric Particulate and Trace Gases with Clouds at Cheeka Peak, Wa
Interannual Variability in Cloudiness, Sea Surface Temperature, and Atmospheric Circulation Over the Midlatitude North Pacific During Summer
Interest groups and political party organization: the Japanese parties in the constituencies
Internal molten fuel motion as an inherent shutdown mechanism for LMFBR hypothetical accidents
Internal state language, attachment and externalizing psychopathology in preschool boys
Internal state language, attachment and social engagement in 4-year-old children
Interpretation of Ice Sheet Stratigraphy: A Radio-Echo Sounding Study of the Dyer Plateau, Antarctica
Interpreting Rhythm in Bach: On the Expressive Aspects of Rhythm in the "free Style" and Tempo Rubato
Interracially Married Korean Women Immigrants: A Study in Marginality
Intestinal Versus Hepatic CYP3A-Dependent First-Pass Metabolism
Inverse multigroup diffusion methods for determining neutron diffusion parameters
Inverse transport calculations for concentrations of different species in homogeneous mixtures
Inversion of Controlled-Source Audio-Frequency Magnetotelluric Data
Inversion, Subversion, and Metaphor: Music and Text in Elliott Carter's a Mirror On Which to Dwell
Investigation into an Affinity Precipitation Separation System Based on the Thermally Reversible Solution Behavior of Poly(n-isopropylacrylamide)
Investigation of Detonation Initiation By Supersonic Blunt Bodies
Investigation of incore velocities measured by neutron noise analysis in an operating boiling water reactor
Investigation of the Solid-Liquid Interface of Systems with Fuel Cell and Semiconductor Applications
Investigations at the Molecular Interfaces of Complexes Formed by the Proteins Adr1 and Xubf1 with Dna
Investigations of Dna Adducts of Adriamycin and Molecular Interactions Between Dna and Xubf Box 1
Involvement of Shaker-Like Potassium Channels in Control of Nervous System Hyperexcitability
Ion Landau damping of magnetoacoustic waves on a plasma column
Isotopic Effects of Denitrification in the Marine Environment
Issues in Shared-memory Multiprocessor Scheduling: A Performance Evaluation
Japanese Farms in Washington
Japanese Spirit and Western Utility: A Comparative Study of Japanese Conflicts Jurisprudence
Karajan the Interpreter: A Critique
Kawabata Yasunari: Interweaving the "Old Song of the East" and Avant-garde Techniques
Kinetic Analysis of the 85 Kda Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 on Anionic Phospholipid Vesicles
Kinetics of Biological Binding Studied by Flow Injection Fluorescence Microscopy
Kinetoplastid RNA Editing: Analysis of the Mechanism of Guide RNA Directed Uridylate Insertion Into Precursor Messenger RNA
Knowledge extraction and the modelling of expertise in a diagnostic task
Knowledge, Politics and Magic: The Figure of the Court Magician in Medieval German Literature
Knut Hamsun's Literary Relationship to America
Konservatismus, Skepsis, Fortschrittsdenken: Thomas Manns Betrachtungen Eines Unpolitischen
Kriemhild: Demon-hero-woman
Laser-induced oxidation of nitrogen as a technique for isotope separation
Late adolescent development: a structural-epistemological perspective
Latitudinal Variation in the Ecology of a Lizard: Seasonal Differences in Mortality and Physiology
Leader-superior stress, personality, job satisfaction, and performance: another look at the interrelationships of some old constructs in the modern large bureaucracy
Legal Transplants and Change: Unjust Enrichment Law in Japan
Les Choéphores By Darius Milhaud: A Study Guide For Conductors
Libraries of coupled transport cross sections and response function edits for discrete-ordinates and diffusion-accelerated transport codes
Lifetime Measurements On Pressure Sensitive Paints: Temperature Correction, Effects of Environment, and Trials On New Luminescent Materials
Lightweight Structural Summarization as an Aid to Software Evolution
Limited Dependent Variable and Structural Equations Models: Empirical Applications to Traffic Operations and Safety
Linear and Nonlinear Aspects of the Northern Hemisphere Wintertime Variability in the 500 Hpa Height Field
Lipid Binding From Aqueous Solution By Lipid Conjugated Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC): A Novel Food Additive for Reducing Cholesterol and Fat Intestinal Absorption
Lipid High-axial-ratio Microstructures As Pharmaceutical Delivery Systems: A Physical Characterization of the Mechanisms Behind Drug Release
Liquid Chromatographic Separation and Sensing Principles with a Water Only Mobile Phase
Liquid Sodium Level Measurement Techniques for Use with Gas Enhancement Modules in Advanced Reactors
Living in a nursing home: experiences of suffering and meaning in old age
Living with leukemia: the personal meaning attributed to illness and treatment by adults undergoing a bone marrow transplantation
Local Television Crime News Visuals and Concern About Crime: Exploring the Cultivation Process through Recall and Meaning of Visual Images
Localization of bZip proteins in brainstem areas of the rat involved in taste aversion learning: a possible molecular mechanism of learning
Locus Ambiguus: From Otium to Labor in Vergil's Eclogues and Georgics
Low Frequency Variability and Mean Circulation of the Tropical Stratosphere From Uars Data
Low-frequency Acoustic Energy, Cavitation, and Their Effects on Bacteria
Lymphoid Specific Elements Deregulate c-Myc Transcription Following Chromosomal Translocation in Murine Plasmacytoma and Human Burkitt's Lymphoma Cells
MICRO-KINETICS: a reactor kinetics code for the classroom
Machine Learning as Massive Search
Machine-independent Compiler Optimizations for Collective Communication
Macrolide Resistance and Its Linkage to Tetracycline Resistance
Macrophage Interactions With Biomaterial Surfaces and Their Effects on Endothelial Cell Activation
Madness and Fiction in Conrad, Woolf, and Lessing
Magmatic Accretion of the Upper Oceanic Crust
Magnetic reconnection in field-reversed configurations
Maintaining a childhood: a phenomenologic study of family experiences providing home care for chronically ill, technology-dependent children
Major Biochemical Composition of Dissolved High Molecular Weight Organic Matter in Seawater
Majority influence in negotiation
Making Music Their Own: School Music, Community, and Standards of Excellence in Seattle, 1960-75
Making Sense with Television News: Situation, Context, and Psychology of the Audience Experience
Male and Female Differences in the Pattern of Occupational Persistence
Management Development Training: Multiple Measurement of Its Effect When Used to Increase the Impact of a Long Term Motivational Program.
Management's Incentives to Influence Analysts' Forcasts
Managerial Opportunism and Firm Performance: An Emipirical Test of Instrumental Stakeholder Theory
Managing Nature: A Look Inside the Salmon Arena
Manifestations of Crystallization in the Processing of High-performance Thermoplastic Composites
Manipulation of DNA Using Nonuniform Oscillating Electric Fields
Mantle Flow and Crustal Accretion in and near the Australian-Antarctic Discordance
Marcus Garvey: A Study of Projected Negro Myths
Marginal Regression Modelling of Weakly Dependent Data
Marianne Martinez, Marie Bigot, and Maria Szymanowska: An Examination of Selected Keyboard Works in Historical Perspective
Marine Phytoplankton Pigments: Methods and Ecology
Markov Model Studies of the El Niño-southern Oscillation
Marxism-Leninism's Loss of Revolutionary Momentum: Conflict and Routinization in the East German State, 1961-1971
Masken Des Lebens, Gesichter Des Todes: Zum Verhältnis Von Tod Und Darstellung Im Erzählerischen Werk Arthur Schnitzlers
Mass Media in Revolutionary Societies: A Case Study of El Universal of Mexico During the Oil Expropriation Crisis of 1938
Matching Internal Governance Mechanisms to Strategic Process: An Agency Theory Perspective On Implementing Strategic Decisions
Material end plugging of a laser heated solenoid
Maternal depression and the nature of mother-toddler interaction: infant bids for engagement and maternal responsiveness
Maternal discipline approaches: a comparison between children with conduct problems and a nonclinic group
Maternal influence in the development of body image and dieting in young girls
Mathematical Modeling of the Growth and Control of Tumors
Mathematical Modeling of the Pharyngeal Phase of Swallowing
Mathematical Models For Dermal Wound Healing: Wound Contraction and Scar Formation
Mathematical Models of Hiv Pathogenesis and Immunology
Matters of Compromise: An Ethnographic Study of Culture-bearers in Elementary Music Education
Meanings of pregnancy and motherhood among out-of-home pregnant adolescents
Measured and Modeled Particle Export in Equatorial and Coastal Upwelling Regions
Measurement of Induced Axial Current in a Hardcore Theta Pinch
Measurement of Mixing Efficiency in Pavement Recycling
Measurement of Platelet Intracellular Free Calcium Ion Concentration by Ratio Fluorescence Microscopy: A Study of Platelet Activation Induced by Contact with Biomaterials
Measurement of the internal toroidal magnetic field on the helicity injected tokamak using the transient internal probe
Measurements and Modeling of Suspended-Sediment Transport on the Northern California Continental Shelf
Measuring Sprawl: A Quantitative Study of Residential Development Pattern in King County, Washington
Mechanics of Bedload Sediment Transport
Mechanism of Carbamazepine Teratogenicity
Mechanism of Physiological Function of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate: Extracellular Action and Demonstration of Alleged Receptor
Mechanisms for gain control and temporal processing in the auditory brainstem of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus
Mechanisms of Dynorphin Release and Action in the Hippocampus
Mechanisms of Shear Stress-Mediated ERK1/2 Modulating Signal Transduction Pathways in Endothelial Cells
Mechanisms of Translational Regulation of S-adenosylmethionine Decarboxylase Mediated By the Upstream Open Reading Frame
Mechanistic, Surface Chemistry, and Growth Studies of Novel Precursors for Aluminum Nitride Thin Films
Medication Compliance and Cost and Utilization Outcomes Associated with Pharmacist's Cognitive Service Interventions
Melodrama and Tragedy in Yüan Tsa-chü
Membrane Deformation Rate and Geometry of Subducting Slabs
Memory and metamemory for personal experience
Mental representations of self and significant-other: links to relationship quality and affect
Merging of Voices: Vernacularization of Narrative and the Invention of the Subject in the Making of the Modern Japanese Novel
Metabolic Isozymes of Phenytoin and Their Roles in its Drug Interactions
Metabolism of Cyclophosphamide: Implications for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Metal Geochemistry in Anoxic Marine Basins
Metastable Critical Flow of Steam-water Mixtures
Metatheater: Heroines and Ephebes in Ovid's Metamorphoses
Method of delivery and risk of subsequent adverse maternal health outcomes
Methods For Solving Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems Associated With Configuration Interaction Electronic Structure Calulations
Mexican American family experiences with chronic childhood illness
Microbial Hydrogen Oxidation Associated with Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Environments
Microscale Wave Breaking and Its Effect On Air-water Gas Transfer Using Infrared Imagery
Midlife women's balanced health and ability to function through the process of self-care
Migration Between Metropolitan Cities and Their Metropolitan Rings and Nonmetropolitan Subregions: Washington State, 1935-1940
Minimizing Input Acquisition Costs in a Bayesian Belief Network-based Expert System
Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase: Evolutionary Conservation and Activation of Downstream Kinases
Mixed-mode Chromatographic Separation and Whole Column Radiation Detection to Improve Sensitivity in Radiometabolite Analysis: Application to (carbon-11)-meta-hydroxyephedrine in Plasma
Modality in the Nhạc Taì Tư̕ of South Vietnam
Model Copper/zinc Oxide Catalysts for Methanol Synthesis: The Role of Surface Structure
Model Predictive Control of a Combined Sewer System
Model Studies of the Middle Atmosphere of Venus
Modeling Dynamic Choice Behavior: Empirical Analysis Using Multinomial Logit and Multiperiod Multinomial Probit Models
Modeling Land Cover Change Under Conditions of Multi-Scaled Spatial Data: An Application of Landscape Ecology in Environmental Planning
Modeling Pet Blood Curves
Modeling and Animating Realistic Faces from Images
Modeling and Monitoring to Predict Spatial and Temporal Characteristics in Small Catchments
Modeling of Orographic Precipitation with Multilevel Coupling of Land-atmosphere Interactions
Modeling of Rigid Pavements: Joint Shear Transfer Mechanisms and Finite Element Solution Strategies
Modeling the Thickness Distribution of Arctic Sea Ice
Modelling Formation of Vascular Networks in Vitro
Modelling the Chlorofluorocarbon Transient in the North Pacific: Comparison with Observations and Model Dynamics
Modernism and Mass Culture in Botho Strauss and Antonio Muñoz Molina
Modernity and Identity in Azeri Poetry: Mo'juz of Shabustar and the Iranian Constitutional Era
Modernization and Equality of Educational Opportunity in Thailand: 1970-1990
Molecular Basis for Genetic Instability in Werner Syndrome
Molecular Chaperones and the Folding of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coli
Molecular Determinants of Dihydropyridine Binding on L-Type Calcium Channels
Molecular Engineering and Characterization of Self-assembled Biorecognition Surfaces
Molecular Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Hla-dq Proteins and Proteinpeptide Complexes: Correlation With Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (iddm)
Molecular Recognition in the Streptavidin-biotin System
Molecular Regulation of Opioid Receptors
Monitoring Chemical Systems in the Presence of Process and Analyzer Variations
Montaigne's "Essais": Tradition and Reform
Moral Considerations in the Works of Arthur Schnitzler
Morningness-eveningness and circadian rhythms of HPA- and SNS-mediated variables
Mos Regulation in Activating the Map Kinase Pathway
Mother child interactions and transcutaneous oxygen saturation of preterm infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Mother's and father's perceptions of family resources and marital adjustment and their adaptation to parenthood
Mother's mental representation of her infant and its effect on infant organization and mother's perception of self
Motivic Improvisation: Approach and Analyses of Two Selected Works
Motivic Unity in Selected Keyboard Sonatas and String Quartets of Joseph Haydn
Mozart's Der Schauspieldirektor: An Introduction and Translation of the Original Libretto
Mozart's Dialectic With Gender: Le Nozze Di Figaro and Piano Concerto No. 25, K. 503
Multi-fpga Systems
Multi-objective, Plant-wide Control and Optimization of Chemical Processes
Multi-sensor Control For 6-axis Active Vibration Isolation
Multicomponent Flow Injection Analysis and Quantitative Infrared Emission Spectroscopy: Chemometric Applications
Multicomputer Routing Techniques
Multiple Interpretations of a Charismatic Individual: The Case of the Great Nagasvaram Musician, T.n. Rajarattinam Pillai
Multiple-pass carbon dioxide laser heating of a theta-pinch plasma
Multiprocessing Monte Carlo codes on distributed and common memory computer systems
Multiresolution Analysis for Surfaces of Arbitrary Topological Type
Multiresolution Applications in Computer Graphics: Curves, Images, and Video
Multivariate Calibration Models and Their Implementation
Multivariate Calibration and Sensor Array Design
Murdered Sleep: Crime and Aesthetics in France and England, 1850-1910
Murine Myeloma Nuclear DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases: Isolation and Characterization of Template Interactions
Mus dunni Endogenous Virus (MDEV)
Music and the Rhetoric of the Arts During the Age of Monteverdi
Music in the Theater of Molière
Musical Meaning-making in an Intercultural Environment: The Case of Kamehameha Schools
Musical Theory, Performance and the Contemporary Bağlama Specialist in Turkey
Myod Induces Chromatin Remodeling: Implications for Lineage Determination and Tumorigenesis
Mythopoesis Historicized: Qu Yuan's Poetry and Its Legacy
Möglichkeit Am Rande Der Wahrscheinlichkeit: Die "Fantastische Situation" in Der Kleistschen Novellistik
Narrating Desire/Desiring Narrative in Marguerite de Navarre's Heptameron
Narrative Voices and the Experience of Culture
National Image Richness in Televised Coverage of South Korea During the 1988 Seoul Olympia Games
Natural and Man-made Volatile Halocarbons in Atmosphere and Ocean: Measurement and Interpretation
Nearshore Ice Formation and Sediment Transport in Southern Lake Michigan
Negotiated Approaches to Planning
Negotiating Identity: Mother-daughter Relationships in Novels By Jutta Heinrich, Elfriede Jelinek, Waltraud Anna Mitgutsch and Helga Novak
Nested Logit Analysis of Vehicle Occupancy and Accident Severity
Neural Correlates of Magnetic Field Detection and Geomagnetic Orientation By the Marine Mollusk Tritonia Diomedea
Neural Specific Isoforms of Protein Kinase A and the Role of Protein Kinases in Neural Gene Expression
Neuroanatomical substrates of conditioned taste aversion: forebrain-brainstem interactions
Neuronal regulation and attention deficit disorder: an application of photic driven EEG neurotherapy
Neurotrophic and Neuroprotective Effects of Estrogen
Neurotrophins and synaptic plasticity in the central nervous system
Neutron activation analysis of ash samples from Mt. St. Helens May 18, 1980 eruption
New Technologies for Data Collection and Their Application for Empirical Investigation of Travel Time Measurement Issues
Nighttime sleep and cardiopulmonary function during recovery from myocardial infarction
Nineteenth Century Music For Cello and Piano in the British Library Collection: An Annotated Catalogue
Nmr Studies of the Dna-binding Domain of Adr1
Non-linear Analysis of Concrete Fracture
Non-linear State Estimation and Control of Emulsion Polymerization
Nonlinear Baroclinic Adjustment and Wavenumber Selection As a Mechanism For Atmospheric Heat Transport
Nonlinear Characteristics of Tuned Liquid Dampers
Nonlinear Viscoelastic Stress and Fracture Analyses of Laminated Composites
Nonparametric Estimation of Component Life Distributions in Meilijson's Competing Risks Model
Nonspecific Phospholipid Exchange Proteins: A Tool in Membrane Research
Nonverbal communication of winning and losing in tennis
Novel Mutations of COL3A1 Resulting in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type IV and Their Effect on the Folding of Type III Procollagen
Novelness in Comical Edo Fiction: A Carnivalesque Reading of Ihara Saikaku's Koshoku Ichidai Otoko
Nuclear Energetics Analysis of Light Water Reactor Recriticality Under Servere Core Accident Conditions
Nuclear characteristics and economic effectiveness of annular pellets for high burnup PWR fuel designs
Nuclear reactor dynamics equations applied for use on micro-computers
Nucleation and Growth of Inorganic Crystals At the Organic-inorganic Interface
Numerical Calculation of Plane Steady Transonic Flows Past Thin Lifting Airfoils
Numerical Simulation of Oblique Detonation and Shock-deflagration Waves With a Laminar Boundary-layer
Numerical Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Genesis
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Hypersonic Chemically Reacting Flow
Numerical Solution for Momentum Cross Flow in Rod Bundle Subchannel Analysis
Numerical analysis of projectile acceleration by a CO₂ laser-heated gas gun
Numerical investigations of radio-frequency drift pumping of thermal barrier for a tandem mirror fusion experiment
Objective Measures and Musician Preference For Concert State Acoustics
Observations and Models of Upper Ocean Response to Atmospheric Forcing: Wind Driven Flow, Surface Heating and Near-Inertial Wave Interactions with Mesoscale Currents
Observations and Physics of Amplified Subinertial Tidal Currents in Stratification and Mean Shear Flow at a Seamount
Observations of Long Rossby Waves in the Northern Tropical Pacific
Obtaining Responsiveness in Resource-variable Environments
Occupational health hazards in women and pregnancy outcomes
Oceanic Latent Heat Flux From Satellite Data
Of Being Numerous: Representations of Crowds and Anonymity in Late-nineteenth and Early-twentieth Century Urban America
On the Maintenance of Blocking Anticyclones in a General Circulation Model
On the Mechanism of the Large-scale Seasonally Varying Upwelling in the Region of the Tropical Tropopause
On the Seasonality of Climate Fluctuations Over the Contiguous United States
On the Uniformity of the Flow Initiated By a Non-steady Expansion Wave
On the Use and Performance of Communication Primitives in Software Controlled Cache-coherent Cluster Architectures
On-line Stochastic Processes in Data Compression
Optical Low Coherence Reflectometry for Process Analysis
Optical and Infrared Constraints On the Evolutionary States of Low Mass X-ray Binary Stars
Optimization of Applied Magnetic Nozzles For Coaxial Plasma Accelerators
Optimizing Current Delivery in Defibrillation: Finite Element Models and Experimental Validation
Optimizing the Productivity of Development Teams During Software System Construction: Theoretical and Practical Considerations
Oral Public Communication in the Iranian Immigrant Community, Toward Reconceptualization of Mass Communication
Organic Carbon Input, Degradation, and Preservation in Continental Margin Sediments: An Assessment of the Role of a Strong Oxygen Deficient Zone
Organizational Attachment Among Core and Contingent Workers
Organizational Type, Rites of Incorporation, and Group Solidarity: A Study of Fraternity Hell Week
Organizational influences on nurses' pain management practice and patient outcomes
Organofunctionalization of Oxide Surfaces with Alkoxysilanes: Model Studies On Tio₂(110)
Orthogonal Collocation as a Method of Analysis in Chemical Reaction Engineering
Osteopontin Structure and Function
Oxidation and Reduction of Small Molecules by Tungsten and Osmium Compounds
Oxytocin Receptor Regulation, Expression, and Role in Female Sex Behavior
Pain and symptom experiences of persons with nasopharyngeal carcinoma over the course of radiation therapy in Taiwan
Paradox, schizophrenia and the double bind hypothesis: an exploratory study
Parallel Prefetching and Caching
Parent and professional perspectives of communication in developmental treatment settings
Parent-adolescent interactions and ego and moral development within African American families
Parent-child communication about the cancer experience in families of pediatric cancer patients
Parents' perceptions of family functioning and sibling grief in families who have experienced the violent death of an adolescent or young adult child
Parsimonious Construction of Multivariate Calibration Models in Chemometrics
Part I: Rationale For the Development of an Introduction to Jazz Textbook Based On a Performer's Perspective. Part Ii: Documentation For Two Doctoral Recitals
Part I: Synthesis and Properties of Some 5-substituted-5-azabicyclo[2.1.0]pentanes: Part Ii. Some Synthetic Approaches to the 2-azabicyclo[1.1.0]butane System
Passive Radar Observations of the Aurora
Pastoral Politics: German Pastoral Literature and Court Culture, 1200-1800
Patterns of Imagery in Ciceronian Invective
Patterns of Resource Utilization in Vermivorous Marine Gastropods of the Genus Conus.
Patterns of chronic illness management, psychosocial development, family and social environment and adaptation among diabetic women
Peasant Music Ensembles in Poland: A Culture History
Pedictability of Enso: Optimal Error Growth and Forecast Skill
Perceived control and adaptation in elderly caregivers
Perceptions of borderline personality disorder patients and relationship to treatment progress
Performance Convention and Registrational Practice in the Weimar Organ Works of Franz Liszt
Performance on neuropsychological measures of executive function and behavioral adjustment in second-graders
Permanganate Oxidations of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Aqueous and Organic Solution
Permutations of Standard Piano Works: A Curriculum For the Development of Student Musicianship
Personal appraisal during recovery from myocardial infarction
Personality characteristics, attitudes and perceptions of rape among incarcerated sex offenders
Perturbation Method For Hyperbolic Equations With Small Nonlinearities
Perturbation solution of the bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck equation in magnetic mirrors
Petronius and the Greek Parodic Tradition
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Opioid Analgesics
Pharmacokinetics of Drug Interactions Due to Ligand Stabilization of CYP2E1
Phase Separation in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: Evidence from the Juan De Fuca Ridge
Phonology and silent reading: beyond phonemes
Photographic characterization of two phase flow
Physical Conditions in Giant Extragalactic H Ii Regions
Physical Problems Prevalent Among Pianists
Physical Properties of Aqueous Solutions Under High Pressures and Temperatures
Physical Properties of Mantle Silicates Under Upper Mantle Pressures
Physics Results from the Initial Operation of a Slow Frc Source
Physiological responses to convective-air blanket warming of women after 60 minutes of cool exposure
Physiological responses to different enteral feeding schedules in rats
Phytoplankton-Flow Interactions in Relation to Cell Size and Morphology
Pica and peptides: assessing gastrointestinal malaise
Pitch-class Set Multiplication in Boulez's Le Marteau Sans Maitre
Planning and Knowledge Representation for Softbots
Plasma potassium rhythms in normokalemia and hypokalemia: establishing the physiological basis for nursing interventions
Platelet and Protein Interactions With Foreign Materials
Plutonium productivity of the Osiraq reactor
Poetic Realism and the Hermeneutical Circle: A Study in Interpretation Theory and Nineteenth-century German Literature
Poetry and Translation
Political Climates, Perceptions of Risk, and Contemporary Activisms
Political Sovereignty in Native American Community Development: Implications for Tribal Planning Strategies
Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Surfaces: Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Interaction Studies
Polymer Matrix Degradation: Characterization and Manufacturing Process for High Temperature Composites
Polymetric Performance By Musicians
Polynucleotide Studies
Population Dynamics of the Planktonic Marine Copepod, Acartia Clausi Giesbrecht, in a Small Temperate Lagoon
Population Dynamics, Movement Patterns, and Community Impacts of Omnivorous Arthropods
Population Redistribution and Socioeconomic Differentiation Within Negro Areas of American Cities: A Comparative Analysis
Porous media resistance formulation for nuclear reactor core hydraulic analysis
Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Expression of the Potassium Channel, Kv1.1
Post-buckling Response of Structures Using the Finite Element Method
Potential Energy Surfaces for Vibrating Hexatomic Molecules
Practice and Performance Techniques For the Douze Etudes of Claude Debussy
Precision and Costs in Sampling Surveys with Errors Due to Non-Response
Predicting Deterministic Execution Times of Real-time Programs
Predicting psychiatric distress in urban American Indian adolescents: a longitudinal study
Predictors of psychosocial well-being in an Asian American sample: acculturation, intergenerational conflict, and parent-child relationships
Predictors of satisfaction and resiliency in African American/white interracial relationships
Preferential same-sex imitation by toddlers
Preliminary assessment of CAPRICORN--III for liquid metal cooled reactor transients
Preliminary investigation of decommissioning an Argonaut-type nuclear research reactor
Premature infant responses to taped maternal voice
Preparation and Characterization of Synthetic Mineral Surfaces: Adsorption and Thermal Decomposition of Tetraethoxysilane on Magnesium Oxide, Molybdenum, and Titanium Dioxide Surfaces
Prepreg Effects on Honeycomb Composite Manufacturing
Preserving the Himalayan Culture: A Himalayan Heritage Memorial in Nepal
Prevalence and Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance in Oral Bacteria
Principles of Railroad Property Taxation With Particular Application to the State of Washington
Probabilistic Assignment: A Multipath Traffic Assignment Model Which Obviates Path Enumeration
Process/Property Interrelations of Layered Structured Composites
Processing and Characterization of Honeycomb Composite Systems
Processing capacity of visual perception and memory encoding
Productivity in Retailing: A Test of Distribution Services Theory At the Firm Level
Professionals in Bureaucracy: Role Orientations and Alienation Among Industrial Scientists and Engineers
Professions in Conflict: Legal and Medical Social Control of Juvenile Sex Offenders
Profile and Stability Studies on the Helicity Injected Tokamak
Progressive Inversion
Projectile Nose Heating in the Ram Accelerator
Promoting the health of families raising a child with a chronic condition: directions for outcomes research
Promotional Enhancement Theory: A Model for Designing Promotions That Enhance Brand Evaluations
Properties of a Coa-dependent, Stearoyl-specific Transacylase From Bovine Testis Membranes
Protein Recognition of Template Imprinted Polymer Surfaces
Psychophysiological correlates in chronic headache: a repeated measures analysis of the headache specificity model
Psychophysiological recovery after acute myocardial infarction
Purification and Characterization of a Protein Palmitoyltransferase That Acts On H-ras Protein and On a C-terminal N-ras Peptide
Quality Resource Networks for Young Women in Science: The Role of Internet-faciliated Ties
Quantifying Plant Model Parameter Effects on Controller Performance
Quantitative Assessment of Mitral Regurgitation With Three-dimensional Doppler Echocardiography
Quantitative Kinetic Analyses of Adsorption and Desorption Processes at the Liquid-solid Interface with Surface Plasmon Resonance
Quantitative Microphysiometry: Development and Applications
Quantitative characterization of representative two-phase flows using the University of Washington nuclear reactor
Quasar-galaxy Correlations and the Detection of Magnification Bias
Quasi-Static Analytical Models for Electrical Stimulation of the Auditory Nervous System
RAP1, a Small GTP-binding Protein in the Rat Parotid Gland: Identification, Investigation of Function and Regulation
RI Alpha Is an Essential Regulator of Protein Kinase a in the Adult and Developing Mouse
Radiative Properties, Dynamics, and Chemical Evolution of the Smoke From the 1991 Kuwait Oil Fires
Radio-frequency Wave Excitation and Damping on a High Beta Plasma Column
Radioanalytical Techniques Applied to Environmental Chemistry: A Two Case Study
Rapid Chromatographic Analysis Using Novel Detection Systems and Chemometric Techniques
Rapid Inversion of Multi-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Data
Rates of the Surface Reactions in Methanol and Carbon Monoxide Electrooxidation: Experimental Measurements and Kinetic Modeling
Ray-Tracing Internal Wave/Wave Interactions and Spectral Energy Transfer
Reaction Engineering of Heterogeneous Feeds: Municipal Solid Waste as a Model
Reactivity analysis of core distortion effects in the FFTF
Reactivity effects of oscillations in homogeneous fissile solutions
Reading (with) the Animals: Lucretius' Creatures and His Poetic Program
Reconciliation: Time, Space and the American Place in the Music of Charles Ives
Reconfigurable Pipelined Datapaths
Reconstructing the Oceanic ¹³seuss Effect
Reconstruction Algorithms to Improve Nondestructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete
Recovery following sudden cardiac death during hospitalization
Referenced Pressure and Temperature Sensitive Coatings Using Solid State Phosphors
Reformulating dependency: sex, power, and depression in intimate relationships
Regeneration of the Retina in the Newt (diemictylus V. Viridescens): An Electron Microscope Study.
Regional Arctic Ice Thickness and Brine Flux from AVHRR
Regional Development Policies and Strategies in a Multiethnic Society: A Case Study of Malaysia
Regional Peasant Social and Religious Structures and Differential Rates of Social Change in Rural Colonial Korea
Regionalization of a Macroscale Hydrological Model
Regulation of Adenylyl Cyclases by CAM Kinases: A Possible Role During Signal Desensitization in Olfaction
Regulation of Drosophila visual system development by nitric oxide and cyclic GMP
Regulation of Fimbrillin Expression in Porphyromonas Gingivalis
Regulation of Life History Strategies With Individuals in Predictable and Unpredictable Environments
Regulation of Photoreceptor Guanylyl Cyclases
Regulation of Retinal Endothelial Cells and Pericytes By Vegf, Tgf-beta1, and Sparc
Regulation of Two Subfamilies of Adenylyl Cyclase by Gi-Coupled Receptors: A Possible Role During cAMP-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus
Regulation of astrocytic structure by neuronal activity
Regulation of food intake and body weight in the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii)
Regulation of the Dorsal-ventral Axis in Xenopus Embryos By Intracellular Components of the Wnt Pathway
Regulatory Reform in Taiwan, 1987-1996
Relapse in Schizophrenia: the relationships among insight, symptom recognition, symptom self-management, and perceived effectiveness of symptom self-management at the time of hospitalization
Relations between normative and ipsative measures of personality
Reliability analysis of the implantable integrated thermally powered ventricle assist system
Remote magnetic field measurements using an optically coupled moving probe
Repeated Use of Impression Management Tactics: Do They Lose Their Power of Influence Over Time?
Representation and Optimization for Data Integration
Representation of D-dimensional Geometric Objects
Representing the Unrepresentable: Literature of Trauma in Chile
Reproducing Color Images With Custom Inks
Reproductive Biology and Development of Sipuncula.
Research Plan for Measuring Neutron Noise at Wnp-2
Residential Trajectories: Optimal Alignment and the Structure of Residential Mobility Over the Life Course
Residents' views on access to care in frontier communities with medical assistance facilities
Resilience and recovering among African American women survivors of domestic violence
Respite for kin caregivers of cognitively impaired and physically impaired elders
Responding to the Shock of the New: Trade, Technology, and the Changing Production Axis in Film, Television, and New Media
Return to work experiences of persons with cancer
Return to work intentions and health status of postpartum women of Finland
Reynolds Number Trends in Computational Solutions of Two-dimensional Airfoils With Taguchi Techniques and Grid Resolution
Robert Schumann: His Mental Illness and His Music
Robustified Least Squares Solutions for Monitoring Deformation of Structures
Role Oriented Programming for Software Evolution
Role of Angiotensin II in Regulating Smooth Muscle Cell Replication in the Vessel Wall
Role of Phosphorylation of the Alpha One Subunit in Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Dependent Modulation of Skeletal Muscle Calcium Channels
Role of the Trex Control Element and Its Binding Factor in the Transcriptional Regulation of Muscle Genes During Development
Roles of Cytochromes P450 and Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase in Drug-Drug Interactions Involving Valporic Acid and its Analogues
Roman Declamation
Rotating Convection and the Oceanic General Circulation
Scalable and Adaptive Goal Recognition
Scale-up Studies for Thermo-oxidative Stability of Polymeric Composites
Scaling Effects On the Mixing Processes of Lock-exchange Gravity Currents
Schenck V. United States: A Clear and Present Danger to the First Amendment
Schoenberg's Verklärte Nacht: History, Editions and Analyses
Second Messenger-Mediated Kinases and the Control of Gene Expression
Second Order Chemometric Methods and the Analysis of Complex Data
Second Order Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors Based Upon Membrane Separation and Spectroscopic Detection
Seeing Red: Images of Soviet and Russian Hockey in US and Canadian Olympic Broadcasts
Seismic Events On Cascade Volcanoes.
Seismic Tomography in Western Washington
Seismic Velocity Structure of the Puget Sound Region From 3-D Non-Linear Tomography
Seizures in the developing brain
Selected physiological and behavioral responses of the critically ill premature neonate to a routine nursing intervention
Self-Assembled Lipopeptide Prodrug Depot for Sustaned [sic] Release: Design and Synthesis of Peptide Glutamic Acid Dialkylamides, Their Self-Assembly Into Tubules, and Their Stability to Proteolytic Degradation
Self-assembly of Proteins At Interfaces and Two-dimensional Protein Crystallization
Self-disclosure in biofeedback of hypertension
Self-management/biofeedback therapy for persons after acute myocardial infarction
Self-shielding corrections for the TREAT hodoscope interpretation
Sensitivity of Multiple-scattering Inverse Transport Methods to Measurement Errors
Serial and Non-serial Techniques in the Music of Karlheinz Stockhausen From 1962-1968
Shallow-water Sloshing
Shamanism, Culture and the Xinjiang Kazak: A Native Narrative of Identity
Shielding Methods to Minimize Irradiation Damage in the Space Power Advanced Reactor, 100kwe Nuclear Space Subsystem
Shostakovich Viola Sonata: An Analytical Performer's Guide
Sieve Analysis: Statistical Methods for Assessing Differential Vaccine Protection Against Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types
Signal Propagation in a Cell-free System: Purinergic Signaling Among Mucous Secretory Granules from the Slug Ariolmax Columbianus
Simulation Engineering of Polymeric Prepreg Composite Systems
Simultaneous Multithreading
Singapore: A Case Study of Communalism and Economic Development
Singlemode Fiber Interferometric Biosensors
Sisala Sculpture of Northern Ghana
Slahal: More Than a Game With a Song
Sleep fragmentation or oxygen desaturation as etiology of cognitive disability with obstructive sleep apnea
Sleep patterns, temperature rhythms, and health outcomes in healthy women at two phases of the menstrual cycle
Social Planning: A Case Study in the Construction of Knowledge in the Profession of Urban Planning
Social adaptation in foster families caring for unaccompanied refugee minors from Vietnam
Social and ecological influences on decision-making by beach-foraging northwestern crows (Corvus caurinus)
Social support and symptomatology: a study of first time expectant parents
Sodom: The Judgment of the Pentapolis in the Christian West to the Year 1000
Solution of Time-independent Inverse Problems for Linear Transport Theory
Solution-state Conformational Studies of Endothelin Analogs
Some Applications of Linear Algebra to Quantitative Spectroscopy
Some Aspects of Planetary-scale Atmospheric Variability in a Low-resolution General Circulation Model
Some Computational Problems from Genomic Mapping
Some Effects of Large Scale Topography in a Baroclinic Ocean
Some Little Known Late Piano Works of Liszt (1869-1886): A Miscellany
Some Little Known Late Piano Works of Liszt (1869-1886): A Miscellany
Some Magnetic Properties of Magnetite As a Function of Grain Size and Their Implications For Paleomagnetism.
Some recommendations for the financing of nuclear fuel for central station power plants.
Song learning in the song sparrow (Melospiza melodia): ecological and social factors
Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Petrology, Morphology and Tectonics of a Migrating Spreading Center: The Endeavour Segment, Juan De Fuca Ridge
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Basal Conditions Beneath Glaciers and Ice Sheets Inferred From Radio Echo-Sounding Measurements
Specifying Temporal Behavior in Interactive Multimedia Documents
Spectra and Reactions of Elemental Sulfur
Spectroscopic Instrumentation for Process Analytical Chemistry
Spectroscopic Investigation of Molecular Dynamics
Spectroscopic measurements on conical theta pinch plasmas
Sphingosine as Second Messenger, Sphingosine Dependent Protein Kinases and Their Substrates
Spontaneous Mutations in Aging Human Renal Epithelia in Vivo
State Taxation of Financial Institutions
Stationary and Rotating Hot Jet Ignition and Flame Propagation in a Premixed Cell
Statistical Analyses of Traffic Advisory Systems On Driving Behavior
Status and Demeanor: Overcoming the Legitimacy Dilemmas of Low Status Actors
Steady-state Simulation of a Premixed Flame in Axisymmetric Channels in the Presence of Vortex Breakdown
Steric and Electrosteric Stabilization of Colloids in Aqueous Salt Solutions
Stochastic Simulation of Non-Newtonian Flow Fields
Strategic Urban Planning
Strategies to Reduce Arylamine Drug Toxicity in People with AIDS
Stratosphere-troposphere Exchange and the Impact of Commercial Aviation On the Atmosphere
Stress, social support, problem solving coping, acceptance of diabetes & self-management as predictors of metabolic control & quality of life among adults with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Structural Analysis of Amylin and Its Analogs by Nmr Spectroscopy
Structural Constraints and Situational Information Seeking: A Test of Two Predictors in a Sense-making Context
Structural Determinants of Coalition Formation: Sources of Solidarity
Structural Determinants of Risk Preference in Nuclear Power Plant Safety
Structural and Electrostatic Contributions to Differences in Oxidation-reduction Potentials of Two Mutants of the Copper Protein, Pseudoazurin
Structural and Functional Characterization of Human Alphab-crystallin, a Small Heat-shock Protein and Molecular Chaperone
Structural and Functional Studies of Retinal Guanylyl Cyclase
Structure and Deformation in a Propagating Surge Front
Structure and Phase Behavior in Microemulsions
Structure and Reactivity of Dinuclear Complexes of Iridium
Structure and variability in the developmental trajectory of children's externalizing problems: impact of child sex, infant attachment, and maternal depression
Structure-based Design of Sub-micromolar, Biologically Active Inhibitors of Trypanosomatid Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase
Studies and code modifications leading to ISOSHLD-IV
Studies of Microbial Methane Oxidation in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Environments
Studies on Boundary Conditions for Fine-Sediment Transport
Studies on the Mechanism of Phosphate Accumulation By Sea Urchin Embryos
Study Design Issues in the Analysis of Complex Genetic Traits
Study of Magnetic Fields in Two Tandem Mirror Devices
Study of Magnetic Relaxation in Plasmas Using a Parallel Implicit Mhd Solver
Study of the Equilibrium Model for Use in Finite Element Analysis
Study of the magnetic field evolution in the spheromak merging experiment
Stylistic Variation and Virtuosity in the Choral Music of Georg Philipp Telemann As Represented By the Unpublished Cantata Wertes Zion, Sei Getrost
Subchannel analysis applied to neutron noise investigation in a boiling water reactor
Subjective perceptions of the demands of hospitalization and anxiety in bone marrow transplant patients
Suboxic Trace Metal Geochemistry and Paleo-record in Continental Margin Sediments of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
Subtypes of bulimia nervosa: a comparison of exercising and purging groups
Suicide in the San Francisco Bay Region, 1938-1942 and 1948-1952
Suicide-risk behaviors and drug involvement among potential high school dropouts
Summer Water Use in Compact Communities: The Effect of Small Lots and Growth Management Plans on Single-Family Water Use in King County, Washington
Supporting Library Interface Changes in Open System Software Evolution
Suppressive specialization: implications for generalization and interference in connectionist networks
Surface Investigations of the Atomic Layer Growth Mechanism in Aluminum Nitride Thin Film Deposition Using Dimethylethylamine Alane and Ammonia
Surface Reconstruction and Display from Range and Color Data
Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points
Surface and Biological Properties of Biofouling-resistant, Poly(ethylene Oxide)-like Plasma Deposited Films
Symbolic Model Checking for Large Software Specifications
Syntheses and Studies of Metal(ii) Complexes of the Potentially Heptadentate Schiff Base Ligands Derived from 2,2', 2"-triaminotriethylamine and 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde or 6-methyl-2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde
Synthesis and Chemistry of 4,5-dimethylene-1,3-dioxolan-2-one and Related Compounds
Synthesis and Nmr Properties of Dihydrogen-hydride Complexes of Rhodium and Iridium
Synthesis and Selective Oxidations of Rhenium Hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl) Borate Compounds
Synthesis of Hydrogel-Liposome Composites and Their Application to Controlled Release of Active Agents
Synthesis of Precursors of a Highly Pyramidalized Alkene and Ab Initio Calculations On Methylenecyclopropane, Cyclopropene, and 1,3-diradicals
Synthesis, Surface Characterization, and Biointeraction Studies of Low-surface Energy Side-chain Polyetherurethanes
System Support for Distributed 3d Real-time Rendering on Commodity Clusters
Systematics, Ecology and Ecological Genetics of Some Northeastern Pacific Littorina
Systemic Problems of Foreign Financing in the PRC: A Comparative Legal Study
T Cell Responses to Treponema Pallidum Subsp. Pallidum Antigens During the Course of Experimental Syphilis Infection
T-dna Organization in Octopine Crown Gall Tumors
TOPAAC, a trace optimization activation analysis code
Tannin Geochemistry of Natural Systems: Method Development and Application
Targeted Disruption of the RI[beta] and RII[beta] Regulatory Subunits of the cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase (PKA) in Mice: Physiological and Neurobiological Defects
Teaching Behavior Viewed As a Function of Learning Style and Personality Type: A Comparison of Experienced and Less Experienced Instrumental Music Teachers
Techniques for the separation of neutron and gamma irradiations in thermoluminescent LiF
Technology Adoption, Dominant Design, and New Product Development: A Model of Technological Lock Out and Empirical Test
Technology Strategies and the Choice of Mode in Foreign Technology Acquisition: A Case Study of the Korean Pharmaceutical Firms
Technology in Action: The Design and Use of Relational Databases
Tectonic Deformation in Western Washington State From Global Positioning System Measurements
Temperature and density determination of a theta pinch preionization plasma
Terrestrial Controls on the Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter and Inorganic Nitrogen in Streams of the Central Amazon Basin, Brazil
Test anxiety, birth order, and quality of feedback as variables affecting cognition in conformity situations
Testosterone, Estrogen, and Breeding Behavior in an Arctic Bird, the Lapland Longspur
Thai mothers living with HIV infection in urban areas
The 'Īsāwīya of Tunisia and Their Music
The ([alpha], Be⁷) Reaction in Light Elements at Energies Below 42 Mev
The Adaptive Significance of Territoriality and Egg Cannibalism in the Painted Greenling, Oxylebius Pictus Gill, a Northeastern Pacific Marine Fish.
The Adjustment of the Lutheran Church to Social Change in the Modern World
The American School of Violin Playing: A Reality
The Aortic Root-aortic Valve Relationship in the Normal, Diseased, and Surgically Repaired States
The Art of Organization: Foundations of a Political Ontology in Gilles Deleuze and Antonio Negri
The Artistic and Sociological Imagery of the Merchant-banker On the Book Covers of the Biccherna in Siena in the Early Renaissance
The Australian Monsoon and Its Mesoscale Convective Systems
The Behavior of Planktotrophic Echinoderm Larvae: Mechanisms, Regulation, and Rates of Suspension Feeding.
The Behavior of Sol-emulsion Systems
The Biosynthesis of the Thiopeptide Antibiotic Thiostrepton
The Carbonate System in Seawater: Laboratory and Field Studies
The Chinese aged in America: housing conditions and their effect on health and psychosomatic symptoms
The Choral Music of Samuel Barber
The Climatic Effects and Requirements of Arctic Clouds
The Concept of Musical Consonance in Greek Antiquity and Its Application in the Earliest Medieval Descriptions of Polyphony
The Conceptual Design of a Mars Nuclear Landing and Ascent Vehicle Utilizing Indigenous Propellant
The Cranium Network Interface Architecture: Support for Message Passing on Adaptive Packet Routing Networks
The Critical Legacy of German Romanticism: Poetic Discourse As Metanarrative in Novalis, Kleist, and Heine
The Crystal Structure of 1,1,4,4-tetramethyl-1,4-diaza-2,5-diboracyclohexane and Structural Studies of Some Faujasite-type Zeolites
The Crystal Structures of Bis(ethylenediamine)-palladium(ii) Chloride and Tetramethylammonium Tetrachloronickelate(ii)
The Crystal Structures of Several Ion-exchanged Forms of Faujasite
The DMAHP/SIX5 Gene in Myotonic Dystrophy
The Dancing Prophets of Malawi: Music and Healing Among the Tumbuka
The Daughter's Symptom: Female Masochism in Literary Works By G.E. Lessing, Sophie Von La Roche, Ingeborg Bachmann and Elfriede Jelinek
The Design and Implementation of Kaleidoscope, a Constraint Imperative Programming Language
The Development of Compositional Style in the Piano Music of Federico Mompou
The Development of Single-family Houses in Sweden and the Pacific Northwest
The Development of Taiwanese Folk Religion, 1683-1945
The Developmental and Reproductive Biology of a Brooding Starfish, Leptasterias Hexactis (stimpson).
The Directional Solidification of Salt Water
The Discontinuous Finite Element Method With the Taylor-galerkin Approach For Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
The Dynamics of Fishes in Intertidal Pools
The Ecology and Evolution of Plant Defense, Herbivore Tolerance, and Disease Virulence
The Economic Regulation of Ocean Liner Shipping in a Newly Industrializing Country: A Survey of Alternative Regulatory Modes and Policy Considerations Concerning Taiwan's Liner Industry
The Effect of Economic Regulation on Accounting Decisions: Evidence From the U.s. Airline Industry
The Effect of Income Taxes on the Form of Business Entity
The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Breakdown Voltage of Power Mosfets
The Effect of Transactive Memory and Collective Efficacy on Aircrew Performance
The Effect of Vertical Mixing On Along Channel Transport in a Layered Flow
The Effect of the Introduction of Cutthroat Trout on the Benthic Community of Lake Lenore, Washington
The Effects of Alternative State Tax Regimes on Firms'accounting and Financial Decisions
The Effects of Financial Reporting and Tax Costs on the Relative Use of Employee Stock Options
The Effects of Landscape Heterogeneity on Insect Populations: A Study of Pattern and Scale
The Effects of Price Changes on a Firm's Investment Decisions
The Effects of Securitization on Consumer Mortgage Financing Costs
The Effects of Social Factors on Adult Children Caring for Older Parents
The Effects of Standard Clarity, Type of Standard, and Being Held to Account on Behavior and Attributions
The Effects of a Three-phase Constructivist Instructional Model For Improvisation On High School Students' Perception and Reproduction of Musical Rhythm
The Efficacy of Pre-1965 and Post-1965 Musical Aptitude and Achievement Tests For Use With Diverse Groups
The Efficacy of Protest: Meaning and Social Movement Outcomes
The Electronic Valve Instrument: Nyle Steiner's Unique Musical Innovation
The Embryology of Three Species Representing Three Superfamilies of Articulate Brachiopoda.
The Embryonic Macrophage: Scavenger or Sculptor?
The Energetics of Adhesion in Composite Materials
The Enlightened Transposition: Cosi Fan Tutte in Colonial America, Philadelphia, 1785
The Eternal Paradox in Franz Liszt's Persona: Good and Evil As Illustrated in His Piano Sonatas
The Evolution of Modular Adaptation: Experimental Studies of Dispersal and Growth in the Marine Colonial Hydroid, Aglaophenia Struthionides
The Existential Grounding of Death in Hölderlin, Nietzsche, and Heidegger
The Expressionist Stage in Light of Bataillian Expenditure
The Fate of MBP-specific T Cells in MBP TCR Transgenic Mice
The Flow History of Siple Dome and Ice Streams C and D, West Antarctica: Inferences From Geophysical Measurements and Ice Flow Models
The Formation and Evolution of the Large Magellanic Cloud From Selected Clusters and Star Fields
The Gendering of Humor: Toward a Feminist Narrative
The Geochemistry of Redox-sensitive Trace Metals
The Heat Capacities of Iron (ii) Chloride and Iron (ii) Iodide
The Hermeneutic of the Look and the Face of the Other in the Philosophy and Literature of Jean-pal Sartre
The Hip Fracture Epidemic: Prevention and Treatment Strategies
The Holy Week Motets of Juan Gutierrez De Padilla and Francisco Vidales: Single Choir Motets From Choirbook XV and Legajo XXX, Puebla Cathedral Archive
The Hybrid Narrative World of Izumi Kyōka
The Identification and Distribution of Multidrug Resistance in Streptococcus Pneumoniae in Washington State
The Image of Italy and the Italian in English Travel Books: 1800-1901
The Immersed Interface Method: A Numerical Approach For Partial Differential Equations With Interfaces
The Impact of Family Definitions in American Municipal Zoning Ordinances
The Impact of Housing and Racial Change Upon the Neighborhood Age Structures of the Cleveland Metropolitan Area
The Imperfect Librarians: Myth and Resistance in Marcel Proust, Johannes V. Jensen, Virginia Woolf, and Jorge Luis Borges
The Influence of Convectively Generated Thermal Forcing On the Mesoscale Circulation Around Squall Lines
The Influence of Persian Culture During the Early ʻabbāsīd Times: A Study of Abū Nuwās' Poetry
The Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Carbon Dioxide Ice
The Interpersonal Communication Effects of Humorous and Fear-arousing Public Service Announcements Recommending Condom Use
The Isolation and Characterization of Inflammatory Polypeptides from Staphylococcus Epidermidis
The Ju-lin Wai-shih: An Inquiry Into the Picaresque in Chinese Fiction
The Kilowatt Wars: James D. Ross, Public Power, and the Public Relations Contest for the Hearts and Minds of Pacific Northwesterners
The Lignin Geochemistry of Sedimentary and Aquatic Humic Substances
The Literary Thanatic: Writing and Oblivion in Freud and Bataille
The Livian Historiographical Tradition
The Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor As a Model For Studying Candidate-Locus Linkage Disequilibrium and Allelic Association
The Mass in G By Ignacio Jerusalem and Its Place in the California Mission Music Repertory
The Measured Upstream Impedance For Clarinet Performance and Its Role in Sound Production
The Measurement of Intergroup Tensions in the State of Washington and the City of Seattle: Analysis of Two Surveys Conducted Under the Auspices of the Washington Public Opinion Laboratory
The Mechanisms Underlying EGF-Stimulated Neuronal Differentiation in PC12 Cells
The Methods of Madness: Insanity as Metaphor in Five Modern Novels
The Microbial Fate of Carbon in High-Latitude Seas: Impact of the Microbial Loop on Oceanic Uptake of Co2
The Minato-cavalli Operas: The Search For Structure in Libretto and Solo Scene
The Modern Trombone Cd-rom: A Digital Edition of a Standard Reference
The Music For Unaccompanied Mixed Chorus of Einojuhani Rautavaara
The Music Methods Class: Acquisition of Pedagogical Content Knowledge By Preservice Music Teachers
The Music of Carl Ruggles
The Music of Professional Musicians of Northwest Iran (Azerbaijan)
The Neurogenic Genes in Drosophila Oogenesis
The News Control Explanation of News Making: The Case of William Randolph Hearst, 1920-1940
The Non-Self-Governing Political Entity
The Oath in Epic Poetry
The Origin and Differentiation of the Osteoclast
The Original Solo Piano Works of Mily Balakirev
The Origins of Cantus Firmus Used in the English Magnificat From the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Centuries
The Osiris-Hermes Symbolism in Thomas Mann's Die Bekenntnisse Des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
The Other Voice: An Introduction to the Phenomenology of Metamorphosis
The Peri Demosthenous of Didymos Grammatikos
The Phantoms of the Arena: A History of Collegiate Athletic Publicity, 1911-1961
The Physical Oceanography of the Northern Baffin Bay Region
The Physical Properties of Sulfur Trioxide
The Piano As Percussion Instrument
The Political Economy of International Automotive Competition: A Comparative and Longitudinal Study of Governmental Policy, Developmental Change, and Shifting Competitive Advantage in the European and Japanese Automobile Industries
The Population Ecology and Community Role of the Predaceous Asteroid, Leptasterias Hexactis (stimpson).
The Position of Music in Shona Mudzimu (Ancestral Spirit) Possession
The Practice of Inner Sense: Redirection in an Age of Negative Aesthetics
The Preludes and Fugues (opus 36) of Marcel Dupre︠ and Their Relationship to the Harmonic and Melodic Processes As Set Forth in the Traité D'improvisation À L'orgue
The Preparation of a Metalloporphyrin-peptide Conjugate Artificial Protein for the Catalytic Oxidation of Alkenes
The Price of Parenting: The Effect of Parental Involvement on Labor Market Mobility
The Psychology of Product Aesthetics: Antecedents and Individual Differeces in Product Evaluations
The Published Trio Sonatas of Francesco Antonio Bonporti (1672-1748)
The Question of Tradition: Steven Staryk-perspectives of Violin Playing and Music
The Rate of Supernovae in the Nearby and Distant Universe
The Reality of the Soul in Plato
The Relation Between Surface and Basal Velocity Variations in Glacier, With Application to the Mini-Surges of Variegated Glacier
The Relationship Between Resident Satisfaction and Apartment Forms: A Case Study in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea
The Reluctant Witches in Benedikte Naubert's Neue Volksmährchen Der Deutschen, 1789-1792
The Revival of Interest in Old English Music in Victorian England, and the Impact of This Revival On Music Composed Into the Twentieth Century
The Role and Performance of Herodotus as Narrator of the Histories
The Role of CREB-Dependent Gene Expression in Neuronal Plasticity and Memory Formation
The Role of CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 in First-Pass Intestinal Drug Metabolism
The Role of Cross-cultural Adaptation in the "Little Theater" Movement in Taiwan
The Role of Drug-Lipid Interactions in Biodistribution and Therapeutic Effects for Drugs Incorporated into Liposomes
The Role of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 in Early Xenopus Development
The Role of I.S. Turgenev in Introducing Russian Literature to France
The Role of Opsin Expression in the Development of Photoreceptor Topography and Synapses in the Fetal Primate Retina
The Role of Performance Models in Parallel Programming and Languages
The Role of Retinal-specific Transcription Factors in Neurogenesis
The Role of Retinoic Acid Receptors in Oral Epithelial Differentiation
The Role of Solo Violin in the Orchestral Compositions of Richard Strauss
The Role of the IQ Motif, a Protein Kinase C and Calmodulin Regulatory Domain, in Neuroplasticity, RNA Processing, and RNA Metabolism
The Roles of Wave-zonal Flow Interaction and Orographic Forcing On the Generation of Low-frequency Variability in a Newly Developed Gcm
The Russian Doukhobors of British Columbia: A Study of Social Adjustment and Conflict
The Sequence Determinants of Folding for a Small Globular Protein
The Sequence-dependence of Dna Flexibility
The Silver Operetta and the Golden Musical: The Influence of the Viennese Operetta of the Silver Age (1905-1935) On the Broadway Musical of the Golden Age (1943-1964)
The Social and Cultural Organization of Black Group Vocal Harmony in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland, 1945-1960
The Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Methane Emitted from Biomass Burning and Removed by Oxic Soils: Application to the Atmospheric Methane Budget
The Strategy of Corporate Survival: A Resource Dependence Approach
The Structure of Communication in an Emerging Frontier Community: Jacksonville, Oregon 1852-56
The Suzuki Beginner: A Teacher's Guide to the Suzuki Principles of Violin
The Symphonies of Georg Mathias Monn (1717-1750)
The Synthesis and Study of Tricyclo[³, ̳ ⁷] Undec-3(7)-ene, an Important Member of a Homologous Series of Pyramidalized Olefins
The Timing of and Motivation for Tender Offer Stock Repurchases
The Tragedy of Carmen: Georges Bizet and Peter Brook
The Transient Limits of the Fast Flux Test Facility with Respect to the Passive Safety Program for Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors
The Trophos from Homer to Euripides as a Figure of Authority
The Turkish "makam" System in Contemporary Theory and Practice.
The Unique Expression of Shostakovich's Violin Writing
The University Community Assessed in Relation to Mental Health
The Urbanization of Tembang Sunda: An Aristocratic Musical Genre of West Java, Indonesia
The Use of Geosynthetics to Mitigate Frost Heave in Soils
The Use of Quotation in 20th-century Works By Ron Averill, Charles Dodge, and Charles Ives
The Use of Stereospecifically-labeled Phenylpropanoid Compounds to Determine the Steric Course of Key Reaction Steps in the Biosynthesis of Taxol, Hyoscyamine, and Cycloheptyl Fatty Acids
The Uses of the Supernatural in the Works of Lord Dunsany and James Stephens
The Value of Monthly and Seasonal Forecasts in Bayesian Stochastic Dynamic Programming
The Variation of the Drag Coefficient in the Marine Surface Layer Due to Temporal and Spatial Variations of the Surface Wind and Sea State
The Verification and Application of Satellite Scatterometer Winds
The Viability of Multiple Bubble Sonoluminescence for Analytical Applications
The Vision of Death: A Study of the Memento Mori Expressions in Some Latin, German, and French Didactic Texts of the 11th and 12th Centuries.
The Web Interfacing Repository Manager: A Framework for Developing Web-based Experiment Management Systems
The Well-tempered Clavier By J.s. Bach: A Performance Guide to Twelve Selected Preludes and Fugues Arranged in Order of Ascending Difficulty
The World War I Censorship of the Irish-american Press
The active and passive voice are equally comprehensible in scientific writing
The adaptive significance of multiple mating in female mink (Mustela vison) and its effects on the mating system
The architecture, connectivity and organization of Macaca inferior pulvinar
The association between reproductive function and body weight regulation
The associations of diet and nutritional factors with measures of neoplastic progression in Barrett's esophagus
The axial spectral effects in a PWR core due to water density differences
The brief interpersonal circumplex
The childbirth environment and maternal stress
The conceptual design of a magnetic tape seal system
The contribution of leadership experience and self-efficacy to group performance under evaluation apprehension
The control of interdialytic weight gain in hemodialysis patients
The daily experiences of women with alcoholism teaching tales about women's process
The development and recovery of vestibular reflexes in the domestic chicken
The dimensions of subjective time experience
The effect of changes in leadership environment on the behavior of relationship- and task-motivated leaders
The effect of therapeutic touch on glucocortcoids and agitated behaviour in individuals with dementia of the Alzheimer type
The effect of thermal radiative heat transport on core melt in a boiling water reactor
The effects of a significant-other observer on neuropsychological test performance
The effects of anger upon blood pressure reactivity in normotensive and hypertensive subjects
The effects of childhood sexual abuse in an adult male population
The effects of disability following a cerebrovascular accident on older individuals and on their marital relationships
The effects of empathy training on children's attitudes and behaviors toward handicapped peers
The effects of family support, expectation of filial piety, and stress on health consequences of older adults with diabetes mellitus
The effects of interpersonal stress on leadership effectiveness
The effects of neighborhood problem behavior, father absence, and peer antisocial behavior upon adolescent problem behavior: a risk and protective factors model
The effects of pets on children's stress responses during medical procedures
The effects of race, arrogance, and evidence on simulated jury decisions
The effects of strain on the superconducting properties of niobium-tin conductors
The electrophysiological difference between nouns and verbs
The emergence of organizational structure in newly founded skilled nursing facilities
The evaluation of an alternative scattering kernel for hydrogen bound in water
The evolution of the golden rule
The experience of spouse caregiving for persons with advanced cancer
The experiences of suffering and meaning in bone marrow transplant patients
The feasibility of nuclear power in Kuwait.
The function of storytelling among women of African descent: a secondary analysis of a focus group study
The general atomic sulfur-iodine water splitting cycle: energy requirements of sulfuric acid concentration and decomposition
The impact of incest history on survivors' relationships with their children
The infant undergoing cardiac surgery: can we predict length of stay and presence of complications from age, weight, diagnoses, and type of of surgery?
The influence of environment on severe obesity
The influence of family visits on physiologic responses in coronary care patients
The influence of incubator air temperature on the respiratory responses of preterm infants
The influence of memory on the gambler's fallacy
The interpretation of graphs and tables
The lawyer-client relationship
The least preferred coworker scale: a construct validation study
The meaning of health, health self-perceptions, health behaviors and health indicators in young school-age children with asthma
The mediating effect of maternal-child coping behaviors on child adaptational outcome: an ecological approach
The mother-daughter relationship in menopause and the aging process
The neuroendocrinology of coping behaviors in the white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii
The pattern of anatomical connections in visual area V2 of Macaque monkey
The performance of fast breeder reactor fuel pins with mixed fuel-to-cladding gaps
The prediction of combat effective leadership
The process of maintaining hope in adults with leukemia undergoing bone marrow transplantation
The quality of human judgment: an alternative perspective
The relation of anxiety, sex, and instructions to performance and verbal behavior during anagram solution
The relationship between heart rate variability, auditory evoked heart rate responses, and performance on recognition memory tests in low birth weight and normal birth weight infant macaques (Macaca nemestrina)
The relationship between sleep hygiene practices and nocturnal sleep for midlife women with and without insomnia
The relationship of induced muscular tension, tension level and manifest anxiety in learning
The reliability and validity of a cognitive-behavioral case formulation method
The social construction of prematurity: negotiations in neonatal intensive care
Theoretical Calculations of Magnetic Hysteresis and Critical Sizes For Transitions Between Single-Domain and Multi-Domain Properties in Titanomagnetites
Theoretical Investigations in Vibrational Spectroscopy
Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of the Neutron Flux Distribution in the Thermal Column of the Uw Nuclear Reactor
Theoretical study of the thermal neutron noise for diagnostics of two-dimensional control rod vibration in a typical PWR model
Thermal Convection in Open-Top Porous Media at High Rayleigh Numbers
Thermal Modulation of Microcalorimetric Sensors for Chemical Analysis
Thermal Stress Analysis of High Heat Flux Beam Dumps for Fusion Applications
Thermal and Internal Corrections for the Hole Pressure Problem
Thermal and Photocatalytic Oxidation of 2-propanol On Rutile Titanium Dioxide (110) and (100)
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of LMFBR fuel assemblies
Thermally Driven Surface Winds in the Tropics
Thermally Reversible Hydrogels for Controlled Drug Delivery and Enzyme Immobilization
Thermo: An Interactive Thermodynamic Code for Computer Simulation of Steam Cycles in Nuclear Steam Supply Systems
Thermodynamic Equilibrium in the Chemical System NH
Thermoluminescent Personnel Dosimetry System Design for Mixed Radiation Fields
Three-Dimensional Circulation Dynamics of Along-Channel Flow in Stratified Estuaries
Three-dimensional Analysis of Waste Impoundment Stability
Time, Energy, and Risk in Two Species of Carnivorous Gastropods.
Time-energy Analysis of Molecular Vibrational Spectra
Time-space Tradeoffs and Functional Representations Via Branching Programs and Their Generalizations
Tonal Unity and Quality of Motion: A Schenkerian Study
Topographic Forcing of Thermal Convection in a Hele-Shaw Cell Model of a Porous Medium
Toroidal Field Generation and Magnetic Field Relaxation in a Conical Theta Pinch Generated Configuration
Toward Explaining Accelerated Rates of Employment Among American Mothers of Preschoolers: 1965-1988
Towards Comprehensive Web Search
Trace Metal Cycling in the Central Equatorial Pacific: Results from the U.s. Jgofs Eqpac Survey Cruises
Tracking Consensus in Product Development Teams
Tradition and Change in Vietnamese Marriage Patterns in the Red River Delta
Traditional Korean Children's Songs: Collection, Analysis, and Application
Translation as Transformation: Models and Analogues for Wider Practice and Reception
Transport and Bottom Boundary Layer Observations of the North Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current at the Blake Outer Ridge
Trichomonas Vaginalis Cell Cycle Studies
Tritium Inventory and Transport in a Solid Breeder Rod
Tropical Dynamics Near the Stratospause: The Two-day Wave and Its Relatives
Truth, lies, and memory change: the effects of lying on subsequent memory
Trypanosoma Cruzi-Infected Macrophages Are Defective in Class II Antigen Presentation
Turnover in the High-tech Industry: Shocks and Sensemaking in the Unfolding Model of Turnover
Twelve Nouvelle Impressions: Historical and Cultural Factors Relating to the Performance of Isaac Albeniz's Iberia Suite
Two Chamber Operas
Two Compositions
Two Light Chains of the Unconventional Myosin Myo2p
Two-phase flow calculations in support of experimental interpretation
Two-phase flow classification by analysis of drag-disc and turbine meter output signals
Umara-Ulama-Ummah Relations and Pesantrens in Aceh Province, Indonesia: A Study of the Challenges to the Authority of a Traditionalist Kiyai
Unfolding fuel motion in fast reactor safety tests from in-core detectors using a-priori information
Uomini Illustri: The Revival of the Author Portrait in Renaissance Florence
Upper Ocean Turbulence, Mixing, and Stratification
Upper-Mantle Structure of the Cascadia Subduction Zone From Non-Linear Teleseismic Travel-Time Inversion
Urban Growth, Land Use Change, and Metropolitan Restructuring: The Case of Greater Seattle, 1960-90
Urban Renewal Planning for City-States: A Case Study of Singapore
Urban Revitalization Tools: Assessing the Impacts of Sports Stadia at the Microarea Level
Urban Transformation and Adaptation in Bangka, Taipei: Marginalization of a Historical Core
Use of Linear Quadratic and Quadratic Programming Methods in Model-based Process Control
Use of a Priori Information to Produce More Effective, Automated Chemometrics Methods
Use of information in decision deliberation
Uses of Chlorofluorocarbons as Ocean Tracers and for Estimating the Removal Rates of CFC-11 and Carbon Tetrachloride in Certain Marine Environments
Uses of nature stimuli in relaxation therapy for anxiety and anger
Using Constraints for User Interface Construction
Using Crime Victims' Names in the News: Journalists' Legal Rights and Ethical Justifications
Using Virtual Memory to Improve Cache and Tlb Performance
Using unannounced standardized patients to assess HIV prevention in primary care: a study of clinical performance
Utilization of carotid endarterectomy before and after the North American symptomatic carotid endarterectomy trial (NASCET) report: effects of clinical research results on the care of patients with carotid artery disease
Utopia, Where East and West Meet: A Comparative Study of Hybrid Utopias in Twentieth-century Chinese and Western Literature
Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Studies on the Helicity Injected Tokamak
Value Change across Three Generations of Japanese Americans: The Effects of Culture, Social Structure and Identity
Ventilator dependency consequences for child and family
Verbalizing non-verbal memories: some things are better left unsaid
Verification of the KIII kinetics code
Verismo in the Works of Gian Carlo Menotti: A Comparison With Late Nineteenth-century Italian Opera
Video Fluorometry: A Novel Approach to the Acquisition and Interpretation of Multicomponent Fluorescence Data
Virtual Memory Alternatives for Transaction Buffer Management in a Single-level Store
Visible and near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy of Irregular Solids
Wake Closure Conditions in Plug Nozzle Flowfields
Water-only Chemical Analysis Methodologies: Investigations of Water Liquid Chromatography, Subcritical Water Extracton, and Dynamic Surface Tension Detection
Weighting of attributes hypothesis: how perspective relates to preference shifts
Weirel: a Fortran Monte Carlo program for the availability of a system with time-dependent instantaneous rates for failure and repair
What Is My God: The Feminine Dimension of God as Perceived by Fredrika Bremer, Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot and Selma Lagerlöf
What She Carries with Her: Gender and American National Identity in Nineteenth-century Women's Travel Narratives
Wheels Within Wheels: An Examination of Witold Lutoslawski's Trois Poèmes D'henri Michaux
When in Rome ...: The Effects of Adaptive Behaviors On Intercultural Buyerseller Negotiations
When jurors ignore the law and the evidence to do justice
Who Governs? Who Plans?: In King County's Farmland Retention Decisionmaking Process
Whole-program Optimization of Object-oriented Languages
Why Johnny Won't Quit: Reason, Social Influence and Educational Attainment
William Grant Still's the Afro-American Symphony: A Culturally Inclusive Perspective
Winners and Losers: The Role of Personality Types in High-tech Business Success
Wit and Humor As a Dramatic Force in the Beethoven Piano Sonatas
With Liberty for Some: Oregon Editors and the Challenge of Civil Liberties, 1942-55
Wnt Pathway-mediated Transcriptional Regulation of the Xenopus Dorsoanterior Organizing Gene Siamois
Wnt Signaling Pathways in Xenopus laevis
Women affected by U.S. welfare reform: considering health and its relationship to public policy
Women with Parkinson's disease: circadian function
Women with histories of cocaine or heroin use who lose child custody
Women's experience of food cravings: a biopsychosocial model
Women's integration of the myocardial infarction experience: reclaiming independence after a heart attack
Women's perceptions of and responses to sexual aggression: the alcohol myopia and anxiolysis-disinhibition theories
Words of Deliverance: The (re)constitution of the Disenfranchised Feminine Subject in Selected Works of West African and Latin American Women Writers
Wrapper Induction for Information Extraction
X-ray Crystallographic Studies of Heat-labile Enterotoxins From Escherichia Coli
X-ray Studies of Three Coordination Compounds
Yeast Telomere Structure: Genetic Analysis Implicating a Novel Terminus-Specific Factor in Telomeric Silencing
Zooplankton and Micronekton Associated with a Diffuse Sound-Scattering Layer in Puget Sound, Washington
End of automatically generated list.