EntitySchema talk:E236


Schema Text Translation
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
start = @<TD>

<TD> EXTRA wdt:P39 wdt:P106 wdt:P27 { # TD can have other position helds or occupations than those mentioned below
  wdt:P31 [wd:Q5]; # 1 instance of with value human
  wdt:P4690 .; # 1 oireachtas member id with any value
  wdt:P39 [wd:Q654291 wd:Q18043391] +; # 1 or more position held with teachta dala or senator of ireland
  wdt:P106 [wd:Q82955] +; # 1 occupation with value politician
  wdt:P734 .+; # 1 or more given name with any value
  wdt:P735 .+; # 1 or more surname with any value
  wdt:P569 .; # 1 date of birth with any value
  wdt:P102 .*; # 0 or more member of political party with any value
  wdt:P21 [wd:Q6581097 wd:Q6581072 wd:Q1097630 wd:Q1052281 wd:Q2449503 wd:Q48270]; # 1 gender with these values
  wdt:P27 [wd:Q27 wd:Q31747 wd:Q1140152] +;
  wdt:P18 . +; # 1 or more images with any value
start at <TD>
Please note that this documentation is manually updated. The information may not be correct if the schema has been changed since this talk page was last updated
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