Wikidata:WikiProject PersonalData/DataModel





Data controllers


Main categories




Instrument used




Types of data


Uses of data


Sources of data


Data subjects


Third parties


Sources of mapping




The following properties are not in WikiData yet:



Defining a data controller

  • A data controller (Q59859818) is any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which determines the purposes and means of personal data processing (except for AdTech companies, see discussion):

  • The instrument is owned by an organization, which is why we state:

  • And the reverse statement:

GDPR statements


Note: we're using email address (P968) because "DPO e-mail", which is preferred, is not yet a property in WikiData.

Data use by data controllers


Note: we're using has use (P366) because "for", which is preferred, is not yet a property in WikiData.

Note: we're using fabrication method (P2079) because "source", which is preferred, is not yet a property in WikiData.

Third parties


Note: we're using partnership with (P2652) because "contracts", which is preferred, is not yet a property in WikiData.

Note: we're using fabrication method (P2079) because "source", which is preferred, is not yet a property in WikiData.

Note: we're using has use (P366) because "for", which is preferred, is not yet a property in WikiData.

List of other items relevant to this effort


This list is created automatically from WikiProject PersonalData (Q60228333):

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?q { wd:Q60228333 wdt:P2650 ?item. OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P3921 ?q.} SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" } }


Article description
Adequacy decision Data protection adequacy decision by the European Commission
ads.txt protocol
agent processing personal data entity performing actions on personal data
An Ontology-based Platform to Collaboratively Manage Supply Chains scholarly article
Android permission Permission used in the Android operating system
AppCensus project covering privacy issues in the Android app ecosystem
Blinding Identity Taxonomy (BIT) Taxonomy of Personally Identifiable Information, that should be most often encrypted to ensure proper privacy protection
computing platform hardware architecture and/or software framework
data controller natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which determines the purposes and means of personal data processing
data protection officer according to GDPR
data protection supervisory authority an independent public authority which is established by a EEA Member State (including EU Member States) pursuant to Article 51 General Data Protection Regulation
Data Transfer Agreement Agreement governing data transfers, and facilitating compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation in B2B contexts.
Data Value Networks: Enabling a New Data Ecosystem
DataPolitics database of data-driven consultants and companies in the context of politics
Ethereum ontology ontology of the Ethereum protocol
EU-US Privacy Shield an informal framework applicable to the transfer of data between the U.S. and the EU that was negotiated in 2015/2016 after the Safe Harbor framework had been declared null and void by the European Court of Justice
European Data Protection Board
Exodus Privacy project covering privacy issues in the Android app ecosystem
Exploiting the Value of Data through Data Value Networks scholarly article
General Data Protection Regulation European Union regulation on the processing of personal data
Local ontologies for semantic interoperability in supply chain networks scholarly article
official app official downloadable application of an element
privacy policy statement or a legal document
RapidOWL - an Agile Knowledge Engineering Methodology scholarly article
Shattering one-way mirrors – data subject access rights in practice scholarly article
surveillance capitalism monetization of personal information
The Linked Data Value Chain: A Lightweight Model for Business Engineers scholarly article
Towards a Meta-model for Data Ecosystems scholarly article
Towards a value theory for personal data scholarly article
Two birds with one stone. An economically viablesolution for linked open data platforms scholarly article
Web API HTTP based API used in web development
Webxray project project tracking third party tracking on the web
End of automatically generated list.