Wikidata:WikiProject X

WikiProject X is an initiative to improve WikiProjects and other subject-area collaborations through research, design, and experimentation. This project is a community initiative led by Harej and Isarra and funded by the Wikimedia Foundation through an Individual Engagement Grant.

Most of our activity is on the English Wikipedia, for now. We have created this page as our Wikidata outpost for experimental purposes. Ooooh!






  • Using Wikidata to facilitate the to-do list writing process. For example: "give me every European MP without an article in Dutch"
  • Create a visually appealing interactive profile of users (probably after opt-in) based on the properties/ items/ namespaces etc. they link to or edit most often. Combine this with "similar users" functionality to provide a tool to find collaborators.
  • Open a Meta Portal for sharing idea over layers of engagement involving the human-machine interactions in the general public cloud as a self-hosting wikikernel human user terminal to the Simple English Wikipedia.