Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Main subject/Nursing Madonna

The Nursing Madonna (Nursing Madonna (Q1576172)) is one of the top main subjects of Christian religious art.

These paintings have instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & main subject (P921) -> Nursing Madonna (Q1576172).

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P921 wd:Q1576172 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . } LIMIT 4000
image label description creator collection inventory number location inception depicts
Virgin Suckling the Child anonymous painting No/unknown value Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 024232-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 1520 Nursing Madonna
Christ Child
Madonna and Child painting copy after Albrecht Bouts No/unknown value Nationalmuseum NM 3959 Nationalmuseum 16th century Mary
Christ Child
Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Netherlandish (Antwerp) Painter No/unknown value Metropolitan Museum of Art 45.170.1 Metropolitan Museum of Art 16th century breastfeeding
Christ Child
Virgin and Child in an Apse painting by Copy after Robert Campin No/unknown value Metropolitan Museum of Art 05.39.2 Metropolitan Museum of Art 15th century breastfeeding
Madonna and Child
Christ Child
Virgin and Child painting by Workshop of Dieric Bouts No/unknown value Metropolitan Museum of Art 49.7.18 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1475 breastfeeding
Madonna and Child
Christ Child
The Virgin Suckling the Christ Child painting by a follower of Robert Campin No/unknown value Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 331 Philadelphia Museum of Art 2nd millennium Nursing Madonna
Madonna lactans painting by follower of Dieric Bouts No/unknown value No/unknown value private collection 1480 woman
Nursing Madonna
Our Lady of the Milk painting by follower of Rogier van der Weyden No/unknown value Museum Mayer van den Bergh MMB.0004 Museum Mayer van den Bergh 1470s Mary
Christ Child
Madonna lactans painting by B. van onbekend;; Orley No/unknown value
Bernard van Orley
Pieter Coecke van Aelst
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Bonnefanten Museum
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Hermann Göring Collection
Bonnefanten Museum
Hermann Göring Collection
1525 Nursing Madonna
Madonna and Child (Maria lactans) painting by the school of Lucas Cranach the Elder No/unknown value Bavarian State Painting Collections WAF 737 Bavarian State Painting Collections
Staatsgalerie Aschaffenburg
16th century
Virgin and Child painting by the workshop of Hans Memling No/unknown value
Hans Memling
Cleveland Museum of Art 1934.29 Cleveland Museum of Art 1478
Maria Lactans painting by unknown 18th-century Northern European painter No/unknown value No/unknown value
Gustaf Adolf Sparre
1750s Nursing Madonna
Madonna and Child painting by Lombardský maliar z polovice 16. storočia No/unknown value Slovak National Gallery O 344 Slovak National Gallery 1680
Madona / Maria lactans painting by unknown artist No/unknown value Orava Gallery O 94 Orava Gallery 1840
Maria lactans painting by onbekend No/unknown value Museum Catharijneconvent
Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum
ABM s118 Museum Catharijneconvent 17th century
Madonna with child painting by Simon Marmion No/unknown value
Rogier van der Weyden
Musées Nationaux Récupération
Munich Central Collecting Point
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Musée de Picardie
MNR 13
Musée de Picardie
Munich Central Collecting Point
15th century
Madonna and Child
Nursing Madonna painting by Anonyme No/unknown value Musées Nationaux Récupération
Munich Central Collecting Point
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Hermann Göring Collection
Musée de Picardie
MNR 253
Munich Central Collecting Point 15th century Nursing Madonna
The Virgin and Child painting by Lucas Cranach der Ältere or Follower of Lucas Cranach the Elder (Musée du Louvre, Paris) No/unknown value Musées Nationaux Récupération
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
MNR 355 Louvre storage (depot) 1535
Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Virgo lactans) painting related to Hans Memling, Museum Mayer van den Bergh (Antwerp, Belgium) No/unknown value Museum Mayer van den Bergh MMB.0007 Museum Mayer van den Bergh 15th century
Maria lactans met peer No/unknown value Museum Mayer van den Bergh MMB.0188.1 Museum Mayer van den Bergh 16th century
VERVALLEN (retour eigenaar) Madonna met kind, painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value Groninger Museum 0000.2385 Groninger Museum 1500 Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst painting free after Robert Campin No/unknown value 16th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst No/unknown value Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium 2635 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium 2nd millennium Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst painting follower of Simon Marmion No/unknown value Thyssen-Bornemisza family Collection 1480s Mary
Christ Child
Madonna Lactans painting by Lucas Cranach the Younger or Lucas Cranach the Elder (Private Collection) No/unknown value 1540
The Virgin and Child painting by Forgery after Lucas Cranach the Elder or Lucas Cranach the Elder (Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg) No/unknown value Mary
Christ Child
The Virgin and Child painting by Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder or Follower of Lucas Cranach the Elder (Dom Museum Wien) No/unknown value Dom Museum Wien L/61 Dom Museum Wien
Virgo lactans replica after Rogier van der Weyden No/unknown value Germanisches Nationalmuseum Gm62 Germanisches Nationalmuseum 15th century
Maria met kind aan de borst Landesmuseum Hannover KM 140 Landesmuseum Hannover 15th century Mary
Christ Child
Madonna and Child painting after Joos van Cleve No/unknown value
Jan Gossaert
16th century Nursing Madonna
Vierge à l'Enfant painting after Rogier van der Weyden No/unknown value Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille P 830 Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 2nd millennium
The Virgin Mary suckling the Christ-Child No/unknown value 17th century Mary
Christ Child
The Virgin Mary suckling the Christ-Child painting studio of Peter Paul Rubens No/unknown value 17th century Mary
Christ Child
The Virgin Mary suckling the Christ Child No/unknown value 17th century Mary
Christ Child
The Virgin Mary suckling the Christ-Child No/unknown value 17th century
Virgin and Child 15th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst No/unknown value 15th century
Mary nursing the Christ child Los Angeles County Museum of Art 15th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst 16th century Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst 16th century
Maria met kind aan de borst 2nd millennium
Maria met kind aan de borst No/unknown value 15th century
Maria met kind aan de borst painting follower of Rogier van der Weyden No/unknown value Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon 15th century
Maria met kind aan de borst painting free after Rogier van der Weyden No/unknown value 15th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst No/unknown value 2nd millennium Mary
Christ Child
Maria painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value 1517 Mary
Christ Child
Maria lactans voor een brokaten achtergrond 1500 Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst 16th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst No/unknown value 16th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst painting after Robert Campin No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum 16th century
The Virgin Mary suckling the Child surrounded by angels making music No/unknown value 16th century
The Virgin Mary suckling the Child surrounded by angels making music No/unknown value 16th century
The Virgin Mary suckling the Child surrounded by angels making music painting after Bernard van Orley No/unknown value 16th century
The Virgin Mary suckling the Child surrounded by angels making music 16th century
Maria met kind aan de borst No/unknown value 2nd millennium Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst No/unknown value 2nd millennium Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst painting school of Meester van de Legende van de Heilige Lucia No/unknown value 15th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst painting follower of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value 16th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria met kind aan de borst No/unknown value 2nd millennium Mary
Christ Child
Lactação de São Bernardo No/unknown value No/unknown value 18th century Mary
Christ Child
Bernard of Clairvaux
Virgin and Child with Two Angels in a Landscape painting by Adriaen Isenbrant Adriaen Isenbrandt Walters Art Museum 37.266 Walters Art Museum 16th century Mary
Christ Child
Madonna lactans with donor family in a garden painting by Adriaen Isenbrant Adriaen Isenbrandt No/unknown value private collection 1530s man
Nursing Madonna
Nursing Madonna painting by Adriaen Isenbrant Adriaen Isenbrandt 1520 woman
Nursing Madonna
Christ Child
Maria with Child painting by Alessandro Turchi, gen. L’Orbetto Alessandro Turchi Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_294 Kunsthistorisches Museum Mary
Christ Child
Madonna of the Green Cushion painting by Andrea Solari Andrea Solari Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 673
MR 484
Room 710 1507 Nursing Madonna
The Holy Family painting by Anthony van Dyck (Schönborn, Vienna) Anthony van Dyck No/unknown value Vienna 1630 Madonna and Child
Madonna and child painting by Antoniazzo Romano Antoniazzo Romano Civic Museum of Rieti Civic Museum of Rieti 1464 Mary
Madonna and Child painting by Artemisia Gentileschi or Giovanni Francesco Guerrieri Artemisia Gentileschi
Giovanni Francesco Guerrieri
Galleria Palatina 2129 Galleria Palatina 1630
Christ Child
Nursing Madonna painting by Bartolomeo Vivarini Bartolomeo Vivarini Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 2011 51 museum storage 15th century Nursing Madonna
Nursing Madonna painting from Bartolomé Bermejo Bartolomé Bermejo Museu de Belles Arts de València 279 Museu de Belles Arts de València 15th century Nursing Madonna
Madonna and Child painting by Bernard van Orley Bernard van Orley Polesden Lacey
National Trust
1246465 Polesden Lacey 1520 Nursing Madonna
The Virgin Nursing the Child painting by Bernard van Orley Bernard van Orley Museo del Prado P001920 Museo del Prado 1520 book
Christ Child
Nursing Virgin and Child painting by Bernardino Luini Bernardino Luini Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P27e22 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Mary
Christ Child
Madonna che allatta il Bambino Bernardino Luini
Madonna che allatta il Bambino Bernardino Luini
Enthroned Virgin and Child, with Saints John the Evangelist, Catherine of Alexandria, and Anthony Abbot, and a Saint Reading a Book painting by Defendente Ferrari Defendente Ferrari Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 276 Philadelphia Museum of Art 1525 halo
John the Evangelist
Catherine of Alexandria
Anthony the Great
Christ Child
The Virgin nursing Jesus painting by Defendente Ferrari Defendente Ferrari Royal Castle in Warsaw ZKW/6049 1530 Mary
Nursing Madonna painting by Dieric Bouts Dieric Bouts the Younger
No/unknown value
No/unknown value 1499 woman
Nursing Madonna
Holy Family painting by El Greco (Hispanic Society of America) El Greco Hispanic Society of America A74 Hispanic Society of America 1582 Holy Family
Madonna and Child painting by El Greco (Marquesa de Campo Real) El Greco No/unknown value Madrid 1590s Nursing Madonna
Nursing Madonna painting by Elisabetta Sirani Elisabetta Sirani National Gallery Prague O 14800 National Gallery Prague 1663
Madonna nursing the Child (Maria Lactans). painting by Erasmus Quellinus II after Peter Paul Rubens, Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawła II Erasmus Quellinus II Museum of John Paul II Collection Museum of John Paul II Collection 17th century Christ Child
Nursing Madonna
Madonna and Child painting by Francisco de Zurbaran Francisco de Zurbarán Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 200 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 1658 Mary
Christ Child
Rest on the Flight into Egypt painting by Gerard David in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Gerard David Metropolitan Museum of Art 49.7.21 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1510s breastfeeding
Madonna and Child
Christ Child
Madonna lactans painting attributed to Gerard David, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design Gerard David National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Julius Böhler AG
NG.M.01385 National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design 16th century
Madonna and Child painting by Gerard David (Berlin) Gerard David Gemäldegalerie 573A Gemäldegalerie 1490 Mary
church building
Nursing Madonna
Madonna del Latte painting by Gerolamo Giovenone Gerolamo Giovenone San Bartolomeo San Bartolomeo 1516 Christ Child
Nursing Madonna
Madonna painting by G.F. Guerrieri Giovanni Francesco Guerrieri Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst
Instituut Collectie Nederland
NK1640 depot RCE
17th century
Madonna and Child painting by Hans Baldung Grien (Hans Baldung) Hans Baldung Grien Barnes Foundation BF316 Barnes Foundation 1539
Virgin and Child 1470s painting by Hans Memling now in MET Hans Memling Metropolitan Museum of Art 32.100.59 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1470s Nursing Madonna
Christ Child
Madonna and Child
La Vierge à l'Enfant painting by Hans Memling Hans Memling Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium 3560 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium 1467
Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Hans Memling Hans Memling No/unknown value 1487
Tronende Madonna met kind painting by Hans Memling Hans Memling Royal Chapel of Granada Royal Chapel of Granada 1475
Virgin and Child painting by Joos van Cleve, Metropolitan Museum of Art Joos van Cleve Metropolitan Museum of Art 1982.60.47 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1525 grape
Madonna and Child
Christ Child
Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Juan Sánchez de Castro Juan Sánchez de Castro Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 064089-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Llorenç Saragossà Llorenç Saragossa Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 005080-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 2nd millennium
Madonna and Child painting by Lorenzo di Credi, Cincinnati Art Museum Lorenzo di Credi Cincinnati Art Museum 1927.388 Cincinnati Art Museum 1520 Nursing Madonna
The Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest Lucas Cranach the Elder Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Munich Central Collecting Point
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 1512 Nursing Madonna
Madonna der Milch painting by Maestro de Perea Maestro de Perea Museu de Belles Arts de València Museu de Belles Arts de València 16th century Mary
Madonna and Child with Angels painting by Marco Zoppo Marco Zoppo Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1980-1
RF 1980 1
Room 710 1453
Christ Child
fruit tree
reed aerophone
musical instrument
Nursing Madonna painting by Marco d'Oggiono Marco d'Oggiono Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 878 Louvre storage (depot) 16th century Nursing Madonna
The Virgin Nursing the Child painting by Marinus van Reymerswaele Marinus van Reymerswaele Museo del Prado P002101 Museo del Prado
Royal Palace of Madrid
16th century basketry
Madonna and Child
Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Master of Castelsardo Master of Castelsardo Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 064062-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Maria met kind aan de borst painting attributed to Meester met het Goudbrokaat Master of the Brocade Background 15th century Mary
Christ Child
Virgin and Child painting by Master of the Saint Ursula Legend Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula Metropolitan Museum of Art 17.190.16 Metropolitan Museum of Art 15th century breastfeeding
Madonna and Child
Christ Child
The Virgin Suckling the Christ Child painting by Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 333 Philadelphia Museum of Art 2nd millennium
Maria met kind aan de borst painting attributed to Meester van het Heilig Bloed Master of the Holy Blood 16th century Mary
Christ Child
Virgin and Child in a Landscape painting by Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy Clark Art Institute 1955.942 Clark Art Institute 15th century
2nd millennium
Christ Child
Madonna Nursing the Christ Child painting by Master of Magdalen Legend Master of the Legend of the Magdalene Brooklyn Museum 34.493 Brooklyn Museum 15th century Mary
Christ Child
Maria Lactans on the Crescent painting by Master of the Magdalene Legend Master of the Legend of the Magdalene
Heinrich Aldegrever
No/unknown value 1490 woman
Madonna and Child
Maria met kind aan de borst painting by Master of the Magdalen Legend Master of the Legend of the Magdalene Jacques Goudstikker collection 16th century Mary
Christ Child
Madonna and Child painting by the Master of the Magdalen Legend Master of the Legend of the Magdalene Rijksmuseum SK-C-1777 1490 Madonna and Child
Nursing Madonna painting by the Master of the Legend of Mary Magdalene Master of the Legend of the Magdalene Museum Mayer van den Bergh 6 Museum Mayer van den Bergh 1520 Nursing Madonna
Virgin giving milk to the Child painting by Meister der pausbäckigen Madonnen Master of the Plump-Cheeked Madonnas Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon B 1175 Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon breastfeeding
The Madonna and Child with a Bishop Saint, Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Margaret of Antioch and Francis of Assisi painting by Neri di Bicci Neri di Bicci No/unknown value
Philadelphia Museum of Art
W.P. Wilstach Collection
1480s Nursing Madonna
Catherine of Alexandria
Francis of Assisi
Margaret the Virgin
Madonna and Child painting by Orazio Gentileschi Orazio Gentileschi National Museum of Art of Romania 362/8328 National Museum of Art of Romania 1609 woman
Christ Child
Nursing Madonna
Madonna and Child painting by Peter Paul Rubens / Jan Brueghel (I) Peter Paul Rubens
Jan Brueghel the Elder
Gemäldegalerie 917 Gemäldegalerie 17th century Madonna and Child
The Virgin Nursing the Christ Child painting by Rubens (Utah Museum of Fine Arts) Peter Paul Rubens
No/unknown value
Utah Museum of Fine Arts 1951.015 Utah Museum of Fine Arts 1640 Christ Child
Nursing Madonna
Nursing Madonna and Child, after 1630 painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens No/unknown value 1635 Madonna and Child
Christ Child
Holy Family painting by Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta / El Greco Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta El Greco Museum CE01932 El Greco Museum 1908 Holy Family
Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Ramon de Mur Ramon de Mur Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 015818-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 1420s Mary
Christ Child
The Holy Family painting by Rembrandt Rembrandt Bavarian State Painting Collections 1318 Alte Pinakothek 1635 Christ Child
Nursing Madonna
Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Second Master of Estopanyà Second Master of Estopanyà Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 003942-000 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 1450
The Virgin and Child painting by Simon Marmion Simon Marmion National Gallery of Victoria 3079-4 National Gallery of Victoria 15th century Mary
Christ Child
Madonna and Child painting by Theodoor van Thulden / Rubens Theodoor van Thulden No/unknown value 17th century Nursing Madonna
The Virgin suckling the Infant Christ painting by Titian Titian National Gallery NG3948 National Gallery 16th century Nursing Madonna
Madonna and Child painting by Ľudovít Varga Ľudovít Varga Slovak National Gallery O 979 Slovak National Gallery 1944
End of automatically generated list.