Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Christian religious art/Suggestions/Label (low)

main subject (P921) suggestions based on same label in a language. This is a subset of Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Christian religious art/Suggestions/Label where we have a low (less than 5) number of matches.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?label ?item2 ?mainsubject ?addlink ?count WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 ; wdt:P136 wd:Q2864737 . # Remove when we run out of suggestions MINUS { ?item wdt:P136 ?genre . FILTER ( ?genre!=wd:Q2864737 ) } . MINUS { ?item wdt:P921 [] } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1278452 } . ?item rdfs:label ?label . } } AS %missingmainsubject WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?mainsubject (COUNT(CONCAT(LANG(?label),STR(?label), STR(?mainsubject))) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?item2) AS ?item2) WHERE { ?item2 wdt:P136 wd:Q2864737 ; wdt:P921 ?mainsubject ; wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 ; rdfs:label ?label . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item2 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1278452 } . } GROUP BY ?label ?mainsubject HAVING (?count < 5) ORDER BY DESC(?count) } AS %mainsubjects WHERE { INCLUDE %missingmainsubject. INCLUDE %mainsubjects. BIND(CONCAT("[", REPLACE(STR(?item), "", ""), "&action=edit&withJS=MediaWiki:AddQuickClaim.js&propertyid=P921&entityid=", REPLACE(STR(?mainsubject), "", ""), " Add]") AS ?addlink) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } ORDER BY ASC(?count) LIMIT 400
image label description Main subject Add creator collection inventory number location inception depicts Based on item Based on label Number of hits
Adam und Eva mit Kain und Abel painting by Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate Fall of man Add Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate 1660 Adam and Eve with Cain and Abel Adam und Eva mit Kain und Abel 1
Adoration of the Mages painting by Frans III Francken, Musée des Beaux-Arts[Tournai] adoration of the Magi Add Frans Francken III Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai 228 Adoration of the Magi L'adoration des Mages 1
Adoration of the Magi painting by Jan Brueghel (I), Museum Mayer van den Bergh consumerism Add Jan Brueghel the Elder Museum Mayer van den Bergh MMB.0058 Museum Mayer van den Bergh 15th century Adoration of the Kings Anbetung der Könige 1
Adoration of the Magi painting by Amico Aspertini consumerism Add Amico Aspertini Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna 15th millenium Adoration of the Kings Anbetung der Könige 1
Adoration of the Magi anonymous painting consumerism Add 1570 Virgin Mary
Christ Child
Adoration of the Kings Anbetung der Könige 1
Adoração do Menino Jesus painting by Bento Coelho da Silveira Nativity of Jesus Add Bento Coelho da Silveira No/unknown value 17th century Adoration of the Child Adoração do Menino Jesus 1
Angel painting by Bartolo di Fredi Cini, circa 1330-1410 putto Add Hermitage Museum ГЭ-2472 Hermitage Museum 13th century Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by James Gerald Joyce (1819–1878), Reading Museum & Town Hall putto Add James Gerald Joyce Reading Museum REDMG : 1998.173.5 Reading Museum 1878 Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Edward John Poynter (1836–1919), St Paul's Cathedral putto Add Edward Poynter St Paul's Cathedral 772 St Paul's Cathedral 1878 Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Edward John Poynter (1836–1919), St Paul's Cathedral (angel-230149) putto Add Edward Poynter St Paul's Cathedral 771 St Paul's Cathedral 1878 Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Edward John Poynter (1836–1919), St Paul's Cathedral (angel-230155) putto Add Edward Poynter St Paul's Cathedral 777 St Paul's Cathedral 1878 Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Edward John Poynter (1836–1919), St Paul's Cathedral (angel-230147) putto Add Edward Poynter St Paul's Cathedral 769 St Paul's Cathedral 1878 Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Edward John Poynter (1836–1919), St Paul's Cathedral (angel-230156) putto Add Edward Poynter St Paul's Cathedral 812 St Paul's Cathedral 1878 Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Selwyn Image (1849–1930), William Morris Gallery putto Add Selwyn Image William Morris Gallery BrO82 William Morris Gallery 1882 Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Mary Gwenillan Gibson (1888–1966), Wolverhampton Art Gallery putto Add Wolverhampton Art Gallery OP828 Wolverhampton Art Gallery Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by unknown artist, Royal Free Hospital putto Add No/unknown value Royal Free Hospital A219 Royal Free Hospital Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by unknown artist, Museum of Farnham putto Add No/unknown value Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Colin Clegg (1929–2004), Pembroke College, University of Oxford putto Add Colin Clegg Pembroke College 65 Pembroke College Angel Angel 1
Angel painting by Peter Paul Rubens putto Add Peter Paul Rubens 1610 Angel Angel 1
Angel painting putto Add No/unknown value Chapelle Saint-Jean-des-Vignes de Saint-Plancard 1140 Angel Angel
Angels putto Add No/unknown value 11th century Angel Engel 1
Angels putto Add No/unknown value 11th century Angel Engel 1
Archangel Michael painting by Ercole de' Roberti War in Heaven Add Ercole de' Roberti Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna 1470 Michael Saint Michael San Michele Arcangelo 1
Archangel Michael painting by Marco Pino War in Heaven Add Marco Pino Sant'Angelo a Nilo Sant'Angelo a Nilo 1573 Michael Saint Michael San Michele Arcangelo 1
Archangel Michael painting by Guido Reni Michael Add Guido Reni Museo del Prado P000228 Museo del Prado 16th century Michael Archangel Michael Erzengel Michael 1
Archangel Michael painting by Alvaro Pirez d'Evora Michael Add Alvaro Pirez d'Evora No/unknown value 14th century Michael Archangel Michael Erzengel Michael 1
Archangel Michael painting by Giovanni Battista Benaschi War in Heaven
Giovanni Battista Benaschi San Bonaventura al Palatino Michael The Fall of the Rebel Angels
Archangel Michael
San Michele
Erzengel Michael
Archangel Saint Michael fresco by Floriano Ferramola War in Heaven Add Floriano Ferramola Museo di Santa Giulia Museo di Santa Giulia 1528 Michael Saint Michael San Michele Arcangelo 1
Assumption of Mary Magdalene painting by José Claudio Antolinez Mary Magdalene Add José Antolínez Museo del Prado P000591 Museo del Prado 160s Mary Magdalene
Assumption of Mary Magdalene Assumption of Mary Magdalene 1
Assumption of the Virgin painting by Andrea Mainardi Madonna and Child Add Andrea Mainardi Santa Margherita Church 1566 Assumption of the Virgin Assumption of the Virgin 1
Benjamin painting by Arthur Pond Benjamin Add Arthur Pond Auckland Castle X743 Auckland Castle 1756 Benjamin Benjamin 1
Bewening van Jezus painting by anonymous painter, Groot Seminarie[Mechelen] / Diocesaan Museum lamentation of Christ Add No/unknown value Grand Seminary Mechelen 530 16th century The lamentation over the dead Christ Bewening van Jezus 1
Christ Blessing painting by Alvise Vivarini Christ blessing
Christ Pantocrator
Alvise Vivarini San Giovanni in Bragora 1494 Segnender Christus
Christ Blessing
Cristo Benedicente
Christ Blessing
Christ Derided painting by John Bryant Lane (1788–1868), Helston Guildhall Crowning with Thorns Add John Bryant Lane Helston Town Hall 1 Helston Town Hall 1811 Christ Derided Christ Derided 1
Christ as the Man of Sorrows between the Virgin and St John painting by Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder or Workshop of Lucas Cranach the Younger (Pinacoteca Vaticana, Roma) Man of Sorrows Add Pinacoteca Vaticana 40275 Pinacoteca Vaticana 15th century Man of Sorrows between Mary and John Schmerzensmann zwischen Maria und Johannes 1
Christ en croix, la Vierge, Madeleine et saint Jean Crucifixion of Jesus Add Christ en croix, la Vierge, Madeleine et saint Jean Christ en croix, la Vierge, Madeleine et saint Jean 1
Christ of the Coin painting by Anton Van Dyck Render unto Caesar Add Anthony van Dyck Musei di Strada Nuova PB0191 Musei di Strada Nuova 1625 Jesus
tribute penny
The Tribute Money Cristo della moneta 1
Christus Salvator Salvator Mundi Add 15th millenium Salvator Mundi Christus Salvator 1
Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem painting by Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 18de of 19de eeuw Anonieme meester triumphal entry into Jerusalem Add No/unknown value Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) 1935-AU Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem 1
Crucifixion Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Christ carrying the cross
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion painting by Altichiero Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
Altichiero St. George's Oratory 1379 Crucifixion
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion painting by circle of Jacopo di Cione (1325–1399) Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
No/unknown value San Pietro in Selva (Malmantile) 15th millenium Jesus
Crucifixion of Jesus
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion painting by Alvise Vivarini Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
Alvise Vivarini Civic Museum of Palazzo Mosca 1470 Crucifixion
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
No/unknown value Pinacoteca Nazionale 14th century Crucifixion
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion painting by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (FAM) Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
Ambrogio Lorenzetti 130s Crucifixion
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion painting by Andrea di Bonaiuto (Cleveland) Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
Andrea di Bonaiuto Cleveland Museum of Art Crucifixion
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion painting by Andrea Vanni (1332–1414) Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
Andrea Vanni Pinacoteca Nazionale crucifixion Crucifixion
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
Crucifixion and Passion Story Crucifixion in the arts
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child
Pinacoteca Vaticana 1345 Crucifixion
Christ carrying the cross
Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Crucifixion 1
David painting by Jozef Israëls David Add Jozef Israëls Rijksmuseum SK-A-3731 Rijksmuseum 1899 David David 1
David painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti David Add Dante Gabriel Rossetti Tate A00842 Tate 1856 David David 1
David painting by Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni) David Add Lorenzo Monaco Metropolitan Museum of Art
European Paintings
65.14.4 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1408 musical instrument
David David 1
David painting by Giorgione David Add Giorgione Statens Museum for Kunst KMSsp139 Statens Museum for Kunst 15th millenium David David 1
David painting by Joan Gascó David Add Joan Gascó Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 024150-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 1500 David David 1
David Part of the Polyptych of Santa Croce by Ugolino di Nerio David Add Ugolino di Nerio National Gallery NG6485 Siena, 1300–1450 - room 52 130s David David David 1
David painting by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli David Add Giovanni Francesco Romanelli Capitoline Museums PC 230 Capitoline Museums 16th century David David 1
De boetvaardige H. Hiëronymus in de wildernis painting circle of Jan Soens Jerome Add No/unknown value 15th millenium De boetvaardige H. Hiëronymus in de wildernis De boetvaardige H. Hiëronymus in de wildernis 1
De val van de opstandige engelen painting by onbekend War in Heaven Add No/unknown value M Leuven S/87/V M Leuven 15th century Fall of the Rebel Angels De val van de opstandige engelen 1
Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) painting by Guy Head (1760–1800), Royal Academy of Arts Descent from the Cross Add Guy Head Royal Academy of Arts 03/1397 Royal Academy of Arts Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) 1
Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) painting by Lambertus van den Wildenbergh (b.1803), The Box, Plymouth Descent from the Cross Add The Box PLYMG.1945.41 The Box 18th century Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) 1
Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) painting by Louis Farasyn (1822–1899), Dundee Art Galleries and Museums Collection (Dundee City Council) Descent from the Cross Add Louis Farasyn Dundee Art Galleries and Museums 132-1912 Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) Descent from the Cross (after Peter Paul Rubens) 1
Dormition and Assumption of the Virgin painting by Fra Angelico Assumption of Mary Add Fra Angelico Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P15w34 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum 14th century Asolo Altarpiece Asunción 1
Dreifaltigkeit painting by Guido Reni sacra conversazione Add Guido Reni Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 20346 Louvre storage (depot) 16th century angel
Holy Spirit
Trinity, the Virgin, and Two Saints La Trinité 1
Déploration painting by Aelbrecht Bouts, Historisches Museum[Frankfurt am Main[DE]] lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
1490 Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
15th millenium Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration painting by Hugo Van der Goes, Kunsthistorisches Museum[Wien, AT] lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
1476 Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
15th century Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
1485 Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
Museo de Burgos Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
1465 Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
15th century Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
14th century Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
15th century Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
14th century Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
15th millenium Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
15th century Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
15th century Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration lamentation of Christ
Descent from the Cross
15th century Déploration
Descente de croix
Déploration 1
Déploration du Christ lamentation of Christ Add 15th millenium Lamentation over the Body of Christ Déploration du Christ 1
Déploration du Christ lamentation of Christ Add 15th millenium Lamentation over the Body of Christ Déploration du Christ 1
Déploration du Christ lamentation of Christ Add 15th millenium Lamentation over the Body of Christ Déploration du Christ 1
Entwurf des Paradieses painting by Paolo Veronese religious views on truth Add Paolo Veronese Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille P 20 Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 1577 crowd
Paradise Paradiso 1
Eva painting by Niels Larsen Stevns Fall of man Add Niels Larsen Stevns Statens Museum for Kunst KMS4302 Statens Museum for Kunst 1898 Eve Eva Eva 1
Fall and Redemption painting Fall of man
Musée Wittert Musée Wittert 1535 The Fall of Man and The Redemption Sündenfall und Erlösung 1
Fuite en Egypte painting by Bertholet Flémal, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Liège Flight into Egypt Add Musée des beaux-arts de Liège 250 Flucht nach Ägypten Fuite en Egypte 1
Hell painting free after Jheronimus Bosch purgatory Add No/unknown value 15th century Hell Hell 1
Hell purgatory Add No/unknown value 15th century Hell Hell 1
Hell purgatory Add No/unknown value 15th century Hell Hell 1
Hell purgatory Add No/unknown value 15th century Hell Hell 1
Hell purgatory Add No/unknown value 15th century Hell Hell 1
Hell purgatory Add No/unknown value 15th century Hell Hell 1
Hl. Rochus Roch Add Paolo Veronese Christian Diocesan Museum and Treasure of the Cathedral of Cividale del Friuli Christian Diocesan Museum and Treasure of the Cathedral of Cividale del Friuli Roch Saint Roch San Rocco 1
Jardin des Oliviers Agony in the Garden Add 1873 Agony in the Garden Jardin des Oliviers 1
Joseph painting by anonymous Joseph Add No/unknown value Reading Public Museum 1937.355.1 Reading Public Museum 18th century Joseph Joseph Joseph 1
Judith avec la tête d'Holopherne painting by Gérard De Lairesse, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Liège Judith Add Musée des beaux-arts de Liège 107 1687 Judith and the head of Holofernes Judith avec la tête d'Holopherne 1
La Fuite en Egypte rest on the flight into Egypt
Flight into Egypt
Marie-Joseph Brune Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 1906.33.3 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 18th century angel
La Fuite en Egypte
Die Flucht nach Ägypten
La Fuite en Egypte 1
La Madeleine Penitent Magdalene Add Church of Notre-Dame La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Madeleine Penitent Magdalene Add La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Madeleine painting by Jean-Marc Nattier Penitent Magdalene Add Jean-Marc Nattier Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 6880
MR 2223
Room 924 170s hermit
Mary Magdalene
La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Madeleine painting by Pierre Subleyras Penitent Magdalene Add Pierre Subleyras musée du Grand Siècle
collection Pierre Rosenberg
2020.1.374 1744 La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Madeleine Penitent Magdalene Add Guido Reni Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
INV 546 Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau 16th century La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Madeleine Penitent Magdalene Add Guido Reni Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Lycée général et technologique Bossuet
INV 8569 16th century La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Madeleine painting by anonymous Italian painter Penitent Magdalene Add No/unknown value Museum of Fine Arts of Reims 892.33.2 Museum of Fine Arts of Reims 17th century Mary Magdalene La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Madeleine Penitent Magdalene Add Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 794.1.874 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 1620 human biblical figure
La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Madeleine Penitent Magdalene Add Charles Le Brun Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 794.4.5 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 16th century human biblical figure
La Madeleine La Madeleine 1
La Résurrection painting by Juan de Flandes, Catedral de San Antolín[Palencia, ES] Resurrection of Jesus Add 1510 La Résurrection La Résurrection 1
La Sainte Famille avec le petit saint Jean-Baptiste et sainte Catherine painting by Giovanni Capassini Holy Family Add Giovanni Capassini Musée des beaux-arts de Nîmes IP 1806 Musée des beaux-arts de Nîmes 15th century La Sainte Famille avec le petit saint Jean-Baptiste et sainte Catherine La Sainte Famille avec le petit saint Jean-Baptiste et sainte Catherine 1
La Trinité sacra conversazione Add Trinity, the Virgin, and Two Saints La Trinité 1
La Trinité sacra conversazione Add Trinity, the Virgin, and Two Saints La Trinité 1
La Trinité sacra conversazione Add Trinity, the Virgin, and Two Saints La Trinité 1
La Trinité painting by Philippe de Champaigne, Alençon sacra conversazione Add Philippe de Champaigne Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle d'Alençon 857.7.1 Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle d'Alençon 1656 Trinity, the Virgin, and Two Saints La Trinité 1
La Trinité painting by Theodoor van Thulden sacra conversazione Add Theodoor van Thulden Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Museum of Grenoble
No/unknown value
MG 105
Museum of Grenoble 16th century Trinity, the Virgin, and Two Saints La Trinité 1
La Vierge à l'Enfant sur un trône painting by Ambrogio di Baldese Madonna and Child Add Ambrogio di Baldese Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille P 810 Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille Virgin and Child enthroned La Vierge à l'Enfant sur un trône 1
Lamentation of Christ Pietà Add Pieter van Mol Musée des Beaux-Arts de Valenciennes P46-1-11 17th century Jesus
Virgin Mary
Lamentation of Christ Lamentation of Christ 1
Le Christ en prison painting by Jean-Jacques Henner Jesus Add Jean-Jacques Henner Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner JJHP 180 Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner 1861 Christ in Prison Le Christ en prison 1
Lot and his daughters. painting by Samuel Massé Lot and his daughters Add Samuel Massé Museum of John Paul II Collection 170s Lot and his daughters. Lot z córkami. 1
Madonna painting by Meester van de Straus Madonna Nursing Madonna Add Master of the Straus Madonna Bonnefanten Museum
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
1003586 Bonnefanten Museum 13th century Virgin Mary
Christ Child
Madonna and Child Madonna en kind 1
Madonna Nursing the Child painting by Follower of Lucas Cranach the Elder or Lucas Cranach the Younger (Private Collection) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value No/unknown value 15th century The Virgin and Child Die Madonna, das Kind stillend 1
Madonna and Child painting by Jan Breughel the Elder, monument historique (PM63001070) in Sermentizon (Puy-de-Dôme, Château d'Aulteribe, France) Madonna of humility Add Jan Brueghel the Elder Château d'Aulteribe Madonna and Child Madonna and Child 1
Madonna and Child painting by the Master of the Deichsler-Altar, Gemäldegalerie Berlin, GG 1208, hall I Madonna of humility Add Meister des Deichsler-Altars Gemäldegalerie 1208 German painting of the 13th-16th century, Hall I
Burgstraße 6, Dominikanerkloster Nürnberg (Nuremberg-Sankt Sebald)
14th century Madonna and Child Madonna and Child 1
Madonna and Child painting by workshop of Vivarini Madonna of humility Add No/unknown value Ca' d'Oro Madonna and Child Madonna and Child 1
Madonna and Child and Saints painting by anonymous Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Museum of Santa Verdiana 15th millenium Virgin Mary
Madonna and Child with Saints Madonna mit Kind und Heilige 1
Madonna on a Moon Crescent painting by anonymous Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Unterlinden Museum 98.5.1 Unterlinden Museum 1500 Madonna and Child Madonna on a Moon Crescent Madonna on a Moon Crescent
Vierge à l'Enfant sur le croissant de lune
Man of Sorrows with Virgin and St John painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder and Workshop (Stadtmuseum Baden-Baden) Man of Sorrows Add 1525 Man of Sorrows between Mary and John Schmerzensmann zwischen Maria und Johannes 1
Martyr of the Apostle Andrew painting by Hans Maler zu Schwaz Andrew the Apostle Add Hans Maler zu Schwaz Bavarian State Painting Collections
Germanisches Nationalmuseum
WAF 551
Germanisches Nationalmuseum 150s Martyr of the Apostle Andrew Martyr of the Apostle Andrew 1
Miracle of Saint Ignatius of Loyola painting by Peter Paul Rubens (KHM GG_517) Ignatius of Loyola Add Peter Paul Rubens Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_517 Kunsthistorisches Museum
Carolus Borromeuskerk
1618 Ignatius of Loyola Miracle of Saint Ignatius of Loyala (study) Wunder des Hl. Ignatius von Loyola 1
Nativity and Adoration of the Magi painting by Giovanni Baronzio (d. before 1362), The Courtauld, London (Samuel Courtauld Trust) adoration of the Magi Add Giovanni Baronzio Courtauld Gallery P.1966.GP.255 Courtauld Gallery 13th century Nativity and Adoration of the Magi Nativity and Adoration of the Magi 1
Paradise painting by Maurice Denis paradise
religious views on truth
Maurice Denis Musée d'Orsay RF 1941 35 Musée d'Orsay 1912 paradise
Garden of Eden
Prostrate shrub
Paradise 1
Paradise painting by Tintoretto paradise
religious views on truth
Jacopo Tintoretto Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 403 (1980.47) Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 1588 Paradise
Paradise 1
Paradise painting by Gillis d'Hondecoeter paradise
religious views on truth
Gillis d'Hondecoeter National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.584 (182058)
M.Ob.584 (182058) MNW
National Museum in Warsaw 160s Adam
Indian peafowl
Paradise 1
Paradise painting by Paul de Vos paradise
religious views on truth
Paul de Vos Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_1709 Kunsthistorisches Museum 16th century Paradise
Paradise 1
Pietà painting by anonymous entombment of Christ Add No/unknown value Monastero di Santa Marta 16th century Jesus Entombment of Christ Pietà 1
Pietá painting by Albin Egger-Lienz lamentation of Christ Add Albin Egger-Lienz Leopold Museum Inv.-Nr. 4126 Leopold Museum 1926 Pietá Pietá 1
Pietá painting by Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881 - 1919) lamentation of Christ Add Wilhelm Lehmbruck "degenerate art" collection 15075 "degenerate art" collection 1916 Pietá Pietá 1
Portrait of a woman as Ruth painting by Francesco Hayez Ruth Add Francesco Hayez Museum of John Paul II Collection Museum of John Paul II Collection 1835 Ruth
clothing in the ancient world
black hair
rural area
Ruth Ruth 1
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple painting by the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder Anthony the Great
Thomas the Apostle
No/unknown value Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal.-Nr. 1932 DD Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 15th century Presentation of Jesus at the Temple Presentation of Jesus at the Temple Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 1
Résurrection resurrection in Christianity Add Resurrection Résurrection 1
Résurrection resurrection in Christianity Add Église Saint-Barthélemy de Fleury-la-Montagne Resurrection Résurrection 1
Saint painting by Ján Rombauer saint Add János Rombauer Slovak National Gallery O 4196 Slovak National Gallery 1810 Saint Saint 1
Saint painting by Slovenský maliar z 2. polovice 18. storočia saint Add No/unknown value Slovak National Gallery O 5359 Slovak National Gallery 1750 Saint Saint 1
Saint painting by Lorenzo Veneziano saint Add Lorenzo Veneziano John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art SN2 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art 1360 Saint Saint 1
Saint painting by British (English) School, Brighton & Hove Museums saint Add No/unknown value Brighton Museum & Art Gallery FA000938 1750 Saint Saint 1
Saint Anne painting by anonymous Saint Anne Add No/unknown value National Museum in Wrocław XI-221 National Museum in Wrocław 140s Saint Anne Saint Anne 1
Saint Anne painting by Bernardino Luini Saint Anne Add Bernardino Luini Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 275 Philadelphia Museum of Art Saint Anne Saint Anne 1
Saint Francis Xavier painting by Miguel Cabrera Francis Xavier Add Miguel Cabrera Museo Nacional de Arte 17563 Museo Nacional de Arte 1000 Francis Xavier Saint Francis Xavier San Francisco Javier 1
Saint George painting by unknown painter vanity Add No/unknown value icon collection of Sweden National Museum
NMI 59 Nationalmuseum 16th century Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George painting by unknown painter (NMI 217) vanity Add No/unknown value icon collection of Sweden National Museum
NMI 217 Nationalmuseum 18th century Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George painting by Meester van de Antwerpse Triptiek van Maria vanity Add Master of the Virgin with Saint Michael Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 563 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 14th century Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George painting by Salvador Dalí vanity Add Salvador Dalí No/unknown value 1942 Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George painting by Domenichino (1581–1641) (circle of), The Bowes Museum vanity Add Domenichino Bowes Museum B.M.62 Bowes Museum Saint George Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon (1860–1927), Royal Academy of Arts vanity Add Solomon Joseph Solomon Royal Academy of Arts 03/1311 Royal Academy of Arts 1906 Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George painting by Georgian School, Wellcome Collection vanity Add No/unknown value Wellcome Collection 46027i Wellcome Collection Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George painting by Anson (possibly), The Box, Plymouth vanity Add The Box PLYMG.1917.350 The Box Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George painting by Pedro Nisart vanity Add 14th century Saint George Saint George 1
Saint George and the Princess painting by anonymous Saint George and the Dragon Add No/unknown value Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 015868-000 Barcelona
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
1459 Saint George Saint George and the Princess Saint George and the Princess 1
Saint Hubert painting by Anonieme Meester, Zuid-Nederlands, Brussel, 4de kwart 15de eeuw Hubertus Add No/unknown value Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 130 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 14th century Saint Hubertus Heiliger Hubertus 1
Saint Jean Baptiste John the Baptist in the wilderness Add Francesco Cozza Musée Granet 860.1.546 Musée Granet 17th century John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Saint Jean Baptiste 1
Saint Jean Baptiste painting by Marie Parrocel (1743-1824) John the Baptist in the wilderness Add Marie Parrocel Dreux museum of Art and History 950.002.002 Dreux museum of Art and History No/unknown value John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Saint Jean Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Église Saint-Eusèbe d'Auxerre Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Chazelet Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Église Saint-Gervais de Pontpoint Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Église Saint-Denis de Valensole Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Saint-Martin Church Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Église Saint-Pancrace de Cormoz Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Jean-sur-Reyssouze 1826 Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jean-Baptiste Child Saint John Add Église Saint-Martin de Saint-Martin-en-Bresse Saint John the Baptist as a Boy Saint Jean-Baptiste 1
Saint Jerome in his Study painting by Lorenzo Monaco Saint Jerome extracting a thorn from the lion's foot Add Lorenzo Monaco Rijksmuseum
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
13th millenium
Jerome Saint Jerome in His Study San Girolamo nello studio 1
Saint John Preaching in the Wilderness painting by Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Arbroath Art Gallery John the Baptist preaching Add Pieter Brueghel the Younger St John preaching Predigt Johannes des Täufers in der Wüste 1
Saint John the Evangelist and the Archangel Michael painting by Jacopo da Pontormo Michael Add Pontormo San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo 1519 John the Evangelist
Archangel Michael Erzengel Michael 1
Saint Joseph charpentier Joseph Add Joseph the Carpenter Saint Joseph charpentier 1
Saint Jérôme painting by Adrian Isenbrant, Szépművészeti Múzeum Jerome Add Saint Jérôme Saint Jérôme 1
Saint Jérôme Jerome Add 15th century Saint Jérôme Saint Jérôme 1
Saint Jérôme Jerome Add Saint Jérôme Saint Jérôme 1
Saint Jérôme dans le désert Jerome
Saint Jerome in the wilderness
14th century Saint Jérôme dans le désert
Saint Jerome in the Desert
Saint Jérôme dans le désert 1
Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin painting by Dieric Bouts the elder (c.1415–1475) (studio of), The Bowes Museum Saint Luke painting the Virgin Add Dieric Bouts Bowes Museum 2016.10 Bowes Museum Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin 1
Saint Mark painting by Cima da Conegliano Mark the Evangelist Add Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano National Gallery NG4945 National Gallery 150s Saint Mark Aziz Markos 1
Saint Michael painting by Lucas Franchoys the Younger Michael Add Lucas Franchoys the Younger Detroit Institute of Arts 30.90 Detroit Institute of Arts 1648 Archangel Michael Erzengel Michael 1
Saint Paul painting by Maître du Triptyque Morrison, Lieu de conservation non localisé Paul the Apostle Add 15th century Saint Paul Saint Paul 1
Saint Peter delivered from Prison painting by style of Hendrik van Steenwyck the elder Saint Peter Add No/unknown value National Trust 1336294 Snowshill Manor 16th century Saint Peter delivered from Prison Saint Peter delivered from Prison 1
Saint Peter delivered from Prison painting by after Hendrick van Steenwijck the younger Saint Peter Add No/unknown value National Trust 719427 The Vyne 16th century Saint Peter Saint Peter delivered from Prison Saint Peter delivered from Prison 1
Saint Rocco painting by Parmigianino Roch Add Parmigianino No/unknown value 1528 Roch Saint Roch San Rocco 1
Saint Roch painting by Paolo Morando Cavazzola Roch Add Paolo Morando Cavazzola National Gallery NG735 National Gallery 1518 Roch Saint Roch San Rocco 1
Saint Roch painting by Giambattista Pittoni Roch Add Giambattista Pittoni Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 935 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 1700 Saint Roch San Rocco 1
Saint Thomas of Villanova painting by Simone Cantarini Thomas of Villanova Add Simone Cantarini Pinacoteca Civica, Fano 16th century Saint Thomas of Villanova Saint Thomas of Villanova 1
Saint Vincent, Patron Saint of Lisbon painting by Frei Carlos Vincent of Saragossa Add Frei Carlos Metropolitan Museum of Art
European Paintings
58.145.2 National Museum of Ancient Art 150s Vincent of Saragossa
São Vicente São Vicente 1
Saint William of Aquitaine painting by Alonso del Arco William of Gellone Add Alonso del Arco Museo del Prado
Museo de la Trinidad
P004041 Museo del Prado 17th century
16th century
William of Gellone
Saint William of Aquitaine San Guillermo de Aquitania 1
Salome painting by Paolo Veronese Beheading of John the Baptist
erotic dancing
Paolo Veronese Moravian Gallery in Brno Z 430 Moravian Gallery in Brno Salome Salome 1
San Michele Arcangelo painting by Filippo Paladini War in Heaven Add Filippo Paladini Palazzo Abatellis Palazzo Abatellis 1601 Michael Saint Michael San Michele Arcangelo 1
San Miguel Arcángel painting by Blasco de Grañén War in Heaven Add Blasco de Grañén Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 114741-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 1435 Michael Saint Michael San Michele Arcangelo 1
San Pedro Saint Peter Add Cristóbal de Villalpando Queretaro Art Museum San Pedro San Pedro 1
San Rocco painting by Ercole Ramazzani, 1562 Roch Add Ercole Ramazzani Civic collection of art "Claudio Ridolfi" Civic collection of art "Claudio Ridolfi" 1562 Roch Saint Roch San Rocco 1
San Rocco painting by Tanzio da Varallo Roch Add Tanzio da Varallo Pinacoteca civica of Varallo Pinacoteca civica of Varallo 1631 Roch Saint Roch San Rocco 1
Santa Barbara painting by Unidentified Puerto Rican Artist Saint Barbara Add No/unknown value Smithsonian American Art Museum 1996.91.9 Smithsonian American Art Museum 16th century Saint Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara 1
Santa Teresa de Jesús painting by anonymous Teresa of Ávila Add No/unknown value Museo del Prado P002963 Museo del Prado 16th century Teresa of Ávila Teresa of Ávila Santa Teresa de Jesús 1
Santo António pregando aos peixes Anthony of Padua Add Vieira Lusitano Igreja de São Roque Igreja de São Roque 18th century Anthony of Padua Saint Anthony preaching to the fishes Santo António pregando aos peixes 1
St Jerome in his study Jerome Add 1520 St Jerome in his study St Jerome in his study 1
St John Baptist painting by unknown artist, Chelmsford Museum Store John the Baptist Add No/unknown value St John Baptist St John Baptist 1
St John in the Wilderness painting by Huens John the Baptist Add Huens Royal Collection RCIN 403040 1620 St John in the Wilderness St John in the Wilderness 1
St Paul painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder (Private Collection) Paul the Apostle Add Lucas Cranach the Elder No/unknown value 1515 St Paul St Paul 1
St Paul painting by Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder (Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg) Paul the Apostle Add 15th century St Paul St Paul 1
St Paul painting by Master of the Polling Altarpiece (active c.1439–1452), Compton Verney Paul the Apostle Add Compton Verney Art Gallery CVCSC : 0219.2.N Compton Verney Art Gallery 1440 St Paul St Paul 1
St Paul painting by Marco Zoppo (c.1432–1478), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Paul the Apostle Add Marco Zoppo Ashmolean Museum WA1850.34 Ashmolean Museum 1468 St Paul St Paul 1
St Paul painting by British School, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Paul the Apostle Add No/unknown value Ashmolean Museum WA1845.14 Ashmolean Museum 1680 St Paul St Paul 1
St Paul painting by Norman Adams (1927–2005), Cartwright Hall Art Gallery Paul the Apostle Add Norman Adams Cartwright Hall Art Gallery 1975-199 Cartwright Hall Art Gallery 1962 St Paul St Paul 1
St Paul painting by Master of Palanquinos (active c.1490–1500) (circle of), The Bowes Museum Paul the Apostle Add Bowes Museum B.M.1001 Bowes Museum St Paul St Paul 1
St Paul painting by Francesco Fracanzano (1612–1656) (attributed to), The Bowes Museum Paul the Apostle Add Francesco Fracanzano Bowes Museum B.M.68 Bowes Museum St Paul St Paul 1
St Paul painting by unknown artist, Art Collection, Durham University Paul the Apostle Add No/unknown value Durham University 18.1210 Durham University St Paul St Paul 1
St. Gregory painting by Andrea da Firenze Gregory I Add Andrea di Bonaiuto Lindenau-Museum 21 Lindenau-Museum 13th century Saint Gregory De H. Gregorius 1
São João Baptista painting by Diogo de Contreiras John the Baptist Add Diogo de Contreiras National Museum Frei Manuel do Cenáculo National Museum Frei Manuel do Cenáculo 16th century John the Baptist São João Baptista São João Baptista 1
São João Baptista painting by André Reinoso John the Baptist Add André Reinoso Lamego City Museum Lamego City Museum 160s John the Baptist São João Baptista São João Baptista 1
The Archangel Gabriel painting by Francisco de Zurbarán Gabriel Add Francisco de Zurbarán Fabre museum 852.1.2 Fabre museum 160s Gabriel Der Erzengel Gabriel Der Erzengel Gabriel 1
The Beheading of Saint Catherine painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder at Kroměříž Archdiocesan Museum, Czech Republic Catherine of Alexandria Add Lucas Cranach the Elder Kroměříž Archdiocesan Museum KE2371 Kroměříž Archdiocesan Museum 1515 Catherine of Alexandria The Beheading of Saint Catherine Die Enthauptung der Heiligen Katharina
The Beheading of Saint Catherine
The Bow of the Shepherds painting by Albert Edelfelt adoration of the shepherds Add Albert Edelfelt Vaasa Church 1894 adoration of the shepherds The Adoration of the shepherds Paimenten kumarrus 1
The Crucifixion of Saint Peter painting by Masaccio martyrdom and death of Peter Add Masaccio Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 1426 Saint Peter Crucifixion of St. Peter Aziz Petrus'un Çarmıha Gerilişi 1
The Fall of Man: Adam painting by Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) Fall of man Add No/unknown value Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_929a Kunsthistorisches Museum 1520 The Fall of Man: Adam The Fall of Man: Adam 1
The Glorification of the Virgin painting by Theodoor van Thulden Madonna and Child Add Theodoor van Thulden 1663 The Glorification of the Virgin The Glorification of the Virgin 1
The Life of the Virgin painting by Adriaen Isenbrant adoration of the Magi Add Adriaen Isenbrandt Metropolitan Museum of Art
European Paintings
13.32a–c Metropolitan Museum of Art 15th century woman
Marienaltar Marienaltar 1
The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew painting by Caravaggio Calling of Matthew Add Caravaggio San Luigi dei Francesi San Luigi dei Francesi 1600 Matthew the Apostle
The Calling of Saint Matthew 聖マタイの召命 1
The Pilgrims of Emmaus Supper at Emmaus Add Paolo Veronese Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Ville d'Andilly
B 75 Église Saint-Médard d'Andilly 15th century The Pilgrims of Emmaus The Pilgrims of Emmaus 1
The Return of the Dove to the Ark painting by Eric Beardsworth George (1881–1961), Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales Wives aboard Noah's Ark Add Eric Beardsworth George National Library of Wales PG00318 National Library of Wales 190s The Return of the Dove to the Ark The Return of the Dove to the Ark 1
The Samaritan painting by Antoine Renou parable of the Good Samaritan Add Antoine Renou Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau
INV 7418 Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau 1781 La Samaritaine La Samaritaine 1
The Transfiguration (after Raphael) painting by Grigor Urquhart Transfiguration of Jesus Add Grigor Urquhart National Galleries Scotland NG 66 Scottish National Gallery 180s The Transfiguration (after Raphael) The Transfiguration (after Raphael) 1
The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints painting by Italo-Byzantine School mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria Add No/unknown value National Trust
Polesden Lacey
1246462 Polesden Lacey 13th century The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints 1
The Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels painting by Andrea da Firenze, Statens Museum for Kunst Madonna and Child Add Andrea di Bonaiuto Statens Museum for Kunst KMS3479 Statens Museum for Kunst 13th century Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels Madonna mit Kind und Heiligen und Engeln 1
The Virgin breast-feeding the Child painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder (Kapuzinerkloster Innsbruck) Madonna and Child Add Lucas Cranach the Elder Kapuzinerkloster in Innsbruck Kapuzinerkloster in Innsbruck The Virgin and Child Die Madonna, das Kind stillend 1
The Virgin breast-feeding the Child painting by Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder or Lucas Cranach the Younger (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havanna) Nursing Madonna Add National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba 15th century Nursing Madonna Madonna, das Kind stillend 1
The birth of John the Baptist painting by Jerónimo Cosida birth of John the Baptist Add Jerónimo Cosida Saragossa Museum 10095 Saragossa Museum 15th century The birth of John the Baptist The birth of John the Baptist 1
The calling of Saint Matthew painting by Claes Moeyaert Calling of Matthew Add Claes Corneliszoon Moeyaert Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum 228 Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum 1639 The Calling of Saint Matthew De roeping van de apostel Matteüs 1
The martyrdom of Saint Paul painting by Peter Paul Rubens Paul I Add Peter Paul Rubens 1638 The martyrdom of Saint Paul The martyrdom of Saint Paul 1
The martyrdom of Saint Paul Paul I Add 16th century The martyrdom of Saint Paul The martyrdom of Saint Paul 1
The martyrdom of Saint Paul Paul I Add Peter Paul Rubens 16th millenium The martyrdom of Saint Paul The martyrdom of Saint Paul 1
The martyrdom of Saint Ursula and her friends Saint Ursula Add 16th century Martyrdom of St. Ursula Het martyrium van de Heilige Ursula en haar metgezellen 1
The prophet Elijah is carried up into heaven in a chariot with horses of fire in a whirlwind; his cloak falls to the ground and is picked up by Elisha (2 Kings 2:11-13) painting attributed to Herri met de Bles Elijah Add Herri met de Bles 15th century The prophet Elijah is carried up into heaven in a chariot with horses of fire in a whirlwind; his cloak falls to the ground and is picked up by Elisha (2 Kings 2:11-13) The prophet Elijah is carried up into heaven in a chariot with horses of fire in a whirlwind; his cloak falls to the ground and is picked up by Elisha (2 Kings 2:11-13) 1
Triptych of the Madonna painting by Jacopo, Gentile und Giovanni Bellini and workshop Madonna and Child Add Giovanni Bellini
Jacopo Bellini
Gentile Bellini
Gallerie dell'Accademia 621c Gallerie dell'Accademia - Hall III 1464 Virgin Mary
Madonna and Child
Triptych of the Madonna of Humility with Saints Meryem Üçkanatlısı 1
Verloren zoon painting by Zuidelijke Nederlanden, eerste helft 17de eeuw Anonieme meester Parable of the Prodigal Son Add No/unknown value Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO1355.I Groeningemuseum 1601 house
Parable of the Prodigal Son
The Prodigal Son Verloren zoon 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Hôtel-Dieu of Tonnerre Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Église de la Nativité de la Vierge de Brannay Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Église Saint-Clément de Choue Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Église Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens d'Ervy-le-Châtel Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Église Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens d'Ervy-le-Châtel Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Chapelle Saint-Joseph-aux-Bassots de Villers-le-Lac Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Tarbes Cathedral Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add église Notre-Dame de la Chapelle d'Abbeville Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Église de la Madeleine Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Collégiale Saint-Paul Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge Virgin Mary Add Église Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Chazey-sur-Ain Vierge Vierge 1
Vierge allaitant l'Enfant Nursing Madonna Add Beaux-Arts Mons 65 Beaux-Arts Mons 15th century Madonna with child Vierge allaitant l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility Add église de l'Assomption-de-Notre-Dame de Noailles Madonna and Child Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Étienne (Bar-le-Duc) Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Étienne (Bar-le-Duc) Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Nicolas de Villers-Cotterêts Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
1729 Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Denis de Wissous Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Pancrace de Cormoz Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Saint Symphorian church in Illiat Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Marsonnas 1856 Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Georges de Druillat Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Vincent de Journans 1739 Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Hospice Goujon Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Pierre de Seillonnaz Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Église Saint-Pancrace de l'Épervière Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Vierge à l'Enfant 1
Vierge à l'Enfant avec trois saints Madonna and Child Add Saint Brice Madonna with child and three saints Vierge à l'Enfant avec trois saints 1
Virgin and Child painting by Alvaro Pirez d'Évora (Cagliari) Crucifixion of Jesus
Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Alvaro Pirez d'Evora National Pinacotheca of Cagliari Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Y Forwyn a'r Plentyn
Vierge à l'Enfant
Virgin and Child painting by Alvise Vivarini Crucifixion of Jesus
Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Alvise Vivarini Ca' d'Oro 14th century Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Y Forwyn a'r Plentyn
Vierge à l'Enfant
Virgin and Child painting by Alvise Vivarini (NG) Crucifixion of Jesus
Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Alvise Vivarini National Gallery Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Y Forwyn a'r Plentyn
Vierge à l'Enfant
Virgin and Child painting by Alvise Vivarini (CV) Crucifixion of Jesus
Madonna of humility
sacra conversazione
Alvise Vivarini Castelvecchio Museum Madonna and Child and donator / Crucifixion
Madonna and Child
Madonna and child with Saint Catherine, Saint James the Greater, and an angel
Y Forwyn a'r Plentyn
Vierge à l'Enfant
Virgin and Child and Two Saints painting attributed to Gentile Bellini (c.1429–1507) (attributed to), Manchester Art Gallery Madonna and Child Add Gentile Bellini Manchester Art Gallery 1920.20 Manchester Art Gallery Virgin and Child and Two Saints Virgin and Child and Two Saints 1
Virgin of the Rocks painting by unknown Virgin of the Rocks Add No/unknown value National Museum in Warsaw 131428 MNW National Museum in Warsaw Virgin of the Rocks Virgin of the Rocks 1
Vision of the Apocalypse (Bathas) Painting by Thomas Bathas opening of the fifth seal Add Thomas Bathas Monastery of Saint John the Theologian Patmos 1596 Book of Revelation The Vision of Saint John Visión del Apocalipsis 1
andata al calvario painting Christ carrying the cross Add Roccalbegna museum 1708 Jesus way to calvary andata al calvario 1
conversione di san paolo painting by Andrea Schiavone conversion of Paul the Apostle Add Andrea Schiavone Pinacoteca Querini Stampalia Die Bekehrung des Paulus conversione di san paolo 1
the apostle Peter Saint Peter Add Peter Paul Rubens 16th millenium the apostle Peter the apostle Peter 1
the apostle Peter Saint Peter Add 16th millenium the apostle Peter the apostle Peter 1
Święty Jan Chrzciciel painting by Jacek Malczewski John the Baptist Add Jacek Malczewski National Museum in Kielce MNKi/M/326 National Museum in Kielce 1911 John the Baptist John the Baptist Święty Jan Chrzciciel 1
End of automatically generated list.