Wikidata:WikiProject Sports/reports/stub categories

Stub categories for various sports with links to add sport (P641) to items in these categories that don't have any statements yet.

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Category QID ?c
Category:American figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, figure skating and United States of America
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q30 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:American football stubs PetScan American football (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q41323 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:American football team stubs PetScan American football (sport), American football team (instance of) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q41323 +P31:Q17156793 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Archery stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and archery (sport)
+P641:Q108429 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Asian figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, Asia and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Association football stubs PetScan association football (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q2736 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Australian rules football competition stubs PetScan Australian rules football (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q50776 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Austrian figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, Austria and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q40 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Auto racing stubs PetScan auto racing (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q5386 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Badminton stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and badminton
Category:Baseball stubs PetScan baseball (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q5369 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Basketball stubs PetScan basketball (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q5372 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Bodybuilding stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and bodybuilding (sport)
+P641:Q124100 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Boxing stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and boxing (sport)
+P641:Q32112 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:British figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, United Kingdom and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q145 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Bullfighting stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and bullfighting (sport)
+P641:Q184940 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Canadian figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, figure skating and Canada
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q16 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Chess stubs PetScan chess (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q718 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Chinese figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, People's Republic of China and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q148 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Climbing stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and climbing (sport)
+P641:Q22857 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Cricket competition stubs PetScan cricket (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q5375 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Cricket stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and cricket (sport)
+P641:Q5375 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Curling stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and curling (sport)
+P641:Q136851 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Darts stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and darts (sport)
+P641:Q131471 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:European figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, Europe and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Fencing stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and fencing (sport)
+P641:Q12100 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Field hockey stubs PetScan field hockey (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q1455 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Figure skating stub templates PetScan Wikimedia template, figure skating and Wikipedia:Stub
Check if P31 is ok +P31:Q11266439 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Figure skating stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and figure skating (sport)
+P641:Q38108 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Floorball stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and floorball (sport)
+P641:Q206763 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:French figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, figure skating and France
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q142 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:German figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, Germany and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q183 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Golf stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and golf (sport)
+P641:Q5377 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Golf tournament stubs PetScan golf (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q5377 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Gymnastics stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and gymnastics (sport)
+P641:Q43450 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Handball stubs PetScan handball (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q8418 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Horse racing stubs PetScan horse racing (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q187916 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Ice hockey stubs PetScan ice hockey (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q41466 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Inline hockey stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and inline hockey (sport)
+P641:Q946171 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Japanese figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, Japan and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q17 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Judo stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and judo (sport)
+P641:Q11420 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Motorcycle sport stubs PetScan motorcycle sport (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q328716 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Motorsport stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and motorsport (sport)
+P641:Q5367 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:National basketball team stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and basketball (sport)
+P641:Q5372 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Netball stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and netball (sport)
+P641:Q231200 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:North American figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, North America and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Orienteering stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and orienteering (sport)
+P641:Q29358 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Polish figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, Poland and figure skating
Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q36 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Rowing stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and rowing (sport)
+P641:Q159354 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Rugby league stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and rugby league (sport)
+P641:Q10962 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Rugby union stubs PetScan rugby union (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q5849 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Russian figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, figure skating and Russia
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q159 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Sailing stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and sailing (sport)
+P641:Q192520 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Skiing stubs PetScan skiing (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q130949 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Snowboarding stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and snowboarding (sport)
+P641:Q178131 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Softball stubs PetScan softball (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q171038 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Soviet figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, figure skating and Soviet Union
Category:Speed skating stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and speed skating (sport)
+P641:Q192431 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Sports stubs PetScan sport and Wikipedia:Stub
Category:Squash stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and squash (sport)
+P641:Q133201 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Sumo stubs PetScan sumo (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q40561 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Swiss figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, figure skating and Switzerland
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q39 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Table tennis stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and table tennis (sport)
+P641:Q3930 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Tennis biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human and tennis
.. +P31:Q5 . +P641:Q847 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:Tennis competition stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and tennis
. +P641:Q847 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Tennis stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and tennis (sport)
+P641:Q847 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Tennis venue stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and tennis
. +P641:Q847 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Ukrainian figure skating biography stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub, human, Ukraine and figure skating
.. +P31:Q5 Check if P17 is ok +P17:Q212 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding. +all2
Category:United States basketball team stubs PetScan basketball (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q5372 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Volleyball stubs PetScan volleyball (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q1734 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Volleyball team stubs PetScan volleyball (sport) and Wikipedia:Stub
+P641:Q1734 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Water polo stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and water polo (sport)
+P641:Q7707 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Weightlifting stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and weightlifting (sport)
+P641:Q83462 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Windsurfing stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and windsurfing (sport)
+P641:Q191051 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
Category:Yacht racing stubs PetScan Wikipedia:Stub and yacht racing (sport)
+P641:Q8046440 May take time to load on large categories. Please screen list before adding.
End of automatically generated list.